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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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That kinda stuff never bothers me. I mean Jen Johnson is my fave contestant ever! But honestly I've just never actually personally witnessed Victoria being demanding or anything. And also I'd just rather hate on all these sexist, douchey guys anyway!


Frankie is being normal right now and I am actually kinda enjoying him. Wonders never cease!

I can see how that could get a little irritating after awhile but personally I'd get more pissed at Caleb and all his strange scarf/hat fashion statements.


LOL! Exactly. I mean I just don't get how these people can be annoyed at Victoria but not at Caleb wearing Amber's clothes as scarves/hats. Or Frankie putting on that British accent.


I'm just so disappointed that Devin is going home over Caleb. What are these people thinking? Half of them would rather see Caleb go, I don't get it.

I'm a male, but I hate the way all these guys seem to think the women are useless and want them all gone.



First of all, I've never understood that logic (theirs, not yours).  If someone is weak, wouldn't you want to keep them around?  Why would you save your toughest competitors for last?  And Derrick is the worst.  I think Cody and Zach would work with women if he was gone.  Derrick doesn't seem to consider women worthy either as allies or competitors.  If I were a female officer in his PD, I would not feel comfortable being assigned duty with him.


I think my main reason for liking Victoria is just because everyone is always whining about her and they love to bring up the who deserves to be here thing a lot in regards to her.



I've heard Victoria whine about some of the others a few times herself, and she used a word to describe a couple of them that I hate above all other insults (in reality shows):  "evil".  That's Nerd Herd talk. I'm cutting her some slack because English isn't her first language, but I can't get behind her at this point (although I do agree that she "deserves" to be there as much as anyone else).  And I am also afraid that if she fluked into an HOH she would just do whatever Derrick told her.  She has been hanging on to him all week (that segment where she hung out alone with him in the HOH room wrapped in a towel was particularly awkward) and I want to heave every time Derrick "complains" about her hanging around, because he is clearly puffed up by it. happily married though he may be.


You are also no doubt right that Amber is not one of the superfans.  I must have remembered that wrong.  Derrick was explaining strategy to her last night like she didn't know.  Although he's condescending enough that he might well feel he had to explain strategy to her even if she was a superfan.  Did I mention that I can't stand that guy?

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First of all, I've never understood that logic (theirs, not yours).  If someone is weak, wouldn't you want to keep them around?  Why would you save your toughest competitors for last?  And Derrick is the worst.  I think Cody and Zach would work with women if he was gone.  Derrick doesn't seem to consider women worthy either as allies or competitors.  If I were a female officer in his PD, I would not feel comfortable being assigned duty with him.



I've heard Victoria whine about some of the others a few times herself, and she used a word to describe a couple of them that I hate above all other insults (in reality shows):  "evil".  That's Nerd Herd talk. I'm cutting her some slack because English isn't her first language, but I can't get behind her at this point (although I do agree that she "deserves" to be there as much as anyone else).  And I am also afraid that if she fluked into an HOH she would just do whatever Derrick told her.  She has been hanging on to him all week (that segment where she hung out alone with him in the HOH room wrapped in a towel was particularly awkward) and I want to heave every time Derrick "complains" about her hanging around, because he is clearly puffed up by it. happily married though he may be.


You are also no doubt right that Amber is not one of the superfans.  I must have remembered that wrong.  Derrick was explaining strategy to her last night like she didn't know.  Although he's condescending enough that he might well feel he had to explain strategy to her even if she was a superfan.  Did I mention that I can't stand that guy?


Totally agree about why the heck you'd want all the 'weak' or 'bad' players out right away.  Why make it super hard on yourself to win after the guest list gets whittled down?  But then again, I could see the paranoia side of it, too... "X's is a bad/weak player, but they might get me evicted on just pure dumb luck."


I really used to like Derrick, because he seemed like a straight shooter and not just an asshole.  But his true colors have really started showing since Devin blew up the BS.  He's definitely slipping down the totem pole, in terms of most likeable HGs.



I find it interesting that Zach & Cody really want to keep Brittany around (especially when just talking to each other) - even though I shouldn't be surprised [Cody wants to 'slay' her and Zach really likes the fact that she is his mom-slash-maid] - but always end up agreeing & going along with Derr when he says she's not fully trustworthy, so she'll have to go sooner rather than later.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I always thought that there was a little bit of a defense mechanism in there when some people are talking about evicting the "weak" or the "floaters".  If you consider yourself a strong, active player then you probably have a target on your back as soon as you enter the house, or at least you think you do.  Who has the best chance of getting rid of you right away? Another strong, active player (of course, because a weak player is never going to get the best of you!).  How do you get other strong, active players to focus on someone that is not you?  Talk about targeting weak floaters, while liberally stroking the other strong player's ego.  That buys you some time to create alliances and build relationships in the house so that the target that was on your awesome! back from the moment you walked in the door is lessened and of course you are the strongest and the most active smart, active player so you will have no problem getting rid of other strong players once all of the floaters are gone.

  • Love 4

They want the weak players out because they're constantly presuming that the weak players are obsessed with getting them out. 


And often, to be fair, they are right - strong players are often targeted pretty early on. 


So I don't mind it inherently - I just don't like that it often comes served with a nice heaping side of misogyny. 

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 I still don't want to be surrounded by only guys.  Frankie would be in heaven, but I wouldn't. 



That's not fair to Frankie.  I'm assuming you said this because he's gay, but that doesn't account for taste.  As a hetero woman, I assure you, I would be nowhere near "heaven" with this group of men.  Frankie seems more concerned with winning, or even boosting his career, than hooking up.  Saying he would be in "hell" might be more accurate.

Edited by Boo
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I always thought that there was a little bit of a defense mechanism in there when some people are talking about evicting the "weak" or the "floaters".  If you consider yourself a strong, active player then you probably have a target on your back as soon as you enter the house, or at least you think you do.  Who has the best chance of getting rid of you right away? Another strong, active player (of course, because a weak player is never going to get the best of you!).  How do you get other strong, active players to focus on someone that is not you?  Talk about targeting weak floaters, while liberally stroking the other strong player's ego.  That buys you some time to create alliances and build relationships in the house so that the target that was on your awesome! back from the moment you walked in the door is lessened and of course you are the strongest and the most active smart, active player so you will have no problem getting rid of other strong players once all of the floaters are gone.



That is a very thoughtful analysis.  I'm sure for some of these guys, inflated ego ("I can beat anyone in the end anyway") is part of it.  And if you believe physically strong players are the primary targets, keeping other physically strong players means other targets besides you.  But what I hadn't considered is that recruiting those players as your allies keeps them from being your enemies (and your most challenging enemies, if you think being physically strong makes you the best player, which a lot of these guys apparently do). 



That's not fair to Frankie.  I'm assuming you said this because he's gay, but that doesn't account for taste.  As a hetero woman, I assure you, I would be nowhere near "heaven" with this group of men.  Frankie seems more concerned with winning, or even boosting his career, than hooking up.  Saying he would be in "hell" might be more accurate.


It was a bad joke on my part, but I was in no way intentionally bashing him for his sexual preferences.  IMO, people are free to choose who they are attracted to; I don't judge others on that kind of thing.  I just (jokingly) meant in general, being surrounded by people of his choice of attraction when it comes to gender.


I'm hetero, and the kind of person that prefers to be around women more than men, or at least equally divided.  Obviously I don't prefer to be around people I don't like, but if given a choice, I'd choose (more) females (than males) as my preferred housemates.  I am like Cody, in that I am just pretty flirtacious.  Even when I have no intention of trying to 'get with' a female, I still like being flirty.  Its just my thing.  I think of myself as a funny flirt.


Long story short, I have a tendency to project my personal preferences on others [in terms of being around the gender I'm sexually attracted to]; thus joking that Frankie wouldn't mind all that much having mostly guys around, same sexual preferences or not. 


Apologies for any mistaken offense given, as it certainly wasn't intended.

  • Love 3

Zach trying to talk game and squeeze info out of Victoria is pretty entertaining.


Victoria kills me.  He  was asking her who she would put up if she won HOH, and she hymns and haws lost in her thoughts.


"Oh you mean for eviction!"


Derrick was in there too, and I know he wanted to explode.   I just thought it was so funny.


Zach is doing a pretty decent job in steering her into seeing Frankie as an enemy.


I also thought it was kinda adorable in a hilarious way that Victoria told Derrick totally straight faced yesterday that she thought she would win the audience award for fan favorite at the end of the season.

Edited by vb68
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But what I hadn't considered is that recruiting those players as your allies keeps them from being your enemies (and your most challenging enemies, if you think being physically strong makes you the best player, which a lot of these guys apparently do).

The ironic thing about that is that the musclehunks really don't have a great record for winning this game, so their bravado is misplaced. The vast majority of the physical contests favor agility and endurance. When a guy wins it's usually a smart and scrappy one, the resident hunks rarely make it past the early jury weeks. 

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Victoria (on noms): "We could do boy girl boy girl."


I HATE when Christine gets on her laughing jags.  Drives me nuts!


I can't stand Christine.


What's with the scarves Caleb is wearing every night?


How can these people laugh so much considering they're together 24/7?  They're having SO. MUCH. FUN. tonight.  I want to be there!

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Caleb said the other night that he's only been with 10 women, sexually, in his life (if that).  Not knocking it, but I'm thinking it isn't personal choice that limited that number. 


The type of behavior pattern he's shown - especially in regards to Amber - isn't something that just suddenly happens to a person.  Its a developed thing, that is seeing the true light of day because cameras and mics are on him 24/7.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

Caleb said the other night that he's only been with 10 women, sexually, in his life (if that).  Not knocking it, but I'm thinking it isn't personal choice that limited that number. 


The type of behavior pattern he's shown - especially in regards to Amber - isn't something that just suddenly happens to a person.  Its a developed thing, that is seeing the true light of day because cameras and mics are on him 24/7.

This comment made me wonder a bit about cause and effect. Does Caleb normally have an aberrant personality, which is being exposed by the constant broadcast? Or might the consciousness of constant exposure in a confined environment be provoking aberrant responses in someone who would otherwise be relatively normal?

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You and me both. She laughs at every little damned thing Frankie does. Also, Frankie's British accent is the worst. His performances irritate the crap out of me.


I hate to seem like a 'basher', but I just can not stand the pig snort she does when laughing.  If you (anyone) finds it 'adorable', or whatnot, my apologies but it grates on the last nerve, personally.


I am probably in the minority, but I actually don't mind Frankie's accent(s).  Some of the actual words he says are stupid or irritating, but the accents themselves I find bearable or even sometimes kinda good.

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Just sharing:

A hilarious shot of Donny looking at these motherfuckers ( as they are blathering and talking nasty shit, mostly about Victoria) and thinking, " Holy shit, I got this". At least that is what I picture him thinking. Or it could be, " Kill me now". That'd be my sentiments at that particular time.

Truth be told, I enjoy most of these kids. Mostly.

It was just the funniest look and the camera person totally caught it and lingered. Brilliant feed moment

Then it went back to nonsense chat.

Edited by katbirdy
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Another alliance has formed: The Detonators! (Zach, Cody, Derrick, Christine, Frankie)


I need a flow chart, I can't keep up, LOL. And yet, as much crap as they all talk about each other behind their backs I'm still not really sure who the true alliances are except for Jacosta and Jesus.


I am just takin' what their givin', at this point.  I bought into some people early on, and now really dislike them.  So, I'm just watching and enjoying what I can.


To be honest, I'm not sure I could stand but a couple of the HGs if I knew them in their (/our) normal lives.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Saw an update saying that Nicole and Christine agreed to vote to evict Caleb and try to pin the two votes on Jocasta and another woman, maybe Vic or Brit. I understand Nicole thinking better them than me in the short term but how the heck does she think she's going to hang on long term? I know she thinks she's getting in good with the boys but does she not understand or believe Hayden when he assures her they are on the bottom of the totem pole? I would love for Donny and Hayden to win HOH this week and agree that they have to go after some of old BS, and I don't mean Christine and Amber.


I don't hate Derrick despite his inflated ego and shit talking but would like to see how Zach and Cody and even Caleb perform without his influence. But then again, maybe Frankie would just fill that void and basically tell them what to do.


I wonder if someone could get in Caleb's head a little about Cody. Caleb seems to understand what Amber is doing but it would be funny if some of the girls could talk to him about how disrespectful Cody is being towards Caleb, etc. Or maybe a few people could try to rile up Zach enough to do something stupid. I just want that core group of guys broken up.





I really think that Team America went straight to Derrick's head, no doubt reinforcing an already high opinion he holds of himself. And then to get HOH right on top of it just made it worse. So I really need to have people win HOH who would put up him, Christine, Zach, and Cody. Is there such a person, who would not be led about by the nose by whatever alliance is currently full of itself? Comeuppance. It's what's for dinner.


I do think some of what people think is Victoria being demanding is due to what she said in a convo with Devin. She translates in her head still, from Hebrew to English. English uses a lot of politeness words, like "would you mind" or "could you please." Not everyone uses them, but most people know of that expectation. Other languages don't, so "can you bring me a soda" is perfectly acceptable in Hebrew, but she doesn't catch herself in time to make it "could you please bring me a soda on your way back" and it comes off sounding like she's demanding someone wait on her. I cut her slack on that. I can't cut her slack on being useless and clueless though. I suspect she was cast in the hope that there would be some degree of drama around the contradictions between her stated belief system and her appearance/behavior. No matter what though, I will never dislike her like I dislike Christine.

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The Derrick/Cody alliance has an official name now: The Hitmen. No shock that Derrick does not like this new Detonator alliance and is annoyed by it. Derrick needs to chill out for a bit because he is talking way too much. I really want one of the "Outsiders" to win HOH just see stuff go down. This week was an aberration in that with Caleb/ Devin on the block with Devin most likely going out, it's not stressful in that either one going home is fine. I wish Donny could flip the votes somehow and get Caleb out and blindside the other side of the house. Nicole/Hayden were getting super close. Zach still maintains he's straight but is still all over Frankie. Cody was warned to tone down his flirtmances because that could bite him in the ass later.

Edited by kellog010

Cody also asked what the word detonator meant, so maybe his ignorance isn't based entirely on age... I'd get annoyed with the flirting if I was someone like Brittany, who is already irritated since being turned into a frog, and then there is Cody hugging her in the bathroom while she is trying to get ready when she knows fully well at this point he won't take things further.

Does Christine always play with rubber bands with her fingers? Sometimes it looks like she is doing same language while just hanging out on the hammock. I think she's the worst person in the house.

   Because Devin can't be controlled, at all.

Which is one of the main reason I want him to stay because he entertain me. But I also understand why it's the main reason the others want him gone. He is a strong player who can win competitions when giving a chance and at the same time, no one knows what he will do when he does win those competitions. He doesn't seems to care about anyone else's opinion or desire except his own, even if it cost him the game. So, there is no way to control him.


I honestly hope something can happen that will cause them to keep him and send Caleb home. The sad thing is that I liked and was rooting for Caleb before his Amber obsession.

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Or her skin...

I can just see it now...

(Caleb, in Buffalo Bill voice) "It rubs the lotion on its skin..."

(Switching back to normal voice) "Ah hell, I'll do it! Come here, girl!"

Was just thinking (which is always dangerous) - despite his standard-issue disclaimers in pre-game interviews ("I'm not looking for a showmance, but it would be nice to find someone to cuddle with....), I'm wondering if Caleb DID come into this game looking for a romance chance - but for career reasons, not emotional reasons.

Like many of the HGs, Caleb is looking for this appearance to serve as a springboard to bigger and better things. In that context, I think he may have had it in mind that a properly managed showmance would allow him to portray himself as a gallant Jack Armstrong All-American-boy Southern gentleman takes-care-of-my-lady leading man type - a fairly marketable image. Unfortunately, this House hasn't given him a lot of options:

1. Joey - not a chance. They don't even vote the same. Besides, she wasn't around long enough to have any conversation more meaningful than "pass the coffee creamer, please."

2. Paoula - uh-uh. Crazy eyes. Besides, Pow-Pow done gone bye-bye as well.

3. Nichole - a little *too* girl-next-door. Messing with her would be like schtupping the babysitter. Or your younger sister. He *is* from Kentucky, tho, so... ahhh, still no.

4. Christine - married. Playing marriage-wrecker onscreen wouldn't exactly be a wise career advancement move, unless your name is Dustin Hoffman. Besides, she's.... Christine. ("I was so horny... <HOOONNNNKKK>").

5. Jocasta - already in a relationship with The Big J.

6. Brittany - care to explain that one to her kids after the show...?

7. Victoria- too... I don't know what, but whatever it is, she's too much of it. Plus, she may remind him too much of the prisoners he had to babysit in Iraq.

So - if showmance is on the boy's mind, Amber is his only viable option; unfortunately, she's not interested. Which leaves our Captain America in an unenviable position similar to that of Bilbo Baggins when his traveling companions were imprisoned by the Elven King - stuck having to try burgling the same house over and over again every day....

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Zach trying to talk game and squeeze info out of Victoria is pretty entertaining.


Victoria kills me.  He  was asking her who she would put up if she won HOH, and she hymns and haws lost in her thoughts.


"Oh you mean for eviction!"


Derrick was in there too, and I know he wanted to explode.   I just thought it was so funny.


Zach is doing a pretty decent job in steering her into seeing Frankie as an enemy.


I also thought it was kinda adorable in a hilarious way that Victoria told Derrick totally straight faced yesterday that she thought she would win the audience award for fan favorite at the end of the season.


See, I never take Victoria seriously. She is super cute and funny to me, but yea maybe if I took her seriously I wouldn't like it.


I HATE when Christine gets on her laughing jags.  Drives me nuts!


I can't stand Christine.


You and me both. She laughs at every little damned thing Frankie does. Also, Frankie's British accent is the worst. His performances irritate the crap out of me.


LOL! I'm glad there are others who just can not stand Christine or her laugh. And when Frankie is doing his annoying, overdone British skit added to Christine's annoying, overdone laugh, I just can't. 


ETA: Frankie looks rough in the morning. Damn! Also, how do these people buy that he's 28? Really now!

Edited by peachmangosteen

ETA: Frankie looks rough in the morning. Damn! Also, how do these people buy that he's 28? Really now!

I thought he was 31 years old. I swear that is what his Bio said on the CBS website. It's possible that I'm losing it. Haha

ETA: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/cast/214878/

I thought I was right!

Edited by SiobhanJW


ETA: Frankie looks rough in the morning. Damn! Also, how do these people buy that he's 28? Really now!



Sometimes looking at him, I find it hard to buy 31.  His face looks 35 going on 40.  But I get that he has probably partied hard.


And I just can't with Christine after I saw that she refuses to ever wash her face.  Ugh.  That's so nasty.


These people are really nasty. This morning, Cody took a towel that was laying over a kitchen chair, rubbed his eyes/face with it, and then placed it on the kitchen table. And I saw Zach use a towel that was on the bathroom sofa thing to dry his hands (after washing them with just water) and then putting it back down. Like what if someone uses those towels again? So gross! I think if I was ever on BB I would keep towels with my possessions and wash every dish before I used it, even if it was in the clean dishes.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't think there is much of a physical difference between 28 and 31 in most people, but Frankie is awfully thin and that helps age him, and it's like he is trying to look like a chicken with that hair. The most surprising think about Zach being bicurious is him wanting Frankie. I have no idea why you would bother lying about only 3 years.

Speaking of disgusting habits, Cody always inhales snot up his nose, but I haven't noticed him playing with his balls as much lately.

I only wash my face with Cetaphil, because most soaps really irritate my skin, and considering Christine is constantly talking about allergies, I bet that is her motivation.

Edited by Morbs

Caleb said the other night that he's only been with 10 women, sexually, in his life (if that).  Not knocking it, but I'm thinking it isn't personal choice that limited that number. 


The type of behavior pattern he's shown - especially in regards to Amber - isn't something that just suddenly happens to a person.  Its a developed thing, that is seeing the true light of day because cameras and mics are on him 24/7.

I can't remember when the conversation happened or with who, but at one point, Caleb was talking about how going (back?) to his faith and church helped him see that he was treating women the wrong way, so now he treats women better. Obviously paraphrased, I think he may have also mentioned his mom or grandma or some other female figure in his life helping him, as well. I remember hearing that and thinking, "Well, damn, if this is the right way to treat a woman, what the fuck were you doing before this?" If this is the kinder, gentler version of Caleb, I feel sorry for the women before Amber.

Caleb was saying yesterday that he was going to fast until Thursday, because I guess he's a picky eater and is over the slop. Later in the evening, Cody and Amber were all cuddled up in the hammock while Caleb was in the backyard. He's gonna lose his shit soon if this keeps going on. I can put up with Cody's snot snorting if it means Caleb goes nuts.

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