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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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But people don't run in a track meet for 75+ days straight cooped up in a house with nothing else to do but conspire against the other runners. 


I agree it would be nice if this didn't happen year after year where one person is seriously vilified because they decide to play their own game. I can't remember the last time someone was self-aware enough to even say "you know what? They're just playing the game. He/She's still cool, no need to get upset over it when you think about it" and stick up for someone even if they aren't aligned with them. That I would like to see, just once. Or even someone to come out of the house and publicly say "hey [so-and-so], I can't believe how poorly I treated you. I'm sorry and ashamed."



Last year June tried desperately to set the stage for this and failed.  I am not sure it is possible. 

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Also, Victoria is getting feisty. She was calling Donny a big weirdo and for him to give it up because "he's not flipping shit" When she heard he doesn't want to go to the finale party, she said nobody wants him there anyway. Oh Victoria, if you only knew how bad the others are coming off, you wouldn't be trying to mimic them.

I find this really sad and disgusting. They are so childish. Anyone not exactly like them or doesn't agree with them 100% must be shunned and ridiculed.

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The sad thing for me about this year's shunning and vilifying is that Donny seems to be very hurt by it. I know it must be embarrassing and lonely for him but having watched many seasons, I would hope he understands that this type of thing is not unusual for BB. One of the things Donny has said a few times that I wish had been repeated to the larger group when they compared notes is how do they think the audience judges six young healthy people ganging up on a 40-something guy with no allies or friends in the house. Even if they made fun of it or whatever, it could possibly bother a few people who are more concerned with fame.

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She's gonna start wearing Cody's clothes, staring at him while he sleeps, and pull off her own version of the bananickle, isn't she?  


Oh Crazy Christine.  You keep keeping on.  (its soooo funny!)

Good thing Cody didn't bring *his* bunny slippers into the House. Although the razor he uses on his legs might be in jeopardy....

Heck, it's not even just the folks in the house that get vindictive towards other HGs at this point in the game; fans do too! If fans can get so focussed on hating the enemy of their rooting interest while living outside the house, imagine the pressure these guys are under within the house living together in a vacuum.

I don't excuse any of the behavior, but I understand how it happens. Group think is a terrible thing---we have learned this lesson over and over in the real world. And yet, it seems when circumstances allow it, within a show or in the real world, it just creeps in over, and over, and over.

Preach! I usually give up reading the feeds because it gets so nasty every year with the hate and martyrdom of contestants so I accept and give a lot of leeway to those stuck in the house. I always say I want to be on this show so bad but I know I would probably physically hurt someone for chewing with their mouth open after about 3 weeks.

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I am tired of the physical competitions posing as endurance. They should do a how bad do you want it straight endurance challenge. Stand on stumps, keep your finger on a button, etc. Something without a dumb set and water cannon!


I would love them to bring back the Pressure Cooker comp. Donny would kill it!


The strong women do not necessarily win but they do play the game.  Men dominating is more a condition of our society. 


True, society is to blame, but AG is, too. Her fave is always the buff douchebag and she will stop at nothing to make sure they last as long as possible.


Edited by peachmangosteen
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Christine said that Cody is the most interesting man she has ever met.

I think we need her definition of interesting. Of the men left, Cody is the least interesting. I still like him because I think he is a nice person although a little vacant and unsure. But the other men, some of whom I dislike intensely, are far more "interesting" even if just from a psychological viewpoint.

And she made him a heart? Yeah, she definitely has a big crush on him. She is really going to miss him and the feel of his body. I also wonder about her religion. She said early on she thought she would be the "Christian girl" on the show. But then that was Jocasta. We don't see her reading the bible or praying or saying anything remotely connected with religio except referencing her pastor. I realize that we don't know if she has an inner dialog or what she is thinking. I don't think religious people have to make a display of their religion, but Victoria talks more about religion than Christine does.

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First time posting- You guys do an awesome job here...few thoughts....it does seem that last year had an impact on this year...they appear to catch themselves when they start to say someting biased- and I really notice this year how much they talk about presumed fame and watch the cameras - especially Frankie- last night he plopped on the sofa right in camera, looked up to be sure and winked- bleh.  I also notice he always sits at the table where the camera is focused on him....bleh, again.  If just feels like there was some sort of pre planned followe Frankie as much as possible before it even started this year- imho....He sure does make it easy not to like him....as for Donny- such a pleasant addition this year....then, Derrick- I guess I am a minority here becasue he is playing the game-and doing a pretty good job of it....the rest of them, with the exception of Donny, are just followers, wanna bees.....I sure do hope there is someone in Christines life that will sit her down and have a good talk with her when she gets home...Victoria needs to go home and get back in that bubble she lives in.....Zach- hope he comes back tonight!  Feels like perhaps he has been, well, medicated this week.....not cool if that is what they did.

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Jacsamic, you are not alone.  I think Derrick is playing a good game, too.  I don't have a problem with him winning.  I would perfer Donny but I am not sure the jury would vote for him above anyone else since he has not been doing anything until the past 2 days.  And they see his play as evil.  rolls eyes 

I feel for Donny particularly because as a 47 year old woman, I'm sure I'd be dismissed by the HG's in the same way if I was in his place.  So, yeah, I'm empathizing with him a lot.  


I do hope he reconsiders the finale. Everyone who left the house before him made it a point to say how much they loved Donny.  I hope Nicole and Hayden remind him of that.

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First time posting- You guys do an awesome job here...few thoughts....it does seem that last year had an impact on this year...they appear to catch themselves when they start to say someting biased- and I really notice this year how much they talk about presumed fame and watch the cameras - especially Frankie- last night he plopped on the sofa right in camera, looked up to be sure and winked- bleh. I also notice he always sits at the table where the camera is focused on him....bleh, again. If just feels like there was some sort of pre planned followe Frankie as much as possible before it even started this year- imho....He sure does make it easy not to like him....as for Donny- such a pleasant addition this year....then, Derrick- I guess I am a minority here becasue he is playing the game-and doing a pretty good job of it....the rest of them, with the exception of Donny, are just followers, wanna bees.....I sure do hope there is someone in Christines life that will sit her down and have a good talk with her when she gets home...Victoria needs to go home and get back in that bubble she lives in.....Zach- hope he comes back tonight! Feels like perhaps he has been, well, medicated this week.....not cool if that is what they did.

Hello!! Welcome!!

I think that most people think Derrick is playing a great game, but are just frustrated that no one is actually challenging that except Donny who makes comments and everyone just kinda scoffs it off.

Victoria is useless in this game. Kathy Griffins Zing was dead on!

I actually think this week is exactly how Zach is in real life. He was clearly playing an over the top character, or at least magnifying his personality ten fold. Both Frankie and Derrick even said the same thing the other day that this this seems to be the real Zach and they like it.

And just a shallow note, did anyone see what he is planning on wearing when he gets evicted tonight can we say HOT! I was fanning myself!! He wants to give Julie a flower!! He seems so calm and relaxed about it. They all thought he would go crazy.

Did anybody else get the impression the Zingbot episode must've been severely edited? From the hamsters' comments I had the impression Christine got nailed to the wall at least two or three times; all that aired, however, was the one "glasses" crack and the zing on Cody. Anybody else think those zings were a little too tame to keep someone in tears about them for hours afterward? I think we got gypped. :)

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Derrick- I guess I am a minority here becasue he is playing the game-and doing a pretty good job of it.

I think every single viewer agrees that Derrick is playing the best game. There's really no way to deny it. I wish there was because I hate him and don't consider him a great player, but at the end of the day it is what it is!


Zach... Feels like perhaps he has been, well, medicated this week.....not cool if that is what they did.

Well, he said he normally takes medication and decided not to for this show. I'm starting to think that is actually true and that the past couple weeks he started taking it again because he really is so much calmer. But it might be because he really does seem sad about Frankie.

I think Donny will absolutely go to the finale party. Honestly, once the season is over, all these people will be cordial and friendly to each, most likely. Sadly for me! I want them to rip each other apart on Twitter! In particular, I really wish Zach would drop Frankie like a hot potato, but he actually likes him, for reasons I literally can not fathom.

@Nashville yea they definitely heavily edit the Zingobot eps every year. This season, everyone got at least two zings, one from Kathy and one from Zingbot, but they only showed one for each.

Edited by peachmangosteen


"Did anybody else get the impression the Zingbot episode must've been severely edited? From the hamsters' comments I had the impression Christine got nailed to the wall at least two or three times; all that aired, however, was the one "glasses" crack and the zing on Cody. Anybody else think those zings were a little too tame to keep someone in tears about them for hours afterward? I think we got gypped. :)"


Yes!  We got gypped!  I never watch the 'show' and did this time just to see it....

@Nashville yea they definitely heavily edit the Zingobot eps every year. This season, everyone got at least two zings, one from Kathy and one from Zingbot, but they only showed one for each.

Yeah, and for Christine - Christine of all people, who (to borrow a line from the late great Robin Williams) is just screaming out to be made fun of - we get a GLASSES joke???

I repeat - GYPPED. :)

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Tim posted on twitter that someone was on Reddit pretending to be him so might not be him unless he did that after.


Of course there's a right way to talk and Christine's obviously an expert.


ETA: Cody is interesting? Really? All he does is sleep, cuddle, misuse "literally", sound like a dumbass and report to Derrick. 

Edited by willpwr
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I hope that tonight when the jurors come into the house they literally shun everyone and run straight to Donny and just shower him with hugs. It's be both adorable and hilarious.


I'm still holding onto hope that they're bringing back 2. If they only bring back 1 then there won't be another DE and there's been 2 DEs a season since BB12. Not to mention the fact that they are always the highest rated eps and I can't see them giving that up. However, Julie and the announcer guy both said 1, so I don't even know! Maybe they'll do a reset again? That would save Zach and allow them to do another DE. But Zach is just a number for Derrick, dammit! But at least if he got HOH he most likely wouldn't put up Donny, so it's not the worst thing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Thanks njbarmaid. Boy, Frankie is looking old in that picture, almost haggard, with his eyes sunken in like that.


ETA:  Ya know?  It occurs to me that for a self-professed "cutie pie" like Frankie, being called old and haggard would be horrifying. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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Since the jurors will be coming back tonight, I almost wish it was another night. I'd like to see Zach interviewed by Julie and the HG hear the applause.

Of course if Donny wins the HOH, the applause will be deafening. I'd like Derrick and crew to hear that.

Here's hoping the returning HG helps flip the house. Doubt it. So just meh about it.

Since the jurors will be coming back tonight, I almost wish it was another night. I'd like to see Zach interviewed by Julie and the HG hear the applause.

Of course if Donny wins the HOH, the applause will be deafening. I'd like Derrick and crew to hear that.

Here's hoping the returning HG helps flip the house. Doubt it. So just meh about it.

He will be interviewed by Julie. They will do the Eviction and then interview him. Then I'm sure tell him that he is going to be playing to go back in . It will go to commercial and we will then be shown footage from the Jury house and then they will prolly bring the jurors back into the house, reunion with houseguests and then the competition.

I hated when "The Bomb Squad" all ran away from Donny in HOH. Frankie & Christine ran to the bathroom like little girls, Caleb puton the headphones & Derrick & Cody remained on the couch (no time for the to run) and, ignored him. I hate that they are being so obviously mean. I'm sure Derrick will have a nice spin on it when he gets evicted or wins. I hope Donny wins (he REALLY needs it) the next HOH.

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Donny said he was not going to go the the finale party.  That is sad.  Maybe production will talk him into it.  I believe the camera crew are there along with all the producers so he will not be alone. 



I think if he wins fan favorite he will attend the party and also when he realizes he will have friends there.  I think right now he is feeling downtrodden and disgusted and has no idea how much he is loved.  I think Julie usually announces the top fan favorites, so even if Zach does win,  I think Donny will be pleased to know he was right up there with him.


I rarely vote in these fan favorite things - but I did last year for Elissa and I will definitely with even more enthusiasm vote for Donny.  I thought I would detest the guy - not being a fan of Duck Dynasty -  and here he is my favorite house guest.  He reminds me of a Gomer Pyle-type character - the country boy with a heart of gold.  He had a very pretty girlfriend (on the show) too!


And since I just started posting here, after TWoP died (marie caroline there),  I want to extend grateful praise to the brilliant re-cappers and commentators here.  So nice to see so many names I remember and who I enjoyed reading for many years.

  • Love 10

Did anybody else get the impression the Zingbot episode must've been severely edited? From the hamsters' comments I had the impression Christine got nailed to the wall at least two or three times; all that aired, however, was the one "glasses" crack and the zing on Cody. Anybody else think those zings were a little too tame to keep someone in tears about them for hours afterward? I think we got gypped. :)

If anyone has a link to the complete list of zings, it would be much appreciated.


Yeah, and for Christine - Christine of all people, who (to borrow a line from the late great Robin Williams) is just screaming out to be made fun of - we get a GLASSES joke???

I repeat - GYPPED. :)

Are Christine's glasses even real? There doesn't seem to be any distortion behind the lenses. But at least her glasses actually have lenses in them, which is more than I can say for Derrick's annoying hipstergirl plastic frames that he probably bought at Urban Outfitters.

Edited by Orangepop


I think Donny will absolutely go to the finale party. Honestly, once the season is over, all these people will be cordial and friendly to each, most likely. Sadly for me! I want them to rip each other apart on Twitter! In particular, I really wish Zach would drop Frankie like a hot potato, but he actually likes him, for reasons I literally™ can not fathom.

I hope not Jessie from last season has been starting twitter fights with people from her cast  and looks pathetic.

Edited by choclatechip45

JACSAMIC, ON 21 AUG 2014 - 10:41 AM, SAID:

Zach... Feels like perhaps he has been, well, medicated this week.....not cool if that is what they did.

Well, he said he normally takes medication and decided not to for this show. I'm starting to think that is actually true and that the past couple weeks he started taking it again because he really is so much calmer. But it might be because he really does seem sad about Frankie.

I suspect Zach is subdued because he is in pain and being medicated for his busted eardrum. I think this may be part of why he's sleeping so much as well. 

I hope not Jessie from last season has been starting twitter fights with people from her cast  and looks pathetic.

Isn't Jessie the one they talked about raping? 


Isn't Jessie the one they talked about raping?

I thought Candice too? Jessie's twitter fights are more she hangs out with Judd/Female from her season. Both do something to piss her off so she takes to twitter it feels like i feel like it happens every month.

Edited by choclatechip45

I haven't really watched BB since the Will/Boogie season.  It's been a long time, and I mostly end up just watching it because there's not a lot else on TV in the summer.  I've forgotten a lot about the way people can and do act.  Last night before falling asleep I caught myself thinking, "But she swore on the bible!"  Good lord.


ETA good grief I need to read before posting...

Edited by Neeners

Victoria drives me nuts!  She piles on the makeup until her face has added an extra pound to her body weight.  She can't pass a reflective surface without checking out her reflection.  She wears a ton of hair extensions that cause headaches and bleeding scalp, and is happy to complain about that, but she won't take out the extensions; add another couple of pounds to her body weight.


She finds a nice sweater that Amber left behind and keeps it for herself, rather than let Zach deliver the sweater when he enters the Jury House. 


She opens the fridge and takes out what she wants, then leaves the door open while she goes to the Store Room to get other items; only closes the fridge door when she's done making her snack and ready to eat.  I don't think she's ever made a meal for anyone else, she's happy to show up for community meals someone else prepared, and then make private food for herself the rest of the time.  She thinks that washing her own dishes is gross and thinks nothing of leaving them for someone else to clean up. 


She constantly seeks validation from everyone else - she's a textbook case of "LOVE ME! LOVE ME!" syndrome.


And don't try to prank her with something only slightly scary.  She'll just start screaming over and over again, with the pitch getting higher each time, until someone else comes to her rescue.


Her parents should be ashamed to have raised such a useless, entitled princess.  I'll vomit if she gets the $50,000 second place prize.  Thanks Derrick.


Who am I kidding?  I'd hate to have anyone except Donny win the first place prize at this point.  If it were possible I'd want Amber to win second place because of Caleb stalking her and preventing her from ever getting a chance to really play.

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She finds a nice sweater that Amber left behind and keeps it for herself, rather than let Zach deliver the sweater when he enters the Jury House.

Amber is not in the jury house. It seems like Amber left a lot of stuff in the house. I know that sweater Zach has been wearing is also hers.  I wonder if she did it on purpose. I know Janelle left all her makeup in BB14 to the other female house guests on purpose.

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I feel like sometime over the years we have gone from hoping folks get zinged, and zinged hard, to hoping folks get destroyed by Zingbot's words.  Just my observation.

I'm not a monster.

I don't want to destroy anyone.

Very slight mortal wounds would be totally sufficient.

Isn't Jessie the one they talked about raping?

Not sure... I think Candice was the potential rape victim, while Jessie was the one whose dismembered corpse they were going to molest. Of course, I could have that wrong - that bunch threatened to go all Hammer Film on so many folks, it's hard to keep track.

Let me rephrase - it's difficult to keep track.

(Just that much of a recollection already has me going into I-despise-Amanda mode....)

  • Love 6


TexasChic:  Isn't Jessie the one they talked about raping?

Nashville:  Not sure... I think Candice was the potential rape victim, while Jessie was the one whose dismembered corpse they were going to molest. Of course, I could have that wrong




Ahh, rape jokes.....how I miss them.  Why can't we have them this year?   Because they are oh soo funny.   Yawn.

Edited by pennben

I've come to the conclusion that watching so many hours of these masticating cows who cannot eat anything without smacking loudly, especially Victoria and Frankie, has caused me to develop Misophonia - a condition that fills me with rage, disgust, hatred and panic when I hear normal, everyday sounds such as people eating.  Frankie was crinkling a bag of popcorn while he smacked away at every damn kernel for either 5 minutes or 5 hours, I'm not sure which, and I started to feel genuinely homicidal.



Funny you say that, just learned about this disorder a few weeks ago. Read the BBAD thread to hear how much I hate it and how much Frankie and Victoria pissed me off in the beginning with it.

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Are Christine's glasses even real? There doesn't seem to be any distortion behind the lenses. But at least her glasses actually have lenses in them, which is more than I can say for Derrick's annoying hipstergirl plastic frames that he probably bought at Urban Outfitters.


You can always tell who has bought "readers" because it makes their eyes so big. And I think I've noticed that with Christine.  Derek's looks hideous with the no-lenses. I thought he'd be mature enough to realize it looks stupid.


I hope not Jessie from last season has been starting twitter fights with people from her cast  and looks pathetic.


She is. All the time. I can't ever figure out what happened and who she hates this week.

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