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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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It's been suggested here before, that he's lying in the DR to keep Production's meddling out of his game. Smart move.

If we all know what's Derrick's game, so does production. I wish they would meddle in his game and make him work for the prize. Plus seeing him sweat would make for some good feed watching and TV.

The way I look at it is Derrick wants to win the most. He's laser focused. The rest are there just to be on TV.

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How could lying in the DR keep production out of his game?

We've all seen hammies go into the DR with their minds made up, and come out with an entirely different plan. So we know Production works on them to change their thinking, their plans, in ways that benefit the perceived entertainment value.  If Derrick says, "I plan to do XYZ,"  and Production has other ideas, they'll lean on Derrick to make changes.  WE don't know HOW Production changes minds, whether there is any pressure, or is it all "friendly" persuasion.  Derrick's smart, and his profession proves he's not easily lead. I'm sure he caught on to playing Production's game, and then doing what he thought best. We've seen him lie his way out of all sorts of sticky wickets on the show. I'm sure he's just as slippery in the DRs.  LOL - He could be giving Production fits!  And for that alone I applaud him.

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If we all know what's Derrick's game, so does production. I wish they would meddle in his game and make him work for the prize. Plus seeing him sweat would make for some good feed watching and TV.

The way I look at it is Derrick wants to win the most. He's laser focused. The rest are there just to be on TV.

Even if they don't REALIZE that they are... they are.  They may fool themselves into thinking they care about the prize more, but they also have agendas with "looking cool" or coming off a certain way.


That said, to a surprising degree you probably also have to credit Cody with some real discipline too.  He's had his distractions, and could win just because linked to Derrick he could pull out a last minute victory if the jury has bigger grudges against Derrick (because Donny is right that Derrick is in control and in the jury house will make sure everyone else believes it finally).

Even if they don't REALIZE that they are... they are.  They may fool themselves into thinking they care about the prize more, but they also have agendas with "looking cool" or coming off a certain way.


That said, to a surprising degree you probably also have to credit Cody with some real discipline too.  He's had his distractions, and could win just because linked to Derrick he could pull out a last minute victory if the jury has bigger grudges against Derrick (because Donny is right that Derrick is in control and in the jury house will make sure everyone else believes it finally).


Donny thinks Frankie is in control. 


ETA: I meant to include a link to an interview where he mentioned this but was called away.  I didn't realize I hit send.  Didn't intend to be so curt!

Edited by wings707

I need Frankie to go in the DE because I can't bear to see him win and he probably would if he got F2. Shudder.


I really hope Derrick gets to F2 and then loses because he was so good at making all these idiots believe he was dumb/not doing anything that they don't feel he deserves to win. Man, it would literally be my fave ending ever.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Derrick lying in the DR about his thoughts and future plans makes sense to keep them from messing with his game, but lying about things that have already happened (like him going after Donny) does not. He does both. Also, his future plans have been pretty transparent thus far. The same people have gotten nominated over and over and the boot order has been obvious to feed followers and, therefore, obviously to production as well. That's why his lying is so puzzling. It would make perfect sense if he were switching things up every week (or ever), making shocking moves, but his game is pretty much the opposite of that.


None of the players can really deceive production about what they're doing, that's the whole premise of the show. They can have secret thoughts, but in order to turn those thoughts into actions, they have to talk to at least one other hamster. Maggie was distrustful of production and she intentionally did the opposite of whatever they seemed to be encouraging her to do, but that's not the same as "lying" to production. They all "lie" in the sense of doing DRs where they say, "I was planning to vote X out, but now that Y ate the last pickle I'm reconsidering that..." so the show will have footage to make the story suspenseful, but production makes them do that. I can't recall other players going into the DR and saying, "I've been supporting X the whole game, so it sucks that the house wants him gone this week," when they've been shown trying to get X voted out for weeks.


I assume that TA has something to do with Derrick doing that kind of thing. He seems to think that it's a much bigger deal than it is and that throngs of fans are super concerned with what TA does. I think it's kind of put a kink in his game because it's made him worry (unnecessarily) that he could be jeopardizing his game by not embracing Donny and/or by not being entertaining enough. I think his paranoia around this has infected Frankie, though Frankie seems far less concerned about it. The two of them have lied in DRs and in private conversations (where no other hamsters were present) about how they've been working with and protecting Donny, seemingly to curry favor with the audience. It seemed that they were hoping that the show would edit the story to make it look like TA were all working together.


The thing is, if they were so concerned about looking bad for not working with Donny, why didn't they just work with him? They were in an alliance of 23 when TA was first established and they were both leaders who could have come up with some rationale for adding Donny to the fold. Or they could have made a sincere/semi-sincere side alliance with Donny. Donny is not a bad player and it might have helped them to work with him in either capacity. It seems like both Derrick and Frankie just didn't want to work with Donny, even when they were given a huge incentive to do so. I have no doubt that Frankie thought Donny wasn't cool enough to be in an alliance with the Star of BB16. With Derrick, I wonder whether he ever could have worked with someone who was an equal, rather than the bunch of followers he allied with. Frankie is the closest thing Derrick has to an equal in the BS/Detonators/whatever, but Derrick has pretty successfully blown smoke up Frankie's ass all summer. Derrick's one-note mind control strategy didn't work on Donny, so I wonder if that's why Derrick was uninterested in working with him.

  • Love 14

 Derrick's one-note mind control strategy didn't work on Donny, so I wonder if that's why Derrick was uninterested in working with him.


Ding, ding, ding.  I think Donny scared Derrick because he couldn't manipulate and talk him into doing things Derrick's way.  Donny did his thing and wasn't going to bend his will to anyone else, including Derrick.  If Derrick worked with Donny he would actually be a liability because he wouldn't just blindly follow and trust Derrick.  Derrick got to still pick his brain and talk to him as part of Team America, but having him in an actual alliance, nope....Derrick wanted no part of that.  Donny's too smart and too much of an individual thinker for Derrick's game, sadly.  The lemmings and the sheep though, they are perfect for what Derrick has set out to do. I've never seen a lot of people continue the group think in terms of voting this far into the game in all the many years I have watched Big Brother.  It's boring as hell, but it's also a sign of the work Derrick has done in the house.  

  • Love 8

Derrick's one-note mind control strategy didn't work on Donny, so I wonder if that's why Derrick was uninterested in working with him.


Oh definitely.


I often wonder how Derrick would fair against a group of Donnys. Not even a whole cast full of them, just like maybe 3! I just really feel like he'd be fucked. He's going to be one of the luckiest winners ever.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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From what I saw, Derrick did try approaching Donny, I believe he tried waking Donny up once early on to talk strategy and Donny told him he wanted to sleep. If I recall correctly, Derrick tried approaching Donny a few times because he said America must know something he didn't about Donny. After Donny told Derrick and Frankie that he didn't ask for Team America and that he went on the show to play his own game, not somebody else's, I don't see any reason for them to continue to ally with him.. From what I saw, Donny used TA to his convenience which is good game play but it was too little, too late after some of the things he'd said behind Derrick's and Frankie' backs about wanting to target them, but the same way he didn't want a mission interfering with his game, he shouldn't have expected to be saved when he hadn't really worked with Derrick and Frankie. Donny, per his interviews, saw he had "nothing in common with these people" and chose not to stay up talking to them. Nobody owed him an alliance. He also stated in his interview that he was put on the block 6 times due to the BotB twist but was really only a target 3 or 4 times. He stated that he wouldn't do anything different with the "same people he was dealt with" so I'm not gong to blame anyone else for Donny's choices. Derrick tried making deals with everyone and Donny wouldn't budge. I agree with their elimination of Donny since in his exit interview he said they would have been his targets if he stayed. 

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I think Donny's game might have been very different if Devin hadn't screwed him over in the early stages.  After Devin approached him for an alliance and then got paranoid and put him on the block, Donny didn't know who to trust.  I think that even at that early stage he realized that Derrick was part of the big alliance and he felt (with reason) that they were all against him.  It's possible that he could have worked more with Derrick if he hadn't felt like such a target from the start.

Edited by Sunarku
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From what I saw, Derrick did try approaching Donny, I believe he tried waking Donny up once early on to talk strategy and Donny told him he wanted to sleep. If I recall correctly, Derrick tried approaching Donny a few times because he said America must know something he didn't about Donny. After Donny told Derrick and Frankie that he didn't ask for Team America and that he went on the show to play his own game, not somebody else's, I don't see any reason for them to continue to ally with him.. From what I saw, Donny used TA to his convenience which is good game play but it was too little, too late after some of the things he'd said behind Derrick's and Frankie' backs about wanting to target them, but the same way he didn't want a mission interfering with his game, he shouldn't have expected to be saved when he hadn't really worked with Derrick and Frankie. Donny, per his interviews, saw he had "nothing in common with these people" and chose not to stay up talking to them. Nobody owed him an alliance. He also stated in his interview that he was put on the block 6 times due to the BotB twist but was really only a target 3 or 4 times. He stated that he wouldn't do anything different with the "same people he was dealt with" so I'm not gong to blame anyone else for Donny's choices. Derrick tried making deals with everyone and Donny wouldn't budge. I agree with their elimination of Donny since in his exit interview he said they would have been his targets if he stayed.

That's how I saw it too. Donny never wanted to work with Derrick, and that's fine, but once Derrick saw there was no hope, he knew he had to get him out.

I also believe that Derrick was telling the truth that outside of Cody he liked Donny best. Everything I've seen and read tells me Derrick has more in common with Donny than the others. The problem is Derrick wants to win so he is not going to let personal feelings get in the way. Although I don't see it as a problem, I can see why it turns some people off.

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I'm not a diehard BB fan, and this is the first season to try and follow along with most everything... but this has to be one of the most non-sexual seasons ever, doesn't it?


I don't think it's just this season. This show tends to be tame when it comes to sexual exploits. The only seasons I can remember where it was clear stuff was going on was last year with Amanda and McCrae (blech), season 11 with Lydia and Jessie (another blech) and season 9 there was a veritable orgy in the first few weeks and Chelsia and porn star James would constantly go at it (triple blech!). But for the most part, there's not a lot of sexual action that goes on in the house.

I think we discussed the Donny/Derrick relationship earlier. Derrick never seemed to respect Donny IMO. I think Donny must have picked up on that as well because he has always seemed pretty bitter about Derrick. Definitely much more than he seemed towards Frankie. I think that game wise, Derrick wants people around him who are sycophants and he saw pretty early on that Donny wasn't going to be one. It didn't stop him from embarrassing himself in talks with Donny where he continued to try to bullshit him the way he does the others long after he admitted to knowing Donny didn't trust him.

TA ruined this season. I think we'd have seen Derrick vs. Frankie with Donny leading an outsiders alliance if TA hadn't been those 3. And I think that could've been really fun/interesting.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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In addition to what UniqBlue69 mentioned, there was definitely a lot if sexual shenanigans in BB9. James/Chelsia, Natalie gave that guy she was obsessed with blow jobs, the almost orgy in the hot tub, the real life couple had sex in the toilet area. Also, Ollie/April had a lot of sex in BB10.

ETA: I believe David/the young blonde had sex in the house. I forget what season that was. Maybe 3 or 4.

How could we forget Boogie/Erica? Maybe we're just trying to un remember! And there's rumors that Will/Janelle had sex in DR.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Oh god, yes! I totally forgot April/Ollie (with good reason). They weren't very subtle with their... mating rituals LOL. I know Rachel and Brendan have mentioned having sex in the BB13 house but thankfully I was spared from that. Oh and I just remembered Diane giving Drew a handjob during season 5 and Erika gave Mike a blowie during All Stars right? Ugh, I officially know too much about this show. Kill me now.

While none of the hgs smoked, both Donny and Caleb are/were tobacco chewers although they had to agree not to spit while in the house.  Donny mentioned he was okay with it but gave the kiddie hgs a psa by showing them where his tooth fell out because of it.


I don't see anything wrong with anyone, Derrick included, going for the money in that comp.  It was an option available to everyone.  If you know you cannot win it or are definately safe, why not?  He volunteerd for slop.  Done. That is not slimy, it is smart.

It didn't seem to work in this case but I thought the idea of the 5000 Hollas was that the other hgs would be annoyed by it and constantly reminded that Derrick won $5K - unlike Caleb's $5K which everyone seems to have forgotten.  So in theory anyway, it was a risk to go for the $5K and most likely the reason he volunteered as a Have Not. 


Instead,  when a "Holla" went off while Derrick was sleeping I watched a table of dullards playing with playdoh and commenting about the shoutout being so rude while Derrick is trying to sleep.   Sigh. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I don't see anything wrong with anyone, Derrick included, going for the money in that comp.  It was an option available to everyone.  If you know you cannot win it or are definately safe, why not?  He volunteerd for slop.  Done. That is not slimy, it is smart.

What makes it "slimy," IMO is Derrick's "We Must All Put the Team First" (*except for me putting food in my daughter's mouth) schtick, which I admit is good gameplay on his part, but it doesn't endear him to me. I totally understand that he's there to put food in his daughter's mouth, not to win me or anyone else over, and that's fine and I even respect that. It just doesn't change my opinion of Derrick as a "character" on a show I watch.

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I think we discussed the Donny/Derrick relationship earlier. 

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be snarky just genuinely asking, are we not supposed to discuss things more than once? I thought if it was relevant to the conversation that we could post our opinions even if it was more than once on the same subject.


I'm glad Caleb chose Cody. 


@BigBrotherLeak: Frankie says he feels so helpless now that he can't play. He's telling Derrick that he has to win for them.


Does he really think Derrick is going to win? He hasn't done well in competitions, I guess Frankie hasn't noticed.


ETA: BTW that is my favorite Snapple tea so I like your SN. :)

Edited by willpwr

I'm guessing the only HOH that Derrick wants to win is the one at the Final 3, right? Other, than that he's sitting pretty. All of the houseguest have pretty much said Derrick would win & don't really seem to be wanting to kick him out. Pretty dumb on their part. If he survives next weeks DE he'll probably make the Final 3 & win.

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Joker's BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates  ·  2m
Cal telling Derr + Cody: I will choose you two over him anyday. Im mad he lied to me about the Amber thing 
Joker's BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates  ·  4m
Caleb/Derrick/Cody in HOH room discussing Frankie telling Christine that Caleb was the one trying to keep Donny over Nicole. #bb16 #bblf


Depending on who the F3 are then he might not even want to win that.

Edited by willpwr
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Everyone knows that Derrick is going to win, but no one wants to get him out. Yesterday Frankie and Caleb were talking about how no one could beat Derrick in F2 and saying that the two of them would blindside him in F3. That's the closest thing I've heard to any sort of plan to get him out and it's not exactly "strategic" to take an unbeatable person to F3, especially when they could at least consider backdooring him this week.

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Backdooring Frankie is a nice thought, but either Nicole or Christine are leaving this week, and if one of them wins veto, Victoria will be put up as a pawn. Caleb has been bros before hos all season long; he's not going to change it up now, no matter how annoying Frankie is. And Frankly being an obnoxious famewhore isn't really a reason to backdoor him, unfortunately.

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I kind of feel sorry for Frankie.  He so pathetically wants to be famous.  From reading his Wikipedia entry he's not unaccomplished.  He could do something other than perform...produce for his sister....I know performers can be discovered at any age, but he's been around the business for a long time and must have had many opportunities that other struggling performers do not.  It would seem if he was going to "make it", he would have done so by now.  I'm reminded of one of my favorite lines from Dirty Harry,  "a man has to know his limitations."

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I don't know, I think Derrick would love for Caleb to backdoor Frankie. He knows Frankie wins comps and doesn't want it to come down to both of them in the Final 3. Plus Derrick has Cody and Cody has Christine. Derrick has Victoria, so if Nicole wins veto, Frankie is the only one out of Derrick's web of control. When it gets down to so few people, competition skill matters more.

I still think Nicole needs to win veto for Derrick to seriously pursue this though.

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I just saw Donny's exit interview with Jeff Schroeder. I love that Jeff loves Donny. Donny is so genuine & so smart that he actually made me smile in the interview. Donny was so funny watching his time capsule that he did before entering the house. He's the real deal & you could tell that Jeff just wanted to hug him to death. They only thing that annoyed me was that Donny wouldn't say who he would have put on the block if he had won HOH (boxing) and, we so polite about it. It sounded like he was talking about Derrick & Frankie but I'm not entirely sure. I miss Donny already.

  • Love 1

I just saw Donny's exit interview with Jeff Schroeder. I love that Jeff loves Donny. Donny is so genuine & so smart that he actually made me smile in the interview. Donny was so funny watching his time capsule that he did before entering the house. He's the real deal & you could tell that Jeff just wanted to hug him to death. They only thing that annoyed me was that Donny wouldn't say who he would have put on the block if he had won HOH (boxing) and, we so polite about it. It sounded like he was talking about Derrick & Frankie but I'm not entirely sure. I miss Donny already.


That bugged me too.  He was unsure of the rules on that and Jeff almost talked him into it but Jeff then backed off said, its okay you dont have to telll!!!  ARG!  Any other interviewer would have explained that it was okay to say anything now. 

Derrick setting up for post Veto...if Nicole or Christine comes down, Frankie goes up. word game playing batting possibilities around. Possibly either Christine or Frankie go home.




Got that from FORT.  Maybe, just maybe. 

Frankie: "I'm the first man in drag that 90% of the viewers of this show have seen." #BB1





This kid is too much.  Time to go.

I hope it's a "how much do you want it" comp. Caleb will take prizes. Nicole would take punishments. At least I hope she would!!!



What is the advantage to taking punishments?  I cannot remember this comp.

  • Love 2

While none of the hgs smoked, both Donny and Caleb are/were tobacco chewers although they had to agree not to spit while in the house.

What did Donny do with it then? Swallow it? I know nothing about chewing tobacco, but that seems so nasty!

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be snarky just genuinely asking, are we not supposed to discuss things more than once?

ETA: BTW that is my favorite Snapple tea so I like your SN. :)

Oh no, I was just saying that n case anyone was like why is she going on about Derrick being an asshole to Donny again because I feel like that's in like every post I make LOL! And now I'm craving a peach mangosteen Snapple, dammit!

I don't think the POV will be prizes/punishments since they already did punishments for a BOB. I really hope it is though because that'd be good for Nicole.

Edited by peachmangosteen

What is the advantage to taking punishments?  I cannot remember this comp.

I think it's been done a few different ways, but sometimes you get a certain # of points by buzzing in first, more points for punishments, less points or negative points for prizes.  First person to a certain number of points wins.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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They saved alcohol & Cody, Frankie & Vic are drinking tonight. Chris about Victoria "Please don't make love to Victoria tonight, she's feisty"

Frankie "I think you should both double team her. I think you guys should take all her virginities in one night."
Caleb mentions blood everywhere.
Derrick "her father is watching, literally cringing. I don't know what I would do. I'd break the computer and instantly regret it." He acts it out "Dammit ...why did i just do that!"

Fucking disgusting.

  • Love 1

They saved alcohol & Cody, Frankie & Vic are drinking tonight. Chris about Victoria "Please don't make love to Victoria tonight, she's feisty"

Frankie "I think you should both double team her. I think you guys should take all her virginities in one night."

Caleb mentions blood everywhere.

Derrick "her father is watching, literally cringing. I don't know what I would do. I'd break the computer and instantly regret it." He acts it out "Dammit ...why did i just do that!"

Fucking disgusting.

This is disgusting.

  • Love 5

Frankie: "I'm the first man in drag that 90% of the viewers of this show have seen." #BB1


What a tool. It's not that shocking to see a dude in a dress. Hell, I'm watching a music channel right now that just showed Foo Fighters "Learn to Fly" video, where the lead singer dresses up in at least two different dresses and that was from back in the '99. (I feel old now.) Does he think no one's ever seen To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar?  It was all over television when Patrick Swayze died. Only 10% of BB viewers know who RuPaul is? Or any of the other instances that were mentioned earlier in the thread?


It's funny, because I consider Caleb to be about as egotistical and full of himself as Frankie. But with Caleb, it comes off as funny and ridiculous when he makes claims about all the NFL players he has "in his phone" or the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader he talks to on Facebook. But when Frankie starts making egotistical claims, it comes off as skeevy and disgusting to me. Maybe it's because Caleb seems to believe it and is comfortable with it, while Frankie seems desperate and wants the attention so bad. I don't know.


Either way, he's a tool. All the guys left in the house are tools in one way or another. Go Victoria, win it all!




They saved alcohol & Cody, Frankie & Vic are drinking tonight. Chris about Victoria "Please don't make love to Victoria tonight, she's feisty"

Frankie "I think you should both double team her. I think you guys should take all her virginities in one night."

Caleb mentions blood everywhere.

Derrick "her father is watching, literally cringing. I don't know what I would do. I'd break the computer and instantly regret it." He acts it out "Dammit ...why did i just do that!"

Fucking disgusting.


I don't even have words for how wrong that is. Disgusting. Also, kinda makes me flash back to last season. Weren't there a lot of tasteless rape "jokes" last year?

Edited by Callaphera
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