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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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21 minutes ago, boes said:

I think you're thinking of the Brooks sisters.  Snapper, Jill's brother, married one of them.  Their mother, Jennifer, had breast cancer.

Yeah, that sounds about right. but i wasn't watching when the Katerine thing went down.  I didn't have a VCR at the time and kind of lost track of the going ons. 

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19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And what was going on with Sharon's hair? Is she letting her dark roots grow out? Okay.

It looks like she has covered her grey roots with dull brown box dye and is leaving her peroxided hair and extentions to grow out. That dull brown colour reminds me of Christine's "Kelly Simmons" disguise (wig, glasses & fake nose) when she was spying on Isabella.

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The OCD diagnosis for Connor seems suspect. Whoever diagnosed him needs to take a trip to GC, and see how all the adults there obsessively go to the same places on a daily basis for coffee, lunch, and dinner and run in to the same people everyday. The GCAC is the only place to stay for those lacking a family home. Next, the businesses should be observed for the same people compulsively switching in and out of CEO positions. Lastly, throw in the interpersonal relationships, which seem to just rotate all the same people, making the same repetitive mistakes. Maybe then Connor's diagnostician might consider that children live what they've learned?


Edited by Julyolo
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7 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

Who the he'll does he think he is? I guess now Victor thinks he is a psychiatrist. What a fucking old narcissist.

No, no. The show made sure to tell us today that Tucker is the narcissist. Victor is a loving gwampa ready to welcome Claire into the family until she no longer serves a purpose. 

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Michael: Victor, you are really prepared to use your own granddaughter as bait? Me: Are you just meeting this man Michael? What a stupid question.


I will say, in the preview for next week, the clip of Claire & Michael...Claire looked evilly gleeful about getting out. I hope she is planning chaos!

Edited by pvandal
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That's what I was saying, Tucker! Why does Nate hang out at the GCAC so much?

Hi again, little cutie Nadia.

Hey, MichaelBaldwin. Long time no get summoned to the ranch by Victor.

Isn't Claire under some kind of indictment? She actually committed felonies in both WI and OR. Since her name doesn't rhyme with Willis Hummers, I don't see how she gets to skip out on legal punishment.

Victoria and Cole in matching colors. Interesting. Meanwhile, Audra wears a lot of black outfits. Hmm. 🤔

Aw, yiss, Nate and Tucker having a d!ck-swinging contest in the middle of the GCAC dining room. Let's go, fellas!

WTF was that psychobabble Ashley was handing Traci on why she now sees Tucker in a more understanding light? Within the past week or so Ash has threatened him and Audra. Wackadoodles gonna wackadoodle, I guess.

Ehh, Victor you can't have it both ways. Either you're the one bad m.f.-er who can take down Jordan, or you're a bit of a coward who has to use your emotionally damaged new granddaughter to do your dirty work.

Oh okay, Michael explained why Claire can be released from imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital after less than a couple of months. There's always a convenient loophole when the Newmans are involved.

Ashley bald-faced lying to Traci about her new attitude toward Tucker didn't bode well to me. At least Traci seemed a bit skeptical.

Claire is a tough cookie who does not simply fall under TGVN's sway. I like that. She was deftly handling Victor today and letting him think she'd be awed by his benevolence.

Vikki, have you met your daddy? Of course he went behind your back and ignored your wishes wrt using Claire to reel in Jordan. Stop acting brand new.

Re the previews: First, Audra stepping to Ashley on Ashley's home turf. Whee! 🎶You ain't woman enough to take🎶 Audra's man, Ash. Second, Mamie's hair!!!!!! I am unable to can. 😱😱😱😱

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I guess Victor got his psychology degree out of a Cracker Jacks Box like Sharon.  As I said before, Victor has no faith in his security team or he would use Nikki as bait instead of Claire. Also how stupid is it that the next time Auntie Jordan calls for Victor to get on the phone and deliver the message himself?  

Smugly Smug Smug, Audra doesn’t need or want your help so leave her alone. Like Nostrils he thinks he’s god’s gift to the world. 

I could imagine Victor as the serpent in the Garden of Eden trying to convince Eve (Claire) to take a bite out of the apple. 




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C-W formerly known as H-W, run by Devon & his late foster father Neil, now run by Devon & foster sister Lily, with the addition of Jill [the "C"] is...complicated. 

Lily caused an accident that led to the death of Devon's wife [formerly his foster father's wife] and Devon's unborn child. All was punished & forgiven. Devon moved on with his late wife's identical twin.

Jill's grandson Chance [soldier-of-fortune-type] married Victor's grand daughter Abby and for "reasons" they could not conceive, so Abby selected her Bestie Devon to be her sperm donor. All went well until Devon's gal and Abby's husband walked in on D&A doing the nasty on Devon's sofa. Re-arrangement of lovers.

Abby is bored being a restaurant mogul and former "Naked Heiress" so accepts a position on the C-W board.

Lily and Danny Romolotti were once a teenage item, and recently have rekindled their relationship. Danny now decided to extinguish that fire and go back to his long-time partner Heather, who has been tapped to be a lawyer for C-W. No one has told Lily yet. 

Lily has recently had a long term relationship with Jill's son Billy Abbot which ended amicably. Billy has just been hired by C-W. And wants to change the company name to include HIS name. Chancellor was one of his Mom's temporary married names, and the last name of her grandson "Chance". 

Billy had a revenge sex encounter with Summer [ Chance's new squeeze ] but that will be news to Chance....who is leaving GC without a police force to become a new hire with C-W.

Nate is a birth cousin to Lily, recently reintroduced to the company after he tried to sell them out to Newman via Victoria. Again, all is forgiven...yeah, right....

Welcome back to GC, Devon's ex gal pal, hired as part of C-W's law team, to prop Billy Abbot.

Mamie is the former Abbot housekeeper, Auntie to Drusilla & Olivia, late-in-life BFF to John Abbot, nemisis to Jill. Unclear why she has monetary interests in C-W [ I must have dozed off ] but wishes no good to Jill & her brood.

Does anyone have an invite to the C-W Company 4th of July picnic ?? Can I go as your "plus one" ?? No need to BYO fireworks, there will be plenty already !!


Edited by Peppermint
forgot yet another playa in C-W.
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12 hours ago, Denize said:

after traveling the world she had enough left over to invest and become a power-hungry mogul.

Didn't have to, ya know, pay TAXES on the one million which would have, probably been closer to 500,00 after Uncle Sam got his bite? So I don't believe she grew Jill's money to ten million.

I surfed thru Weds. and Thurs. with one question:  Why was Sharon wearing a bird's nest on her head?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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19 hours ago, Julyolo said:

The OCD diagnosis for Connor seems suspect. 

I'm beginning to wonder if the school staff were wondering how long his parents would leave Connor to twist in the wind far away from home without a proper diagnosis, being squired to doctors' appointments by authority figures rather than his parents who love him. He's not in a tough-love rehab centre. OCD often develops to focus one's self on a ritual that prevents you from thinking of and reliving a past trauma or bullying. Is this school really the best place for him???

1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Didn't have to, ya know, pay TAXES on the one million which would have, probably been closer to 500,00 after Uncle Sam got his bite? So I don't believe she grew Jill's money to ten million.

The other odd thing is that Mamie ran into Tucker on her travels far from GC, but now they are both back in town. I wonder if she's been blackmailing him or something to build up her nest egg.

1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Why was Sharon wearing a bird's nest on her head?

The brown-dyed roots look unprofessionally done. Perhaps a choice of Sharon Case.  It is fugly!

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On 2/23/2024 at 6:52 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

She was deftly handling Victor today and letting him think she'd be awed by his benevolence.

If Y&R is still around 10 years from now, Victor will be dead, Nikki will be in some drying out place for the obscenely wealthy, and Claire will have deftly maneuvered her way into sole proprietorship of the entire Newman Empire with her mother and uncles jumping to her tune.

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On 2/22/2024 at 10:31 PM, Julyolo said:

I agree that the renaming of Audra with the name of a currently controversial celebrity to be problematic in terms of the site just recently shutting down all the Royals forums. It has always felt to me like the insertion of a name, simply for the sake or shock value of doing so.  Nothing in the way this actress physically looks, has been written in the past, or now, even merits the comparison, even by a long stretch of my imagination. I think the actress playing Audra is one of the best new cast members. She is not ham-handed, she doesn't chew the scenery. Her hair, makeup and wardrobe luckily seemed to have escaped the fate of being made to look as garish or clownlike, as some of the her female co-stars. 

I agree with her wardrobe & acting although she started out pretty lackluster, acting wise. I think it's likely because every other story is so deviod of spark ZS would have to be trying to be terrible not to shine right now. The character Adura herself is still swinging & missing for me though. (I might be alone at this table)

Something about her character just will not settle or resonate with me. Other soap bad girls actually did bad things, moved the plot along. But it's like the show won't commit to that because TPTB are afraid people will hate her the way some viewers hate Phyllis, Nikki, Victoria, Chelsea & Summer, etc. So now I guess they're making Audra be the "heroine" to Ashley's crazy. Waste of talent on both ends imo. 

Audra is obviously selfish and opportunistic but that's not exactly special or rare in GC. She's not bad enough to hate nor good enough to care about/root for. Except in the most obvious of matchups where it was almost too easy to take her side re: Audra vs Nikki/Summer, Audra vs Nate, or Ashley vs Adura. <--But this is where I get off. Because sans Tucker, if it comes down to Audra or Ashley specifically, I'm pulling for Ashley crazy or not. I've been a fan of ED/Ashley ever since I started watching Y&R lol. With that said though, Ashley needs like at least  10 or more therapists to come out of whatever spell she's put on herself. 

I hope I'm not actually supposed to believe that Audra has been playing dirty longer than Ashley? Whose a whole grandmother. Either Audra is dating herself or Tucker has her unbelievably gassed up. I'll say this much, as laughable as some of it is, this the only intresting looking thing happening this week. Everything else is too stupid or boring to even mention. 

Edited by Skarzero
Auto correct is testing me today lmao 😭
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10 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

I agree with her wardrobe & acting although she started out pretty lackluster, acting wise. I think it's likely because every other story is so deviod of spark ZS would have to be trying to be terrible not to shine right now. The character Adura herself is still swinging & missing for me though. (I might be alone at this table)

Wasn't she Noah's girlfriend and some kind of artist when she arrived in town?  As she's shown now I don't see their pairing as they are totally different.

eta: MS looks alarmingly thin, almost gaunt.  I hope she's OK.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Out in soap opera forum world elsewhere, I saw a Colleen Zenk interview where she talks about the Jordan disguise she's wearing with the wig and glasses. CZ said the wig is from back when she played late actress Tallulah Bankhead on Broadway. Do Y&R actors have to supply their own costumes now? This show is so cheap! Anyhoo, here's how the Jordan wig (plus extensions) looked in 2013:



Oh, and memo to Billy; Tucker is the KING of turtlenecks, so please refrain from wearing yours anymore.

Yeah, there's another thing making me nervous about TSJ's future as Tucker. If Billy takes ownership of the turtlenecks what's Tucker going to have to distinguish his look?


Didn't have to, ya know, pay TAXES on the one million which would have, probably been closer to 500,00 after Uncle Sam got his bite? So I don't believe she grew Jill's money to ten million.

I have no problem believing Mamie grew the money to $10 million. I just wonder how she got it back into the US legally since she seemingly had it invested in offshore tax havens courtesy of Tucker. The original $1M Jill gave Mamie was probably iffy too.



According to Wikipedia, in the Maltese language Adura means to adore or to worship. Cool. 😉

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3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Ashley needs like at least  10 or more therapists to come out of whatever spell she's put on herself. 

Or, just one sit down session at the Crimson Lights Coffee and Primal Scream Healing Center, with head shrinker PAAR EXCELLANZ Sharon "Dead Eyes" Newman.  

Over a cup of Chai and a bowl of chips, Sharon could analyze, therapize, socialize and anesthetize Ashley, or at least attempt to do so, until Ashley picks up one of those ridiculously oversized mugs and brains Sharon with it.

50/50 chance Ashley will either get a parade down Main Street or an enforced vacation at Happy Dale after doing that, but at least we viewers would know that Ashley got the best psychiatric care Genoa City has available.

I'm just waiting till Esther gets her medical degree in heart transplants.  

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On 2/19/2024 at 6:30 PM, Js Nana said:

Living in a building with thin walls, I always have the CC on

Don't want the neighbors to know that you watch this hot mess?

On 2/21/2024 at 10:25 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Maybe someone in TPTB is doing the actor a favor by giving him this random role. The character of Seth was pulled out of thin air and I think he will likely disappear the same way.

I hope so. I won't even watch one episode again until he is gone.

So I asked my friend, Google about prunella.

"Prunella is taken internally as a herbal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. It is showing promise in research for herpes, cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and many other maladies."


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Only caught a few minutes of today so I’ll watch it again when I get home. 

now Ashley wants Devon to make nice with Tucker? Five minutes ago he was cruel and evil and violent. Now he’s the salt of the earth and worthy of Devon’s forgiveness. Well okay then.

billy telling Jack and Traci to lay off and let Ashley live her own life. Have to agree with him,  no matter how batshit crazy she is, she’s an adult and is entitled to screw up. If she does something to put herself others in harms way, that’s another story. But short of having her committed, what more can they do? Follow her around all day? Put an air tag on her so they can track her movements?

tomorrow should be quasi interesting with Audra and Ashley throwing down. 

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3 hours ago, MsMalin said:


See?  That's why I want her to become a heart transplant surgeon.  She could design an operating theater outfit just like a french maid, but this time with a frilly mask and then she could say stupid shit like a zombie Betty Boop but we wouldn't be able to make out the words through the mask - if they even were really words.

Best of all, Show would be honoring this legacy character exactly as she deserves.  Also, she'd be exactly the mother, and mother-in-law, that Chloe and Kevin so richly deserve.

Edited by boes
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Esther has become the great mediator but she really has no business butting into Devon and Nostrils disagreement.  By passing her hands over their heads, it will make everything better and they will now get along. 

Is there a new dynamic at CW?  The music festival should be under Devon’s preview but he needs to have Nostrils’ approval?   

Audra just can’t take the win. She gets a trip to Paris and then gets laid but she just has to confront Ashley. 


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You know what I don't understand, Esther? Why you're not at the coffeehouse making cafe mochas instead of giving unasked for advice about things you know virtually nothing about.

Ehh, Audra, it's not a good look for you to keep grilling Tucker about Ashley. Either he's lying to you or he's not; either you trust him or you don't. Ashley is not your issue, she's Tucker's.

Traci and Jacking agonizing over Ashley like she's high school girl with a crush on the resident bad boy. Do you two hear yourselves? Maybe you need to stop humoring Ashley and get her some professional help.

Whoa, Esther hit the guilt trip trifecta when she was admonishing Billy and Devon. She managed to bring up not only Kay and Neil but also John Abbott.

Look at Chance and Nate, stylin' and profiling in their GQ suits. 🥳

I wish we had gotten to see Chance's whole presentation on his musical festival proposal. Billy was a Grade A jerk about it so it must have been impressive.

Okay, Tucker finally came clean with Audra about finding Ashley in his suite. I'm not sure he should've done that though. It seemed to stoke Audra's jealousy.

Did someone summon Billy to the Abbott manse to perform his wise old sage routine? Shut yer trap, William.

WTF is Ashley up to? She must be counting on people not to compare notes on what she's said to them from one week to the next.

Surprised to hear Tucker booking flights to Paris. I figured he had a private jet at the ready. 🤔

Man, Audra's lady bits are putting in that work with Tucker. She's wearing him out, lol.

Poor Chance. He's finding out that C-W office politics are the worst, especially when aging nepo baby Billy's involved. At least Chance has Summer and Nate to give him the background dirt.

Oh boy, here comes the Audra and Ashley showdown. I gotta give Audra points for having the guts to go into enemy territory.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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48 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Esther has become the great mediator but she really has no business butting into Devon and Nostrils disagreement.  By passing her hands over their heads, it will make everything better and they will now get along. 

Is there a new dynamic at CW?  The music festival should be under Devon’s preview but he needs to have Nostrils’ approval?   

Audra just can’t take the win. She gets a trip to Paris and then gets laid but she just has to confront Ashley. 


Good question!  The corporate structure at CW becomes less and less clear as time passes.  The one thing that does seem clear is that the Abbott side of the equation (both Jill and Billy) are taking on more and more power.  Something which goes against what I remember of the original intent of the merger. 

Mamie makes a lot of noise, but maybe she should be - being as her intent is to protect the Winters family legacy. 

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16 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ehh, Audra, it's not a good look for you to keep grilling Tucker about Ashley. Either he's lying to you or he's not; either you trust him or you don't. Ashley is not your issue, she's Tucker's.

I dunno. Ashley would happily tell her that she was in Tucker’s room and make it sound like he invited her and/or that something happened Between them. So probably better that he fessed up about it first.

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12 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

wish we had gotten to see Chance's whole presentation on his musical festival proposal. Billy was a Grade A jerk about it so it must have been impressive.

Why do I have the feeling Danny will be the "star" in this event.  And we'll have to suffer for it.

Ashley's green top was gorgeous.  I know there is a site that gives a rundown of soaps wardrobes, can anyone give me a link, pls.

Ashley is coco for cocoa puffs. She thinks she's in control, but she comes across as batshit crazy.  I hope Tucker really is done with her; but he's so inscrutable it's difficult to tell.

Once again, please no Danny revival.  Chance you are just another boring corporate nimrod and I have lost l interest in you. Hearing you spout all the corporate buzzwords makes you sound as dumb as your "mentor". Listening to you is like hearing a buzzing fly you can't shoo away.

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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

You know what I don't understand, Esther? Why you're not at the coffeehouse making cafe mochas instead of giving unasked for advice about things you know virtually nothing about.

Ehh, Audra, it's not a good look for you to keep grilling Tucker about Ashley. Either he's lying to you or he's not; either you trust him or you don't. Ashley is not your issue, she's Tucker's.

Traci and Jacking agonizing over Ashley like she's high school girl with a crush on the resident bad boy. Do you two hear yourselves? Maybe you need to stop humoring Ashley and get her some professional help.

Whoa, Esther hit the guilt trip trifecta when she was admonishing Billy and Devon. She managed to bring up not only Kay and Neil but also John Abbott.

Look at Chance and Nate, stylin' and profiling in their GQ suits. 🥳

I wish we had gotten to see Chance's whole presentation on his musical festival proposal. Billy was a Grade A jerk about it so it must have been impressive.

Okay, Tucker finally came clean with Audra about finding Ashley in his suite. I'm not sure he should've done that though. It seemed to stoke Audra's jealousy.

Did someone summon Billy to the Abbott manse to perform his wise old sage routine? Shut yer trap, William.

WTF is Ashley up to? She must be counting on people not to compare notes on what she's said to them from one week to the next.

Surprised to hear Tucker booking flights to Paris. I figured he had a private jet at the ready. 🤔

Man, Audra's lady bits are putting in that work with Tucker. She's wearing him out, lol.

Poor Chance. He finding out that C-W office politics are the worst, especially when aging nepo baby Billy's involved. At least Chance has Summer and Nate to give him the background dirt.

Oh boy, here comes the Audra and Ashley showdown. I gotta give Audra points for having the guts to go into enemy territory.

I hope Audra runs into "just another notch on her belt" Kyle while she's there, lol! I am weary of how everyone in GC feels a need to run their opinions or interference on Audra's love interests. It's like she only exists now that none of them are trashing Diane or Sally anymore. What a pack of pompous  gasbags they all are. Sharon and the Abbotts all favored Allie (remember her?) for Noah over Audra. Next, no one thought she was right for Kyle. Now, they are all into it up to their armpits about her relationship with Tucker vs. Ashley. They all need to either at most get a life, or at least find real jobs to keep themselves otherwise occupied, IMO.


Edited by Julyolo
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I'm thoroughly confused by Ashley.  What was the significance of the fender bender and flashback to her accident?   It feels like there's something else going on here.  I can say this with certainty, though...having once been a waiter in my misspent youth, there's no way I would remember a couple's spat from months beforehand in vivid detail unless it happened the way Ashley described.

Wasn't Devon dead-set against a music festival when Nate suggested it last year?  And will Billy be demoted when Lily returns?  He's getting a little too comfortable in that chair.

This show has been going in endless circles for ages now.  Isn't February one of those big ratings months when all the good stuff is supposed to happen?  For all its faults, B&B seems to understand that and delivers when it counts.

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3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

  And will Billy be demoted when Lily returns?  He's getting a little too comfortable in that chair.

Oh God, Snaporaz, you're so right.  And ButtBiscuit getting comfortable in that chair can only mean.....nope, I can't say it.  But like all things either ButtBiscuit or Nick grace and graze with their posteriors, it must be destroyed, utterly, preferably by fire, before anyone else EVER sits down in it.  

With ButtBiscuit and with Nick, "It ain't me, Babe", is not just a song about a relationship.  That old phrase, "who cut the cheese" bears even more significance in a highly touted dairy state such as Wisconsin.  Besides, hasn't Lily suffered enough?

If Esther wants to stick her nose into other people's business, that's the place to stick it.

Why did Joshie G. decide to give us the full ButtBiscuit today, anyway?  Gliding his concave self into the office on his roller ball shoes, dressed in in his best junior undertaker bib and tucker (take THAT, McCall!), managing to smirk and condescend to both Devon AND Chance (two-fers don't come his way that often) and then slouch into the Abbott Manse and toot his own horn at Jack and Traci (probably enhanced by the bouquet of his drive-thru breakfast pepperoni and head cheese croissant) made this a red letter day for Jill's bounced-on-his-head baby boy!

Yessiree bob, that ButtBiscuit is a credit to whatever company he's gracing this week.  How much you wanna bet the Show is gearing up to show us him having a nooner with Chelsea tomorrow as he regales her with all the people he's made cry before lunch.  

I swear, these days this show is like watching Shakespeare on Ice!


That's what I meant.


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Why do I have the feeling Danny will be the "star" in this event.

NOOOO!! Nowhere except on Y&R is he considered a major pull. Danny headlining the GC music festival will be worse than Woodstock '99.


The corporate structure at CW becomes less and less clear as time passes.  The one thing that does seem clear is that the Abbott side of the equation (both Jill and Billy) are taking on more and more power.

That's the thing though, I don't consider Jill an Abbott and I don't think the Abbotts do either. Is she even back to using Abbott as her last name again? The show seems to be looking for something to do with Billy and this renaming C-W thing is a random and unnecessary stretch to me.


I'm thoroughly confused by Ashley.  What was the significance of the fender bender and flashback to her accident?   It feels like there's something else going on here.

Yesterday I saw some speculation elsewhere that Ashley has developed Dissociative Identity Disorder. I sure hope not. DID became a big soap opera trope for a while and I think it got run into the ground as a plot device. Plus, DID is usually the result of severe sexual abuse during childhood and we know that is not in Ashley's history. Don't even try it, JG.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I hate when the hair stylist decides it is every actress gets the same hairstyle day. And the stylist does not know how to do updo styles or buns. 

Conner needs to be in the scenes for me to care about the story. If they are recasting go on and do it. 

Sharon Case deserves a story. I would love to see her and Lily team up in business. I hope they play it as Oh, okay! Next! when she comes back to find out Daniel and Heather are a family again. Bring on a new flame for her. 

Two eps to catch up on.


14 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I'm thoroughly confused by Ashley.

It confuses me when she gives her worried family that look [the smug glossy lipped smile, batting of eyelashes and bobblehead shake of her head] of "Ha, Ha, I got you to worry about me and I'm not going to do anything you say and I'm going to do some more stupid sh!t so you'll be chasing after me like Benny Hill and whee, I'm woman, hear me roar!"  Wonder what she would would do if everyone just said "fuck it, do what you want."  I'm not buying she has real mental issues, I just think she's a spoiled rotten brat.


17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Look at Chance and Nate, stylin' and profiling in their GQ suits.

Chance hasn't quite mastered the buttoning of the jacket when standing up.


16 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Why do I have the feeling Danny will be the "star" in this event

Whenever I have that feeling I check the expiration date on whatever I just ate.  Maybe Danny will include Lauren and Traci to sing with him and Cricket, too.  Phylth would have a fit.  And I still say this is going to be Devon enlisting Tucker to run the stupid thing.

Edited by MollyB
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On 2/25/2024 at 10:42 PM, SweePea59 said:


Prunella Scales (dob 6/22/1932) English actress - best known for playing "Sybill Fawlty" in John Cleese's ("Basil Fawlty") TV series "Fawlty Towers."

Prunella: a girl's name of Latin origin - from "pruna“ ("little plum").

39 minutes ago, Peppermint said:

head cheese on a croissant

I can't imagine wanting this cultural delicacy on anything.

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