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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I DO NOT totally believe Derrick is on board to evict Frankie this week. He does seem to be talking out of two sides of his mouth and influenced by some vague manipulations. So maybe he WAS coerced to go to f2 with production's darling, Frankie. 


Derrick wil do anything for more money and he may think he could win against Frankie... so he may think for him it is a win/win in any of a variety of ways at this point.  He will deserve to lose and I will be as angry if Frankie wins as I was when June, Maggie, and Dick won. 


Bye Victoria. 

Edited by DakotaLavender

Eeeewwww, Frankie just stuck his microphone thingy down his butt crack!


ETA:  A little earlier on BBAD Cody was laying on the HOH bed and Frankie came running in and jumped on him, hugging him, then opened his mouth and moved toward Cody's crotch like he was about to go down on him.  He's just gross.

Edited by slasherboy
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If Derrick was wavering on voting out Frankie, he would've taken Caleb up on his plan to split the vote so that Caleb would be the one to boot Frankie (it will make such great TV!). Derrick said they all needed to get Frankie before the vote and tell him he was going as a group, and that splitting the vote would make them all look like assholes. If Derrick really wanted to save Frankie, he'd be all over that plan, and then just get Caleb in a room with Frankie before the vote. The two of them together would get Caleb to do whatever they wanted. No, Derrick wants Frankie gone.

ETA: Derrick is also telling Victoria to not worry she is 100% safe. The exact opposite of what he said last week. He's not risking that jury vote for lying for no reason, it's already been proven she won't blame him if the votes aren't "there".

Edited by Katesus7
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Caleb is telling Cody he will take him to the final 2. Because he thinks the strongest players should make it to the end.

Derrick has to get Caleb out next which I think is his plan if Caleb doesn't win the Veto.

I think Cody will tell Derrick the conversation only cuz Caleb says he thinks it will be a close vote with Cody. And Cody doesn't want a close vote since he thinks that either of them are going to Smoke Derrick. So he will prolly make sure to get Caleb out cuz Cody thinks he's gonna win that money. Cody is gonna be floored when he doesn't win.

ETA: Caleb just asked Victoria if she thinks Derrick would vote for him in Final 2 against Cody. She will report Back. Goodbye Caleb if you don't win POV.

Edited by SiobhanJW

Wow! If Derrick can pull this off he going to hit the mother load. I wonder if he'll continue working as a cop?

Edit to add, why can't people pronounce the button? It's not but-in. Drives.me.up.a.wall. Literally!!

It's a nice chunk of change, but nothing to quit your job over, especially since the taxes will be about 40%. At the end of the day he'll have around 350,000. Pretty good for a summer's work.

Edited by Marie80
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I really hope Frankie goes home.  I just can’t stand even seeing his face any longer


I just do not want Derrick to win.  He is such a backstabber.  He insisted on all those unanimous votes and was crappy to people who were being voted out.  Starting with Brit.  He wasn't as vile as some but he was far from nice and he lied to the fans all the time.  I just cannot stand him.  I also hope they shun him after his big lie.

• He preyed on Victoria.
• He is very controlling.
• He has won very few comps.

I just don.t like the guy.


I don’t like him much either, but I also think you summarized quite nicely why he’s been the best player this season and probably deserves to win. 

Of course I also think it would be hilarious if Victoria somehow miraculously managed to win.  In some ways it would be the most fitting end to such a lousy season.

Frankie's realllllyyyy missing out. Ari has been to Australia, Japan and now is opening for SNL. I figure she'll be a one hit wonder (yes, I know she CAN actually sing ok) because she doesn't have the personality for it. YMMV.



Can you really call someone a “one hit wonder” if they’ve had two No. 1 albums, plus four Top 10 singles (and counting)?

They still seem to think the finale is on Sunday the 21st and I think they do not know someone is going on Monday (or Sunday, whenever they film it). Is production just messing with them? I see no reason not to at least give them an end date at this point.

At this point in this season, the only "unexpected" Production can throw at the HGs is shock factors - such as springing an unexpected eviction on them Tuesday, then another on Wednesday.

I think production is sort of messing with them. I actually hate that the HG know which comp is on which week. Personally, I wished they switch that up to begin with. I think they want the HG game to be off their with the 21st being in their head as the end. That extra week will ruin someone's game because they aren't thinking that far. Should be interesting.

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Fri 10:35 PM BBT Derrick encouraging Caleb to turn down a Pandora's Box should he get it.


Way to poison that well before the shovel even starts digging.


Good luck on that one, Derrick. Has there ever been a Pandora's Box in the history of the show that hasn't been opened? If there is one, you won't have much say in the matter, I'm afraid.


Now I hope Caleb gets a Pandora's Box, just for Derrick thinking he can dictate production.

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From Joker's: Sat 2:13 AM Cody tells Derrick that Caleb is for sure going to take Cody to the final 2, not Derrick. They decide Caleb must go next.


Um, what? This is why I cannot agree with anyone who says Derrick is one of the greats and playing a masterful game. It's not difficult to be the mastermind when you're in a house full of morons.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 15

From Joker's: Sat 2:13 AM Cody tells Derrick that Caleb is for sure going to take Cody to the final 2, not Derrick. They decide Caleb must go next.


Um, what? This is why I cannot agree with anyone who says Derrick is one of the greats and playing a masterful game. It's not difficult to be the mastermind when you're in a house full of morons.


You know I'm right there with you, but in his defense, it is not like all the BB greats of the past weren't working with some dummies themselves (to wit, if Howie wasn't such a dummy, Maggie wouldn't have been able to turn him as easily as she did in Season 6) but yeah, I personally do think it is fair to say that these guys are beyond the pale when it comes to making moves to hurt themselves and to help Derrick for seemingly no reason. "Caleb plans to take me to the Final 2 and not Derrick, boy, I better get him out quick!" Yowsa. 

  • Love 6

Good luck on that one, Derrick. Has there ever been a Pandora's Box in the history of the show that hasn't been opened? If there is one, you won't have much say in the matter, I'm afraid.


Now I hope Caleb gets a Pandora's Box, just for Derrick thinking he can dictate production.

We all know that if Caleb gets a Pandora's box that he'll open it. Why, a big ole pimped out pick-up truck could just come driving out of it with Caleb's name on it!


He made me laugh so hard tonight when he & Cody were feeding the fish. I guess "John Eric" the fish is a hog & he nipped at "Emma" the fish. Caleb said, "When I was in school, I woulda beat up a fish like that!". Cody agreed. Gotta love these 2 clowns!  

  • Love 7

We all know that if Caleb gets a Pandora's box that he'll open it. Why, a big ole pimped out pick-up truck could just come driving out of it with Caleb's name on it!

All production would have to do was imply that Amber might come out and spend the day with him and he'd start Judy choppin' [tm] that box open.

  • Love 8

Can anyone recap the monetary/trip winnings at this point?  I don't remember any scenario where Caleb is going home with (at this point) $50K.



Caleb - $5,000

Caleb, Christine, Frankie - Trip outside the house to an NFL camp

Cody, Donny, Nicole - Screening of new CBS show "Scorpion"

Derrick - $5,000 (but he has to endure 5,000 "hollas")

Hayden - $5,000

Victoria - $5,000

Zach - Trip to Germany


1. Donny ($15,000)

2. Frankie ($20,000)

3. Derrick ($20,000)

Edited by wings707
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Thanks, Wings.  I wonder where the HGs got the idea that Caleb had won $50K.  The context of the convo was about NOT taking him to F2.  I can't wait until they learn about TA, and that Derrick, if he wins, gets an additional $75K.  Especially with Cody getting this far without winning one extra dime. Talk about a "kerfuffle"!  Wonder if TPTB will let us see any of it.

Edited by Skycatcher

Sat 4:10 AM BBT Caleb to Derrick: I know I have 4 guaranteed votes in jury. You, Vic, Nicole, Donny, Jocosta. Christine would vote me over Cody. That's 6 votes right there.

Yes Caleb, math is not your strong suit. And Caleb being "honest" basically telling Derrick "not taking you to F2" with a couple more evictions to go....bless his heart (in my Texas southern twang ).

  • Love 2

Thanks, Wings.  I wonder where the HGs got the idea that Caleb had won $50K.  The context of the convo was about NOT taking him to F2.  I can't wait until they learn about TA, and that Derrick, if he wins, gets an additional $75K.  Especially with Cody getting this far without winning one extra dime. Talk about a "kerfuffle"!  Wonder if TPTB will let us see any of it.


No one is going to find out about TA before the winner is announced, it could influence the vote.  Not sure how they will engineer that either.  Once the confetti falls it is over.  I would like to see a better finale format.  It ends too abruptly.  Showing them in the BY with the interviewers and family would be a nice finish.  


Frankie could spill about TA in the jury house, just thought of that one.  If he is bitter and Derrick is in F2, he may do that.  

Sat 4:10 AM BBT Caleb to Derrick: I know I have 4 guaranteed votes in jury. You, Vic, Nicole, Donny, Jocosta. Christine would vote me over Cody. That's 6 votes right there.

Yes Caleb, math is not your strong suit. And Caleb being "honest" basically telling Derrick "not taking you to F2" with a couple more evictions to go....bless his heart (in my Texas southern twang ).


Ha ha ha ha!  

Edited by wings707
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Frankie could spill about TA in the jury house,

A bitter Frankie in the jury house could cause all kinds of havoc.  And we know he'll be bitter!


ETA: In response to ParisPrincess, below - I wasn't thinking about him revealing TA members.  I was just thinking that if he gets a "poor me, it wasn't fair, he/she/they should have .......  me" idea washing around in his head, he can do all kinds of damage, depending on who his perceived target might be.

Edited by Skycatcher

If the rule about TA members only being able to out themselves and not the other members extends until the game is actually over, Frankie would lose his TA money by exposing the whole thing in the jury house.  But, the way Grodner makes up new rules whenever she pleases, who knows.


Ah yes, I remember that now.   Thanks. 

Squee! Even MORE insight into how Frankie got to be the famewhoring boy he is today.


“I think she does have a little bit of a diva thing going on, I don’t know if that’s just part of the image she wants out there, like ‘I’m a young Mariah, I’m a diva,’ because I remember, I think it was at the AMAs, she came up on the platform, and normally I stand on this side [her left side] to the camera — I had to fight 13 years to get this side to the camera, it’s my good side, but I fought 13 years for this, OK? Little Ariana comes over, I feel like BING, elbow in my side, I’m like ‘what’s going on?’ and they push me to the other side. So I had to be on my ugly side. But I felt like a little bit of a, you know it was like ‘you either get on the other side or we don’t do an interview,’ and I just felt like it’s one thing if it’s Mariah, you know, I’ll get on any side, I’ll bend down, I’ll climb a ladder, whatever it takes to get Mariah to do an interview. But when you’re new on the block, when you’re trying to earn your stripes, you’re young, you just gotta do what you gotta do, try to get a great reputation, try to go overboard to please people.” - Guiliana Rancic


The problem just HAS TO stem with their mother. I mean, come on!

I think this clip says more about Guilliana than Arianna.

Edited by applecrisp
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We all know that if Caleb gets a Pandora's box that he'll open it. Why, a big ole pimped out pick-up truck could just come driving out of it with Caleb's name on it!

With Amber waving from the driver's seat!


Seriously though, I'm worried that production is going to use PB as either a way to save Frankie or stop Derrick. They know that the little boy in Caleb won't be able to resist temptation. If they're going to do it to try to spread some of the wealth around then okay but I'm thinking it'll be mainly just another scheme to help their Grande golden boy.

So the words "Caleb said he wants to take me to the Final 2, so we need to go after him next" actually left Cody's mouth? Or did Cody just run to Derrick and tell him that? Either way, he's stupid. Then, on top of that, Caleb is openly counting jury votes if he makes F2 to Derrick in a scenario where Derrick's in the jury to Derrick's face?! And you know Caleb is going to obsessed about making it to the F2 until he's booted and he'll repeat his theories until he's blue in the face.


These people are incredibly dumb. Just... unbelievably dumb.

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The saddest part of this season is that I can't stand it if Derrick wins, because I just don't like him and now apparently he'll get even more money by winning. I can't imagine how pissed other winners might be at the thought of Derrick coming out with $575K (500k+50K for "TA"+20k actual TA money + 5K stupid Holla money).

I also think all the others are either too vile (Frankie) or just way too stupid to win this game. I'd hate for a really stupid winner to think they played the best game. Sigh. Why do I watch this show again?

  • Love 7

Production was building something in the 2nd HOH bedroom last night. They better not be doing anything to try to save Frankie.


Caleb, Derrick and Cory are adamant that should that be a Pandora Box, Caleb should not open it, and he won't.  Production is aware of their pact so it may be something else.  Whatever it is, all agree that they do not want their plan for F3 disturbed and do not trust anything AG can throw at them. 

Caleb, Derrick and Cory are adamant that should that be a Pandora Box, Caleb should not open it, and he won't.  Production is aware of their pact so it may be something else.  Whatever it is, all agree that they do not want their plan for F3 disturbed and do not trust anything AG can throw at them.


Let's just call it what it is -- the 'Save Frankie at all Costs' temptation for Caleb.  


If Caleb opens the box, out will step Amber in a bikini and Mila Kunis in a wedding dress with $25K in each of their hands and they will start making out. But the tradeoff is that Frankie comes off the block.  When Caleb actually opens the box, it's Evil Dick and Jessie dressed as Amber and Mila Kunis with each holding $25K in monopoly money and they will mock him incessantly for 4 hours, but Frankie still comes off the block. The ultimate F-U to Caleb all to save Grodner's pet.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Unfortunately, BB needs Frankie for the drama. It's bad enough that they all get along but to have Victoria potentially make the Final 2 is probably driving them (production) insane. They won't have any drama for the Final 3 let alone the Final 2 on finale night. They need to fill up an hour and a half show. It seems they (Caleb, Derrick & Cody) are adamant to actually go through with the plan and vote Frankie out. The only real drama final 2 might be Cody versus Caleb. It's 50/50 who the jury would pick, right? I guess they all like Cody more, right? With Derrick and anyone else it's a slam dunk for Derrick. While he deserves the win it would make for a boring Finale.

It's bad enough that they all get along but to have Victoria potentially make the Final 2 is probably driving them (production) insane.


Yeah, as odd as it sounds, I actually think they would rather lose Victoria more than save Frankie. I think they're fine with losing Frankie before the final 2, but someone like Victoria actively sabotaging their own game knowingly in service of someone else winning is absolutely terrible television.


Even odder is they may suspect (or Frankie has intimated) he will cause trouble in the jury house, throwing a wrench into their "second coming of Dan Gheesling" narrative for Derrick. Send Frankie off to jury at the last possible minute, and their Derrick narrative is secure.


Whatever happens, at least this final 4 -- even with Victoria -- is head and shoulders above than last year. Actual competitors from an established alliance, with at least a modicum of social game and a stack of comp wins between them. Not four leftover individuals who waited until all the actual competitors had been eliminated, and then pretended it was all their doing. So...good on you, season 16!

  • Love 2
Unfortunately, BB needs Frankie for the drama. It's bad enough that they all get along but to have Victoria potentially make the Final 2 is probably driving them (production) insane. They won't have any drama for the Final 3 let alone the Final 2 on finale night. They need to fill up an hour and a half show. It seems they (Caleb, Derrick & Cody) are adamant to actually go through with the plan and vote Frankie out. The only real drama final 2 might be Cody versus Caleb. It's 50/50 who the jury would pick, right? I guess they all like Cody more, right? With Derrick and anyone else it's a slam dunk for Derrick. While he deserves the win it would make for a boring Finale.



Well this season has already been boring enough, so why not top it off with a boring finale? I'd rather a boring finale this year than Frankie earning more than what he already has. I wouldn't hate a Cody/Caleb final 2, but Derrick deserves it a lot more because he's put a lot of time and energy into actually playing the game, so it would be nice if he was rewarded for it. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, as odd as it sounds, I actually think they would rather lose Victoria more than save Frankie. I think they're fine with losing Frankie before the final 2, but someone like Victoria actively sabotaging their own game knowingly in service of someone else winning is absolutely terrible television.


You'd think they'd want to get rid of Cody too then since he's also knowingly sabotaging his own game for Derrick and has been for even longer than Victoria.


How insane that Cody won morph! And that Victoria did better at morph than someone! Good job, guys!


Well, Frankie is most likely out now, so we've finally had something good happen. If they could just find a way to get rid of Derrick for me now. Hopefully the F3 is Caleb/Derrick/Cody, Caleb wins final HOH and then takes Cody. Caleb vs. Cody would be suspenseful and Derrick going at F3 would fill me with so much joy. Perfect finale for me!


Oh, even better/more hilarious, Victoria wins F4 HOH and then Caleb wins veto and takes out Derrick. Caleb with F4 veto and Derrick vs Cody on the block would be very interesting. Finally some suspense!


So basically the game could finally get interesting now, but it'll just end up being Victoria goes at F4, Cody wins final HOH, takes Derrick, Derrick wins with every vote. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The saddest part of this season is that I can't stand it if Derrick wins, because I just don't like him and now apparently he'll get even more money by winning. I can't imagine how pissed other winners might be at the thought of Derrick coming out with $575K (500k+50K for "TA"+20k actual TA money + 5K stupid Holla money)


Agree 100%,  I guess I'm mostly done with the season.  I can't stand smug, pug-nosed Derrick at all.  He treated Donny terribly and was not even truthful in the DR's.


I know this show is about lying and deception.  In season 14 when Dan used the bible to persuade Frank, it was just too much for me.  And not because I am that religious.  It was because Dan was.

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