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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I can't respect Donny as a player, he's gonna be sour that he got outplayed by Derrick s so he's going to campaign for Frankie?


Donnie talked about this strategy several times, and has used it in a few different ways.  He said he'd tell X person he'd vote for Y person if he's in jury, to get them a) thinking about NOT taking that person to the end and/or  b) to get them thinking about what they are doing and how it will affect them jury wise and/or c) to keep him in, not want him in jury and/or d) to stir the pot.



I just can't get onboard the Donny love train because I respect the guy's brain too much to think that he couldn't have done anything to form an alliance if he had really wanted to


I think Donnie did try.  Several times.  A few different ways.  And some of them nearly worked...  but it always came back to the numbers man Derrick (with all his little minion puppets telling him everything), and the famewhore Frankie (poised to stab or spew venom lies), in my opinion.  I state reluctantly that Derrick is playing the best game.  But I don't for a moment think he'd have fared this well with regular HOH set-up (Nor would the large alliance). Or with a group of people as astute as Donny.  So I don't really respect Derrick's game.



I think he's smart enough to have kept TA in the back of his mind and thought he'd be relatively safe since he knew the other two were pretty much running the house but he got upset when he kept going on the block without even thinking that they didn't get rid of him even though they could have. Did he realistically expect that TA would never put him on the block?


I was really disappointed by this whole TA thing in general.  By that point, Donny saw it as a real possibility for a good alliance, he was hopeful, and excited and honored to be chosen by America.  However, Derrick and Frankie were already in cahoots and working behind the scenes and as soon as the little yay, TA, rah, rah we will stick together was over, the two of them split off alone and basically decided it was them two vs. Donnie, they'd run it together and just tell him what was necessary.  SMH   That was a missed opportunity, not just for Donnie, but for the two of them as well. 



He should have known that by growing that stupid beard and being the oldest one in the house he would be a target.


It is always more difficult every year for the oldest HG's.  However, I do tire of hearing this about his beard.  It is known that he did want to shave before he came on the show and they wouldn't let him.  Blame casting, not Donnie.  He has also wanted to shave, and even trim it up since being in the house, and they tell him no. Not that having a beard should make anyone a target in the first place, I think its rather silly.   I, for one, happen to like a man with facial hair.  But I'd be after him to keep it clean, neat and trim! 


At this point I just want to see anyone but Frankie, Derrick or Christine to win.  If Derrick makes it to F2, he will win.  I'll admit to being petty and just not wanting to see him there.

  • Love 8


He should have known that by growing that stupid beard and being the oldest one in the house he would be a target.

I don't see why that would make him a target, especially since having crazy facial hair seems to be all the rage with young guys these days. I work in the same building as a junior college, and I've seen handlebar mustaches, Abe Lincoln beards (no mustache), and full on Grizzly Adams beards - all on young guys. I think Donny's primary downfall has been the dual HOH twist.

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I don't really care who Donny votes for in the end, because I don't want to see anyone else win other than him or possibly Nicole if she can make a big enough recovery. I just want to see Derrick screwed over royally because, as others have stated, if there were other functioning brains in that house who had worked with Donny in the beginning, Derrick would've been done early on.


And quite frankly, Donny can vote for whomever he wants at the end for any reason he wants to. He wants to vote based on game play? Fine. On who he likes better or who he thinks can use the 500K better? Fine. Just to be arbitrary? Fine. If someone doesn't vote for player X at the end, it's player X's fault.


I will admit (even though I'm sure it won't happen) that I think there's some potential after this week for Derrick's game to be exposed once people in the Cult of Derrick start going on the block over him. Big Brother is not Survivor. Once the hamsters are on the block, they've still got a few days to campaign, scorch earth, make deals and drag names through the mud before they are voted out.

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I have no strong opinions about who wins.   I do hope they award fan favorite this season because I would love to see Donny get that.  The money, support and love would be grand for him. 


I will admit (even though I'm sure it won't happen) that I think there's some potential after this week for Derrick's game to be exposed once people in the Cult of Derrick start going on the block over him. Big Brother is not Survivor. Once the hamsters are on the block, they've still got a few days to campaign, scorch earth, make deals and drag names through the mud before they are voted out.


I think this could very well happen!  It could get interesting.  

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I wonder if Derrick was married or dating his wife when he worked undercover? If so she had to have been able to deal with him possibly getting close to other women for his "job". There was a big controversy when it was know that our local police force undercover units were allowed to use department funds to pay for prostitution services in the course of their "work", I realize they have to be able to blend in but I had no idea it went as far as having sex with prostitutes. If Derrick and his wife were together then I am sure they had to have had a discussion about him acting like a single man during that time.

I think the whole point of this game is to screw everyone over and still manage to find a way to make them want to vote for you. If in the end Donny or anyone else doesn't want to vote for Derrick, for any reason, it just means he didn't play the best game.

That's the game in a nutshell. Right now, I could see the jury voting for Cody since they like him. But, of course, you never knows what goes on in their minds.

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Almost forgot, there was a discussion of the height of the HG's one day here, something about them seeming short. I saw a picture of a chubby Derrick on another site standing next to Pauly D from Jersey Shore, the internet tells me that Pauly D is 6ft and he appeared to come up to Derrick's eye, hard to tell with Pauly D's hair though. I would put Derrick at about 6'4" or 5", pretty tall.

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I think the whole point of this game is to screw everyone over and still manage to find a way to make them want to vote for you


over the person sitting next to you. 


I had to add that because the jury doesn't have to like you, they just have to dislike you less than your Final 2 mate.

  • Love 7
I was really disappointed by this whole TA thing in general.  By that point, Donny saw it as a real possibility for a good alliance, he was hopeful, and excited and honored to be chosen by America.  However, Derrick and Frankie were already in cahoots and working behind the scenes and as soon as the little yay, TA, rah, rah we will stick together was over, the two of them split off alone and basically decided it was them two vs. Donnie, they'd run it together and just tell him what was necessary.  SMH   That was a missed opportunity, not just for Donnie, but for the two of them as well.​



I agree - Donny was really happy to be chosen for TA, and thought that it would be his main alliance going forward.  I was hopeful for that too, because Donny had had trouble making any real inroads in any other alliance.  The three of them working together until the end would have been interesting, especially if they kept their alliance a secret and the rest of the house had no idea what was going on.  Alas, instead, we got this boring mess.  I wish I had some inkling of why Derrick and Frankie were so adverse to Donny.  

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Yeah, as soon as Derrick realized he couldn't snow Donny like he could everyone else, the writing was on the wall. If Grodner really wanted TA to be a thing, she should have dangled an extra, large-ish cash bonus if all three of them made F4, on top of whatever else they might win or earn from TA missions (1st, 2nd, or if there's America's Favorite.) Derrick would have jumped at the chance to put an extra $20K of food in his daughter's mouth.

  • Love 4

Devin's 6'2", I thought Derrick was shorter than him but could be wrong. I think the issue is that the three of them are smart enough to recognize how smart the other two are but Derrick and Frankie still play the bs game with each other and act friendly even if they're targeting each other.


Donny can vote for whoever he wants, it's his right and I can still think it's sour grapes.

Yeah, as soon as Derrick realized he couldn't snow Donny like he could everyone else, the writing was on the wall. If Grodner really wanted TA to be a thing, she should have dangled an extra, large-ish cash bonus if all three of them made F4, on top of whatever else they might win or earn from TA missions (1st, 2nd, or if there's America's Favorite.) Derrick would have jumped at the chance to put an extra $20K of food in his daughter's mouth.



Derrick never tried to snow Donny.  He ingored him until last week when Donny called him out to the other HGs. 

  • Love 1

He didn't actually have to try to snow him to realize Donny was too smart to fall for his schtick. All he had to do was observe his commentary and behavior around others.  And Frankie strikes me as the type to dismiss anyone over 35 (even though he looks like he could be older than that himself, he's so rough).

Edited by Pixel
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Wed 9:53 AM BBT Donny mounts the elliptical for his morning exercising

This or something virtually identical has been a staple of the morning routine for months now - but today it just popped into my mind to wonder: how does the elliptical feel about this arrangement?


Poor EM.  But I'm sure Donny cleans up when he's done.  Gotta find some enjoyment and satisfaction somewhere in that whole house.  A guy can get pretty lonely, ya know?

  • Love 1

I often wonder what would have happened if America chose someone other than Derrick or Frankie to be part of TA? Cody? Caleb? Christine?

I think America got it wrong this time.


It wouldn't matter.  TA means nothing really.  They do a few pranks but have no advantage in the house.  I wish they would do away with that.  Donny is not still there because he is TA.  

I often wonder what would have happened if America chose someone other than Derrick or Frankie to be part of TA? Cody? Caleb? Christine?

I think America got it wrong this time.

They 100 percent got it wrong. I also think they should of waited a week or two after maybe 3 or 4 episodes before we voted so at least we would of gotten to know some people. I had wished that Donny, Zach and Nicole formed something and worked together. So that would of been my pick for TA. Possibly with Hayden. Edited by SiobhanJW
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It wouldn't matter.  TA means nothing really.  They do a few pranks but have no advantage in the house.  I wish they would do away with that.  Donny is not still there because he is TA.

I think TA has helped Donny I think he would of gone were Nicole went. I also think it has helped Derrick/Frankie it made those two stick together. I think without it they both would have gone against each other.

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And quite frankly, Donny can vote for whomever he wants at the end for any reason he wants to. He wants to vote based on game play? Fine. On who he likes better or who he thinks can use the 500K better? Fine. Just to be arbitrary? Fine. If someone doesn't vote for player X at the end, it's player X's fault.

This is how I've always felt. This isn't the Olympics, where there are set criteria for who "deserves" to win and no one is entitled to any votes the jury members don't feel like giving them. If I were on one of these type of shows, I wouldn't feel obligated to vote for whoever played "the best game" as defined by whomever. If someone I really liked or admired were in F2, I would definitely vote for them over someone I hated. It seems ridiculous to me to do otherwise. If I believed that one finalist was going to use the money to, say, build schools in Africa and the other was going to, say, use it as seed money for an illegal OxyContin operation, I'd vote for the one whose aims were more noble. There are multiple layers to the game and that's the whole point (to me). With that being said, I also believe that viewers/whoever are entitled to judge jury members' rationales for their votes as they see fit.

  • Love 6
Pauly D is 6ft and he appeared to come up to Derrick's eye, hard to tell with Pauly D's hair though. I would put Derrick at about 6'4" or 5", pretty tall.

I think Pauly D is lying about his height :-) I don't think there's any way that Derrick is 6'4" or 6'5". I'd say at the very tallest he's 6' and is probably more like 5'10". My guess is that the avg height for the other guys in the house besides Devin is between 5'6" and 5'8" or 5'9"  You can tell that Frankie and Caleb are on the short side and the other guys aren't much taller than they are.


  • Love 1



2:56 PM Frankie fills Derrick in about his Donny convo. Derr "you did try, it's not as if you're lying to him." They start joking about how people aren't who they said they are... Donny is extremely intelligent, Mccrae was a pizza boy but still game smart. Frankie has studied biology but will never use it. He could go to med school if he wanted. Derrick "I hated med school" Frankie laughs "was that before or after you were an international spy? M6?" Derr "I got bored" they laugh

I don't know why I keep letting it get to me, but I freaking cannot stand these two! No one buys your BS about being on TA and having Donny's back. Just say that you want him out without all this "oh we tried" crap.

  • Love 4

I respect when people play the game. My issue is when people throw pity parties for themselves about being lonely or getting sour because they got outplayed. I like that Donny is using TA as a way to try to save himself, he should have done so IMO from the beginning. 



And quite frankly, Donny can vote for whomever he wants at the end for any reason he wants to. He wants to vote based on game play? Fine. On who he likes better or who he thinks can use the 500K better? Fine. Just to be arbitrary? Fine. If someone doesn't vote for player X at the end, it's player X's fault.


This is my same point in regards to Donny being targeted, feeling alone, etc... at the end of the day it's his fault IMO. The same way he can vote for whoever, for whatever reason is the same as to why others don't have to play with him and/or include him in their alliance.


I don't even like Derrick but I respect that he showed up to play. Do I like/agree with what he does? No, I do not. If this were a different game where lying/manipulation are not utilized, I would be bashing him left and right. I guess my main issue is that nobody gave Derrick competition and I had high hopes at the beginning that Donny would have gotten the other half of the house in an alliance and we would have had a real entertaining show with two smart players going at it.

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Tue 10:21 PM BBT Derrick/Cody to us: Make a picture of the "Hitmen" and tweet to us. We'll make t-shirts of the best one and send you a signed one! NT - ruudii2


I never understood, until last night, just how in love with themselves and just how important having fans is to Derrick/Cody.  Derrick was the ring leader in this one, but they chased Victoria out of the room, then Derrick got up in the camera and challenged joker's and hamsters posters to design a T-shirt for them and they'd pick a winner.


It really came across, especially from Derrick, that they thought they were going to be famous (like Dr. Will, Janelle, Dan level famous) when they get out.  That they expect a level of fan girling/boying, that is insulting, as their due.  And that they would put these fans to work and one of them would be lucky enough to get a t shirt and an autograph.  I came away thinking that he had a ton of gall and that I hope he and Cody are rapidly disabused of the notion.

I know, I guess I shouldn't hope to be entertained when watching this show. I should know better.


I understand your frustration with Donny and all the love for him exaserbates it.   The very premise of this show is to play the damn game.  And he didn't.  I get that.  I like the guy and wish he would have been more aggressive from the start knowing he came in at a huge disadvantage.  He didn't fight to create/join an alliance.  Fucking annoying.  He is a hick with a beard and if he recognized that as a huge disadvantage he needed to have a plan.  He never watched the feeds.  Kiss of death.


I love the guy, I really do.  I would like to see him go this week and see Nicole win HOH.  Donny cannot do that.  Well, the odds are low. 


Go Nicole and Donny I want you to get fan favorite.  I just do not see Donny being able to pull anything out this late in the game. 

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Every year their egos get the best of them. Derrick, Frankie and Caleb. Their grandiose egos will provide some good entertainment. Once the game is over, reality will set in with these famewhores.

It will be hilarious if after all is said and done, Donny and Zach become famous. The rest forgotten. And Frankie becomes what's her face's brother.

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Let's not rule out some action and drama when faced with eating themselves.  I have not dismissed this season as a total loss yet.  Yeah, there is no strategist here that I can root for but that will not stop me checking the pulse in the hopes that something interesting will happen.  Donny has to go on Thursday and give Nicole a shot at HOH.  Come on, girl!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, if only that could happen.  Come on producers, give Nichole that shot.  Please! 

Edited by wings707
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I don't think it's so far fetched to believe both Donny and Zach will be the most popular. This is really the first year I have had two favorites. I usually like one houseguest at the end, but not in the past several years. So, I realize both Zach and Donny didn't have the best game play, but they both sure entertained me. I sure hope Nicole can win the next HOH and make some shifts in this boring season.

Edited by Sammich63
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I also think they should of waited a week or two after maybe 3 or 4 episodes before we voted so at least we would of gotten to know some people.

So much this.  I hate to admit it now, given how much I dislike him, but I voted once or twice for Derrick, as well as Donny.  Because he seemed like a grownup and likable.   Within a week or so of the creation of TA I was wishing there was a way to force a recall election. 

  • Love 4

I don't think it's so far fetched to believe both Donny and Zach will be the most popular. This is really the first year I have had two favorites. I usually like one houseguest at the end, but not in the past several years. So, I realize both Zach and Donny didn't have the best game play, but they both sure entertained me. I sure hope Nicole can win the next HOH and make some shifts in this boring season.

Agreed. If they decide not to let anyone in TA win Americas favorite then Zach will most definitely win. But if he is still allowed then I say it's a toss up. But out of everyone Zach most definitely entertained me the most this season.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Derrick was married or dating his wife when he worked undercover? If so she had to have been able to deal with him possibly getting close to other women for his "job". There was a big controversy when it was know that our local police force undercover units were allowed to use department funds to pay for prostitution services in the course of their "work", I realize they have to be able to blend in but I had no idea it went as far as having sex with prostitutes. If Derrick and his wife were together then I am sure they had to have had a discussion about him acting like a single man during that time.

Derrick joined the Central Falls PD on 11/24/04, made Detective on 1/6/09, married Jana on 4/30/11, and was promoted to Sergeant on 3/9/12. IIRC, the promotion to Sergeant came shortly after a big bust (after which he was pretty much burned for undercover work) - so yeah, it probably had been a topic of discussion between them.

All these weeks later, and I'm still at a loss with what happened with the whole Frankie thing - one minute he's public enemy #1, the whole house wants him gone, Caleb's throwing comps, etc., then after one night of showboating, preening, and exploiting his sister and dead grandfather - he's just golden. 


Everyone said it made no difference, and recognized it as a 'Hail Mary' game move / manipulation - plus he's the producers' pet / stunt cast member, he's good at comps AND he has a voting army (should America be allowed to influence the game in any way (e.g., coup d'etat), yet there he sits. 


I really don't understand how he's managed to ingratiate himself to everyone from that point in the game. I get that there have been 'bigger targets'), but why do people genuinely trust him again and leave him in the house?  Unless Nicole wins HOH, he's not even in danger of going home NEXT week, is he?  I just wonder what I missed in those crucial days after his solo BOB win...does anyone understand how or why this worm turned?  

Edited by lyric
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At this point I just want to see anyone but Frankie, Derrick or Christine to win.  If Derrick makes it to F2, he will win.  I'll admit to being petty and just not wanting to see him there.


That's where I am, too. Honestly all I really want is for Derrick and Frankie to be evicted. That's literally all I care about now.


And quite frankly, Donny can vote for whomever he wants at the end for any reason he wants to. He wants to vote based on game play? Fine. On who he likes better or who he thinks can use the 500K better? Fine. Just to be arbitrary? Fine. If someone doesn't vote for player X at the end, it's player X's fault.




I have no strong opinions about who wins.   I do hope they award fan favorite this season because I would love to see Donny get that.  The money, support and love would be grand for him. 


I think Zach probably has a bigger shot at getting it. For one, the show seems to be trying to sell a "Donny hates America' edit. Also, Zach's fans seem much more vocal and organized than Donny's.


Derrick never tried to snow Donny.  He ingored him until last week when Donny called him out to the other HGs. 


I sincerely beg to differ. Derrick has been trying to snow Donny in every convo he has with him. He still tries! It's really embarrassing because we know he knows Donny knows (lol) that he is lying.


Really? But I was hoping the ants would overtake them all. I think that's a good thing to hope for.


I think this is probably a great thing to hope for because it may very well happen. Definitely more of a chance of it than of Derrick not winning!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3


Derrick joined the Central Falls PD on 11/24/04, made Detective on 1/6/09, married Jana on 4/30/11, and was promoted to Sergeant on 3/9/12. IIRC, the promotion to Sergeant came shortly after a big bust (after which he was pretty much burned for undercover work) - so yeah, it probably had been a topic of discussion between them.

What did Derrick do that prevented him for undercover work? Also, I think I heard him say on the feeds that they've been together since college.

I know Derrick killed someone, so maybe that was in the media and it prevented him from doing undercover anymore. And of course now he couldn't possibly!


Excerpt from Cody's HOH Blog:


Dad if you read this can you please get me a tank with Hit-men on the front and Calzone on the upper back and get one for Derrick with D-Rack on the back, classic.


I am literally so embarrassed by this kid.



Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12

I think Pauly D is lying about his height :-) I don't think there's any way that Derrick is 6'4" or 6'5". I'd say at the very tallest he's 6' and is probably more like 5'10". My guess is that the avg height for the other guys in the house besides Devin is between 5'6" and 5'8" or 5'9"  You can tell that Frankie and Caleb are on the short side and the other guys aren't much taller than they are.

You may be right, actually. A second internet search gives me several heights from 5'8" to 6'1" for Pauly D. Who knows?

Picture link for anyone interested: http://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/derrick-levasseur-twitter.jpg?w=640

Also saw mention of Derrick going to college on a basketball scholarship, has he talked about that before?

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