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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Yes, IF the POV winner isn't already on the block. If the POV winner IS on the block and chooses to use it on the person sitting beside him, then there is a chance they will go home if the replacement isn't voted out instead - and the rest of the house wasn't already plotting to backdoor the replacement. (As in, they wanted the POV used, so they could give their real target the boot). There have been a few instances I can think of, when this happened. I think Brenchel did it - Brendan deliberately used his POV on Rachel, and he was indeed, voted out.

And Evel Dick was on the block with his daughter Danielle, used the POV on her instead of himself and survived.  The replacement was Dustin who actually volunteered to go up (as a pawn) was  voted out.   Use the POV on yourself if you're on the block and never volunteer to go up because the pawn can go home.  BB 101 - which I'm assuming Calab missed. 


Zach has been trapped in the HOH room with Caleb for hours. Caleb won't shut up. Zach's head has not exploded yet. Caleb really is clueless.


ETA: Something happened with Derrick. He's upset and everyone is sitting in the living room. Derrick in DR, feeds in and out. Seems like a death in the family. His grandpa passed away this morning. 

Edited by kellog010

It seems as if someone from Derrick's family may have died. I'm not sure of the details yet, but they went to feed highlights and came back to Derrick crying and then going in DR while everyone else sits in the living room in silence.

ETA: His grandfather died.

Edited by peachmangosteen
His friend back home has a boyfriend who is Johnny Depp's stunt double. "He was gonna get me in the next Pirate's of the Carribean, like a major line, like in a role, like rockin' with Jonny Depp and his crew, and it was gonna be over a million that I was gonna get paid. But [his friend/connection] got had an accidental pregnancy and messed everything up."


Unless this girl's boyfriend is Tony Angellotti, Caleb is full of shit. I know Tony from working with him at Disney in the 90's, and he's Johnny Depp's stunt double on Pirates. Or at least he was up until he broke his pelvis. Don't know if he's still doing it, but the point is, I'm calling bullshit on Caleb's big talking.  I've never heard of a stuntman being able to land a non-actor a role in a major motion picture like that, and get them big $$ for it as well. Not to mention, it makes absolutely no sense that an accidental pregnancy would affect this. He's not even a good liar.


Is this a good place to ask a question? I've seen people say things like, "Grodner will try to protect him because he's popular with the audience".  Is this just talk, or is there actual production intervention that happens? I'm not saying the usual stuff where reality shows aren't really reality because I know that, but is there actual known production intervention that they will step in to try to drive the direction of things legitimately at any point?  Like if it looked like Donny was going to be at high risk, would they change a challenge to favor him?

Edited by Pixel


Is this a good place to ask a question? I've seen people say things like, "Grodner will try to protect him because he's popular with the audience".  Is this just talk, or is there actual production intervention that happens? I'm not saying the usual stuff where reality shows aren't really reality because I know that, but is there actual known production intervention that they will step in to try to drive the direction of things legitimately at any point?  Like if it looked like Donny was going to be at high risk, would they change a challenge to favor him?

Yes, they do that on this show.  Past houseguests have also let it leak that the DR seems to be pushing for so-and-so to go, or to stay.  Of course due to their contracts they can't really put it out there that this happens, but little bits of info have gotten out.  They ask leading questions and gear the conversations so that it gets the person in the DR thinking that they should go a different route.  There was one year where it was a MAJOR switch (re: who they were going to vote out) and I'm drawing a blank on who the people were, or which season, but there was an audio leak from the DR and it was definitely the DR's doing.  And then the Houseguests kind of talked about it in code words afterwards too.  

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Question about the show/game in general...  Last season, Judd was allowed back in the house after winning a comp vs other Jury members.  Is that a usual thing on BB, or just something random to shake up that season specifically?  Also, if a usual thing; is it always just Jury members that are allowed back in, or has it occasionally been people who were evicted prior to getting to the Jury house, as well??

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I know for a fact that the DR has an agenda and tries to persuade the HGs to see their viewpoint, based on what they want to see happen to help ratings. It's a thing. But I have never seen or heard of any evidence that people get nominated or voted out because BB says so. At the end of the day, these people can choose to listen to or ignore the DR. Maggie flat out stated she would ignore any advice given to her in the DR, which quite frankly is one of the reasons she won. Brittany also chose to ignore the DR in the Brigade season, which is one of the reasons she lost.

Very sad to hear that Derrick lost his grandfather.

Also very sad to fire up the feeds to listen to Caleb explain to Jacosta how ungrateful Amber is to all of the wonderful things he has done for her (none of which she asked for), and how awesome a guy he is, and how they have this great connection. I am so sick of it at this point. I wish Zach would go Zach on him and tell him flat out that Amber wants nothing to do with him. That he needs to stop. That he is the creepiest creep to ever creep. Amber can't do this, because her just daring to get a little feisty with him this morning caused him to go on a rant about her, about how she was ungrateful and needed to go. She honestly has no out with him at this point.

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Also, if a usual thing; is it always just Jury members that are allowed back in, or has it occasionally been people who were evicted prior to getting to the Jury house, as well??


There is no way they can let someone back in who has had access to the outside world to figure out what is going on in the game.  I've only watched the last few seasons, but from reading here and there, I think early on they didn't sequester the jury and someone who would have won the game lost because jurors heard what this person was saying about them while they were watching the show outside.  I think it might have been Season 2 or 3, hence the sequestering of the jury from then on.


ETA:  Back to the feeds, Caleb has now spent approximately 6 hours explaining to folks: a) how he is over Amber, because b) she is unappreciative how how much he does for her but c) although he's over her, it is only for game purposes because d) she really likes him and is just being private and doesn't want to expose her real feelings to him in front of the cameras.


I think he's looking for another situation where she needs to come to him, hug him and apologize to him; because that was the most positive interaction he has had with her.  I joke about him, but this is honestly not funny...lots of textbook behavior here...trying to isolate her from others and make her depend on him.

Edited by pennben
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Also very sad to fire up the feeds to listen to Caleb explain to Jacosta how ungrateful Amber is to all of the wonderful things he has done for her (none of which she asked for), and how awesome a guy he is, and how they have this great connection. I am so sick of it at this point. I wish Zach would go Zach on him and tell him flat out that Amber wants nothing to do with him. That he needs to stop. That he is the creepiest creep to ever creep. Amber can't do this, because her just daring to get a little feisty with him this morning caused him to go on a rant about her, about how she was ungrateful and needed to go. She honestly has no out with him at this point.


The only true thing he's said during this (ongoing) rant is, "She doesn't deserve who I am."  Except I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Edited by forgetmenow
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I think it might have been Season 2 or 3, hence the sequestering of the jury from then on.


Season 3 was the start of it, as Danielle would have easily won had it not been for the fact that the jury members all saw her talk shit about them all season (which, of course, is a huge knock on Danielle's game, as she knew that they were going to see her talk trash, so she shouldn't have done it). Starting with Season 4, the jury members were sequestered. If it ever came to a point where they didn't have enough jury members (like it someone left the game entirely), they'd just have America be the last jury member.


As to whether production interferes with the game, oh, very much so, and in a much more direct fashion than simply trying to convince the houseguests to vote a certain way (which, while slimy, is at least still within the houseguests' control). They introduced a hilariously silly concept called "Coup d'Etat" (which you'll often see us refer to as "Cootie taw" based on I believe Jordan's pronunciation of it) in Season 7 where whoever wins the Coup d'Etat would get to overthrow whoever the HoH nominated and put up two new nominees. In Season 7, it at least seemed to legitimately just be up for grabs (it was awarded via a riddle-solving puzzle and Mike Boogie got it and actually didn't end up using it because he didn't need to during the three weeks he was allowed to use it) but then they brought it back in Season 11 and just flat out gave it to Jeff because they wanted to help him out (he used it to help out his game and it eventually drove the HoH to quit the game because she was so pissed off over the production interference). My all-time favorite, though, was in Season 13 when they wanted to protect not just one but TWO contestants (Rachel and Jordan), so they introduced a twist where TWO people could win the veto (and they shockingly won the veto). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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 If they bring someone back, it's generally from the first 4 or 5 evicted houseguests.   If the plan is to bring someone back, they sequester the evicted houseguests separately.  I think last year was the first year they brought back someone from jury.  They didn't start sequestering the jury until season 4.  In season 3, Danielle was playing an awesome game and had a secret alliance with Jason no one knew about.  In the diary room she was a totally different person, cackling about her latest victim and plotting her next takedown (she gave some of the best diary room).  She made it to final two, but all the evicted houseguests saw her diary rooms and were a very bitter bunch so she lost.  


Well, it's not like they would have been any less bitter if they had voted for Alison, ya know? But yes, Jun certainly burned a whole ton of bridges, but she played a hell of a game. 


As for the Jeff thing, any time they let America vote, that's essentially the producers deciding who will win, as they know how the public will vote (partially because they control what the public sees, hence Evil Dick being so popular in Season 8). So when they let America vote, they knew that either Jeff or Jordan was going to win it. 


Another recent pairs of examples of the producers trying to help a favorite was when they vacated the nominations in Season 14 to keep Frank from being eliminated and then later that season they threw a Diamond Power of Veto into the game to help Dan after he didn't win veto. Ian foiled that by winning it, but then Dan miraculously found a way to stick around anyways (and you know the DR was pushing Frank along the whole way "Wow, yeah, Frank, that WOULD be epic if you and Dan teamed up!"). 


Anyhow, sorry for the tangent! Back to this season, Derrick was actually somewhat impressing me earlier when he seemed to acknowledge that this season is likely not as popular as previous seasons because of the predictability of it all. Good for him - it's rare to see a houseguest actually think something other than how awesome everyone must be thinking their season is.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I was just very casually listening to Caleb's spiel to Jocasta and wasn't even paying much attention as I read stuff online, but I cracked up hearing him tell her that he does not want to look like an idiot on TV. I so wanted the BB voice to tell him, "Caleb, you ran off that road sometime in week one.  That's  the least of it."

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Oh, I absolutely think BB invents special powers to help their favorites, especially with the help of "America's" vote. The most blatant was Dick winning because he had his own soundtrack, and got the golden edit the season poor Eric had to do whatever "America" wanted him to do. And of course there were the Coo day tats (tm HGs) that Mike And Jeff won. Plus, Frankie getting a free return, and all kinds of other nonsense.

My point was that the people in the house still have free will to nominate or vote out who they choose. While I agree Chima had a right to be pissed the hell off that her whole HOH got her nothing due to Jeff's "America's" given power, I see no evidence of people in the game being forced to do something they don't want to do. At the end of the day, these people signed up to be on a game show with no hard and fast rules, in order to win $500k. As long as they do keep their own free will, I've begrudgingly accepted all of the other nonsense.

Edited by Katesus7
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Oh, absolutely true. Like I said before, I think that stuff is slimy but ultimately it is up to the houseguests to decide what to do. No one forces them to vote anyone out. Hell, a goodly amount of houseguests specifically chafe when they feel that they're being prodded to vote a certain way and solidify AGAINST that way (Maggie being the best example). 

ETA:  Back to the feeds, Caleb has now spent approximately 6 hours explaining to folks: a) how he is over Amber, because b) she is unappreciative how how much he does for her but c) although he's over her, it is only for game purposes because d) she really likes him and is just being private and doesn't want to expose her real feelings to him in front of the cameras.


I think he's looking for another situation where she needs to come to him, hug him and apologize to him; because that was the most positive interaction he has had with her.  I joke about him, but this is honestly not funny...lots of textbook behavior here...trying to isolate her from others and make her depend on him.

Calab and his delusions and especially his simmering anger at the lack of Amber's gratitude make me feel like I'm watching a character from a  Lifetime movie.    I'm just glad this guy is under surveillance 24/7.  I shudder to think of him and Amber in the jury house together.  One of them needs to go this week.    

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I am cracking up at Caleb's idea for a reality TV show: women with low self-esteem apply to be taken out on a date with Caleb. Like, what? Him showing up in a limo to your home is some kind of prize? 


Ugh, I rolled my eyes so hard I think I just saw my brain.  CBS should jump on it...but only if he shows up in a limo.


Also very sad to fire up the feeds to listen to Caleb explain to Jacosta how ungrateful Amber is to all of the wonderful things he has done for her (none of which she asked for), and how awesome a guy he is, and how they have this great connection. I am so sick of it at this point. I wish Zach would go Zach on him and tell him flat out that Amber wants nothing to do with him. That he needs to stop. That he is the creepiest creep to ever creep. Amber can't do this, because her just daring to get a little feisty with him this morning caused him to go on a rant about her, about how she was ungrateful and needed to go. She honestly has no out with him at this point.


Listen, she had her chance to get him out of the house when he was up against Devin.  She could have started to campaign very quietly to get him out of the house, she wouldn't have had to say much.  She could have even pushed them to backdoor Caleb last week.  I know she is trying to be nice and I can appreciate that about her, but come on now....

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Listen, she had her chance to get him out of the house when he was up against Devin.  She could have started to campaign very quietly to get him out of the house, she wouldn't have had to say much.  She could have even pushed them to backdoor Caleb last week.  I know she is trying to be nice and I can appreciate that about her, but come on now....


Unfortunately, when any of the woman have shown any initiative or simply haven't gone with the flow and done what Derrick/ Frankie/ Zach have wanted, they've been vilified and punished.  When they have thought they had a safe ear with Christine, she went directly to the guys.  If the majority of the house had supported getting Caleb out, she could've gone along with it, but if she had initiated it, she would've been raked over the coals for not being appreciative of Caleb's sacrifice.  As it is, she's being treated like an ungrateful bitch for not wanting to continue to (pointlessly) talk to Caleb after just spending a lengthy amount of time with him alone in the beehive.  I think that if she had really tried to rally people against Caleb instead of Devin, she'd already be out.

Edited by forgetmenow
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Listen, she had her chance to get him out of the house when he was up against Devin. She could have started to campaign very quietly to get him out of the house, she wouldn't have had to say much. She could have even pushed them to backdoor Caleb last week.

The guys don't listen to her, the girls hate her. I don't understand how you think she could have influenced anything. Devin was done when he was done. Caleb being up was possible, but she had no influence on that. The other folks opinion of her was sealed before she could influence anything.

She sucks at the game, so lets not kid ourselves that she could have influenced anyone in the last couple of weeks.

Edited by pennben
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Unfortunately, when any of the woman have shown any initiative or simply haven't gone with the flow and done what Derrick/ Frankie/ Zach have wanted, they've been vilified and punished.  When they have thought they had a safe ear with Christine, she went directly to the guys.  If the majority of the house had supported getting Caleb out, she could've gone along with it, but if she had initiated it, she would've been raked over the coals for not being appreciative of Caleb's sacrifice.  As it is, she's being treated like an ungrateful bitch for not wanting to continue to (pointlessly) talk to Caleb after just spending a lengthy amount of time with him alone in the beehive.  I think that if she had really tried to rally people against Caleb instead of Devin, she'd already be out.



The guys don't listen to her, the girls hate her. I don't understand how you think she could have influenced anything. Devin was done when he was done. Caleb being up was possible, but she had no influence on that. The other folks opinion of her was sealed before she could influence anything.

She sucks at the game, so lets not kid ourselves that she could have influenced anyone in the last couple of weeks.


I think all it could have taken was a few well placed words.  I don't think she had to be direct about it, like "I want Caleb out" but more "you know, I just feel uncomfortable" or even planted the seeds that frankly, Caleb would always put her first, above the alliance and so he really wasn't an alliance member, and if she was booted before him there is a chance that he will have nothing to lose and will go all super hero status to "avenge" her.  That would definitely be something a player like Donny could use to turn him.   All of them seem to value their TV personas, if Amber is going on in front of everyone about how uncomfortable she feels, but how much she really wants to play the game, and how much Caleb is hurting her game, and has the potential of hurting the game of the bomb squad, then the guys might feel the pressure to "be valiant heroes" or whatever and get Caleb out.  Especially since he has shown that he will do what he wants, even if its counter to what the group wants.


All of them seem to value their TV personas, if Amber is going on in front of everyone about how uncomfortable she feels, but how much she really wants to play the game, and how much Caleb is hurting her game, and has the potential of hurting the game of the bomb squad, then the guys might feel the pressure to "be valiant heroes" or whatever and get Caleb out.  Especially since he has shown that he will do what he wants, even if its counter to what the group wants.


I believe she did say pretty much that to a few people.  Unfortunately, the main alliance(s) cared more about an extra vote than a woman who they had already decided they didn't like.  The fact that it was common knowledge that he kissed her while she was sleeping and it didn't outrage and disgust anyone is pretty indicative to me as to what their priorities are.  Last night or the night before, Christine was actually saying that it would be funny if they arranged the sleeping situation so that Amber had to sleep next to Caleb.  These sadists don't care about her.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 4

Early on wasn't there some chatter that Amber's family was worried about her physical safety in the house because of Caleb's obsessive behavior? They should be screaming at AG full force after learning about him kissing her while she slept without her permission and getting his grubby little stalkery paws all over her damn baby blanket. They know damn well this is not cute because they didn't show the most awkward date in the history of ever on the show.

I'd like someone to tweet Les & Chenbot and ask how would they feel if they watched some delusional nut bar do that to their daughter. Caleb needs to have several seats. Alone. In a padded room. Far far away from Amber. She sucks at this game for sure, I wish she was more ruthless a la Parvati from Survivor but regardless she doesn't deserve to be the never ending object of this whack job's disturbing affections.

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Well, Caleb has said a few times that it would be great if Amber was the very first to go to the jury house and then he followed next, so they could have a week alone together without other people around and no cameras.  He was sure that when alone together Amber would 'come clean' and tell him how much she loves him.  In his disturbed mind she's just been inhibited by so many other people all around and cameras recording their every move.  Although at least some part of his itty bitty mind must think differently, because he's so damned jealous of Cody.


I wonder if Amber would quit the game if she were trapped in jury with Caleb, either alone or even with one or two others in the house.  I think I would.


I'm also not pleased that some of the other hamsters have joked about sending Amber and Caleb to jury together.  I wouldn't be surprised if they evicted Amber, then promised that if Caleb did what they want, they'd send him right after her as soon as possible.  I think the only thing they're worried about is that he's so pissed that Amber was taken from him that they couldn't control him.  Yes, as soon as she upsets him he's all "Let's dump her", but when push comes to shove, he wants to be with her and part of winning her over to him is (in his mind) proving to her that she means more to him than the prize.


And I'm really worried that when he finally realizes that she never saw him as a romantic prospect, he'll act out in real life and there will really be trouble.  He's so delusional, I have to think that he's been unstable long before he arrived at BB.  Has any member of his family spoken about this?  Are they hiding his guns yet?  They really should.

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And I'm really worried that when he finally realizes that she never saw him as a romantic prospect, he'll act out in real life and there will really be trouble.  He's so delusional, I have to think that he's been unstable long before he arrived at BB.  Has any member of his family spoken about this?  Are they hiding his guns yet?  They really should.


It looks like @BBTEAMCALEB is the Twitter account being run by his brothers.  They seem to be completely ignoring the worst stuff and relying on the standard "Nice guy, big heart" for the rest.  Be warned, there is some truly awful duckface to wade through.

Edited by forgetmenow

I'm wondering if Zach finally ratted out Donny to Derrick and Frankie because he started to feel insecure about possibly getting booted or if he wanted to get back on their good side on more of a friendship level? As much as Zach says he hates people and that's why he doesn't have any friends, he seems to value his male relationships in the house. 


It seems that Zach would have been better off keeping the info about Donny to himself. Donny hasn't been a threat to anyone thus far because he hasn't won an HOH and doesn't have an alliance. Donny could be a possible ally for Zach if they both make it further in the game and Zach ends up needing an extra vote or something. Zach should be realizing that at least Derrick doesn't seem to have any enemies in the house. He's been saying that he's fine with what he's accomplished thus far and knows he can't win the game so will just help his friends get further. Don't know if he really means it or not but if he does, it seems like Frankie and Derrick really lucked out this year with so many people who don't seem to be all that motivated to go after the win and so many people who have no idea how the game works (and of the course the dominating male alliance hasn't hurt!).


I was holding out hope that Hayden was just laying low until single HOHs and playing along with his "alliance" but saw a conversation between he and Nicole where they both were talking about how much they love Derrick and would want to go to the end with him. Hayden was also saying what a good guy Cody is and that he trusts him. This is so frustrating but I have to hand it to Derrick, he's got nearly everyone snowed and is in control without making anyone feel pushed around or intimidated  the way a Caleb or Devin or Zach might try to play it.


I think the house harmony and the passive and reserved players are going to make the AT fail at instigating the 20-second fight. Glad that Derrick and Frankie will likely fail at something but it seems so unusual for BB that there wouldn't be any players besides Zach who would actually engage in a shouting match. 


Personally, I think if Amber and Caleb were in the jury house together, she would finally just flat out tell him to leave her alone. Without worries about the game and evictions, I think Amber will feel free to be very direct and tell him she isn't the slightest bit interested and he has no chance with her. There are production people in the jury house with the players to monitor them so it's not like she would be left alone with Caleb. And with the attention Caleb's actions have gotten so far, I'd imagine production would be paying attention to make sure everything is OK.  .


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Personally, I think if Amber and Caleb were in the jury house together, she would finally just flat out tell him to leave her alone. Without worries about the game and evictions, I think Amber will feel free to be very direct and tell him she isn't the slightest bit interested and he has no chance with her. There are production people in the jury house with the players to monitor them so it's not like she would be left alone with Caleb. And with the attention Caleb's actions have gotten so far, I'd imagine production would be paying attention to make sure everything is OK.  .

I sure hope you're right, because I fear for that girl.

It's funny that Caleb's brother retweets the compliments of Caleb's supporters but they say things like "Everyone hates him... but I love Caleb!"

As someone trying to make it in the entertainment industry, I'm surprised Caleb's comments about Pirates of the Caribbean didn't annoy Frankie more and cause him to go nuts behind Caleb's back.

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if Amber is going on in front of everyone about how uncomfortable she feels, but how much she really wants to play the game, and how much Caleb is hurting her game, and has the potential of hurting the game of the bomb squad, then the guys might feel the pressure to "be valiant heroes" or whatever and get Caleb out.  Especially since he has shown that he will do what he wants, even if its counter to what the group wants.



I think it's playing out just the opposite.  The Bomb Squad, led by Derrick and Frankie, stress that Caleb is such a loyal member who would never ever go against them.  Not ever.  That's how they strong armed  Cody this last week.   They would humor Amber to her face, but then immediately joke and diss her right afterwards.



Don't know if he really means it or not but if he does, it seems like Frankie and Derrick really lucked out this year with so many people who don't seem to be all that motivated to go after the win and so many people who have no idea how the game works (and of the course the dominating male alliance hasn't hurt!).


This does seem like it's all going to eventually come down to which one of Frankie or Derrick can out maneuver the other one.  We are still several weeks away from seeing it go down, but so far my money is on Derrick. (Not that I like him.)  Frankie has tossed aside some people already that could have been useful like Joey, and I would argue Victoria when he nominated her the first week.  Now Derrick has Victoria wrapped around his finger and is continuing to make inroads with others.



I think the house harmony and the passive and reserved players are going to make the AT fail at instigating the 20-second fight. Glad that Derrick and Frankie will likely fail at something but it seems so unusual for BB that there wouldn't be any players besides Zach who would actually engage in a shouting match.


 Did  Zach calling out  Christine and Nicole at the nominations fail for TA?   I don't understand why it would have.  It seems like it worked perfectly.

Edited by vb68

Season 3 was the start of it, as Danielle would have easily won had it not been for the fact that the jury members all saw her talk shit about them all season (which, of course, is a huge knock on Danielle's game, as she knew that they were going to see her talk trash, so she shouldn't have done it).

I'm so glad someone else sees this! Danielle is terribly overrated IMO.


Oh when Donny explained it to Derrick, I thought he said it could be one person yelling for 20 seconds as long as it was in the designated areas.

No, he said that it had to be a back and forth. It had to last 20 seconds. I imagine that they'll end up getting credit for it anyway. I mean they gave them credit for the 'physical threat' nomination on Amber when Derrick flat out put 'physical threat' is quotations in the DR and they showed it on the show! Edited by peachmangosteen
Did  Zach calling out  Christine and Nicole at the nominations fail for TA?   I don't understand why it would have.  It seems like it worked perfectly.

From what I've read, I think Zach just insulted them during his nominations. There was no yelling on either side and no argument or response from Christine and Nicole. I read that last night Frankie was telling Zach that he should call out Amber during the veto ceremony for trying to get him backdoored and have a big fight. It's funny that there are no guys for them to tell Zach to target because the only man not in one of their alliances is part of the AT. I'll bet he could get under Caleb's skin pretty easily with the right approach but Frankie and Derrick wouldn't want to cause dissension in the ranks.


From what I've read, I think Zach just insulted them during his nominations. There was no yelling on either side and no argument or response from Christine and Nicole. I read that last night Frankie was telling Zach that he should call out Amber during the veto ceremony for trying to get him backdoored and have a big fight.

When Donny was explaining the task, he said that once they lock in two people, it had to be them, so I don't think trying for an Amber/Zach fight will work. Unless Donny misunderstood or they just flat out change the rules.

It's disgusting to me, though not surprising at all, that Frankie is using his grandfather's death to for his game. He's even using Derrick's grandfather's death. What a disgusting person he is.

This is gonna make me sounds callous, but it really sucks that now Derrick and Frankie are golden. I mean they most likely were to begin with, but there is almost no chance now that either of them will be targeted like ever. And if Derrick isn't handed HOH next week I'll be very surprised. Zach even said that Derrick and Frankie are the only people who have a chance of winning. Ugh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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