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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I think Caleb is not a pathological liar. He is a spinner of tall tales. If you notice, he is pretty honest in his game play. He doesn't make up stories about the other hammies to advance his game. His lies are stories starring himself and are made up out of whole cloth with no apparent agenda other than to have a reason to talk about himself in a grandiose way. I knew a man once who told stories I knew were not true mostly in social group situations, and when I asked him why he lied, he was offended saying that it wasn't lying because everyone knew it wasn't true, and it was just for fun. It still didn't make sense to me, but this is more what Caleb does as opposed to the lies Frankie and Derrick tell.

I'd agree with this point of view about Caleb and his tall tales.  Mostly, I find them rather entertaining.   Here is just one example (from last month) where Derrick actually called Caleb out on one (that he attended West Point) and Caleb laughs. 


edited for autocorrect errors

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Yet some people here and on Jokers are saying that someone we know that Derrick was now joking about Zingbot screwing Frankie. I don't understand how people are making that leap? Any clarification would be appreciated.



I don't know. I can't say for sure. He was definitely making a joke about the Zingbot fucking, but I (or we) can't say for sure that it was the Zingbot fucking Victoria. His joke came out of the discussion at hand, true, but it sounded like it grew out on a tangent to me. The fact that it's ambiguous (we are debating it, after all) means some leeway might be necessary here.


Allow me to hypothesize: Ever been in conversations that've made you uncomfortable and tried joking your way out of them in hopes of changing the subject? The joke may be tangentally related to the original discussion, but it was made in the hopes of steering the conversation away from the part that was controversial, unnecessary, uncomfortable or just gross. Was this what Derrick was doing? None of us know for sure. But if some of us (and not just me) took it that way, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


This wouldn't have happened if Frankie hadn't gone there in the first place (like I said before, I won't blame Christine's joke). Basically, Frankie sucks for doing what he did (maybe even Caleb a little), but I'm not going to villainize Derrick, Cody or Christine here.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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I'd agree with these point of view about Caleb and his tall tales.  Mostly, I find them rather entertaining.  

is just one example (from last month) where Derrick actually called Caleb out on one (that he attended West Point) and Caleb laughs.

Caleb! You crazy rabbit. Can't help but like you. Funny how he laughs at himself after Derrick busts him.

  • Love 3



Yet some people here and on Jokers are saying that someone we know that Derrick was now joking about Zingbot screwing Frankie. I don't understand how people are making that leap? Any clarification would be appreciated.  


The audio isn't very good but after Derrick brought up how Victoria's dad is probably reacting to the conversation and Frankie mentioned Caleb wearing beer glasses while Frankie is in drag it sounds like Derrick says "Fuck you wearing zing bot glasses" not "Fuck Vic" which is why the confusion. I don't think it's a leap due to audio quality and based on him talking about what he would do if he was Victoria's dad.




I don't know. I can't say for sure. He was definitely making a joke about the Zingbot fucking, but I (or we) can't say for sure that it was the Zingbot fucking Victoria. His joke came out of the discussion at hand, true, but it sounded like it grew out on a tangent to me. The fact that it's ambiguous (we are debating it, after all) means some leeway might be necessary here.

Allow me to hypothesize: Ever been in conversations that've made you uncomfortable and tried joking your way out of them in hopes of changing the subject? The joke may be tangentally related to the original discussion, but it was made in the hopes of steering the conversation away from the part that was controversial, unnecessary, uncomfortable or just gross. Was this what Derrick was doing? None of us know for sure. But if some of us (and not just me) took it that way, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

This wouldn't have happened if Frankie hadn't gone there in the first place (like I said before, I won't blame Christine's joke). Basically, Frankie sucks for doing what he did (maybe even Caleb a little), but I'm not going to villainize Derrick, Cody or Christine here.


Can't agree more with this post. Cody said it was foul from the beginning. Caleb said it was inappropriate. Derrick said it was making him uncomfortable and then laughingly called him a sick fuck but I've noticed Derrick says things while laughing that he probably believes like when he told Cody Christine's husband is gonna kick him in the nuts and he can't wait based on the way he and Christine are acting.

Edited by willpwr
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Derr, Chris, Cal in the BY talking. Frankie comes and gets Cal to take pics. After he leaves, Chris says she's never seen...
08/31/14 02:14 PM

...someone who can take anything that's said and make it about them so much before. Says it drives her crazy.

Derr asks if she's like this in real life...that once someone gets on her nerves, she's done with them. She says yeah, it's bad. But that when she likes someone, she really likes them.



Interesting that Derrick asked.  He is counting the days.  :-)

I don't think it's a leap due to audio quality and based on him talking about what he would do if he was Victoria's dad.


This. Said it better than my rambling. His comments about Victoria's dad are what's steering my interpretations more than anything.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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Cal/Der/Chr in BY discussing Frankie. Caleb is scared that Frankie won't honor the "5 to the end" deal. He fears that if Frankie wins HOH during the double eviction that he will put up him or Cody. Caleb says that Frankie thinks he can beat everyone in the end except for him and Cody.

Derrick chimes in saying the same thing can happen if Nicole stays and puts up Cody and Caleb- that it will be essentially the same thing. Caleb says he will still be voting out Nicole, but is just scared for next week.

Meanwhile, Frankie/Nicole/Vic doing photobooth


I think Frankie just has no filter and is wildly inappropriate because he enjoys shocking people. He really does remind me of a drag show host in that regard. In the right context, we would laugh (or at least I would, I can't speak for y'all), and shrug it off as just being shocking to try to get a laugh. Unfortunately for Frankie, he's already shown his mean and nasty streak, so everything he says is now colored with that brush.

Yes, there are environments in which I would absolutely find Frankie entertaining. He hasn't learned what his audience is yet, and it ain't the Big Brother house. In this arena, he annoys the hell out of me.

I'm not condoning some of the more heinous things he says at all, I'm just saying I think he's purposely trying to be shocking because he loves the attention he gets from it.

Edited by Pixel
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Cal/Der/Chr in BY discussing Frankie. Caleb is scared that Frankie won't honor the "5 to the end" deal. He fears that if Frankie wins HOH during the double eviction that he will put up him or Cody. Caleb says that Frankie thinks he can beat everyone in the end except for him and Cody.

Derrick chimes in saying the same thing can happen if Nicole stays and puts up Cody and Caleb- that it will be essentially the same thing. Caleb says he will still be voting out Nicole, but is just scared for next week.

Meanwhile, Frankie/Nicole/Vic doing photobooth



They have all day to think about gettting Frankie out now but Derrick does not see it is the safer bet.  It leaves both Christine and Victoria as 2 to evict.  It buys them another week really.  Derrick just wants to put off the inevitable. 


And Kudos Derrick for setting yourself up as a non threat to win.

Since its touched on here I had to look up Weston and its pretty nice I live in a comparable area income wise, but north of Chicago. In fact money wise the same and almost entirely Jewish. That being said she lives with her parents and shouldn't boast over things that those in her community have that she herself never earned or worked hard for. I live in a posh area but I work for this and don't live in my parents house or get any assistance. Also we have occasional stray cats ; P

I will give Victoria this, which was already mentioned in this thread but I want to reiterate. She said to Derrick a couple days ago "how come Christine laughs at everything? No one could possibly find that many things funny?!" She was so fucking right and such an irritating cackle too. Witch Begone!!!

I agree with you about him going for the shock factor but I just don't find him entertaining. I'm bored by him and then get disgusted when he just keeps going on and on with his "jokes". I could maybe tolerate him in small doses and in the right setting but, this isn't it.


I agree with you about him going for the shock factor but I just don't find him entertaining. I'm bored by him and then get disgusted when he just keeps going on and on with his "jokes". I could maybe tolerate him in small doses and in the right setting but, this isn't it.



Since its touched on here I had to look up Weston and its pretty nice I live in a comparable area income wise, but north of Chicago. In fact money wise the same and almost entirely Jewish. That being said she lives with her parents and shouldn't boast over things that those in her community have that she herself never earned or worked hard for. I live in a posh area but I work for this and don't live in my parents house or get any assistance. Also we have occasional stray cats ; P


I forgot about this, yes, Weston has a cat ordinance that requires cat owners to get a free tag for their pets and cats have to be on a leash when outside so unfortunately she wasn't lying about that. Stupid ordinance passed in 2006.

Edited by willpwr

Cal tells Nic that he thinks he will win if he gets to the end. He says he can beat Frank, Chris, and Derr.

He adds Victoria would be gone by then. Says he would like to be sitting next to Cody because they both have the best chance to win. This last part was after Nic said she would want to sit next to someone who's a good player, not someone she knows she could beat.

Caleb talking to Derrick about maybe backdooring Frankie.

Weston is nowhere that I would want to live.  It is one of those cities that was built recently (1996).  There is no character, no soul and it boarders the everglades, not ideal.  There are a lot of these down here.  I live in in Florida; Tradition is the name of one near me.  That is a name that should be a town in a horror movie. Celebtity is in Orlando and on it goes. 

Nic says her DR session was so long last night because she wasn't nailing her lines. She should have had some coffee. NT



oh boy

The "They" Derrick used made me think he was still talking about Caleb/Frankie.  But, maybe I was wrong about who the "they" is that he's referring to.


I don't think it really matters, because the joke at that point (at least from Derrick's perspective, in my personal speculation) was about something different.


Indulge me for a moment if you will and then I'm done talking about it, I swear. I've been wracking my brain ever since I jumped into this argument and it finally hit me. It reminded me of a scene from an old episode of "Cheers." I couldn't find the clip but I did find the transcript (like I said, indulge me just this one time ...):










Norm: YEAH.





Basically, while it is possible that Derrick's part of the joke still involved the Zingbot IN SOME WAY having sex with Victoria (at that point, it wasn't necessarily about rape even if it was borne out of Frankie's tasteless joke), the joke was no longer about Victoria getting raped. It was about the imagery of the Zingbot having sex (who knows, maybe even with Frankie in drag, as has also been speculated).


Please tell me that makes sense, so I can stop thinking about this. Because the more I try explaining it, even I can't help feeling like an apologist.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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I don't think it really matters, because the joke at that point (at least from Derrick's perspective, in my personal speculation) was about something different.


Indulge me for a moment if you will and then I'm done talking about it, I swear. I've been wracking my brain ever since I jumped into this argument and it finally hit me. It reminded me of a scene from an old episode of "Cheers." I couldn't find the clip but I did find the transcript (like I said, indulge me just this one time ...):



Basically, while it is possible that Derrick's part of the joke still involved the Zingbot IN SOME WAY having sex with Victoria (at that point, it wasn't necessarily about rape even if it was borne out of Frankie's tasteless joke), the joke was no longer about Victoria getting raped. It was about the imagery of the Zingbot having sex (who knows, maybe even with Frankie in drag, as has also been speculated).


Please tell me that makes sense, so I can stop thinking about this. Because the more I try explaining it, even I can't help feeling like an apologist.



Brilliant, honeslty.  I get it!  applause




Cal to Der: I don't trust Frankie as far as I can throw him. NT

Caleb telling Derrick that it comes down to who they can beat in comps. Caleb says Frankie is a beast. NT




This might be a very good day!

Edited by wings707
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Kudos Derrick for setting yourself up as a non threat to win.

I don't know about that since a few of them have said Derrick will win. I think only Caleb is dumb enough to think otherwise.

In the right context, we would laugh (or at least I would, I can't speak for y'all), and shrug it off as just being shocking to try to get a laugh.

I never laugh at rape jokes. And I think the fact that people do, and that people defend them, is such a huge contributor to the rape culture we live in. It's so sad.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 14

Off topic, but not.  Naked pics have been leaked today of Frankie's beloved sister Ariana Grande.  She was one of many who had pics hit the internets today.  I do have to wonder how funny or interesting Frankie would find that, while at the same laughing at the idea of assaulting and raping one of his fellow house guests.  


Poor Ariana, the idea of overtime to her PR is a huge understatement.  


Sad pathetic attempt to get back on topic:  If Caleb can convince Derrick that Frankie is the bigger threat (which he is) and needs to go this week....I'll love him forever.  

Regarding the controversial scene yesterday:


Honestly, I don't see where people are seeing where Derrick supposedly switched to ZIngbot doing Frankie in drag.  I don't see that they ever stopped talking about Vic. Frankie had said Caleb would wear the beer goggles and he would be in drag (while DTing Victoria). The only switch I see is when Derrick suggested that Zingbot wear the beer goggles (instead of Caleb), and then he made thrusting motions.  They still seemed to be talking about Victoria, then Frankie goes on to make disgusting DP motions with his hands acting it out what Zingbot would do to Vic.  Therefore I don't think there was ever a switch away from Victoria.


Yet some people here and on Jokers are saying that someone we know that Derrick was now joking about Zingbot screwing Frankie. I don't understand how people are making that leap? Any clarification would be appreciated.  


Their minds were all in different places when the conversation started.

No one knew where the conversation was going; it started with Zingbot.

Frankie took it to Zingbot fucking Victoria in his mind before he made that clear to anyone.

Somewhere inbetween Derrick and Cody were thinking Zingbot and Frankie in drag.

They were all on different pages when Frankie took it to the end and shocked/turned off all who were there. They were  taken by surprise.


The Cheers analogy was a good illustration (and very funny) of how converstations take on a life of their own with everyone inserting their take on what they think they are all talking about.  When, in fact, it is not the same conversation at all.  


Not sure if this is at all clear!

Edited by wings707
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They get defended all the time though and that is so disheartening. Expected though, so it's kinda numbing now sadly.

Nicole is really bad at this game. It's actually comical how many horrendous players they cast this season.

How is it not a red flag to these people that they all wanna BE Frankie except Derrick? They're all brain dead! I'm hoping Caleb's stupidity and arrogance keeps him from listening to Derrick this time and he does what he actually wants to.

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I believe they were all on different pages when Frankie took it to the end and shocked/turned off all who were there.


Agreed. You could see the obvious discomfort even as they sort of played along in an attempt to reroute it to general sexual hilarity rather that something directed at one person. I didn't get the impression at all that Derrick was happy about discussing Victoria in that context, nor any of the other people present (except Christine, who will cackle at anything to be one of the boys).


They get defended all the time though and that is so disheartening. Expected though, so it's kinda numbing now sadly.


I don't know that they do (although I could be wrong). I say this only because I enjoy Tosh (even though a lot of his stuff I think goes way too far and I don't like everything he does), and a couple of years ago he was in deep shit for a rape joke aimed at an audience member. And I recall, what he said was heinous and really indefensible.  But anyway, I don't remember hearing a single comedian or entertainer defending it, which I thought was great.  But maybe they do get defended under the "everything is funny given the right circumstances" idea.  I don't think they're funny either, and it's really unsettling to hear people laugh at anything that depicts violence toward another person or group of people.

Edited by Pixel
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Agreed. You could see the obvious discomfort even as they sort of played along in an attempt to reroute it to general sexual hilarity rather that something directed at one person. I didn't get the impression at all that Derrick was happy about discussing Victoria in that context, nor any of the other people present (except Christine, who will cackle at anything to be one of the boys).


Perfectly said. Only Frankie is truly scum in this entire episode.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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Whee even Caleb comments that you've gone too far you should know you've really gone too damn far!


If Derrick doesn't stop Caleb from putting Frankie up, then the DR will.


I don't know, I could see Production being up for this. I think the edit has shown that they've given up on Frankie. Not to mention that they know his stupid play was hated by everyone. Plus, Frankie getting BDed would be a break from the overwhelming predictability of the season.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't blame Victoria's family for bringing Ariana into it because CBS has put her front and center into this season and it's an endorsement on her part.  If she was just home making an appearance in a single "visit the houseguest's family" package, then she'd be no different from the other loved ones and bear no greater responsibility for them.  And it's not even that she bears responsibility for his speech, but that having endorsed him, now she needs to take a position on how he's behaving in public. 


Derrick's wife hasn't been in the live show audience.  Donnie's girlfriend's album hasn't been promoted.  The show hasn't touted a "big reveal" involving Cody's Dad.  Presumably some other houseguest's family member shared good news about an accomplishment in their HOH letter, but that didn't air, while "your baby sister is opening the VMAs" did.    Ariana leveraged her fans to help Frankie in this game - she is not an uninvolved civilian.  I'm not saying she must respond but I don't think it's out of line to ask her to respond.  (Her people apparently had already put a stop on her actively involving her fans in the show)


I do think it was wrong to demand an apology.  Putting her on the spot to comment, though, I think was fine. 


As for her being a particular target of rape, we don't know what kind of "fan mail" she's been getting.  If she's already a target of some nasty stuff, they may feel the need to speak up.


or maybe they just like to sue.  

Edited by kassa
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I don't know, I could see Production being up for this. I think the edit has shown that they've given up on Frankie.


What would be absolutely AWESOME is if Ariana called Grodner personally and said, "You know what? You can stop helping him now. He's fucking up my career. In fact, bring back Sharon's guinea pig question and get him the fuck OUT!"

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Whee even Caleb comments that you've gone too far you should know you've really gone too damn far!



I don't know, I could see Production being up for this. I think the edit has shown that they've given up on Frankie. Not to mention that they know his stupid play was hated by everyone. Plus, Frankie getting BDed would be a break from the overwhelming predictability of the season.


You have a good point here.  And it would stop the angry tweets and lawyers calling them about his behavior!  

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What would be absolutely AWESOME is if Ariana called Grodner personally and said, "You know what? You can stop helping him now. He's fucking up my career. In fact, bring back Sharon's guinea pig question and get him the fuck OUT!"

That would be glorious.

But Frankie winning the money would be best for Ariana. With any luck he's off yo Africa and he has some money and not depending on her for his livelihood.

Of course the best thing would be for Frankie to be locked in the BB house until next season.

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In fact, bring back Sharon's guinea pig question and get him the fuck OUT!"


I will never not be angry about that guinea pig question. Sharon was the only non-vile person left and she got fucked by that UGH!


You have a good point here.  And it would stop the angry tweets and lawyers calling them about his behavior!  


Yea, that's another thing. I wouldn't wanna see how much more vile Frankie could become if I was Production.


Apparently Frankie admitted that he isn't actually a BB fan, he just wiki'd the show and studied it. Made flashcards and everything to memorize stuff. LOL!

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After last night, with Frankie putting his hand up Derrick's shorts and getting all touchy/feely with Cody while he was drunk, I can describe him in three words: fucking sexual predator.  I can't, for the life of me, understand why these guys continue to let him grope them whenever he damn well pleases.  One of these days, he's going to push himself on the wrong person and will get what's coming to him.  I can't even find the words to express how disgusting I find him and his antics. 


He was talking to one of the guys about all the men he has in his phone and how he remembers who they are.  One example he gave was "blonde hair, blue eyes, bathroom stall".  He has absolutely no standards, no morals, and obviously will screw anything with a dick any time and anywhere. 

  • Love 13

I find it interesting that Caleb is even putting Frankie as a backdoor possibility out there. I guess he didn't truly lose the anger he had when he sat out boB. I'm not surprised at all at Derrick shutting it down, especially after watching his long conversation with Frankie last night. Derrick has done his work getting his vote from Nicole, but he doesn't want to work with her, and shouldn't. Frankie is a better target to leave in the game for Derrick.

But I wonder if this Frankie backdoor stuff Caleb is contemplating comes from Cody. I think it would be better for Cody's game to keep Nicole, and I know he hates Frankie. And I know Caleb and Cody are close. Has anyone seen conversations between just Cody and Caleb? I'd love it if Cody got into Caleb's ear last before the POV meeting. And I would LOVE Frankie being on the block, even if nothing came out of it.

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After last night, with Frankie putting his hand up Derrick's shorts and getting all touchy/feely with Cody while he was drunk, I can describe him in three words: fucking sexual predator.  I can't, for the life of me, understand why these guys continue to let him grope them whenever he damn well pleases.


Well, that's the gist of sexual harrassment; victims let it go and stay quiet because there could be consequences if they stand up (here:  gamewise; life: jobwise or other threat).  It is disgusting.  Hopefully folks seeing this happening to men make them take the issue more seriously when they see it happening to women.  The sad part is that folks generally think the woman must have done something to cause the harrassment when it happens in the real world.


PS, when I'm talking about "folks", please know I'm not talking about anyone on these boards.

Edited by pennben
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After last night, with Frankie putting his hand up Derrick's shorts



I was just coming to mention that, since I missed it earlier.    Here's a  screencap.


The date on that says Wednesday, though.  The other 'cap I saw at Jokers was dated early this morning.


Poor Derrick's wife.  First Victoria, now this.  

There was also an instance earlier in the week when Frankie joined Victoria and Derrick on the hammock when Frankie put his hand on Derrick's penis.  Here's the exchange from Jokers:


Derrick "How many times are you going to grab my dick today, Frankie?" "Four" "Ok... well that's three."


I know a couple of times that Frankie has mentioned that Derrick has the biggest penis in the house.

If a guy did anything near what Frankie is doing to the guys to a woman on the show, people would be in an uproar. Frankie has them in a position where they can't really get mad at him and he's taking advantage of it. I don't know. Maybe in his circle of friends that is acceptable behavior. But remember how upset we were with Caleb for obsessing over Amber? He never got physical with her, but she also was in a position where she couldn't be as forceful with him as she needed to be.

I don't think it's homophobic to tell a guy to keep his hands to himself. I know I wouldn't want anybody groping me no matter his/her sexual orientation.

Edited by Stinamaia
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I agree that what Frankie is doing to the house guests would never be accepted if it was a man doing it to the female members of the house.  I would even say that without hesitation that CBS would remove that person from the house.  HOwever, I also think that the male members of the house need to make it clear to either Frankie, CBS or even another house guest that it is unwanted behavior.  Derrick kind of joke about it to Frankie shows that he isn't saying that it is clear and unwanted behavior, so that's a problem as well.  Frankie is a creep, but no one has told him to stop his creeptastic disgusting behavior either.  

Edited by shelley1005
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Frankie is a creep, but no one has told him to stop his creeptastic disgusting behavior either.


Which, in a weird way amuses the hell out of me.  None of these guys called Caleb on his stalker behavior towards Amber.  Indeed, they encouraged it because they thought it helped their game, Amber be damned.  Now, whoops! they have to deal with Frankie all over them.  And, well, they now have to live with it.  Look, it is wrong on all fronts what happened to Amber, and what Frankie is inflicting, but shadenfreude is helping save my tears for others outside the house rather than shedding them for these guys.  Reap/sow also comes to mind.

  • Love 6

Did I read that Frankie has been to rehab and doesn't drink now?  If so, I can tell his future.  He's a 31 year old guy who trolls the bars looking for 21-22 year olds who are drunk enough to let him molest them, and when he's 50, he will still be trolling for 21-22 year old guys to molest.  Of course, he'll still be claiming to be 30 years old..

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From Joker's:

3:50 PM derr: Victoria i need sponge bath. Vic: whats that? Derr: a bath with a sponge. Vic: ok, Derr; im kidding ill get divorced. NT 

3:51 PM Vic: not with a bathing suit. Caleb: Naw .. still divorced .. Derr; Yep divorced. Derrick leaves the HOH. Vic=/Caleb in hoh NT



Vic telling Der that Chris told her that Vic shouldn't fold Der's clothes because he likes them a certain way and his wife doesn't even fold Derrick's clothes. Victoria says she told her that she(Vic) always folds his clothes. Victoria "Who is she to say that to me?" "I was gonna slap her I am not kidding."

Earlier Victoria complained about this to Nicole before Derrick woke up.

Yeah, I think Victoria is pretty into Derrick and she might have a hard time accepting that she was just his goat once she gets out of the house - not to mention the fact that he'll be going back to his wife and kids and she won't be sleeping anywhere near him ever again.

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