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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I guess I haven't watched the feeds in so long, all I know is what I read. Is Caleb an actual target? I just assumed the nominees would be Victoria, Donny, Jacosta, Hayden, one girl, one guy for each HOH with reassurances to the guys that they're just a "pawn", and the boys can cheer that they got another floater out of the house. Frankie, Derrick, with a marginal side of Donny can fulfill their mission by pushing for a Hayden nomination. Whichever nominee team is left, if one of them wins veto no sweat, put up Caleb and get him out. Or not, just vote out the girl if she's the other nom. But I don't see any bold moves this week. Why? Cody and Frankie are sitting pretty right now.

Frankie specifically said he wanted a picture of his grandparents. Honestly I don't think anyone would recognize her besides Victoria. I would love that to blow up in his face though.


I am so sick of the predictable nominations and competitions. I'd thought they would mix up the teams more so that the bomb squad would be intermixed with the outsiders so the HOH wouldn't be so boring. If Donny, Jacosta or Brittany go home this week I'm done too

Wow, what a shocking development. Frankie, Zach and Derrick discussing the nominees. Apparently they want it to be some mixture of Victoria, Jacosta, Brittany and Amber. I mean, how unexpected. Of course, I know that these three really do not trust each other, but come on. It's easy. It's early. I'm starting to hate all of these people just because they're predictable and boring.


I wonder if they'll have a picture (recognizable) of Frankie's sister in the HOH room. Other than that... meh. It's shaping up to be another boring feeds week, just with more Frankie.

Apparently his sister posted on his Twitter that she only sent in Baby Pics of her.

And also Team Americas task. We will see if Frankie will do it!!

Edited by SiobhanJW

I wonder how those nominations will change when they find out the TA(FY) mission for the week. Change it up and throw Caleb or Zach up there, or try to say that Brittany or Amber qualifies as a "physical" threat. I doubt you could swing it for either Victoria or Jocasta. (Not saying a woman can't be, just that these fools are too predictable. Already.)


Apparently his sister posted on his Twitter that she only sent in Baby Pics of her.

Another chance for drama or something to potentially stir up the house denied. Man. Did they explode too early with Devin's HOH week? Has the drama been used up for now? What does a person have to do to get another house meeting?

Edited by Callaphera

Frankie specifically said he wanted a picture of his grandparents. Honestly I don't think anyone would recognize her besides Victoria. I would love that to blow up in his face though.


I am so sick of the predictable nominations and competitions. I'd thought they would mix up the teams more so that the bomb squad would be intermixed with the outsiders so the HOH wouldn't be so boring. If Donny, Jacosta or Brittany go home this week I'm done too


Me too.   I like all 3, but I admit I'm crushing on Britt, so when she leaves; a huge chunk of my interest goes with her.  I wonder if she's going to flirt, ie be more "hot" than cold with Cody this week, especially from now until BotB - then even if he doesn't keep HOH (ie, his noms lose the BotB).   I honestly don't see him putting her up, despite all the pressure that Derr/Caleb will put on him to do so.  Its too early yet, and like Derrick told him last night, if you win HOH and put her [brit] up, whatever you guys have going (or could have), will be over.  I could be wrong.  I just don't see it.  Now, Frankie, on the other hand.....


I'm thinking I want Cody to hold on to HOH, after BotB, and then grow some balls and backdoor Caleb after POV, if it the POV gets used to pull down a nom.  I'd love to see him BD Derrick even more than the BMC, but those two are super tight, currently.


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I already know he won't do it, but we'll see if Frankie sticks to his word the other day of "going the easy route, and nominating the first ones who 'fall' in the HOH comp".  I don't know the order, but Brit/Jocasta finished 2nd to last, so they should be safe.   But I could see him nominating exactly that two.  [Actually, maybe Zach/Amber finished 2nd, but then the B/J combo was 3rd]


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Britt/Donny talking, and B is emotional and thinks Cody will put her up.  I could see him being a sheep, and doing it to make his 'alliances' happy.


But this is just another reason I couldn't play BB well.  It just makes absolutely no sense (to me) to have Cody put her up.  Even if they make her the target, why have him put her up and throw out a possible 'side ally'?  I really believe, until they get to jury, she would be more than happy to play by 'house rules'.  And anyone's an idiot if they think Cody/Derr aren't a part of the 'house' voting structure.  She would 'play ball' to at least make it to jury, and they should know that.  Not to mention, if she survives either the BotB or POV, she's gonna come after him/Derr/Zach, hard.


I saw it on Joker's, that Derr/Zach/Frankie were saying that he (F) should put up Victoria/Jacosta and Cody puts up Brittany/Amber.   That makes NO sense.  The two women they tell Cody to flirt the hardest with, to keep them 'under control'; they want him to nominate.


I can't with these dumbasses.  I just can't.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

If the discussion, as described on Joker's was real, and they do end up doing that... 'his boys' really want Cody to keep HOH, and by doing so, put a huge target on his back from both B & A.  Its the only explanation I can think of.  And if Cody is stupid enough to play along with that plan, he deserves to go home before Jury.  Sure, if he noms those 2, and they win BotB - which, let's face it, if its those 2 vs Jo/Vic, you gotta like Britt/Amber's chances (if its a physical challenge) - he could try and spin it that one of Jo/Vic are the real target, but no way do either them forgive the noms; no matter the reasoning given.


Again, I just don't get it.  Maybe they had the order mixed up, and its Frankie putting up Britt/Amber & Cody's noms are Jo/Vic.  Its the only order that makes sense; in my head.


Cody was just talking with Zach and said he can't put up Amber and Britney.  He agreed to put up Jocasta and Victoria, so Zach said Frankie will put up Amber and Britney.  Which Cody was fine with.


Thank God.  He is smarter than he sometimes acts.  He has to know where his bread's buttered, outside the 'Detonators', 'Los Tres Amigos', and 'The Hitmen'.  He puts up B & A, and its game over for him; outside his alliances.  There ain't no amount of good looks, charm, and flirtation that will save his butt if he goes along with what his alliance(s) want of him.


ETA:   This is all assuming that he gets Egg #1, for noms, though.  If Frankie gets #1, he might pull a "Eff you!" and nom Jo/Vic and that leaves Cody no choice but to either nom the B/A duo [for his alliances' sake] or nom Donny & someone like Nicole or Hayden, and I don't see either of H/N going up; so it would be one of B or A, along with Donny.


ETAA:  In that same convo [as mentioned above], just a bit later, Cody says he might put up Brittany because she didn't trust him - right after Devin blew up the BS - but can't & won't put up Amber.  Britt can't win, IMO she's much better off sticking with Donny/Jocasta, even if it is the vast minority.  She mentioned (to Jo, in the BH room) earlier that she hasn't responded to Cody's flirting like the other girls, so that's why he would put her up or vote to evict her.  Sadly enough, that's not all that untrue or crazy line of thinking.  And if she starts being more receptive now, he (and 'his guys') are gonna be super paranoid.  She can't "win", at this point, with him.  [if current convo's and impressions are 100% correctly interpreted]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

From Jokers - 12:43a Brittany to Derr : I think Cody will put me up, I'm the only one that doesn't chase him  & 12:49a Derr tells Brittany maybe you need to get on it (flirt with Cody like the others) she says I'm not going to.


Someone wants to go home this week.  I am not saying or condoning that she 'whore' herself out, but she's contradicting herself in her intro video from ep. 2; where she stated that would "flirt a little bit, if I have to (to win)".  How long until evicts start going to Jury house?  2, or 3, weeks?  Guess paying back dad (or is it one of the moms), and trying to earn more money for support of kids, isn't as important as much as she's continually played it up as.


Kinda disappointed in the lack of effort.  Her "lows" are killing her game.  Cody told Derr earlier that he wasn't like how she was acting, after the HOH comp, and so would have no problem putting her up.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Just read that Jocasta was talking with Brittany and said if she had won, she would have put up the team with the fewest eggs and that was Christine and Victoria. Geesh, the other side of the house never really had a chance with Victoria, Paola, Jocasta, and Joey seemingly not knowing what game they are/were playing and Christine as the double agent. No wonder none of the non-BS are able to pull anything together to try to fight being picked off.


I felt sorry for Hayden being paired with Donny last night. Of course I don't know how they did but so far, Donny has attacked the comps going really slowly. I didn't think they had a chance. 


I'd like to hear from Amber, Christine, and Nicole regarding what they think or hope will happen in the coming weeks. Do any of them think they have a shot at anything but jury?


These girls always let the boys talk them into being pawns on the block.


ETA: The girls are showing more spirit and fight about not wanting to sleep in the same bed with Victoria than they are about actually playing the game.


ETA2: Caleb was in the back HOH room with Frankie while Amber and Cody were in the birds nest and Caleb got so pissed he went to sleep in the Have Not bedroom. Amber went to try to talk to Caleb about it.


Derrick and Frankie are sleeping in the bird room while Cody and Zach are sleeping in the back room. Do people not see that this group is always together?

Edited by kellog010
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What I don't understand is why they don't backdoor Caleb.  All of the reasons they gave tonight for doing it were legitimate.  He is crazy for Amber, if she goes home he is probably going to flip his lid and come after whoever nominated her.  I certainly understand not putting her up right away because he could easily win BotB or Power of Veto, but why get rid of people who thus far have posed no physical threat?  It seems to me the move that makes the most sense is to get out crazy and strong players early in the game.  They don't go to the jury house so they can't do something rash in terms of voting.  And they are likely to win more competitions because they are strong, and a lot of the competitions involve physical strength.  Once those people are gone, then those players that are physically "middle of the road" competitors can win competitions and then evict the nice, reasonable people to the jury house.

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What I don't understand is why they don't backdoor Caleb.

Cause he has a penis (and they don't have an a-hole like Devin to get rid of right now).

Always happens when the guys equate women as easy targets (and if one more person says "don't want to get blood on my hands" I'm gonna scream).

Edited by njbarmaid

Everyone seems to really hate Caleb, Zach compared talking to him as going to the dentist, and they all made fun of his speech. I'd vote him out too just so I wouldn't have listen to his non-stop talking and explaining that lower body makes your muscles look more defined (no shit, Caleb).

I don't understand why Veronica tells that story about the crow so often.

Cause he has a penis (and they don't have an a-hole like Devin to get rid of right now).

Always happens when the guys equate women as easy targets (and if one more person says "don't want to get blood on my hands" I'm gonna scream).


For game play, I think a-holes should stick around.  I hated, hated hated Aaryn last season.  I mean a hate with the intensity of the brightest star in the entire universe.  I resolved only to watch until she got booted, and then I just couldn't handle it and I just watched Julie Chen's exit interview (which I watched with the same joy I would have if I was eating an ice cream sandwich....and thats a lot of joy!).  And no matter how much I hated her, I understood why they kept her around.  She had no friends, she was super weaksauce and lame, and every other bad word I could think of and no one was ever going to vote for her in the jury.  

Everyone seems to really hate Caleb, Zach compared talking to him as going to the dentist, and they all made fun of his speech. I'd vote him out too just so I wouldn't have listen to his non-stop talking and explaining that lower body makes your muscles look more defined (no shit, Caleb).

I don't understand why Veronica tells that story about the crow so often.


Well, to be fair to Veronica...if she really believes it, its a pretty awesome story.  


I feel like talking to Caleb might be fascinating.  I mean what type of family do you have where your own mother calls you a moron?  I think a guy that goes crazy over women may have some interesting mommy stories.  I mean, of course he may save all his truly interesting stories for the rejected women he keeps chained up in his closet, but still.  I wouldn't ask him anything about his body, or whatever is in those shakes he drinks or anything like that.  I wouldn't encourage that conversation ever at all.

I think one of the reasons that Caleb isn't that big of a target is Derrick feels that he is "loyal" and can manipulate him.  This could work out to Derrick's advantage in the coming weeks if he feels like sitting next to Cody at the end isn't a good idea, who better to take Cody out than Caleb. 

Unless Amber decides that she doesn't really want Caleb to send Cody home.  And it doesn't take any promise of anything on her part.  She could make up any excuse to Caleb, and if Caleb thinks it will score him points with Amber, he will do...or not do it.  I mean, this dumbbell put himself on the block to try to save her, I don't think its a stretch to think that if she really didn't want Cody to go home, Caleb would save him, because Caleb is very loyal....to Amber.

From Jokers - 12:43a Brittany to Derr : I think Cody will put me up, I'm the only one that doesn't chase him & 12:49a Derr tells Brittany maybe you need to get on it (flirt with Cody like the others) she says I'm not going to.

Wow! Derrick really said that? I can't believe these men. Do they think their wives and mothers would be ok with them being this chauvinistic?

There is such a huge difference too between deciding you will flirt with someone for your own benefit and being told by a man that you have to flirt to stay. No woman with any respect for herself would roll over and take that.

I'm gonna need a coutie tay to take place real soon. Or why can't we ever have a session where the newbies are men but the returning players are women? Maybe there would be a balance of power.

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I swear, lids, I was just coming here to suggest that! Only a handful of the women actually act like they're here to play. Brittany possibly, and Joey wanted to play just didn't really know how. The others just seem like they want to hang out all summer. Jocasta doesn't even talk game! I can't get too worked up about Amber not getting to fully play due to having to not poke the crazy, because I haven't seen much to indicate she'd really be doing anything differently than she is now if Caleb weren't in the house. Christine just wants to talk shit, Nicole won't want any more "blood on her hands," and Victoria who? Drives me crazy. Now the problem becomes finding 7-8 women returnees who a) aren't vile or crazy, and b) actually played the game the last time.


This season is starting to really feel like BB12 and that is just so unfortunate. The only reason The Brigade was successful is because everyone else was so damn stupid and wouldn't put aside petty differences and get together to see what was staring them right in the face and that is exactly what's happening now. It's so frustrating to watch.


Mmmm...Don't you think these girls will get a clue when all the nominations are girls??

Nope. They never do.


I've been waiting 3 weeks for them to get it. I mean if they still don't now then they really are all a completely lost cause and I give up. I guess I'll just have to root for Hayden and Donny to kiss up to Derrick and co. long enough to be able to target them.


Hmm... so apparently TA(FY!)'s next mission is to get the females' most physical threat nom'd; which both Fr/Derr agree is Amber.  And Fr wants Cody to nom her, (or maybe has to get Cody to nom her, if that's the TA mission details).


So the terms they were given actually said they are to nom a female physical threat? Or they just saying that because they're sexist douchebags and they want to make it seem like they're not? I mean it wouldn't really surprise me if Production actually told them it had to be a woman. The twists this season were pretty obviously designed so that women would go first and men would make jury. Alison Grodner is the biggest sexist of them all really.


ETA: Brittany didn't sleep again all night and she's still up. Cody was up for a bit and it was very awkward, annoying, and embarrassing watching them talk. I'm over Brittany's whining about people deserving to be here. Especially Jocasta. Brittany, Jocasta hasn't done a damn thing in this game, she doesn't deserve shit. And then you have Cody acting like he's just a sweet, honest guy and mean ol' Brittany betrayed him. Over him, too.


Honestly, I think maybe Brittany needs to go home. She never sleeps and that can't possibly be good for her.

Edited by peachmangosteen


I felt sorry for Hayden being paired with Donny last night. Of course I don't know how they did but so far, Donny has attacked the comps going really slowly. I didn't think they had a chance. 


Er - Donny has won more comps than any one else so far (one BotB and two PoVs). When I saw the pairings, I figured Hayden was the one who lucked out.

My nomination for Most Overused Word/Phrase Of the Season is "Beast Mode" - with a special emphasis on "Cowboy Beast Mode". Why on earth does everybody keep referring to Caleb as a "competition beast"? He's only won one - the first HoH - and since then, he wasn't done squat. He reminds me of a four-wheel-drive stuck on a river mud flat - he revs up real loud and he slings around a lot of shit, but he never GOES anywhere.

So far I'm just enjoying how competition-wise, all these "beasts" are getting their asses handed to them by the oldest person in the House.

  • Love 11

Er - Donny has won more comps than any one else so far (one BotB and two PoVs). When I saw the pairings, I figured Hayden was the one who lucked out.


I agree,  Hayden was saying that he thinks if him and Donny had done the two egg method (which apparently Jocasta/Britt discovered and then Derrick told Cody/Frankie to copy them) they probably would've won because they were doing really well even with doing just one egg. Sigh, what could have been.


Apparently the plan is to maybe backdoor Donny. I feel like Derrick/Frankie think if they they can get Donny out then they'll be America's new favorite. Idiots. Hopefully Donny is picked for POV and slays them all again.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What will getting Donny out do for TA? The team is supposed to be 3, if one goes does that mean the end of it? If the big twist would have been okay with less than 3, there was no need to pick the next two highest vote-getters once Donny was chosen and Joey was out. I would hate to lose Donny, but I'd laugh and laugh if those other two fools torpedoed their own chances to maximize their summer earnings like that.

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I would hate to lose Donny, but I'd laugh and laugh if those other two fools torpedoed their own chances to maximize their summer earnings like that.


That would be amazing!


Hopefully Production will tell them that getting Donny out means no more TA because I really don't wanna lose Donny. He's (along with Hayden) the only hope I have of getting out Derrick and co.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Question for feed watchers: Is there any indication that Donny, Brittany, Victoria, Nicole, Hayden and Jocasta are trying to team up against Frankie, Caleb, Derrick, Cody and Zach? And if so, where is Christine in all of that?


Sadly, nope. I mean I think Hayden/Donny want to go after Derrick and co., but they're playing it very passively now. They seem to want to wait until the 2 HOH twists is over. Which, guys, by then there won't be any people left that can help you. Brittany has great instincts, but she won't put away her petty dislikes to try something and she's too close to Cody/Derrick. Victoria just doesn't have a lot of options because everyone basically hates her and the people she believes she's with would nom/target her. Jocasta just isn't playing. I don't know if she is just trying to lay low and wait until later to bust out something or what, but if so you'd think she'd have realized by now that the odds of her or any of the people she could work with actually being there later are low.


I personally believe Christine is with The Detonators because she throws Nicole/Hayden UTB to them, but some people think she's really with Hayden/Nicole.


ETA: Brittany was just trying to talk to Donny about how she thinks the game will shake out, who's with who, etc. and he shut her down because 'talking gets him in trouble.' Sigh. Even Donny has given up. I have no hope left!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Er - Donny has won more comps than any one else so far (one BotB and two PoVs). When I saw the pairings, I figured Hayden was the one who lucked out.

Don't get me wrong, I like Donny and know that he's done really well thus far. I was just thinking when they picked teams that Donny had expressed his tactic of going slowly during comps so he doesn't get flustered and I was guessing that the fastest team would win this particular challenge. If he and Hayden did well and were close, then I suppose I guessed wrong about Donny wanting to go too slowly.

  • Love 2

This season is starting to really feel like BB12 and that is just so unfortunate. The only reason The Brigade was successful is because everyone else was so damn stupid and wouldn't put aside petty differences and get together to see what was staring them right in the face and that is exactly what's happening now. It's so frustrating to watch.

This season is appearing the same way to me. Caleb is Enzo. Cody is Hayden. Christine is Britney and Derrick reminds me of Matt. Ok. I hope Derdick is Matt and gets booted sooner than later. But in reality he's more like Lane.

The girls biggest goal have is to make jury. But they don't see the guys are "keeping" the girls they want to hang with in jury.

Personally, I don't think Britney should have even played the game. Being in the middle of a divorce and having young kids doesn't help your game. She probably needs to go. And she knows it.

Derdick telling her to flirt with Cody. Yeah. Great guy Derdick. Wonder if you would give your wife the same advise. I guess everything is fair game for half a mil.


This season is appearing the same way to me. Caleb is Enzo. Cody is Hayden. Christine is Britney and Derrick reminds me of Matt. Ok. I hope Derdick is Matt and gets booted sooner than later. But in reality he's more like Lane.


I hope Derrick is the Matt, but I think he's more like the Hayden, sadly. Christine really is like Britney; nasty piece of work that dumbly thinks the boys are gonna keep her even though they got rid of all the other girls, yet with none of Britney's snarky DR sessions.


Derdick telling her to flirt with Cody. Yeah. Great guy Derdick. Wonder if you would give your wife the same advise. I guess everything is fair game for half a mil.


First of all, Derdick is amazing! Also, this is made even more annoying to me by the fact that he made a big stink when Zach suggested Christine has a crush on Cody (which she totally does) because she's married. Get off your high horse, Derdick!

Edited by peachmangosteen

The old saying about a woman scorned is being played out exactly the opposite on BB.  Caleb, who wanted to keep Amber until the end, is now open to her leaving because she doesn't want his forced relationship, and Cody wants Brit gone because she's not falling all over him.  According to Cody, he "single handedly saved her" and she's been ignoring him, *sob sob*.  Its all personal because their big fat egos aren't being massaged by these girls.  What assholes!  Of all the guys, the only ones who have been the least bit respectful of the girls is, of course, Donny, and strangely, Caleb and Hayden haven't been too bad.  Derrick, Zack and Cody are the worst when it comes to the nasty remarks.


I can't figure out why Derrick is being so hateful about Brit.  He's obsessed with getting her out of the house.  What in the hell did she do to him to deserve all that hate? 

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I can't figure out why Derrick is being so hateful about Brit.  He's obsessed with getting her out of the house.  What in the hell did she do to him to deserve all that hate? 


I think it truly is because he thought she was his bitch who'd do as he said and somehow her not going to him immediately when she found out about BS proved to him she wan't. Its the same thing with his Donny hate, he thought he was manipulating Donny and when he realized he wasn't, he had to go. Cody better not even try to question Derdick's leadership or he'll be screwed.

At this point, I hope Derrick's hate-on for Brittany blinds him to Donny. I also hope, and probably also believe, that after the shitshow that was last season and the vile dregs of humanity Grodner foisted upon us, she'll exert subtle (or not-so-subtle) pressure to keep Donny. I'm sure she wants her precious twist to last as long as possible, since the dual HOH things is a total flop if you ask me.


The only other person I can actually root for is probably Hayden, so he'd better not do something stupid.

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I see Amber/Jo winning BOB then Brittany will go unless Victoria really really annoys everyone and they just want her gone. I think unless Brit or Vic win the POV nobody will use it to change the noms (I'm not really hearing a strong back door candidate yet).

I'm skipping my lunch so I can stay at my computer for when the live feeds come back up right after the nom ceremony.

ETA Even though the Britt/Cody talk was very awkward this morning, I did like how Britt called the remaining scenarios and all Cody wanted was for her to say sorry I should have sucked up to you more.

Edited by njbarmaid
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