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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Yet another Donny gem - Joker's:


Tue 5:03 PM BBT Frankie tells Zach he started anti-biotics for his sinus infected. Heads to DR to find out about dosage. Donny says make sure to thank them. We hear a brief DR leak of Frankie saying, "HeLLLOOO!"

Donny tells the kitchen crew that Jenga suits him since he's an architect and all. *wink wink*



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OK, so I turn on the feeds, and it's Nicole, Donny and Zach playing Jenga. Which immediately reminded me of the best moment by far of last season - Gina Marie and Amanda going at it, while Gina Marie calmly plays Jenga. It was awesome, and I'm about to go see if it's on YouTube. So I do see the point where last season was more entertaining. But my own personal feeling about last season was that it never happened, and I've erased it from my mind, so I can't compare the two.

I'm honestly so confused about what I want to happen this week. If it's a 2 on 2 BoB comp, I want Nicole to leave, because I'm sure she'll miraculously be paired with Hayden, and I think they would have a good shot to return and possibly doing some damage. Also, I want Donny to stay in the house as long as he can. But I hate seeing Frankie get what he wants, and Christine thinking she's getting what she wants, so I don't want them to get what they want.

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Donny, Nicole and Zach playing Jenga is so cute. I love seeing Donny happy.


I just realized if the three of them were gone, I would have no interest in the show.


Hey, you never know - at any moment, Vespa could break out into a beastmode competition rampage and take them all out, one by one.




I say this in all sincerity.

  • Love 3

Ok, Cody and Christine finally crossed the line. She's sitting in between his legs, and he's spooning her/bear hugging her from behind, arms right up under her boobs. Just sitting like that and talking to the others, like a couple. Gross. Even Caleb had to walk away in disgust.


I forgot to add his chin was resting on her shoulder and they were holding hands. 9:28 Camera 1 for those who have the feeds. Mere words can't express the ickyness.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 2

Ok, Cody and Christine finally crossed the line. She's sitting in between his legs, and he's spooning her/bear hugging her from behind, arms right up under her boobs. Just sitting like that and talking to the others, like a couple. Gross. Even Caleb had to walk away in disgust.


Flashback - When Harry Met Sally....


Harry Burns: No man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.

Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?

Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.

  • Love 10

I would be so horrible at this game. How can people not snark on them. I literally cannot control it. "What you two are dating now?" Would fly out of my mouth at impulse.

I think Cody is starved for attention and is sort of enjoying it. Derrick on the other hand seem to have to put mental fortitude into his Vanillawafer parachute. He was running away from her on BBAD repeatedly telling her to go to bed. I think her weird flirty puppy dog thing makes him uncomfortable.

  • Love 2

I would be so horrible at this game. How can people not snark on them. I literally cannot control it. "What you two are dating now?" Would fly out of my mouth at impulse.


Maybe when I retire (not that many years down the road) I'll give it a shot.  Not with any expectation of winning, mind you.  Not unless I start snarking them so bad they start assaulting me into self-eviction.  :D


Not really.  Too many of these conversations would find me sitting in silence as I listen to my own brain cells commit harikiri.


I think Cody is starved for attention and is sort of enjoying it. Derrick on the other hand seem to have to put mental fortitude into his Vanillawafer parachute. He was running away from her on BBAD repeatedly telling her to go to bed. I think her weird flirty puppy dog thing makes him uncomfortable.


Maybe he thinks the missus is watching...?  Better hope she hasn't bought the feeds.  Or reads the forums.  ;>

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Valtrex playing with her hair constantly is very annoying to me. I firmly believe she has like no hair at all under the extensions based on the amount of petting she does to the braid.

I love Donnie. I really wish people would have been listening before, perhaps we might have seen some other alliance rise up and give somewhat of a battle here!

  • Love 3

Holy crap.  That shot is...wow.  So far over the line.  I wonder if they just continue to do this, and take it a little further each time, because no one in there actually says anything to them about it?  They talk about it amongst themselves, but has anyone actually spoken directly to Christine and Cody's faces and said, "WTF are you two doing with all this intimate touching?  Has Christine decided to leave Tim for you, Cody?"


eta:  I take it from Brian's post, no one has said a word to them yet.  How odd.  You would think at least Zach would have thrown something at them.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 4

I take it from Brian's post, no one has said a word to them yet.  How odd.  You would think at least Zach would have thrown something at them.


Early on, one or two people sort of kind of made SLIGHT comments to her about it and she flipped out, clearly noting that it was something she didn't want to hear. So people haven't said anything since to her since they know it'll just piss her off and no one particularly wants to do that, ya know? 

Yeah, I can see not wanting to infuriate Christine because it's not worth it in the long run to make an enemy out of her just because she's putting on this disgusting display. 


To me, the thing with Verbena and Derrick is that her fixation on him doesn't come across as being anything to do with a sexual attraction.  I think she finds him comforting, because he is older, he's married, he's a father, he keeps his wits and temper about him, he's polite, he's kind to her.  She seems to me like a girl who runs to her daddy about every little damn whiny thing in the world, and now Derrick is filling that role for her.  When she needs hugs, she goes to Derrick, when her feelings are hurt, she goes mumbling off to Derrick for a pep talk, when she doesn't feel well, she goes to tell Derrick and asks him if she should take an Advil.  Last night I really got the feeling she wanted him to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story about a fairy princess who won $500,000 for being the prettiest girl in the castle,  went right out to spend the money on new shoes, and lived happily ever after at the mall.


The thing with Christine and Cody is...quite the opposite.  And it appears to be a perfect example of what a social experiment this show really is.   Things that people would not do in regular life, they might do in this house, especially after a certain amount of time, because they are deprived of outside stimuli.  They crave the same things they always do but are limited as to the resources to satisfy those cravings, and nearly 60 days in we have Cody wrapping himself around Christine in a Kama Sutra pose in the back yard, that is only slightly acceptable because they are clothed, but still nausea inducing.  I hold them both equally responsible, they both know she's married, they both should not be doing any of this.  The way it's accelerating, if they both stay in the house, I expect within 2 weeks there will be some kind of under-clothing shenanigans taking place.  Ew.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 14


To me, the thing with Verbena and Derrick is that her fixation on him doesn't come across as being anything to do with a sexual attraction.  I think she finds him comforting, because he is older, he's married, he's a father, he keeps his wits and temper about him, he's polite, he's kind to her.  She seems to me like a girl who runs to her daddy about every little damn whiny thing in the world, and now Derrick is filling that role for her.

I think you're right about Victrollia but I also think Derrick is attracted to her. He's taking her to the end because she's the perfect goat but his creepy comments about her body and virginity are out of line and unrelated to the game.

  • Love 3
The way it's accelerating, if [Christine and Cody] both stay in the house, I expect within 2 weeks there will be some kind of under-clothing shenanigans taking place.  Ew.


So - you're saying evicting Christine or Cody in the next week would be a public health issue?

Else approximately 6 million viewers will start clawing their eyes out of their sockets?

  • Love 6

Several Houseguests have made comments about Christine & Cody not to them obviously but to each other. Even Zach, Mr.Inappropriate made a comment earlier today. It's clearly making them uncomfortable.

Both Nicole and Donny had said they didn't think Tim was real and the twist is that Cody and Christine are actually the ones married.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Are we allowed to do screenshots? Cause I just had to make one.

While wildly inappropriate on Christine's part, this cuddlemance strikes me as very non-sexual on Cody's part. He looks more like a gay guy curling up with his female BFF. Ironically, as soon as he's alone with Derrick he disses her as much as he does everyone else (because Cody hates everyone but his puppet master and insists he doesn't trust them and they have to go "next week".  

Oh, now I didn't realize Derrick had made comments about Vandalay's body or virginity.  Ew, again. 


Caleb is shrinking at such an alarming rate, it almost seems like more than just being on slop.  My brother in law was a competitive body builder way back in the day, and from what I know about that world, steroids are rampant and easy to get.  Caleb absolutely strikes me as the type to use steroids, especially to get uber-beefy for the show, without fully understanding that when he stops taking them, he will lose bulk quickly.  Considering that he works out religiously and I see those giant containers of boost powders on the kitchen counter, he's losing mass really quickly if it's really only due to slop.  Has anyone else in there lost a lot of weight?  It's not like Survivor, where it's expected and inevitable.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 1

I wonder if the Cody/Christine showmance will ever be mentioned on the broadcast show.  As far as I recall, there hasn't been a hint of it, although it seems to be more real (at least to Christine) than Zankie or the Nicole/Hayden thing (if it doesn't even have a portmanteau name, it can't really be a showmance, can it?)

I guess I'm a horrible person too, because I wouldn't be able to keep quiet either.


Even if it was just to Cody later, just ourselves and not in front of everyone else; I'd have to rip into him about his actions with Christine.  I'd be like, "Bro, *loud snot snort*, you had chicks - single and available chicks, mind you! - like Brittany and Amber (& now Nicole), but you let them pass you by to make the moves on Christine?  Christine!?  Not only is she married, but kid, c'mon.  *another loud snort, while clearly adjusting myself*."


And to Christine, I'd say; "You're risking your marriage for this guy?  This guy who is only so accepting and returning your cuddlish advances because he's lonely, not just because he's super attracted to you.  If you didn't show him any physical affection, he'd be done with you in a heartbeat.  I knoooow.  Its hard to believe, but its true.  Riiiight?"



Ugh.  I guess its very easy to judge from an outside viewers angle, but good lord people.  Common sense doesn't have an ON/OFF switch; its hard-wired.

  • Love 5

Seeing Frankie in the fucking HOH bed sleeping all the time makes me feel stabby.


A part of me does wonder if all Christine's flirting w/Cody must be gameplay.  NO married person with a functional brainstem could be so clueless as to think this kind of horsing around - in front of a hundred cameras, and a blue million watchers nationwide - would be ok w/their spouse.


I think in her delusional mind, she really believes Cody is 100% into her. She probably thinks they're gonna have a torrid affair, and she'll leave Tim in the dust. Reality is gonna bitchslap her but hard.


Oh, now I didn't realize Derrick had made comments about Vandalay's body or virginity.  Ew, again. 


Vandalay wins for best V-name by a mile! Also, he make skeevy comments about her virginity? Ew.

  • Love 3

First off, if Christine and Tim have an open marriage, then obviously all of this is fine. I don't think that they DO, but if they do, then this is all fine. 


However, even if they don't, I honestly do believe that Christine doesn't realize how much of a line she has been crossing. I think that is why she freaked out earlier (weeks ago) when someone made a slight comment about her hugging Cody too much. She is thinking, "What the heck are these people talking about?" I think she is in denial and believes this all to be harmless flirting. Cody, similarly, will grope anything, so I think he views it as harmless as well. 


She is in for a rude awakening when she gets out of the house. Perhaps even Chenbot will bring it up to her when she gets evicted (presuming it is after the contestants return). That's not game-related, right? Chenbot can bring that up, can't she?

  • Love 1

First off, if Christine and Tim have an open marriage, then obviously all of this is fine. I don't think that they DO, but if they do, then this is all fine.

I wouldn't think someone ok with the basic precepts of an open marriage would also be likely to get jealous of a picture with shirtless men - but then again, I've never met either of them, so what do I know? :)

ETA: correcting Autocorrect corrections. Again.

Edited by Nashville

First off, if Christine and Tim have an open marriage, then obviously all of this is fine. I don't think that they DO, but if they do, then this is all fine.


I totally agree with this statement... but if they did, I find it a bit difficult to believe that neither Christine has said to anyone in the house (yet), or Tim hasn't tried to abate some of the Twitter craziness by admitting it (yet).


But again, as has been said... we don't personally know either person, their marriage, or how they truly view all this.

  • Love 1

Are we allowed to do screenshots? Cause I just had to make one.





My goodness, they both make the other look so much uglier.  Or maybe its that ridiculous cap.  Either way...barf.


I totally agree with this statement... but if they did, I find it a bit difficult to believe that neither Christine has said to anyone in the house (yet), or Tim hasn't tried to abate some of the Twitter craziness by admitting it (yet).


But again, as has been said... we don't personally know either person, their marriage, or how they truly view all this.


Has her husband said anything on his twitter?  It sounds like he has been using every angle available to defend her actions, so I think if something as simple as "open marriage" were out there he would have put that out there as an explanation immediately.  And if they have an open marriage but he doesn't want to tell people about it, then its still disrespectful of her to behave that way in the house.  From what I understand a lot of people with an open marriage are fine with you having sex with another person, they just don't want it shoved in their face and put out in public.

  • Love 2

Oh, I agree that it is unlikely that they have an open marriage. I was just noting that it is at least a theoretical possibility. But yeah, I don't think it is the case, either, especially with Tim's earlier comments on Twitter that he was irked about Christine's behavior with Cody (and that was back when it was not nearly as bad as it is now - that screen cap? Holy crap!). 

  • Love 2

Oddly enough, more people were confused when Cody & Viloa came out to the BOB hand & hand? WTF was that? Up until now the show itself (I could be wrong) haven't even hinted at all of the touchy/feely going on between C&C. Either they are apalled by it or simply don't care.


Sadly enough, after everything that happened last season; this probably doesn't even register as a blip on the radar.

Pretty sure it's not an open marriage, because I read that Tim has prepared a speech for when he meets Cody on finale night that includes, "Hey bud, now that the summer's over, so is your friendship with my wife."  He also supposedly said he was unhappy that BB gave Christine an older letter from him instead of the newer one when she won HoH.  That's a good one for the BB conspiracy theorists...did they intentionally give her the older one so she would continue to flirt with Cody, oblivious to Tim's feelings about it?  Did anyone catch it on the feeds when she read her HoH letter aloud?  If they didn't show that on the Sunday night broadcast, then I guess they aren't going to.  I'm curious what the older letter said.


This from Jokers:


"Caleb and Frankie alone in the kitchen. Caleb says that Christine and Cody kills him, everywhere he goes they are all over eachother. Frankie “It’s bizarre”

Caleb “It’s like she’s married” He says he wouldn’t want his wife seeing him with another woman like that and he would expect to be left by his wife if he carried on like that. “Thats just too close"

  • Love 5

Even though the lovey-dovey has become more obvious, I wonder if Production has asked leading questions during DR which is why everyone is just now talking about it.  Setting up a segment for broadcast?  Also, the cameras have zoomed in and out on her picture with her husband and her wedding ring.

Christine's husband spends most of the time defending her actions as game play and talking/retweeting shit about Cody. There have been a few times when he's slipped and mentioned how it doesn't feel good. Poor guy must really be in love with her, and seems to be in denial, he sees her as such a catch. It's funny that to him, Christine is being strategic but Cody must be really into her based on him wanting to call out Cody. I just don't understand and I know not everyone views it the same as me but I feel that the married person in such a situation is more responsible for honoring and respecting their spouse than the single person they're flirting with so I don't see it as 50/50, more like 70/30. If Cody had initiated everything by putting the moves on Christine and she had turned him down and mentioned that he was being disrespectful to her and her marriage and continued to do so anyway then I would think differently, he'd be a complete asshole but instead she has actively pursued him and put down the more attractive and single women. I still think Cody is gay and just wants to be wanted and touched but I don't think he's sexually into her, she's asked him about his penis size before and he didn't want to answer plus he appears annoyed by her, he should still be held accountable for his actions, though.

Edited by willpwr
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Caleb absolutely strikes me as the type to use steroids

He's mentioned that he does use steroids and wants to get back home so he can start taking them again.


Regarding the Cody and Christine thing, I agree that both may find some sort of comfort in all the cuddling and hugging and Christine is probably getting a kick out of getting so much attention from a pretty boy but I think it's "strategy" on both of their parts. Cody clearly intended to flirt as much as possible to woo all the ladies. He has mentioned when talking about keeping Nicole and Christine on their side that Nicole doesn't need all the cuddling and hugging but that Christine does. I think as someone mentioned up thread, Christine and Nicole for that matter feel comfortable  with Cody in that he would never make a move or make it sexual in any way.  Now why Christine is using this approach to her game play, I have no idea. Usually this type of strategy is used by the more attractive people and I think Christine realizes that she is not one of them. I think she legitimately likes him and likes the physical contact but I think she's trying to keep Cody close and firmly on her side rather than trying to have a romance with him.


I do agree that they are out of line with their constant touching. Even if Christine's husband knows it's game play, it's got to hurt. He had said on twitter previously that he feels disrespected but understands that it's game play. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and it was her husband pulling this stuff with another woman? Seeing Christine's anger about small things in the house, I could see her throwing an absolute fit over it and tearing into the woman for trying to steal her man. 


I'd be surprised if the show went there in terms of highlighting all the hugging and touching that a married woman is doing on the show unless they included DR sessions from both of them saying it's just for game or even an interview with her husband saying that it's all for game purposes. But then again, the post above suggesting that all the recent comments might have been a result of DR questions about their relationship sounds right to me. So who knows, maybe the show will go there

Edited by NeelyO


He also supposedly said he was unhappy that BB gave Christine an older letter from him instead of the newer one when she won HoH.  That's a good one for the BB conspiracy theorists...did they intentionally give her the older one so she would continue to flirt with Cody, oblivious to Tim's feelings about it?


I wonder if that's the kind of thing production would count as outside information, telling her he wasn't happy about her behavior he was seeing.

  • Love 1

One thing to make [at least] Cody stop for a second and think about this carrying on with Christine, would be for a HG to pipe up in a group setting, while C/C are doing their usual cuddling;  "What do you think our dads and siblings are thinking, while watching the feeds?"

Seriously. How the heck hasn't one of these flakes said something (even jokingly) about her husband watching her fawn all over this guy? I def would have by now.

  • Love 3

One thing to make [at least] Cody stop for a second and think about this carrying on with Christine, would be for a HG to pipe up in a group setting, while C/C are doing their usual cuddling;  "What do you think our dads and siblings are thinking, while watching the feeds?"

Valkyrie has said this to Zach before regarding his behavior (Zach's, not Cody's) toward her.  Step it up, Valdosta!

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