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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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This plan to berate Amber is disgusting and all the guys going along with it, especially the ones who aren't getting paid for it, are absolute trash.

I'm so disappointed in Donny. If only he knew Amber was the only one that stood up for him when he was being called a creepy pervert. Actually, it probably wouldn't matter, because

there's nothing Amber could do that would win

these people over.

I can't wait until Frankie and Cody stab Zach in the back. It's coming!

Donny is one of Amber's targets, so I don't blame him for wanting her out. Does he even know the details of the speech?

The thing is, Caleb only wants to scare Amber into running into his arms, not actually get her evicted. He's in for a shock when he finds out the house plans to vote her out.


Yeah Caleb is in for a real shock when he finds out that Amber is the real target and that he has ZERO pull with the others to keep her safe.  

ok pardon the crassness, but hey, they talk about it, so...Why does Frankie's butthole hurt? He has epsom salts and ointment that he puts on (yeah i saw this, and bleached my eyes). There was, of course, a joke about him wishing it was because of Zach. Zach also told him this morning that he could feel free to sleep naked if it would make him feel better. Frankie's response was quite graphic. Although no bikini briefs were removed, shippers across the interwebs promptly lost their collective minds.

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Does anyone think Caleb has some psy-ops training from the army and this all may some calculated plan of his and he is playing the whole house?



I really prefer the simpler explanation.  He's just not the sharpest crayon like he said his Mama tells him.


I just don't see him as very calculating.  I mean, he probably thinks he is, but he is so easily manipulated by the other guys for that to really be true from what I've seen.

Edited by vb68
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Haha, Derdick, I love it! I really liked him at the beginning of the game, but this whole mess with Amber and his particular role in it disgusts me. He was egging Caleb on by saying "She's disrespecting you, bro!" Are you kidding me?  Also, I think I read in the Joker updates that he slapped Amber on the butt when she was cooking and said "Good food" or something. I'd like to know what his wife thinks of that. He needs to gain some perspective and imagine what he would think if his daughter were in Amber's position (I know she is very young, but you get it), having a group of guys planning to publicly humiliate her and egging on some creep who is essentially stalking her (as much as one can while living in the same house.) It's sick.

Derrick did slap Amber on the butt. And as for his wife, early on she tweeted about not liking Victoria because she follows Derrick around, so I assume she blames the women for Derrick's behavior. Yesterday Derrick was talking about how after the show him, Zach, and Cody should go to a brothel. Derrick disgusts me more than anyone. He is a 30-something year old cop with a wife and daughter and that scares me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yesterday Derrick was talking about how after the show him, Zach, and Cody should go to a brothel.

All I saw about the discussion on Jokers was the following:

Sun 5:33 PM BBT Zach: We're playing golf in Germany. What are those places called? Derrick: Hostels? Zach: No. brothels. We're totally going. NT - PowerofVito

Reads like the 'brothel' part of the talk was all on Zach's side. Or was something left out?

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4:33 AM Caleb and Cody talking in BY.Caleb says he thinks he could walk on to a MLB

team right now and be good. He says he could prob try out for the NFL and says that hes never played soccer but what hes seen he thinks he could get drafted. (No joke. Lmao)

The above is from Jokers. Caleb believes he could play major league baseball, NFL football or pro soccer, even though he's never played. This guy fascinates me.



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All I saw about the discussion on Jokers was the following:

Sun 5:33 PM BBT Zach: We're playing golf in Germany. What are those places called? Derrick: Hostels? Zach: No. brothels. We're totally going. NT - PowerofVito

Reads like the 'brothel' part of the talk was all on Zach's side. Or was something left out?

There was more. Zach and Derrick were joking about it, but personally I still think it's gross. Cody was saying he would never do that, saying the women probably have STDs. The whole thing was disgusting IMO. These guys all have shown what sexists dicks they are so much that pretty much any time they talk now it has the connotation, IMO. 


Gif of Caleb forcefully throwing a pillow at Amber's face while she sleeps, in case anyone wants to see it for themselves. ETA: This morning Caleb is laughing it up about how he hit her with the pillow. He also stood at the door and stared at her as she sat outside. It was disturbing.


Last season was the season of racism, this season is like a textbook case on sexism/misogyny/rape culture/male entitlement. But, huh, look at that, no TMZ articles about any of it. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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From Jokers, Caleb recounting the pillow incident to Zach:



Last night with Cody, i told him we should do a prank. we should paint the bottom of her feet, but she wakes up real easily so i said nah. Or throw mashed up bananas on her face or in her shaker so she would drink it. So I was like i would grab a rock pillow and went "ARRAAWWW" and SMOKED her with a rock pillow and hurried up and closed the door. She got up and looked around to see who was awake. This morning while i was brushing my teeth she said "im going to find out who did it. someone hit me in the face with a pillow" She said "Hayden was sleep, Cody was sleep but Cody wasnt. I heard her talking about it this morning. I woke her up with a rock pillow to the grill." (caleb laughing)


What, is this fucking kindergarten? Why don't you pull her pigtails next? Throwing mashed bananas in her face? Painting her feet with nail polish? How is any of that funny or a prank. Sure, it's just a pillow and it's meant to be a prank, but that's just being an asshole. I hope she does go home this week, because this is a lot of unnecessary bullshit he's putting her through.

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Those sick asses who are running the game know that Caleb is obsessed with Amber.  I'm talking about everyone in the house and production.


At least some of the HG's know that Caleb watches Amber sleep, and some of them know that Caleb Kissed Amber when she was asleep.  Yet production has done nothing.


Now the alpha men have wound Caleb up and got him to the next level.  They're telling him that Amber is the wrong one for not submitting to him and he is right to be angry at her.  They're actively planning to help Caleb humiliate Amber on TV.  Then Caleb hits Amber with a pillow in the night and production did nothing.  Caleb is now bragging about it to the men and they do nothing.

What is it going to take for someone to stand up and take a stand?  I'm afraid that the next time Amber is asleep Caleb will do something worse.

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Video of Caleb kissing Amber. That's the first time I saw the whole thing and she actually isn't fully asleep at the time. I still find the whole thing super creepy and combined with everything else it is disturbing still, IMO.

At 3:42 she's still talking, and at 3:45 she's still squirming around some trying to get comfortable when he kisses her on the forehead. That clumsy lunge of his jarred her entire upper torso, though, so it is entirely possible he knocked her unconscious in the process....


My latest submission to the WIBCI (Wouldn't It Be Cool If....) list:

WIBCI: Zach totally flipped script on everyone, and midway through the rehearsed speech starts reaming Caleb for being a totally delusional non-beast bunny-boiling whack job?

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The above is from Jokers. Caleb believes he could play major league baseball, NFL football or pro soccer, even though he's never played. This guy fascinates me.

So I would get rid of Amber (for her own protection) and keep Caleb around for the entertainment value. Lol. Maybe let him and Cody play a little soccer in the BY.


It seems like Zach might've called Cody and Derrick out as being in on this. Which LMAO good! Cody's bitching about it and I'm like, bitch, you were in on it! Now you're mad because he brought your name into it?! Spineless idiot.


And he was talking about how they have to go after Caleb and Derrick literally got him off it in about 2 seconds. We already knew this, but he really is Derrick's bitch.


Frankie is so gross. He was crying about how it 'happened so fast' to Amber. Then she leaves and he's cackling and saying she's gonna bawl and cry. Cut to her sleeping. LOL. Then Frankie was speaking so condescendingly to Zach. Why does Zach love this guy? 

Edited by peachmangosteen


Why should Amber be responsible for making some choice words to production?  Production obviously knows how creepy this situation is; they're playing it up on national tv!  They just don't care.

Precisely why if I were Amber I'd make such a stink.  What in the bluedilly fuck is it going to take for them to care, Caleb forcing himself on her?!


FINALLY, Victoria gets a break, if Jesuscasta had gotten the POV again I would have seriously gone stabbity.

My latest submission to the WIBCI (Wouldn't It Be Cool If....) list:

WIBCI: Zach totally flipped script on everyone, and midway through the rehearsed speech starts reaming Caleb for being a totally delusional non-beast bunny-boiling whack job?

Darn. Sounds like he stuck to script. Not that I really expected him to go off the reservation - still, it would've been cool. Plus, it would have been a triple eviction of sorts - BMBB getting ejected after going across the table at Zach, Amber being the first to the JH (while Caleb stands outside holding a radio over his head, no doubt), TPTB getting a DE they didn't even count on, and AG's head going all explodey. See? Would've been a win/win all the way around. Ah, c'est la vie.

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This is just getting disgusting. Via Jokers:

07/28/14 12:40-ish PM

Amber goes to beehive room, and Derrick/Cody still playing innocent like they didn't know Zach would go off like that.Amber is confused on why her and not someone else in the alliance. Amber says Frankie has put her up twice now.

Derrick says he is voting for Amber to stay, and that she should talk to Caleb because Derrick said that someone must have talked to Frankie this morning because Frankie said he got information this morning that made him want to nominate Amber.

Amber said she doesn't understand Caleb's plan to Frankie. She said she doesn't trust anyone in the house.

Amber said she has her own reasons she doesn't want a relationship in the house, and that it shouldn't be affecting her game.


Amber: "I have personal reasons for not wanting a relationship in this house. I can't say....all i can say is I lost someone close to me."


Amber: "Just because I won't have a freaking relationship or showmance in the house doesn't mean I don't have anyone's back"


Zach says that Amber didn't cry though during veto meeting. Caleb: "She crying now." Cody comes in and verifies she's upset.Caleb beams from ear to ear.


Caleb says that if Amber wants to talk to him, she can come up to him personally instead of sending someone to get him.


Caleb wants them to tell Amber, "Why are you talking to everyone but Caleb right now. He's the only one who can save you."

Edited by TexasChic

Oh, I forgot this little gem (jokers):

07/28/14 12:36 PM

Zach in BY. Victoria says she wasted her breath on him yesterday, she's not saying nothin' to him anymore.Zach: "It's like we just went through a crazy POV meeting or something. Be happy, you're safe."


Amber explaining to Derrick/Cody why she doesn't trust anybody in the house. Zach opens door, excuses himself and leaves. Cody says Zach pisses him off so much. Amber says she saw him dancing behind her back. Amber saying she doesn't understand Caleb's plan. Derrick saying he thinks Amber's going to come talk to him.


Now Christine with Zach in HOH delighting in Zach's blow-up at Amber.


Nevermind about Victoria, she was saying how fake and terrible Amber is with Frankie. Ate least she is still saying that she's done with Zach's personal attacks.


Amber smiled through Zach's berating. Yes, girl!


This really sucks because Amber is very dumb and gullible, so she is gonna buy all this bullshit that every single person is selling her. It's gonna be insufferable to watch this week.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Unfortunately, for Amber, she thinks the Bomb Squad is still in affect (so does Caleb) and that she is only being put up as a pawn.  I'm wondering if she doesn't quite understand that they just backdoored her and that she thinks Jacosta is the target (since she's comforting Jacosta).  Commonsense should tell her they would not have needed to pull Victoria down to get Jacosta out.  Though since it was Hayden and he's not a member of the BS, she may think Hayden pulled Victoria down because they are friends.


She's not seeing all of the backroom machinations that we are seeing and the BS has been dead for weeks.

This literally makes me want to vomit.

Jokers: 07/28/14 01:14 PM

Caleb to Frankie in HOH: "The only thing she had to do was come straight to me and say she was sorry. But now we see where her head is."

Not up his ass, thank god. Of course, his head is so firmly planted there, there wouldn't be room for two.

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I think they should introduce a new twist, Mass Eviction, and just fast forward to the F2 of Derrick/whichever goat he chooses because I am so done with this season.


@duskyliterati, I see what you're saying, but Amber is so dumb to not see the writing on the wall, IMO. It cracks me up that now she gets that they're picking off all the girls. Honey, you were perfectly fine helping them do that, but now you're in danger and you get it.


They're all idiots. But at least Amber is a nice person.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Can't wait to see what they show on TV and how they twist it around to Amber look bad and Derdick and his crew look like great game players. Just thinking about it makes me sick.

And Christine is the worse of them all. Can't wait until the boys give her the boot. Nichole will realize she's been played by Christine the whole game and feel like a fool. And Christine gets home and faces the music with her husband. Hopefully, he puts the screws to her.

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@peachmangosteen yea, I don't get the women in this house not seeing that the men are playing this game to win.  They don't want to be believe that their 'friends' would turn on them.  It's the Brigade all over again laughing behind Britney's back at how gullible she was.  Just makes me so frustrated with female houseguests.

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duskyliterati, I see what you're saying, but Amber is so dumb to not see the writing on the wall, IMO. It cracks me up that now she gets that they're picking off all the girls. Honey, you were perfectly fine helping them do that, but now you're in danger and you get it.


I can't remember the timeline exactly.  Didn't Amber start to see that the women were in danger last week and suggest that it was time to put up the guys?  I thought that Christine informed the Detonators of this which gave them an additional reason to put up Amber (which should have been a red flag to Christine).

Edited by networker
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It makes me more frustrated with the males. Like if BB would stop casting sexist guys then this wouldn't keep happening.

Then BB would need to stop casting most guys. Because our society promote sexism, both guys and some women play a part in keeping it going and supporting it. Some when they grow up unlearn these shit that society brought them up to believe and they stop being sexist. Unfortunately, only a few of them do this unlearning aspect because it's hard and it require them to recognize their privilege and realizing that seeing women as equal doesn't make them less.


I mostly blame the women for the situation they had find themselves in. They did this to themselves by forgetting that guys like playing games with each other and exclude women from those games as soon as possible. 

Edited by SevenStars
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I agree. But I can't blame the women, it just isn't in me! No matter how dumb they are. As you said, society promotes this way of thinking. It's sad, but it's up to men to look at themselves and change themselves.

Amber: I can't believe Victoria is staying again. Now I can say I know how Britt feels. Maybe Hayden wants more blow-jobs.


Wow. I just. I give up.

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