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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I think someone like Ian who would have been voted out week 2 without the mentor twist or the week Britney was evicted with the 2nd golden veto is a much luckier winner.


Oh for sure. Ian is up there as one of the luckiest winners IMO. Then again, I loathed him so I'm biased.


I don't blame him [Donny] for having some level of distaste for most of his fellow HGs because I can't stand them and I wasn't trapped in a house with them for months.


LOL! I agree though. Donny's shade of these people was the best part of this season IMO. It's always just below the line of being too mean. It's perfect.


Donny's brick wall in the game was that some people knew that they were playing Derrick's game for him to the detriment of their own and were ok with it.  


This is so true. I think a lot of players make similar mistakes; believing that everyone will be thinking the same rational way they are, when really not everyone sees things the way you do/doesn't have the same goal you have.


I have not read or seen comments on other boards about this (bold).    And I have a hard time believing Amber taunted her, too.  


I personally thought Amber came off quite bitchy on a couple different occasions and one time was when she was asking Victoria about her extensions. But then I thought Amber had a bit of stealth bitch in her.


I don't think anyone has said this and it needs to be said: Derrick is not taking anyone to F2. He will be in F3 with two hamsters who will take him. Caleb would not take him, which is why he will be evicted next. Cody will do that, so no blood on Derrick's hands. And no blood again when Cody or, haha, Vic evicts the other and takes Derrick to F2 and a unanimous (or near unanimous) win.



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I hope Donny or someone will immediately pull Caleb aside and warn him not to start any creeper stuff with Amber in the jury house.

Amber isn't in the jury house.

I have mixed feelings about Caleb. He is so trusting and loyal and believes he's going to the final three with Cody and Derrick. He also believes, to the bottom of his soul, that Victoria has no business being in the house right now mostly because she hasn't won a thing. Winning comps is important to Caleb, as we all know.

That said, his loyalty and trust didn't last where Frankie is concerned and I think the decision to hang Frankie out to dry will be something he regrets for a very long time.

Edited by tinderbox

I think the poster was hoping Donny would tell Caleb in the jury house not to do any creepy shit with Amber at the finale. But Caleb won't even go to the jury house.


Frankie gained 29 pounds in the house. Zach gained 15. Ah, sweet schadenfreude. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Wed 2:56 PM BBT Caleb was talking about how he wasn't going to tell anyone he was ex military at first but couldn't hold back on Fourth of July. Derrick says your walkin around with the soldiers prayer on your arm so that made it obvious either you or your family were military. Caleb says he would do ANYTHING to put that uniform on and go do it again.

Anyone think Caleb's best life pick would've been career military?

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I think the poster was hoping Donny would tell Caleb in the jury house not to do any creepy shit with Amber at the finale. But Caleb won't even go to the jury house.

No I was completely off on both fronts. I didn't know Caleb doesn't go to the jury house and I forgot Amber wasn't there. Nevermind...

I just don't think Grodner and CBS are interested in having Derrick do All-Stars whether he wins or not. Derrick played a huge part in making this one of the most boring seasons ever. And in my opinion he's not a compelling person to watch on screen for an extended period of time.


He's the guy you want to go along on a high school field trip, cause he'll keep everyone in line, but no one here signed up to watch a well behaved high school field trip.  I, for one, was looking forward to a poorly supervised free for all where half the kids get lost and the other half can't remember what happened the next day.


I think the poster was hoping Donny would tell Caleb in the jury house not to do any creepy shit with Amber at the finale. But Caleb won't even go to the jury house.


Frankie gained 29 pounds in the house. Zach gained 15. Ah, sweet schadenfreude. 


Whaaaat!?  Honestly, I truly hate to compliment him, but he carries it well.  Although, that explains why his shorts have slowly been becoming borderline obscene.

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I think the poster was hoping Donny would tell Caleb in the jury house not to do any creepy shit with Amber at the finale. But Caleb won't even go to the jury house.


Frankie gained 29 pounds in the house. Zach gained 15. Ah, sweet schadenfreude. 

Good.  He looked really underweight at the start of the game.  This way I can laugh because I know that gaining weight like this will really bother him, but at the same time I don't have to feel too bad about laughing, because he is probably a lot healthier now.

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It's funny that I have the exact opposite reaction. The way he manipulated these dumbasses makes me think he must be absolutely fantastic at undercover work, and probably interrogations too. He has a way of making you say things you think you don't want to say or do.  And for whatever reason, he doesn't strike me as dishonest in his outside life.


I don't think Derrick is a bad person or a bad cop, but every time I reflect on his game play I think 'You know those few news stories where a cop interrogates a dumb kid into confessing to a crime he didn't commit.  This is a demonstration of how that happens.'


Wed 2:56 PM BB Caleb says he would do ANYTHING to put that uniform on and go do it again.

Anyone think Caleb's best life pick would've been career military?

Absolutely, and preferably in combat. Not because I want anything to happen to him but because that way he would have minimal contact with females.

It would be great for him because he wouldn't have to think too much and could blow things up. I believe he would be loyal to a fault and would never leave anyone behind. Besides, if you were stuck in some hellhole wouldn't it be nice to have Caleb's tall tails to entertain you.

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Frankie gained 29 pounds in the house. Zach gained 15. Ah, sweet schadenfreude. 


I love this!  Others have already expressed how he wears it well, he's no doubt healthier, and it'll kill him until he loses it and more.  He barely ate on this show ... I don't see how he gained 29 pounds.  Zach seemed to have a heartier appetite, so 15 pounds doesn't surprise me.  I got the distinct impression Zach led a very active lifestyle.  Well, when he didn't sleep for 3 days in a row.

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I love this!  Others have already expressed how he wears it well, he's no doubt healthier, and it'll kill him until he loses it and more.  He barely ate on this show ... I don't see how he gained 29 pounds.  Zach seemed to have a heartier appetite, so 15 pounds doesn't surprise me.  I got the distinct impression Zach led a very active lifestyle.  Well, when he didn't sleep for 3 days in a row.

I guess that's what happens when you are only a Have Not one time and have constant access to everyone's HoH baskets. :-)

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Wait, so with the champagne, I guess the first HOH won't happen tonight? We probably won't even get to watch it. In all the ways this season has sucked, aside from the horrible, wretched double HOH "twist", the main thing that stands out to me is we got no real endurance challenges. I don't count the one they played before the feeds started. I don't count the ice skating one because that's not the kind I enjoy watching. Certainly not the eggs which we didn't even get to see on the feeds. I'm talking about the hanging on banging into things endurance. I LOVED those, they were the best time to be on the feeds. And we didn't even get one.

This blows.

  • Love 8

Wait, so with the champagne, I guess the first HOH won't happen tonight? We probably won't even get to watch it. In all the ways this season has sucked, aside from the horrible, wretched double HOH "twist", the main thing that stands out to me is we got no real endurance challenges. I don't count the one they played before the feeds started. I don't count the ice skating one because that's not the kind I enjoy watching. Certainly not the eggs which we didn't even get to see on the feeds. I'm talking about the hanging on banging into things endurance. I LOVED those, they were the best time to be on the feeds. And we didn't even get one.

This blows.

I'm thinking they don't want to waste a good idea.  Derrick would throw it, Victoria sucks at competitions, so we already know Cody would win.  They don't need a repeat of All Stars, so they'll just save it for next year.

At the risk of sounding really bitchy, I would say that 29 extra pounds didn't fit into those shorts, lol.

Hahaha true! But according to the website Frankie was 3 pounds less than Zach upon exit. This seems impossible given that they are what 4 inches apart? Zach is 5'10", Caleb is 5'8" so Frankie must be 5'5"? Ish?

Maybe Frankie is some physiological anomaly wherein his ego has started to accumulate actual mass. Or is he really is putting on weight this is a very smooth transition into his life as the second coming of Richard Simmons! Win, win.

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I've stopped trying to guess what any of them will do because it usually defies logic.  But I think Derrick should try to win HoH.  I think there is more risk in Cody deciding he can beat Victoria than Derrick having to make one juror angry because they believed the F2 deal.  That means the opposite will happen.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I don't think Derrick will intentionally throw the final HoH.  I think Derrick wants to have the power in his hands to control his fate and he also wants to make sure the jury knows he can win things when he wants to.  Cody may win it anyways because he has skills...but Derrick is sure gonna try.  Victoria, yeah, not so much.  She is content just being the last girl standing and she's already accomplished that.

Feeds just went to Jeff Highlights. If they play an endurance HOH tonight and block the feeds I'm gonna rage. But, it's fitting for this season. Nothing good ever happens!

Victoria will try for HOH, she just won't win. I'm just glad she isn't buying Derrick's bullshit right now. Poor dumb Cody still does though. I swear I don't think I've ever witnessed a player as bad as Cody. I feel like he has to be a plant or something. Maybe this whole time Production's fave was actually Derrick and they put Cody in there to help him win the game. I hope so because otherwise I just can't understand Cody's entire game at all.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just turned on the feeds, it's an endurance contest;  they are on a step like the contest Elissa won last year, but this year they are hanging on to a bar over their heads and are being pelted with water, apparently the steps won't move like last year. 


ETA:  And, just after being given the gift of listening to Cody swallow snot, we are back to Jeff highlights.

Edited by pennben

Just read something interesting in EW comments - Ariana's album is produced by CBS Interactive.  Hmmm.... 


Also interesting?   America's Favorite Player online poll is facilitated by...CBS Interactive.  And yes, they can throw out votes at will, according to their terms and conditions. 


Just a fun tidbit for the conspiracy theorists...


ETA - correction...researched this further, and it appears her album label is Republic, owned by UMG, which is affiliated with (subsidiary of) CBS, so not quite as salacious of a smoking gun...


I've got to get a life.

Edited by lyric
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about an hour and a half before the comp:


Cody starts spilling a lot to Victoria.  Derrick gets antsy fast and starts trying to steer the conversation away from so much confession by Cody. Derrick starts getting up and throws out changing topics. LOL He doesn't want Victoria to think for a moment that Derrick would keep Cody JUST IN CASE she wins final HOH. 

Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=BBFlashbacks&Number=23018029#ixzz3DdJjq2hL

It seems as though while the step they are on doesn't move, the wall holding them can tilt them downward so they rely on holding the bar above them.  I think.


ETA:  Just saw a long shot, they are made to look like they are hanging on parasails/gliders (?), if that helps with a visual of what the bar looks like that they are hanging on.   It does seem brutal. 

Edited by pennben

Loving the visual aspects of this challenge. The HGs are "hang gliding" against a wall featuring blue sky and clouds. Below them is a landscape with fields and structures. Just looks so cool.  They occasionally are drenched with rain and have to endure "lightning" as well. Think Cody may be first out, but that's just a hunch.


ETA: And that's why I've learned not to trust my hunches.  : )

Edited by LordBowen
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I don't think it matters what Cody tells Victoria at this point. Victoria has had this weird hate for Cody for a few weeks now, and let's face it, she loves Derrick. So does Cody. I'm sort of happy at finally getting to watch my endurance comp, but it's too little, too late. I don't think Derrick will drop first, but I also know he won't drop last. I'm watching just to see if Victoria can do anything this season.

Honestly, y'all can call me out if anything other than Derrick throws HOH and Cody or (HAhahahaha) Victoria takes him to the end only to lose to him happens. Oh, wait, I forgot. Frankie is now in the jury, and along with the power of his millions of followers is now the most important person in the entire game, and will be the sole decision maker of who wins this game. So I guess Derrick should be shaking in his boots.

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Okay, feeds are back, they've been getting pelted with rain.  While I don't think Victoria would win regardless, I think the pelting water and the effect on her extensions are going to come into play at some point.


I would have had crazy respect for the girl if she'd reached up, unclipped the extensions, tossed them to the side, and buckled down like she planned on winning it.  I think Derrick and Cody would have been shocked enough to fall.

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