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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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All sorts of interesting goings-on because of Drunk Dinosaur.  Frankie is all over him, hugging him and rubbing his leg and stroking him all over.  Cody is doing some reciprocating.  Cody then asked Christine what she was eating, and Christine, I think, attempted to do a sexy spoon lick, which was met by a WTF look from Cody, followed up by a disgusted "Oh, so that."  Sure, he's hammered (REALLY hammered), but his true feelings may just be showing through.  Not in to Christine (Chrizeen). But good lord, that kid is literally drunk (too lazy to do all the TMs, but you all know they're there). 

  • Love 8


I suspect this isn't the first time Frankie has taken advantage of an inebriated young lad.

TimWil!! I shit you not I had a post all typed out earlier this evening about how Frankie totally reminds me of a pedophile....and then I chickened out and deleted it. THANK YOU.


If you don't hear from me again, lightning has struck me. *nervous chuckle*

Edited by housecat
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Drunk Cody is much easier to listen to imo​



Drunk Cody is fantastically entertaining!  So much better than Dude-Bro Cody.  Why have they not been drunk all season?  Feeds might actually have been interesting.  I really hope Caleb invites Drunk Cody in to the HoH bed, and they have a totally heterosexual cuddle party.  HOT.   

ETA: after Frankie was a total ass about not being a Have Not, he went and ate all their HN mushrooms last night, just like he ate the tofu last week.  I can't wait until he is evicted, he's so awful.  The only thing I don't like about it is that he will ruin the jury house, which is currently full of lovely people and will only be made lovelier with Nicole.


Believe it or not, he did ask permission if he could have some mushrooms before he started to cook them. He asked Derrick and Derrick alone. Absolutely no knowledge of him asking Nicole, but I could have missed it. I had also seen it mentioned on Jokers, also as Derrick alone.


Still, he was so not willing to be a HN and then wants to eat their food? Even if he asks, the HN food should be only for the HN, especially if it's something they don't get on a regular basis (obviously mushrooms, unlike avocados which they get all the time). Of course that rule would go to hell when they get something like peanut butter and jelly. I'm really just opposed to it because it's Frankie. 

  • Love 6


I'm really just opposed to it because it's Frankie.

 Callaphera, I'm opposed to anything if it involves Frankie. My hateful obsession with him knows no bounds. *sigh*



pennben, your comments are always insightful. :)


ETA: burgerbitz, the jurors get to see the entire show that's broadcast, don't they? Doesn't the last evicted HG bring that taping with them? If so, then the HGs wouldn't really know which DR comments would make it to the show or not. Does that make any sense? Or shall I go to bed? lol

Edited by housecat

Ya know, you can go to the Krusteaz website and go through their entire product line.

If you do that and can find anything which remotely resembles "lobster biscuits", though... you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.

 Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuit mix.


It's put out by a company called Continental Mills, based in Seattle but like another poster noted upthread, actually has a plant in Hopkinsville, KY.    Krustez is also a brand of this company.     In this case, Caleb may have been telling the truth.  Well, except for "larvae" as one of the ingredients.  Ha! 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Believe it or not, he did ask permission if he could have some mushrooms before he started to cook them. He asked Derrick and Derrick alone. Absolutely no knowledge of him asking Nicole, but I could have missed it. I had also seen it mentioned on Jokers, also as Derrick alone.


Still, he was so not willing to be a HN and then wants to eat their food? Even if he asks, the HN food should be only for the HN, especially if it's something they don't get on a regular basis (obviously mushrooms, unlike avocados which they get all the time). Of course that rule would go to hell when they get something like peanut butter and jelly. I'm really just opposed to it because it's Frankie.

I'm sure the Frankenfactor increases my irritation as well, but the primary reason I commented on it tonight is Production apparently has some sort of issue with keeping the HN other-than-slop options stocked.

Frankie's cook-a-thon last night apparently exhausted the entire stock of HN mushrooms. Derrick and Nicole had to ask - repeatedly - before they got any mushrooms this evening. Being a HN and only having access to 2-3 food options is bad enough without having one of those options taken away - not by Production, but by some selfish asshole's greediness.

  • Love 13

Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuit mix.


It's put out by a company called Continental Mills, based in Seattle but like another poster noted upthread, actually has a plant in Hopkinsville, KY.    Krustez is also a brand of this company.     In this case, Caleb may have been telling the truth.  Well, except for "larvae" as one of the ingredients.  Ha!

Thanks for the clarification. That's still not what Caleb said; in his discussion with Derrick, Caleb was emphatic in stating the mix was sold under the Krusteaz brand. I reckon in Caleb's case, though, I'll have to make the usual allowance for confusion.

  • Love 1


ETA: burgerbitz, the jurors get to see the entire show that's broadcast, don't they? Doesn't the last evicted HG bring that taping with them? If so, then the HGs wouldn't really know which DR comments would make it to the show or not. Does that make any sense? Or shall I go to bed? lol

I could be wrong, but I was under the assumption that the jury only saw a dvd brought in by each new jury member and that the only things shown were the comps. no DR's at all. I would assume that they're sequestered so that they don't know what's going on in the BB house. Otherwise, they might as well just go home & take a flight back to LA for finale night. There'd be no reason to keep them locked up in a house they have to shell out money for. 

Edited by burgerbitz
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Earlier (I am reading BBLeaks)


So Derrick thinks they may have failed the majority of TA.  I have no clue when they will be told.  I would think Julie would have mentioned it to us.  Seems to be a dangling thread.


Christine hates the big blue fish.  Good god.


They got another alcohol delivery without asking.  Now that is unexpected! 

Edited by wings707

I could be wrong, but I was under the assumption that the jury only saw a dvd brought in by each new jury member and that the only things shown were the comps. no DR's at all. I would assume that they're sequestered so that they don't know what's going on in the BB house. Otherwise, they might as well just go home & take a flight back to LA for finale night. There'd be no reason to keep them locked up in a house they have to shell out money for. 


This is exactly it:  And because of Danielle's nasty DR's way back in what...season 2.  I don't believe, prior to that, that jury was sequestered, and most said that her nasty DR's were the reason that they voted against her.


Now they've changed it so that the jurors are kept in a bubble, not shown DR's, but do get carefully crafted DVD's brought in by the latest evicted HG, and that's basically all they get to see of the goings on in the house until they are free of Grodner and can review the feeds when they get out and watch whatever has been DVR'd for them.

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BBFeedster@BBFeedster  ·  5h

Caleb: Whoever wins that (double eviction) HOH, they need to put Frankie and Christine up.
Derrick: Yeah! #BB16





This is exactly it:  And because of Danielle's nasty DR's way back in what...season 2.  I don't believe, prior to that, that jury was sequestered, and most said that her nasty DR's were the reason that they voted against her.


Now they've changed it so that the jurors are kept in a bubble, not shown DR's, but do get carefully crafted DVD's brought in by the latest evicted HG, and that's basically all they get to see of the goings on in the house until they are free of Grodner and can review the feeds when they get out and watch whatever has been DVR'd for them.



They only get the comps, nothing else.  Nicole mentioned that when she came back if you need recent confirmation.   

Edited by wings707
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If Frankie is this obsessed with the TA "Overwhelming No!", think how miserable he'd make the jury house with his obsessive analyses of being back-doored, if it happened. First it's gotta happen, and sadly, we wouldn't get to see it.


We see a little footage, so we may get a snippet.   Not much usually happens in the jury house so they would jump on that.  In previous seasons they show tension when something goes down.  I wish we would see more of the jury house as the season winds down.  I would like it to go to 90 minute shows toward the end to accomodate this.


ETA: I do not want to see another second of Jocosta on my TV.  I don't like religion thrown in my face and she is a big fat, fat big phoney. 

Edited by wings707
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About 20 minutes ago regarding Vic and Derrick
08/31/14 01:59 AM

After Derrick told her he was going to go and brush his teeth and for her to pull herself together - I guess he meant to dry the tears - he walked out of the HN room. Vic remained behind as he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. She laid back on the bed and begin to cry.

She later went to find Derrick and they embraced in the hallway. She was still crying and he asked her what's wrong. As someone reported, he told her she's like that b/c of the booze. They went into the bathroom where she almost collapsed over the sink in tears and he asked her again, what's wrong with her and why was she acting like that.

They sit down and she's still crying....he's telling her what he told her earlier and all along, it's just a game, someone has to go, etc.....she's still crying, he gets up to leave, they hug again, this time they embraced really tight....she didn't want to let him go, tears were streaming down her face, he literally had to pull himself away from her.

Again, with the it's just a game, blah, blah, blah....she's said something about it just being so emotional....

Ed: I thought it odd and worthy of reporting. You may form your own opinions. Good night.




Victoria has fallen in love with Derrick. I would put some money on it. 


ETA:  Oh yeah, I am right.  I am reading backwards at Jokers and before this outburst she asked if she could sleep in the HN room (up there and in pjs) and Derrick said no (he is sleeping up there tonight, btw).   I think he usually sleeps in the FR where Vic sleeps, right?  She was moaning about sleeping alone and he suggested she go to the RR.  She did not want to sleep with mean girl and the dinosaur, she said. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

Hmmm, Cody/Frankie/Victoria/Nicole are talking about the innovative games everyone is playing this season.  l.

I am always amused by the level of delusion about their own gameplay that sets in on virtually EVERY person who's in the BB house after awhile. 


Doubly amusing that the only person ACTUALLY playing the game hard is Derrick... and he's not part of that boastful conversation!

You're very welcome, Slasher. The only diagnosis that comes to mind is pathological liar. Anyone that would lie about the smallest things has to have some major, brontosaurus sized skeletons in their closet! Notice the pluralization. ;-)

I think Caleb is not a pathological liar. He is a spinner of tall tales. If you notice, he is pretty honest in his game play. He doesn't make up stories about the other hammies to advance his game. His lies are stories starring himself and are made up out of whole cloth with no apparent agenda other than to have a reason to talk about himself in a grandiose way. I knew a man once who told stories I knew were not true mostly in social group situations, and when I asked him why he lied, he was offended saying that it wasn't lying because everyone knew it wasn't true, and it was just for fun. It still didn't make sense to me, but this is more what Caleb does as opposed to the lies Frankie and Derrick tell.

Please don't think that I'm giving Caleb a pass. I don't care for this kind of story telling, but a certain segment of young men do engage in this behavior. I think this is the genesis of the Paul Bunyan stories. Caleb just stars himself.

  • Love 10

The only other reason I can think of for Derrick lying in his DR is that it's been pretty obvious from almost the beginning that Derrick is expected to win. Maybe he's being encouraged by production to lie so they can give the winner a positive edit. 


Derrick knows better than to brag, their boasting is actually good for his game because they don't see him as a threat but they do start to worry about the "stronger" people taking them out.

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It's amazing to see Derrick ask (get) Victoria to make him drinks and stuff. He's totally using her & she loves doing it for him. I don't think she'll appreciated when she realizes it after the game is over though. Derrick is really amazing. He's either the greatest or dirtiest cop ever.


As I said above, she is in love with him, that is why she is doing this.  And he has been the only one to connect with her at all.  Everyone ignores her.  They all have asked each other to bring them things at one time or another.


She will get it that he was taking her along as 'strategy only'  when she gets out, though.   She will be told by those in her life, not sure she will pick up on it by herself!

  • Love 2

Victoria was raised to marry some nice young doctor, and I hope for her sake that being on BB doesn't divert her from this fate.  I can't imagine her happy without a husband who pats her on the head, tells her that she's pretty and gives her a titanium AmEx card to go on South Beach shopping sprees.  


I didn't realize that Derrick and Frankie didn't know whether they had succeeded in the other missions.   When they were (well, while Frankie was) rending garments over the "play" debacle, they also discussed the "start a fight" task, and I didn't understand what was going on.  Derrick said that he had confirmed with Production that the fight could be one-sided.  Whatever.  

Derrick takes a lot of flak for being in a house of idiots, and therefore "lucky" that the game is his for the taking, because in a house of actual game players his tactics wouldn't work, and therefore he sucks in contrast to other winners.


I disagree -- just because his game is working with idiots doesn't mean he wouldn't have been capable of a completely different game when faced with worthier opponents.  Just because he didn't have to pull out THAT game doesn't mean he wouldn't have been able to, that he's playing the only possible game he has in him.   Unfortunately, we won't see him get to try, because even if he did decide to come back for All Stars, he'd be bounced early.


He's playing the hand he's dealt, and doing it well.   He did not form the dominant alliance of the year; had he been shut out from it I can see him being much more physically competitive in an "outcast" alliance.   Others have pointed out he's a leader -- he likely could have coalesced Donnie and Nicole and Hayden into a pretty competitive counter alliance if the other alpha males hadn't adopted him.  

Edited by kassa
  • Love 11


I don't think Derrick is lying in his DR sessions to try to fool the audience nor do I think he's lying just to throw off production. I think he's being safe and making his DR sessions sound as juror friendly as possible. Danielle's DRs cost her the game at end.

Completely different. The jury was the whole cast in BB3 and was not sequestered. The reason the jury is sequestered is so players can be honest in their Diary Rooms. Still it makes no sense the producers know he is trying to get rid of Donny. I think he is trying to manipulate the audience.

  • Love 5

Although, regarding rigging, wouldn't the way that they changed BotB to be won by a single person just in time to avoid an obvious tank job after allowing tank jobs for the last couple of BotBs count as rigging?


Initially, before I saw the comp on the show, I was sure that was a major rigging, but now I have some doubts. Overall though, it's pretty suspicious, but it's no America's Player, 'bring back the duos twist,' or Coup D'etat.


I completely agree she is a pathetic player. I pretty much like her by default, but I would of preferred Hayden to go back in because he would of made things interested.


I think Hayden was a pretty pathetic player, too. Honestly most of this season's HGs are. The only one that really isn't is Derrick.


Basically, it boils down to the fact that he gives horrible DRs. So once again, he is thwarting my entertainment. Which is all I care about.


Bingo! It's a TV show dammit! If Derrick was running the game entertainingly, I wouldn't particularly care. I loved Dan, I loved Kim on Survivor. Hell, even BRob running the game on Survivor RI was more entertaining than this!


I mean... remember how amazing Devin's HoH was? Everything since then has been painfully predictable.


This season died with Devin.


So Derrick thinks they may have failed the majority of TA.  I have no clue when they will be told.  I would think Julie would have mentioned it to us.  Seems to be a dangling thread.


There have been 7 missions and I know they've officially passed 3 of them. I can't remember if they showed whether they passed the 'play the role of puppet master and get two houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting' or 'work together to convince someone to go on the block as a pawn and then get them evicted' missions or not. I assume no, but I don't think they actually said 'mission failed' or 'mission accomplished' on the actual show for those two, which is weird. Does anyone remember? And come to think of it, did they say on the show say if they passed or failed the 'neighborhood watch' one? I included it as an officially passed one, but now I'm not so sure. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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While Derrick can't snow the feed watchers/readers, he certainly can throw a blizzard at the broadcast watchers and they'd be only too happy to build snowmen for him.


Yea, Derrick only cares about the show watchers because he knows there's more of them. Although, thankfully, I'm pretty sure they don't buy that shit either.

  • Love 1

But who is to say they don't decide to allow them to this season?

I'm not saying you guys are wrong. I'm just pointing out that the way Derrick is playing, being super careful with a touch of paranoia, it wouldn't surprise me if he's considered they would throw in a twist that would allow the jury access to some DR sessions before deliberating. it would certainly be in the back of my head.


They asked Nicole what she had seen and she said they get a DVD of just the competitions. 

7 missions, peach?  


1. put a threat on the block and vote them out.  check

2. start a fight. check

3. hide a clothing item from everyone then stage a watch to catch the thief.  check

4. your choice.  check and fail


What have I missed? 

Edited by wings707

Completely different. The jury was the whole cast in BB3 and was not sequestered. The reason the jury is sequestered is so players can be honest in their Diary Rooms. Still it makes no sense the producers know he is trying to get rid of Donny. I think he is trying to manipulate the audience.

And the audience sees through him. Playing the audience makes him looks shady. I don't mind backstabbing game play but let us in on it. We want to be in on it. We may hate you but respect you more.

The only reason I think he lies to the audience, is that he really cares what we think. He wants us to like him. I honestly think that is why Frankie is still there. He is worried about backlash from Ariana fans. If he knew how popular Donny really was, Donny would still be there.

Derrick is a one note player. I say that because one of the few times when something didn't go his way, he freaked. A better player would just roll with it and come up with plan two. I would really like to see Derrick's back to the wall and see what happens.

Derrick is a manipulative person. Being a cop has nothing to do with it. His biggest problem is that the jury sees this. He's been so stealth about it, the HGs don't see it and he might not get the credit at the end. And that would be glorious.

  • Love 7

He's also not Rachel or Will, who loved giving nasty DR because it fit their reality show character. Derrick seems pretty "normal" for a reality show contestant, and I think he would stick with playing it safe instead of giving great DR.


If you're talking about Dr. Will, I don't remember him ever giving nasty DRs.  He was all about charming people and then stabbing them in the back.  If I remember correctly, his DRs were mostly funny ones. 


Derrick isn't charming like Dr. Will, but he does treat everyone nice to their face and quietly works to get them out.  He could be considered better than Will in one area; even after the people are out the door, they still don't realize that Derrick had anything to do with it.  I think people knew Will was responsible for their downfall but, because he was so charming, they didn't hold it against him.


Also, I don't think they're ever going to let jurors see beyond what they're shown in the jury house, and I don't think Derrick's DRs are at all based on that possibility.  I think he doesn't want production to know everything he is doing, just as he keeps his game to himself with the other houseguests.  He's boring, and I don't really care for him, but his game is stellar.  

  • Love 2

Derrick's police department and many of the town citizens are watching this. He has to be seen in a positive light and respected, thus his DRs.

I like him and hope he wins.

He can give honest DRs and still be respected. Backstabbing and manipulating is part of the game. It's expected and respected. Playing the audience isn't. The audience wants to be let in on the players game. That's part of the entertainment.

There is more to his playing the viewers than his job. I really think he wants to cash in on his BB fame and needs us to like him to do so.

  • Love 6

I think it's ridiculous that Victoria's family wants an apology from Frankies s sister, but they are very UPSET and are making a big deal of his "taking of Vics virginity" comments . But why d o they want an apology from Arianna?

I think it's ridiculous that Victoria's family wants an apology from Frankies s sister, but they are very UPSET and are making a big deal of his "taking of vice authorities" comments . But why d o they want an apology from Arianna? Edited by kathybgd


I think he doesn't want production to know everything he is doing, just as he keeps his game to himself with the other houseguests


This is what I think he's doing and honestly, it's what I'd do if i were in that house as well. As a fan of the show, I complain all of the time about production interference. Production is an extra houseguest to account for. I don't blame him at all for preferring to keep his cards close to his chest. It creates a misleading broadcast show, but he's trying to win a boatload of money and I don't blame him for trying to minimize outside interference either with him or with other houseguests wrt him. We know that the diary room asks the houseguests leading questions. Who's to say they wouldn't use his motivations against him to other houseguests in their DR sessions?


If the DR was actually a "diary room" to allow houseguests to talk freely without their words being used against them, I'd feel differently about how Derrick approaches his sessions. I just can't knock him for knowing, like I know, that regardless of what he's giving them to use for the broadcast show, the DR is not to be trusted. The only thing he's harming is his chances for Americas Favorite, but if it gets him into the final two, its a choice that will pay off.

Edited by luvlee2003
  • Love 5

He can give honest DRs and still be respected. Backstabbing and manipulating is part of the game. It's expected and respected. Playing the audience isn't. The audience wants to be let in on the players game. That's part of the entertainment.

There is more to his playing the viewers than his job. I really think he wants to cash in on his BB fame and needs us to like him to do so.



Yes, we get that and he may, as well.   Many are watcing him who have never seen this show and don't get it.   He is keeping his guard up because his job is in the forefront of his mind.  That is my guess.  


And I do believe that is misguided.  Being honest with viewers is always the way to go.  Just trying to get inside his head as to why he doesn't think so! .

Edited by wings707
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