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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Poor Amber. Caleb asked her out on a "date" he had set up outside in front of the whole house (minus Cody, which the remaining people hilariously told him about, because they said Caleb waited for Cody to be gone to ask). She's not a bitch, so said yes, and he was out there saying he really wanted a date with her "on camera", even though they would still have a date out of the house. She said in a kind of joking, yet 'oh fuck me, I'm screwed' way that he just wasn't going to give up on that, and he told her that when he won the $5k that he immediately told the DR to book them a cruise. Y'all this is just not cool. At all.

  • Love 2

FYI, Caleb is planning to keep his body sculpted even after he signs a record deal.

Thank goodness!  Today I was thinking "what will we do about the brainpower lost when all those AIDS researchers went down in the Ukraine?" and then of course it was eclipsed by the much more important question of whether or not Caleb will keep his body sculpted after he signs that sweet sweet record deal.

Apparently Jocasta had a bible study with Cody, and then told him he is now saved, but he doesn't know what that means.

Man, I had a lady explain the concept for me for three hours straight on a plane ride from LA to Chicago.  I wish I still had her number, she had a booklet full of pictures and everything, because I'm pretty sure she assumed I was too stupid to understand....as I sat on the plane with a Torts casebook.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 3

1. Why are the ladies all dressed up and the guys dressing a little different too.

2. Why didn't they stop Frankie from singing "Silent Night" last night while he was doing dishes?

3. I'd LOVE to see Victoria full out drunk.

4. When Frankie's not "on", I love him.

5. Who did the guys say was "not her thinnest" tonight?

Edited by slasherboy

   Yeah. I loved Caleb's "I just can't wait for this game to be over so you'll tell me that you really DO love me" bit being said again.



2. Why didn't they stop Frankie from singing "Silent Night" last night while he was doing dishes?


      Silent Night is public domain. It's also why they didn't stop Frankie from singing the national anthem.

Edited by methodwriter85

I'm glad that I'm taking a big step back from these feeds, because the awkward embarrassment I feel for most of these people/situations is getting to be too much to handle.   I find myself literally cringing at times, with how embarrassed I feel for a person trying to say or do something, and it turns out unbelievably awkward.


IE; #Devin'sPickles & the first 'personal' convo that Caleb & Paola had should make BB's "Most Awkwardly Embarrassing Moments" Hall of Shame.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


Also, I can't be sure, but it was my impression that he thinks Mothers' Day and Thanksgiving are always on his siblings' birthdays.

Or that Thanksgiving is always on November 27th.  Maybe he would have been better saying his siblings' birthdays fall around this Holidays.


ETA: Mother's Day also doesn't fall on the same day every year.

Edited by duskyliterati

Oh lord have mercy, that "date" with Caleb and Amber was so painful to watch.  Every time he tries to make her say yes to a date after the show is over, I have only ever heard her say, plain as day, "NO", and he thinks that's just her being coy.  We've got the new poster boy for the next NO MEANS NO! campaign.


It seemed their entire date consisted of him sitting there telling her all the ways in which he is awesome, and some ways in which she is also awesome, but only when they are the same ways that he is awesome.  Like, how they are both such strong competitors and the toughest, best people in the house, which makes them unbeatable.  And something about how she doesn't have to worry, because she is part of him, and part of the alliance, and he will always keep his promise that she will be safe, but then he said he's only one man, which almost made it seem that he has some glimmer of understanding that he's not invincible, only to quickly recover and say something else about being the strongest, bestest, fastest, whateverest.  He guarantees her that they will make it far together, it's as simple as that, but then went on to nod and agree when Amber said that they are playing a game against each other in which she WILL kick his ass to get the money if she has to.  "Yes yes, nod nod, yes yes, we are on a date and it's going really well, I should probably tell her about a few of the goodguy things and adorable behaviors I displayed with my previous girlfriends now..."


One of the biggest eye-roll moments for me was when he told her that the reason he set up the "date" was because he wanted everyone to "get" to see them on a date on TV, since no one else would "get" to see them on a date after the show.  It was very important that this be televised, because he was doing it for US, you guys.  That's proof positive that he is capable of thinking of someone other than himself!


Prior to the date he was telling someone that the reason he wants to teach Amber line dancing is because that's what he wants to take her to do on their first date outside of the house, at a place he goes to back home.  He gestured towards his jeans and western shirt, as though they were something incredibly special, and indicated they are typical of what he would wear on a night out dancing two-step or, and maybe I misheard him...salsa?  Then he said he also had a pearl snap shirt, and this part was not clear to me but I think he said BB wouldn't let him bring it into the house, but that he's probably going to give it to Frankie, because it's a $200+ shirt that a doctor bought for him when he went to Paris or Italy or something.  I sort of love the way he always has to mention how special and expensive his things are, how special and rich his family's friends are (I swear he has talked about this "doctor" person before and how he would TOTALLY bring everyone from the BB cast to hang with him in the doctor's lake house).  If this doctor is buying Caleb $200 pearl snap shirts, I have to wonder what the motive is there...  


But anyway, I am straying from the point I wanted to make, which is that the fact he wants her to learn line dancing so that he can take her to the place where HE feels comfortable and wants to show her off is so disgustingly typical of his type.  Because he wants her as a trophy, she needs to learn how to properly display herself in his world.  Doesn't matter that she might want to do something different (or, you know, nothing at all since she will never go out with him), because this is what HE wants and what HE has envisioned for himself.   I guess he lays there at night fantasizing about the two of them doing their THANG on the dance floor, which has been totally cleared for the hometown hero, and then when the song is nearly over he'll pick Amber up and spin her over his head and the crowd surrounding them will cheer and go completely wild.  News crews will show up, President Bush will even stop by because he heard Caleb would be there and he wanted to meet that upstanding young man in person to shake his hand, thank him for his service, and congratulate him on getting the girl because he never gave up.  Later that night, he drives Amber to the doctor's lake house where she finally admits that yes, she loved him since the moment she first saw him in the BB house, but was too shy to tell him, but now she can confess everything which is that she wants to submit to his every wish forever and ever, amen.  What he doesn't realize, is that while he was setting up their fantastic "date" of 2 chairs by the pool and thinking about all the ways it was going to be awesome, she was in the hive room with Nicole who had just warned her about his plan, literally saying, "NOOOOOOOO!  This never ends!  WHY DOESN'T THIS EVER END????????"


edited to add:  I almost forgot about the part where he said where he lives people get married when they're 20 and he knows that will end in disaster, so he's 26 now and is PLANNING to settle down and get married by 30.  To which Amber replied, "I don't really like to make plans, I like to live life not knowing what's going to happen next."  So then Caleb comes back with, "Yeah, me too, I don't plan shit."   Good recovery there, buddy, you totally turned that one around to yet another thing you and Amber have in common!

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 11


I expect Amber to be thoroughly trashed tomorrow by Christine and Nicole, because she is absolutely stunning this evening, and all the guys are commenting on it.

Yep, it's started with Christine/Victoria/Zach.  Christine/Victoria talking about how catty and jealous Amber is and how's she's jealous because Christine is close to Cody.  Zach calls her a bitch.  *yawn* same ole, same ole


LOL at Zach freaking out Cody and Frankie by telling Brittany to have a house meeting.  Such a Devin moment.

I expect Amber to be thoroughly trashed tomorrow by Christine and Nicole, because she is absolutely stunning this evening, and all the guys are commenting on it.


Wife and I were watching BBAD, but she wasn't paying much attention, playing some game on her iPad.

Wife did look up though at one point, when Amber got off the BY couch and went into the kitchen.

Wife watched her walk past the kitchen, said one word - "Bitch" - and went back to her game.

So I guess I'm obligated to cut Christine and Nichole some slack. Apparently there's some gender-based genetic component at work here of which I was unaware....


Oh, someone farther up had asked who the guys were referring to when saying that one of the women wasn't looking her slimmest - it was Brittany.  Weirdly, she had on jeans and then changed into a long skirt after they said that, but she couldn't have heard them discussing that her outfit wasn't flattering.  I can't say that any of the men's attempts at dressing up were particularly stellar or flattering, but for some reason the women didn't appear to have any discussion about that.  Ugh.  Gross.


I thought it was a little funny that after Zach talked with Brittany again and convinced her not to call a house meeting, that he went back up to tell Cody and started to admit to feeling bad that she was going home, and wishing it could be Jocasta instead.  Cody started to admit he felt the same way, and they each started to hilariously blame the other for her being on the block at all, but then they both kind of panicked and went into this whole "I mean, NO, I'm not saying I won't vote her out, I mean, I WILL, I'm just saying, you know, it SUCKS because I think she was just kind of paranoid early on, and isn't really that bad.  But SHE HAS TO GO, dude, I get it, totally.  I'm just saying maybe she's not so bad.  I mean, SHE IS, don't get me wrong!  I'm not changing my vote, bro!  You know?  I'm just saying." mish mash, talking over each other.  Would have been funnier to me if I wanted Brittany to go, but I don't.  It's only because Donny is in danger with her that I will sadly accept her fate.

  • Love 2

Also, I can't be sure, but it was my impression that he thinks Mothers' Day and Thanksgiving are always on his siblings' birthdays.


His dumb is astounding. No one sitting around him even bothered to correct him on this and the Christmas thing, either. 


The level of second-hand embarrassment over this "date" between Caleb and Amber is overwhelming.


Poor, poor Amber. That look on her face is one that I have worn more than once. I keep waiting for her to finally break and tell him to fuck off. How much longer can she pretend he's not a monumental creep? And was it just me, or was there almost a hostile undertone to parts of their conversation? I thought the tension would snap and she would get angry before it was over, but alas, no.


edited to add:  I almost forgot about the part where he said where he lives people get married when they're 20 and he knows that will end in disaster, so he's 26 now and is PLANNING to settle down and get married by 30.  To which Amber replied, "I don't really like to make plans, I like to live life not knowing what's going to happen next."  So then Caleb comes back with, "Yeah, me too, I don't plan shit."   Good recovery there, buddy, you totally turned that one around to yet another thing you and Amber have in common!


I laughed my ass off! He's such an insufferable douche. 


I couldn't hear the conversation between Victoria and Nicole tonight because everyone was talking all at once, but they were gathered around the pool table after the alcohol was distributed, and Nicole asked her,  "Do you like me?" To which Vic replied, "Yes, unless you're talking shit about me behind my back. Then, I'd feel like a fool." Then Nicole said some more stuff I couldn't understand, and Victoria looked uncomfortable. Of course, Christine was sitting next to Nicole and they were whispering shit back and forth and laughing. The whole vibe was very high school/mean girls to me. 

Edited by Jeebus Cripes

I couldn't hear the conversation between Victoria and Nicole tonight because everyone was talking all at once, but they were gathered around the pool table after the alcohol was distributed, and Nicole asked her, "Do you like me?" To which Vic replied, "Yes, unless you're talking shit about me behind my back. Then, I'd feel like a fool." Then Nicole said some more stuff I couldn't understand, and Victoria looked uncomfortable. Of course, Christine was sitting next to Nicole and they were whispering shit back and forth and laughing. The whole vibe was very high school/mean girls to me.

It was difficult to make out - both Nichole and Vic were tipsy, and Frankie was channeling "Frank" so all the BBAD profanity cutouts made the audio sound like an old Philco AM radio in a car going down a washboard - but I think it went something like:

1. Nichole told Vic something like, "I like your ditziness".

2. Vic was somewhat taken aback, because (a) she wasn't familiar with the English word "ditzy", and (b) there's apparently a word in Hebrew which sounds a lot LIKE "ditzy", but is not at all complimentary.

3. It only took a minute or two to clarify that no, Nichole was not revealing a heretofore unsuspected fluency in Hebrew.

4. Nichole then attempted to explain "ditzy" to Vic - and I'll just c&p Joker for that Einsteinian exchange, 'cause I can't put it any better:

Tue 10:03 PM BBT

Victoria: "What's 'ditzy'?"

Nicole: "It's good, it's like Jessica Simpson."

Victoria: "I know the difference between chicken & tuna!"

If you can figure THAT one out, please explain it to me. I'm guessing that second glass of wine had her flashing back to some embarrassing confusion involving a can opener....

ETA: Chicken of the Sea

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

Does anyone know what the deal is with Caleb kissing Amber in her sleep?  If it happened, the producers should be seriously pressured/ shamed into doing something about it.  That is absolutely NOT ok.


The first I heard of it was tonight when the following exchange went down as reported by Jokers:

07/23/14 02:36 AM

Jacosta tells Amber of the night Caleb kissed Amber in her sleep. Brittany saw it and told jacosta. (fish)


Amber: When its dark, im in the bed and my eyes are closed. DONT TOUCH me.


Amber: in the rock room, i dont want to lay next to him. I dont want people assuming things.

Jacosta: im sure America knows nothin is there. Im pretty sure.


Why Amber is just now learning about this, I don't know.  Why Caleb isn't already whining about being told in the DR to never touch anyone else when they are asleep, I don't know.  Why no one has yet burned Allison Grodner in effigy, I really don't know.

  • Love 11


The first I heard of it was tonight when the following exchange went down as reported by Jokers:

07/23/14 02:36 AM

Jacosta tells Amber of the night Caleb kissed Amber in her sleep. Brittany saw it and told jacosta. (fish)


Amber: When its dark, im in the bed and my eyes are closed. DONT TOUCH me.


Amber: in the rock room, i dont want to lay next to him. I dont want people assuming things.

Jacosta: im sure America knows nothin is there. Im pretty sure.


Why Amber is just now learning about this, I don't know.  Why Caleb isn't already whining about being told in the DR to never touch anyone else when they are asleep, I don't know.  Why no one has yet burned Allison Grodner in effigy, I really don't know.


He kissed her in her sleep?  Like crawled into her room in the middle of the night stalkerlike and bent over and kissed her?  OMG, she didn't know?  Oh no, thats on a whole different level, was it a dare of some sort?  That really is scary when you feel like its okay to do things to people without their permission or even without them being conscious of what you're doing.  Its not a husband kissing his wife while she sleeps, this is a guy she has said she has no interest in kissing her in her sleep.    Thats not right.

  • Love 4

I saw him kiss her, he always lays in bed (or stands there) and stares at her watching her sleep. It's super creepy and one night he kissed her without her knowing. It was so disturbing. I pray these boys stick to their plan and backdoor Caleb next week. I think that is one thing the house can come together on. No one can stand him.

  • Love 4


If you can figure THAT one out, please explain it to me.

Jessica Simpson infamously wasn't sure if tuna fish was chicken or not (because it was called "Chicken of the Sea") during her MTV reality series Newleyweds years ago. Victoria misses a lot of references, but you can always count on her to get references to dumb MTV shows!

  • Love 2

Gonna have to keep the feeds on mute when Brit is around between now and tomorrow night. On one hand it's getting kinda sad how she is getting lied to left and right, but she is disappointing me as well. She went from "Not going to hang out with Cody in the HOH sucking up", to wearing skimpy clothes and sexing up her hair and sleeping in the HOH room.

Edited by njbarmaid

Brit is likely screwed either way, but yeah, she's doing a terrible job trying to stay. The biggest problem for her (and the other "floaters") is that they have no real idea of how the house is divided up, so they trust the wrong people and view the wrong people as "enemies." Donny is the only outsider who really knows how the game is currently set up but that knowledge is effectively useless for him since he can't actually use it on any of these other folks with their heads buried in the sand. 

  • Love 3

Donny is in a good spot. He knows who is running the house - Derrick followed by Frankie. However, he has no numbers now even if he put up one of them. He knows he needs to flip one of the power players in order to make a real move and I think he's setting that up. He still has to work with Team America and I think he would like that money in addition to making it to jury. It's ironic that the two biggest threats are in this "alliance". Donny is so observant, he knows every single thing that is happening in that house.


ETA: Depending on who wins HOH, I think if one of the Detonators win Caleb will still be the backdoor target for the simple fact that he is insufferable. When even Jacosta is calling out Caleb and his ridiculousness you know you've gone too far. Donny seems to be of good rapport with Hayden and I think he likes Zach and Zach may the most vulnerable of the Detonators to flip alliances since his own people treat him like garbage. Zach does seem genuine in his final 2 with Frankie (or he is a damn good actor/liar) so I wonder what would happen there if Donny was like we got to get rid of him. Probably go along with it since Zach understands this is a game. Another candidate to flip is Cody but he is so fickle and under Derrick's magic web that may be harder unless Derrick really messes up.


ETA2: A part of me feels bad for Britt for putting her faith in Derrick and Cody. She is going to feel foolish when she sees they never had her back. Plus I think after she's been campaigning about people "deserving" to be there and how desperate she is for money she is going to flip a lid when she sees who Frankie is and that he most likely does not need the money for the same reasons she does (not that I agree with all the "deserve" talk - I think everyone is equally entitled to play for the money).

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 1

I think Donny is in a decent position because he knows where everyone stands and his two biggest threats want to keep him around because of Team America, but outside of Team America, I don't think his knowledge is going to help him much when, for instance (just picking a name sort of at random), Amber would just as soon get him out as she would want Cody out.


Same with most of the other outsiders - they don't give a crap about Donny in the game (they all like him as a person, though, of course). 

Edited by Brian Cronin

I think Donny is in a decent position because he knows where everyone stands and his two biggest threats want to keep him around because of Team America, but outside of Team America, I don't think his knowledge is going to help him much when, for instance (just picking a name sort of at random), Amber would just as soon get him out as she would want Cody out.


Yes, I personally don't think Donny is in a good position. He's honestly only still there because he's kind of a comp beast and TA. However, thankfully, he is America's Favorite, so AG and co. will most likely do everything they can to protect him for as long as they can.


Amber is very dumb and there's been times when I've been annoyed by her personality, but I can't help but feel for her. Not only does she have a bunch of people (both girls and boys) shit talking her for no reason, she's got a guy literally obsessed with her and one step away from taking it way too far. It's so uncomfortable to watch. And it is so gross to me that no one seems to really get how insane Caleb is or be willing to do something about it. This season's sexism/misogyny/male entitlement has reached absurd levels.

  • Love 2

Long term Donny is not in a good position.  Eventually these people are going to try and get him out.  It's why he tried to save Brittany and get Caleb out this week, he knows what's going on.  Unfortunately Cody didn't go for it.  Maybe if Donny could somehow win HoH and get Derrick out he could truly flip some people, but they might just all go after him in that case.  


Short term he should be fine.  The only person who said they'd target him if they win HoH is Christine so he's probably okay for next week.  


I really hope they end this stupid 2 HoH's setup soon.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
Apparently Frankie's grandfather passed away yesterday. I'm assuming they will tell him? Or do they not? How does the show handle something like that?

My thoughts are with him and his family :(


If they do tell him, be prepared for a very special episode of Big Brother.  


I'd be willing to bet that Frankie would see this as a sympathetic opportunity to get him farther in the game, because unlike Jonny Fairplay on Survivor, he actually has a dead grandparent and wouldn't have to "act sad".

  • Love 1

Jessica Simpson infamously wasn't sure if tuna fish was chicken or not (because it was called "Chicken of the Sea") during her MTV reality series Newleyweds years ago. Victoria misses a lot of references, but you can always count on her to get references to dumb MTV shows!

THANK you. I recalled that as soon as you mentioned it, but I guess in the intervening years it had gotten overlaid in my memory with more important things - like what was the air pressure in the left front tire of my truck three years ago....

  • Love 1

So if they tell Frankie his grandfather died maybe he will self evict and both people will come off the block.  It's not like he needs the money (he already said if he won he'd donate it to charity).  He's mostly doing it for publicity, and I'm sure he'd know it'd look bad to stay in the game now that his grandfather has died.


No way they can allow him to go and then come back.  Somebody will slip him a sell phone and he'd read Jokers and find out to many secrets.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

I think it's up to the family on whether or not to tell Frankie about his grandfather. I don't think they told him how sick he was since he's been in the house as there's been no indication of it from Frankie and I'd think we'd see it. If he didn't know he was that sick, would they tell him he died? Wouldn't it have been better to tell him he was sick so he could leave and spend time with him before he passed? Ariana canceled her tour so it was very serious. It's a bad situation to be in.

Edited by kellog010

RE: Cody and being "saved", I thought his confusion over it was like mine: I thought being "saved" involved more than just Jacosta making the call, but he would have to make a few statements confirming Jesus has his personal savior and then possibly be involved in a baptism ritual. But it's nice of Jacosta for giving Cody and Frankie a free pass into heaven despite of their "crooked paths".

I think the Caleb/Amber thing has gone on long enough. She's tried to keep her distance, she's tried to just be nice, and she is right that this is never ending no matter what she does. I think the house should stick up for her and tell her that she needs to make it clear to Caleb she has zero interest in him and that no one will allow that fact to ruin her game or position in the house and that no means no. Someone needs to "cowboy up" and just tell Caleb off at this point but everyone in this cast is so afraid of big moves or causing any trouble.

I remember vaguely thinking Caleb was handsome at one point, but now his personality as pretty much blocked that out from my memory and now I just think he's gross.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 3

Am I the only one who wants Brit gone? She's such a bad player. I give her lots of props for kicking that soccer ball. The house guests will look like douches for evicting her after that. But between her and Donny, I'd rather keep Donny. Wonder how BB edits this?

I don't mind Amber. Feel sorry for her. The girls are catty but I think it has more to do with her relationship with Cody. Christine is jealous and stirring it up. Note to Christine: If you weren't in the house, Cody wouldn't even talk to you. Give it up.

The funniest scenario would be Amber winning HOH and getting Caleb out. Of course Caleb would take this that she loves him and can't play the game with him in the house.

Although what I would like to see happen is for Caleb to win HOH, spoil the guys plans, flip the house and get one of them out. Derdick? Frankie? Either one would be delicious.

ETA: I would like to see Frankie told so he does self evict. But I don't see that happening. He may be upset that he was not told but if it was his grandfather's wishes, he probably be fine with no being told in the end. I can see his grandfather saying that but his family is warped to listen to him. They should have told Frankie what was going on and let him decide.

Edited by LGGirl

If I'm Frankie, I'm pissed when I find out.  That should be his decision, imo.

Yeah, but...

1. Yes, Frankie will be PO'ed for a while, maybe for years, but he'll eventually get over it. That's what families do if their core relationships are good, and every indication I've gotten from Frankie is his family is pretty supportive.

2. Maybe it's an age thing, but I'm with Grandpa on this call. If Frankie and I are on good terms, with no major extraneous baggage needing to be cleared up before we part ways, then the LAST thing on earth I would want is for Frankie to be dragged out of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come stand by my hole in the ground, boohoo with the relations for a few days, then spend the rest of his life wondering "if only Grandpa hadn't passed, what might have happened...?"


Based from Ariana's tweet today about the grandfather not wanting Frankie pulled, he probably won't be told.

I like the old boy, and I've never even met him.

  • Love 5
Yes, Frankie will be PO'ed for a while, maybe for years, but he'll eventually get over it. That's what families do if their core relationships are good, and every indication I've gotten from Frankie is his family is pretty supportive.


I never said Frankie should or would be upset indefinitely. 


Maybe it's an age thing, but I'm with Grandpa on this call. If Frankie and I are on good terms, with no major extraneous baggage needing to be cleared up before we part ways, then the LAST thing on earth I would want is for Frankie to be dragged out of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come stand by my hole in the ground, boohoo with the relations for a few days, then spend the rest of his life wondering "if only Grandpa hadn't passed, what might have happened...?"


But it shouldn't be Grandpa's call, it should be Frankie's.  Funerals and saying goodbye is done for those left alive, not the person dying. 


And Frankie is rich and semi famous already, he doesn't need the money.  For most people winning BB would change their lives, but not Frankie.  Even discounting his sister, he has over 600k followers on twitter, which is about three times what the most popular Big Brother players have.  He doesn't really get anything out of this game except more publicity and exposure.  He'd still be rich and have a large following even if he had never stepped inside the house.


Big Brother still might tell Frankie even if Arianne and his family want them not to.  Unless there is something in the contract that says otherwise, I would think that'd be the Big Brother's execs call.  Arianne's tweet implied it was their decision, so maybe there is something in the contract that leaves these decisions in the hands of the HG's family.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

I had no idea Frankie is wealthy.  Did I miss that somehow on the show?  How did he come to have so much money, I thought he was a dance teacher and YouTube personality, if that even actually counts as a job.


Did anyone else hear Christine mention the other night that she was telling the story in the DR about how she has gotten out of 7 speeding tickets, all of which were because she was definitely speeding, by simply "batting her eyelashes" for the officer?  I find that incredibly hard to believe happened once, much less 7 times.  Also, it's impossible to prove, which makes it seem extra shady.  She seems hell bent on trying to convince everyone that she is hot, but in a "everyone outside of this house thinks I'm really hot and sexy" way that is very desperate and pathetic.


Last night Nicole kept asking people if they think she is "too feisty".  This is a word I have heard her use to describe herself often, and Christine has said it about her, too.  What about Nicole could ever qualify as feisty?  Do they not understand what that word means?  That's one of the last things I would ever say to describe Nicole.


Also last night, they decided abruptly that steaks should be grilled, and when Brittany took out the meat she was grossed out by the look of it, wondering if it had gone bad, pointing at some really sketchy coloring on one of the pieces.  It was agreed upon between her and whoever was in there with her that the questionable piece would go to Zach.  Ha!


I find any conversations with Derrick to be so boring that I will usually FF past them no matter who he's speaking to.  Even if it's Donny.  And I realize this is shallow, but I don't like Derrick's forearms, they are strangely thin, and I resent ever having to look at them.  My apologies if he has some sort of forearm disorder that I'm not aware of, but I find them yucky.  I did hear him refer to himself last night as "tough" and snickered.  Yes, you seem like a real BAMF, Derrick.  I'm convinced.


Does anyone know why BB doesn't allow houseguests to bring in so many personal pieces of clothing?  I understand they don't want company logos, trademarks or advertisements on shirts and hats, but I've heard most of these people complain about different items BB wouldn't let them have which don't sound like they violate the trademark issue.  Also, there seems to be an issue with clothes disappearing.  Frankie said he just decided to make peace with the fact that once some of his clothes go missing he'll never see them again.  I'm so confused by this.


This really surprises me, but I very much enjoy Frankie when he is Frank.  I can't defend myself, and I can't explain myself.  Frank amuses me.


edited to add:  I'm sorry to hear about Frankie's grandfather.  They do seem like an incredibly close family, and I'm sure he will be gutted that he isn't with them during this time.  


Also, wanted to mention that last night (LAST NIGHT IS WHEN EVERYTHING HAPPENED APPARENTLY!) Zach was alone with a tipsy Victoria and asked her if she would ever go on a date with him outside of the house when the show was over.  She said she might, if he apologized to her family for all the mean things he's probably said behind her back, to which he replied, "So that's a no, then" and kind of left her in the dust.  Why would he even do that since he is always bashing her so hard to the guys, even to the point of saying he thinks she is bad looking when the others said they thought she was at least cute?  Things like this are why I think Zach is a shithead and not just a harmless buffoon.

Edited by Irritable
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