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S24.E05: Week 5 - Costa Rica

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2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

What is going through the mind of most of these women:

"you bastard!  I push my fake boobs up in this expensive dress, polish my veneers, arrange my hair extensions, apply makeup to my collagen-injected lips and botoxed face, apply false eyelashes,   just to go to the cocktail party so you can get to know the REAL ME - and you LITERALLY cancel it!!"  

Extra points for the "literally," but you're missing I'd guess around 8 "likes," based on the number of words.

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9 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Extra points for the "literally,

The woman in front of me at Starbucks today told her friend that the "grilled cheese sandwich is literally to die for" and it took all  my strength to not slap the sandwich out of her hand. 

Oh my.... two more hours of this tonight....   

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15 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

Did you not see what those cutouts did to Hannah's belly?  The bathing suits were extremely unflattering.  

While Hannah is far from fat, those cutouts did her no favors and yes, I noticed it too.  So unflattering.  I'm not one to talk, as my fat would have been poking out from all over that suit, but it was an unfortunate choice for her or, I bet, almost anyone.

Did Victoria F. really tell Peter that her 26th birthday was "devastating"?  Did I hear that correctly?  At age 26, you're already devastated?  Oh honey, I have news from the other side of 50 for ya.

The use of "literally" is going to literally cause my mind to blow up.  Yes, you will all read about the woman on PT Forums whose brain ended up all over her couch as she literally had her mind blown.  SMH.

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On 2/4/2020 at 5:45 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I know the producers interfere in decisions a lot, but I think Peter is keeping and rewarding the drama queens because that is what he is used to and is attracted to. I blame his mother, the ultimate drama queen. She cheers his windmill sex, she sobs hysterically at the drop of a hat, etc. I imagine his entire life has been dominated by his mother and her drama. So that is what draws him in. He likes it but he is helpless before it also. The more 'normal' women bore him. Look at Kelly. He pretty much told her he thought she was disinterested because she didn't bring the drama like some of the other girls and he was unhappy about it. Being semi-sane and normal, to him, is a sign of disinterest.

Yessss.  He loves all the crazy girls, to him crying and freaking out over him = love.

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3 minutes ago, Guiltypleasure25 said:

Yessss.  He loves all the crazy girls, to him crying and freaking out over him = love.

Right.  Peter not only doesn't stop the drama, he gets right in there with it.  He loves, no he literally, like, adores the drama because it allows him to triangulate the females against each other, all fighting over him.

He either wants someone like Kelley, who has made it clear that she's not going to be an easy, fall-all-over-him kind of girl, or the ones who fight over him.  Tammy vs. champagne slurper (can't remember her name); Alayah vs. blond Mannequin face that doesn't move (again, can't remember name).

Either way, he gets the fuel he's looking for.  If it's Kelley, his fuel comes in the form of Kelley finally giving him what he wants in the form of desire for him; she must show him this desire for him to continue; she does, so he gives her his rose.

If it's the girls who are drama-fighting, it's enough fuel for him to skip entire group dates, entire rose ceremonies, as he can sit back and enjoy them fighting over him.

Triangulation personified.

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59 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

Did you not see what those cutouts did to Hannah's belly?  The bathing suits were extremely unflattering.  

the one I noticed was Lexi (? I think that's her name -  the redhead)  she had a suit on that was cut HIGH on the leg.  while it might look good in a certain pose, if you're standing just right, when she walked it looked AWFUL, with bulges in unflattering places.  

It seems so weird to me that these women are all competing for Peter's attention.  In real life, he would be their younger brother's weird annoying friend.  

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Way back last century when I was young the ideal body was evenly proportioned with top and bottom the same and a ten to twelve inch drop at the waist -- 36-24-36 -- being often used to describe a "good figure." 

I’m right there with you. Going way back to The Commodore’s song, Brick House. One of the lyrics... “36-24-36, ah what a winning hand.”

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Peter not only can't stay out of the dramas, he bathes in them. He loves to jump in there and splash around and "get to the bottom of" any piece of drama that comes to his attention. He does so with the front of "being open and honest" but he's really just creating more drama especially as he calls out individual "drama makers".

Know what Pete? The dramas will stop if you don't ENCOURAGE and REWARD them. Oh, you've come to see me while I'm relaxing with coffee to tell me about the drama you don't want me to get caught up in? Let me give you a rose because you are so brave. No matter it will make every single woman back at the house hate you.

You came back after I eliminated you? Here's the group date's rose for a date you weren't even on.

You insist on talking to me during a rose ceremony? So strong of you. Let me give you both a rose so you know I really am here to listen.

You can count on Pete to fowl things up making the worst decision possible, mostly because he has no 'presence' that even hints to, or gahferbid demands, respect. He will ALWAYS be trampled on by the Hanna B's of life.

And may I end with a note on Kelly's pants that made an arrow/diagram line right to her vagina? Sorry, you are out.

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On 2/4/2020 at 8:34 PM, nlkm9 said:

Exactly , very offensive even though it was about fish!


Ok none of those girls looked fat. Wow

Actually, Hannah Ann looks chubby for a model to me. None of them are fat, though. I thought it was refreshing to see she wasn’t perfectly toned and thin.

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I always half watch the screen or pay attention during any given episode. I thought it looked like Victoria F’s swimsuit bottoms were photoshopped.. and apparently a bunch of them were. Why give them thongs to model only to cover them up with hilariously bad photoshop 🤣🤣🤣



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That photo of Pedro looking grimly up to the sky is really awful. Was that supposed to be in a magazine? There is zero energy there. He’s vanilla pudding and Victoria is a bowl of unsalted, cold grits. Neither one has any zest or sabor. 

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Cosmo editor: "Cosmo is all about fun, confidence, wit, fearlessness!"

Me: "You won't get any of that from this group."

That shoot was so humiliating for the women who had to stand and pose for pictures right next to Peter while he was making out with Victoria F. and later Hannah Ann. Anyone with a shred of self-respect would have just walked off, photo shoot be damned. 

On 2/4/2020 at 5:30 AM, Katie111 said:

he wants someone that “gives more than they receive”

If my math is right, that means that he wants to receive more than he gives. Selfish much?


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20 hours ago, GracieK said:

I always half watch the screen or pay attention during any given episode. I thought it looked like Victoria F’s swimsuit bottoms were photoshopped.. and apparently a bunch of them were. Why give them thongs to model only to cover them up with hilariously bad photoshop 🤣🤣🤣


What the verdict on this spotted one?  It doesn't look photoshopped.  If that's how it really looks, is it considered attractive or flattering these days?

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