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S01.E03: Holy Ghost

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Airdate 2020.08.30


Hoping to mend her relationship with her sister Ruby, Leti turns a ramshackle house on Chicago's North Side into a boarding house - an endeavor that stokes neighborhood racism and awakens dormant spirits stuck in the house. Meanwhile, Atticus remains burdened by a guilty conscience as George's wife Hippolyta presses him for the full story of what happened in Ardham.


  • Love 1

I didn't know how those horns were going off since no one was inside the car.  The neverending horn was absurd, I can't believe the neighbors would put up with it, just to drive someone off.

I was scared when the kids were left alone with the Ouija board (which is never a toy!).  I expected for Hippolyta to be possessed when she walked into the room, but I guess the house just wanted to show her the machine. 

It's very interesting that the blond lady orchestrated the entire thing.  I'm not sure I understand how the three neighbors ended up in the tunnel.  When the elevator went up to the decapitated body, it looked like a kid was in the elevator.  I'm not sure if it was the same person who ended up banishing the doctor. 

I loved seeing Leti overcome her fear to banish the evil doctor.  The ghosts (especially the man with the baby's head) were horrifying.

  • Love 5

Ghost stories are my favorite, so I loved this episode. When Leti said the house had 13 bedrooms, I was like, "No, girl! Get out!" 

Watching her get tossed around the back of the paddy wagon was even more upsetting knowing that's how Freddie Gray died.

When Tic came outside in that tank top all sweaty...hello arms!

I let out a little laugh when the racist guy was decapitated by the elevator. 

In the 1970's, my parents lived in a totally white neighborhood on the far southwest side of Chicago (West Beverly for those of you from Chicago). While they lived there, the first Black family to live west of Western Ave (a busy street that separated West Beverly from the slightly more integrated Beverly) moved in across the street from them. My mom had to call the police multiple times because crowds would gather in front of their house to harass and threaten them. My parents still live in West Beverly and fortunately both Beverly and West Beverly are much more diverse now than they were back then. Even more diverse than when I last lived down there in the mid-aughts. Progress always seems to move at a snail's pace, though.


  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, MerBearStare said:

In the 1970's, my parents lived in a totally white neighborhood on the far southwest side of Chicago (West Beverly for those of you from Chicago). While they lived there, the first Black family to live west of Western Ave (a busy street that separated West Beverly from the slightly more integrated Beverly) moved in across the street from them. My mom had to call the police multiple times because crowds would gather in front of their house to harass and threaten them. My parents still live in West Beverly and fortunately both Beverly and West Beverly are much more diverse now than they were back then. Even more diverse than when I last lived down there in the mid-aughts. Progress always seems to move at a snail's pace, though.


Hey chicago gal! SOUTHSIDE! Yeah when I went to school in Beverly in the 1990s/early 2003 we all knew how racist Mount Greenwood and West Beverly could be. 


16 minutes ago, peridot said:


I didn't know how those horns were going off since no one was inside the car.  The neverending horn was absurd, I can't believe the neighbors would put up with it, just to drive someone off.


Never underestimate hatred and bigotry. It’s not rational.


15 minutes ago, dramachick said:

😭💔 Bobo (Emmet Till): Will I have a good time on my trip?

I know I died! Poor baby!


I thought the Leti and Tic sex was HOT AF but I figured it was Let’s first time. Remember the snake penis she saw in the hallucination? My mom thought I was nuts but I was right. 

  • Love 10

The guy who talked about messing around with Leti in high school looked to be a lot older than Tic and Leti.  He looked like some perv.

It looked like Tic slept with Leti to "mark his territory" after she was grinding on the other guy.  I hope it's not like that, and he's just too traumatized from the war to respond properly.

I hope the team will be able to get that Sheriff who was "supplying" the evil scientist.  What a soulless bastard.

  • Love 6
53 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Impressive commitment to harassment on the part of the neighborhood, since leaving those cars honking the whole time would be as annoying to the rest of the inhabitants as to the targets.

First thing I said.  They can honk the horns all night, but they are just causing noise harassment for the white neighbors as well.

9 minutes ago, dramachick said:

😭💔 Bobo (Emmet Till): Will I have a good time on my trip?

Caught that!  Yes, Oh I got chills.

BTW, One of my aunts brought back a Ouija board from one of her travels (she was an Auntie Mame type) when we were kids and none of us dared to touch that thing.  My grandmother (old skool Southern lady who believed hard in the spirit world) told her to take that devil shit outta her house. LOL.

I am not gonna lie, Leti in that silk green fringed dress, busting windows and slugging like she was channeling Babe Ruth was a great scene.  Very Beyonce circa Lemonade.  LOL.  Jurnee looked good, walked with purpose, swung like she was really feeling some rage and had such a look on her face.  Brilliant.

Also brilliant was that scene in the basement.  She really looked like she had channelled some ancestors to get those spirits out.  And she was wrung out.  She gave everything in that scene. Jurnee really brought it this episode.  And again her wardrobe was fire.

Also, not gonna lie, that Big Dead Baby... thing... cracked me the hell up.  It was just so....bizarre.  I guess that sort of grotesque is necessary in horror.  But I had to laugh at it.

Got a visceral thrill out of the racists getting their just desserts.  Total wish fulfillment there.

I am glad we are getting more of a glimpse of Leti and Ruby's relationship.  I am glad we'll be seeing much more of Ruby too it looks like.

Even with all the haunted house spookiness, like the first ep, the real anxiety for me came from their interactions with the white racists.  Even Tic's last scene with whats-her-face where she laughingly admonishes him about knowing better than trying to kill a white woman just irked because she knows her whiteness is more of a weapon than his gun that she magically immobilized.  So much fucking subtext there.

And Finally Uncle George's favorite book was Bram Stoker's Dracula.  I agree, fantastic book.

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, peridot said:

It looked like Tic slept with Leti to "mark his territory" after she was grinding on the other guy.  I hope it's not like that, and he's just too traumatized from the war to respond properly.

I didn’t see it like that. I saw it as Tic knew he had feelings for Leti and she would get away/get with someone else if he didn’t stop being a punk and make a move! I think he really likes her. She was clearly receptive. 

  • Love 5

 Wow, def getting back to its horror roots.

1.  What was that church scene at the beginning? It didn’t look like a funeral, because I didn’t see a casket at the front.

2.  Why was Hippolyta ripping out the pages from Dracula?

3.  Why did Tic throw water in his father’s face to wake him?

4.  Was that a bear trap I saw on the floor of the boiler room? Presumably left by the racists?

5.  Why did the police even allow the house party? Seems they would’ve broken it up long before.

6. Leti sure solved that picture puzzle quickly.



  • Love 4

Ah, a good old-fashioned ghost story!  Only this time, the ghosts are still vastly preferable to the evil racist neighbors.  Then again, I've even had some non evil and racist (to my knowledge) neighbors that still gave me enough headaches that I might have still have preferred ghosts...

While the horror elements worked well enough (the baby head on the basketball player's body will probably give me nightmares), I still like how they worked in real-life issues about racism and bigotry here, with all the aspect of a Black family moving into a "white neighborhood", and being met with resistance.  Granted, this was way before my time, but from what I heard about that era, I really didn't find it surprising at all that the white neighbors would be willing to put up with the nonstop honking in order to chase them off for "daring" to be Black.  It was satisfying watching Leti finally smash those cars, even though it was obviously going to end with her getting arrested.  Hope the racist police chief eventually gets his.

Surprised Atticus and Leti have already hooked up, even though it seemed to be mainly out of jealously on his end and her need to feeling something for her.  But this was Leti's first time having sex though, so I guess that will factor in.  Plus, I still suspect this mysterious Korean woman played by Jamie Chung is going to have some kind of history with Tic.

Hippolyta suspects that there is something about George's death that no one is telling her.  Can't see Montrose being able to keep her in the dark for long.

Speaking of George, he might be a spirit/ghost now?  Hmm...

Not surprised Christina is still a factor, since Abbey Lee is a regular.  It seems like she has some kind of invulnerability, but instead of being some kind of "bullets bounce off her" kind of thing, it looks more like a mysterious force just stops anyone or anything from harming her.  I guess that explains why that car in the pilot seemed to flip without even touching her car.

Jurnee Smollett was extra fantastic in this episode.

  • Love 8

The exorcism/whatever scene was inspired- loved the crazy effect of the multiple spirits populating Tic's head, and really loved that as they all worked together to destroy Winthrop, the mangled corpses became the people they had been in life. Jurnee was very, very good in this episode.

However, I was puzzled at Winthrop being identified in the newspaper clipping as an astrophysicist, but he gets fired by the university because for some reason he's experimenting (or something) on human beings? I didn't really understand if he was just nuts, suddenly became a violent racist/murderer, or if he actually was dabbling in the occult. Were the other bodies (in addition to the 3 racists) we saw in the tunnel the 8 victims? It looked like more bodies than that.

Also, why would the neighborhood be any happier about the mansion being used for housing poor black folks, vs. a boarding house for black folks? (Those are kind of the same thing, actually). And there were no federal subsidies for housing the disadvantaged in 1955, so how would Leti be paying her bills? There was no mention of her getting donations, or whatever.

And my, my, that place sure cleaned up easily. We never even saw any work being done, but somehow beautiful wallpaper, fancy sinks, etc. appeared within what seemed to be a few weeks. And how on earth did Leti know she had to go after that boiler with a wrench? She doesn't seem like the mechanically-inclined type.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, MerBearStare said:

Ghost stories are my favorite, so I loved this episode. When Leti said the house had 13 bedrooms, I was like, "No, girl! Get out!" 

Yeah, when I heard they'd have a haunted house episode I was all excited about it :D. 

I'm with everyone here regarding the Ouija boards. I've seen more than enough horror movies to know that messing with them is never a good idea. Also, if a big freaky-looking head thing rose up and told me to get out of a house, well, I don't think I'd need to be asked twice. The scene with the woman peering over the bed as the blanket was being pulled away creeped me out, too, as did that dead person popping up in the mirror when Leti was in the bathroom. 

I also liked the counter mentioning the number of days they'd been there. Reminded me of The Amityville Horror some, and really added to the suspense. 


When Tic came outside in that tank top all sweaty...hello arms!

Right? Normally muscles aren't really a thing for me, but damn... 

1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

I am not gonna lie, Leti in that silk green fringed dress, busting windows and slugging like she was channeling Babe Ruth was a great scene.  Very Beyonce circa Lemonade.  LOL.  Jurnee looked good, walked with purpose, swung like she was really feeling some rage and had such a look on her face.  Brilliant.

That was fucking badass. I loved that-I was cheering her on the entire time. And yes, that dress looked fantastic on her. 

Shame she wasn't able to have that bat on hand when dealing with the asshole officer. Could've whacked him upside the head with it. 

I'm liking the music choices in this show thus far. 

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Also, if a big freaky-looking head thing rose up and told me to get out of a house, well, I don't think I'd need to be asked twice.

 Eddie Murphy, SNL, 1982:

You can't make a horror movie with black people in it cause the movie'd stop.

 "Wow, baby, this is beautiful. We got a chandelier hanging up here, kids outside playing, it's a beautiful neighborhood, I really love—this is beaut—"


“Too bad we can't stay!”

  • LOL 14

Oh yeah, its time for a ghost story! I love haunted house and ghost stories, so this one was right up my ally, and they managed to tie it into the main plot of the season AND the themes of racism and bigotry. Poor Leti, she just barley escapes the monster wizard Lovecraft cult, and then she goes home and buys a new place to start over again...and its a murder house filled to the brim with ghosts and in a neighborhood filled with racists. Lots of great scenes with the ghosts, the effects with them were unique and creepy, and the scene with Leti and the ghosts telling the evil doctor ghost to get the fuck out was awesome, especially as the ghosts went from torn to pieces to looking like they did when they were alive before they all (presumably) moved on. Plus, I am thrilled to get an episode focused on Leti, who is my favorite, I just adore her more and more in every episode. I could watch her, dressed to the nines, bashing racists cars in with a baseball bat all day long. I also liked getting more of her and Ruby's complicated relationship and their history, I like Ruby a lot and I hope to get to explore more of their dynamic. 

I cant decide if that baby head ghost was really creepy or really silly. Possibly a bit of both? 

I am kind of surprised that Leti and Tic have already hooked up, I was expecting them to draw things out a bit longer. It seems like they still have some issues to work out and all, plus that lady in Korea, and their encounter ended kind of awkwardly, but at least Tics dick didnt turn into a snake, so.,,

Speaking of Tic, he doesent need a gun to carry around, he clearly has the gun show under his shirt! 

I still miss Uncle George. I wonder if Tic is looking at his asshole drunk of a dad and thinking, even subconsciously, that if he hadn't run off to save him and left well enough alone, Uncle George would still be alive, and that he would rather George be alive than his dad. I also very much approve of Georges choice in books, Dracula is a classic. But maybe now George is a ghost? 

My aunt once full on grabbed a Ouija board that my cousins and I were playing with and tossed it out of the house! Got to be careful with those kids, its basically sticking a welcome mat in front of the house for any demons or spirits who might be passing by. 

I fully support ending every episode with racists being killed in increasingly gruesome ways as they do racist shit. 

I am worried about Hippolyta, she clearly knows that something about Georges death doesent add up, but she isnt getting any answers, and thats just making her more upset, especially that her own family might be lying to her. I worry that this will lead to her making bad choices while she tries to find answers. 

I so totally missed the Emmet Till thing. I now have serious chills. 

  • Love 9

I didn't like this episode, way too many potential threats that never seemed to materialize into a menacing outcome. I was waiting for something to happen and it didn't. Here are few of the many potential threats that happened: 

White people watch the house and harass the black occupants with signs and burning crosses. Here is an real life article about how that might actually manifest. The Lovecraft Country House Attack Sequence Evoked the 1951 Cicero Race Riots

Ghosts interacting with the living leaves you with cold feet.

Bear trap on the floor already sprung. I think by this time they are actually trolling me.

Furnaces about to blow get turned off without incident.

Black Woman wearing a short dress and no underwear alone in the back of a paddy wagon with a racist male Police Officer, the result she get arrested and released.

Leti just happened to purchase the house of a serial murder who did gruesome experiments on his victims in his secret basement dungeon.

Evil spirits contacted through a Ouija Board.

Voodoo practices which leaves a dead goat on your doorstep.

The only satisfying threat that was fulfilled was the malfunctioning elevator.

I hate to say it but I would have to agree with the white neighbors, I wouldn't want a large number of poor, underemployed, young, mixed gender people moving into a house in my neighborhood, regardless of their race. Leti was having wild party in her house on a Sunday Night, did she care that I have to go to work in the morning? 

Looks like next episode the gang find the secret tunnel under the house, find the missing pages and possibly become Magical Negroes.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, kay1864 said:

 Wow, def getting back to its horror roots.

1.  What was that church scene at the beginning? It didn’t look like a funeral, because I didn’t see a casket at the front.

2.  Why was Hippolyta ripping out the pages from Dracula?

3.  Why did Tic throw water in his father’s face to wake him?

4.  Was that a bear trap I saw on the floor of the boiler room? Presumably left by the racists?

5.  Why did the police even allow the house party? Seems they would’ve broken it up long before.

6. Leti sure solved that picture puzzle quickly.



When did it leave its horror roots? Cabin in the woods, spooky mansion, haunted house.

1. Not every funeral is going to have the casket up front. But I was operating under the assumption that it was a church service some weeks after the funeral, around the same timeframe as the rest of the episode. There was reference to there having been three weeks passed since the funeral, Tic having said that he was going to be gone a few days and a month had passed, etc. I think we are just supposed to take it that Leti, who said in the pilot that her churchgoing days had been behind her, has taken up going to church again in the wake of seeing all the crazy shiznit, but isn't able to get the Holy Ghost.

2. Part of her mourning process, I'm assuming. She says that it was George's favorite book later on, and she was attacking it out of frustration of having lost him. Then she thought better of having done it and got a new copy (though she lied and said she spilled ketchup on the old one.)

3. Montrose is a drunk, and water-in-the-face is a tried and true method of waking a drunk.

4. Yes.

5. Sure, the cops could have come and acted on noise complaints earlier. But technically, having a loud party with adults isn't an arrestable offense. Also, just because the neighbors are racists, and the cops are racists doesn't necessarily mean that they are in lockstep. It seems that the cops (or at least the captain) had one agenda, namely, try to figure out who bankrolled Leti's moving on up and if that posed a threat to expose his role as procurer of missing blacks. And the racist neighbors had another agenda -- keeping the neighborhood lily white.


Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I didn't like this episode, way too many potential threats that never seemed to materialize into a menacing outcome. I was waiting for something to happen and it didn't. Here are few of the many potential threats that happened: 

White people watch the house and harass the black occupants with signs and burning crosses. Here is an real life article about how that might actually manifest. The Lovecraft Country House Attack Sequence Evoked the 1951 Cicero Race Riots

Ghosts interacting with the living leaves you with cold feet.

Bear trap on the floor already sprung. I think by this time they are actually trolling me.

Furnaces about to blow get turned off without incident.

Black Woman wearing a short dress and no underwear alone in the back of a paddy wagon with a racist male Police Officer, the result she get arrested and released.

Leti just happened to purchase the house of a serial murder who did gruesome experiments on his victims in his secret basement dungeon.

Evil spirits contacted through a Ouija Board.

Voodoo practices which leaves a dead goat on your doorstep.

The only satisfying threat that was fulfilled was the malfunctioning elevator.

I hate to say it but I would have to agree with the white neighbors, I wouldn't want a large number of poor, underemployed, young, mixed gender people moving into a house in my neighborhood, regardless of their race. Leti was having wild party in her house on a Sunday Night, did she care that I have to go to work in the morning? 

Looks like next episode the gang find the secret tunnel under the house, find the missing pages and possibly become Magical Negroes.

I guess different strokes for different folks, because I thought the killings of three people at the house, plus the foreshadowing of the lynching of Emmett Till, plus the ghost washing away Our Heroes protection and possessing one of them was plenty of menacing. I mean, given that Tic and Leti have plot armor, they were threatened pretty much.

Leti didn't just happen to purchase the house of an occult serial killer. Christina Braithwaite orchestrated her purchase. She faked the notion of Leti's mom leaving her an inheritance and she set up the black real estate agent who steered her to the house. 

The notion of a Magical Negro is someone black who doesn't have any backstory or personality of their own but who exists to help out a white person with sage advice and possibly with magical powers. Even if they level up and get supernatural savvy and decide to help Christina or other white characters, there is no way that any of Our Heroes can fall into that category because they are living, breathing characters with their own interests. 


  • Love 23
4 hours ago, MerBearStare said:


Watching her get tossed around the back of the paddy wagon was even more upsetting knowing that's how Freddie Gray died.




I've heard Chicago police used to do that in the old paddy wagons ....you're going for a ride.

I kept thinking it was a ramped up homage to Bettlejuice with the baby's head on the football player

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, sempervivum said:

The exorcism/whatever scene was inspired- loved the crazy effect of the multiple spirits populating Tic's head, and really loved that as they all worked together to destroy Winthrop, the mangled corpses became the people they had been in life. Jurnee was very, very good in this episode.

However, I was puzzled at Winthrop being identified in the newspaper clipping as an astrophysicist, but he gets fired by the university because for some reason he's experimenting (or something) on human beings? I didn't really understand if he was just nuts, suddenly became a violent racist/murderer, or if he actually was dabbling in the occult. Were the other bodies (in addition to the 3 racists) we saw in the tunnel the 8 victims? It looked like more bodies than that.

Also, why would the neighborhood be any happier about the mansion being used for housing poor black folks, vs. a boarding house for black folks? (Those are kind of the same thing, actually). And there were no federal subsidies for housing the disadvantaged in 1955, so how would Leti be paying her bills? There was no mention of her getting donations, or whatever.

And my, my, that place sure cleaned up easily. We never even saw any work being done, but somehow beautiful wallpaper, fancy sinks, etc. appeared within what seemed to be a few weeks. And how on earth did Leti know she had to go after that boiler with a wrench? She doesn't seem like the mechanically-inclined type.

There were two nutso/violent racist murderers/dabblers in the occult: Winthrop and Epstein.

Winthrop was a contemporary of Titus Braithwaite and according to Christina, split from his lodge and stole creepy occult stuff from the Book of Names to do his own thang. (Christina apparently wants Our Heroes to find this creepy occult stuff so that the ritual her dad fucked up can be done right). I think we are to take it that Winthrop had been doing his own experiments over the years that involved dead people, probably dead black people.

There presumably were other owners between Winthrop and Epstein, and I think it's safe to presume at least some of them were on the same "let's human-experiment our way back to paradise or our creepy-ass equivalent thereof" plan.

Epstein was the most recent owner of the house and apparently had been using the cop who took Leti for a ride to funnel black people for his experiments. It was his ghost that possessed Tic.

I don't know that the neighborhood would be happier with black people before or after, but with the mysterious dissappearance of the three of the most vocal parts of the racist neighborhood watch, maybe they will tone things down for a bit. Or maybe things will heat up in a future episode. 

Leti was expecting the boarders to pay something originally. She also had some unspecified amount of money left from her "inheritance." It's always possible that the Braithwaites could find a way to funnel more. Especially now that it's out in the open that Christina is the actual source of the money, it doesn't seem like a long-term concern. They can just get more money straight-up from her.

I guess this raises an issue. So far, the problems from each episode have been largely self-contained. The people chasing Our Heroes from the diner and the sheriffs from episode 1: haven't had to worry about them. The fact of racist blue bloods wanting to use Tic as a guinea pig and willing to abduct, kill and torture others, was not really dealt with. It could be that is a pattern that will continue, or it could be that things will circle back to these things later on. 

With enough money/sweat equity (and possible behind-the-scenes magic manipulation by Christina), clean up is a snap.  Leti knew that the heat was being turned up, and I don't think it takes much mechanical know-how to figure out that the probable culprit was someone had been fucking with the boiler. She is keyed into the early Civil Rights struggle and so it stands to reason that she had heard of racists pulling similar stunts before.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I thought the Leti and Tic sex was HOT AF but I figured it was Let’s first time. Remember the snake penis she saw in the hallucination? My mom thought I was nuts but I was right. 

I had a different reaction to the sex. Obviously Leti and Tic are hot individually and as a couple, generally. But it was so quick, no foreplay and lacking in tenderness, and with little sign that either really enjoyed it during or after. Which makes sense for a first time for Leti. I also think Leti on some level had to have her hallucination in the back of her mind as they were doing it and after.

Also, having sex in a horror scenario, and particularly in a haunted house, isn't going to usually end well.  Nor does dripping blood. 

10 hours ago, peridot said:

The guy who talked about messing around with Leti in high school looked to be a lot older than Tic and Leti.  He looked like some perv.

It looked like Tic slept with Leti to "mark his territory" after she was grinding on the other guy.  I hope it's not like that, and he's just too traumatized from the war to respond properly.

I hope the team will be able to get that Sheriff who was "supplying" the evil scientist.  What a soulless bastard.

It may be a way out theory, but I suspect the guy who talked about tussling with Leti might have been under some influence to try and push Tic and Leti together. It was a weird sort of pimping out, and I took "tussle" to be a euphemism for having sex, not just messing around. The notion that Leti has been sexual and was being sexual with this rando emboldened Tic to make moves he otherwise wouldn't have. There was a ghost watching in the bathroom, where things got started. Maybe I'm nuts but maybe the spirits wanted the two of them to get togeher for some reason.

So far the police captain (and his flunky who was driving) are the only violent racists Our Heroes have encountered who hasn't paid the price. (Diner racists at least had their car busted up, and presumably were injured by their collision with the Christinamobile, Devon County sheriffs were all killed by shoggoths except for the sheriff himself, who transformed into a shoggoth and then was presumably killed, and the three people who came with bats all got killed by ghosts.) 

  • Love 6


1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I had a different reaction to the sex. Obviously Leti and Tic are hot individually and as a couple, generally. But it was so quick, no foreplay and lacking in tenderness,

In retrospect, I agree. Also, Jurnee Smollett is 33, and looks it- not sure how old she's supposed to be in this story, but it's a bit hard to believe that a very attractive, free-thinking woman who's been roaming the world on her own for years as a freelance photographer was still a virgin.

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, sempervivum said:


In retrospect, I agree. Also, Jurnee Smollett is 33, and looks it- not sure how old she's supposed to be in this story, but it's a bit hard to believe that a very attractive, free-thinking woman who's been roaming the world on her own for years as a freelance photographer was still a virgin.

I think she’s far younger in the story. She and Tic were contemporaries in school. He’s 23/24 years old so likely so is she. 

I mean it’s rare but possible, especially if she just wasn’t feeling anyone or waiting to “fall in love”. 

@Chicago Redshirt everything you said about the sex scene was 100% true, (I understand your perspective) but sometimes when you fight the supernatural you just have to go for it! (I’m projecting I am sure because I’m hot for Jonathan Majors. Hehe)

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Black Woman wearing a short dress and no underwear alone in the back of a paddy wagon with a racist male Police Officer, the result she get arrested and released.

Small point of order:  Leti was wearing panties before she and Tic got it on.  There was a very quick shot of her pulling them down.  And if she were bleeding, she would have put them back on, probably with some kind of protection, like a "feminine hygiene" pad.

  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, Roxie said:

Small point of order:  Leti was wearing panties before she and Tic got it on.  There was a very quick shot of her pulling them down.  And if she were bleeding, she would have put them back on, probably with some kind of protection, like a "feminine hygiene" pad.

Sorry, thought they showed him ripping them off and her reacting to that.

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, Roxie said:

Small point of order:  Leti was wearing panties before she and Tic got it on.  There was a very quick shot of her pulling them down.  And if she were bleeding, she would have put them back on, probably with some kind of protection, like a "feminine hygiene" pad.

Yeah she was wearing era appropriate undergarments (the underwear was so big back then! It’s like everyone wore spanx sized panties all the time!!)

And @AnimeMania while I certainly feared for sexual violence against Leti in the truck, wearing a short dress or panties/no panties wouldn’t have had an effect on the outcome. Panties or pants don’t stop or detour rapists who want to rape prisoners in their custody. (I know you know that just saying)

Most women wore dresses 80% of the time during this era anyway and hers wasn’t short relatively speaking. 

Im saying all this to say I don’t think the costume department was making choices to convey an increased threat to Leti, outside of the standard threat that exists by just being a black woman. That’s how I saw it. 

  • Love 3

Did cars back then not have batteries? Seems like running the horn non-stop would only last as long as the battery did. Which wouldn't be as long as eight days. Guess it was a Sears DieHard, hah, hah.

Was there a White guy at the housewarming party or was he just light-skinneded? 🤔

What a sad way for Leti to have lost her virginity, on a bathroom vanity with a 60-second man. Tic's butt tho. 🙄

Those newly dead guys now at the bottom of the elevator shaft are going to start to smell eventually, right? Did I miss something?

Lol, Tic is not here for Christina's white savior b.s.

Interesting parallels between the church scene at the top of the episode with people getting happy and taken with the Spirit, and the kids being used by ghosts via the Ouija board, and the  incantations the hoodoo woman was doing to try to cleanse the house.

I love Leti's clothes. I want all her outfits. Jurnee is perfect for the fashion era depicted on this show.

  • Love 4

I have a question about one of the ghosts from last night's episode. When the ghost returned to their form before they were dead to help  Leti,   one of the women looked like the woman that got off the bus with tic in the first episode.  I tried to look at the credits and I couldn't find any name similar but she just looked exactly like that woman that walked with him after the bus broke down. I know the timeline wouldn't make any sense because they got off the bus about a month ago according to Tic's timeline of a month and I'm sure the murders took place years ago. DID anybody else see this woman and think it was the same?

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I love Leti's clothes. I want all her outfits. Jurnee is perfect for the fashion era depicted on this show.

She always looks great. Her dresses this episode were gorgeous, both of them - the lighter green halter at the end, too. And her red lips are always perfect - I don't know what shade that is but it's great on her. I also love that she's no damsel - when she was like "You know what, fuck this" and grabbed that bat, I was like "HELL YES GET THEM LETI."

3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think she’s far younger in the story. She and Tic were contemporaries in school. He’s 23/24 years old so likely so is she. 

I think they're both playing young - Jonathan Majors is 30, and IMO he could play someone older than that.

The brief moment with Emmett Till was small but it had me close to tears. He was just a kid, excited about his trip ...

Is anyone else finding the actress who plays Christina flat? I'm not supposed to like her, so it's not that - I just don't find her particularly engaging to watch.

  • Love 7
58 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

I have a question about one of the ghosts from last night's episode. When the ghost returned to their form before they were dead to help  Leti,   one of the women looked like the woman that got off the bus with tic in the first episode.  I tried to look at the credits and I couldn't find any name similar but she just looked exactly like that woman that walked with him after the bus broke down. I know the timeline wouldn't make any sense because they got off the bus about a month ago according to Tic's timeline of a month and I'm sure the murders took place years ago. DID anybody else see this woman and think it was the same?

I didn’t, but I could see them liking the actress and using her for the scene if someone else backed out or there was a casting problem. 

1 minute ago, kay1864 said:

 New question (collect all 7!):

7.  I’m guessing Christina manufactured a check from Mama’s ‘estate’, along with a lawyer letter.  So… why does Christina want Leti in Winthrop‘s house? To find the missing papers that will allow Christina to translate the Book of Names?  But didn’t Leti just vanquish Winthrop‘s ghost?

Yes to find the missing papers. 

She did just vanquish the ghost (which the help of other ghosts), but who knows what else is in the house, AND the spirits are now friendly to Leti because she helped them find peace. They are still “there” and capable of helping locate anything Winthrop left behind. 

1 minute ago, paigow said:

Which makes the easy recovery of 8 bodies suspicious...

Yes- but maybe one of the victims got a lick in and killed Winthrop before he could put all the bodies in the sub basement to disposed of supernaturally; and then succumb to their wounds. 

Or one of Winthrop’s rivals or disgruntled goons wanted the bodies found. 

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3 minutes ago, kay1864 said:

 New question (collect all 7!):

7.  I’m guessing Christina manufactured a check from Mama’s ‘estate’, along with a lawyer letter.  So… why does Christina want Leti in Winthrop‘s house? To find the missing papers that will allow Christina to translate the Book of Names?  But didn’t Leti just vanquish Winthrop‘s ghost?

The exorcism / cleansing was the Epstein ghost...Winthrop was in a different dimension / plane

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