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S06.E09: Resurrection

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Airdate 2020.01.29


Ubbe and Torvi finally meet a mysterious wanderer. Bjorn is forced to re-think who his enemies are when Erik returns from a scouting mission with worrying information. Can he convince his old foe, King Harald, to join forces in the face of the new threat? Ivar is reunited with someone close to him.


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Thank goodness Torvi didn’t die in childbirth! Nice to finally see Georgia Hirst’s name in the opening credits. 
That “Orthere” is quite the liar. 
Yay for King Olaf! Just shut up about Eric, Harald! You are a murderer and a rapist and you killed your own brother!
When he saw the Rus army, Ivar looked like Grima Wormtongue in LOTR when he saw Saruman’s Uruk Hai army: oh, 💩!

What prop would you want from “Vikings”? I would want one of the intricately braided Lagertha wigs KW wore!

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I must have missed hearing about Ray Stevenson joining this season!  Always good to see him, even though his character is clearly not trustworthy, since he seems to be hiding a whole bunch of stuff (including the fact that he actually killed The Wanderer himself, instead of the whole "He was already dying and he passed the moniker to me" thing.)  At least Ubbe seems to know to keep one eye open whenever he's around him.

As some predicted, Hvisterk ends up actually reuniting with Ivar of all people, since Ivar and the Rus were out scouting the area, so now he's on Team Oleg now.  Also, he's getting pretty smug about killing Lagertha.  Not cool, dude!

Looks like Harald and Bjorn are going to have to learn to work together again, if they want to stop the Rus.  Especially since that was one huge-ass army we saw at the end!

Congrats to both Georgia Hirst and Ragga Ragnars for getting into the opening credits (alongside Ray Stevenson)!

Mid-season finale next week, so I'm sure more bodies will be dropping!

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Incredibly relieved that Torvi and the baby are okay. And they named him Ragnar! Very appropriate. 

Wow, that wanderer is a lying sack of ... poo. 

I did love how Torvi (ever the voice of reason) called out Ubbe for his hypocrisy since he once followed the Christian gods so maybe he should lighten up a wee bit.  That being said, they may end up regretting it. Orthere is as shifty as they come. Was it me or did he and the real Orthere look alike? It was almost as if he was murdering himself in that vision/flashback scene.  

Of COURSE Hvitserk ended up with Ivar. *sigh*


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That may have been one of the fastest "oh, the mom and baby are in mortal peril ... no, wait, everything's fine" turnarounds I've ever seen on TV, and TV birth doesn't always have a habit of being terribly realistic to start with.

Ray Stevenson!  I hope his story ends better here than it did in the last thing I saw him in, but he's clearly not on the up and up anymore than anyone else is on this island of the damned.  Sure, you can't hardly seem to keep anyone in the Iceland settlement alive, what with everyone secretly murdering each other over who the hell knows what, but yeah, let's traipse off to another unknown place on the word of an admitted liar, especially with a brand new baby in tow.  What could possibly go wrong?  I had to really scramble to try to remember if Ubbe even knew original recipe Athelstan and realized yeah, he would have as a young kid before the supposedly much beloved Floki buried an axe in him like a jealous fishwife, but I'm guessing he meant that that he meant a lot to his father and family in general.  Also guessing that if any part of his story about once meeting Floki was true he didn't happen to mention that he was also originally a Christian monk named Athelstan or Floki would have had to break out the guyliner like a pissy teenager to take him out too.  Every time any of these people bring him up I just want to yell at all of them "Hey, as far as we know he fell into a volcano.  That's as good an ending for him as any."

Hvitserk has to be the weakest vessel of all of Ragnar's sad sack sons.  His entire storyline this season has been wallowing around uselessly drunk and high because evil scary Ivar was coming for him until he stabbed a woman who was already mortally wounded.  But now that Ivar stumbles upon him in the woods, it's all good and isn't it grand that I'm the big hero that took out our mother's killer.  And no, I don't believe he's plotting anything beyond that because I don't think he's capable of it.  He's a follower, and a weak one at that.  The only possibly interesting thing to come of his sojourn to Kiev was his sort of kind of confirming my theory that Katya being a dead ringer for Freydis is a hallucination on Ivar's part in saying that no, he really doesn't see much in the way of resemblance.

Poor sad runty little Harald.  He somehow scammed his way into being king of kings and now he's realizing it doesn't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things if he can't even figure out how to broker an effective alliance to deal with an outside threat.  Dude, you're seriously whining about unreliable allies?  The only reason you're not still rotting in a cell is because Bjorn actually upheld your alliance while everyone else was shrugging you off and telling him to forget about it.

Gunnhild is the dictionary definition of what classical stoicism looked like.  Kind of loved her telling Erik the Maybe Red that he doesn't know her or how she feels about anything so back off.

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I'm so glad that Torvi and the baby survived.

When Hvitserk smirked and proudly stated that he killed Lagertha, I think that Ivar's smile really covered his jealousy that he didn't get the honor of doing it.  Hvitserk.  You in danger.  Between Ivar and that creepy kid Igor giving you the side eye, you don't stand a chance.


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Gee - I was worried for all of one second that we might not have another mid-season or season-ending cliffhanger Battle for Kattegat, the Most Desired Crappy Little Fishing Village on the Nordic Coast.  Personally, I hope the villagers are so tired of battling invaders that they just hand Bjorn over and welcome the Rus with open arms.

And, while I'm on such a snarky jag, could someone remind me of why Bjorn Ironside is supposed to be so famous, aside from being a Son of Ragnar?  I recall he went exploring in the Mediterranean but nothing much seems to have come of that.  Other characters keep saying things like, "Everyone knows of Bjorn Ironside, and all the battles he has won..."  This is where my memory fails me.  He's been involved in many battles, but have there been many he has won without the leadership and/or assistance of Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo, or without an alliance with all or most of his brothers, or without Harald?  Have there been many victories where he was the sole and only leader?

Edited by mcjen
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No great wins on his own that weren't part of a larger family collaboration that I can think of, so no.

My heart sank at the prospect of yet another great battle to end all battles between brothers for Kattegat, which to my own eyes ranks only ahead of Vesthold as stinky fishing centers worth fighting over because it seems to have a lower ratio of whale carcasses.  I'm so tired of the lather rinse repeat of it.  Olaf has already told you guys with some flourish why continuing to fight each other all the damn time is stupid and pointless.  Why the people of Kattegat by now haven't thrown all of the family Lothbrook and Lothbrook adjacents out and said they're tired of getting killed over interfamily squabbles that seem to erupt like clockwork every couple of months as whichever brother is on the outs meets a new ally, I don't know.

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For the first half of the season Hvitserk was absolutely terrified of Ivar. To the point where he was barricading himself in his hut and going on incoherent drug-induced rants about how Ivar was coming to kill them all. He saw Ivar as a terrible lizard-man, slithering around Kattegat. 

And now he's cozying up to him as though they were never parted? 

I gets that he's desperate but seriously?      

Edited by wlk68
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8 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Bjorn has discovered that banging your side piece is no longer fun when said wife has you marry said side piece. 😆

Exactly!  Gunnhild knew what she was doing. 😉  She's becoming one of my favorite characters and I hope nothing happens to her.

Said sidepiece didn't look that happy during the wedding ceremony because she was no longer the intriguing mistress, just a fishwife.  She also knows that Kattegat respects Gunnhild, but will never fully accept her.  Kinda like Lagertha and Aslaug.  

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Ubbe's eagerness to kill a Christian seemed out of character. Given his history with England and his alliance with Alfred and his general temperament he wouldn't have needed the reminder by Torvi.

But since Althair is a liar liar pants on fire and shifty as hell maybe he should be deaded for the safety of Ubbe and family.

Poor Gunnhild.  She has to put up with mopey and disloyal Bjorn and his skank.  Sadly she wouldn't be better off had she married Harald seeing how he has turned out.  When he and his brother were introduced I loathed them for their brutality.  Then they grew on me over time and I had sympathy for Harald even after he killed his brother.  But no more.  What a prick.

I felt a lot of sympathy for Hvitserk all season long but now that he is boasting about having killed Lagertha he can go hang.

Meanwhile, I am almost liking Ivar currently.  Having lost his power he seems humbled and contrasting him with with Oleg only works in his favor. Of course, as soon as he gets his power back and reverts to good ol' sadist Ivar I will be hating on him again.

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I did love sidepiece thinking she was getting some kind of clever dig in at Gunnhild when they were talking about the necessity of  approaching Harald for an alliance and she sneered something to Gunnhild about her loyalties because "didn't he also want to marry you?" and everyone in the room basically stared her down and shrugged her off like shhh, the grownups are talking, run along.  It was the first of what are likely to be many instances of looking very unqueenlike next to Gunnhild.

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8 hours ago, Ohwell said:

When Hvitserk smirked and proudly stated that he killed Lagertha, I think that Ivar's smile really covered his jealousy that he didn't get the honor of doing it. 

I feel like that might have been the moment where Ivar realized that, out of all the people he knows now, he's not even in the All Star Crazy Top Ten.  Maybe not even in the team photo at this point.

Also, I totally called it with Gunnhild.  CALLED IT.  I'm thinking the sisterwife's gonna end up with a not-so-happy ending, probably soon.

Spidey sense is totally going off for !Athelstan.  Not sure if Hirst is setting him up as a god-wanderer or if he's just some schmo with the Syph who can't tell the stories he's heard from reality at this point.  I mean, it's *Hirst*.  It could go either way.

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Athelstan! Now thats a name I've not heard in a long time. I suppose that Ubbe would probably have some memories of him, and then would have heard about him and his dads epic continent spanning bromance, his reaction to hearing this guy dropping that name was great, it seemed very Ragnar. Getting all twitchy and cracking up randomly over the weird twists that life throws at him. I thought it was weird and out of character for him to want to kill the Christian guy on site (even if he didnt sound too excited about it) considering, as Torvi pointed out, not only were they both Christians for a bit, but he worked and battled alongside Christians for quite awhile, became friends with them, and generally doesent seem to care about what religion people are practicing. Of course, its possible that he was just pinging onto something sketchy about this guy and that was the one thing he could latch onto about this guy that made him different that he could verbalize and justify his bad feeling, beyond "this guy gives me the creeps" which isnt a very Viking thing to say I suppose. Ray Stevenson is always welcome though, even if his character is giving me bad vibes.

I am so glad that Torvi and the baby survived! Ubbe practically crying with happiness was so cute, and of course he gets to be baby Ragnar! 

 Hvitserk really is one big self fulfilling prophesy. He is always stuck in the shadow of his more successful brothers who have accomplished way more than him, for better or for worse, so that makes him mopey about not being as successful as his brothers, and he cant do anything to increase his own glory because he is busy being mopey, etc. He needs to stop acting like killing Lagertha was some big badass move to avenge his mother, he accidentally stabbed her while he was hallucinating and she was already badly wounded to fulfill a prophesy. I dont think the gods will be singing about this one in Valhalla. 

 Gunnhild is awesome as always, handling business, rallying the troops, and finding a way to deal with her husbands wandering eye and his new sidepiece. I also liked the whole bit where she talked about bearing a child with divine heritage, its interesting to think about, considering everyone in this world really did think that the Ragnar and his family did descend from Odin himself and were touched by the divine...which we actually do know is true, they totally are descended from Odin, sometimes grandpa stops by to say hi to the kids and give them family news updates! 

Harald sure does have a lot of nerve complaining about people being murderers (which he is) and his new vassals being unreliable (like the way he screwed over Bjorn who risked his life to save him). I am not a fan of this new villain edit he is getting, its not completely out of nowhere, considering he was a pretty bad guy when first introduced, but his turn back to bad guy seems so random. Its like the writers planned for him to be a bad guy, then the actor was so likable that they wrote him more sympathetically, than decided to just go with the story they planned awhile ago when he was still just a villain where he screws over Bjorn and tries to kill him for no reason to become king. 

So Ivar really is just seeing things with the Rus queen huh? Its weird kind of liking Ivar with the Rus, although I am sure that he will go back to his psychopath self soon enough. 


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5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

I did love sidepiece thinking she was getting some kind of clever dig in at Gunnhild when they were talking about the necessity of  approaching Harald for an alliance and she sneered something to Gunnhild about her loyalties because "didn't he also want to marry you?" and everyone in the room basically stared her down and shrugged her off like shhh, the grownups are talking, run along.  It was the first of what are likely to be many instances of looking very unqueenlike next to Gunnhild.

She’s very unqueenlike but unfortunately she’s a tiny bit more attractive than Gunnhild, which is a low bar.

Bjorn, for being Mr Ironside Dude just doesn’t have the greatest taste in the ladies.

Not on the same planet as his Dad with a young Lagertha and the amazing 7 foot tall princess.


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A couple more things:

- yes, they went from cutting Torvi open to “oh, the baby figured it out” in 5 seconds. WHAT?
- my wife also thinks Ivar is seeing things with thinking the chick is his ex... but the Ruskie is very aware that Ivar thinks this... how does that play in?

-and... does anyone else think people are calling for an Uber when people talk to Ubbe?

Edited by SG11
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12 hours ago, mcjen said:

Gee - I was worried for all of one second that we might not have another mid-season or season-ending cliffhanger Battle for Kattegat, the Most Desired Crappy Little Fishing Village on the Nordic Coast.  Personally, I hope the villagers are so tired of battling invaders that they just hand Bjorn over and welcome the Rus with open arms.

And, while I'm on such a snarky jag, could someone remind me of why Bjorn Ironside is supposed to be so famous, aside from being a Son of Ragnar?  I recall he went exploring in the Mediterranean but nothing much seems to have come of that.  Other characters keep saying things like, "Everyone knows of Bjorn Ironside, and all the battles he has won..."  This is where my memory fails me.  He's been involved in many battles, but have there been many he has won without the leadership and/or assistance of Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo, or without an alliance with all or most of his brothers, or without Harald?  Have there been many victories where he was the sole and only leader?

And don’t forget Gunnhild calling Bjorn a demi-god... 


On 1/29/2020 at 10:22 PM, thuganomics85 said:

As some predicted, Hvisterk ends up actually reuniting with Ivar of all people, since Ivar and the Rus were out scouting the area, so now he's on Team Oleg now.  Also, he's getting pretty smug about killing Lagertha.  Not cool, dude!

I couldn’t quite figure out the first scene with Ivar and Hvisterk.  When the Rus scouts were retreating, the last Rus leaving gave a nod to someone, who we saw in the very next scene was Ivar, who in turn looked around behind him and there was Hvisterk.  I was wondering why and a bit disappointed that we didn’t see their first reunion and interaction--time lapse I suppose.  Kind of like how fast Ubbe and Torvi reached Iceland and how fast the baby came.  Guess this means Gunnhild’s time is coming soon as she and Torvi looked about the same size.  And back to Ivar.  How was he able to fumble around on his leg crutches in that skirmish with Erik and gang, unless he stayed back in the trees (just along for the ride??)  Which brings me to my last rant--is it just me or is it totally unrealistic how Ivar does manage to get around so well in his leg crutches, or braces, or whatever they are.  So much for the crawling Ivar. He used to remind me of an old sci-fi movie from long ago of a cat woman or some creature that crawled through the night. 

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7 hours ago, alvajon said:

Which brings me to my last rant--is it just me or is it totally unrealistic how Ivar does manage to get around so well in his leg crutches, or braces, or whatever they are.  So much for the crawling Ivar. He used to remind me of an old sci-fi movie from long ago of a cat woman or some creature that crawled through the night. 

Yes, Ivar's affliction seems either be a problem for him or it's barely there at all, depending on whatever Hirst needs at the moment.  Didn't Ivar recently tell Prince Igor (or someone) that he is constantly in pain?  Yet he almost never seems to be acting "pain".  Either people have to carry Ivar, or, wearing what must be the world's most miraculous leg braces, he can walk pretty well.  I wish Hirst would pick a lane and stick with it.

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17 hours ago, MoldySpiceGirl said:

I feel like that might have been the moment where Ivar realized that, out of all the people he knows now, he's not even in the All Star Crazy Top Ten.  Maybe not even in the team photo at this point.

I agree.   I feel tables have turned beetween those two,  seems like Ivar has become the weaker one.

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On 1/31/2020 at 1:26 AM, SG11 said:

She’s very unqueenlike but unfortunately she’s a tiny bit more attractive than Gunnhild, which is a low bar.

Bjorn, for being Mr Ironside Dude just doesn’t have the greatest taste in the ladies.

Not on the same planet as his Dad with a young Lagertha and the amazing 7 foot tall princess.


Are you kidding me? Gunnhild is gorgeous, and it’s the ladies who married Bjorn who don’t have the greatest taste in men!

On 1/31/2020 at 3:11 AM, alvajon said:

And don’t forget Gunnhild calling Bjorn a demi-god... 


I couldn’t quite figure out the first scene with Ivar and Hvisterk.  When the Rus scouts were retreating, the last Rus leaving gave a nod to someone, who we saw in the very next scene was Ivar, who in turn looked around behind him and there was Hvisterk.  I was wondering why and a bit disappointed that we didn’t see their first reunion and interaction--time lapse I suppose.  Kind of like how fast Ubbe and Torvi reached Iceland and how fast the baby came.  Guess this means Gunnhild’s time is coming soon as she and Torvi looked about the same size.  And back to Ivar.  How was he able to fumble around on his leg crutches in that skirmish with Erik and gang, unless he stayed back in the trees (just along for the ride??)  Which brings me to my last rant--is it just me or is it totally unrealistic how Ivar does manage to get around so well in his leg crutches, or braces, or whatever they are.  So much for the crawling Ivar. He used to remind me of an old sci-fi movie from long ago of a cat woman or some creature that crawled through the night. 

Not just you. I’ve mentioned it several times.

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Are you kidding me? Gunnhild is gorgeous, 

We are talking about Bjorn’s wife, the warrior woman who Harold was interested in?

 (I guess it’s all subjective... )

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I got whiplash from the about face Hvitserk did with Ivar. A whole season of cowering in fear at the very thought of him and suddenly they're besties. WTF. I guess Hirst wanted 2 brothers pitted against 2 brothers in the ultimate battle (although I'm assuming Ubbe won't be back in time for said battle, so 2 against 1?) but it didn't feel organic at all. At least Hvitserk's eyes aren't bloodshot anymore. That was grossing me out.


I did love how Torvi (ever the voice of reason) called out Ubbe for his hypocrisy since he once followed the Christian gods so maybe he should lighten up a wee bit. 

It speaks to how long this show has been airing, but when did Ubbe and Torvi convert to Christianity and why? What was the storyline? I can't remember.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It speaks to how long this show has been airing, but when did Ubbe and Torvi convert to Christianity and why? What was the storyline? I can't remember.

After the collective family defeat to Ivar and Harald (season 5), the whole lot of them hightailed it to England and sought refuge with the royal court there.   Ubbe and Alfred struck up a sort of friendship as the Family Lothbrook pressed Alfred to honor dead Ecbert's promises to let them establish a Norse colony, and while this is where I get fuzzy on the details too, Ubbe and Torvi did eventually agree to be baptized and convert as part of the deal.  They went through the motions for a bit as they finally got their land before agreeing that it didn't really take and then it was time to sail home to fight over Kattegat yet again.  That was pretty much the end of it.

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On 1/31/2020 at 1:26 AM, SG11 said:

She’s very unqueenlike but unfortunately she’s a tiny bit more attractive than Gunnhild, which is a low bar.

Bjorn, for being Mr Ironside Dude just doesn’t have the greatest taste in the ladies.

Not on the same planet as his Dad with a young Lagertha and the amazing 7 foot tall princess.


I agree. Don't think Gunnhilde is gorgeous at all. Very amazon-like and not Wonder Woman amazon either. 

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Presumably, many watch this show because they have some interest in history, and specifically Viking history. While this show never presented itself as a documentary, or claimed to adhere to historical facts with complete fidelity, the confluence of recent divergent "facts" on this show is irksome:

Kievan Rus was not Christian around the year 800, and, in general, wouldn't be for another 200 years. The last two episodes have repeatedly cited the "Christianity" of Kievan Rus for some reason that just doesn't seem to matter to any plot point. Why muck up the historical time line for no reason?

There is no record of Kievan Rus invading any part of Scandinavia (or contemplating such an invasion and "scouting" for same). This does, however, contribute to significant plot point, so perhaps more forgiveness is warranted here.

Neither Hvitserk nor Ivar ever met Igor, nor traveled to Kievan Rus, but it's still fun to see their interactions (but galling that the Igor's wife has a thick Russian accent, but  Igor sounds like a California dude). And despite the subtitles that keep telling me various people are "speaking Russian," neither Russia nor its language really exists at this time.

The origins of Kievan Rus are somewhat murky, but do involve Vikings most likely traveling from what is now Sweden.




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If we look to this show for historical inaccuracy we need look no further than Series One with Rollo.  Almost everything about this Rollo and the historical one is inaccurate and yet, purports to be the same person.

This show's stamina and ability to amaze never ceases to impress me so I don't worry about the loose historical context too much.

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Many liberties have been taken with history but as long as there's no test after the series finale, I'm good. History was never my strong point.

Hvitserk certainly detoxed adequately during his jaunt in the forest to the edge of wherever it was he conveniently ran into his walking talking nightmare.

I don't like these random people walking up to Ivar and blathering about Dir sending his regards. Someone's bound to hear something and get it back to the psycho in charge.

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13 hours ago, ahpny said:

Presumably, many watch this show because they have some interest in history, and specifically Viking history. While this show never presented itself as a documentary, or claimed to adhere to historical facts with complete fidelity, the confluence of recent divergent "facts" on this show is irksome:

Kievan Rus was not Christian around the year 800, and, in general, wouldn't be for another 200 years. The last two episodes have repeatedly cited the "Christianity" of Kievan Rus for some reason that just doesn't seem to matter to any plot point. Why muck up the historical time line for no reason?

There is no record of Kievan Rus invading any part of Scandinavia (or contemplating such an invasion and "scouting" for same). This does, however, contribute to significant plot point, so perhaps more forgiveness is warranted here.

Neither Hvitserk nor Ivar ever met Igor, nor traveled to Kievan Rus, but it's still fun to see their interactions (but galling that the Igor's wife has a thick Russian accent, but  Igor sounds like a California dude). And despite the subtitles that keep telling me various people are "speaking Russian," neither Russia nor its language really exists at this time.

The origins of Kievan Rus are somewhat murky, but do involve Vikings most likely traveling from what is now Sweden.




Do you mean Oleg? Igor is the child Ivar has befriended. The actor playing Oleg is Russian.

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What a shock, another Bjorn decision completely and predictably backfires in his face with  Hvitserk.  Well done, Your Highness...

Iceland is beautiful but why anyone would be eager to live there instead of Kattegatt is beyond me.  I guess it's less likely to be attacked but both places have shitty rulers.

I didn't know Ray Stevenson had joined the cast but he's a very welcome addition indeed!

The visuals on the raids were amazing.

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Do you mean Oleg? Igor is the child Ivar has befriended. The actor playing Oleg is Russian.

You're absolutely correct, twice, in fact. "Oleg" is indeed played by a Russian actor, but he, at least to my ears, has a flawless American accent, which still sounds odd next to his wife's Russian accent.

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Iceland is beautiful but why anyone would be eager to live there instead of Kattegatt is beyond me.  I guess it's less likely to be attacked but both places have shitty rulers.

The part of Iceland they're living on seems like the most desolate and barren spot they could possibly find.

Edited by iMonrey
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11 hours ago, ahpny said:

but he, at least to my ears, has a flawless American accent,

Maybe I am being nit-picky but while that actor speaks English fluently he has no flawless American accent. And he doesn't need to given his role. He sounds like a Russian who speaks good English.  

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I have no problem with telling a story about Vikings settling in Iceland -- I have a problem with THIS story about Vikings settling in Iceland.  I don't like Floki so I immediately don't care; everyone is equally cold, wet, filthy, and miserable so I have/had problems telling the characters apart; I never really understood the soap opera between the krazy kids.  So, yeah, the Iceland plot leaves me .... cold.

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Was anyone else thinking of that final scene in Star Wars:  Attack of the Clones when they were all on the balcony watching the clone army marching to board their ships and take off when they were all up there watching the Rus army march by?

I find Bjorn absolutely revolting.   I just don't get all these women throwing themselves at him - son of a king (or now a king) or not.  Color me someone who thought Ubbe and Torvi were awesome together in Bjorn's absence.  I wish he were king instead of Bjorn and his scrunched up, pouty, punching his chest and shouting throatily to make a point self

I'm really interested in Ivar's plan for Igor and how Prince Dir is going to play into it.

Shut up Harald - you hypocrit!  I know he's king, but does this guy just lounge on his throne with a cup in his hand?

I wonder what country this 'Golden Land' is 

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Hvitserk's plot armor so far has been ridiculous.  First surviving Bjorn's non-execution and then stumbling for miles through the wilderness without freezing to death to run into Ivar of all people.  Who came all the way from Russia.  You would think Bjorn learned his lesson letting those traitors go who eventually attacked Lagertha's  village, killed his son, and set in motion the chain of events that lead to Lagertha's death.  But no, plot demanded he let Hvitserk live because he was enjoying being burned alive too much (in another 20 seconds his smiles would have turned to screams, Bjorn).  And now he is back with his scary brother Ivar where he can continue to be useless dead weight.

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