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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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All dolled up today Chelsea.  You weren’t hoping to run into Nostrils, you were actually looking to run into nostrils.  Second to being the world greatest designer, Chelsea is the world greatest podcast critic. Even though Nostril’s podcast due suck, who the hell is Chelsea to try to “design” Nostril’s podcast to what she wants to hear. When, if ever, has Nostrils been uplifting. He’s a brooding mess of darkness. 

Lauren you are such a wet blanket. You chastise Michael for working for Victor but your best friend Rodan, to be kind, is a piece of work. I’m sure Victor pays Michael more than you are earning as owner of Fenmores.  Since when does The Grand Albatross rent a room by the 1/2 hour 🙄.  

Is Banana Breath that STUPID?  No need to answer it. Of course he is. Banana Breath is undermining Victor’s decision to allow Olive to fail instead of succeed. Does Banana Breath even realize a Olive’s success is also Poppin Fresh’s success. In addition, by pouching NM for clients, it’s a loss to NE.  Not only is Banana Breath confoundedly stupid he’s also a major ass hole. He’s more worried about betraying Olive and what she thinks of him than suffering the wrath of Victor if he didn’t tell him. 

Last 1/2 hour preempted. More to come.  

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What a dull episode today's show was.  We had more rehashing by Ashland and Victoria, more of the same by Nick and Victor, though in single syllable words, and then we had Chelsea critiquing ButtBiscuit's thought boogers in grunts and grimaces.  Oops!  I almost forgot the completely gratuitous and unintentionally funny Lauren and Michael sexay times.

I do love, though, when it comes right down to it, that Phyllis's hotel knows exactly what it really is and rents rooms by the hour.  Though I suspect with Michael, he probably paid in 15 minute increments.

I know it's grotesque, but it seems Show is definitely heading in a ButtBiscuit/Chelsea re-do.  While ordinarily I'd find this appalling, this time I don't, especially considered that they've taken this couple right up the altar when Burgess Jenkins played Billy, but mostly because both character are totally appalling anyway.  Strange though, that Show had Chelsea be the voice of truth about ButtBiscuit's masturbatory podcasts.  Like recognizes like, I guess.

Michael's bugging me these days, not exactly sure why, but I do find his schtick pretty tiring.  He's acting like being Victor's imp is some sort of holy calling.

Nick might be going back to Newman?  Who is going to be the one to tell him that Newman Enterprises not only requires their employees to wear underwear, they also frown on "Pull My Finger" jokes in boardroom meetings?  His days will be numbered.

I wish Show would end the Ashland story by just having him drown in a vat of gravy and get it over with.  Watching Victoria try to act both smart and charming is hurting my teeth.

Edited by boes
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Y'all, please remember this as the moment I officially started to hate Nate:

When Elena told Nate that she wanted to cut back on her work in the clinic so she could support Nate more in his new adventure and they could spend more time together, his response was, " That's all I ever wanted." Then they went on to kiss and make googly-eyes at each other.

I wanted to throw up.

Where to start?

First of all, why can't Nate and Elena acknowledge that they are both following their dreams, and frankly, if Nate's hand hadn't gotten messed up, he would still be a doctor, and all that entails? They aren't the first couple with demanding careers- they can make it work. So Elena's going to give up her pursuits so she can stay up under Nate's armpit? And he's just so happy about that?

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33 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Y'all, please remember this as the moment I officially started to hate Nate:

When Elena told Nate that she wanted to cut back on her work in the clinic so she could support Nate more in his new adventure and they could spend more time together, his response was, " That's all I ever wanted." Then they went on to kiss and make googly-eyes at each other.

I wanted to throw up.

Where to start?

First of all, why can't Nate and Elena acknowledge that they are both following their dreams, and frankly, if Nate's hand hadn't gotten messed up, he would still be a doctor, and all that entails? They aren't the first couple with demanding careers- they can make it work. So Elena's going to give up her pursuits so she can stay up under Nate's armpit? And he's just so happy about that?

I don't like the idea of Elena giving up anything to please dumb-as-a-bag-of-rocks Nate.  But here's how I see today's YR scenario - because I'm moving beyond this mind-numbing story with its middle-school element with one-note Imani.  Looking at the big picture, Elena is making this move because the business world is the only place that counts in JG's world.  So, to be seen, Elena has to join it.  Same reason as Nate leaving medicine. 

Whatever motives we can assign or question, this is the "why" of it all! 

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Imani is something else the way she tries to screw with Elena's head over Nate. Elena has impressive restraint because I think Imani is practically begging to get kicked in the groin one of these days.

Jack comes home and finds Diane flitting around the Abbott manse like she owns the place. Oh boy. Mrs. Martinez was probably in the kitchen calling Diane all kinds of putas under her breath. Harrison will be trilingual in no time. 😏

Elena, you really need to stop stepping on Nate's toes wrt his job. I can't believe she's so clueless. Maybe they should chem-test her with Billy too because I see a breakup in her near future.

Chelsea designing for Marchetti under her own label is the joke of the year. Who would buy couture clothes with her name on them? It'd be like Ford selling an OJ Simpson model of the Bronco. "Chelsea Lawson for Marchetti. To wear when you're committing all the best felonies. Ciao bella!"

Please. Diane will be running the Marchetti PR department in no time. I mean, she took a couple of classes in public relations and speaks Italian so by GC standards she's way over-qualified. 🙄 She'll just cooly remind her co-workers how she's the CEO's mother and has his ear whenever she wants. They'll drop like flies.

So Elena is going to work at C-W too. And she's giving up some of her actual medical work to make time to produce a podcast. This is my surprised face. "You get a podcast! You get a podcast! You get a podcast!" 🅾️

Chelsea in shrieking mode = Marchetti going down the toilet. Kyle, Summer, Diane, and Jack should've been toasting with Scrubbing Bubbles instead of champagne. They need to be talking to Chloe instead of crazypants Chelsea because she's living in a different reality where she thinks she can do all the things.

Heh, Imani sees an opening to mess with Elena's contract situation and also move on Nate. Cue the killer shark music from Jaws. I almost want to feel sorry for Nate. Oh wait, NO I DON'T. 🤬

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Last half hour of yesterday:

The question is, Poppin Fresh, not if Olive can leave her family behind it’s if can Victor leave Olive behind. At this point, I would bet that Victor would accept Nostrils or even J.T over Poppin Fresh. To Victor, Nostrils and J.T. are just idiots, Poppin Fresh is a master manipulator.  

Once again Banana Breath is being a coward. When push comes to shove, he rolls up in the fetal position and hides in the corner. Make makes it worse is that Banana Breath fought to keep Poppin Fresh out of Olive’s life, but is now capitulating to Olive’s feelings.  

Did I hear that Nostrils has a sense of humor?  😂😂😂😂 that’s a knee slapped. 

Now who’s playing who in funding their own project Olive or Poppin Fresh?  Who’s going to take the money and run?  Olive might be but I’m not going to count Poppin Fresh out. Do the monkeys with a keyboard even realize there are not in GC anymore?  In GC you can buy 3 buildings for the price of one building in NYC.  

Today 6/29:

So the first thing we see is Rodan being over dramatic about dirty glasses and a half bottle of wine being left out in front of her “suite”. First of all, was that a message someone was sending to the hotel manager and second why would Rodan’s “suite” be on a secured floor?  

Harrison will soon m be a big as a balloon with all those cookies they are feeding him. You would thing if he was hungry, he would get a sandwich. 

I had to laugh when Imani told Elena that she knows more about Natey Nate Nate’s comings and goings than she does. I’m sure Elena knows a hell a lot more about Natey Nate Nate’s “comings” than Imani could only fantasize about 😜 (yes, I did go there). 

I thought Devon was being a prick, to Abby, about Bowie but he’s being a bigger prick to Natey Nate Nate.  Now Natey Nate Nate is passing down being a prick to Elena. I guess shit rolls downhill. Natey Nate Nate is the one whose time is disrupting his and Elena’s relationship. So in the new Chancellor/Winters charter, contracts are made to be broken. 

Summer, I thought you got smarter but you are still as dumb as a rock (not to insult rocks) but to feature Chelsea Lawton for Marchetti?  Once again I say who in the world of fashion knows who Chelsea Lawson is. The cherry on top of Summer’s stupidity is that she has seen Chelsea’s designs and she loves them. Where and when?  Chelsea hasn’t even made on dress for Lauren and is behind schedule at that. It just bothers the crap out of me when they elevate a character to stardom, when it’s not at all deserves. Chelsea is in the top five in that genre. 

Didn’t I hear Rodan it’s about Amanda right now and not about her?  In the blink of an eye, once again it’s all about Rodan wishing she had a man to stand next to her as Devon does.  Than the next thing on Rodan’s mind is ranting again about Diane. What a tool.  Amanda, your such a good friend to Rodan by not seeing the truth in Jack’s critique of Rodan even though it was spot on. 

Deep down inside Chloe realizes that Chelsea can’t handle designing for two lines. I don’t remember Summer offering Chloe a position at Marchetti because basically Chloe is the marketing director for Chelsea 2.0. Chloe probably also knows that she is now going to be an after thought for Chelsea Lawson for Marchetti when Chelsea neglects Chelsea 2.0 in favor of Marchetti because no way Chelsea can handle both jobs.  By the way, how can designs for Chelsea 2.0 and Marchetti be determined since both would be marketed as high end designer dresses?  So it looks like Chelsea is going to better deal Chloe and stab her in the back.  Chloe has a right to be mad at Chelsea because Chelsea has become an unhinged bitch. 

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I wish they would fast forward to who  Chelsea is going to sleep with and not pretend we buy her as a hot designer. Her and Chloe’s scenes are boring and dumb. 
Speaking of fashion would it kill the wardrobe department to put Phyllis in a blouse and slacks instead of these stupid boob baring dresses? She looks dumb running around the not so grand Phoenix. 

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I hope none of you took a drink every time someone said the word "podcast".  "Podcast" seems to be the new "influencer".   Can this writer hold more than one thought in his mind at any given time?

I'm pretty sure Italian luxury brands cease to be Italian luxury brands when they're designed and produced in Wisconsin.  Chelsea, one of the thousands of reasons I can't stand you is that you just made me take Chloe's side.  How will you find the time to design two lines while you're trying to decide whether to imprint on Billy or Nick?  You aren't that good at multitasking.

How did I never notice that The Ghislaine Potbelly has a pool table in the lobby?  I really do need to get myself to the opthmalotologist eye doctor.

Edited by Snaporaz
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Nikki and Banana Breath really don’t care about Olive no matter what they say. They are both willing to have Olive in a relationship with Poppin Fresh, who they hate rightfully so, that run the risk of pushing her further away.  Banana Breath is ready to “bless” Olive’s and Poppin Fresh’s relationship over his own relationship with his sister. 

Oh wow, a failed Media Company, in Tribeca, just happens to be selling their building. Will wonders never s ceases. Tribeca is a very trendy neighborhood of NYC. Even a building at below marker value would still be very expensive. 

Not only Chelsea is going to fuck over Lauren once again but she’s ready to fuck over her BFF.  I’m pretty sure that Angelina was only the lead designer at Marchetti and there were other designers, so why wasn’t anyone of them not offered the lead designer job?  Wouldn’t won of them be more in tune with the world fashion industry?  

Can someone please tell me how Olive’s lawyer opened up a corporate bank account before Olive and Poppin Fresh even decided on a corporate name and registered the corporation as a business entity?  You just can’t open an corporate account without a corporate identity like you can’t open a personal account without personal information.  So Olive beats Poppin Fresh to the punch in stealing the corporate funds. Now let’s hear how Olive tap dances around Poppin Fresh coming back before Olive makes a beeline for the airport. I have a question. Wouldn’t Olive be guilty of embezzlement by transferring corporate funds to her own account?  Didn’t Tara get charged with embezzlement for doing the same thing by transferring money from her own company to a personal account?   

Sally has really toned down how she dresses. I hope this trend continues. Speaking of how someone dresses, Sharon looks very good today. Sharon has a very youthful look at least until she tries to smile. 

Sally’s conversation with Chloe and Adam’s conversation with Chelsea had were both very insightful and both Chloe and Chelsea were hit with the truth right between there eyes.  The only thing missing was a balloon over Chloe’s head, cartoon style, with the word sucker on it. 

With all the brain cells Nikki lost from drinking, can she remember where she came from. Nikki has turned into the ultimate snobby snob snob with a resting bitchy bitch bitch face.  

There is no way that Adam can do to impress Victor over his beloved Olive. Adam could be walking on water next to Olive swimming and Victor would ask Adam if he forgot how to swim. 

As far as I’m concerned Sally is more versed in business than either Summer or Lily.  Just today Sally gives Adam very sound advice in what he should do to raise the bar as a CEO. Lily, hires Amanda who’s not a corporate lawyer and gives Nostrils the leeway to do podcasts that can actually cure insomnia. Summer hires Chelsea as lead designer based on designs she only could see in sketches. Plus Chelsea is a virtual unknown. Even Sally’s idea of hiring Chloe, as COO, has merit to it. Did I just say that out loud?

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Oh wow, I loved Nikki's scarlet suit today. She rocks the primary colors and jewel tones. Seemed kind of heavy for a humid WI summer though.

Chloe making nice with Sally. Okay. Sally dressed in a "nornal" slim sheath--perfect for corporate wear--with a neat little handbag too. Okay. Is this April Fools Day? 🥳

Was Chelsea deliberately being cagey with Sally in order to help Sally somehow discover Chelsea's Marchetti deal? The temptation to swoop in and shoehorn Chelz out of the way might be too much for Sally to resist.

Whoops! Chelsea spilled the Marchetti beans to Adam. I thought his response was oddly muted though. 🤔

Sharon was looking rather refreshed. Guess the mourning period is definitely over.

Ehh, it still feels to me like Ashland is up to something. Maybe he already owns the building in Tribeca he mentioned so he's planning to pocket Vikki's half of purchase.

That pep talk Sally gave Chloe was amazing. What a study in grace. IMO Sally's come a long ways maturity-wise from when she first arrived in GC.

It sounds like Victor might be in on Victoria's play with Ashland. Meh. 😒

Are Victoria and Ashland still married? I can't believe he trusted anyone besides a "loving" spouse enough to hand over that much $$$ absent specified legal safeguards.

Yep, Nick, your daddy and your big sister have you pegged: useful idiot.

Wait, what? Victoria xferred the entire $500M to her personal account. Oy, that account better be hidden in a Swiss bank. Also, wouldn't Ashland get notification of the transfer as one of the account owners? Crappy bank is crappy.

Adam & Sally: the romance we deserved but didn't know we needed right now. 💗🦇

Heh, not quick enough, Vikki. What will Ashland do when he sees her packed luggage? DUN DUN DUUUUN!

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I know I should be rooting for Victoria in all of this. And her takedown of Ashland was great. But she’s so damn spoiled and entitled that I just want her to fail. If she’s coming back to GC to reclaim her CEO spot without even a by your leave, she can suck eggs. Of course she’ll get it because she’s the chosen one and Adam is the red headed step child. But he’s poured his soul into NE and trying to prove himself to his father for years, only to repeatedly be spurned in favor of his half sister. As Waldo said, Adam could walk on water (single footed with one hand tied behind his back) and Victor still wouldn’t be impressed. Maybe he and Sally should just start their own business and be done with it. Because he’s never going to win as long as Victoria is alive. Or after, since Nick has decided he wants to be part of the family company for the sole purpose of preventing Adam fro succeeding.

id love to see Chloe wake up and smell the coffee. Let her leave and make sure Lauren, Summer and Kyle know Chelsea can’t deliver. Lauren was so impressed with Chelsea’s sketches but did she bother to check with Chloe to see how production is doing? And why is no one questioning WHY Chelsea is still so shaken by Rey’s death? He wasn’t her husband. He wasn’t her boyfriend. I get being jpset about a friend’s death but her grief got more airplay than Sharon’s, and Sharon was the widow!

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19 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

id love to see Chloe wake up and smell the coffee. Let her leave and make sure Lauren, Summer and Kyle know Chelsea can’t deliver. Lauren was so impressed with Chelsea’s sketches but did she bother to check with Chloe to see how production is doing? And why is no one questioning WHY Chelsea is still so shaken by Rey’s death? He wasn’t her husband. He wasn’t her boyfriend. I get being jpset about a friend’s death but her grief got more airplay than Sharon’s, and Sharon was the widow!

THIS. I find it so fucking annoying that nobody asks this question every damn time Chelsey brings it up. Aint your hubby girlfriend. Was it Chloe who said it was because Rey forgave her and that gave her hope that others would too? That's bullshit, she was hot for Rey and was trying to make moves, we all saw it.

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They sure didn't do AH any favors going back and forth between her lacklucster shakedown of the emotionless Pillsbury Asshat and EH delivering a wallop of truth and frustration to the insane Gaspy McTalksTooFast. EH made her scenes so good in spite of her co-star.

Victor had a funny line today, but I don't remember it anymore.

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IMO Victoria was dumb not to have anticipated the possibility of Ashland returning sooner than expected. She should have left after he did. The $500M money transfer could've been done from anywhere, and she could've booked another hotel room near the airport.

Sally wasn't fazed at all about the Marchetti deal. I don't get it. It also doesn't seem like she's fully aware of what's gone down between Chloe and Adam. Hmm.

First world problems: when your sister who's no longer an employee snatches the corporate jet so you can't use it for a non-business trip. Doncha hate when that happens? 😉

Victor's dismissive act toward Billy has become beyond tiresome to me. Meanwhile, a  few days ago Nikki was begging Billy to help find Victoria. Now he's persona non grata to her, or was she following hubby's rude lead?

Victoria claimed it was her plan to wait for Ashland to return so she could have her gloating moment. Riiiight. Sorry, Vikki, but you Newmans aren't as great at pulling revenge schemes as you all like to believe. It never seems occur to you that you can be on the receiving end of dishes best served cold.

Adam let Sally talk him down over Victoria's impending return to GC and the NE throne but they both were fairly wrong with their assumptions. I continue to think they need to stop spending so much time trying to figure out Victoria and Victor's possible moves and concentrate on what they currently have control over.

Okay, MWTs, Ashland did not hand over his entire fortune to Victoria. It was simply the remaining $250M he got from Victor. Not sure why today's dialogue was written to make it seem like he's broke now. He was still a billionaire when he merged his company with NE, with his own jet and houses all over world. 🤔

Chelsea, were you just grabbing words out of the sky? "Patronizing" and "controlling" don't work quite the way you were tossing them at Chloe. You might as well have pulled "gaslighting" out of your nucking futz hat too.

But Adam, you and Connor don't have to fly commercial to Pittsburgh. You could probably lease a private jet out of Chicago. Duh. 🤑

I think there were so many ways Vikki's in-your-face time with Ashland could've turned dangerous. What if he'd gone berserk and beat her? Or pushed her off the balcony? Or shot her? Ehhh. Plot armor. 😐

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Why doesn’t Banana Breath stuff a few more bananas in his mouth so he won’t be able to talk. He’s more of a Debbie Downer or should I say the turd in the punch bowel than Nostrils. Life is so fucking tough for those two. 

That’s rich coming from Nostrils about Victor controlling Olive’s life since she was in diapers when he hasn’t fully cut the umbilical from his mother. Nostrils thinks that Jill is not controlling him but his last two positions say otherwise.  Even Nostrils’ podcasts wouldn’t of happened without Jill. 

Olive Olive Olive, giving Poppin Fresh the 🥾, was very obvious but very well done.

I have to say, it’s been a long time since I’ve really enjoyed Olive’s acting. Maybe it’s becoming she was putting Poppin Fresh in his place. 

Chelsea you protected Chloe?  You never would have needed to protect Chloe if you didn’t poison Rey.  I have to ask about the sketches we saw briefly of one of Chelsea designs.  Was that sketch  borrowed from The Bold and The Beautiful.  It looks like one of Thomas Forester’s designs.  

If if if, today is full of ifs and speculation. As I always say, if the Queen had balls, she would be King.  

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19 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Okay, MWTs, Ashland did not hand over his entire fortune to Victoria. It was simply the remaining $250M he got from Victor. Not sure why today's dialogue was written to make it seem like he's broke now. He was still a billionaire when he merged his company with NE, with his own jet and houses all over world.

That was my thought as well.  The $250 K was Victor's going away gift.  Ashland is still really rich.  Since it looks like Adam is going to be booted from his CEO position again, wonder if, perhaps, he and Ashland will join forces to bring the Newmans down.  That might be interesting, or it would be if the writers were more skilled.

Since it looks like Chelsea is going to take the Marcetti job, will Chloe somehow convince Lauren to let Sally finish the collection Chelsea has ditched?  Since it looks like Adam is going to be going back to Newman Media, Sally will be demoted back to COO and she won't be able to offer the job to Chloe.  Chloe is going to need a designer, and Sally has enough energy to design and fulfill her COO duties (only in a Soap world).  Would be a way to get Sally back into designing and set up a competition between Fenmore's and Marchetti.  Just a thought.

Which is worse?  Pretending to have cancer or pretending to be dead and let your family hold a funeral and mourn you.  I think faking death is worse, but that's my opinion.

Random thoughts.  You can't use your banking App to move $500 M around.  There are banking regulations that require a banker to investigate money traMnsfers over $10,000.  You would have to be working with your banker to move that much money.

Victoria looks good in that dark teal blue.  The outfit wasn't what I'd consider to be day wear, but I'll let it go because it looked so good on her.

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

And why is no one questioning WHY Chelsea is still so shaken by Rey’s death? He wasn’t her husband. He wasn’t her boyfriend. I get being jpset about a friend’s death but her grief got more airplay than Sharon’s, and Sharon was the widow!

I was thinking the same thing this week.  Chelsea is mourning Ray more that Sharon.  Me thinks Chelsea and Ray had an affair when he was "guarding" her when she was in Mpls last summer to take care of her mother.

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2 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

Me thinks Chelsea and Ray had an affair when he was "guarding" her when she was in Mpls last summer to take care of her mother.

Well that would certainly be a retcon, since Rey Rey never gave a whiff of indiscretion ever. But the MWTs get desperate at times and could throw that on the wall to see if it sticks...

I was shocked today that Mop divulged her plan to Assland and then sashayed her ass right out of that hotel suite. Because I'd have thought Assland would at least try to stop her with force. That he did not says a lot. I don't think we're done with this shite yet because there's been no announcement that the part of Assland will no longer be played by anyone. And TIIC seem highly invested in this actor so I think he'll maybe go back to GC to profess his love of VicBorIa, and will eventually win her over.  And then he will screw her over and we will be subjected to another Villy redux where they break up and get back together over and over and over. Who does that remind me of? Oh yeah: PeePaw & Drinkki, Shick, Shadam, Phick 'n Phack...this show really is invested in highly dysfunctional, emotionally destructive relationships. It's sick, really.

ETA: It says a LOT when Sadam/AssAlly are the healthiest relationship in town!

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Lol.  Victoria says "she will never leave her family".  Imagine that family being the Newmans, and then being proud to say that.  

Yet another round of seeing the 40+ year old Newman kids + Nikki eagerly wait to be ordered around by a thin skinned octogenarian.  This supposedly vaunted family is literally two generations old and the result of a certain Christian Miller wanting to have a hot/tough sounding last name 🤡  Never really cared enough before, but Team Adam/Sally all the way at this point.   They were so noxious I was on Billy's side today, too.  

Wow, I did a double take from Chloe as a character and EH's acting today.  Chelz's insanity is doing her an unwitting favor here, and I want her and Sally to be buds.    

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I will say I was surprised by Victoria’s take down of Ashland. I thought yesterday was just a red herring with the hotel card key but she really was ready to bolt and leave him high and dry. That said, I thought she had put the money in the joint account. I guess I was reading the iPad incorrectly. I do think Victoria is too entitled but it’s not like they could have kept her in NYC indefinitely. I’m curious how this plays out for Ashland. I guess he follows her but who is going to give him the time of day? Diane? Unless, Robert Newman’s contract is up and he’s leaving. They had a hard time agreeing to the one year deal and I know he didn’t want to move to California full time anyway. All in all, I thought it was nicely played out but in the end she is still running home unless she’s playing the family, too?!?!

Edited by ByaNose
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On 6/30/2022 at 6:07 PM, Waldo13 said:

Sally has really toned down how she dresses. I hope this trend continues. Speaking of how someone dresses, Sharon looks very good today. Sharon has a very youthful look at least until she tries to smile. 

Yeah, why can't the women on this show wear normal clothing like the men do, instead of the flashy peek -a-boo 💩?

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11 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

I was thinking the same thing this week.  Chelsea is mourning Ray more that Sharon.  Me thinks Chelsea and Ray had an affair when he was "guarding" her when she was in Mpls last summer to take care of her mother.

Someone remind me- was Jordi Vilasuso's departure sudden or unexpected in some way? Because the storyline was absolutely headed towards a Rey/Chelsea affair, or at least a heavily emotional entanglement that would threaten his marriage to Sharon and set up a weird rivalry with Adam over Christian. Heck, Show already had Rey moving in a "stepfatherly" direction with the kid. Lots of storyline coming down the pike there, and then, POOF! Rey was dead and all those storline setups went down the drain. 

9 hours ago, gingerella said:

Well that would certainly be a retcon, since Rey Rey never gave a whiff of indiscretion ever. But the MWTs get desperate at times and could throw that on the wall to see if it sticks...

It certainly wouldn't be the first time, lol! Isn't this exactly how it played out with Abby, Summer, and Austin? If I recall, we didn't even find out about Abby and Austin's affair until after he was murdered.

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6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Unless, Robert Newman’s contract is up and he’s leaving.

One can only hope.

59 minutes ago, TVForever said:

It certainly wouldn't be the first time, lol! Isn't this exactly how it played out with Abby, Summer, and Austin? If I recall, we didn't even find out about Abby and Austin's affair until after he was murdered.

Don't scare me into thinking that Gaspy McTalksTooFast is preggers with St. ReyRey's spawn. That child would have a jaw a mile wide.

Side note, Austin was such a dud, a real nothing character. No personality. When he went to B&B I was like, oh great, this dud. But that wasn't the case at all. Given the crazy-ass stories he's been given he has delivered ten-fold! I really enjoy all the Thomas stuff and look forward to seeing his character no matter what they have him up to. Which speaks volumes about the writing for this show.

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13 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

Side note, Austin was such a dud, a real nothing character. No personality. When he went to B&B I was like, oh great, this dud. But that wasn't the case at all. Given the crazy-ass stories he's been given he has delivered ten-fold! I really enjoy all the Thomas stuff and look forward to seeing his character no matter what they have him up to. Which speaks volumes about the writing for this show.

And he's somehow better-looking now, too 😄

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Someone remind me- was Jordi Vilasuso's departure sudden or unexpected in some way? Because the storyline was absolutely headed towards a Rey/Chelsea affair, or at least a heavily emotional entanglement that would threaten his marriage to Sharon and set up a weird rivalry with Adam over Christian. Heck, Show already had Rey moving in a "stepfatherly" direction with the kid. Lots of storyline coming down the pike there, and then, POOF! Rey was dead and all those storline setups went down the drain.  

Yeah, there was definitely something odd about the way JV departed. The only scuttlebutt I've seen is that TPTB wanted him to go on recurring for part of the year and he didn't agree. Allegedly they needed to free up money to pay RN. Then there were some fans were saying it wasn't a good look for the show to get rid of the last Latino/Hispanic character. So that's why we had weeks of the deification of Rey; it was an attempt to dampen down the accusations of discrimination.


One can only hope.   

Yes please. AFAIC Ashland has overstayed his welcome.

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I've got some thoughts on Ashland:

I loved RB in the role, he worked on his own and as a pretty good romantic partner with AH.

I think his sudden departure and replacement was jarring. Now, I'm a RN fan from way back (Hi, Josh Lewis!), but he just didn't seem to fit this role in the same way, and he doesn't really have the same chemistry with AH.

Now I think the show can use this to their advantage. Now that the last tie has been cut between Ashland and Victoria ( and in kind of an ugly way, too), I'm ready for Ashland to stay in town and go "full-nuclear" on the Newman family, Victoria included. Unleash the Locke-ness monster, as it were. After all, he was originally introduced as a ruthless businessman to be feared. Let's see that guy again. The show needs another one, because we've watched TGVN pull all sorts of unrequited wrong for 40 years(?), Jack has been turned into a simpering wimp, and the Chancellor-Winters are just silly puppies.

As for a romantic partner, I thought he had decent chemistry with Diane. Although she seems to be all-in on Jack for the moment,  a revitalized Ashland with Diane by his side would make Victor and Nikki's heads explode! Throw in the fact that Harrison is Ashland's putative son and Diane's bio-grandson, and Victor's "sort-of" great-grandson (with Summer being Harrison's stepmom), there's the potential for more story. And I can't believe I'm about to say this, but even pairing him with Phyllis could drive all kinds of story, as long as Show tones her back down a bit, because she's been turned into a raving harpy of late. And speaking of raving harpies, I could even see Chelsea pursuing him, although I couldn't quite see that match working out.

Bottom line, I like the idea of Ashland as a character, and hope that RN is given a chance to make the role his own, rather than being stuck with trying to continue what another actor started. As others have noted, Ashland's not broke, he's only lost the "go away" money that Victor gave him, not the proceeds of the sale of his company to the Newmans, or all the big bucks he had already. He's still got plenty of money and gumption to be a foil for TGVN. Let's get it on, Show!

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Robert Newman first aired on February 9th. Which has only been 5 months in the role. I believe he signed a one year contract to see how it went. Although, the show wanted him to sign a two or three year contract from the beginning. I’m assuming the show has plenty more storyline for Ashland & Robert Newman. I agree with an earlier post that I’m assuming Ashland will come back to Genoa City full throttle and not apologize for anything and be who he really is. In theory, he could hookup with Diane or at least make Diane have second thoughts about Jack for the short or long term. There’s always Phyllis but I think even she thought he was a creep from the beginning. I’m curious to see what the show plans For Ashland. Chelsea? He’s 64 and she’s 40. I guess that’s doable. LOL!!!!

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When Nikki suggested that Adam fly commercial in her classic snooty Nikki fashion, all I could think was that Victoria could have flown commercial, too.   The Pirates and the Brewers really are playing this afternoon (it's the bottom of the 7th as I'm writing this), and Victoria screwed poor Conor even more than she could have planned.  There was a give-away today, with the first 20,000 fans receiving a Pirates Hawaiian shirt.  Maybe it's better they didn't go...you just know Chelsea would have taken the shirt and cut it up and sewed it together with plaids and polka dots for one of her shmatta creations.


Edited by Snaporaz
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On 7/1/2022 at 7:08 PM, Stpauliegirl said:

Which is worse?  Pretending to have cancer or pretending to be dead and let your family hold a funeral and mourn you.  I think faking death is worse, but that's my opinion.

Random thoughts.  You can't use your banking App to move $500 M around.  There are banking regulations that require a banker to investigate money traMnsfers over $10,000.  You would have to be working with your banker to move that much money.

Faking cancer, in my opinion, is much worse. I’ve gone through cancer with my mother and my wife. You are in constant state of stress and worry about your loved one and even if there is a remission, there is constant dread the the cancer will come back.  Also with cancer, you watch a loved one suffer which is also very stressful.  My mother’s struggle lasted 3 years and my wife’s struggle lasted 5 years.  In death, your loved ones struggle ends. 

With the transfer of money, it’s all about how the account is set up. Apparently there was no restrictions on bank transfers the number of signatures required, nor where the money could be transferred.  Victor had no trouble on transferring $500 million to Poppin Fresh and Poppin Fresh had no trouble transferring money to the corporate account.  A bank only is required to report transactions of $10,000 or more to the IRS. It’s the IRS who investigates the transaction but it’s after the fact. It doesn’t stop the original transaction.  

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54 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Finally watching Fridays episode. Victor said to Billy “to prepare for your stupid podcast” 🤣 Every now and again I love Victor once more.

Thank you! I knew he said something true and hilarious. Probably because it was about ButtBiscuit that I promptly wiped it out of my memory bank. Or should I say, transferred it out of my memory bank.

Edited by SweePea59
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16 hours ago, deirdra said:

I think he must have mumbled it, since I didn't hear/remember it either.  

Just finished fast forwarding the episodes from Thursday & Friday. Billy was funny when he walked up on the Holy Trinity (Nikki, Victor, and Nick) and delivered the famous line of the Joker's in Batman, "Why so serious?" Does the color on my set need adjusting or are the show's stylists colorblind? Nikki wearing a pink blouse under a red jacket was color tone deaf IMO. The Mop and the Doughboy's dust up looked to me like the manager of Starbucks and his newest barista fighting about how her hair was interfering with her latte making. Their lines were fine, the delivery by actors was underwhelming. Nick rolling his eyes at Adam asserting himself again as a "family member" was a real moment of hypocrisy. Nick himself was recently bawling his eyes out to Phyllis at how his family considered him irrelevant at the Tuscany nuptials. IIRC Nick's neverending anxiety all about  his "place in my family"  drama was why Phyllis dumped him. So, Nick should at least have insight about Adam's anger. IMO this show is just sagging under the weight of so many of the long-term cast members bringing so little energy to their performances.

Edited by Julyolo
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Phyllis needs to tell the show stylist to wait for Halloween to dress her as "The Great Pumpkin". That shade of orange with her hair color was a huge NOPE. Auntie Jack and Allie are just as boring as any two supposedly well-intended bland people can be. Adding Noah is kind like that obligatory parsley restaurants used to put on our meals...or like watching paint dry. As for the pep talk Elena gave Tess, it could have been delivered by a nurse. She needs to go to that conference in Hawaii and get a life. The MWT have squandered her character IMO. All the pearl clutching between Kyle and Auntie Jack, interspersed with Phyllis rationalizing her alpha dog pissing higher than Diane on Jack's leg, is not very interesting to an adult  Seems like this whole episode was a "junior varsity" day, so back to the pasta salad, and a Happy 4th to you all!

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51 minutes ago, Julyolo said:

Phyllis needs to tell the show stylist to wait for Halloween to dress her as "The Great Pumpkin". That shade of orange with her hair color was a huge NOPE. Auntie Jack and Allie are just as boring as any two supposedly well-intended bland people can be. Adding Noah is kind like that obligatory parsley restaurants used to put on our meals...or like watching paint dry. As for the pep talk Elena gave Tess, it could have been delivered by a nurse. She needs to go to that conference in Hawaii and get a life. The MWT have squandered her character IMO. All the pearl clutching between Kyle and Auntie Jack, interspersed with Phyllis rationalizing her alpha dog pissing higher than Diane on Jack's leg, is not very interesting to an adult  Seems like this whole episode was a "junior varsity" day, so back to the pasta salad, and a Happy 4th to you all!

Jumping in on this one because a primary reason Elena was giving that pep talk was because that she had helped her uncle through exactly the same condiiton and had a perspective most medical people would not have had.   That made her reassurances more personal and more effective. 

As for getting a life,, I thought Elena totally aced her "audition" to be a spokesperson for medical issues - whether that position be with Chancellor-Winters or Newman Media.  Professional, articulate, empathetic.  Now to see if CW's junor lawyer can manage to get her mind out of bedroom and be professional enough to actually do her job and get those contract changes made. 

Edited by Aurora2
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Today was the first time I thought Allie and Noah were a little cute and had a semblance of chemistry with their almost kiss. I do like that the show is taking its time with their pairing and not having an unrealistic love affair from the moment they met. 

It makes me sad that there’s no mention of July 4, no more barbecues, no pool scenes, no family gatherings anymore. It’s a travesty that it’s summer and there won’t be one bathing suit seen in GC. CBS’ Some Like it Hot ads are a farce. 

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Rodan Rodan Rodan, the holiday weekend is definitely not about your spa but a celebration of the country with barbecues and fireworks. “Red” is into red and not the red, white, and blue. 

Why would Allie want to take the internship. It’s actually a step down from a chemical engineer to chemist. Allie has an advanced degree in chemical engineering which makes the step down even worse. Wouldn’t it be more advantageous to have Allie revamp the Jabot lab which is more in her wheelhouse. 

How did I know that someway somehow either Natey Nate Nate or Elena was going to be involved in Tessa’s nodules. So it’s Elena who’s a surgeon and not an ears, nose, and throat specialist.  Elena might be versed in care but it’s nice to know that Elena is recommending the best surgeon.  Yes Tessa, you are worried about your singing career but how in the world would Elena know if your singing career is over?  Did Elena just tell you that Tessa’s condition was similar to her uncles and doesn’t Tessa know that her uncle was able to sing again?  Who writes this crap. The question should be if Tessa would be able to sing. Tessa could still have a career as a song writer. 

No Rodan, your not protecting Summer from Diane. You’re protecting yourself. What can Diane do to Summer that can actually hurt her. The worst that Diane can do is to break Kyle’s heart once again in which Summer would enjoy putting the pieces back together. 

An MP3 player?  Noah you cheap SOB. Take Allie to a Dinner Mystery Theater where murder mysteries are enacted and not just listened to which would be far less boring. Even movies like “Murder on The Orient Express” or “Knives Out” are much better than listening in one ear on a MP3 player. Is that MP3 player part of an inside joke for the monkeys with a keyboard?  Could Noah and Allie be anymore boring? Next they will be arguing over how long it takes for paint to dry or how long it takes water to boil.  

It still amazes me how Rodan can hold herself harmless that everything is Diane’s fault. Rodan is an angel and Diane is the Devil when the angel just can’t leave well enough alone. If Rodan can’t hold a grudge than Rodan can’t be Rodan. Rodan is incapable of happiness because she fears happiness. Rodan understands and is most comfortable in her own skin when she causes mayhem and misery.  Kyle, if Rodan and your mother go to war, it will be Rodan to throw down the gauntlet. Rodan is aggressive and Diane is reactionary or should I say passive aggressive. 

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I will say Diane is easily bating Phyllis but Phyllis is falling for it & looks like a psycho in the process. I’m not sure where Phyllis goes from here. She’s gonna be (more) on the outside looking in. I agree matching Michele Stanford’s hair to the orange dress wasn’t a wise choice. 

Noah & Allie are cute & Zzzzzzzzz!

I don’t care Tessa’s throat issues because I have my own issues to deal with. LOL!!!

and, finally there is Jack. Peter Bergman has really been neutered in the role of Jack. I hadn’t realized that all those of Jack and Victor feuding that Jack doesn’t have much to do. Heck! I don’t even think Jack has an office set anymore. While he’s been with woman over the years he’s never had the big swooping romance. I think his longest romantic partner has been Phyllis and they never screamed romance to me. Peter Bergman is now 69 so I think his time has passed but he’s still good looking, in shape and could find a nice lady not named Nikki, Phyllis or Diane. Of course, maybe Jack likes being the nervous Nellie.


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I really don't get why Diane is so determined to stay in Phyllis' face. Why seek out such negative energy? It's poisonous.

Oh Allie, you sweet summer child. Nepotism is the name of the game in GC, especially if you're related to one of the legacy families. Sooner or later you will want to play your Abbott card.

Noah at the Abbott house! Does anyone remember the last time he was seen there? This is a momentous day!

I don't know what was going on with Summer's hair today. It didn't look like she'd combed it all after she got out of bed. 😼

Pshht, I still use an mp3 player on occasion. Sometimes it's simpler and more straightforward than logging on to a website, and there's no need to be near an internet connection or run up data charges. Furthermore, Bluetooth is often subject to interference like walls, microwave ovens, and certain other electronic devices so a pair of basic earphones works fine. What? Get off my lawn!

I think Allie and Noah were so cute together. Maybe they can start doing a podcast reviewing old-timey radio programs. 😏

Huh, I thought Elena had already gone on her business trip to Hawaii. Why was it such an urgency last week?

Ugh, I majorly dislike Jack and Phyllis having to discuss their intimate personal business with Kyle and Summer. Jack needs a objective guy friend, and Phyllis needs someone who's less of a blindly loyal cheerleader than Amanda.

Phyllis, you tried to use Jack's peen as a weapon against your bitter rival. There's no justifying that. Shut up! 🤨

Re the previews: sigh, there's kidnapping coming in Victoria's near future. Guess Ashland is going full-on gangster. Meh.

Yeah, it was weird how the show didn't even acknowledge it was the 4th of July. They used to do whole episodes with most of cast attending a pool party at either the Abbott or Chancellor mansion. Then they moved it to the roof of the GCAC. Guess the pandemic and tight budgets have ended all that. 😒

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I guess I’ll sit at my table for one but I thought the orange dress was a good color for Phyllis. Of course it should have been higher because her boobs were coming out the sides, and her tan could’ve been better. But overall, I thought the color was good. My hair is a bit darker than MSt and orange looks great on me. 

As to comments about the show not celebrating the 4th, remember we lost a few days because of the hearings and other breaking news. Today was actually Friday’s episode so there’s still some hope. It won’t be like it was, with a big party at the Chancellor estate, but maybe someone will at least mention it. Or not lol!

I actually was stunned that Summer told Phyllis Jack deserves better than her. She’s right of course but I expected her to side with her mother. And yes of course Diane is baiting Phyllis. But she’s so smooth about it that it works. Whereas Phyllis’ digs are overt and in your face. Which makes everyone immediately see her for who and what she is. That said, it’s still none of Kyle and Summer’s business what happened between their parents. No Kyle, you really Don’t need to know if Diane caused the breakup. Your father has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to talk about it, so to quote Elsa, ‘let it go.’

i too rolled my eyes at the notion that Elena was some expert in vocal nodules, but the scene worked because she wasn’t dispensing medical advice, but talking from experience with her uncle. She was encouraging and reassuring but made no promises. Just stated that her uncle had the surgery and was able to sing again. She didn’t offer to treat Tessa. She just gave Tessa the name of her uncle’s ENT. 

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