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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I don't think Frankie would win for several reasons but the main one being that he acts and talks like he's already Grande rich.


On TVGN last night he was really ramping up for the cameras the work he supposedly does in Africa.  It was such a blatant attempt to remind people that he's playing for charity, which I don't even buy.


ETA: OMG, that blog post. He's even more vile than I thought!

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The reason Frankie was not backdoored last week was because Caleb changed his mind after getting assurances from Frankie. Derrick and Cody were up in HOH at four in the morning the night before telling Caleb they both thought Caleb should do it. But Caleb decided not to. That whole BS the show tried to present might have been why Derrick was hesitant at first, but he was fully on board the night before the veto meeting.

And he's certainly not stabbing Victoria in the back, he's basically told her she's going, and she's fine with that. I can't put the blame on Derrick for the fact that Victoria has zero interest in playing this game. And I think his treatment of Nicole when she came back in the house is my favorite bit of gameplay from him the whole season and a reason I did yet another 180 on him. He was *gasp* Nice to her! He talked to her, and didn't give a crap that they weren't supposed to do that. He bonded with her, talked game with her, and got her so turned around that she's going to be his biggest cheerleader in the jury, after coming in saying he and Cody were going to be her targets. To me, that's just good gameplay.

  • Love 5

 And I think his treatment of Nicole when she came back in the house is my favorite bit of gameplay from him the whole season and a reason I did yet another 180 on him. He was *gasp* Nice to her! He talked to her, and didn't give a crap that they weren't supposed to do that. He bonded with her, talked game with her, and got her so turned around that she's going to be his biggest cheerleader in the jury, after coming in saying he and Cody were going to be her targets. To me, that's just good gameplay.

The best part of this bit of gameplay is beforehand letting everyone know that NO ONE was to talk to Nicole alone. Leaving her very easy pickings for Derrick. He's playing with a bunch of idiots.

  • Love 6

The best part of this bit of gameplay is beforehand letting everyone know that NO ONE was to talk to Nicole alone. Leaving her very easy pickings for Derrick. He's playing with a bunch of idiots.


Oh wow, you are so right.  I hadn't even noticed that.  I think he is playing a good game, too.  I have no complaints.  

Frankie wins veto.  Ugh with this season.  A lot of people have been saying it doesn't matter because of the rewind (other than having to deal with an insufferably smug Frankie).  But it did matter.  Even if the chance for drama was very slight, it was better than the nothing we'll get with a Frankie win.


If Derrick or Victoria or Cody won, Derrick or Frankie would have had to show their hand. Derrick would have had to decide whether he was best off alienating Caleb, Victoria, or Cody by using the veto or not.  If either nominee came down, Frankie would have to pick between Caleb or Derrick going up and I don't think either of those guys would have been happy to play the part of pawn.  But then again this season maybe they'd be fine with it given the groupthink.


What they needed to happen was a Christine level meltdown within the alliance and then have the person that threw the tantrum stay.  I think that was production's hope for the rewind.  It was mine.  But no, we get boring.  The way the season is going, Frankie will win HoH and veto on the rewind too and we'll have to sit through the same thing twice.

Edited by ParadoxLost

This entire season has been one of brief hopes and then huge disappointments, over and over again. Just when you think something exciting or dramatic or game-changing is going to happen - the absolute worst, most predictable, most boring thing actually does. Over and over again. So at this point, based on the season, I feel like it's almost guaranteed that the reset will happen and then Frankie will win both comps again. Because this season is just. that. bad.

  • Love 7

My wish for Wednesday night:  No "strategy sessions."  I want there to be an eviction, and I not only want the rewind to blindside them, I don't want Cody, Caleb or Victoria to have time to go to Frankie and Derrick for marching orders.

Is it possible that given the time constraints if nothing really happens until x:35 mark, it could be "reset", commercial, HOH, noms, THEN commercial, POV, vote? Can they do that in 25 mins? Then next HOH will be later, which they've done before.

And if it's a true reset as Julie has reiterated, Derrick doesn't play, but even if he did, he doesn't wanna win this one because he wants to win F4 HOH. He's already working on Caleb while they are on outside lock down (Jokers):

Derr & Caleb talking in BY. Caleb says if he wins veto next week, he's evicting Frankie "Not gonna lie it's going to hurt... but" - BB_Fan_JJ_Dan

Derr "You know what's going to hurt more? Your brother smacking you for making a dumb decision"

They say if Frankie gets to the end, he wins.

Derr thinks Frankie has better odds than a 1 in 4 chance at the F4 veto... just due to his track record. Cody says he knows it all very well... it's game time.

They all did...at Frankie's insistence...HA

From hamster time: "Outside, Frankie is telling the guys that he is being pressured to make big moves but he is not and he is great that the 4 of them are going to the end together"

So if production wants Frankie to make a big move, knowing it's all moot, they're trying to create drama or blow up his game.

Sadly and predictably he did not use the veto.

Edited by brdwygurl
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So if production wants Frankie to make a big move, knowing it's all moot, they're trying to create drama or blow up his game.

Drama-killer Derrick also played a role in this, reminding Frankie this morning that because of the button, the evictee may not go home, so they have to stay on good terms with everyone. I cannot count the number of times this season we have come up with fun scenarios for the upcoming week only to have Derrick ruin them

I like Derrick, I hope he wins, and no drama suits his game perfectly, but he is a total buzzkill.

  • Love 8

You know what made me barf? Reading that Julie likes Frankie's compliments to her and feels he is genuine.

So, Frankie knows the way to the hearts of the rich and famous. How could anyone take the non-stop goo he spews as genuine? She should be more flattered by Donny's "You're beautiful" because that was genuine. Put a mic on Frankie after the show when he's talking to his friends and let's see what he says about Julie. He'll talk crap about her just as he does everyone else.

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I don't like Frankie, but his over the top histrionics really served to sell the initial rat sighting:



Caleb just calmly walking up all "what's the situation here" is awesome and makes me like him very much.

Cannot.STOP.laughing! lol...I was thinking Caleb would just say i'll wrangle it and toss it on the grill! Looking at posts about his lies..he'll probably say he was a rat catcher at some point in his life too.


Frankie - he is good at the over the top..it was definitely needed in this case lol.....I still hate him though.

  • Love 1

This entire season has been one of brief hopes and then huge disappointments, over and over again. Just when you think something exciting or dramatic or game-changing is going to happen - the absolute worst, most predictable, most boring thing actually does. Over and over again. So at this point, based on the season, I feel like it's almost guaranteed that the reset will happen and then Frankie will win both comps again. Because this season is just. that. bad.



Yep.  I don't think this is a reason to stop hoping and sharing our fantasies though.  The only excitement have been the "what ifs."  And they have been grand!


May I offer a 'what if' in the spirit of our hope.  


Frankie will not win HOH.  Anyone else is good.  Anyone.  We can look to that.  We can.  

  • Love 3


Yeah, I was honestly flabbergasted that Julie said that. She's not a dumb woman, so how could she possibly believe that he was being genuine?!

I don't think Julie believes that. I think she was blowing some of his smoke right back at him. She probably hasn't gotten where she is by being some wannabe media mogul's fool. Especially since she's married to an actual media mogul.

  • Love 4

Yeah, I was honestly flabbergasted that Julie said that. She's not a dumb woman, so how could she possibly believe that he was being genuine?!



She is busy. She hosts and produces The Talk.  Her people fill her in on the overview before the live show.  I think we will see more aware comments from her on Frankie.  That question took her by surprise and she didn't want to be negative.  She has to tow a respectful line. She was not fully prepared. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

Yeah, I was honestly flabbergasted that Julie said that. She's not a dumb woman, so how could she possibly believe that he was being genuine?!


From my understanding, Julie knows almost nothing about what happens on the house, outside of the live show and any big moments that come up in the media or on The Talk. I'm pretty sure last season she said that she doesn't really follow what happens. Makes sense. I can't see her sitting in her sweat pants with a bowl of popcorn watching the feeds like some of us do.


So if all she sees is Frankie on the live show, complimenting her and calling her pretty, that's probably enough for her.

  • Love 1

Absolutely vile. He's pretty proud of himself, isn't he? And this is even after he acknowledges that he was wrong. I want to just shake the little dude and ask if it's his first day in an airport, because waiting an hour in a line is pretty standard, even if it turns out to be pointless. He's an entitled childish brat, and it appears he thinks his readers will applaud. The way he speaks about people is appalling.

This is the shit that Ariana Grande will have to distance herself from. Her star is rising and he's serving as the anvil dragging her down. Her handlers must be apoplectic.

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Also? even with Caleb's multiple fibs...I find him endearing in an odd sort of way...especially with what we're left with in the house.


YES!  He is such an odd ball; I like him more and more.  I would be fine with him winning.  I really adore the guy.  I love his tall tales.  They are not even lies they are just nuts!  And very funny.  He saw the rat and it was the size of a crocodile!   How fucking cute is that?  And I will say that I was happy he was not afraid of it.   My son had rats as pets and they are one of the most precious and smart animals I have known.  


This is the shit that Ariana Grande will have to distance herself from. Her star is rising and he's serving as the anvil dragging her down. Her handlers must be apoplectic.


Oh, I think she is one big piece of work herself.   Her PR people are probably more concerned with her behavior than Frankie's. 

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At this point that game is Frankie's or Derrick's to lose. But who knows what the jury thinks. Pretty sure Cody, Frankie, and Caleb would take Derrick to the end, thinking they could beat him. Frankie probably could just on comps alone.

I'm not a Frankie fan by any means. He's a turd.

Not a Derrick fan either or a fan of his game play. And if he wins, hope he throws some $$ Devin's and Christine's way. If it weren't for them, he'd might be in the jury house now.

Christine could have played the best game if she wasn't playing Britney's game. She had the opportunity to play both sides, feeding the boys bogus information. If she played stealthily with Nichole, Hayden and Donny and did that, she'd might have dwindled down the boys numbers and gone further. You know, she really helped making this season suck.

I'd like to see Caleb win just because he entertained me the most. Something lacking in spades this season. Of course, BB winners are not based on entertainment alone.

It's a funny dynamic AG and FG have going on. From things she says, FG is the admired older brother. She has probably looked up to him and thinks he knows -- well, as much as he thinks he knows. Now, if her fame and success continue, she might realize that others know more than FG and FG is really riding her coat tails. In that case her admiration might well shift.

But all in all, I think AG lives in a little show biz celebubble, and outsiders don't make much of an impression on her.

And I think his treatment of Nicole when she came back in the house is my favorite bit of gameplay from him the whole season and a reason I did yet another 180 on him. He was *gasp* Nice to her! He talked to her, and didn't give a crap that they weren't supposed to do that. He bonded with her, talked game with her, and got her so turned around that she's going to be his biggest cheerleader in the jury, after coming in saying he and Cody were going to be her targets. To me, that's just good gameplay.


Yes, Derrick did spend time with Nicole, but I think he carried it too far when, after she said she knew that there was a guys' alliance, he denied it to the point that he had her in tears, and then had the balls to tell her that he'd be expecting a text apologizing to him after the game.  She was already feeling defeated and down because she was being evicted, so he COULD have just sympathized with her and made her feel better, rather than carrying it so far, but that's Derrick.  Gotta manipulate to prove to himself that he can bring someone to tears, just as he overdoes it in all of his other manipulative tactics.  I don't like that Derrick AT. ALL.


I love that Tamara's description of Frankie:  self-centered, arrogant shitpickle! 

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Thank you for linking this JanD.  I don't how if it's real or not but it reads EXACTLY how I've imagined Frankie with regards to his trip to Africa.  Exactly.    I didn't realize he had already made one trip until last night when he was talking to us via the camera about his "charity work" in Africa. 

From the site linked above: 

After a frantic night of packing I managed to fit my entire life in to a matching 3-piece Tumi set consisting of a 22’’ duffle, a 4-suit garment bag and a huge padded backpack. I was pretty impressed and Courtney was extremely impressed, cause she knows I like to have all of my clothing options. But I figured, if I was going to be roughing it in Africa, I could choose between the Dolce & Gabanna or the Versace skinny jeans that looked similar, though lord knows not identical. Please.

And so we are off to the airport


It only gets worse from there on too. 


On a side note, When Caleb, Frankie, Derrick and Victoria were sequestered in separate rooms last night during the Morph POV,  I thought it was hilarious that they put Victoria in the only room in house without a mirror, lol. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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At this point that game is Frankie's or Derrick's to lose. But who knows what the jury thinks. Pretty sure Cody, Frankie, and Caleb would take Derrick to the end, thinking they could beat him. Frankie probably could just on comps alone.

I'm not a Frankie fan by any means. He's a turd.

Not a Derrick fan either or a fan of his game play. And if he wins, hope he throws some $$ Devin's and Christine's way. If it weren't for them, he'd might be in the jury house now.

Christine could have played the best game if she wasn't playing Britney's game. She had the opportunity to play both sides, feeding the boys bogus information. If she played stealthily with Nichole, Hayden and Donny and did that, she'd might have dwindled down the boys numbers and gone further. You know, she really helped making this season suck.

I'd like to see Caleb win just because he entertained me the most. Something lacking in spades this season. Of course, BB winners are not based on entertainment alone.

YES! I would love to see Caleb win too...even with his tall tales....he is loyal (to a fault) and seems genuine in his friendships....I know it is Big Brother but this final 5 are wearing on me....from Frankie zooshing of his hair, pretentiousness, name dropping etc...to Derrick trying super hard at this point...Cody moaning and going AHHHH at any given moment and Victoria's weird, nasally voice and her not keeping her mouth shut when she eats...


Yes..i'm done....Go Caleb!

I have read that the blog post was written as a satire in character. I kind of believe that. I'm sure Frankie had a frustrating travel day and had complaints, but this seems out of character even for him.

Isn't it also true though that these aren't actual schools but are theater schools? They teach kids to sing and act out little plays. Everyone has their cause, I understand this, but if you're in actual countries with real tangible needs like medicine, must we master the jazz square? I'm being judgy, I know.

  • Love 3

Can't there just be a button that they push that says "Bummer you pushed that - we're giving first, second, and AFP prize money to Donny, and the rest of the episodes will be dedicated to watching all of you cope in the real world again. Better luck next time."??

I don't know who I'd have to donate a kidney to for this to happen...but I will gladly offer up any unneeded, useful internal organs to make this happen!

  • Love 5

Christine could have played the best game if she wasn't playing Britney's game. She had the opportunity to play both sides, feeding the boys bogus information. If she played stealthily with Nichole, Hayden and Donny and did that, she'd might have dwindled down the boys numbers and gone further. You know, she really helped making this season suck.

This is a very good point. A big part of why this season sucked is that there was only one alliance (in its various iterations). The Bomb Detonators did not face any kind of counter-alliance at all. In the beginning there were a few pairs or groups of people who were loosely "working together," mostly meaning that they were friends and weren't going after each other, but they were all content to go along with "the house" and wait to get their own games in gear. When Hayden and Nicole finally tried to turn it on it was too late. I think a big part of the problem is that there was a real lack of leadership in the house. If Christine were a stronger player/leader, she could have gotten a more solid alliance going with Hay and Nicole and pulled in the other outsiders and gone back and forth between them and the Bomb Detonators. But that would take complex strategizing, risk-taking, work, talking to people she didn't like, taking her hands off Cody for more than 10 minutes at a time; etc., etc. It was so much easier to just be a rat for the Guys' Alliance and hope that she'd somehow magically move up from her place at the bottom of the totem pole (which she knew).


Yes, Derrick did spend time with Nicole, but I think he carried it too far when, after she said she knew that there was a guys' alliance, he denied it to the point that he had her in tears, and then had the balls to tell her that he'd be expecting a text apologizing to him after the game.  She was already feeling defeated and down because she was being evicted, so he COULD have just sympathized with her and made her feel better, rather than carrying it so far, but that's Derrick.  Gotta manipulate to prove to himself that he can bring someone to tears, just as he overdoes it in all of his other manipulative tactics.  I don't like that Derrick AT. ALL.

This bugs me about Derrick as well. It's all perfectly "fair" gameplay, but it icks me out. With Victoria, it's not so much that he used her strategically and is willing to let her go for game reasons. It's that he knows, from extensive personal experience, how sensitive and emotional and naive and immature Vic is and he has absolutely played on that to manipulate and control her, so he knows she'll be very hurt and humiliated when she finds out how he's played the game and talked about her behind her back. She is immature and ridiculous and should know better, but that doesn't absolve Derrick of his sliminess.

  • Love 6

I'm sitting here this fine Sun. afternoon watching BBAD. and after just reading that blog from that horrible, horrible piece of shit, I realize how bad this is for my soul to have so much hate for this vile piece of work is just so uncomfortable to me. And what the HELL is with him throwing out "I love yous" to everyone and so nonshallontly?. He is litterally the true meaning of spoiled rich kid x's 100. I hate to say this, but I don't believe all the boos in the world will even faze this pile, because to him we, the viewers are just lowly nothings. I just heard him from BBAD last night telling Victoria about a song of his sisters that tells of haters and how the song is just 'shut up people you don't know who I am'. or some such crap. He's the biggest piece of shit I have EVER witnessed on BB!

  • Love 2

Nah, I can't get behind Caleb winning because of what he did to Amber but I'd be fine with his getting second place though. He's quite entertaining and I hope he gets some TV appearances after BB is over. Pretty much all he'd need to do is walk in, take off his shirt, and start spinning one his tall tales.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 9

Isn't it also true though that these aren't actual schools but are theater schools? They teach kids to sing and act out little plays. Everyone has their cause, I understand this, but if you're in actual countries with real tangible needs like medicine, must we master the jazz square? I'm being judgy, I know.


AndreaK1041, I've been thinking the same thing.  In that blog detailing his travel day to Africa, he said he told the African guy that he'd be singing somewhere with a group, so I assumed he's part of a theater troupe that raises money for the arts in impoverished areas in Africa, and not that HE builds actual schools there. 

  • Love 2

Nah, I can't get behind Caleb winning because of what he did to Amber but I'd be fine with his getting second place though. He's quite entertaining and I hope he gets some TV appearances after BB is over. Pretty much all he'd need to do is walk in, take of his shirt, and start spinning one his tall tales.


Does it sound insane that I would totally watch the shit out of a reality show with Ryan Lochte and Caleb as roommates?

  • Love 10

AndreaK1041, I've been thinking the same thing.  In that blog detailing his travel day to Africa, he said he told the African guy that he'd be singing somewhere with a group, so I assumed he's part of a theater troupe that raises money for the arts in impoverished areas in Africa, and not that HE builds actual schools there.

Yes, ParisPrincess, I looked it up since I am from South Africa and was interested. It has nothing to do with building schools. Here is a link. He went the first time in 2008 and the photos show a much less inflated Frankie.


So, if the blog is real then I can just confirm that it's people like him who give Americans a bad name in the outside world. Pompous, over inflated ego and entitled.

  • Love 2

Does it sound insane that I would totally watch the shit out of a reality show with Ryan Lochte and Caleb as roommates?

ha ha, did you see Ryan Lochte on 30 Rock?  Just that appearance alone would make me watch him on a reality show.  Although I do worry about Caleb getting weird with girls, like trying to chloroform them or something.

He's really vile. I'd pay money to see him cut in front of me.

the thing is, I've been to JFK, and it does not strike me as the type of airport where the people would just let someone cut in front of the line.  Heck, I'm from plain 'ol Southern California, and I couldn't imagine letting someone cut the line without saying anything.  And even if other customers allowed someone to cut the line, the ticket agents at the counter don't play those games, ever at all, not in California, not in Pittsburgh, not in Des Moines, not in Newark, and I really wouldn't think in New York.


And who the hell is Courtney?

  • Love 2

He DID have a reality show! It's already canceled, but it led to this hilarious interview on Good Day Philly (seriously watch this whole thing): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HuV1JYgyBxY

Caleb would look like by far the brightest crayon in a box with Ryan Lochte!

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 3

He DID have a reality show! It's already canceled, but it led to this hilarious interview on Good Day Philly (seriously watch this whole thing): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HuV1JYgyBxY

Caleb would look like by far the brightest crayon in a box with Ryan Lochte!


A reality show with Caleb & Ryan Lochte.....no shirts, no brains....game on!


We could call this show taupe and sandlewood, which are two of the least bright colors on the crayon box, and neither of them would realize its a reference to their intelligence.


This anchor is killing me, she is dying!


ETA:  "in" the crayon box....geez, who is the least vibrant crayon now??

Edited by RealityGal
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Well, Discovery Channel apparently purchased a few seasons of a yet-to-be filmed or released reality show about Caleb and his family after another channel decided they didn't want the show, according to Caleb himself. So you never know! He could have a reality show.

Of course, if Lowe's needs him to work the closing shift, all bets might be off. 


Oh, Caleb. Thank God Amber escaped you so I could stop focusing on what a creeper you are and start focusing on how hilarious you are. Caleb is probably the only HG that I would ever want to meet in a bar and buy a beer for, because the stories he would tell would probably be epic.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 13

Well, Discovery Channel apparently purchased a few seasons of a yet-to-be filmed or released reality show about Caleb and his family after another channel decided they didn't want the show, according to Caleb himself. So you never know! He could have a reality show.

Of course, if Lowe's needs him to work the closing shift, all bets might be off. 


Oh, Caleb. Thank God Amber escaped you so I could stop focusing on what a creeper you are and start focusing on how hilarious you are. Caleb is probably the only HG that I would ever want to meet in a bar and buy a beer for, because the stories he would tell would probably be epic.


Curses on that shift at Lowe's!  

  • Love 3

So, based on the link provided by TheGapper, we have two houseguests who are misrepresenting themselves: Derrick, who supposedly works for the Parks & Rec Department and Frankie, who supposedly builds schools in Africa.  Of course, I find Frankie's lie much more distasteful because it is so far from the reality of what he actually did and really makes him look like something he's not.  The more I learn about this shitpickle, the more repulsed I become. 

Second time I've had to defend Frankie today. It makes me feel icky :)

The trip in that blog is not the same one where he built the school. He much more recently built the school: https://act.buildon.org/events/frankie-grande-school/e33062

It's real because he, of course, named it after himself.

  • Love 5

I don't like Frankie, but his over the top histrionics really served to sell the initial rat sighting:


Caleb just calmly walking up all "what's the situation here" is awesome and makes me like him very much.

I agree! I have to high five Frankie he was really convincing and committed and yea it's moments like these Caleb cracks me up. He's unflappable and consistent his tough guy persona.

Victoria's voice is so annoying. "Oh my Gawd geyez!!!! Oh my fuck! Geyezzzz! Fuck shit fawk!"

  • Love 3

There's no satisfying win for me at this point but order of preference and reasoning:


Victoria - A major LOL but possible worst winner of all time? It would be the best WTF moment for a season lacking any surprises.

Derrick - Only one who would "deserve" the title for the work he did put in, but I have no desire to root for him. I'd also LOL if he lost.

Cody - He's dumb, a complete wimp, and kind of a dick. So no.

Caleb - I can't forgive him for the Amber pillow incident or how he got directly in Victoria's face and screamed at her re: Saboteur.

Frankie - What hasn't been said at this point? Him winning would be actually be awful for the show so maybe I should root for that so CBS will finally fire Grodner? Oh whatever, Grodner's here to stay if she managed to be here after last season's idiocy, she's like the Randy Jackson of this show.


Other than Frankie, I don't think anyone has reached "gross human being" levels. However, if we got a Frankie boot next week followed by a Derrick boot right at the F3 finale, I'd laugh and laugh and laugh.


If Frankie were smart, he'd veto Victoria and throw Caleb up now. Yes I know there's the rewind, but it would be his best move. Cody and Caleb are obviously tight and are the only two who have proven time after time they can win competitions over Derrick and Victoria. 

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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