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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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STOP SAYING THAT FRANKIE'S NOT GOING TO GET EVICTED!!! That is the last good thing that I'm realistically hoping for! Don't take that away from me! [collapses in a sobbing heap]


Sorry for the outburst, but I just can't with Frankie being around any longer. I. Just. Can't. I need ONE good thing to happen this season. Just one. It will suck not to see him go in a live eviction, though. My best case scenario would be a live eviction with unprecedented booing, but I'd be willing to let that dream go just to have the dream of Frankie getting evicted in whatever way. I CANNOT handle him winning. I. Just. Can't. At this point, I'm Team Anyone But Frankie, which kills me because I'm not overly fond of the others, but this is how BB pretty much always ends for me- giving up on having anyone to root for and being satisfied with having someone(s) to root against.


Is this officially the Worst Season Ever? They're all but bringing in circus animals (does Izzy count?) to create the slightest level of entertainment. It's kind of funny just in terms of how pathetic it is. These people suck. Apart from the boring gameplay, they're just not particularly interesting people. At all. Watching the feeds is kind of like hanging out with the hamsters and, though I rarely/never find them to be people I would choose to spend time with in real life (or vice versa), it's often interesting to me for that very reason. I learn a lot from "hanging out" with people I wouldn't usually spend much or any time with. Even with the horrible people last year, they were somewhat interesting on various levels. This year, the people are mostly dull as dishwater to me. Frankie is SUPER ANNOYING, which is actually ok in small doses because at least it's something. Caleb is amusing, though annoying. The rest are just... dull. I've actually grown to appreciate Cody more in the last week or two in terms of him not being quite as dumb as I thought and being a basically nice person, but he has an extremely bland personality. Victoria is dumb, annoying, and dull. Derrick is dull and kind of an asshole and his gameplay is annoying. Did I mention that they're all annoying? Because they are.

  • Love 12

STOP SAYING THAT FRANKIE'S NOT GOING TO GET EVICTED!!! That is the last good thing that I'm realistically hoping for! Don't take that away from me! [collapses in a sobbing heap]


Sorry for the outburst, but I just can't with Frankie being around any longer. I. Just. Can't. I need ONE good thing to happen this season. Just one. It will suck not to see him go in a live eviction, though. My best case scenario would be a live eviction with unprecedented booing, but I'd be willing to let that dream go just to have the dream of Frankie getting evicted in whatever way. I CANNOT handle him winning. I. Just. Can't. At this point, I'm Team Anyone But Frankie, which kills me because I'm not overly fond of the others, but this is how BB pretty much always ends for me- giving up on having anyone to root for and being satisfied with having someone(s) to root against.


Is this officially the Worst Season Ever? They're all but bringing in circus animals (does Izzy count?) to create the slightest level of entertainment. It's kind of funny just in terms of how pathetic it is. These people suck. Apart from the boring gameplay, they're just not particularly interesting people. At all. Watching the feeds is kind of like hanging out with the hamsters and, though I rarely/never find them to be people I would choose to spend time with in real life (or vice versa), it's often interesting to me for that very reason. I learn a lot from "hanging out" with people I wouldn't usually spend much or any time with. Even with the horrible people last year, they were somewhat interesting on various levels. This year, the people are mostly dull as dishwater to me. Frankie is SUPER ANNOYING, which is actually ok in small doses because at least it's something. Caleb is amusing, though annoying. The rest are just... dull. I've actually grown to appreciate Cody more in the last week or two in terms of him not being quite as dumb as I thought and being a basically nice person, but he has an extremely bland personality. Victoria is dumb, annoying, and dull. Derrick is dull and kind of an asshole and his gameplay is annoying. Did I mention that they're all annoying? Because they are.



Thundering applause and standing ovation!



There, there, sweetheart.  I am here, all is well.  Now just take this little pill and I will sing you a lullaby. 

  • Love 6

The HGs are actually being a bit amusing right now. Last night Caleb told one of his BS hog hunting stories which involved a mad girlfriend, wading through icy waters, and hiking 500 yards at night in freezing temperatures to get to the hog.  Just now Cody told a story about squirrel hunting with pugs, essentially spoofing Caleb's story. When Cody was done, Caleb got up and said (paraphrasing) "Hi, my name is Cody. And the suckiest thing in life is that if I don't win veto, I'm going up as replacement nominee. The end."


It was pretty funny all told.

  • Love 6

The HGs are actually being a bit amusing right now. Last night Caleb told one of his BS hog hunting stories which involved a mad girlfriend, wading through icy waters, and hiking 500 yards at night in freezing temperatures to get to the hog.  Just now Cody told a story about squirrel hunting with pugs, essentially spoofing Caleb's story. When Cody was done, Caleb got up and said (paraphrasing) "Hi, my name is Cody. And the suckiest thing in life is that if I don't win veto, I'm going up as replacement nominee. The end."


It was pretty funny all told.



Ha ha ha ha! Squirrel hunting with pugs!!!  Oh that is so good.  

Cody replaced most of the elements of Caleb's story with his versions. In Caleb's story, his girlfriend was mad at him and rode in the back of the pickup. In Cody's story the mad girlfriend rode in the back of the Escalade - which is a lot of distance from the driver because that's how they roll in NJ, giant rigs, gas guzzlers, crushing the ozone (again, paraphrased). Pugs are perfect for hunting squirrels because of their smushed faces, they can pick up the smell of squirrel urine and chewed acorns.

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I might enjoy laughing at Caleb now but I will never like Caleb, and have no desire to see him win any money. If I ever saw one tiny piece of him who valued women in any way more than possessions or pawns, instead of viewing them as people to be used and/or discarded, and who were not quite equal to the men, I might be persuaded to change my initial view of him, which is that he's a run of the mill, redneck misogamist, wanna be cowboy. No matter how ridiculous and funny his lies might get, they are still a bunch of lies. The next time I see him talking about a woman with true respect will be the first time.

Love reading all the posts on Jokers of Derrick studying the memory wall, in various ways. I hope he smokes the POV, and that Frankie finally gets off my TV. Go mug it up in the Jury house, Frankie.

  • Love 10

If Caleb hadn't been a stalker & have his unfortunate tattoos I could be really into him. I'm shallow that way. I could be into Cody but he also tattoos, too. Unfortunately, he's too dumb for me. Frankie is an amazing competitor but his personality is a big turnoff to me. Derrick is boring but is playing a great (mind) game. His only drawback is he talks with hands in a weird way. I can't explain it. He drives me nuts in the DR. And, Victoria, um, well, she's harmless enough but she's been a house plant from Day 1. I don't know how she got cast. I'm guessing they thought she was going to play up the spoiled princess but she didn't & I can't So, I guess either Derrick deserves to win with Frankie bringing up the rear. Time will tell.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought last year's jury house was a lot more popular than this year's group, and last year's Final Four was much more hated than this year's will ever be. And if they didn't do anything to change the game back, I doubt they would do it now.

I think this year's bunch, on the whole, is one of the nicest groups they've ever had - I think nearly all of them are probably genuinely kind, personable people.  My problem isn't with the people, per se, it's that the season has been boring beyond words - the most boring season I've ever watched, though to be fair I missed a few seasons around 9-11ish.  In fact, I gave up the shows and the feeds once the rewind button appeared - purely out of fatigue. 


That said (heh), I put most of the blame on the structure of the game this season - double HOHs, TA, with a side of bad luck as to how these played out, with this set of players.  So yeah, I hope like hell they realize these changes were bombs and fix these missteps for next season.


But yeah, although the idea of swapping jury with current hgs is amusing, it's a total non-starter in my opinion.

Edited by lyric
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I agree that Caleb is very vulnerable to being taken advantage of, even if all he gets is a stipend and his veto money. He would blow it easily on a "manager", some studio time and an agent. He would be better off buying the diesel truck he has his eye on.

I find him to be very child-like emotionally. It makes we wonder if he's ever had an adult relationship with a woman. He mooned over Amber like a little boy with a crush. Hayden begs Nicole for a kiss, while Caleb begs Amber for a date, and dreams of marrying her. It's the same with Mila Kunis. I think most guys who find her hot, talk about her in a more sexual way. Not Caleb - he wants to marry her. It reminds me of when little boys tell their mommy they are going to marry her when they grow up, because she's pretty and he wants to take care of her.

  • Love 3


I find him to be very child-like emotionally. It makes we wonder if he's ever had an adult relationship with a woman. He mooned over Amber like a little boy with a crush. Hayden begs Nicole for a kiss, while Caleb begs Amber for a date, and dreams of marrying her. It's the same with Mila Kunis. I think most guys who find her hot, talk about her in a more sexual way. Not Caleb - he wants to marry her. It reminds me of when little boys tell their mommy they are going to marry her when they grow up, because she's pretty and he wants to take care of her.


I posted similar sentiments in the Caleb thread weeks ago.  I'm glad that I'm not the only one who sees him like this.

  • Love 1
I find him to be very child-like emotionally. It makes we wonder if he's ever had an adult relationship with a woman. He mooned over Amber like a little boy with a crush. Hayden begs Nicole for a kiss, while Caleb begs Amber for a date, and dreams of marrying her.

In many ways Caleb reminds me of the people who appear on the reality TV show, Catfish. (Which is also speculated to be quite scripted.) It's mind-boggling how the catfished victims consider themselves to be in a relationship with someone they've never met, and often have never spoken to or seen a real picture of. A lot of them live in relatively isolated areas away from big cities and their dating options are limited. Apparently that helps make them easier and perhaps more desperate targets. I could totally see Caleb getting taken in by a faked Facebook profile of a beautiful girl. But on the other hand, maybe his experience on BB has given him enough exposure to "real" people to make him less vulnerable.

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This is so funny. On BBAD, Derrick is trying so hard to "feel out" Frankie and manipulate his choice for f2, and Frankie is being hilariously evasive and cagey. Derrick is using every mind game imaginable and Frankie's lips are pretty much sealed and he is just giving some vacuous and meaningless lip service to it all. 


Derrick actually said whoever takes Victoria to the final 2 would not get his vote. Yet, that is exactly what he is planning to do. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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I think Frankie is too smart for Derrick's end game. Derrick has continued telling him things like Caleb & Cody will probably win based on how the jury loves them. Frankie is not buying it. The more Derrick talks, the less Frankie believes. I really don't think those two have much in common at all, probably won't be friends after this, and yet they've stayed close in the house because of TAFY and because it was mutually beneficial for both of their games to keep the Bombinators together.

Matt Hoffman said on Rob Has a Podcast last week that he is most impressed that a group of people stayed together because BB is in essence a numbers game. It always seems to disintegrate because someone turns on their own, but this year, with the exception of wildcard players like Zach and Devin (who would not hesitate for one second to turn on their allies), they have stayed together. It may not be exciting to watch, but I think calling their game bad gameplay is not entirely fair.

  • Love 4

Derrick actually said whoever takes Victoria to the final 2 would not get his vote. Yet, that is exactly what he is planning to do.

I think he'll take Cody, given the choice. He knows Cody is not a strong player (I've seen him as an alliance coattail rider) and if they reveal to the jury the Hitmen alliance, people will respect the loyalty in taking him. Plus if Derrick is making the choice, he will have won the Final HoH and that is a strong resume item. He has to do the "no one take Victoria" threats so that no one does it to him. He will not be in a position to look hypocritical about that I don't think, unless it's Derrick, Frankie, Victoria final 3 which seems highly improbable.


she never changed or lost her childlike wonder. To me that's the bravest, most special thing about her. She actually reminds me a lot of Frankie in that way.


So Ariana thinks her over 30 yr. old brother is brave and special. Awww, how sweet. NOT. That family is a bunch of freakin' ENABLERS! Frankie is NOT special nor is he 'brave'. LMAO And she thinks it's cool he hasn't lost his 'childlike wonder'???


Warped values in that family. Would love to see a long interview with their mother. Someone had to have made them this way.

  • Love 3

Just watched the Jury come into the house and wreck the place!! It was hysterical!! Zach dancing on the table. Jocasta running around and screaming. Nicole giving Zach the Froot Loop box. Donny sitting in his chair!! Loved it all!!

Can't wait to see the comp on Sunday!

My guess is that the F5 watched the comp from upstairs as well? There was no interaction with the Jury right?

Edited by SiobhanJW

Frankie talking with boys & asking why they're after him. Caleb saying why he couldn't put up Cody & Derrick. Caleb said it would be "fair" to Derrick because he couldn't play for veto for two weeks. At no time did anyone say out loud that Derrick has never been on the block. These people are beyond DUMB!!!


Frankie: My fans. They know. They see. They're proud of me. Public perception of me is extremely important to me.

So, his fans are proud to see him engage in a lewd pantomime involving an innocent, virginal young woman? If so, fcuk his fans. Also, as far as "public perception" is concerned, Frankie does know about the live feeds, doesn't he?


ETA: Apologies to any of his fans who might be here and are indeed "proud" of his behavior. Let's assume I'm not referring to any of you.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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What I love best is the fact that Frankie, once he leaves the house, will say that he doesn't care about public perception at all.

Omg he totally will!!

Hopefully he gets eliminated on Tuesday and can't go to jury right away and has to be all by his lonesome in a hotel.

I think you are correct there was no interaction. They actually didn't know which HG they were teamed with until after the comp. Apparently when Hayden found out he won for Victoria he flipped a chair, which hurt her feelings.

I also read that Victoria told Cody earlier today that she thought Hayden and Zach were arguing and Cody said for him it looked like Nicole and Zach were, but that they obviously couldnt tell. Also Christine apparently threw a tantrum aka jumping up and down like a 5 year old (Frankie's words not mine) after they found out Victoria won. They watched then on the TV, but it had no audio.

All this leads me to believe that maybe the Jurors knew that they HGs wouldn't have audio so they were trying to be dramatic, cause fights and stuff to make them think that they hate them all. And they aren't all getting along, and that they are a bitter jury?

Or it's possible that I have gone off the deep end and am creating drama since we haven't had much. I guess until tonight with Caleb's word vomit all over Frankie and Derrick and Cody wanting to ring his neck.

Edited by SiobhanJW

I love how Caleb has become the Kitchen Monitor, following people around and making them clean up after themselves. WTG Caleb!

Eeeewwww! Cody was making a sandwich and dropped the mayonnaise lid and it rolled under the fridge or some such appliance. He got down on his hands and knees, hands flat on the floor, and retrieved the lid. He didn't both to wash it but put it right back on the jar, then continued making his sandwich without even washing his hands! I'm dying here. I wash my hands to fix my dog's and cat's meals!

ETA: Derrick called the panty liners (or were they feminine pads?) "tampons". He's married. He should know better.

Edited by slasherboy
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Frankie's realllllyyyy missing out. Ari has been to Australia, Japan and now is opening for SNL. I figure she'll be a one hit wonder (yes, I know she CAN actually sing ok) because she doesn't have the personality for it. YMMV.


Anyway, the BRIGHT spot in all of this is: Frankie, he who covets fame unabashedly even if it means riding on his sister's coattails, is ABSENT during all of them. 


Oh, and that tongue of his? I would like to, after putting on 3 pairs of gloves, RIP THE MOTHERFUCKING thing out of his mouth. He's got so much in common with lizards. Bottem feeders, crawlers, gross looking (to some), and unimportant in the world.

  • Love 8

I love how Caleb has become the Kitchen Monitor, following people around and making them clean up after themselves. WTG Caleb!

Eeeewwww! Cody was making a sandwich and dropped the mayonnaise lid and it rolled under the fridge or some such appliance. He got down on his hands and knees, hands flat on the floor, and retrieved the lid. He didn't both to wash it but put it right back on the jar, then continued making his sandwich without even washing his hands! I'm dying here. I wash my hands to fix my dog's and cat's meals!

ETA: Derrick called the panty liners (or were they feminine pads?) "tampons". He's married. He should know better.

Slasher, I guess you must have missed the times he had his hands down his pants scratching & then helped himself to a community bag of chips. Fun times, fun times.  ;-)

  • Love 5

Just finished watching The Quest finale and came back to check the live feeds, then shut them down.  It was so refreshing to watch a show with almost all of the contestants to root for throughout this season, only come back to the cesspool that is this show. 


I got choked up there at the ending because it was so well done and the constestants were so good; I'll get choked up here because, well, these are our final five and the only way to like folks this season is if they are gone or their psycho behavior was long enough ago, that we absolve it when they are less noxious than the rest.

This guy is really just unreal!!!

Thu 11:07 PM BBT Frankie says Caleb only cares about money and his image. Frankie says hi TGVN! I know you are watching us not some idiot who is dancing around like he is at a rodeo.

Thu 11:05 PM BBT Frankie: People's priorities are different than mine, and Caleb has made it clear that all he cares about is the money. NT - Kayla08

Poor Frankie.... Bittercakes much?

ETA: I'm sure Frankie would rather have loyalty than $500,000, right?

ETA2: If Frankie wins POV, life in the BB house will be even more unbearable! And Derrick will be OTB if Frankie wins HOH.

Edited by Txfeenix
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Slasher, I guess you must have missed the times he had his hands down his pants scratching & then helped himself to a community bag of chips. Fun times, fun times.  ;-)


Ew! I once saw him pop a zit, not bothering to wash, then wipe his hands on the hanging community bathroom towel. **gags**


ETA: To clarify, I'm speaking of Cody.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Can they do that?? Send a note from the outside world to a HG? Not that I'm really complaining - if anyone deserves to be told 'NO!' and 'STOP THAT', it's dear old Frankie the Skank. lol


I think we're seeing the very first twitches of an all out Grande Tantrum!! Wheee!!


Too bad I hve to go to bed now. Keep me posted, friends :)

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Can they do that?? Send a note from the outside world to a houseguest

I don't think they gave him a paper note. I think they meant a note like actors get from directors, feedback after a scene. So DR would have told him (given him a note) that TVGN says to cut out the overacting (Is that even possible for Frankie to do?)

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I've been gone all day and am just now catching up on noms.


My reaction?



YES and I have the same reaction to all thinking Derrick will be easy to beat so he is not a target.  


Caleb's conversation with Frankie, while playing pool, last night was impressive.  He did a great job talking around the subject of Frankie on the block.  He employed  logical, double talk!   Never considered those 2 words working together before this.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

YES and I have the same reaction to all thinking Derrick will be easy to beat so he is not a target.  


Caleb's conversation with Frankie, while playing pool, last night was impressive.  He did a great job talking around the subject of Frankie on the block.  He employed  logical, double talk!   Never considered those 2 words working together before this.

What were they saying? I'm dying to know how the discussion went down.

They're all studying the memory wall so hard - wouldn't it be a hoot if BB either switched up the pictures to a different shot of each HG, or had a completely different comp.


Gapper - you can go to this link at Jokers and read the convos.  Go back to about pg 4 to read from noms forward. Read 4,3,2,1 from the bottom to the top in that order.

Edited by Skycatcher
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