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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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41 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

As mentioned before, alters are supposed to be low-key there might be tics or habits that eventually give them away to one's that know them well & interact with them daily

A very good book on multiple personalities is "I am We"  by Christine Pattillo and the Gang.  I knew this woman when I lived in Washington and she (and the gang) are the most interesting people I've met in one body.  She never put on different outfits to identify her multiples. She dressed as her main personality all the time.  You knew who you were talking to from the speech patterns or questions or comments the personality was making. In fact, she would change back and forth to different personalities in conversations.  Should I send a copy of the book to JG?

Assley's approach is too in your face.  Look at me! No, don't look at me! She may have several personalities but they are all narcissistic. 

54 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

not sure why Chelsea doesn't get that but whatever...

Because it's all about her.  And shouldn't she still be seeing her own therapist instead of hijacking Connor's?  Maybe if they put her in residential treatment Connor might have a chance.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

I was expecting one from the shuffleboard that's been made of the Newman Media jobs, especially when Audra got fired, but nada so far.  
I thought Audra, for sure, wouldn't take Nikki's unfair dismissal so easily but apparently Show did.  

Audra, for whatever reason, idolizes or at least respects that family. Victor especially. Which is one of the reasons I haven't warmed up to her much. Even if she hadn't signed an NDA, I doubt she'd come for them anyway. Nate & Sally didn't, they were wrongfully terminated and pretty much took it lying down too. That aside, I wish we'd seen Audra at least consider suing or trying to devise some payback before giving up. But I guess that would've taken time away from JG living out his cringe fantasy of banging a younger woman, with a woman his age embarrassing herself over him via Tucker

Lily isn't a Newman, so the writers aren't going to let her fire people for personal reasons and that be the end of it. I hope I'm wrong and Heather & Daniel just piss off.....Because I'm not looking forward to watching a character get punished for something that the Newmans do with impunity. That's just more of the same bullshit that has ruined the show for me over the years. 

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On 3/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, Js Nana said:

Or it could be spelled DeVon, because that's how it's pronounced.

What was the one where everyone's assembled at the church for his character's funeral and he sits up out of the coffin, still alive.

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

On 3/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, Js Nana said:

Or it could be spelled DeVon, because that's how it's pronounced.

What was the one where everyone's assembled at the church for his character's funeral and he sits up out of the coffin, still alive.

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

On 3/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, Js Nana said:

Or it could be spelled DeVon, because that's how it's pronounced.

What was the one where everyone's assembled at the church for his character's funeral and he sits up out of the coffin, still alive.

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

On 3/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, Js Nana said:

Or it could be spelled DeVon, because that's how it's pronounced.

What was the one where everyone's assembled at the church for his character's funeral and he sits up out of the coffin, still alive.

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

On 3/25/2024 at 6:18 PM, Js Nana said:

Or it could be spelled DeVon, because that's how it's pronounced.

What was the one where everyone's assembled at the church for his character's funeral and he sits up out of the coffin, still alive.

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

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6 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Disclaimer: I earned a degree in psychology in 1978 but never used it so I am by no means a professional. But imo they are making way too much of this OCD. They should bring him back home and get a get a good therapist.

I have been praying for some kind of wrongful termination lawsuit. TBH I can't see one here because of their guilt feelings. I've been hoping for a sexual harassment one.

I have a psychology degree as well, and worked in inpatient psychiatric settings for 30 years. I find it extremely upsetting to watch the treatment of any of Connor's, Ashley's or Claire's current illnesses, as portrayed on the show. I don't expect viewers to end up fully educated about the different illnesses here, but shouldn't the treatment options at least be explored on the severity of their diagnoses? If the 3 of them walked into a psychiatric assessment center, Connor would be sent home on meds, with a therapy referral. Ashley would be admitted, because her DID has affected her baseline functioning. Claire, IMO, likely the sickest of all, would at the very least be getting daily therapy sessions, if not admitted. She was taken out of treatment to "trap" Jordan. Since then there has been no evidence of her still getting any therapy at all. She would be needing therapy on an ongoing basis for at least several years. All of these characters have serious problems, that are being handled in an extremely cavalier way by JG. Maybe he could use a little treatment himself? That said, when Chelsea was telling and selling Connor about the Maryland treatment center and said, "There are adults there that REALLY know what they're doing!" I kind of thought he might be better off there, than at home in GC, where none of the adults seem to ever know what they're doing.


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Yawn, so Jordie escaped -- oh, we never could've predicted that!  Anyone surprised?  Anyone?

The kid who plays Connor is actually a pretty good actor.  But then again, look at who he's playing against -- the idiot who thinks bawling her eyes out is acting & the fool who "acts" with his cheekbones.  So yeah, hard to judge the kid's acting skill with those 2 nearby, but I still think he's OK.

Connor is way better off getting far away from those 2, who would completely ignore him & offer him zero help.  Even if he were to get regular therapy, think those 2 would monitor if he was actually going?  Yeah, right.  Chelsea would be continuing on her weepy crying binges & babbling about her oh-so-terrible past, & Adam's too busy causing trouble for everyone & just being a PITA & an asshole.

Did some crazy makeup person paint Jack orange today?

Kyle's pomp didn't look pointy today.  Was waiting for Claire to notice that.  Still trying to predict when those 2 will be married.  May or June?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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6 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Explain Bluthooth then.

Easy to explain the The Bug's presence on the show, but her?  We need an investigation!  Claire explained how Jordie is so good at research cuz she clearly found the perfect drug to plan her escape.  Maybe Jordie can help us find an answer to this -- that is, while she's on a break from torturing the Vics & Niks . . .

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Uh oh.  It looks like the Great Punctuation Wars of 2024 have made their way to the Upper Midwest.  Kyle's doing a sneak attack, armed with a thesaurus, a red pen and a jar of whiteout and Diane's fighting back with extra commas, exclamation marks and a hairful of split infinitives.  Families are being torn apart by the Oxford Comma controversary - can conflict over one space or two at the end of a sentence be far behind?

Bouffants are gonna fall, folks!  It's gonna be a sad Mother's Day in Mudville.

I'm really hoping Aunt Jordan shows up this time in a Groucho Marx mask with a corsage that spouts water wearing clown shoes.  Nobody but nobody in this crowd will notice her.

I'm surprised that by now Nikki, let alone Newman Security, doesn't know that Victor turns off his phone when he's in the can reading the latest issue of "Jokes for the John".  Geez.

Joshie G. really went all out writing today's episode, didn't he?

Edited by boes
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Meh, I know he's troubled but I am so over pouty-faced Connor.

Diane not wearing one of her usual sheath dresses and apparently loaded for bear.

Victoria's long, high pony was interesting. I didn't think her hair would fall so far down her back. Extensions?

Jordan had a seizure so her prison transfer was delayed. Yeesh, she redefines the word "wily."

Connor whined that he was questioning reality. This kid. Maybe Adam and Chelsea should arrange for him to sample some LSD. 😉

Well okay, I guess Diane did have a point. Kyle shouldn't have changed her documents without telling her. She likely has an admin assistant or other staff who can proofread and fact-check her work--at her request. Besides, if Diane's regularly putting out problematic information with the Jabot imprimatur, that'll eventually come back to bite her, without Kyle's "help."

IMO Connor still didn't seem truly convinced about going to the OCD treatment center in MD. He just ran out of energy to keep arguing with his parents. I wonder if he'll run away.

Whatever, Nikki. You'd be one of the last people to be much concerned about Ashley's odd behavior, especially if it didn't affect you personally. AFAIC you gave Jack almost worthless advice.

Claire and Kyle getting to know each other. Yep, the countdown to their coupledom begins.

Sure, Sally. Connor out of the local picture will eventually leave Adam more time to focus on you. Even Chelsea lowkey acknowledged it. Golf claps, hon.

Dang, Claire ain't gonna make it easy for Kyle. And he accepted the challenge. Let's go!

JORDAN ESCAPED FROM THE HOSPITAL!!! My surprised face says, "Yawn" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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3 hours ago, Julyolo said:

I have a psychology degree as well, and worked in inpatient psychiatric settings for 30 years. I find it extremely upsetting to watch the treatment of any of Connor's, Ashley's or Claire's current illnesses, as portrayed on the show

lets also not forget how they have treated Nikki alcoholism after having vodka mainlined. Or how Victor didn't want to go to the "loony bin in a straightjacket" when he intentionally faked dementia. The writers on this show are so ignorant and disrespectful of mental health issues.

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Skipp thru EVERYTHINNG but the tiff between Diane and Bouffant.  not interested in Conner, nor Sally.  Don't care that "Scaredy Jordan" is out there.  yawn.

And I'd LOVE to know how Chelsea got the nickname Breathless Mahoney!

I think Claire should be treated for PTSD because she's gonna have a break in the future if she just pushes it from her mind.  It's gonna surface, and maybe not in a good way. But it MIGHT make good tv.

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Why is Nick making it sound like Connor has stage 4 cancer rather than OCD? Is it serious? Sure. Does he need help learning to cope? Absolutely but it isn’t a death sentence! Other than that, I actually liked the Adam/Nick scene.

can’t say the same for the Newman family drama. I’m already over Nikki self flagellating over letting Jordan live.

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On 3/28/2024 at 1:06 PM, Bunnyto4 said:

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

Apparently, none of you have ever been to Chicago, where some of the best East Asian food in the country is found on Devon Avenue, which my grandfather, who used to affect Britishisms, pronounced it as the English do, and oh how we laughed. Also, loving this infighting between M. Pompadour and his mother. 

Ashley++++, is that you? 

I'm with Jack: can Tucker not ever leave the GCAC? Poor guy. Also, looked like Tucker got his ears lowered, lol. His haircut was almost the classic high and tight. 🫡

Nikki managed to travel from the ranch to the NE building without encountering Jordan, but she was also without her bodyguard, Larry. Bet Larry got a strong chewing out by Victor, ha ha.

Claire seemed to have been feeling Kyle out for his tolerance to horrific life stories, and he leaned into the test with an appropriate level of calm. Yay?

Stop with the grimace, Jack. You know Tucker is 100% right about Ashley's odd state of mind. You just don't want to give him credit for caring enough to alert someone close to her.

Not sure it's Sally's place to get involved in Adam's relationship with Nick and Victor. Especially given her long history of messiness with men in the same family.

Again, should Nikki really be telling the people at her AA meeting so much information about Jordan? I would think doing so could jeopardize the efforts to recapture Jordan. Or put those people in danger by association with Nikki.

How many times is Jack going to run back and forth to the ranch in one day? He's Nikki's AA sponsor, not her life support system. Yeesh.

Nick insisting Adam use the Newman jet to rush to MD with Connor and Chelsea. What the what? I thought Adam had his own jet. He did when everyone was going to Tuscany for Victoria's wedding. Weird retcon. 🤔

Victor's taking Nikki on a private anniversary vacay. Calling it now: Jordan will be the surprise guest. Because JG is a hack, amirte? 😈

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I found Claire and Kyle's casual "chat" about her childhood backstory very off putting. Like stuff that happened to her happens to lots of people? Umm...no. Jack's scene telling Tucker, "I've been coming here my entire life." Yes, you have Jack. You just didn't say it's almost every day of your life. Glad to have it confirmed that Nikki (in her own estimation) can cause catastrophes. Global warming? Something Nikki apparently did one day. Covid? Nikki. Inflation? Nikki Newman, folks. And it makes her want to drink! Immediately. My eyes were rolling back so much today at her, that now I can watch my own back. She is clueless that it's her narcissism and need for immediate gratification she should examine, if she really wants to stop drinking. And both Victor and Jack cave in, and enable Nikki's enormous sense of entitlement every time. IMO, it's nauseating.


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Question 1:  Is Kyle getting a little gray at the temples or is it just the lighting?  


Question 2: Auntie Jordan must have sent Claire/Eve to school because she sounds well educated. Besides she must have been in contact with other girls and I would think boys because she definitely knows how to flirt and she is definitely not shy with Kyle.  I really don’t get the indignation that she’s has never been kissed. 


I give up. I’m not even going to question how or what Auntie Jordan does. I’m just telling myself that the monkeys with a keyboard live in an alternate reality and write just for the drama. 


Is this going to be Claire/Eve’s famous last words that Auntie Jordan can’t get to her anymore because she doesn’t fear her?  Or is Claire/Eve going to borrow the Lone Rangers gun and put a silver bullet through her head.  Maybe Claire/Eve will channel her inner Buffy and put a wooden stake through Auntie Jorden’s heart. 


As per coming attractions, the waiter said that the drink came from a gentleman at the bar and that he must have just left. Did Auntie Jordan disguise herself as a man.  


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Oh my gods, can the AA meetings happen off-screen like everything else does?  We saw what happened, so what's the point of Nikki giving the Cliffs Notes version of her whack life to the attendees?  When the camera panned across the back of the group's heads while Nikki told her tale of woe, I thought they might show the face of the redheaded woman to be Jordan's in disguise.  That could have been good, so of course not.  

Is that really a thing for people who have gotten married to each other 10 or 12 times to celebrate the anniversary of the first wedding?  Do they also celebrate the anniversary of each subsequent wedding?



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59 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

Is that really a thing for people who have gotten married to each other 10 or 12 times to celebrate the anniversary of the first wedding?

I make it to be four times they have walked down the aisle, with their last wedding happening in 2013 - maybe the fourth time's the charm?

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Er, I can see 3 thought balloons over the heads of ALL the poor people in attendance at Nikki's AA meeting (maybe Jackie too)-

"And we should care about any of your bullshit . . . uh, why?"

"And this is helping us with our sobriety . . . uh, how?"


Hey, we got a preview of Ashley's next personality -- Messy-Hair Ashley!  Eeeek!  Someone on the show without overly styled hair!  Heavens, it can't be!!!

Wow, Tuck looked ragged today, with heavy bags & jet-black circles under his eyes.  I say the crazy makeup person that's been shellacking Jack orange should scoop up some of the same goop & spackle a shit-ton of that stuff under Trevor's eyes. Ashley must be really whacked out to wanna hook up with that . . .

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3 hours ago, Julyolo said:

 Glad to have it confirmed that Nikki (in her own estimation) can cause catastrophes. Global warming? Something Nikki apparently did one day. Covid? Nikki. Inflation? Nikki Newman, folks. And it makes her want to drink! Immediately. My eyes were rolling back so much today at her, that now I can watch my own back. She is clueless that it's her narcissism and need for immediate gratification she should examine, if she really wants to stop drinking. And both Victor and Jack cave in, and enable Nikki's enormous sense of entitlement every time. IMO, it's nauseating.

I felt so bad for those other people at the AA meeting, who themselves might have had some urgents things to talks about.  But in walks Mz. Thing and the meeting is preempted for another report from Skull Island's Head Hostess.

I bet everybody at that meeting hates her like poison.

What's with Dickolas telling Adam that "you have to tell Dad yourself" about taking Connor to the new facility?  Nick and Vic and now Adam, along with Nikki, always put their Pustule Pater before everyone, and now that includes a young grandchild in crisis.  Victor is such a malignant narcissist that it's more important for him to be told, asked, informed, whatever than it is for any of his children to deign to delegate that task to anyone else, no matter how busy or stressed they might be.  In other words, Victor must come first, always, no matter what, no matter who.  The psychological damage Victor has inflicted should be a class A felony but instead it's held up as some noble Newman family trait.

Abby, on the other hand, is barely on their Christmas card list.  She's the luckiest Newman of all.

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This is one Claire/Eve scenario that has recently popped up my ancient brain:

Claire/Eve didn't renounce Auntie Jordan, she dumped her when she realized that "disappearing" the Newmans and killing them off in one fell swoop was a short-sighted plan for revenge, while joining the Newmans would give her the opportunity to destroy them from within, with the goal of her ending up as the reigning monarch over the entire Newman empire.  In this scenario, Auntie Jordan is bat-shit crazy psychopath, and Claire/Eve is a high-functioning sociopath.

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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Again, should Nikki really be telling the people at her AA meeting so much information about Jordan? I would think doing so could jeopardize the efforts to recapture Jordan. Or put those people in danger by association with Nikki.

Yup, she spills her guts to everyone except the police. Shouldn't the whole damn family be in trouble right now.for kidnapping and holding Jordan hostage?  I am so sick of the writers trying to make us think they are in the right and Victor is a goddamn hero.

I noticed at the AA mtg they only showed 1/2 of an attendees body. Are they saving $$ by paying him half the going rate?

Edited by MsMalin
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Somewhere in Genoa City:

Man: I'm going through a rough divorce and I want to drink all the time.

Leader: Thank you for sharing. Anyone else?

Nicki: Hi I'm Nicki and I'm an alcoholic

Group: Hi Nicki

Nicki: I was abducted and held by a crazed woman who tried to kill me and my family. She put vodka in an IV. She poisoned us all and then got away and stalked me. She went to jail but got out by setting fire to the place. After pushing my friend in front of a car she lured us to a cabin where she pretended to be dying. They took her to the hospital but she escaped and now she is after me again.

Group: ...( silence)

Edited by Unathletic Club
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12 hours ago, Js Nana said:

celebrate the anniversary of the first wedding?

My husband always remember the date of our first date, which is something I tend to forget.

14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

As per coming attractions, the waiter said that the drink came from a gentleman at the bar and that he must have just left. Did Auntie Jordan disguise herself as a man.

What if it was and she slipped a date rape drug into her drink?

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I'm calling this here and now: Kid Pomp will get together with Cleve, and while they are together with Little Lord Fauntleroy, Aunt JorMakinMeCrazy will show up and probably kill Cleve (if we're lucky, anyone know how long this character's contract is?), leaving Kid Pomp and LLF terrified but beating the odds and living. Cue: Dummer running to KP/LLF's sides to nurse them back to health and well being, et voila! Kummer is back together again! And yes, that was intentional #YOUGOTTHAT?! PS: The way Cleve keeps 'challenging' Kid Pomp is creepy, weird, and passive aggressive compared to how she speaks to every other character, isn't it? Like she's trying intentionally to be 'OoooEeeeOooo' about how whackadoodle she still is.

Meanwhile, don't the AA members think 'fucking HELL, not this bitch UHgain?! Her monologues are so cringey and self obsessed. Read the fucking room Drinkki, nobody wants every dirty detail about your issues with Jordan, and how can there be literally zero gasps or OMGs in that group when listening to her OOT ramblings? Hell, I'd switch to another group even if it meant driving all the way to Milwaukee for the nearest AA meeting that was sans Drinkki Newman!

Meanwhile, I don't give a flying fuck about Connor's OCD issues. This is the demon seed child who creepily fucked with his parents other relationships, do they think we forgot that tidbit? This kid is always one sleep away from becoming Damien again. No thank you. Be gone Connor! And take your mother with you!

Jackie Jack Jack, what in the gd hell have they done to your character?!? I don't even recognize you anymore you simpering old fool! Oh, and Diane sure is showing her true colors these days aint she?

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2 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Meanwhile, don't the AA members think 'fucking HELL, not this bitch UHgain?! Her monologues are so cringey and self obsessed. Read the fucking room Drinkki, nobody wants every dirty detail about your issues with Jordan, and how can there be literally zero wow or OMGs in the group

Yeah, not a word of advice or sympathy? I don't know what happens at an AA meeting but is it just admitting you are an alcoholic with no feedback?  I would think that someone would say something.  Or maybe they know from her past behavior that she doesn't take.good advice so they just let her yammer on and then leave. We all know she doesn't stay to hear the others give their talks.

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6 hours ago, Giddyup said:

I am a new poster but long time viewer. I missed Lilys return. How did things go down regarding her finding out about Heather ?

She showed up at Daniel’s apartment (he gave her the key) planning a surprise for him, but she was the one surprised when she saw the happy little family sitting around the breakfast table. After Heather and Lucy left, she confronted Daniel and he admitted it.

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14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

She showed up at Daniel’s apartment (he gave her the key) planning a surprise for him, but she was the one surprised when she saw the happy little family sitting around the breakfast table. After Heather and Lucy left, she confronted Daniel and he admitted it.

Thanks! I caught the episode of Billy walking into Society and overhearing her saying she doesn’t want Daniel or Heather at the company. His ears must be as big as his nostrils because you figure a restaurant should be fairly noisy.

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One more time, Adam intoning today that Connor has OCD, with the gravitas usually reserved for terminal illnesses, while Claire waltzes around blithely announcing she will be living her "best new life" unafraid of her brainwashing homicidal Auntie J, was ridiculous. I think she will either be killed off by her Aunt, or end up as the Newman family's own version of the Manchurian candidate. Then the DID of Ashley is equally inane. She switched outside Tucker's hotel room and wonders "Why am I here?" and then sees her brother and sister, but fails to ask for their assistance? I'm not asking her to have insight into her DID, but most people might consider their confusion to have an organic basis (cardiac or neuro, to name a couple) and ask their siblings for help, wouldn't they? No wonder the actors scripted as angry seem to be convincing, they must be projecting their true feelings. They are probably as mad about these stupid scripts as I am.

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Whew. The tie in the Sweet 16 round was resolved by your votes. Thanks!

The Elite 8 round of the GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket has now kicked off, here.

Elite 8 Round

It may be April Fool's Day but this is as serious as Victor's Black T-Shirt of Virility. Go Vote!

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I still don’t understand why everyone is treating Connor like he has terminal cancer?  Ad I don’t blame Summer one bit for not trusting Cleve. Even if Summer is Phylthy’s daughter, she’s right to question Cleve. 

Just give Y&R’s makeup crew the Emmy right now. they did a masterful job making Jordan look like a man! On a purely shallow note, I wish they’d tone down the makeup they’re using on Colleen Zenk. She’s a beautiful woman and doesn’t need her makeup applied with a trowel.

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Sigh, Tucker. At this point you probably need to be coming across with some  eye-opening jewelry. I bet Audra would love a little something around 3 carats in a Tiffany setting. Just sayin', put your money where your mouth is.

I was surprised Nick hadn't already tattled to Victor about Connor, before Adam could dash out to the ranch to inform Daddy Dearest himself.

Victor was completely on board regarding Connor going away for treatment of his OCD. It seems to have been due to Victor's regrets for not being there during Adam's troubled childhood. Ehh, something about it didn't ring entirely true to me.

I liked Summer's mini dress today, but meh on the color. IMO it wasn't a fresh springtime look for the CEO of an upscale fashion company.

Audra. You gave in too easily. A boss bish like you should've made Tucker grovel longer. And harder.

Wait, what? Ashley's main alter admitted she's running a game on Tucker. Why? Also, interesting how she was speaking of Ashley in the third person and Traci didn't pick up on it.

Adam was supposed to be in a hurry to take Connor back East so I didn't get why he had time to stop and spar with Victoria. Again.

Claire trying hard to sell herself to Summer. Good luck with that, hon. The big mistake you made was putting innocent Harrison in your sights. Summer will go into mama bear mode for her stepson.

Jordan disguised as a man. AYFKMWTS? 🤮🤬💩

No way is Diane willing to give up her co-CEO job for Kyle. I think she knew Jack would kibosh the idea. Now she can throw that in Kyle's face the next time he steps on her toes at Jabot.

Oh come on, how does Ashley keep getting into Tucker's room? The GCAC has the WORST security!

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I promised myself that I’m just going to let it go about anything Auntie Jordan does but I have to break my promise. Escapes from the hospital in what I would expect to be in a hospital gown but shows up at a fleabit hotel with a new set of clothes with additional clothing in hand.  I knew it from the coming attractions, Auntie Jordan is hiding in plain sight as a man.  

Summer❄️❄️❄️ you are now Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️. You have no business being high and mighty since being the daughter of that psychopath BlueFang🕷️.  BlueFang🕷️ is no day at the beach but you have allowed her to regain your trust. BlueFang🕷️ definitely has not really wanted to turn her life around like Claire/ Eve has; but Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ thinks BlueFang🕷️ has turned herself around from homicidal behavior to a normal person in months.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ shouldn’t comment about a Claire/Eve’s childhood. With parents like BlueFang🕷️ and Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍, her childhood was pretty fucked up also. 


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