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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I suspect it isn't covid but after not seeing my family since Dec....now this.,,it takes an emotional toll. I hope test are negative and we can reschedule ASAP. My mom is old and already has health issues......life is short. I'm ugly crying like Stacey 

I will keep your mom in my thoughts tonight!  I really hope you get to see her very soon!

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Well, you can have spam, egg, bacon and spam. That's not got much spam in it. 

Or you could have Spam, Spam, Spam and Spam. Said in my best falsetto.

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

That is so sad and I am so sorry for you and your mom.  As I mentioned upthread my daughter-in-law wasn’t feeling well and got tested on Friday.  She got her results today and we are all relieved to hear it was negative.  I will wish the same for your family member.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  

Edited by Emmeline
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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Samoans qualify for social security benefits if they worked and contributed to the system. 

I thought that was only for those from American Samoa? Samoa is still technically part of the Commonwealth, even though it won its independence from New Zealand in the 90s.

Edited by mamadrama
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3 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

That is so sad and I am so sorry for you and your mom.  As I mentioned upthread my daughter-in-law wasn’t feeling well and got tested of Friday.  She got her results today and we are all relieved to hear it was negative.  I will wish the same for your family member.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  

I mised your post but I am so happy for you, I think this situation is very stressful on everyone 

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52 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I suspect it isn't covid but after not seeing my family since Dec....now this.,,it takes an emotional toll. I hope test are negative and we can reschedule ASAP. My mom is old and already has health issues......life is short. I'm ugly crying like Stacey. My mom was in ICU in April and I was told she was dying but I couldn't see her.  I just want her to have her party

I'm so sorry. It's been such a rough time. My 13 yo son has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and we've been through all kinds of treatments this year. And despite our best vigilance, I got COVID 19 back in June. Although it's technically gone it's left me with a bunch of issues. Last week my whole digestive system shut down and I had to get surgery on my bowels. It's also caused serious tissue swelling around my heart. My mom had a scare back in July and I couldn't be with her in the hospital so she was totally alone for a week. It's been really rough.

I keep thinking that nothing lasts forever and that soon we'll all be able to look back on this time as something that was tough, but is over. I hope. ❤️

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6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I'm so sorry. It's been such a rough time. My 13 yo son has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and we've been through all kinds of treatments this year. And despite our best vigilance, I got COVID 19 back in June. Although it's technically gone it's left me with a bunch of issues. Last week my whole digestive system shut down and I had to get surgery on my bowels. It's also caused serious tissue swelling around my heart. My mom had a scare back in July and I couldn't be with her in the hospital so she was totally alone for a week. It's been really rough.

I keep thinking that nothing lasts forever and that soon we'll all be able to look back on this time as something that was tough, but is over. I hope. ❤️

Sending good thought ps and love to you....we are all in this together ❤️

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hello, my peeps! I want you all to know that I'm a strong, empowered woman who is worthy of love. 

You can say you’re an empowered and strong woman only if you have ginormous implants and 8 inch long fingernails. Both those things scream strong and empowered.

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6 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I watched Stacey trip in the parking lot again, made my day

If we were to be treated to a snarky, if possibly mean spirited, interpretation of Darcy and Stacy as foolish buffoons worthy of our snickering disdain, I would enjoy the show more.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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Steph sure was a fuddy duddy about Ericka mixing it up with other people in her peer group.   People have sex; it's what they do.  People in my social circle did pretty wacky things when we were in college.  Stuff happens, but Steph seemed completely oblivious to how the world works, especially for a millenial. 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Stephanie daintily talking about 'intimate relations", like she's someone's elderly auntie, not a modern gal who shows her tits on the internet for a living.

Reminds me when my aunt got a sexually suggestive jello mold and complained that its jelly like texture wasn't hard enough. She was maybe 80.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Ash’s appeal is inversely proportional to the amount of screen time he gets.

You ain't kidding.  I suspect the more annoying and confusing someone is on the show, the more they keep them on our screens, don't you?

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