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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I missed it too. The only thing I found on Jokers was a reference to Zach coming out to everyone in the backyard around 3:22am this morning. But there have been no other references to this in terms of updates or comments. So who knows. But I'm also in the dark about this and am totally curious.

Jokers 08/05/14 03:22 AM

The guys are talking about how best to vote Zach out Thursday and all of a sudden Zach comes out to the BY NT


-- Seems to me he 'walked out into the backyard'. Otherwise, why wouldn't there be more elaboration? 


Jokers 08/05/14 01:26 PM

Caleb has been telling Hayden and Donny about his ex girlfriend. She's a country girl, takes care of animals, drives a truck, chews tobacco, smoking hot...he loved her, but says she was bipolar.

Bipolar? I'm sure she was diagnosed by Dr. Caleb. After all, he WAS Pre-Med in community college.

  • Love 10
Hay said he had never met any really country girls



Isn't Nicole a country girl?  Wasn't she riding (or at least sitting on) a tractor in her intro?


Despite the encouraging developments, I won't get my hopes up about Zach being evicted just yet.  I'd rather be pleasantly surprised if it happens than unpleasantly disappointed if it doesn't.

I think the dual HOH would be interesting in a house with two strong sides.   Or at least two sides.   For example, it would have worked well during the season that was half newbies and half veterans.  People really would have fought to win the BoB and the two HOHs would presumably not have worked together (assuming one from each side was an HOH).   Maybe this year it would have worked if they waited a couple of weeks into the show to let divisions arise in the natural course of events.  

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I think the dual HOH would be interesting in a house with two strong sides.   Or at least two sides.  For example, it would have worked well during the season that was half newbies and half veterans.


I thought the same thing.  I immediately thought of season six (The Friendship vs. The Sovereigns).  After all, there was a night when Big Brother separated people for fear that they would come to blows (Cappy and Michael) and Arnold Shapiro said that they had never previously had a house divide that quickly and that rigidly.

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HA! In talking about what wake-up music they want, Victoria loudly says "I want Ariana Grande!" and then starts singing that One Less Problem song. She keeps going on about her and the song, asking Jocasta is she knows who she is.

I have no idea where Frankie is. I hope he heard that and is shitting himself. 

  • Love 12


I think the dual HOH would be interesting in a house with two strong sides.   Or at least two sides.  For example, it would have worked well during the season that was half newbies and half veterans.


I thought the same thing.  I immediately thought of season six (The Friendship vs. The Sovereigns).  After all, there was a night when Big Brother separated people for fear that they would come to blows (Cappy and Michael) and Arnold Shapiro said that they had never previously had a house divide that quickly and that rigidly.

I agree it could of worked in Season 11 which also divided pretty quickly. I think the twist should have been introduced maybe the second or third week.

Edited by choclatechip45

What killed the show was having Derrick and Frankie on Team America. It basically forced the two strongest players to the same side which is why the BS/Detonator alliance dominated early on. Those two guys couldn't build their army separately. Only now that Derrick has decided to split off and play the middle game are we now starting to see some moves. First move, cripple Frankie by removing Zach. And it's working, say what you will about how Frankie treated Zach but that was his most valuable asset. It's almost cruel to watch what's happening on the live feeds. Frankie needs a mercy eviction at this point. The next problem to me though is that none of the other players in my opinion, not Hayden or Donny or Cody or anyone else, can match Derrick in smarts and manipulation so that won't be fun to watch either. I'm close to being done with watching this after the upcoming double eviction.

  • Love 4

For fuck's sake. Jocasta is "sick" again. I feel confident in using the sarcastic quotes around that.

Now Victoria is asking Christine if she knows who Ariana Grande is. I would like to think that it's because she knows it's Frankie's sister, but it's Victoria. I mean, she just said that Frankie gets away with a lot in the house because he's "not straight" (said very quietly as she mumbled the end of that).

Now Victoria is asking Christine if she knows who Ariana Grande is. I would like to think that it's because she knows it's Frankie's sister, but it's Victoria. I mean, she just said that Frankie gets away with a lot in the house because he's "not straight" (said very quietly as she mumbled the end of that).


I think she does know about Ariana and Frankie. Or she suspects. And I think all she was saying about Frankie was that he can "get away" with touching girls/kissing girls/etc in the house because he isn't sexually attracted to them. I mean he kissed Amber, Victoria, and Brittany. If a straight guy had done any of that its a big deal. I think she said "not straight" because she was trying to figure out how to word it. 

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There's a vid of Cody in the shower talking to Frankie... not that I know anything about that...

There is also one of Hayden in the HOH shower (the glass is not frosted enough for total privacy). Both are impressive, but Hayden wins. Not that I noticed or anything. 

Edited by SteveAC10
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Hayden and Vic just had a conversation in the hammock where he told her how Christine was telling people she had heard they hooked up (or whatever language these young people use). He did a very good job at getting her on board booting Zach and targeting Frankie/Christine. He's is starting to impress me more and more. Right now, I think Derrick has more juice to win that battle (Vic would vote out Hayden in a heartbeat if Derrick told her to) but I like this gameplay.

Also, I watch the feeds through my iPad which I notice can be way behind sometimes, but how exactly is Jacosta a bitch? She was walking through the yard with Donnie while I was watching. Did she fall down and start bawling and say she couldn't be evicted because she was sick and God said so and I missed it?

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Does Nicole really not know Zach is 100% going or is she putting on a show in front of Frankie?

Also, it's official. I hate Frankie. It took 7 weeks to solidly put anyone in the dislike camp, but I have started insulting him out loud when he comes on the screen. I hope he goes Thursday. ETA, I'm going to rant a little. The whole house -BMC is voting Zach out. No one is wavering. So why does Frankie have to be such an ASS and rip him to shreds every waking moment? Vote him out if it's better for your game (which in Frankie's case it is not... The rest of the house yes, but not Frankie), but be a human being about it. It's bad gameplay also, showing what a snake he is even to his "friend". Ugh. I can't stand him.

Also agree that Hayden is growing on me more and more. None of those guys can read him at all. Get them all out, Hayden!!!

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I'm so bored, you guys.  I've built up a tolerance, and now for me to enjoy these people at all I need for them to be extra whatever they already are, and they're just being regular amounts of themselves.  Sigh.  At least Zack has been wearing a shirt more often.  Now I need for Hayden to start wearing one.   All nipples, all the time gets icky for me.


Since Victoria does seem to know about Frankie's sister, and is itching for someone else to climb aboard, I now want her to win the second HOH on Thursday and request Arianna Grande as her CD so that everyone can see the cover (that I assume has a picture of her face) and make the connection.  I also hope Frankie is still in the house when this happens so he can deal with everyone knowing.

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Does Nicole really not know Zach is 100% going or is she putting on a show in front of Frankie?

I think she's keeping her cards close to her chest when dealing with Frankie - which is smart game play on her part.

ETA, I'm going to rant a little. The whole house -BMC is voting Zach out. No one is wavering. So why does Frankie have to be such an ASS and rip him to shreds every waking moment? Vote him out if it's better for your game (which in Frankie's case it is not... The rest of the house yes, but not Frankie), but be a human being about it. It's bad gameplay also, showing what a snake he is even to his "friend".

I've noticed a growing trend over the past 15 years or so to demonize one's opponent in any debate or difference in opinion (in general, not just in BB). Think it grew out of the political climate of the time. I miss the good old days, when people could disagree and still be civil about it.

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Hayden, exasperated: Do they think I'm the dumbest person alive? Oh my GOD.

To Nicole when Christine & Frankie leave the room. Fantastic. They are starting to seriously game.

I'm loving this too. My only worry is how much trust they are putting in Derrick and how open they are with him. I would love for Hayden, Nicole and Donny to make it far, but if those two are trusting Derrick then I don't think that will be the case. Unless they keep winning comps of course. In that case, Derrick will be their best friend. He's obviously playing both sides of the house. God, I hope he doesn't win! Ugh.

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I was just about to post that  they were saying how Victoria said he never brushed  his teeth while they were Adam and Eve.


I guess it's not really surprising because it's Caleb, but that's just nasty.  Maybe it's something else that he only does once or twice a week. 

Edited by vb68
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I hate that it looks like Zach is going. I know it would be another woman biting the dust, but Jocasta is just useless, not interesting in the slightest, not even trying to play, and the most entertaining she's been is when she chittered like a squirrel that one time. And now she's sick again? What the hell is she even doing on this show? Since she wants to see her kids so bad, let her go. Sheesh. Zach is at least trying to entertain me. Failing, mostly, but at least trying.


But I really really need for this DE to shake things up. Please let Hayden win, and put up Derrick/Christine, with Frankie as a replacement if necessary. Make it so, Grodner, make it so. Otherwise I may be out, Donny or no Donny.

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They should tell Caleb to his face to shower. With everyone cuddling all the time, how could you not? Beast Mode was yapping about not eating, his gland, and his hair last night. It's so incredible how he always talks about himself even when there is nothing to talk about. He's so fascinated with himself.

Everywhere I look I see comments about how boring this season is, hopefully BB tries to do something.

I think the major flaw in Hayden's game is that he believes he has much more power/influence than he actually does. I'll hear him say he can get Victoria to do this and Caleb to that and Cody to do whatever and I'm just like, oh honey that's cute. Derrick has had these people in his pocket for over a month, buddy. You're way too late. Another big flaw is that he actually seems to trust/want to work with Derrick, which is just so stupid, especially since a few weeks ago him and Donny were the only people who had Derrick's number.


My ideal DE would be Hayden/Donny winning and going for Derrick, but there's not a chance in hell they would. I guess I'd settle for Frankie because I hate him, but he has no real power so it's another week of Derrick winning really. If I can't have Derrick out, I'd probably prefer Hayden getting knocked out by Derrick because it'd be super funny. You waited too long to play the game, Hayden!


Has anyone told Zach he's going yet? I assume no. Do they plan on telling him beforehand? I'm pissed that Christine told Nicole about Detonators (she lied about when it was formed though), so now there won't even be any drama if Zach tried to blow shit up when he left anyway. Damn, this season is just so bad. These people ruin everything!

Edited by peachmangosteen
Has anyone told Zach he's going yet? I assume no. Do they plan on telling him beforehand? I'm pissed that Christine told Nicole about Detonators (she lied about when it was formed though), so now there won't even be any drama if Zach tried to blow shit up when he left anyway. Damn, this season is just so bad. These people ruin everything!



No, not even Zach's 'best friends', Frankie, Derrick and Cody. They're planning to absolutely blindside him, although I think Zach already has his suspicions and has said he wouldn't be surprised if people are lying to him, so at least he might be prepared for his eviction. I get that it's a game and lying and manipulating is a major part of it, but damn if Derrick, Cody and Frankie aren't being absolute dicks about it and making it too personal. Frankie continuously bashes Zach at every opportunity and is planning to yell at him on Thursday so Zach won't get a chance to, as well as saying that Zach owes him a vote if he's in jury and he deserves everything he gets. And Derrick and Cody just continue to pretend to be Zach's friend, with only Cody showing very little remorse of what they're going to be doing to him. And Derrick and Christine (and Cody) have been spreading outright lies about Zach, putting all the blame on him for everything, saying things that aren't true like turning Frankie against Zach, and saying that Zach just started the Detonators a couple of days ago. Sure, it's game play, but it's actually not very good game play at all. There's a certain line to lying that you can't cross and being an absolute dick about it, to me, is that line. And he's not even GONE from the house. Derrick's just lucky that these dumbasses don't have the balls to go and ask Zach about these lies. 


Caleb at least realizes that Zach would be a vote and doesn't necessarily want him to go. I think Victoria's expressed doubts too, as well as Hayden, although I think he might have been lying to Victoria on that. It is the stupidest move to get Zach out right now, in all honesty. He's a vote for them, he's loyal and he's the bigger target, although now it seems like his target would have gotten smaller in relation to Frankie and possibly Derrick and Christine. That phrase 'it's too soon' absolutely applies because although it will be entertaining for us, it's just a bad game move, especially when they don't know if jury starts this week or next and if it starts next week, Derrick, Cody and Frankie just lost a for-sure vote to Jocasta, who is a wild card. I know there are people who hate Zach and I get it, but I think they could even agree it's a bad game move for these houseguests, so you know what? I hope this does blow up in their faces. 

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It is such a terrible move for Frankie and not the greatest move for Derrick/Cody. Although Derrick has this game on such lock right now that it ultimately won't make any difference for him, IMO.


I haven't been watching the feeds so I haven't seen what they're doing to Zach, but I can't feel bad for him because he's a dick too so he can't be sad when it happens to him.


My hope was that they would blindside Zach and then he'd go off, but he won't. He talks a big game, but he has never actually done anything interesting. He'll probably just say "I hate you all hee hee bye." And then Caleb will win HOH and Donny will be the 2nd person evicted.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Zach knows, they are all being weird with him. He spent more time talking to victoria yesterday. And he even said to Cody this morning he wouldn't be surprised it they did vote him out. He's a smart guy.

Do I think he's been a dick yeah I do, but honestly I find him hysterical because I know it's all a bunch of bull. And he's one of then only ones who has been highly entertaining on the feeds this season.

Everyone talks crap about everyone behind their backs in this game. But I think Frankie/Derrick/Cody are taking it a bit far in terms of the talking about Zach and all the crap he has done. Your gonna end up getting twisted in your lies if you don't stop.

I am not the biggest Frankie fan but putting game aside I think he loves and adores Zach and their relationship. So I think Zach is gonna be hurt by it at first but i think their friendship will be fine in the long run.

I also think they are gonna bring someone back. And I'm guessing Americas choice cuz they can't do the same thing they did last year. Another theory I saw on Twitter was that they could possibly bring 2 people back into the house cuz they figured out the schedule along with the extra days and it seems like it's possible for a second person back in, because whatever eliminations are left had them lose too many people before the end. I'll try and find the tweet.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Zach can be a dick, but not to his own alliance members, so that's the main reason why I feel bad. The people he trusts are backstabbing him. It's a good thing Zach's a smart guy and is probably prepared, but that still doesn't mean he won't be hurt and lash out when he is evicted in a unanimous vote.


I think Frankie is feeling bad about having to evict Zach because apparently, when he's been alone or talking with Derrick/Cody, he's shown to be looking very sad and deep in thought. They've told him so many lies about Zach that I can see why he might believe them and feel betrayed. I might feel angry about what Frankie's been saying behind Zach's back, but I think he's just really hurt, lashing out himself but in the end, he won't do any of the things he said he would when Zach leaves. He was staring at the memory wall sometime during the night alone, and it seemed like he was thinking about Zach leaving. I think he knows Zach should stay for his own game, but he really has no choice now. I'm really not a fan of Frankie and I get pissed off at him a lot, but there are moments where I do step back, look at how he might feel and put aside my own emotions to think 'oh hey, Frankie might be saying these things because of his own hurt and supposed betrayal'. Not that it excuses what he's said about Zach to others (especially his weight comments) but I don't doubt any more that their friendship is definitely going to be fine after they get out of the house.


Zach, on the other hand, isn't going to be happy on Thursday, especially with that 8-0 vote that they're planning. It sucks that his supposed friends can't throw him some votes to prove their own loyalty. Like, Frankie and Cody could easily throw two votes so that they don't appear like dicks. Zach hasn't even done anything to betray their trust like this. Derrick and Cody couldn't care less about Christine anyway, and they know Zach is the type to act on emotions but he's still been loyal to them, so I don't understand why he's getting this treatment. He may be an asshole to others, but he's also less of an asshole than most people in the house. I don't think Zach's said really bad stuff about the houseguests, at least not like Christine, Derrick, Cody and Frankie have. Zach's also stated multiple times that he's a very sarcastic guy and most of the things he says shouldn't be taken seriously. 


I haven't been watching the feeds so I haven't seen what they're doing to Zach, but I can't feel bad for him because he's a dick too so he can't be sad when it happens to him.



Yeah, I've watched bits and pieces of the things they've been doing, but mostly it's the blatant lies they're throwing on Zach just in order to make sure he gets out. Then they pretend they're besties to his face and say 'oh, yeah, you're safe dude'. Like, it's game play and I get why they have to lie about that, but I don't understand why they're getting him out this early when Jocasta is a wildcard, probably won't vote for Derrick/Cody/Frankie/Christine, depending on who they're up against. 


Really, it's almost like Brittany/Amber again, except the ones who are trying to get Zach out are the ones who are supposed to be his best friends. So, I just am confused as to why Derrick and Cody are pushing for Zach to go home when they don't even know when jury starts, and they'll definitely get another chance to get him out. 

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This is the same thing that was done to Amber and Zach was one of the main perpetrators. Amber hadn't done anything to deserve all the invective. Frankie wanted her out because he felt she had too much influence on Caleb. The people who want Zach out want to break up "Zankie." I guess people have to say awful things to reinforce who is in and who is out. They talk terribly about everyone and smile to their faces. I don't think it's more horrible that it's happening to Zach.

Sometimes young people think it's ok to say mean things if they are funny or sarcastic as if not really meaning the mean words makes it all ok. With maturity, Zach might come to understand that it's possible to be funny and to get attention without saying mean things to people.

  • Love 5

Zach being voted out is more about Frankie than it is about Zach himself in my opinion. These jerks are ready to throw out an alliance member who would never come after them just because he was in Frankie's back pocket and it made them nervous. Heaven forbid Derrick can't brainwash at least one person in that house. Derrick is already scheming on how to turn Caleb against Frankie as well since he's the last person left who is loyal to him. Frankie is like the walking dead to that group.

Edited by kellog010
Zach can be a dick, but not to his own alliance members, so that's the main reason why I feel bad.


That's not true.  He was a total dick to Christine with his speech, and his constant bashing that she was worthless in their alliance.  She IS a detonator.  What made it even more stupid is he started bashing her for doing nothing just a few days after she fed him the dirt that Amber was going after him.  So he was a dick AND a dumbass. 


I don't think it's a bad game move to get rid of him, at least for Cody and Derrick; they have enough "alliance" members as it is.  I do think it's a bad game move for Frankie, but he's not working with all of the information, and tried to get Zach out back when Devin was HOH, so this is nothing new.  Jacosta is worthless, absolutely.  But she's a non-entity who won't win a comp and can be booted at any time. 

  • Love 8

From Jokers:

Victoria confronting (lightly) Nic about some clothes that she thinks Nicole stole from her. Nic says its hers,Vic says its not

Vic says she had it since she was 7-8 years old. Nic says maybe you washed it and it faded and it looks like mine?


Do ya'll have to go back to kindergarten and write your name on your clothes tag?

  • Love 1
Also, I watch the feeds through my iPad which I notice can be way behind sometimes, but how exactly is Jacosta a bitch? She was walking through the yard with Donnie while I was watching. Did she fall down and start bawling and say she couldn't be evicted because she was sick and God said so and I missed it?



Hahahaa that's funny, she very well may have done that. 


The reason I said Jocosta is a bitch is because of how she talks down to Victoria and seems to be trying to bait her into saying something "stupid" or bad or misconstrued somehow. I watched them in the kitchen together for quite some time and whenever Vic said anything, Joc basically had to interject and say something. I can give some examples but it was mostly evident in the way she looked at vic and was laughing in such a rude way. I just can't stand her. 

I think Frankie is feeling bad about having to evict Zach because apparently ...

Frankie has himself to blame in large part for what's happening with Zach now. Frankie has spent weeks turning people against Zach. Maybe it really was to downplay their alliance but it doesn't matter now because it fucked Zach over.


Zach, on the other hand, isn't going to be happy on Thursday, especially with that 8-0 vote that they're planning.

I sure hope so! Maybe he'll give me a laugh with a fun, stupid speech that will ultimately lead no where but get me excited for 2 seconds.


The reason I said Jocosta is a bitch is because of how she talks down to Victoria and seems to be trying to bait her into saying something "stupid" or bad or misconstrued somehow. I watched them in the kitchen together for quite some time and whenever Vic said anything, Joc basically had to interject and say something. I can give some examples but it was mostly evident in the way she looked at vic and was laughing in such a rude way. I just can't stand her.

I completely agree with you. I have never liked Jocasta and I saw some stealth bitch vibes early on, but she's just gotten worse. She is such a bitch about Victoria and it makes absolutely no sense. If there's a worthless, idiotic crybaby in there it's Jocasta, so I don't know how she can make fun of Victoria. Jocasta has absolutely no self awareness.

Has Derrick talked at all in the past couple days about who the next target is? I mean, I assume he'll throw the HOH (he really should), but he'll determine the target anyway so.

Most likely no matter who gets HOH, the noms will be Victoria/Jocasta because these people are boring and spineless. Then they'll try to BD Hayden/Donny if a Detonator/Caleb gets it or Frankie/Christine if Hayden/Donny gets it. Victoria would do what Derrick says and Jocasta would do what Donny says

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
I completely agree with you. I have never liked Jocasta and I saw some stealth bitch vibes early on, but she's just gotten worse. She is such a bitch about Victoria and it makes absolutely no sense.

I wonder if it's about Victoria's religion. Some holy-roller types are quite anti-Semitic (the "they killed our Savior" mindset).



Zach's also stated multiple times that he's a very sarcastic guy and most of the things he says shouldn't be taken seriously.

Well, there's a saying about writing checks your body can't cash. Guess that applies in the BB house too.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I wonder if it's about Victoria's religion. Some holy-roller types are quite anti-Semitic (the "they killed our Savior" mindset).


I hope not. That'd be vile. Although it would at least make her Victoria hate make some kind of sense as right now it just doesn't make sense at all.


The feeds are like F3 level boring and there are 11 people left. This is just sad. I think I've given up hope of there ever being any real entertainment in the way of fights. This is the worst cast ever from an entertainment angle.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wonder if it's about Victoria's religion. Some holy-roller types are quite anti-Semitic (the "they killed our Savior" mindset).

I think it's more game-related than Christ-killer-ish. I got the impression Jo was ROYALLY ticked off at Vic over her lack (refusal?) to coordinate OR communicate in the wedding cake BotB comp. Jocasta may still be sucking on a few sour grapes over that. :)
  • Love 3

I think Jocasta has no respect for Victoria's whining about really silly stuff and probably the loss in the wedding cake challenge - she probably sees her as totally useless (pot meet kettle).


I remember early on, Victoria went on forever about someone wearing and ruining her swimming suit bra - either Nicole or Christine.  Jocasta told her quite plainly that if you don't want someone wearing your stuff you have to learn to say No to people.  Victoria acknowledged that made sense but continued on and on about the bra anyway and I remember the camera panned to Jocasta's face several times where she was just looking at Victoria.  Later on Victoria did a similar thing complaining about Amber taking her make-up.  So I chalk Jocasta's feeling towards Victoria as not really liking her immaturity.

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I wonder if it's about Victoria's religion. Some holy-roller types are quite anti-Semitic (the "they killed our Savior" mindset).


I don't think it's that. Jocasta seems to be an Evangelical/Pentacostal type Christian, what with the speaking in tongues and "Catholics aren't real Christians" stuff. She reminds me very much of my aunt in that regard and I can tell you Evangelicals are very Pro-Israel.

Edited by Marie80
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