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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Jokers: Caleb refusing to go to DR. They call him a 2nd time. Caleb: "I do not want to go." He's staring at Amber from BY couches.




I think they broke him.

Y'all are hell on my screen today. What do you think broke him - Frankie's double talk, or the realization he's going to be portrayed as the biggest idiot asshat in the House to a few million viewers over the next couple of broadcasts? Me, I'd go with the Asshat Axiom.

Y'all are hell on my screen today. What do you think broke him - Frankie's double talk, or the realization he's going to be portrayed as the biggest idiot asshat in the House to a few million viewers over the next couple of broadcasts? Me, I'd go with the Asshat Axiom.

I don't think he's that self aware. I think the double-talk confused him and now he's just a walking cow-mode-beast-boy.

  • Love 5

Hopefully the DR is working him right now. But I think production loves Frankie, so probably not.


You guys are right, these girls are just awful. Nicole and Christine especially are just so stupid. It's mind blowing.


Hopefully Frankie gets nommed soon. I think there's a good chance it could happen. Especially if it goes to 1 HOH this week.


There's no stopping Derrick though, sadly.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Nicole has been running around to everyone telling this story about being used. She loves it. She loves to be the center of everything and to hear everyone tell her how great and cute she is.


It's driving me absolutely batty watching these people be so snowed by Frankie/Derrick. Like they are SO transparent. The whole cast is so embarrassing.

  • Love 3

"Clearly, Nicole is into me, also, so she is trying to sabotage true love."




"Nichole is friends with Christine, who's friends with Cody, who wants Amber for himself... AHA...!!!"



ETA: having trouble keeping up with the right names myself....



Uh-oh - this just in from Joker's:


Mon 5:03 PM BBT Donny tells Christine (having told Nicole earlier) that he could nominate Victoria & Cody, since Cody nominated him before.


Way to increase the size of the target Christine has on your back, dude.  Don't mess with her in-House boy toy.

Edited by Nashville


Way to increase the size of the target Christine has on your back, dude.  Don't mess with her in-House boy toy.


Both Christine and Cody have repeatedly said they want Donny out and would put him up so it doesn't really change anything.  The only person that could hurt him with is Victoria if they tell her and she believes them.  

Ugh, Amber is talking to Caleb.  She is saying she's going home and that it is more or less Caleb's fault.  


Caleb:  I don't want you to be close to anyone but me... I wanted you to run to me [when there was a problem.]  


Only six words she needs to say to him:




Make that seven:



Anybody ELSE think Caleb is exactly the type who would set fire to your house just so he could play hero and rescue you?

  • Love 17

Yes! I had actually JUST referenced the whole "Endless Love" thing to Mr. Irritable about Caleb accidentally burning Amber's house down when all he meant to do was start a little fire to scare her so he could be the hero and put it out for her. He seriously needs to be in the care of mental health professionals.

I love that Frankie, who believes he's the true puppetmaster of the season, didn't foresee that this brilliant plan to back door Amber would result in her opening her mouth and revealing things that Frankie doesn't want revealed. It's amazing that even the gay man in the house doesn't think women should be allowed to think and speak for themselves. Way to be progressive, you 31 year old effing BELIEBER. Jesus.

When it reaches the 11th hour and Caleb starts going into a full blown panic because he really can't do jack shit to save "his queen", I'm hoping for a Beast Mode Meltdown that turns Frankie and Derrick's game upside down, somehow. In fact, up until now I've wanted Caleb to lose every competition, just so I could enjoy the kicks to his ego, but I am now going to be rooting him on just so he can PLEASE cause big discomfort for Frankie, Derrick and Zach. A month ago, the last person I ever expected to pull for would be Caleb, but I'm doing it for all the right reasons - not to see him do well, but just to see him rock the Detonators' boat until it capsizes.

  • Love 8

When it reaches the 11th hour and Caleb starts going into a full blown panic because he really can't do jack shit to save "his queen", I'm hoping for a Beast Mode Meltdown that turns Frankie and Derrick's game upside down, somehow. In fact, up until now I've wanted Caleb to lose every competition, just so I could enjoy the kicks to his ego, but I am now going to be rooting him on just so he can PLEASE cause big discomfort for Frankie, Derrick and Zach. A month ago, the last person I ever expected to pull for would be Caleb, but I'm doing it for all the right reasons - not to see him do well, but just to see him rock the Detonators' boat until it capsizes.

Oh crap.  You just convinced me to root for Caleb.  Damn.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 2

I'm starting to feel squicky about this season, the way I did last season.  Like I shouldn't even be watching it or I'm complicit in all this shitty behaviour.  I don't mind catty or gossipy, or even fighty behaviour, but this week (and even last week, when Britt was made to think she had chance to stay when she didn't) has crossed into meanness.  It's come to the point where these "mean boys" are hurting people just because they can.  The TA twist hasn't helped, rewarding two of them for doing the things they wanted to do anyway - only with more venom.


But then there are little rays of hope like this from Jokers:


Mon 6:30 PM BBT Earlier about 5:24 Chris and Nic were talking in the hammock about Donny suggesting that Chris, Nic, Hay, and Don align. They both say they think it is a good idea.


Of course (1) they have to be sincere in what they're saying, (2) they have to not change their minds within 5 minutes, and (3) one of them has to win HOH this week.


The outsiders aren't perfect either, and I don't expect they would (and wouldn't want them to) run the rest of the game, but it would end the "reign of terror" of the current dominant alliance.once they realize they are vulnerable too.  


(Note:  Quotation marks used  on "reign of terror" because, yes, overly dramatic.)



  • Love 3

I don't want any part of Zach being HOH ever again. Zach was fun when he was on a lack of sleep and got himself nominated because he's a nutcase. Zach was NOT fun as an HOH. It was not enjoyable watching him go over his "speeches" five thousand times. The nomination speech was so incredibly forced and awful, and I'm sure the POV speech will be the same. Zach in power is the Zach who desperately wants to be Dr. Will, which is a bad idea for so many reasons. Zach not in power is the fun Zach who flirts with Frankie and tries to stir shit up just for the hell of it. But doesn't have the power to be a complete douche about it.

Caleb is going to lose it way more than Amber over her eviction. He's just unstable. That's not entertaining to me either.

Quite frankly, there's really nothing very entertaining about this season so far. I'm still holding out hope, but it is really, really predictable and boring right now.

  • Love 6

Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching. This is why we can't have nice things, like strong women who can stand up for themselves or ones who aren't catty and take each other down. Is she 12? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming she was trying to appeal to them on a human level, for the guys running the house to think of their sister or mom or daughter and that she's someone's daughter too. I know that's reaching though. 


I get that Amber had a shit season being strapped to beastmodecowboy but come on, girl. Show them that you're the fighter you came here to be. 

  • Love 3

I'm starting to feel squicky about this season


Welcome to my viewpoint.... which started weeks ago.

Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching.


Brittany used this type of line on Cody last week, or so I gathered. 


Not that I like what is going on, but why in the effing F should people care what a person's father thinks of what they're doing??  Talk about a weakly lame attempt to make someone feel guilty.

  • Love 1

Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching. This is why we can't have nice things, like strong women who can stand up for themselves or ones who aren't catty and take each other down. Is she 12? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming she was trying to appeal to them on a human level, for the guys running the house to think of their sister or mom or daughter and that she's someone's daughter too. I know that's reaching though. 


I get that Amber had a shit season being strapped to beastmodecowboy but come on, girl. Show them that you're the fighter you came here to be. 

Exactly. The guys are being asses to the girls, but the girls are also their own worst enemy. Like when Britanny said early in the season that she would NEVER be part of an all-girls alliance because girls are catty and like to stab each other in the back. It's sad really.


It's also hilarious that the most sexist guys this season are also the most "metrosexual." Caleb, Zach, Frankie and Cody preen and primp way more any girl this season!

  • Love 3
Not that I like what is going on, but why in the effing F should people care what a person's father thinks of what they're doing??  Talk about a weakly lame attempt to make someone feel guilty.


This is exactly the sort of comment which would convince me the other person has no more ammunition and is shooting blanks.

As a potential ally?  At best, useless; at worse, weak enough to be carrying around a huge target, and looking for someone to share it with.

Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching. This is why we can't have nice things, like strong women who can stand up for themselves or ones who aren't catty and take each other down. Is she 12? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming she was trying to appeal to them on a human level, for the guys running the house to think of their sister or mom or daughter and that she's someone's daughter too. I know that's reaching though. 


I get that Amber had a shit season being strapped to beastmodecowboy but come on, girl. Show them that you're the fighter you came here to be. 


Her only hail mary - and I don't know if she has any left at this point if she has been put up after POV.  But her only hail mary was to appeal to the fact that these guys, more than anything care about how they appeal to America and the public at large, so she should have used that to campaign to backdoor Caleb.


This is their biggest thing.  And it should be, they are on national TV.  There are 16 houseguests and 15 of them are going to lose.  So I don't know that everyone goes into it for the money per se.  but someone like Frankie especially is going to be looking for what the public thinks of him.  Especially after the uproar over season 15, and how much those houseguests were hated.  These are people that see BB as catapulting them into the public eye.  And they all care about what the public thinks.  Its why they always go into the diary room and talk "to America," its why Derrick gets into the camera and talks to America about how hard a misison is going to be, and how excited he is to be on Team America.  They all see it as America giving them their thumbs up.  So their public image is super important to them.  If I were Amber, I would have made it a point to tell them all that no one in America is going to like seeing a woman basically being stalked on camera by a creeper, and America really isn't going to like it when there are 5 men that could have saved her, but instead chose to sacrifice her to her stalker.  Especially when one of them is a police officer who should know that stalking is serious, that kissing a sleeping girl, or stating that she "owes him something" simply because he chose to do things for her isn't healthy.


I don't think any one of those guys gives two shits about Amber, but I think they all are vain and narcissistic enough to care about their public image.  And sure, you could sell getting rid of Amber as some mercy eviction, but I think you could argue that the public image of the men will still be ruined because most people will wonder why Amber had to suffer eviction just because she was unlucky enough to be the fixation of some stalker?  Its like a woman filing a sexual harassment suit and then she gets fired because its simply her fault for being pretty and tempting.


Anyways, it was a hail mary play, but I think its all Amber had left.  Don't appeal to these guys as your caring friends, don't appeal to them as good people, appeal to them on what they really care about, their public image and what America will think about them once they get out of the house.


To that end, I guess she would have had to cause a big stink about how Caleb is creeping her out, because, if she had, it would have certainly gotten on TV, and if Frankie/Derrick/Cody know something is going to make it onto TV, and not just to live feed viewers they would be much more likely to step in so that America will think that they are good guys willing to save this girl from a creepy McCreepster

  • Love 10

Maybe Amber referenced her father because she realizes that the only opinions these guys care about are the opinions of other men.  No reason to mention what her mother might think, because they would just pat her on the head and then run off to the storage room to say, "OMG Amber's mom...the WORST, right?  So fake and shady. HATE HER!"


Victoria has now reached the FF zone for me.  When she corners someone (usually a guy) and whispers nonsensical shit at them for an eternity, petting her fake hair the whole time, I want to punch myself in the face.  I have never heard her utter one sentence that was of actual value in any way.  At first I gave her credit that she can't be completely stupid, if she can fluently speak two languages, but I have changed my mind about that and now believe that yes, she is COMPLETELY stupid.  


Shockingly, Jacosta isn't feeling too swell again.  Sore throat.  It's always something, and I find her and her constant string of issues incredibly boring.  When she isn't complaining of her latest malady, she's just sitting around like a lump of uselessness.


I'm not positive about the exact dialog, but I think Zach and Cody were talking near the pool table about putting something in their butts?  And that it made Cody's stomach hurt?  I swear I'm not making this up.

  • Love 6

I'm not positive about the exact dialog, but I think Zach and Cody were talking near the pool table about putting something in their butts?  And that it made Cody's stomach hurt?  I swear I'm not making this up.

I believe you. And I also believe they were discussing suppositories in the HOH bathroom earlier, with some of the same commentary. Sounds like a continuation of the conversation, but I can't be sure - I only caught the tail end of it.



I'm not positive about the exact dialog, but I think Zach and Cody were talking near the pool table about putting something in their butts?  And that it made Cody's stomach hurt?  I swear I'm not making this up.


Hmm.   Frankie was complaining of chafing buttocks earlier.  And now Zach & Cody have acquired new rear-end accessories; which doesn't agree with Cody.   Maybe we shouldn't share beds so much, eh guys?  Just a thought.


I'm not sayin'.  I'm just sayin'.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

I guess the whole Daddy thing is something for these girls.  I've read Brittany's exit interview where she said "When I came home, my dad was furious. He could not stand Derrick. He was so upset."  Of course, she then indicated that she will still be friends with Derrick and Cody because they would be different outside the house (insert rolling eyes emoticon).

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 2

Victoria has now reached the FF zone for me.  When she corners someone (usually a guy) and whispers nonsensical shit at them for an eternity, petting her fake hair the whole time, I want to punch myself in the face.  I have never heard her utter one sentence that was of actual value in any way.  At first I gave her credit that she can't be completely stupid, if she can fluently speak two languages, but I have changed my mind about that and now believe that yes, she is COMPLETELY stupid.  


This. I'm laughing hard because you are entirely correct, IMO. Also, when she stares into the abyss with that vacant look in her eyes, it cracks me up. I would probably be wearing that look inside the BB house as well, but it seems so blank, so utterly void of thought.

Maybe Amber referenced her father because she realizes that the only opinions these guys care about are the opinions of other men.  No reason to mention what her mother might think, because they would just pat her on the head and then run off to the storage room to say, "OMG Amber's mom...the WORST, right?  So fake and shady. HATE HER!"



Shockingly, Jacosta isn't feeling too swell again.  Sore throat.  It's always something, and I find her and her constant string of issues incredibly boring.  When she isn't complaining of her latest malady, she's just sitting around like a lump of uselessness.


I'm not positive about the exact dialog, but I think Zach and Cody were talking near the pool table about putting something in their butts?  And that it made Cody's stomach hurt?  I swear I'm not making this up.


Everyone seems to care about America's opinion.  Maybe America is a dude?  Maybe America is a dude who has an awfully close relationship with another dude...like Canada.  


As for Jocasta, she needs to get it together or just self evict.  I refuse to talk shit about her alliance, because it feels like I'll be struck with a bolt of lightening, locusts or a plague or something.


LMAO @ "talking about putting something up their butts..."

  • Love 3

They need to cast people who are not in their 20's and early 30's. The real issue here is that the people who would be less likely to be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or generally close minded (maybe ignorant) are employed or have the common sense to not go on a national TV show and be locked into a house with a bunch of other people are likely to be racist, misogynistic, homophobic assholes. So we end up with people are under employed, unemployed, or think they are going to make a name for themselves on a TV show.


This does not lead to people who are particularly intelligent, worldly, or open minded people participating in the show. So we end up with people who are still in their college days with all the wonderful knowledge and attitudes that they have. I have no doubt that the conversations that these guys have is representative of the type of conversations that young men have on a regular basis. I work in an environment that is predominately male, former military, and the shit that comes out of their mouths is reasonably shocking. They look confused when I point out that what they said is wrong. I am talking correcting 50 year old men, who really are good guys and pretty nice, that I am not a girl, I am a woman. Then I have to explain why calling me a girl is not a good thing. Or tell them to stop calling someone or something gay. Or explain why it is that discussing subject X in that fashion is really not a good thing.  


My nickname at the office is Hippie.


And this is with them being on their best behavior because there is a woman in the office who is liberal. Heck, when I was pregnant one man told me that I looked like the battle ship Missouri and wondered why I was offended.


So yeah, I have no problem believing that these conversations and attitudes are representative of many men in this country. I have no problem believing that these guys do not see that their attitude towards the women in the house is wrong. And I have no problem believing that these men think that they treat women as a whole well and that they have not crossed any lines.

  • Love 8

Based on Amber and Caleb's conversation last night, I think Caleb is going to be more surprised than Amber when she is evicted.  At least she will have 1 vote.  He's telling her that he runs the alliance and Hayden pulling down Victoria to put her up was all part of his plan.


Amber is trying to tell him that there may be an alliance within the alliance and that Frankie is lying.  He's basically just patting her on the head, telling her there's nothing to worry about because Beast Mode Cowboy is in control.


*head thunks on my desk at the stupidity*

  • Love 3

Based on Amber and Caleb's conversation last night, I think Caleb is going to be more surprised than Amber when she is evicted.  At least she will have 1 vote.  He's telling her that he runs the alliance and Hayden pulling down Victoria to put her up was all part of his plan.


Amber is trying to tell him that there may be an alliance within the alliance and that Frankie is lying.  He's basically just patting her on the head, telling her there's nothing to worry about because Beast Mode Cowboy is in control.


*head thunks on my desk at the stupidity*

What's the phrase I'm looking for...? Oh, yeah.

Pride goeth before a fall.


From Joker's:

Tue 4:06 AM BBT Amber-How are you gonna feel when you promise me this and you go home? Cal- You won't. And honestly, no feeling would describe if you did. I would honestly , I'd write a check for the money I made in jury and send it to you.

(Rummaging around) I just know I have a pen around here somewhere...

  • Love 6

I hope Caleb makes their lives miserable for blindsiding him like this. Maybe they'll realize you don't fuck with crazy. Honestly, I think Frankie is the worst. Amber is no threat to his game. This is going to come back to bite him big time. Couldn't happen to a more deserving "grieving child".

  • Love 5



But then there are little rays of hope like this from Jokers:

Mon 6:30 PM BBT Earlier about 5:24 Chris and Nic were talking in the hammock about Donny suggesting that Chris, Nic, Hay, and Don align. They both say they think it is a good idea.

Of course (1) they have to be sincere in what they're saying, (2) they have to not change their minds within 5 minutes, and (3) one of them has to win HOH this week.

I've had the four of them in mind as the final 4 for a few weeks now. I thought I was just going crazy until I saw this, so perhaps I'm onto something after all. 

I could easily see Derrick/Cody turning on Frankie/Zach (that is assuming Frankie doesn't turn on Zach first, in which case it would be Derrick/Cody against Frankie/whoever Frankie can align with, maybe Caleb if he doesn't completely lose his mind Thursday and in the following days), with Jocasta/Victoria doing little, mainly just casting votes with whoever sways them the best. I think in which case, Jocasta would vote alongside Donny, giving the suggested alliance essentially 5 votes (Donny, Hayden, Christine, Nicole, and Jocasta). 

It would be brilliant for those 4, because even if the rest of the house banded together (which I see as unlikely once Derrick and Frankie aren't working together, which both - especially Derrick - have already been planning, to some extent), they would also only have 5 votes vs. the 5 votes of this new alliance. If one of the new alliance (or Jocasta) won HOH, they could simply put up 2 of the other 5, and the votes would be 4-3 for whoever the new alliance wanted out.  They would be pretty set, especially if they kept the alliance secret for as long as possible. 

Unfortunately, I am likely giving them far too much credit, and this alliance will be nothing more than a whispered possibility. 

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