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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Frankie was claiming earlier in the HOH room that people can't say they (him and Cody) are sexist just because they put four women on the block. The BotB was apparently some sort of chess-like game, and he was making fun of the nominees for not knowing how to move in an L shape. So, they're not sexist, they just put up the weakest players, proven by their BotB performance. But they all shudder to think that *gasp* the women will want to nominate men if they win HOH next week. I'm waiting for them to claim that the women will be sexist then.


You can't have it both ways, guys. Either you nominated them because they're a threat or because they're weak. You can't keep flip flopping between the two. But just to be sure, not sexist. 

If TA is saying that they nommed the weakest players, then their nom of Amber shouldn't count and they should forfeit this week.  Can't have it both ways.

  • Love 3

So if I got the general gist right, everyone but Jo/Donny (& maybe Amber) wants Brittany out because they think Victoria can be used to their advantage.  Right?


So, that puts the vote at 8-2 or 7-3 for Brit to walk next Thursday.



Brit or Jo/Donny need to win POV, or she's going to be seeing her kids again very soon.

Hayden has brought back his obsession with hating Amber, so she's gonna be the new target for non-stop shit talk once Victoria is gone.



Et tu, Hayden?


Seriously, is production pumping something into the air, like in Cabin in the Woods, that turns seemingly reasonable people into morons (or, in this case, a-holes).

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I'm afraid if Brittany wins veto that they'll just BD Donny. I think Production would save him though. I'm over basically everyone and I want Victoria evicted so I won't care anymore, so I'm down for Britt winning veto.


Best thing to happen would be Britt winning POV, and then her and Amber winning the next HOHs.  The guys would be shi**ing their pants, if that happened next Thur. night.

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I need to know what happened with Victoria in the DR! Hopefully later she'll talk about it and they'll forget to turn on fish long enough for us to figure out what happened.

Considering how upset she was, is it possible that someone told her what's going on in Israel right now?  I assume she would have some family and/or friends still living there.

From Jokers Updates

I'm really developing a hate-on for these people.  Amber has won HoH once and BotB twice but she doesn't deserve to go to Jury?  Have Hayden or Zach won anything yet and I just missed it somehow?  Have Frankie or Hayden ever been nominated?  Such entitlement issues.


Hayden was nom'd, with Nicole (by Amber), as a way to make sure Devin could get Britt out - before went all 'lovestruck crushing' on her.  That's where Hayden's (& Nic's) hate-on for Amber comes from.


Nicole and Christine have a big ole, I don't like the pretty girl Amber thing (and they constantly reassure themselves that she's not pretty), that has gone on a lot longer than when Amber nominated Nicole.  It is always dissapointing when the women attack each other, especially, in this case, when Amber has been nothing but nice to them (and, in fact, game loyal to them). Amber is a horrible, horrible player of this game and is going to go out soon, but she is not going after folks personally and yet, every single person in this game badmouths her repeatedly. 

Edited by pennben
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I'm intrigued by this Victoria mystery too.  I didn't see all of what happened earlier, but I wonder if she accused Derrick or someone in production of being inappropriate toward her?  With her background and belief system, it might be easy for something to come across wrong or for her to feel uncomfortable with something that someone said or did (not saying she wouldn't be justified in being upset, just saying there does seem to be a bit of a cultural difference there, which can lead to issues).  But, she has seemed okay with most of what's gone on in the house so far, so I guess I really have no idea.  Maybe it's all just getting to be too much for her?  Or maybe they told her that production is making her go home this week (wouldn't put it past them)?  I think that if it was about what's happening in Israel, they would plan to show that on the on-air show, and so wouldn't be fishing it when she mentions it.  But obviously, I'm just spit-ballin' here.  


So annoyed with all these people right now.  I'm tired of these all-male "badass" alliances, and tired of these women that tend to just go along with the men, hoping to either get to the jury, or to be protected a la Jordan until the end.  It's just so infuriating.  It doesn't have to be a gender-based game, and I will never understand why they make it one.  Even worse - if it must be a gender-based game, why in the world will the women never get together to form a power alliance?  Do. Not. Understand.

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Not that it matters, as I think the die has been set... but the 'house alliance' couldn't be any more obvious after this last set of noms.


Like I said, though, unless Brittany survives (again) by winning POV or someone uses it on her, and she & Amber or Jocasta/Donny win the duo-HOHs; its going to be utterly boring and predictable on how the next weeks will go.


- Brittany will go this week, then Victoria-or-Jocasta next/whoever's left next, then Amber-or-Donny/whoever's left next, Nicole, Christine, Hayden and then whoever out of Caleb/Cody/Derrick/Frankie & Zach.

Normally I'd argue against the whole "it's inevitable these people are going out next" theories, because it's always been horseshit before, because all it took was one HOH not in the majority alliance. But Grodner outdid herself this season. The double HOH has worked out pretty much like I expected. "Blood on my hands" gets mentioned constantly. The fact is two random people winning a bunch of power, unless they trust each other 100% (which none of these people do), are only going to go out of their way to not shake up anything. Four nominees? Two of which are going to immediately come off the block and potentially screw the HOH who nominated them? I mean, come on.

Let's say Brittany and Jocasta won, got a clue, and nominated Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Zach. With Frankie as a replacement nominee. All hell would break loose, the two winning the battle would be gunning for the woman who nominated them, and both women HOHs would probably have a big target on their backs.

I do wonder how some of the strong women in the past would've dealt with this format. Janelle, Amanda, Maggie, those who took no shit from men (whether I loved or despised them). I don't know why it's easier for men to bond, or why it's hard for women not to be cannon fodder, but the reality is the women are cannon fodder, and in this setup I don't see it changing anytime soon.

This season really blows, is the point I am trying to make.

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Apparently the plan is to maybe backdoor Donny. I feel like Derrick/Frankie think if they they can get Donny out then they'll be America's new favorite. Idiots. Hopefully Donny is picked for POV and slays them all again.

I don't think it is as much a "Backdoor Donny" play as it is them treating Donny as a fallback in case their stated main target this week (Brittney) gets pulled off the block. But I agree (a) they're idiots, and (b) Donny winning PoV is the best case scenario.

Derrick's play has been disappointing as of late. He was doing *so* well with his under-everybody's-radar approach early on, but then I think he shot himself in the foot winning HoH this early in the game - there went "under the radar" right into the trash can. Even so, he came out of his HoH tenure relatively unscathed; he got the Big Bad Devin out of the House - a move universally heralded by the rest of the HGs - and did it with only minor hiccups which could be fairly easily explained away as necessary deceptions to keep up appearances until the backdoor trap was sprung. Afterwards all he had to do was try to fade into the background once again, feed the other HGs' paranoid tendencies, and watch them rip each other to shreds. Unfortunately, having experienced the heady rush of dictatorial power, it appears he's now unable to relinquish the reins. He's at the center of control, but that also means he's the center of attention. Hope he racks up on the TAFY bonuses, because that and the Jury stipend are about all he can hope for at this point. NOBODY with any brains would take him to F2.

Hate to say it - but I don't see a very sunny future for my boy Donny unless SOMEOME summons up the huevos to try breaking up the Derrick/Frankie/Cody triumvirate. At present, they own this game.

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NOBODY with any brains would take him to F2.


Well brains are on short supply this season so far.   I wouldn't rule out Derrick getting to the finals yet.  i think he's got a better chance than most.  These guys are going to start throwing under the bus hardcore once jury starts, though.   I'm curious if he tries to keep around someone like Victoria  once jury is in play. Watching them talk tonight,  I could see it.

Edited by vb68

From Jokers:

07/19/14 02:08 AM

Zach,Cody,Frankie HoH. Zach suggested backdooring Caleb if Brit or Vic wins PoV. Cody thinks Brit would still come after them.

Zach also told Cody and Frankie that he'd talked to Brittany and she'd said the two people she trusted the most were Derrick and Cody and one of them put her up. He said she had given up and wanted to go back to see her kids.

Zach made the suggestion to backdoor Caleb by saying it was something "epic" they could do if one of the noms come off. Frankie said he knew what Zach was thinking and Cody said he had never had any idea what Zach was thinking. Zach said it's one of two people and asked Frankie to say the first letter. The feed switched to Brittany feeling mistreated and feeling like the experience not being worth it for her downstairs to Victoria, before going back up to HoH and Zach saying some girl is a flip-flopper, and talking about Caleb. Cody said if we take out Caleb then Brittany comes right after us. Frankie agreed. Cody lets Caleb think Caleb is working Cody. Cody said Caleb had a conversation with him today about Cody being hard to read. Cody doesn't kiss Caleb's butt. Zach said Zach does.

Frankie said the only situation where he would want Caleb gone is if Donny uses the veto on Brittany. Cody agreed that then there would be no option, he doesn't know who else he would even put up. Frankie said Donny would be a seat-filler if Donny went up. Zach said they can't let Victoria go.

He said something happened with Victoria but DR told him he couldn't say anything about it or he would be f***ed. Something happened to Victoria in DR. It has nothing to do with anyone in the house. Frankie asked why Zach was involved. He said she came out bawling and he asked her what's wrong and she told him. He went into DR saying he didn't believe it and they told him he couldn't say anything. Frankie said Victoria would tell them about it later. Zach said she wouldn't be able to because they made her. Frankie asked if it had to do with personal life. Zach said no, it's about game, Victoria did something wrong but she doesn't believe she did. Zach said I don't know, obviously I don't believe Victoria, but she comes out of there crying her eyes out. Feeds cut to fish.


So that's why even the feed watchers don't know what happened to Victoria, it happened in the DR.  Earlier in the evening (9:53) Victoria was telling Zach she wanted to go to the DR and apologize to Matt.  She felt bad that Matt was the one talking to her in the DR.   Immediately BB called out to stop talking about production.   Then, this happens at 10:26: "Derrick and Victoria on yellow living room couch - Victoria says the DR was being super sweet to her and the last thing they want to do is f*ck their jobs up. She feels bad (I didn't catch a lot of what she was trying to say)".


What kind of rule could Victoria have broken in the DR?  Could she have been trying to pump this "Matt" for information?  Or maybe she was trying to get him to let her borrow his phone or something.

I was just thinking about something.  Since it's well known that hamsters can go to the DR and make requests, if I were in the house I'd ask for a badminton game or something of that nature.  I'd ask for it two days before the next HOH comp.  So the morning of the day before the comp someone would find the badminton set in the Store Room and everyone would assume that tomorrow's comp has something to do with badminton.  I could happily watch my enemies waste their time and energy practicing for nothing.  The people I liked and trusted would be quietly assured by me that Production gave the house a new game to play because I asked for something to relieve the boredom, and not because they wanted the house guests to practice for a specific reason.


Apologies if there's a better thread to put this in.

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Think about just how effed up this current HoH system is. Let's say that we actually get a week where the two HoHs don't agree with each other. Like, say, Brit stays and wins HoH next week and she wins it with,say, Derrick. In that scenario, I wouldn't actually be surprised if she still did what he wanted, but let's say for the sake of argument that she goes against him. Okay, so if she puts up Cody and Caleb, she's screwed, as they'll just win BotB and Derrick's nominees will stay up. So okay, she tries to be strategic and put up Caleb and a bad competitor, like a Victoria. So Caleb and Victoria lose - the rest of the house still votes out Victoria!


This whole thing is designed so that an alliance of strong physical competitors have a gigantic advantage. I think this has surpassed America's Player as the worst twist BB has ever done.


That said, from Grodner's perspective, she might view guys like Jeff as the life blood of BB and if Jeff played in this current format, he'd be golden. So she probably views Cody, Caleb and Derrick as future BB All-Stars and wants to protect them. So if that's the plan, it sure is working. 

  • Love 7

I think Grodner was hoping for more drama/tension with the co-HOH. Even, I thought there would be problems with the nominations but they've been pretty boring and predictable. The feeds & BBAD is boring because evenyone is doing paty lines with the boys against the girls and the girls with the girls cowering to the men. That said, I don't miss the hateful Season 15 cast. I'm not that desperate. BTW! Who is this Victoria that people speak of?

Also, I wanted to add that I love the RATTAN BIRDS NEST STOOL/Ottomans in the back yard and wanted to buy one or more. I looked online and they are ridiculously expensive. No thanks. LOL!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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Maybe Victoria noticed all the cameras were always focusing on her lately and she accused them of giving her too much attention when she was in the shower?

At least Derrick and Hayden have pointed out that Caleb is not good at competitions.

It's so incredible how production are able to pick a twist every year that completely falls flat.

Edited by Morbs

That said, from Grodner's perspective, she might view guys like Jeff as the life blood of BB and if Jeff played in this current format, he'd be golden. So she probably views Cody, Caleb and Derrick as future BB All-Stars and wants to protect them. So if that's the plan, it sure is working. 


I really think this is the real reason for this twist. AG loves people like Jeff, Frank, etc. and this format basically guarantees those kind of male players will make it far and that female players will not. AG has ruined this show, there's no doubt about it.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Earlier in the evening (9:53) Victoria was telling Zach she wanted to go to the DR and apologize to Matt.  She felt bad that Matt was the one talking to her in the DR.   Immediately BB called out to stop talking about production.   Then, this happens at 10:26: "Derrick and Victoria on yellow living room couch - Victoria says the DR was being super sweet to her and the last thing they want to do is f*ck their jobs up. She feels bad (I didn't catch a lot of what she was trying to say)".


What kind of rule could Victoria have broken in the DR?  Could she have been trying to pump this "Matt" for information?  Or maybe she was trying to get him to let her borrow his phone or something.

Considering how emotional and paranoid Vic has been lately, I'd GUESS (and that's all this is, a guess pure and simple):

1. Vic was in the DR complaining about how nobody likes her and everybody's out to get her.

2. She works herself up into a fit of hysterics so bad, the DR crew (Matt?) tries to get her settled down.

3. In the emotionally charged confusion of the moment, someone (I'd guess Vic, since she's feeling so guilty about it) does something to breach the defined HG/crew boundaries. The wrong word/wording? A hug? A kiss? Simple eye-to-eye contact? Whatever it was, someone crossed a line and now everybody's worried about repercussions.

Think about just how effed up this current HoH system is.


This whole thing is designed so that an alliance of strong physical competitors have a gigantic advantage. I think this has surpassed America's Player as the worst twist BB has ever done.

I don't know if TPTB have stopped to consider the worst wrinkle in this dual HoH twist - the number of players it takes out of play every week. Under the single-HOH system, after HOH comp/noms/POV comp, at most only three players were eliminated from nomination consideration - the HOH, the POV winner, and the nom taken off the block. Under the dual-HOH system, this pool of "unselectables" is almost doubled, to five (including the two noms who win the BotB comp). This FORCES strategic considerations to be of increasingly LESS significance when the HoH has to consider replacement noms, because at least one of the most significant strategic choices (the "strong" player in the winning BotB team) is regularly exempted from consideration.

Also - that number of unselectables is relatively fixed week-to-week, while the number of HGs is flexible, shrinking week-to-week. Which means the lack of ability to make strategic plays gets amplified every week.

Best thing TPTB could do to restore any sense of REAL strategy to this game is end the dual HOH twist ASAP.

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I just hope the dual HOH twists ends when jury starts, which will probably be the week after next. I'm somewhat afraid, due to Julie's initial wording, that it'll last longer, but at the same time it's almost impossible for it to since it just doesn't make sense to have 2 HOHs and 4 nominees when there's only like 10 people left.


I read elsewhere that Christine was telling the guys last night that Amber wanted a girl to win this season and the guys just laughed and laughed about that. Like, does Christine not get that she's a girl? She's dumber than Britney.


Brittany and Amber seem to be finally getting it that the girls are fucked and wanna do something about it, but Amber wants to bring Christine into it, so it's fucked already. Christine will relish in running straight to the guys and laughing about the silly women.


I hate a lot of things about Brittany and even Amber and I doubt they'll actually be able to both pull off HOH or do anything with it if they do, but I just really want these guys (and Christine) to be knocked down several pegs.


So, BRITTANY FOR POV! Get on that rig, BB Production!


ETA: Derrick/Brittany talked and he bullshitted her the whole time. She apparently bought it and thinks she's not actually the target and Jocasta, being the idiot she is, told Brittany to pick Derrick for HG Choice. Cut to Derrick telling the guys Brittany has to go and yada yada yada.


Cody said that Brittany can't play him by batting her eyelashes (and some other stuff) and I just laughed so hard. Oh, honey, that's exactly how she could play your dumb ass, but she has too much pride to do it. Thankfully, that's the one thing about Brittany I like.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm getting so tired of the Deserving game they're playing. "Victoria doesn't deserve to be here." "I deserve to be here." "She doesn't deserve it." You know what? None of you deserve it! It's a game! A game you play in order to win the prize at the end (if the jury thinks you deserve the win). Having kids doesn't mean you deserve it, being broke doesn't mean you deserve it, being a nice person doesn't mean you deserve it. It's the same as people saying that they just want to make it to jury, or so and so should be in jury more than this person, jury jury jury, deserve deserve deserve. The end game of Big Brother is not to be on jury and collect your stipend. It's to win the big cash prize at the end that you have to pay mega taxes on. If your personal end game is to play to jury, you shouldn't be there. So far, I see two people clearly playing for the cash prize: Derrick and Frankie. Everyone else either has no game, wouldn't know what to do with an opportunity besides following the majority, or just wants jury. Hell, Caleb even said that he would sacrifice his shot at the prize if Amber would go out with him after the show. What?! These people.

It's frustrating as a viewer, because I like to see people play the game. I mean, I watch for the drama and the fireworks and the fun, but at the end of the day (heh), this is supposed to be a game. Half the people there either don't seem to realize it or don't care or are starting way too late (Amber and Brittany). Don't go on the show if you have no idea what it's about or if you're not playing to win. What's the point then? Oh, right, jury stipend. 

I've got my fingers crossed that Donny wins POV, takes down Brittany, and Cody is forced to put up someone else. Unless it's Caleb, Victoria would be the obvious evictee and I would hate that, because I want her to win it all at this point, but it might make people start playing. He'd probably just put up Christine or Nicole then. These people suck.

ETA: I think the DR got into either Brittany or Amber's head and pushed them towards this new tentative alliance. It's probably too little, too late, but at least it's something?

ETA2: Well, there goes my hope for Donny to win two POVs in a row. Brittany picked the HG's Choice chip and ASKED for volunteers. And got Caleb. I give up. Send Brittany home. What a ridiculous move. Nicole and Zach are the other two chosen to play. 

Edited by Callaphera
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ETA2: Well, there goes my hope for Donny to win two POVs in a row. Brittany picked the HG's Choice chip and ASKED for volunteers. And got Caleb. I give up. Send Brittany home. What a ridiculous move. Nicole and Zach are the other two chosen to play.

That is one of the worst decisions in the history of choices for POV.  Wow.  And Caleb has already said if he wins he won't use it.  Maybe she thinks Amber would be able to talk him into using it on her, but I don't see it.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Yea after Brittany's move to have Caleb be HG choice (why not just DOR) and Amber wanting to tell Derrick everything her and Brittany talked about for 1.5 hours, I'm totally done with the women.


The producer's responses to the Caleb/Amy situation (so disgusted I can't even comment).  Here you go:


Allison Grodner:

“I think the Big Brother house is one of the safest places to be, with all the cameras and 24-hour surveillance. I think that’s the story: She’s feeling that way and he’s being—there’s the love triangle or whatever you want to call it with Cody and him, the jealousy triangle. He’s possibly getting a little creepy, a little stalkerish. We’ll see. We’re just playing the story that’s evolving right now. … We don’t see it as anything dangerous.”


Rich Meehan:

“I think he’s just really into her and he’s just kind of lovestruck. When we’re watching—obivously, we’re watching all the time. I don’t think there’s any worry. I think he’s lovestruck. He thinks she’s beautiful. Possibly in his real life he doesn’t get a lot of ‘no’s.

Edited by duskyliterati

I just can't with these people. Brittany is an idiot, and I had such hope for her after she got Devin to take her off the block, and seemed to have everyone's number. But she's a dumbass and should go. But now Donny is in danger, and can't veto-beast his way to safety.


Other speculation about the Victoria mystery from other places - nothing to do with Israel, but with Frankie and Zach (?) complaining to the DR that she's grinding them/touching inappropriately while they are trying to sleep, and the DR spoke to her about it, triggering the tears. Unless she tells someone and they don't fish fast enough, we'll likely never know.


And, because I haven't said this in a while, Grodner needs to go, and she can take Rich Meehan and Robyn Kass with her. How any of them still have jobs after last season is beyond me, but ratings uber alles, I guess, no matter what or who gets shredded in the process.

Is Christine and/or Nicole plan to take each other to the final or one of the guys? If it's one of the guys they both deserve to lose. I can't tell if Christine is going along with the "guys" or playing them to get to the end. When does jury start? What will be the ratio of men/woman in jury? I always wonder why they don't do a twist of early jury to throw the strong alliances into a panic. It seems they always know when jury starts. I just can't with this group. They are driving me insane! The guys are smart but they are so condescending to the girls that it's unbearable to watch the feeds.

  • Love 3

Derrick is king right now, he is taking out all of the people that had Cody's back in the beginning and making him reliant on just him, he's even manipulating Cody about not talking game to Zach. Derrick is grooming Victoria to be one of his F2 because that girl is a puppet to him and he knows he'll beat her. Makes no sense to have Cody to compete against instead of Victoria. Derrick is humoring the Detonator alliance and TA because it serves his purpose getting rid of the people he can't control. At this point, Derrick is moving all the chess pieces. I think it will stay like this for a while, but I think Derrick's ego may be his downfall because he's going to underestimate someone who is not going to throw it all on the table for him and blindside him. 


ETA: A reason I could never play BB is all the cameras and lack of privacy. Zach apparently woke up from a wet dream this morning and had to end up changing his undies.

Edited by kellog010
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Has anyone had sex yet?  If not, has a record been broken?


Personally, I don't think Britney should have even played the game. Being in the middle of a divorce and having young kids doesn't help your game. She probably needs to go. And she knows it.


I tend to be too judgmental about women leaving their small children behind.  A couple of years ago, I posted that Janelle's baby probably won't remember her, and I was handed my ass.  Divorce is very stressful and frightening to small children and they crave stability.  To then lose your mom for a few months must feel like your whole world is falling apart.


The old saying about a woman scorned is being played out exactly the opposite on BB.  Caleb, who wanted to keep Amber until the end, is now open to her leaving because she doesn't want his forced relationship, and Cody wants Brit gone because she's not falling all over him.  According to Cody, he "single handedly saved her" and she's been ignoring him, *sob sob*.  Its all personal because their big fat egos aren't being massaged by these girls.  What assholes!  Of all the guys, the only ones who have been the least bit respectful of the girls is, of course, Donny, and strangely, Caleb and Hayden haven't been too bad.  Derrick, Zack and Cody are the worst when it comes to the nasty remarks.


I can't figure out why Derrick is being so hateful about Brit.  He's obsessed with getting her out of the house.  What in the hell did she do to him to deserve all that hate? 


I thought it was very nice when Caleb was helping a sick Jacosta.  I'm a nurse and in my experience, everyone runs for cover when puke is coming.  Maybe he was just feeling guilty about throwing that challenge, but he not only got her to the toilet, he stuck around even when others showed up.


Regarding Derrick hating Brittney - I wonder if he's attracted to her and feels guilty since he's married.  That happened on Survivor a few years ago, and the guilty guy put all the blame on the female, and orchestrated voting her off.


Let's say Brittany and Jocasta won, got a clue, and nominated Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Zach. With Frankie as a replacement nominee. All hell would break loose, the two winning the battle would be gunning for the woman who nominated them, and both women HOHs would probably have a big target on their backs.

I do wonder how some of the strong women in the past would've dealt with this format. Janelle, Amanda, Maggie, those who took no shit from men (whether I loved or despised them). I don't know why it's easier for men to bond, or why it's hard for women not to be cannon fodder, but the reality is the women are cannon fodder, and in this setup I don't see it changing anytime soon.

This season really blows, is the point I am trying to make.


Being a woman, I'd like to root for a woman to win.  There really isn't a woman I want to root for at this point, and I refuse to feel guilty about it.  Women are not inherently predisposed to play this game poorly.  It's the women they cast for BB that are the problem.  When you've got a group of women whose sole strategy is to either ride the coattails of a strong man, or have a showmance, they will view other women as competition rather than co-conspirators and teammates.

  • Love 2

It does go to show that men can form an all (2 last minute females) alliance and have it fall apart and still potentially work. I wish the woman on this show would just band togehter for the heck of it and take out the men. They don't have to like each other but at least for game sake stick together. Of course, maybe Christine or Nicole will win and I'll have egg on my face. Okay, gotta go back to the feeds. I have a bad ankle today so it's a perfect time not to feel bad about the nice weather in Philly.

I wish we could have just one season in which people had to pass a BB history test before they were cast.  It wouldn't even have to be that hard.  They could just ask questions that a casual fan would know the answers to and then maybe we would finally get a cast in which every single player is in it to win rather than to collect a stipend and a vacation.  I want to see smart strategists duking it out.


I am disappointed in the female cast members this year.  It is sad, but at this point I would rather fast-forward to when they are all gone and see which of the guys is going to outsmart the others.

  • Love 1

Victoria won POV. Not gonna lie, did not see that coming. I would think Brittany is toast, which I am now fine with, because I'm just as sick of her playing the parent card as I was when Devin did it. She can go home to her kids and bore them to death with how much she "deserved" to be in the house.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 2

Victoria won POV. Zach won at trip to Germany. Wonder who will be the re-nom. I would throw Caleb up there but these guys won't be so bold so fast. They talked about Donny earlier so not sure how the TA stuff factors into that. Nicole won a unitard and Caleb won money.


ETA: Cody brought up getting rid of Caleb and Frankie told Zach that they have to talk Cody out of it because that means Brittany stays in the house and the 3 girls unite together (Amber/Brittany/Jacosta) and all the guys will be up on the block.


ETA2: Derrick and Hayden talking and is against putting Caleb up too because he's sees the writing that Brittany has to go this week. Derrick is angry that Zach took the trip and Hayden is with Zach or Caleb being put up against Brittany. Zach looks close to be being the re-nom according to king Derrick. Hayden is talking Derrick out of putting up Donny.


ETA3: Not sure if Cody would be ok with putting up Zach this early on so it's a toss up between him and Caleb. Victoria is BFF with Christine and Nicole right now talking in Have Not room.


ETA4: Derrick is convincing Hayden they have to put up Donny (or someone else) because Zach or Caleb is going home if they are up. Donny could be end target with a shot next week at Donny again.

Edited by kellog010

Well, its looking very much that I'm gonna get my wish about getting sleep and free time back very soon; not only is Brittany out in a few days, but its going to be very predictable and boring the rest of the way (I honestly think, from what we've seen so far).


- Victoria won POV - so I'm guessing Jocasta is selected as the replacement nom at the POV meeting

- Brittany picked Caleb with HG choice.  CALEB!?!?  Why didn't you just wear a sign to the POV comp. picks saying "I'm absolutely ready to go home now"??.  How in the world you don't pick Donny - he's a 'possible' ally, and has won a couple of POV comps already - I have no effing clue.

- Hitching your cart on the horse that is Amber, as your campaign manager??  Just stop already.


And Cody has cheated TWICE now, in the last 2 days.  Helped Amber in the BotB and then admitted to making sure he pulled Zach's chip in the pulling of POV comp picks.  I was getting that way really fast anyways, but I'm done with that frigging guy; personality similarities or not.



I just really sincerely hope this whole Amber/Caleb thing + Zach's being on everyone's sh*t list just ruins most everyone's [aside from B/Jo/& Donny's] games.  That's the only way this season has a chance to not be a total predictable bore from here on out.


maybe we would finally get a cast in which every single player is in it to win rather than to collect a stipend and a vacation.


Don't forget they all also want to get famous. They need to have one season where everyone signs a contract saying they agree not to get their money til they've gone a year without trying to cash in on the show. Heck, I'd even let people have it if they can go a year being a full time student or gainfully employed. 

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Well, its looking very much that I'm gonna get my wish about getting sleep and free time back very soon; not only is Brittany out in a few days, but its going to be very predictable and boring the rest of the way (I honestly think, from what we've seen so far).


- Victoria won POV - so I'm guessing Jocasta is selected as the replacement nom at the POV meeting

- Brittany picked Caleb with HG choice.  CALEB!?!?  Why didn't you just wear a sign to the POV comp. picks saying "I'm absolutely ready to go home now"??.  How in the world you don't pick Donny - he's a 'possible' ally, and has won a couple of POV comps already - I have no effing clue.

- Hitching your cart on the horse that is Amber, as your campaign manager??  Just stop already.


And Cody has cheated TWICE now, in the last 2 days.  Helped Amber in the BotB and then admitted to making sure he pulled Zach's chip in the pulling of POV comp picks.  I was getting that way really fast anyways, but I'm done with that frigging guy; personality similarities or not.



I just really sincerely hope this whole Amber/Caleb thing + Zach's being on everyone's sh*t list just ruins most everyone's [aside from B/Jo/& Donny's] games.  That's the only way this season has a chance to not be a total predictable bore from here on out.


Wait, since Jocasta was an original nom this week, she can't go back up as replacement, right?  Duh, me.  So then yeah, its (most likely; 90% likely) going to be Donny.  Unless Cody's convinced to put up any of Zach/Amber/Caleb instead.  But he has to be sure that if he puts up anyone other than Donny, he's got the votes to get them out.  He plants a HUGE target on his back if puts up anyone else than Donny, and they stay in the house... maybe not Amber, but definitely from Caleb or Zach.  Not to mention, if he goes with a non-Donny replacement, and they get evicted, that leaves Brittany in the house; who will go after him and the guys, if given the chance.


Cody's only smart choice is putting up Donny.  Sure, Donny won't like him, but he's not in any (current) alliances to make his displeasure worth much.  So, that said, please put anyone else than Donny up, dude!!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Victoria won POV - so I'm guessing Jocasta is selected as the replacement nom at the POV meeting


Jocatsa won BoB so she is safe from being renommed. Also, Amber can not be renommed either since she won BoB.


Cody wants Caleb up, Hayden wants Caleb or Zach up, Derrick/Frankie want Donny up. I swear, Brittany and Amber need to work Cody. They need to get him away from Derrick and just tell him how much he needs to get Caleb out for his game.


Donny better just stop giving a fuck about these guys and rally they girl's alliance himself!

Edited by peachmangosteen


Brittany and Amber need to work Cody.

Except didn't Brittany and Amber talk and say they want to talk Cody into putting up Donny? According to jokers.


It looks like Donny will definitely be the renom, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets voted out.  Maybe they pull some production shenanigans because he is the most popular player.  Maybe they will tell TA their goal is to keep Donny in the house this week.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

Do Derrick/Frankie honestly believe that going to Donny and being like, "We're putting you up, so be in our all guys alliance k cool!" is gonna work? Like they can't be that dumb. I hope Donny tells all these assholes to fuck off and then wins HOH and noms Frankie/Derrick.


I still think there's a chance that Caleb could go up. Cody wants that anyway and so does Hayden, plus DR will probably want to save Donny so hopefully they'll work Donny, too.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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