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S35.E11: You Ain't Right

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I’m never up for any more John but thanks for the warning! 

I know people don’t like cancel culture but I would love to cancel the words red fucking skull.  I’m pretty sure Mattie said them 647 times before the first commercial.

That challenge must have taken forever to set up between contestants and also it was boring as HELL to watch over and over and over.  I mean how many times do we need to hear “I needed to grab as many flags as I could” DUH that was the point of the whole damn challenge.

Why were Faysal and Nelson cheating?  That doesn’t even make sense.

Wonder if the editors did a quick scrub to edit out as much of Dee as they possibly could, that made sense.  It does make me giggle that they HAD to show her in the tribunal, and she was a completely heinous git.  That was a good try guys, but Mattie was never getting through that faster than Dee.

Did Melissa bring a change of clothes?  She wasn’t even dressed to compete.

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I thought the Drag Race editors were good with how they cut out most of S***** Pie from the recent season but The Challenge editors are better and quicker. They had that opening note up right away. They took a 90 minute episode and I guess by cutting out all the Dee drama got it down to 60 minutes which says a lot. I'm glad we didn't have to hear her go off on Rogan after she won.

Johnny asking Rogan for his blessing to throw in Dee was classic shitstirring Bananas but the reactions were worth it. It's a shame Mattie lost.

I think they also cut a subplot about Josh getting some kind of phonecall from home as well. Thank you. We had more than enough Josh. I wonder how he feels knowing his bestie Johnny was working with his archrival Wes all season.

I love that TJ called them out for cheating and working together. I wish they'd started that earlier.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
  • Love 7

Wow! They worked fast to cut the bullshit out.


BUT YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT TOOK SO LONG? What took so long for somebody to start playing the nasty grimy game that I love so much? WHO ELSE BUT JOHNNY to also expose Rogan?????

I wished everybody played like that! Leave it to Johnny to make a move while everyone else is afraid to.

I wished Dee lost though. They really gave her the shitty cut this episode without showing much of her.

Edited by AntFTW
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13 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Disappointed to lose Mattie, but Johnny getting permission from Rogan to vote for Dee? EVERYthing. I literally gasped when he asked for the okay, and cackled when it was granted. 

I shit you not, my jaw hit the floor! I LOVED IT! Dee learning she plays a shitty game IS AWESOME!

Even if Johnny doesn't win the season, this was worth keeping him around.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I love that TJ called them out for cheating and working together. I wish they'd started that earlier.

I forgot about the cheating... I'm glad that happened. I was shocked when they were all DQed for cheating.

56 minutes ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I wonder how he feels knowing his bestie Johnny was working with his archrival Wes all season.

He should feel nothing now because Wes is gone. It shouldn't matter anymore... but I know Josh always feels something.

  • LOL 1

Boy, this puts editors in a conundrum. I understood this was by design and also a good lesson to any future Challenge contestants who say racist things on social media, but this episode barely hung together. Rogan, who gets two seconds of screen time, gets some climactic "yes, throw her in" vote that means absolutely nothing other than the fact we don't like Dee. Jenny had maybe one throwaway confessional about "I want to throw Dee in," which we had to assume was related to their prior drama. We have no idea how Bananas and Josh got involved.

Meanwhile, Mattie, she of the "Ashley is a slut" burn, gets the Brave Little Toaster edit ... and loses. To a faceless competitor with no confessionals who maybe almost suffocates, but maybe not.

My question is since Dee was front and center with the drama, is this how the rest of the season is going to be edited? Because she's still there and Rogan and Jenny are still there, and I can assume she was all "no worries, guys!" afterwards, but you have to think this is going to come back up again at some point. I guess they'll ignore it.

I hope Dee goes home soon, otherwise this is going to be a very confusing rest of the season. As I said, I don't envy the editors having to re-cut it.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Boy, this puts editors in a conundrum. I understood this was by design and also a good lesson to any future Challenge contestants who say racist things on social media, but this episode barely hung together. Rogan, who gets two seconds of screen time, gets some climactic "yes, throw her in" vote that means absolutely nothing other than the fact we don't like Dee. Jenny had maybe one throwaway confessional about "I want to throw Dee in," which we had to assume was related to their prior drama. We have no idea how Bananas and Josh got involved.

Meanwhile, Mattie, she of the "Ashley is a slut" burn, gets the Brave Little Toaster edit ... and loses. To a faceless competitor with no confessionals who maybe almost suffocates, but maybe not.

My question is since Dee was front and center with the drama, is this how the rest of the season is going to be edited? Because she's still there and Rogan and Jenny are still there, and I can assume she was all "no worries, guys!" afterwards, but you have to think this is going to come back up again at some point. I guess they'll ignore it.

I hope Dee goes home soon, otherwise this is going to be a very confusing rest of the season. As I said, I don't envy the editors having to re-cut it.

I agree with this. Even though 90 minutes is usually filled with a lot of bullshit and filler, we missed out on a lot of context. As you  mentioned, we have no idea how Josh and Johnny got on the "Fuck Dee" bandwagon.

I was hoping they would leave the season intact the way they originally edited it and just leave Dee out of future seasons but WOW, they cut a lot.

  • Love 7

I'm incredibly aggravated. So much was cut out that this episode made little to no sense. I'm hoping that now that they have some advice warning they can edit future episodes better than this. They really just should have aired the season intact and ended their relationship with Dee moving forward. I was hoping she would lose so this wouldn't be an issue moving forward but sadly, that was not the case. 

  • Love 4

Hard to keep track of the alliances now.

They showed montage of a couple of the women working out and Nany is sipping on coffee and mocking them.  Maybe Nany isn’t that serious about winning?

Dee didn’t have many allies left but you can tell she’s not well liked.  So many of them weren’t going to cut her any slack for posting anything the slightest bit offensive.

The elimination neutralized Mattie’s size and strength advantage so it would have been good for Nany, Bayleigh or Melissa.

It’s going to be funny if one or more of them never goes to an elimination.  Of course from now on, they are always going to be nominated, unless one of them ends up in a tribunal.

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Dee is so annoying, she manages to break through the retroactive editing to send Mattie packing and stay in the game. I'm thinking she's the favorite to win, seeing how The Challenge is where hope goes to die. Johnny and Josh are close behind, though they could count as one entity now that Josh has jumped from Wes' jock to Johnny's.

Apparently, the new editing (the "de-Deeing"?) cut out a lot of stuff, including Josh on a crying jag. Once again: Josh is a clown. Unless he's wearing a skin mask. Then he is a lousy mime. I will say that we could probably live with sixty-minute episodes. Mission, picks, Purgatory, done. I can live with that.

Mission looked fun, but then Teege got his undies in a twist about cheating. Here's what puzzles me: if you are strapped next to a friend, and that person either wants to avoid Purgatory or get into it, what incentive is there for you NOT to help her out? And the guys have no real incentive beyond making the Tribunal, I think Teege just wanted to flex. Thanks to several guys getting disqualified, Josh winds up winning almost by default, and at a point where he can't jump into Purgatory. Way to go, Josh! And way to get Melissa to bring in Johnny!

Melissa still makes me nervous. I mean, she probably didn't know she was pregnant at that time, and her daughter came into the world without any problems . . . but suppose she wanted to try to get into the final mission? She would have been put in a grueling Purgatory where it looked like both competitors were gassed out. Can you imagine the ambulance carting her off, and then BMP found out she was pregnant? That's a shitstorm that would rival Dee's current drama.

I'd say Mattie is stronger than Dee, but digging her way out of a box put her at a disadvantage. Actual, I think that game is a keeper . . . though maybe the box could be longer, and players would have to dig a path through it rather than start inside it. Lately, I've been watching bits and pieces of both Kill Bill movies on the Showtime channels, so I had to wonder if Mattie or Dee thought about punching the box's top until it broke.

And Johnny got to grandstand. Lovely. I mean, asking Rogan for his "blessing" to vote Dee isn't the worst thing he's done, but it does show he's committed to being the supreme shit-stirrer. And I fear that he'd get a positive spin should he win his seventh title. The only up side is that there's probably not going to be a traditional Reunion, so Johnny wouldn't get cheered on by his legions of "stans." You know, the same folks that applauded the highlight of him stabbing Sarah in her soul.

  • Love 1

I hate that they are basically editing Dee out at the expense of a coherent show. The rest of the season is now ruined because anything Dee is involved in is being removed. She is almost certainly going to be in the final and be central to the drama of this season. This episode was a complete bore. I fear the rest of the season will now be the same. Just show the original edit. 

  • Love 5

I think that a plan had already been hatched to target Dee by the time they get to the bar BEFORE they nominate anybody to go into elimination.

If you look at the brief bar scene where Melissa, Johnny, and Josh were talking at the table, there body language and wandering eyes says to me that they had already planned it before then. I assume a lot was cut out of the scenes at the bar because we’ve been getting a lot of bar conversation this season except for this episode.

Edited by AntFTW
7 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Mission looked fun, but then Teege got his undies in a twist about cheating. Here's what puzzles me: if you are strapped next to a friend, and that person either wants to avoid Purgatory or get into it, what incentive is there for you NOT to help her out?

Not  to mention, there have been other challenges this year where helping each other out was not a problem -  Dee getting help from Wes during elimination and  the foam/color puzzle challenge -  lots of people worked together.

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I have wondered how they explain rules or do they? suddenly helping is not ok. He mentioned something at the beginning about working on your own but was there some other clear "no helping this time " instruction? and why would helping during the challenge not be ok but Wes helping Dee in an elimination is ok? if anything it would make sense for there to be a strict no helping rules for eliminations. And we'd have no Dee.


  • Love 3

I didn't realize they were gonna edit Dee out of the show like they did Sherry Pie on Drag Race. I guess I should have realized that though lol. In any case, it really sucks because I wanted to see the whole plan to get Dee in come together.

I enjoyed TJ disqualifying people but it made zero sense. They always work together and shit. If there's suddenly a new rule that it's not allowed, they should have showed us. It doesn't seem like there was though or else why would 6 people do it then lol. TJ just randomly decided to do it, probably because he wanted to make sure Josh and Johnny were in the tribunal for maximum drama.

13 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

... Johnny getting permission from Rogan to vote for Dee? EVERYthing. I literally gasped when he asked for the okay, and cackled when it was granted. 


12 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I shit you not, my jaw hit the floor! I LOVED IT! 

I literally gasped with my jaw hitting the floor, too! That was so much fun lol.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Treehugger9 said:

If you go to @mtvteapage on instagram they have all of the deleted scenes posted from the episode. Mtv was so dumb to cut all of that out in my opinion. Dee comes off terribly in this episode. It's not like they were portraying her in a positive light. 

This entire episode was a "pile on Dee" episode, even though she wasn't portrayed in a positve light. This was more of a "Fuck Dee" episode than normal.


By the way, thanks for the instagram page. That adds so much substance that should have been left in the episode,

Edited by AntFTW

I don’t understand MTV’s editing decision, especially since their statement on firing Dee addressed the fact that the show is in the middle of its run and they didn’t want to cancel it altogether out of respect for the other challengers (and viewers, and of course ratings).  

Why chop it up, shorten it, and delete most of Dee’s scenes?  Did they think people would see Dee in the episode, get enraged, and then start a #FireDee campaign or something?  It makes no sense.  This episode was ridiculous.

  • Love 7

In one of the deleted scenes, Bayleigh and Dee are fighting for the flags.

Bayleigh tells Dee she has her red skull so don't take her flags.

In her TH, she talks about how this Challenge is important for her because the money would be for a new life.

So they're arguing afterwards and Bayleigh is about a head taller than Dee.  She should have been able to grab more flags with her length, longer arms.

But obviously they have beef before Dee made the dumb post about BLM.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Treehugger9 said:

If you go to @mtvteapage on instagram they have all of the deleted scenes posted from the episode. Mtv was so dumb to cut all of that out in my opinion. Dee comes off terribly in this episode. It's not like they were portraying her in a positive light. 

Thanks for sharing! As others have already said, I really wish that they would have just left the season as is.  Dee is a central character to everything going on, so the show is going to make little sense without her talking heads or other interactions with the cast.  

I thought that Bailegh (sp)? came off like an entitled brat, and did not feel sorry for her at all in those deleted clips, tbh. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Zima said:

I thought that Bailegh (sp)? came off like an entitled brat, and did not feel sorry for her at all in those deleted clips, tbh

I could not agree more. She totally lost me when she said something to the effect of, you're rich so you don't need this like I do. Everyone is entitled to try to win the million dollars at the end if this game show. I remember back in the day when challengers would protest that they deserve to win more bc they had better, more altruistic plans with the money....if the winner wants to shred every last dollar and walk around in a million shredded dollars room they have the right to do so. This is a game show at the end of they day. No one deserves to win more than anyone else. That really grinds my gears haha.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Treehugger9 said:

I could not agree more. She totally lost me when she said something to the effect of, you're rich so you don't need this like I do. Everyone is entitled to try to win the million dollars at the end if this game show. I remember back in the day when challengers would protest that they deserve to win more bc they had better, more altruistic plans with the money....if the winner wants to shred every last dollar and walk around in a million shredded dollars room they have the right to do so. This is a game show at the end of they day. No one deserves to win more than anyone else. That really grinds my gears haha.

I don't like players like that. If someone's against you or trying to sabotage you, don't play a sympathy card... play the game. Outplay them; outmaneuver them; play dirty if necessary.

Leave it to a vet like Johnny to know how to properly execute a revenge mission.

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Wait, so Bayleigh needs the money? All Swaggy does is brag about how rich he is on social media. Is it possible he is just full of shit? 

The consensus online seems to be MTV screwed up by editing Dee out of everything. Hopefully they reverse course and air the season as originally planned, even if Dee wins and is made to look triumphant. 

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2 hours ago, scrb said:

In one of the deleted scenes, Bayleigh and Dee are fighting for the flags.

Bayleigh tells Dee she has her red skull so don't take her flags.

In her TH, she talks about how this Challenge is important for her because the money would be for a new life.

So they're arguing afterwards and Bayleigh is about a head taller than Dee.  She should have been able to grab more flags with her length, longer arms.

But obviously they have beef before Dee made the dumb post about BLM.  

Bayleigh's own skills and strengths are irrelevant - anyone who dares not to let her win is an ass. 

  • LOL 2
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11 hours ago, scrb said:

But obviously they have beef before Dee made the dumb post about BLM.  

Obviously I don't know this for a fact but Bayleigh and Christopher are opportunist, if I was a betting man I would say they probably were not even offended by Dee's post.  They are just using it to stay relevant and maybe to "cancel" someone they don't like. 

If I recall correctly when Bayleigh knew that she was on the way out of the BB house, she started saying it was due to racism (If I am remembering this wrong, someone correct me) when there was simply no evidence to support that claim.  

Also, she and Christopher stole from a guy with cancer.  They clearly can never take any moral high ground in anything.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

She totally lost me when she said something to the effect of, you're rich so you don't need this like I do. Everyone is entitled to try to win the million dollars at the end if this game show.

That argument always makes me snort. No one should NEED a million dollars. If they do, they've really screwed up and are probably not the kind of person that giving more money to is going to end well.

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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I also found this episode to be weird and choppy. I think they should have just left the Dee stuff in. I personally would love to watch her be gaga over Rogan when he's actively plotting against her for the second time.



In addition to that: I found this (below). Apparently, they aired the same shortened version of the episode (that we got in the USA) in Canada, BUT they put the full originally planned episode on the MTV Canada website. I don’t think it’s there anymore though.



Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

I just got done watching the full version on mtv.ca and it was much better.  Dee came off really poorly so the decision to remove her makes no sense.  They clearly gave her the villain edit prior to all her issues so they should have just let it go as is.

What’s worse is they didn’t have a problem casting and featuring a woman who just came off of her THIRD DUI!!! Mattie could have easily killed multiple people because of her actions. Two prior instances weren’t enough to get that through to her. Her ass was passed out drunk behind the wheel on her third one. 

I just saw a super cut of all of Johnny’s offensive tweets yesterday. Far worse than anything Dee did. But not a problem for MTV. 

I’m not calling for the cancellation of Johnny either. I’m just pointing out how badly MTV is handling this and how they aren’t sincere in their indignation. 

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Agreed on Mattie and to be honest if they are going to do into everyone's past with a fine tooth comb and fire them then there wouldn't be too many left.  I mean the VERY reason these people are cast in the first place is because they are drama driven narcissists (yes even the nice ones or people's favorites) who do and say stupid crap. That is what makes them entertaining and sometimes the worst part of themselves get exposed.

They SHOULD be taking this as an opportunity to open dialogue and discussions about these issues rather than trying to erase them.  They have no problem exploiting these people and even celebrating their "problematic" ways to get ratings and attention for them but are so quick to just erase somebody if it is simple and they will get no backlash. 

I am not trying to excuse any of these idiots or their actions but merely that I think MTV is extremely hypocritical and all of this is virtue signalling. I don't believe they have any good intentions behind these actions and only did this to avoid people complaining on social media.  Unless they start firing the faces of the show who have done worse things (which I am not advocating), the firing of Taylor and Dee is simply reactive signalling to the Twitter mobs that they are "good guys" and to please leave them alone and to please move on to the next outrage hopefully not on their network. 



  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

What’s worse is they didn’t have a problem casting and featuring a woman who just came off of her THIRD DUI!!! Mattie could have easily killed multiple people because of her actions. Two prior instances weren’t enough to get that through to her. Her ass was passed out drunk behind the wheel on her third one. 

Wow, this makes everyone losing their mind over Ashley bringing it up look even worse.


I just saw a super cut of all of Johnny’s offensive tweets yesterday. 

Do you have a link?


I’m not calling for the cancellation of Johnny either. 

I am lol.

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I hate Johnny. I think he's a piece of shit and not just on TV. But those tweets are all from 7 or more years ago so conceivably (but not likely lol) he could have changed in those years. Dee is saying stupid shit right now!

I agree. And I believe he has apologized for them. But still, it was worse than what Dee said, IMO.  And MTV cancelled Cory’s GF Taylor for comments she made 8 years ago when she was still a teen. Comments she supposedly apologized for on TV. 

MTV has opened a huge can of worms unnecessarily, IMO.  How can you take their stances on Dee and Taylor seriously if they don’t go and cancel Johnny,Jordan,Mattie,Zach,Ninja,Bear and plenty of others? 

They should have simply condemned Dee’s comments and shadow banned her like they did with Kenny and Evan(although Kenny claims he still gets availability calls). 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

What’s worse is they didn’t have a problem casting and featuring a woman who just came off of her THIRD DUI!!! Mattie could have easily killed multiple people because of her actions. Two prior instances weren’t enough to get that through to her. Her ass was passed out drunk behind the wheel on her third one. 

I just saw a super cut of all of Johnny’s offensive tweets yesterday. Far worse than anything Dee did. But not a problem for MTV. 

I’m not calling for the cancellation of Johnny either. I’m just pointing out how badly MTV is handling this and how they aren’t sincere in their indignation. 

Realistically, Bananas has carte Blanche to do and say whatever he pleases while on MTV. He’s practically a producer at this point, and he’s allegedly too entertaining to ever get in trouble with them. 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Realistically, Bananas has carte Blanche to do and say whatever he pleases while on MTV. He’s practically a producer at this point, and he’s allegedly too entertaining to ever get in trouble with them. 

I wondered what would happen if Johnny did something so bad to warrant getting edited out like Dee. My conclusion: ten minutes. Each episode would last ten minutes.

  • LOL 2
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16 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

I agree. And I believe he has apologized for them. But still, it was worse than what Dee said, IMO.  And MTV cancelled Cory’s GF Taylor for comments she made 8 years ago when she was still a teen. Comments she supposedly apologized for on TV. 

MTV has opened a huge can of worms unnecessarily, IMO.  How can you take their stances on Dee and Taylor seriously if they don’t go and cancel Johnny,Jordan,Mattie,Zach,Ninja,Bear and plenty of others? 

They should have simply condemned Dee’s comments and shadow banned her like they did with Kenny and Evan(although Kenny claims he still gets availability calls). 

And Cheyenne. Who said she wanted to kill all white people.  Why is she getting a free pass? Cancel them all or none. 

  • Love 1
On 6/14/2020 at 10:46 AM, AntFTW said:

Unedited version of the elimination starting from Johnny’s speech and asking Rogan to throw Dee in:


I'm a little disappointed  we won't see the fallout from voting in Dee, since they will probably cut it out. Watching Rogan squirm is entertaining. 

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