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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Cody does seem to have moments where he sees clearly (usually prompted by Donny), but I think he doesn't have the energy or bravery to make a move for himself.  So he tries to convince himself that the alliance with Derrick is solid and the only way to go.



If he's truly confused and doesn't know what to do, staying with the one what brought him is the psychologically safer choice.  If Derrick stabs him in the back, he can say "I was betrayed."  If he turns on Derrick and it turns out Derrick was the good guy, then he's got to live with the regret of having thrown his whole game away at the last minute.


If you're going to lose anyway, better to be taken advantage of than be a traitor. 

  • Love 5

The saddest thing is that he said to himself that he's lost all his numbers, so he does know Donny is right. I don't know, he's just inept or something. Or too far up Derrick's ass to see straight.

I think Cody just doesn't want to admit Donny

Is right. In some part of his brain he has to have connected the dots. The thing with Cody is that he can't play or think for himself. That is why he has latched on to Derrick. Derrick thinks for him and protects him. It's sad. And he is an idiot.

I'm convince that the goal of the remaining except Derrick -- maybe Donny and Frankie - was just to make jury.

  • Love 3

One thing at play here is Cody wants to be one of the cool guys.  He wants to be with Derrick and Frankie because he gravitates to the power.  He wants to belong.  This is a problem for him stepping out and thinking for himself.  Going with the guy (Donny) who is seen as as a freak or not hip or not anything he wants to be associated with is distasteful to him.  He probably has always been a "popular" guy because of his looks and has not been required to show depth.  I don't even think winning and the money really has entered his mind. 

  • Love 6

Derrick has been very smooth, when he asks each of the guys "Has Donny been talking", which of course they fess up that he has. Derrick jumps on the fact that Donny is telling the guys the same thing and thusly Derrick removes any seed of doubt that Donny planted.


Or has he?  Truth has a way of prevailing.  It may take some time but certainly Derrick's smooth ways will come into question.  They will.  Maybe too late but it will ring at some point.  Hopefully with help from DR maybe sooner than later.

Edited by wings707
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Something I thought of with all of the discussion regarding Cody demonstrating that he is so stupid and weak.  I wonder if his employer is watching/reading this going "Wow, I literally employ this kid???  WTF"  Unlike Frankie, who has a job where being an idiot and publicly humiliating actually gets you likes and clicks, some of these other people have real jobs and real employers. 

Truth has a way of prevailing.  It may take some time but certainly Derrick's smooth ways will come into question.  They will.  Maybe too late but it will ring at some point.  Hopefully with help from DR maybe sooner than later.

Not necessarily. Derrick is crafty and manipulative in ways that give him pretty decent plausible deniability when the truth comes out. Frankie and Zach know that Derrick was involved in plots to get them out, but they both still like and trust him. Caleb knows that the Detonators were formed without him, but he doesn't believe it/thinks it doesn't matter. Nicole knew that Derrick betrayed his "alliance" with her and Hayden to vote Hayden out, but she blamed Frankie and Christine for it. I think Victoria will be upset when she gets out of the house and finds out that Derrick really was in all of these alliances without her, but I"m not sure that anyone else will really be mad at him even when they get out and find out "the whole truth." Even Vic probably won't be that upset if he takes her to F2 and she gets $50K. He'll say he was telling everyone that he was in all these alliances, but he was ultimately loyal to her. If Vic gets voted out before F2, it won't be directly/obviously at Derrick's hand. Same with Cody. If it comes to that, Derrick will probably get both of them to give him permission to vote them out because "it's what the house wants" and they don't want to mess up his game.


Of course, that's assuming that he can continue to orchestrate everything without getting any Blood on His Hands. He tends to manipulate the others in ways that make them think whatever he wants is their idea (or at least "the group's" idea) and, technically, he doesn't make anyone do anything. They choose to do what he just happens to want them to do. The Skittles meeting is a good example. Clearly, Derrick orchestrated that to save Victoria, but, even after watching the tape, no one will be able to say, "Derrick forced me to do that." They all agreed to it in an open meeting.

  • Love 4

I think that this would be a good time for Zach to campaign to Derrick. If he gets Derrick, then Caleb can be persuaded, and Donny will vote to save him.


He already offered his soldier services for Derrick's game for the next 48 hours. During this time, he could also try to sell Derrick on his value in place of Cody. At this point in the game, competitions matter more than ever, since there are fewer who can offer protection, veto use, etc. Cody has done nothing to show any competition prowess. His only win was with the help and ingenuity of Frankie, and it was passing eggs. Passing eggs. He wont be able to win crucial HOH or POV comps, putting the entire alliance at a disadvantage. Even Donny, who is double his age and probably 3 times less fit has won far more than him. 

In addition, he has a liability in Christine, and any (even small) potential that she might have to persuade him away from the fold. 


Z can offer both of those services. He isn't the best, but he is far more of a competition threat and thereby provider of protection for Derrick. In fact, for f2 purposes, I think Derrick could use Frankie/Zach to march thru rather than drag Cody and Victoria. The latter were good as a voting bloc during the culling phase, but dead weight now. Derrick can win against either of them F2. And most likely, no matter who wins the final 3 HOH, Derrick is going to the finale due to their inability to stay loyal to each other. Zach might honor the original F2, but that would be the only risk. If he did win and take Frankie (or vice versa-ha!) then I think it might be close but the "I don't believe in deserve philosophy" deservists in the jury will award the money to Zach. 


Might be a pitch he can make to save himself. All Derrick will have to do is plant some seed in Caleb's head about disloyalty from Cody to get his vote flipped. 

  • Love 2

Did Frankie really call Nicole the C word?

Mon 4:46 PM BBT Frankie/Christine jedi studying in BY. Frankie re: Nicole: "She was such a c*&t. Because she said 'You've got beastmode'" - AdamAndEvel

(This in regard to the BotB that Caleb tried to throw.)

Of course Jokers had the drawn out spelling so I claim editing on my part of the quote.


I"m not sure that anyone else will really be mad at him even when they get out and find out "the whole truth.

IRC unless a player is a real sleaze, there seems to be a tendency to admire a game well played.  Heh - I wonder if......... when Derrick, having been so stealthy throughout the game, is sitting in one of the final two chairs, he might not have a problem convincing the jury that he actually ran the game.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1
Heh - I wonder if......... when Derrick, having been so stealthy throughout the game, is sitting in one of the final two chairs, he might not have a problem convincing the jury that he actually ran the game.


I think he's done such a good job of convincing Caleb and Frankie that they are in control that he won't be able to convince them otherwise. Cody, on the other hand, knows he's nothing but a pawn.

  • Love 2

It would be so much more interesting if they chose HGs who were in their late 20s and 30s+.   I crave seeing some strategy and equal minds meeting and working the format.

Me too! As much as I enjoy the eye candy, I think it would be fascinating if they had a houseful of intelligent people, rather than 2 or 3 with a bunch of nitwits (to use Donny's term). It would make the game so much more exciting.

  • Love 5

I think he's done such a good job of convincing Caleb and Frankie that they are in control that he won't be able to convince them otherwise. Cody, on the other hand, knows he's nothing but a pawn.

ITA. I think Cody took a look around in the first week or two, decided all this strategy stuff was too much work, and chose to ride out this paid vacation as long as possible.

  • Love 4

Yeah, and that's my problem with Derrick. He's played a fine game. He deserves to win. No doubt about it. But I think it is just as clear that a good deal of his moves this year have only made sense with this specific cast of nitwits. I mean, come on, Frankie and Christine talk about how they don't need Zach anymore because Victoria is completely loyal to Derrick and they act like that is a GOOD thing for their game! In other words, Derrick has not done a good job hiding his "secret" alliance with Victoria and yet not only has it not hurt him, his alliance members have gone out of their way to protect that alliance! I am not saying that Derrick wouldn't be able to play a good game if there was ever any resistance to him, but since there has never been any resistance to him, how can we tell? He screws over Nicole and Hayden and then evicts Hayden and Nicole's response is "Well, I guess I better trust Derrick more." Devin moronically goes against his alliance's back and creates an eight-person alliance (an eight-person alliance!! That's insane!) and it somehow doesn't just work, but it results in one of the alliance's most loyal pieces of cannon fodder in Christine.That isn't behavior that you can plan for - it's just dumb luck. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 12

The funny thing about talking about ages for the house guests is ten years ago Nakomis and Diane were running the house and both were 21 & 22 years old. Cody is an idiot I have never seen a house guest vote out more of his own allies before. Sadly I think he could win if he ends up in the final 2 because he seems to be well liked by most of the house guests.

  • Love 3

All good points, @BrianCronin.  Very few of these nitwits are thinking about what happens when they've gotten rid of all the 'outsiders.'  I do give Derrick a lot of credit for the way that he has assessed the weaknesses of each of the nitwits and tailored his approach to use their weaknesses.  Also, he gets some credit for making sure that the people who are less susceptible to manipulation go out the door. 

Edited by Sunarku
  • Love 2

They got a dart board. They trust these fools with sharp, pointy darts? Seriously? This is going to be like the pool table whenever they're locked in. The guys are never gonna leave. Any chance this is some sort of weird practice for an upcoming comp? Probably not, I'm guessing.

ETA: Oh, it looks like one of those lame magnetic ones. They only get it for 24 hours, though, I guess. The darts have to go back in the storage room and the board must remain where it is, and they'll get the darts once a week. Laaaame, just like the rest of the season.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 2

IRC unless a player is a real sleaze, there seems to be a tendency to admire a game well played.  Heh - I wonder if......... when Derrick, having been so stealthy throughout the game, is sitting in one of the final two chairs, he might not have a problem convincing the jury that he actually ran the game.


I am betting that everyone is gonna be pissed (even if only privately) when its discovered he's a cop.

  • Love 2

I completely agree @Brian Cronin. There is absolutely no doubt that Derrick is playing the best game this season, but I don't think that means he's a good player. He has to have the best luck I've ever seen.

I really do think that he's had the best BB luck I've seen for a player where production wasn't actively rigging things for them. I'm trying to think who else I'd even put up there with him. BB5's Drew, I suppose (he was only nominated once and it was not until there were just five houseguests left and when he was nominated, he had his dedicated showmance save him from the block to the detriment of her own game)? While Cody seems more similar to Drew (including their blandness and their good lucks), Derrick is almost more similar, in that Drew had a Cowboy and a woman devoted to him for no good reason. 


Then again, there is obviously a lot of time left, so his luck very well might not hold up. 

Edited by Brian Cronin



I really do think that he's had the best BB luck I've seen for a player where production wasn't actively rigging things for them. I'm trying to think who else I'd even put up there with him. BB5's Drew, I suppose (he was only nominated once and it was not until there were just five houseguests left and when he was nominated, he had his dedicated showmance save him from the block to the detriment of her own game)? While Cody seems more similar to Drew (including their blandness and their good lucks), Derrick is almost more similar, in that Drew had a Cowboy and a woman devoted to him for no good reason.

Ian was the luckiest player to play Big Brother. Without the mentor twist  or Boogie choosing him. And the golden power of veto he won because of the Pandora box. He goes home in the beginning or instead of Britney. If you consider those production based, I think most of Derrick's luck is more similar to Ian's without the BOB Twist or even Team America Frankie and Donny would be more actively targeting him. Frankie especially and Donny would have most definitely nominated Derrick if there was no BOB Twist or if he was not part of Team America.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1

I'm just going to put this here...


Jokers 08/19/14 05:08 PM

Vict/Chris/frank/Codytalking about ingredients. Vic asks Cal what is in onions that makes it "nutritious" or is it like a cucumber
Caleb: it grows from the ground.

Vic: is it like an orange??

Chris: Like does it have vitamin E, B, etc..

Cal: Its NOT like an orange

Vic: Oh, i meant like whatever, i was just giving a ya know.

Chris: I know its something.

Vic: you know you take an orange when you are sick bec of its vitamin C?

Frank: onions are good for your colon.

Caleb in the LR laying on the couch alone. Everyone else in the KT. Z in the BR and Donny outside.

  • Love 2

I'm just going to put this here...

Jokers 08/19/14 05:08 PM

Vict/Chris/frank/Codytalking about ingredients. Vic asks Cal what is in onions that makes it "nutritious" or is it like a cucumber

Caleb: it grows from the ground.

Vic: is it like an orange??

Chris: Like does it have vitamin E, B, etc..

Cal: Its NOT like an orange

Vic: Oh, i meant like whatever, i was just giving a ya know.

Chris: I know its something.

Vic: you know you take an orange when you are sick bec of its vitamin C?

Frank: onions are good for your colon.

Caleb in the LR laying on the couch alone. Everyone else in the KT. Z in the BR and Donny outside.

It's unreal how not smart some of these people are.

  • Love 3

I've heard people say before that in the hierarchy of vegetables that onions, peppers, and cucumbers aren't very nutritious. Victoria was asking for the health benefits of onions and using "You eat an orange to boost your immune system," as an example. She could have been clearer, except Frankie did understand her so she made her point, but I don't see the big deal.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 3

Victoria's Final 2 speech would be a laff riot. I can see her concluding the speech by putting her hands on her hips and smiling at the camera like she does in the CBS show open. That pose probably seems like her homage to The Bachelor but it comes off more as Real Housewives of Tel Aviv.

Apparently there is a plan afoot for someone to shout "DERRICK IS A COP!" later tonight. Finally, something which could actually change the game. The HGs aren't THAT stupid to dismiss this, even Caleb and Cody. I think they'd take this seriously and question Derrick about it. Zach certainly would.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 2

I've heard people say before that in the hierarchy of vegetables that onions, peppers, and cucumbers aren't very nutritious. Victoria was asking for the health benefits of onions and using "You eat an orange to boost your immune system," as an example. She could have been clearer, except Frankie did understand her so she made her point, but I don't see the big deal.

I just found the whole conversation comical. But then, I've never heard of certain vegetables not being very nutritious, I thought they were all good for you.

  • Love 1


Apparently there is a plan afoot for someone to shout "DERRICK IS A COP!" later tonight. Finally, something which could actually change the game. The HGs aren't THAT stupid to dismiss this, even Caleb and Cody. I think they'd take this seriously and question Derrick about it. Zach certainly would.

I hope that doesn't happen. Outside influences shouldn't interfere with the game. I mean, obviously I'd get a kick out of it on a personal level, but it's not good for the game overall. 

  • Love 12

I hope that doesn't happen. Outside influences shouldn't interfere with the game. I mean, obviously I'd get a kick out of it on a personal level, but it's not good for the game overall. 

I feel the same. I don't really like Derrick and it would be fun to see the fallout if such a thing happened, but it wouldn't be fair, so I hope it doesn't.

  • Love 3

Victoria's Final 2 speech would be a laff riot. I can see her concluding the speech by putting her hands on her hips and smiling at the camera like she does in the CBS show open. That pose probably seems like her homage to The Bachelor but it comes off more as Real Housewives of Tel Aviv.

Real Housewives of Tel Aviv? Nailed it. :D

Apparently there is a plan afoot for someone to shout "DERRICK IS A COP!" later tonight. Finally, something which could actually change the game. The HGs aren't THAT stupid to dismiss this, even Caleb and Cody. I think they'd take this seriously and question Derrick about it. Zach certainly would.

Aw, dudes, c'mon... screw with the people, sure, but don't screw with the Game.

ETA: fixed quotes

Edited by Nashville

From Jokers:



6:54 PM Both Derrick and Frankie agree that Donny would send one of them home in a heartbeat. They go on to agree that it would be a "real shame" because then the TA unity would be gone.

Derrick thinks Donny would backdoor them, "Which is unfortunate..."


I know this isn't the first time they've talked about Donny like this, but I still just don't understand it. Who are they trying to fool here? Is this targeting those hordes of viewers who stay away from all BB-related media and then sign up for the live feeds on day 62 to catch this conversation? Because everyone else knows that these two are full of shit.

Edited by Xazeal
  • Love 8

I hope that doesn't happen. Outside influences shouldn't interfere with the game. I mean, obviously I'd get a kick out of it on a personal level, but it's not good for the game overall. 

While I agree that this would be awesome - mainly because it could screw with production, and, on personal level, anything that might give Grodner a headache is OK in my book - I can't fathom this would happen.  I'm sure production monitors all the major boards, and in light of yesterday's issues, they will either have extra security patrolling the lots around the studio, or just keep the HG's on inside lockdown.


But knowing it messes, in some small way, with Grodner...it is like a basket full of puppies.

  • Love 4

Derrick will probably laugh and just say he was acting like a cop during neighborhood watch and how cool that people are watching the feeds. He is smart enough to know that just saying that people are fans of theirs will be enough to kill any talk of the truth. They trust him way too much, which I think will cause problems after the show for him because they look at him as such an honest guy.

The huge alliance mentality this season made for one of my favorite wtf moments on sunday when frankie was talking to derrick about what is best for his game and frankie said he is doing what is best for the group. Granted they will need "the group" potentially with a returning hg but at this point, the numbers are irrelevant. They are still acting like they all will win if they stick together and that will make the cannibalism all that more glorious (™ amanda)

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