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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Finale interview with Julie.

She doesn't think that Cody will stab Derrick in the back either.

Thanks for this Siobhan!  I really like Julie's opinions, I used to follow her blog (back before Twitter became ubiquitous) when she watched the show.  Actually, it sounds like she still does.  


About Christine, this is what Julie had to say:

I was very taken aback by how much the audience booed Christine. To her credit, she stood strong and that could not have been easy. You’re on a live television show, the first time you're face-to-face with me, that can be a little bit jarring, and you have the whole live audience booing you, that you probably think is a fair representation of how America feels, whoever’s been watching, and the fact that she was, no doubt, hurt but managed to be composed during the interview, that was impressive. That told me this woman is stronger than we think.


About Frankie and his pop star sister:


A lot has been made about the inclusion of Frankie Grande in this season’s cast, and how his connection to Ariana Grande may have given him an advantage. What is your opinion from a game perspective?


I don’t think it quite translates. Yes, Ariana Grande may have a huge following, but her average fan is probably really young. They don’t necessarily watch Big Brother. They like her music but don’t really know what she stands for, and in Big Brother, you’re either rooting for or against people strictly based on what they stand for. Frankie obviously had a very large following in the beginning, because he got voted to be a part of Team America. But then, as the weeks wore on, as his cockiness came through a little bit, I think he lost a little bit of his fan base fair and square on his own behavior, not having to do with Ariana’s popularity going up or down. It’s independent of him, so it was an interesting little fact that he has this younger sister who had one of the big hits of the summer. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t translate into anything.


And finally, about Victoria.  I'd forgotten about what Victoria said in her pre-show interviews about her 'strategy'.   Seems like she really did have one.  But calling it a skill?  I think Julie's being generous. Or sarcastic.


Was there a houseguest who exceeded your expectations or one you were most disappointed by?


I think everybody was surprised that Victoria got to the Final 3, for kind of doing nothing but being Victoria. But before she even got picked to go to the Big Brother house, she told us, “I get what I want by having other people do it for me.” I guess this game was no different. I think she’s the kind of woman who’s had boyfriends eating out of the palm of her hand, whatever she says. I think in her own way this game has played out the way she lives her life. She didn’t have to lift a finger, and she got to the end. There’s something to be said to having that skill.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Julie Chen is a very smart woman but she barely pays attention to the goings on on the show anymore. She thought Frankie was genuine about his compliments of her, for crying out loud! However, I thought she made some very salient points about how well Christine stood up to the booing. 


RE Frankie - personally, I think that was more Julie being politic than Julie being snowed.  She's had 16 years of experience in HG suckupage.  :)

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she's had as hard a time in the jury house as I suspect she has.

It's interesting.  Granted, Christine's constant wrap-around with Cody, and her mean girl personality weren't proper or pleasant, but she's nothing compared to the HGs of last year.  While I remember some of them having a difficult entree into the JH, I don't remember as much actual shunning as seems to be happening here. She wouldn't have lasted a minute in the chummed waters of last year's shark tank.  Then again, perhaps we merely scratched the surface of her mean girl-ery, and she'd have fit right in? The fact that she was so poised with Julie in spite of the booing suggests that she's been there before.


Learned a new concept on another show forum!  There's "shit", and there's "shitastic".  The show was described as being shit, but so much so that it became shitastically entertaining! Last season was, for us boarders, shitastic.  We all burned these boards up. This season? Merely shit.  I was curious how many pages last year's BB live feed forum had, compared to this season, but the forums have been removed from the TwoP site.


Wonder if Julie realizes she was using a trademarked phrase - "at the end of the day"™


I'm thinking I might, just might cross over to the Dark Side and watch a little of Survivor, just to hang wit choo guys some more.  I just can't get enough of you jamokes!  

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 8

Julie Chen is a very smart woman but she barely pays attention to the goings on on the show anymore. She thought Frankie was genuine about his compliments of her, for crying out loud! However, I thought she made some very salient points about how well Christine stood up to the booing. 



She pays much more attention than she did in earlier days.  Her interview smacked of a woman very much in touch with the pulse.  


Frankie was genuine, he is dazzled by her.  She is a celebrity!  She is beautiful!  She is famous!  She is his peer!   


Julie was taken by surprise and responded as anyone would with a compliment.  

  • Love 2


I'm thinking I might, just might cross over to the Dark Side and watch a little of Survivor, just to hang wit choo guys some more.  I just can't get enough of you jamokes!



Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it!  

You're right that she pays more attention now, but that only goes to show how painfully unaware she was in the early days of the show. Back then she really didn't know anything. Hell, she didn't even know that she was being called Chenbot for years!



Yes! It was pathetic and frustrating.  

In case I don't get back here, and in anticipation of this being locked later today, I just want to say this thread really helped ease the transition to Previously.TV for this displaced TWP poster. Whether we agreed or disagreed, the debate was always lively and I take pride in the fact that we got this thread to almost 250 pages! I've always loved reality shows, and particularly love that Previously.TV has much more robust reality show forums than its predecessor, so I hope to see many of you around.


As a final thought: make a game play argument, Derrick. Though no jury member will dare to call you out on it, your daughter is Dawn's teeth: a way you overly personalized the game as an excuse for stabbing people in the back. It's perfectly legitimate game play, but you cannot rationalize it through some twisted version of morality, nor does it give you a more "noble" reason for winning. Pretending you are poor and your daughter is starving is an insult to people who are actually struggling -- like some of your fellow contestants. You have a host of strong, legitimate arguments based entirely on the game. Use them.


While I will always believe putting an undercover cop in the Big Brother house was akin to sending a grandmaster at chess into a checkers game, you still can make your case on purely game-based reasons, Derrick. But the minute you try to use your family as a reason to give you the money, I will argue from now until Previously.TV shuts down that your overly personal game keeps you out of the GOAT conversation.

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That picture of Frankie is divine!  I'd love BB to put a camera on Frankie for the week or so after the finale and have live feeds so we can watch it all play out when he realizes that he didn't leave the house America's Sweetheart and instead is someone that America so cannot stand.  Suck it Frankie.


I'm so curious about what Derrick is gonna say in his F2 speech.  Does he come clean about everything in that speech and wow the jury...or does he continue the con until the votes are cast???  If he does tell everything....the camera better be FIXED on Cody so we can see his face when he realizes what a SUCKER he is.  


You Survivor fans are like drug dealers....you gave me this wonderful, chatty, friendly conversation for free and now want me to pay the price by having to watch Survivor to continue it!  ;)


And yes, if we could chat IN REAL TIME during the finale....well, I'd probably sell my first born for that.  

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AND....guess who's coming to the finale????



back in la to support my bro at the big brother finale tomorrow. just no words. seeing @frankiejgrande for the 1st time in months i'm dying

Given she's on SNL Saturday...I'm genuinely surprised.  Although it's not like she has to rehearse any dance moves.


Great...Frankie will be apoplectic seeing her in the audience, and will take the entire panel thing into the Frankie Mugging Show.  

  • Love 1

I sure hope the finale isn't so Frankie heavy.


We might not have this thread, but we'll have the episode thread plus the threads for discussions of Big Brother in the media to discuss how the houseguests react to how they were seen outside the house (most will just claim that it doesn't bother them, especially Frankie, who will claim that he doesn't care about public perception despite saying exactly the opposite). 


I'll see y'all here next year! Can't wait!

  • Love 5

Given she's on SNL Saturday...I'm genuinely surprised.  Although it's not like she has to rehearse any dance moves.


Great...Frankie will be apoplectic seeing her in the audience, and will take the entire panel thing into the Frankie Mugging Show.  


He will take high road and be above it all.  We saw this in his exit interview with Julie.  Production creates the questions to ask based on their take but nonetheless scripted.  I can see him refusing to get bitchy.  He is a star, you know, and pettiness is not becoming.  

  • Love 3


He will take high road and be above it all

Agreed.  He'll be oh so gracious about everything.  It wasn't until his control began to wear down under 24/7 cameras that we saw the real FG.  Remember, America was so impressed by him in the beginning that they voted him onto TA.  So he's a pro (literally™) with creating a short term impression.

  • Love 4
I was curious how many pages last year's BB live feed forum had, compared to this season, but the forums have been removed from the TwoP site.

They're still on the Internet Archive (http://tinyurl.com/ms2tsa3) but the pages are tough to navigate. You can pretty much only click on specific page numbers because the "Prev", "Next", "go to last page", etc. functions don't work anymore.

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Jocosta, just guessing here, will vote for Derrick.  I base this on the likelihood, Derrick made a point to reach out and talk to her and Cody probably ignored her.  


Jocasta and Cody were actually quite close early on. How can we forget when Jocasta 'saved' Cody and he didn't know what that meant! However, this may actually hurt Cody since he voted out all the people who were allies for him for no reason while Derrick made sure everyone loved him right as they were being evicted, even if he didn't really even spend any time with them before that. Cody is such a terrible game player. It's astonishing.


 Cody believes he will win.  He really does.  


But then sometimes he'll count the votes and see he doesn't have them, talk about how the entire jury hates him, and actually say he knows Derrick will win but that he's A-OK with it.


Basically, Cody's an idiot with some weird aversion to winning $500K.

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As for how the jury votes, I think that Christine, Caleb, Jocasta, and Donny would all consider voting for Cody, but ultimately they'll all vote for Derrick because a) he played a better game and/or b) they know he'll end up winning and I think that for Christine and Caleb in particular, they would want to have voted for the winner. But I hope I'm wrong and at least one of them goes with Cody just to keep Derrick from having the unanimous vote.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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AND....guess who's coming to the finale????



back in la to support my bro at the big brother finale tomorrow. just no words. seeing @frankiejgrande for the 1st time in months i'm dying

NOOOOO. NOOOOO. EW. LORD. THIS REALLY PUTS A SPOILER ON MY LAST SHOW WATCHING NIGHT. Ugh. I hope these Grandes burn fast and hot, but I have a nauseated feeling that there might be a push for a reality show here. There's been way too much useless publicity on them, especially since there might be a Honey Boo Boo's-Daddy-done-left-them spot available now. Fuck. Of all things to spoil the show.

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I'm kinda pissed Will is the jury moderator again. Mostly because I don't like him, but also just because he's already done it so it's boring. They should've got Danielle Reyes to do it. But I guess they don't want anyone to know women can actually play the game.


The female pre-jury evictees have been hanging out together and it's making me sad thinking about what could've been. Also, I feel bad for them since they probably won't even get any time at all on the show. The pre-jury rarely does, but this season will probably be worse since it's mostly women and they have all that extra stuff to announce.


Also, Devin is apparently in the process of deleting his twitter account. On finale day. That is so odd.

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From what I gather the musical guests on SNL are only required to show up on Friday for a rehearsal before Saturday's show. It was always going to work out for AG to time that with BB tonight.

Producer Chris Roach has tweeted that he has a feeling America would have liked Zach to be in TA. I hope that means he's had a peek at the AFP voting.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed here. Except for the overly extended (pardon my pun) discussion of Victoria's follicle challenges I've had a whale of a time.

Edited by TimWil
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As for how the jury votes, I think that Christine, Caleb, Jocasta, and Donny would all consider voting for Cody, but ultimately they'll all vote for Derrick because a) he played a better game and/or b) they know he'll end up winning and I think that for Christine and Caleb in particular, they would want to have voted for the winner. But I hope I'm wrong and at least one of them goes with Cody just to keep Derrick from having the unanimous vote.

I think it's actually theoretically possible for Cody to win, but it's beyond his capabilities to sell it to the jury the way he would have to. He's basically letting Derrick write his F2 speech for him, so there's no chance that he'll hit the points that could win the jurors over. Cody had more real relationships with most of the jurors than Derrick did and I think that most/all of the jurors now understand that Derrick was behind their evictions. They could give him credit for that as the mastermind who was running the game (which is how Derrick will frame it) or they could see that as him hiding behind his alliance mates while they did all the dirty work/heavy lifting. Cody could say that he truly cared about these people (unlike Derrick who was using and manipulating everyone) and that he was as honest as he could be (unlike Derrick who lied to everyone all the time). I think some jurors feel more betrayed by Derrick because of the way he played so personally, getting people to open up to him, comforting them when they were upset, and blowing smoke up their asses on their way out the door. But that won't happen because, apart from his general capabilities, Cody still doesn't see the big picture of Derrick's game.


I wonder which of them will go first with the jury speeches. I think that for Derrick the ideal scenario is Cody going first and saying, "We've been the Hit Men all along! We did everything together! You guys didn't realize it, but Derrick is literally my best friend in the house!" Then Derrick could blow him out of the water explaining how he had a bunch of stuff going on that Cody knew nothing about and was just using Cody. If Derrick goes first, he'll have to kind of blow his cover with Cody, which could theoretically give Cody an opportunity to wise up and call Derrick out as the biggest liar in the house. I know he would probably just stand there with his mouth hanging open before going ahead with the same dumb speech he was planning, but it's theoretically possible that he'd at least say something negative about Derrick. I'm pretty sure that Cody is planning to praise Derrick's game, thinking it's identical to his own, and tell the jury to vote for whomever they want because it's a win for the Hit Men to be in F2 together and he literally doesn't care which one gets first prize. I think that, in his mind, that approach will save him from "looking stupid" since he knows they're going to vote for Derrick anyway.

  • Love 3

I think it's actually theoretically possible for Cody to win, but it's beyond his capabilities to sell it to the jury the way he would have to. He's basically letting Derrick write his F2 speech for him, so there's no chance that he'll hit the points that could win the jurors over. Cody had more real relationships with most of the jurors than Derrick did and I think that most/all of the jurors now understand that Derrick was behind their evictions. They could give him credit for that as the mastermind who was running the game (which is how Derrick will frame it) or they could see that as him hiding behind his alliance mates while they did all the dirty work/heavy lifting. Cody could say that he truly cared about these people (unlike Derrick who was using and manipulating everyone) and that he was as honest as he could be (unlike Derrick who lied to everyone all the time). I think some jurors feel more betrayed by Derrick because of the way he played so personally, getting people to open up to him, comforting them when they were upset, and blowing smoke up their asses on their way out the door. But that won't happen because, apart from his general capabilities, Cody still doesn't see the big picture of Derrick's game.

I wonder which of them will go first with the jury speeches. I think that for Derrick the ideal scenario is Cody going first and saying, "We've been the Hit Men all along! We did everything together! You guys didn't realize it, but Derrick is literally my best friend in the house!" Then Derrick could blow him out of the water explaining how he had a bunch of stuff going on that Cody knew nothing about and was just using Cody. If Derrick goes first, he'll have to kind of blow his cover with Cody, which could theoretically give Cody an opportunity to wise up and call Derrick out as the biggest liar in the house. I know he would probably just stand there with his mouth hanging open before going ahead with the same dumb speech he was planning, but it's theoretically possible that he'd at least say something negative about Derrick. I'm pretty sure that Cody is planning to praise Derrick's game, thinking it's identical to his own, and tell the jury to vote for whomever they want because it's a win for the Hit Men to be in F2 together and he literally doesn't care which one gets first prize. I think that, in his mind, that approach will save him from "looking stupid" since he knows they're going to vote for Derrick anyway.

I think the Powers that Be will make sure Derrick goes second. Especially since they have been calling him the Puppetmaster and him possibly outing himself as a cop. He's doing his speech 2nd. I'm sure CBS and there producers are so excited he got through the whole season with no one knowing. They get 2 bombs, that and Team America.

All I have to say about Ariana Grande going to the finale is that she better NOT be sitting in the audience since no one else's family that is in jury can sit in the audience and all other jury members get one family member wanna bet he gets more. Gag me. Is she going to socialize with the other family members in the family room? Lol

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I'm so curious about what Derrick is gonna say in his F2 speech.  Does he come clean about everything in that speech and wow the jury...or does he continue the con until the votes are cast???  If he does tell everything....the camera better be FIXED on Cody so we can see his face when he realizes what a SUCKER he is.


My question is: did Derrick discuss the possibility of outting himself with production? Surely they need to know either way so they can allot time if he DOESN'T say anything. We know production isn't supposed to get involved but are the "advising" him one way or the other? I've seen no mention in the LFs about it, just the DR asking about who their jury question would be for if they are the evictee. If we get Julie telling Derrick's secret, I demand a Brady Bunch shot with everyone's faces!!!

And yes, if we could chat IN REAL TIME during the finale....well, I'd probably sell my first born for that.


I sure hope the finale isn't so Frankie heavy.


We might not have this thread, but we'll have the episode thread plus the threads for discussions of Big Brother in the media to discuss how the houseguests react to how they were seen outside the house (most will just claim that it doesn't bother them, especially Frankie, who will claim that he doesn't care about public perception despite saying exactly the opposite). 


I'll see y'all here next year! Can't wait!

The episode thread always confused me given the time difference. Do us eastern/central time zone folks get to discuss while watching or do we all have to wait for the pacific airing? I know I would love to discuss the show tonight with y'all in real time! But who's "real time"? :(

Is she going to socialize with the other family members in the family room? Lol

Given the "rumors" about her attitude...she probably told them she would only appear if she could be in a different room, alone (or with her mom or whoever else comes). JMO

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It actually makes me glad that they have to show all three comps tonight, because it prevents it from being 90 minutes of the Frankie show. I am so over the whole Grande clan. I'm sure the mother will also be there. I don't know that Ariana has been apart from her a day in her life.

If we are not allowed to live post during the finale maybe we can set up a chat room? I've used chatango in the past and it's quite good.

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As this season winds down I'd like to thank the feed watchers for not only biting the bullet and watching this boring season for us all, but for reporting all they saw in a thoroughly entertaining fashion.


I tip my hat to you.  Thanks so much!


See you in the Survivor forums where we can snark on the twinnies.

  • Love 1

It actually makes me glad that they have to show all three comps tonight, because it prevents it from being 90 minutes of the Frankie show. I am so over the whole Grande clan. I'm sure the mother will also be there. I don't know that Ariana has been apart from her a day in her life.

If we are not allowed to live post during the finale maybe we can set up a chat room? I've used chatango in the past and it's quite good.


Hopefully we can talk here.  Chat rooms move so fast that it can be difficult to have a conversation, much but better than nothing, for sure.  


I am hoping we can talk here.  Okay Stinger97?!  

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So if anyone was wondering if Derrick did consciously change his appearance in order to fit in with the boys...

From jokers:

It's hard to make out his speech but some points he makes are about his loyalty and his social game and that he even went as far as to alter his appearance while in the house.


Wed 1:35 AM BBT The house is completely dark. Derrick whispering parts of his speech. He changed his appearance with the beanie/glasses

He may not have always been fun to watch but he worked his ass off. Edited by brdwygurl
  • Love 5

Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it!  

Subtle as Derrick, you are. ;)

I think the Powers that Be will make sure Derrick goes second. Especially since they have been calling him the Puppetmaster and him possibly outing himself as a cop. He's doing his speech 2nd. I'm sure CBS and there producers are so excited he got through the whole season with no one knowing. They get 2 bombs, that and Team America.

Is there any established protocol for determining the F2 order of Jury speeches, such as last winning HOH gets to close? I think that would be the determining factor for Derrick on whether he goes or throws on the HoH3 comp - you ALWAYS want to be the last voice in the Jury's head. Ask any lawyer.

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Producer Chris Roach has tweeted that he has a feeling America would have liked Zach to be in TA. I hope that means he's had a peek at the AFP voting.

If I had a do over, I'd want Zach in TA instead of Frankie, too. America got it wrong.

Just goes to show that you can only fool people for so long. The real Frankie came out and it didn't matter who he was related to.

Derrick is going to win. Cody will take him. He's young and stupid. He believes making a good friend and being loyal is more important. Wonder if he will feel that way after its all over and realizes he threw away $459,000?

I truly believe once the show is over, Derrick will just go off to his real life and not bother with any of these guys. I don't care what he has said. He's lying to win the game. And Cody will feel more the fool for it.

  • Love 3

So if anyone was wondering if Derrick did consciously change his appearance in order to fit in with the boys...

From jokers:

He may not have always been fun to watch but he worked his ass off.


We saw him change his appearance to fit in.  Sounds like he will expose himself as a cop, why else would he mention this?  

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So the feeds just ended, the 3 of them sitting on the couch talking to the cameras. They hoped they provided good entertainment for us feedsters (I'd say an overwhelming no).

Excellent visual there:


Dye her extensions blonde, and Victoria could do a very convincing Garth....


We saw him change his appearance to fit in.  Sounds like he will expose himself as a cop, why else would he mention this?

That - or showing how hard he worked to keep his Game going despite being one of the "oldest"* people in the House. Donny (the oldest) didn't adapt, and ended up on the outs; Derrick adapted, and took it to F2.

* In quotes because they're all younger than me, and I ain't THAT damn old.

  • Love 6

I have watched BB since Will won, and have enjoyed it with varying degrees of interest. Last year though was so bad that I pretty much swore off the show for good. I know that there were a few idiots this season, but no really awful scummy people like Aaryn, Spencer, and GM.  I think BB production has redeemed themselves a little, but jumping the shark when repeatedly resorting to stunt casting. I fully expect another Hantz on the show next season. I liked Derrick from the beginning, but then there is a lot of cop hate on some of the boards which color opinion of his game play. I mean, he was an undercover cop, not a CIA agent. I do hope that Donny wins AFP b/c while he pretty much sucked at the game, his inherent decency raised it up a notch and gave us an underdog to root for.

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I loved last season because it was controversial and there was plenty of action.  I was riveted to the feeds.  Helen drove me more nuts than anyone else.



Dye her extensions blonde, and Victoria could do a very convincing Garth....


I don't need the blonde hair, I am convinced.  :)


To someone who asked earlier the show is live tonight and airs PDT at 6:30 and EST at 9:30. 


At some point yesterday, Cody told Vic that he liked it better with the beads on her head.  Oh goody, goody, I hope she took his advice!   She also said there was no place for her mic pack because her dress with see-though.  Could this really be as good as I am thinking?  Be careful when you answer, don't rain on my parade!

Edited by wings707

I hope she is keeping it in her head that whatever getup she is putting on she will have to walk out of the house, across the stage, and then sit on a stool in.  If production was nice, they would clue her into this glitch into her pageant dress idea, but we all know they are just as snarky as us :)


Jocosta, just guessing here, will vote for Derrick.  I base this on the likelihood, Derrick made a point to reach out and talk to her and Cody probably ignored her. 


Jocasta and Cody were actually quite close early on. How can we forget when Jocasta 'saved' Cody and he didn't know what that meant! However, this may actually hurt Cody since he voted out all the people who were allies for him for no reason while Derrick made sure everyone loved him right as they were being evicted, even if he didn't really even spend any time with them before that. Cody is such a terrible game player. It's astonishing.

Nicole said Hayden and Jocasta were both very bitter towards Cody. Nicole also said Jocasta had no hard feelings to Derrick. Derrick is probably going around saying that so Cody takes him to the final 2.

Nicole said Hayden and Jocasta were both very bitter towards Cody. Nicole also said Jocasta had no hard feelings to Derrick. Derrick is probably going around saying that so Cody takes him to the final 2.

Yeah I remember that.

I think Derrick firmly has, Nicole, Hayden, Zach, Victoria, Frankie. So that gives him the win. Lol.

But I think Jocasta will vote for Derrick, Caleb will too. I think Christine will as well because she will vote for Game Play. But who knows. And Donny he is a wildcard. He said he would vote for Cody before he left but who knows. But he's been a fan of this show for years so I think he would vote ok game play.

Ahh I can't wait for tonight I just want to know what happens already!!! Lol

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