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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Wow I can't believe she did it. Good for her. I could see it being a matter of pride and just wanting to do it. I'd love to see Cody put Caleb up. It would be easy enough to get the votes if he just said Amber is uncomfortable around him.

By the way, did anyone catch the ad for cbs's new show "Stalker" running under Caleb's picture on the show tonight? That made my night.

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Congrats and mad props to Brittany for doing that.  It just sucks that unless Cody sacks up and puts Caleb in Vic's vacated place on the block; she's still going home after all that. 


And to be honest, even though I want her around as long as possible, I just know that if Cody puts Caleb up and it saves her, he's going to expect 'ironclad loyalty' and 'payback' for doing it.  And you know the rest of the house will still want her out.  Its no secret when you've been on the block 75% of the time, so far. 


(assuming a miracle happens & she is still around to participate...)  Unless the next HOH comp is mostly mental, she's screwed in that competition because she's still going to be sore and her feet/toes/nails will be painful.

Donny just solidified a Donny/Zach/Hayden alliance and lobbied for Zach to get Cody to put up Caleb. Donny knows all. He knows Derrick is the head of the snake and Victoria is in his pocket. This should be good since Zach can't keep stuff to himself and he's unstable. Zach had already spilled the tea to Frankie about this potential alliance last week. Should be interesting to see Zach's next move. I think Caleb going home benefits more people than Brittany at this point but Cody is blinded by Derrick.

I think it is possible for Cody to be persuaded (especially by the DR) to put up Caleb. After tonight's show, I think it's pretty clear that's how BB wants it to go.

However, I don't think Brittany has the votes. Zach, Frankie, Christine would 100% vote against her. Nicole has been a bit bitchy about her and would do what Christine told her to do. Amber was bitching about Brittany today, and might think this vote would get her back into the core group, while keeping a creepy dude who will possibly sacrifice his game for her. I think Victoria would be thrilled to vote out Brittany, for all kinds of random reasons,

Cody would not want to be the tie-breaker, but I think 6 votes for Caleb are very doable at this point. Why? Because he has a penis.

I think they cast Donny as a character, a yokel. And yet, Donny has a better read on the house than most left.  He is spot on in trying to get Caleb out and not trusting Derrick.  I don't think he will succeed, but, by god, I love that he is fighting and not just being what they thought he was.  I also like that along the way he is being kind to others while playing the game. 

  • Love 6

Donny just solidified a Donny/Zach/Hayden alliance and lobbied for Zach to get Cody to put up Caleb. Donny knows all. He knows Derrick is the head of the snake and Victoria is in his pocket. This should be good since Zach can't keep stuff to himself and he's unstable. Zach had already spilled the tea to Frankie about this potential alliance last week. Should be interesting to see Zach's next move. I think Caleb going home benefits more people than Brittany at this point but Cody is blinded by Derrick.

I think it would he smart to work with Donny. I guess we will see what happens tonight.



I don't think it benefits Cody to put Caleb up


Would Caleb vote for Cody if he were on jury and Cody made it to the end?  No.  Would Brittany?  Possibly. Would Donny if he weren't put up on the block by Cody? I think so.  If Caleb is gone pre-jury, that is one less vote against Cody, he has a chance to earn the rest. I think it benefits Derrick if Cody doesn't put Caleb up.  And yet, Cody is going to blow this...he's lost so many votes this week.

Edited by pennben

I'm not smart enough to know all the in's-n-out's of this whole game, but just at a cursory glance and thought,  I think it benefits the whole house more to get Caleb out.


- Everyone professes to be tired of him and his 'stories' and conceitedness

- Everyone is over his obsession with Amber

- "Beast Mode Cowboy" has been outplayed (in terms of comp. wins) by frickin' Victoria!  [although, admittedly, he did throw the one BotB to save 'his queen'; which is another strike against him, in my book]

- He is the only person who still thinks the BS is still an actual 'thing'


Not to mention that keeping Brittany means there will always be a target or BD-decoy available to the house, along with Victoria, Jocasta, & Donny.



I just personally don't see how the pro's outweigh the con's of not BD'ing Caleb this week.  But, I'm not a paranoid schizo HG, either, so my rational thinking is way outside the 'box' they are playing in.

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I think one thing they should consider is Caleb's attachment to Amber. At this point, it sounds like Amber is the next target to get out the week after this, according to the men. When Amber goes, and Caleb isn't distracted by her talking to Cody or not talking to him or planning what their amazeballs first date is going to be, I could see him doing better in the comps. So, if they were to target Amber for next week, provided that she doesn't take herself off the block, Caleb's one big distraction in this game could be gone. He may really become Beast Mode Cowboy. Hey,it worked for Rachel in BB13 (although production certainly helped her). As soon as Brendan was evicted, she did so much better than when he was there. She is and was, however, a better player than Caleb.

Okay, maybe it wouldn't work that way but it's still something to consider. I also see the potential for Caleb to be a bitter jury member. Why not get him out before jury? In my opinion, I think it's the smarter move to evict him and save Brittany for another week since she'll always be a target. That, of course, means that it won't happen. 

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I think it's smarter to keep Caleb because he will vote with the alliance. Brittany wouldn't, and could also possibly rally enough people to turn the tables on them. So basically they can still use Caleb to their advantage. I do agree he may be a bitter jury member though when they cut him loose. But then, so would Brittany.


ETA - not that I don't wish that they would vote Caleb out and keep Brittany!

Edited by TexasChic

This group is so stupid. Zach, ZACH!, of all people is trying to get them to see reason - in getting Caleb up and out - but everyone still swears that getting Donny up and Brittany out is the best & safest way to go.  Watching and going by Jokers updates, he told them that by doing this, they are playing for themselves and not the group.  "You're sure that Brit is coming after you, but how do you know?  You think Donny/Jocasta/Brit are in an alliance, but how do you know!?"   [Group was Christine/Cody/Derrick/Frankie/Nicole/Zach]


'Group think' is bad in this game for everyone.  Getting Caleb out is the smartest move, but instead they think because "he's a number [vote]", they need to keep him yet.  Ugh.  Another of Zach's talking points; "He's a number now, but what about later?"


Everyone is forgetting that for the near future, Brit is most likely hobbled in all physical comps.  So when it comes to HOH and POV (& BOB for however longer it is still in play), she's not going to be a physical threat [most likely].


Not to mention, but reading Jokers, an hour or 2 ago, Caleb/Cody/Amber were up in the HOH and Co/Am were sitting in the nest bed, and Caleb was glaring at them from the couch, and Amber said "Oh, Caleb; I forgot you were here".  Cody is dumber than a box of rocks if he thinks keeping Caleb around is better for his game - or his alliances' - than getting him up and out.  Caleb is turning on Cody [& Amber] the first chance he gets.  And he knows that Amber is using him against Caleb.  Open your eyes and see what's right in front of you, dude!

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Zach is trying god bless him.  I really didn't think he had this in him, but it does seem to be a losing battle.   He's probably going to make himself a target again.



I actually think Cody knows he's right, but Cody is very weak-willed and scared of pissing off the group.


Spot on.  I think Zach was being straight up a little while ago with Nicole and Derrick, too.  "Why did Cody put up Brittany?"  "She was the target ... wasn't she?"  "Was she, though?  Maybe he couldn't justify putting anyone else up."   I think Zach knows how close Brittany is to Cody (& Derrick), but they want to not trust her and get her out for dumb made-up game reasons; like her "not showing 100% trust in them".  So her telling everyone else that she trusts those two the most gains her what, exactly, if she doesn't really feel that way??


Here's to hoping Cody has an epiphany between now and whatever time the POV meeting is later today.   Bad thing is now, no way in hell will anyone allow him & Zach to be alone between now and then, either, knowing Zach's current agenda.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

This group is so stupid. Zach, ZACH!, of all people is trying to get them to see reason - in getting Caleb up and out - but everyone still swears that getting Donny up and Brittany out is the best & safest way to go.

With you on this one. It was totally mind-blowing to me that Zach -ZACH! - was the voice of reason in this confused babble - trying to get the rest to parse what they hear against what they KNOW.

Anybody else notice when Christine started throwing Donny under the bus, how she totally sidestepped even discussing her rationale when Zach challenged her on it? She's going on about how she's the Donny Expert based on them supposedly talking strategy during her and Donny's walks - but the moment Zach says "all right, then - what's he (Donny) saying?", she clams up and says "not now - I'll tell you later." I'm sure Christine is still working off her grudge about Donny mentioning her name to Nichole when Nichole was asking Donny's advice about potential HoH noms - but bless your heart dear, you shouldn't start a lie about someone if you can't think on your feet any quicker than that when it comes time to back it up.

Cody is dumber than a box of rocks if he thinks keeping Caleb around is better for his game - or his alliances' - than getting him up and out. Caleb is turning on Cody [& Amber] the first chance he gets. And he knows that Amber is using him against Caleb. Open your eyes and see what's right in front of you, dude!

Cody isn't an idiot. This is precisely the point he was making in the HoH room - sending Caleb home would be better for his individual game but worse for the (Detonator+ ?) group as a whole, while putting up Donny benefits the group but puts a bigger target on his (Cody's) back. He's in a Catch-22 on this choice, though, because the group is entirely likely to turn on him if he doesn't make the choice which benefits them.

This eviction plus one more until Jury, right?

Isn't the double eviction normally split across the last non-juror/first juror?


From Joker:

Sun 9:51 PM BBT Zak to Nicole: Who do you trust? Christine swears she knows everything. Why would Donny talk game to her when he wants HER out? NT - Poopie

THIS. In spades.

ETA: separating two posts run together into one.

Edited by Nashville
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Are the votes there to evict Caleb if Cody does put Caleb up instead of Donny?  From what folks who have access to the feeds are describing there are four likely votes to keep Brittany (vs Caleb) - Donny, Jocasta, Zach & Amber (assuming she realizes that getting rid of Caleb now is a better option than keeping that brand of crazy around).  There are four likely votes to keep Caleb - Derrick, Frankie, Christine & Victoria.  That leaves Nicole and Hayden as the swing votes.  My guess, based on what I've read about Hayden is he'd vote to keep Brittany over Caleb.  Nicole is a bit harder to guess since she's influenced by both Christine and Hayden.  If she went with whatever Christine told her, then that would mean Cody is the tie-breaker vote.  I'm sure he'd vote to keep Brittany over Caleb (it would help mend fences from him, stupidly, putting her up in the first place).  Thoughts?

Cody is an idiot.  He needs to play his own game, yet he's perfectly happy not to if that makes others happy.

I don't think he's an idiot. I do think he's weak, which can lead to unwise choices. As it is now, his die has already been cast on this eviction vote. Cody probably shouldn't have put Brittany up in the first place; having done so, however, it is NOW best for his game if Brit goes home.

It's STILL blowing my mind that Zach - ZACH! - is apparently the only person in this House who is catching the intrinsic contradiction in Christine's comments RE Donny. SMH


My mind is still reeling over Nicole saying her unitard is on par with Brittany kicking 2,400 balls in 24 hours. Amazing. She makes me ill.


Zach will never convince these thick-headed fools to backdoor Caleb. The only hope is that production works Cody hard.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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I wish we could revote for who is on Team America. Zach would totally be on it now lol.

Yes!  We should have an option to inpeach/ recall TA!  Remembering how Derrick saw his election to TA as a sign of how much we all approved of him, can you imagine how much his game would change if his TA spot was revoked?

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Derrick is such a f'in a**hole.  "Brittany is going to try to get in one last plea before veto tomorrow, I'm gonna c*block her."  -  "F'in Zach."


Man, I really hate that guy now.


ETA:  I think he made a remark to about how she'll probably try to stay in the room tonight with him (Cody), "'I won't be able to walk down'... I'll carry your ass down!"


He's turned into a major douchey creep.


ETAA:  Cody isn't smart (or brave) enough to tell him "hey, get outta here; maybe I wanna 'knock a piece off'" - even if he doesn't really mean it.


He knows what the best personal move is - for his game - but he allowed himself to be painted into the 'group' corner by nominating Brittany to make his "bro" D-Rack happiest.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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My mind is still reeling over Nicole saying her unitard is on par with Brittany kicking 2,400 balls in 24 hours. Amazing. She makes me ill.

Yea, Nicole speaking with Hayden, talked about how she wouldn't have been complaining [about the pain] if 'she' had been given the goals punishment.  And, of course, Hayden piped in how much sooner the task would have been completed if it had been a guy.  Then, of course, Nicole rushing to get out of bed when she heard the countdown starting outside so she could be part of the celebration when Brittany finished.

Yes! We should have an option to inpeach/ recall TA! Remembering how Derrick saw his election to TA as a sign of how much we all approved of him, can you imagine how much his game would change if his TA spot was revoked?

America should be able to kick out a team member or two. Donny and Zack. That's all TA needs. And America wants to take Derdick's TA winnings and give it to Zack. Now that would be glorious.

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I love how the other women's - especially Victoria's - argument against Brit is because "she's mean". 


Translation:  She doesn't kiss ass and fake nice.  What a b*!!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


God above, I can't believe I'm siding with Zach, but he told truth.  The paranoia in this game is amazing.  Donny is the 'odd duck', out of everyone currently in the house, there's no doubt about it [goes to bed early, is mostly a loner, doesn't talk a ton of game or in a lot of 'alliances'].  But when he does talk to people "with the door closed", the 'hardcore gamers' immediately think, "they're in an alliance!!".   Um, maybe they just wanted to shut out some the loud noise in the kitchen or keep their own noise in??


"Paranoia will destroy ya"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I love how the other women's - especially Victoria's - argument against Brit is because "she's mean". 


Translation:  She doesn't kiss ass and fake nice.  What a b*!!

Has anyone been able to back up these allegations with any documented, actually mean moments from her?  Or is it always vague?  I've always gotten the feeling that she's pretty nice.

Edited by forgetmenow


Nicole is a bit harder to guess since she's influenced by both Christine and Hayden.


Does anyone know what the long term plan is for these three?  All I see from Nicole and Christine is that they feel they are not like the other women which means they don't have to worry.  If I remember correctly, no woman has ever won this game when nominated against a man (this scenario hasn't happened very often).  This season has a lot of guys who are competing for alpha status and that makes them hard to beat in the end.  I would think that Nicole and Christine should have some sort of plan to better their odds by getting rid of some of these men by influencing the votes of others in the house (I know that they don't want to attract attention to themselves by winning HOH and going after them directly).  They seem to be content to leave themselves with a boys club.  Maybe they think that the boys will go after each other in the latter stages of the game.  


I have no idea what Hayden is trying to do because I haven't seen enough of him on the feeds (except the flirting with Nicole).


Has anyone been able to back up with any documented, actually mean moments from her?  Or is it always vague allegations?  I've always gotten the feeling that she's pretty nice.


She can be pretty sarcastically snarky, but who (in the house) isn't like that; really?  They all can dish it, but can't take it.  Everyone just seems to have this irrational dislike of her.  Sure, she does throw the 'deserve' word out there too much, but who in that house doesn't privately think they deserve to go to Jury or win the $500K in their own special way?!


ETA:  I'm starting to wonder if Cody doesn't turn around & put Zach up after Vic takes herself off the block.  I think if he keeps going, Derrick will tell him to do it.  And by reading updates, he might have just been joking, but Zach told Cody to put him up there.


I really like what he's trying to do currently, but man, you are digging yourself some deep holes by not censoring your words before your brain has a chance process them.


ETAA:  Ok, I guess it turns out he's offering himself up instead of making an enemy of Donny against Cody.  But thinks he's safe, no matter what.  I don't take that chance, personally.  Not even a thought,

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Yea, Nicole speaking with Hayden, talked about how she wouldn't have been complaining [about the pain] if 'she' had been given the goals punishment.  And, of course, Hayden piped in how much sooner the task would have been completed if it had been a guy.  Then, of course, Nicole rushing to get out of bed when she heard the countdown starting outside so she could be part of the celebration when Brittany finished.


Damn it, I really wish Hayden wouldn't make dick comments like this. It makes it really hard for me to like him, and I really need to like a male other than Donny. I think that sort of fratboy, chauvinist behavior rubs off sometimes; especially when you're young and impressionable. He needs to stop hanging out with them so much and hang out with Donny more.


ETA, Nicole is completely full of shit.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Its pretty telling when out of 13 people, you feel like there's only 2, possibly 3 people you think you could geniunely like outside of BB.  For me, it'd be Donny, Brit, and possibly Hayden [when he's not under the influence of the likes of Derrick/Cody/Zach].

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Has anyone been able to back up these allegations with any documented, actually mean moments from her?  Or is it always vague?  I've always gotten the feeling that she's pretty nice.



Well she does have her occasional bad moments like getting into the argument over sleeping with Victoria, which more or less caused a whole scene  between her and Nicole.  (And I realize typing this that it could  very well be one of the reasons Nicole seems so firm on voting her out.)   But having said that, I think it's more that she's like the one adult (besides Donny) in a dorm of college kids.  Not that she's actually so much older, but she's  at a totally different place in her life and is over all this frat house crap.  She really doesn't relate to them, and they don't to her.  I've heard her say that she doesn't like hanging out in the HOH because it gets crazy and people are weird up there. 

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Damn it, I really wish Hayden wouldn't make dick comments like this. It makes it really hard for me to like him, and I really need to like a male other than Donny. I think that sort of fratboy, chauvinist behavior rubs off sometimes; especially when you're young and impressionable. He needs to stop hanging out with them so much and hang out with Donny more.


I think much (most? all?) of this is simply Hayden feeding back to the other person what he knows s/he wants to hear. Which is pretty standard smart game play.

ETA, Nicole is completely full of shit.

It makes me sad, but I feel more and more compelled to agree. Over time she seems to be devolving from "nice girl" into someone who will trash others at the drop of a hat, then immediately wants/needs to be told how much more of a nice person she is than the person she's trashing. I never thought she was the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I didn't think she was this shallow. Of course, the BB environment does tend to magnify this sort of thing in a person....

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I hate that Nicole is the way she is, because going in, out of everyone there, she was the one I can 'connect' to on a personal level; in terms of where's she's from originally and whatnot.


But the way she lets Christine control her, and her little b* fights with Brittany?  Ugh.  I find her general BB personality is very ugly.  I dislike that Hayden is in to her, because I want to keep liking Hayden, or at least feel like he's tolerable (outside of the 'frat house' community in the BB house).

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I think much (most? all?) of this is simply Hayden feeding back to the other person what he knows s/he wants to hear. Which is pretty standard smart game play.


I believe that could very well be the case when he's hanging around the other guys. 


What's this bullshit about Victoria feeling bad about winning POV because she's messing with Cody's noms? Is she for real???

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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What's this bullshit about Victoria feeling bad about winning POV because she's messing with Cody's noms? Is she for real???

Unfortunately for her, she's the Jerry Gergich of the house and is willing to do whatever she can to shake it.  I think she'd give up the prize money just to have people like her.

Edited by forgetmenow
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Anyone know what Caleb was talking about here when this conversation went down?


Jokers:  07/20/14 10:10 PM

HOH: Caleb talking to Christine, Cody, Victoria: My last girl I was talking to b4 i came here made 6 figures but drank 6 days

Caleb: Im at the point in my life where I am ready to find the girl I am serious about. Everything else is a liability.

Caleb: I want to smack my girl on the butt. What? I own it. "i tell her shut up" I will open her door for her.


And it looks like Joey was a poor choice for Team America:  07/20/14 10:16 PM  Hayden:  "Joey told me that if she stays, that she is on Team America and it starts on Thursday."


Gah.  Its absolute mental torture watching the feeds sometimes.  Brittany is talking to Derrick about her plan to get Cody to let her pick the person who gets put up next to her; which she is gonna go with Zach (at least, that was what she was telling Jocasta earlier).  And she doesn't think they're going to put up Donny (again), for appearances' sake.


Its frustrating to watch her 'trust' the entirely wrong person(s) [though its no real fault of her own, she just doesn't know how they're aligned (against her)]; but other than Jo & Donny, she literally is alone in the house.  Nobody wants to align with her or 'play ball' with her, in terms of gameplay/voting numbers.  Ok, my bad, she 'has' Amber too... the same Amber who is a pathological lying flip-flopper (in the BB game).


ETA:  Derrick tells her to not suggest Zach, as that will immediately get nixed by Cody.  She asked him who instead, and he threw out Christine's name, which Brittany changed to Nicole.  Even though it won't work, please God in Heaven, ask him to throw Christine up there.   Even if it matters not, let her get a taste of what its like to have to actually do something in the game, other than being a fantastic "bro" to the guys & keeping Nicole under wraps.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I really don't understand these people.  Cody is afraid that if Caleb wins HOH he'll put Cody on the block.  He should have the numbers to put Caleb up against Brittany and send him home, but he's so worried that it might not work out he's afraid to do it.  Dude, you're constantly rubbing on Amber, the woman Caleb is obsessed with.  He won't need the excuse of "You tried to get me out, now I'll get you out."


And Zach has decided that it would be a good idea to ask Cody to put Zach up so Zach can create a big scene at the POV meeting?  Why?  How would that help anything?


Now Brittany thinks that Cody will let her pick his nomine for him?  Why would he do that?  If he wants someone to tell him who to nominate, he can just ask Derrick or Frankie.  He's already so spineless he's almost afraid to take a dump without checking with them first.

Edited by Zahdii
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Caleb is the only person Brit stands a chance against, in the votes - no matter what scenarios she comes up with in her head, as far as which way the votes would go vs this person or that person.


With Zach throwing up Caleb's name, in the convo, that should make her sit up and realize something.  And why is she so against Caleb being nom'd?  If she does 'trust' Amber now, she should know that getting Caleb away from her [as in, out of the house] would only be a good thing.  And the B-MC leaving makes for one less physical threat in the comps [despite his lack of success, outside his opening HOH comp; which was more about physical strength instead of a combination of strength/agility/patience].

I noticed that nobody, especially Cody, brought up the fact that after a week, the "alliance" is done and it's every man for himself. That has always been the agreement that once they all make jury, all bets are off. I can understand if Cody doesn't want to be the one who brings it up to the group and basically announcing that he knows he can't trust all of them after next week, but he sure as heck should realize that he can't count on all those votes to protect him from Caleb. This is absolutely the time to start thinking about your own safety ahead of the group's.


Although Nicole and Hayden weren't sympathetic talking about the soccer task and Brittany, I didn't think Hayden's comments were necessarily unfair. I think most of the guys actually could have accomplished it much more quickly than Brittany did. Brittany's not particularly athletic. She impressed me very much and I give her more credit because she's not athletic and had to push through a marathon that I don't think I would have finished if I thought I was heading home. The feeling I get from Nicole is that she dislikes feeling guilty or "mean" and her lack of support or sympathy was more a defense mechanism. I think her stupid comment about the unitard versus the soccer task was very defensive. Amber just said she felt sorry for Brittany and Nicole's knee jerk reaction was to say it wasn't that bad because she doesn't like being the bad guy, even though that's not what Amber was implying. I'm not saying that excuses this kind of less than nice or  nasty stuff she says but I often get a feeling that it's about her own lack of self confidence.


Nearly everyone in all seasons has moments of pettiness and cattiness. Even the seemingly nicest people can do or say pretty awful stuff. I mean Brittany caused all that ruckus with Victoria and the bed. After Nicole initially said she wanted to sleep with Christine, she said she would sleep with Victoria. It should have ended there but Brittany wouldn't let it go. There was no reason for the argument to escalate and no reason to tell Victoria that people didn't want to sleep with her (without admitting she and Jocasta were refusing to sleep with Victoria). Nicole tried to apologize to Brittany even though she didn't think she had done anything wrong but Brittany wouldn't accept it. Later that night, Brittany was calling Nicole a "hoochie." She actually called her a "hooch" but her meaning was clear (the old go-to insult for women:  "she's a slut/whore"). She said Nicole is rubbing on Cody and then rubs on Hayden and that she is a hoochie. She then said that whenever she sees Nicole sitting with Cody, Brittany's going to jump in Cody's lap and they'll see how Nicole likes that. I get this feeling there was more to this rant than just the bed. She also said something about Christine and Nicole can't get everything they want, which I didn't understand but Brittany has said that a couple of times. If it was about the bed, well, Nicole already offered to sleep with Victoria so that doesn't make sense. I think it was more like resentment that those women weren't being put on the block and Brittany resented it. I personally don't think Brittany is all that nice or likable.


Forgot to mention that I was hoping that Hayden, Nicole, Christine had a plan or thoughts about what they would do when the double HOH ends and they pass the jury mark. I was hoping they could join up with Donny and whoever else is left and whoever is discarded from the former BS and take out some guys. But then last night (I think), Nicole was talking to Hayden saying that she would be happy to make final 5 and would be thrilled with getting second place. Argh!!!! Where's the will to win? Why did you sign up for the show? The one good thing from that conversation was Hayden suggesting that they can't be sure about Christine and Nicole agreeing and saying that Christine is a very good actress. Hoping those two will take their own concerns about Christine seriously and be careful with what they say if they decide to try to target one of "detonaters"  I wonder if they decide to make a move, will Christine side with the detonaters or with her pals? I can see her staying with the alliance since they have the competition wins and hoping one or two will drag her to end with them.


You gotta hand it to Brit for trying to make her plays. Too bad Derrick is a lying weasel and Cody isn't ready to think for himself quite yet.

So if/when Brit does go home this week, maybe she at least planted some seeds if others are willing to start playing the game.

Wondering if at some point they would back door Victoria only because they don't want to have to deal with the whining for most of the week.

Edited by njbarmaid
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