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I thought France was too predictable.  The people on the bottom weren't smart enough to figure out how to effectively counter a minority alliance that was right in front of their faces!  I can understand failing if you don't know a super tight alliance exists, but that was just pathetic.  The winner really annoyed me, because he was the least deserving person in the alliance.  I thought he was a buffoon who would have destroyed his alliance by exposing it the way he did if the other players were even a bit more competent.  He was also really obnoxious with the power tripping.

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Alright, I'm watching The Circle: France and just need somewhere to bitch about how unbelievably stupid these fucking players are. I hate Romain, and he has such an ego he just blatantly talks about his alliance of three in every group chat. I was a big fan of the Cedric, Ines, and Gary alliance, and I don't understand why Gabriel, who is close with Ines, would kick out her ally over Elea when he had the deciding vote. If Gary was going to join the horrible trio to "protect" Ines and Gabriel, why would he not have messaged them afterwards to let them in on that? And worst of all, when the trio is flaunting their MINORITY alliance in group chats, why would the other 5 players not start a "Team Losers" chat and strategize to rank those three last and kick one of them out? Just ARRRGHH. I liked this season a lot but now (on episode 8) I'm just pissed off. Valeria/Maxime is a great game player though. I wish he was allied with people I actually liked.


I loved the rocking grandmas though. Loved. I died laughing when they inaccurately used the WTF hashtag.

Edited by jade.black
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So far, after the grannies, my favourite thing is probably the cake decorating activity. Several times I had to pause it because I was laughing so hard. 

I have to admit these people eat way healthier food than they do on the Circle US. 

1 hour ago, jade.black said:


I know! What on earth was he thinking? 

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I have a couple of episodes left, but I think I liked last year better. Last year had people playing as themselves who subverted expectations and showed more dimensions. Everyone this year seems to be either exactly who they seem to be at first glance or a catfish. And I see Courtney winning and he just seems like just a mean person. I hate that. 

Edited by docmatt
double typed a word
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I honestly feel bad for Mitchell. I feel like he was more authentic than most - especially Courtney and River as they went on. Chloe's speech and mannerisms bug me but she actually seems really nice. 

I have enjoyed Lisa and Jack together more than them separate. And John is very cool. 


Five people in a finale seems like a ton. 

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5 hours ago, Melina22 said:

A big thank you to the poster who encouraged me to watch The Circle France. I just finished and the finale was fabulous. I have a hard time imagining a Circle finale that's tenser, funnier or more satisfying! 

I LOVED the finale. I laughed so hard I had to pause it a few times. I don't want to spoil anything (is it considered a spoiler if it's out?) but the reaction of the two was hysterical.

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54 minutes ago, non sequitur said:

I hope Courtney doesn't win. 

Same. I'd be fine with any of the others but Courtney just rubs me the wrong way. I think he's hiding his meanness behind his "sassy gay" persona. 

I really want Chloe to win or River/Lee. They have been my favorites throughout. I feel bad that Chloe's "bestie" Emily was a catfish, her "future hubby" Trevor was a catfish, and her closest allies, River and Courtney were a catfish and a shit-stirrer. 

I think the assessment of her as very naïve and very trusting was spot on. She can be OTT but I think she's a genuinely sweet person, as is Lee. 

I am sad to see Mitchell go, well, I'm sad to see Mitchell's abs go, his voice was really annoying so his shouting everything wasn't really working for me, but his being shirtless about 98% of the time was working for me quite well. 

Team Chloe!!!

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Jack is absolutely killing it! He should have come in as a 64 year old psychic from the start. I also am digging his dance moves during the parties. I might have a crush...? I do keep thinking I wish I could see how that twist would have played out with a more entertaining co-catfish though. Imagine Jack paired with Terilisha or Khat or one of the finalists who is still left. I'd have liked to see one of the real players have to switch it up and become a catfish.

Poor Mitchell! I think he did a good job, and he and Trevor had some solid last ditch moves. I honestly would have been happy to see any of these six (well, seven) in the finals, but Mitchell was a block that hurt less than others would have. I hope he and Chloe hook up at the reunion once she sees that Trev-Trev isn't real.

The awards were very cute. I loved Lee's excitement. He's just adorable. Good on him for the secret super influencer spot.

Chloe or Trevor for the absolute win!! Come on! How are they going to leave us on a cliffhanger like that?!?! A whole week to wait for the finale?? *#&$%! Damn you, Circle!

Edited by jade.black
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My faves are all still in it! Courtney has dropped in my estimation, though. I found him fun up until this batch, but he's coming across meaner now. Lee/"River" is still my absolute fave; he's a smart, strategic player but he also actually cares about people's feelings. Did he say he wants to spend the money on a pool, though? Some of the others seem to need it more.

Chloe does seem genuinely sweet and I'm glad she's still around. I also don't know if it was strategy on her behalf or if she genuinely trusts everyone, but good on her for making it into both alliances!

I liked Deleesa/"Trevor" more in this batch, too. She's been a smart player and people have expressed very few doubts about her authenticity. I'm also enjoying Jack a lot more when he's paired up with someone else. I still think he's got a Nice Guy streak that's unappealing, but he's young and it feels like he's fronting because he's actually insecure, so hopefully as he gains more confidence his personality will improve. I think he and Lisa actually work well together, and although it seemed he was doing most of the work in the first ep of this batch, things seemed more equal in the other three.

I'd honestly be fine with most of these people winning, just like last season. I think I liked season one's finalists more, but I've laughed more during this season. There are a lot of catfish left!

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8 hours ago, Neeners said:

I don't remember - in the first season did the blocked players get to vote on the winner?

I think only the finalists get to vote for each other.  It only makes sense, considering people like Bryant and Savannah never even met some of the contestants.

16 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

I'd honestly be fine with most of these people winning, just like last season. I think I liked season one's finalists more, but I've laughed more during this season. There are a lot of catfish left!

Yeah, it's funny that of the five finalists, the only two "real" people left are Chloe and Courtney.  And of those two, I don't really want Courtney to win.  Anyone else, I'd honestly be fine with.  I think my preferred order would be one of Chloe/Trevor, then Lee, John, Courtney in that order. 

Can't wait for the finale!

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I’ll get hate for this but whatever.She’s a good player (trevor), but i’m tired of hearing about her kid. You miss your baby,blah blah,blah. Stay home then. It should be obvious to everyone that she’s a Catfish. Every conversation she’s had with someone has 100% sounded like words from a female.  Not to mention #girldad

I’m rooting for Jack/Lisa or Lee/River

Personality aside,but i could easily see Courtney winning, He’s played a very strategic game and has thought about every move. 

Chloe hasn’t really done anything other then flirt and screech. 


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I didn't know how I felt about Chloe until this batch of episodes. In the beginning she seemed to be putting on an act but she's toned it down and really does come across as very young and naive like Trevor said. I don't think she's played a particularly strategic game, but she's built very strong relationships with everybody which is impressive. I'm kind of rooting for her. And Deleesa/Trevor. And Lee/River. 

I think this is River/Lee's game to lose. Courtney could win too, I suppose, but I think Courtney and maybe Jack/Lisa will rank River first so it depends on where River falls in Chloe and Trevor's rankings. I do like him and he's played a good game, but I admit, the pool thing kind of lost me which is silly because why do I care what the winner does with the money. 

I didn't feel bad for Mitchell at all. He has played it more authentic than some others, but you don't wait until the last blocking to talk to people if you want to win. I don't care if you don't like or trust them. 

I liked Deleesa/"Trevor"  a lot more in this batch as well as Jack/Lisa. I didn't realize Jack was only twenty. He does seem insecure and potentially Nice Guy-ish but he's so young, he can grow and change. 

Edited by Evie
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5 hours ago, Evie said:

I do like him and he's played a good game, but I admit, the pool thing kind of lost me which is silly because why do I care what the winner does with the money

Same. I know The Circle isn't a charity, but I'd rather see someone's stepfather get money for his stage 4 kidney disease, than see someone put in a huge underground pool. 


5 hours ago, Evie said:

l liked Deleesa/"Trevor"  a lot more in this batch as well as Jack/Lisa. I didn't realize Jack was only twenty. He does seem insecure and potentially Nice Guy-ish but he's so young, he can grow and change. 

I like Trevor because he's strategic, but also kind. I like players who do what needs to be done to win the game, but I prefer they at least display human feelings of compassion and empathy, rather than be like certain reality show players who are like unfeeling robots. I don't want to see a sociopath win. 

Clearly I'm not up on the latest insults on social media. Since when is "Nice Guy" a bad thing to be? I've seen it a few times lately but didn't have the heart to look into it. 

Finally, I'm still laughing constantly at Jack and Lisa together. If asked, I would have said they'd have a mother/son vibe, with him the irritated son, and her the bossy mother. Instead they're like super-compatible siblings. Seeing them dancing just cracked me up. 

Edited by Melina22
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I adore Jack and Lisa working together, but then I adored Jack as 'Emily'. 'River' was  my favourite at the start, but the pool thing grates, and teaming up with my most loathed player Courtney has soured the idea of his win. One ep one, I never imagined River making it to the end, so I should be thrilled. Chloe will probably win? I think I most want 'John' to take it out.

I think this has been a good, tight season. The first one, I was well bored by the last few eps and fast-forwarding through a lot of the inane chat, but this time there is more strategy and better editing.

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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Same. I know The Circle isn't a charity, but I'd rather see someone's stepfather get money for his stage 4 kidney disease, than see someone put in a huge underground pool. 

This is why I hate that the show makes them say what they will do with the money. It shouldn't factor in at all. It has nothing to do with how well they did in the game unless they are lying. The could all be lying for all we know. River could be the only one telling the truth there because no one would make up that they want a pool while I could easily see someone pull the "I really need the money for..." giving my child better life, cancer care, paying off family debt, etc. 

This isn't exclusive to The Circle, I hate all reality shows that try to pull at heartstrings to get us to root for someone. I can't stand Courtney and don't want him to win. He can find some other way to take care of his stepfather. Go do a gofundme like everyone else does. 

I love that Real Trevor gave Deleesa a play book with all the "dude" stuff that might come up. She got lucky with Pippin. Shame on Trevor for not knowing it would come up. lol

2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Since when is "Nice Guy" a bad thing to be?

"Nice Guy" as opposed to a guy who is just nice, is a type of guy who thinks that he is entitled to things (usually dates with/the love of hot women) because he's "nice". He's basically being nice to get those things as opposed to actually being a nice person. If you know Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander is the epitome of a "Nice Guy". He's super nice to women until they turn him down and then they are all whores and bitches and sluts. 

IDK if Jack really is a "Nice Guy", and I don't think he's anywhere near Xander levels, but there's just something niggling at the back of my mind that gives me the "Nice Guy" vibe. I hope he grows out of it. Being with Lisa has quieted that little niggling voice quite a lot so that's good. 

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UO but I like this season 100 times more than last season. I liked last season too but this one is so much funnier to me and I just like the people more and find them more memorable.

Another UO, I loved Lee saying he wanted to buy a pool! For one, $100,000 (before taxes) is not as much money as some of these people think with their grand dreams of paying off all debt and donating to charity and buying cars lol. Also, I feel pretty sure that buying a pool isn't the only thing Lee would do. Although, who knows, maybe he wants one of those super insane pool setups. 

I really thought Lee/River was going to get rid of Trevor or maybe even Chloe. Mitchell wasn't a threat to win at all. Although, when he explained that he thought Mitchell would rank him low, which he would have, I was like duh yea.

I love the Jack/Lisa duo to pieces. They are hilarious together.

I think I most want Chloe to win with Lee/River a very close second. But I would actually be OK with any of them winning.

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27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

UO but I like this season 100 times more than last season. I liked last season too but this one is so much funnier to me and I just like the people more and find them more memorable.

I actually agree, to a lesser degree perhaps, but I do find this season a lot more fun and funny. I think because they had more idea what to expect the players went in playing harder and while they are obsesses with finding the catfishes, it seems more like a game than something they seriously see as threatening. 

There are far more I like this season as well. Other than the early Savana/Terilisha conflict, I feel like this season is just more friendly. 

Courtney is the one (at least of those remaining) who seems to see the others as obstacles to be taken out rather than people he's competing against. Maybe it is because of what he needs the money for, but he strikes me as the only one more focused on the money than the experience. 


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53 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Nice Guy" as opposed to a guy who is just nice, is a type of guy who thinks that he is entitled to things (usually dates with/the love of hot women) because he's "nice".

Thank you! I didn't want to have to research it and potentially end up reading a bunch of toxic stuff. I wish they'd find a better name for it though. I don't want to end up not being able to call someone a nice guy. 


56 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

This is why I hate that the show makes them say what they will do with the money

Totally agree. It's a minefield. 

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7 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I don't want to end up not being able to call someone a nice guy. 

I've caught myself saying "not that kind of nice guy", which is sad. 

I will say, can't get over how much more I like John now that he's paired with Lisa. They work well off each other. I think part of that is because she's pretty low key so he gets to be the "star" with her as his side kick, so he doesn't feel like he has to try quite as hard. He was trying way too hard for my taste when he was Emily. 

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39 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I will say, can't get over how much more I like John now that he's paired with Lisa.

I worried that being so much older she'd patronize or mother him, but now that I think of it, as a PA to celebrities, you have to be good at getting along with and helping people without annoying them or insisting on your own way. That would get you fired. I see her almost mirroring what he says and being super agreeable. At the same time, she looks really happy and relaxed, so she's obviously having a great time. Plus he seems interested in her opinions too. The perfect Odd Couple. 

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52 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I wish they'd find a better name for it though. I don't want to end up not being able to call someone a nice guy. 

I think it's generally pretty easy to tell in writing because people will put Nice Guy (or "Nice Guy" or Nice Guy™), while if they're talking about an actual good guy, they'll just say he's a nice guy. In real life, people can do the finger quotes or put emphasis on the words. I dunno, I don't think I've ever been confused... it's usually pretty obvious from context/seeing the guy's behavior. (I also agree that I only see a touch of it from Jack, mostly due to a couple of comments where he was surprised that he could have good conversations with women. Hopefully he's just young and inexperienced.)

I don't think the contestants should have to say how they'd spend the money, either. This is a popularity contest, not a morality contest. But even though I feel like the best player should win, not the player with the best sob story, I still side-eye Lee for truthfully saying he wants a pool. Stupid reality show manipulation!

On a side note, though, I do enjoy the fact that -- according to former contestants -- this is a much more hands-off reality show than most. The contestants are not prompted by producers on what to say or told how to handle situations. It's all them. The editing is also not as manipulative as usual (no one's being given "the villain edit" or whatever). Maybe that's why I like this show so much when competitive reality's not usually my jam.

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47 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

On a side note, though, I do enjoy the fact that -- according to former contestants -- this is a much more hands-off reality show than most.

That's interesting. No wonder I like this show more than most. There is actually a lot I find fascinating about this set up. Mostly, I love how even the Catfish seem authentic, like Deleesa seems to genuinely like Chloe and does feel bad about catfishing her but at the same time admits, it's a game and she does want to win it, so she has to keep it up. 

Mitchell, otoh, seemed to play very honest, to the point that he didn't bother speaking to people he didn't have an interest in until it was too late. 

There is a really, really fine line you have to walk. Even Chloe, who does seem pretty genuine, would tell people what she knew they wanted to hear in order to keep alliances, or get the target off her back. It seems to work for her, since she appears to be pretty well liked by most, possibly underestimated as a threat, and was seen vital to "turn" for the Trevor/Mitchell alliance. 

I can't wait for the reunion. I really hope Chloe doesn't take the truth about Trevor too hard. I am glad she has at least thought it possible he's a catfish so the blow won't be quite as bad. 

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5 hours ago, Cranberry said:

These two videos from a former winner are pretty neat. He talks about what they actually do all day, how often they see real people, if any of it's scripted (no), etc.



This guy's season (forgot his name and didn't play the video which I'm sure mentions his name) is the only season I watched of the Circle outside of the US version... and I thought it was boring. The people weren't as entertaining to watch. I didn't even finish the season.

13 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I can't wait for the reunion. I really hope Chloe doesn't take the truth about Trevor too hard. I am glad she has at least thought it possible he's a catfish so the blow won't be quite as bad. 

I doubt she takes it too hard because she's already floating the possibility of Trevor being a catfish and she knows its a game. She wants it to be real but I think she's also bracing for the possibility that it may not be real... even though, I recognize that doesn't necessarily make it any less heartbreaking.

Last season we got Ed and his mom, and this season we got his brother (Mitchell). Next season, grandma?

Edited by AntFTW
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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Another UO, I loved Lee saying he wanted to buy a pool! For one, $100,000 (before taxes) is not as much money as some of these people think with their grand dreams of paying off all debt and donating to charity and buying cars lol.

... and buying a house. In my neck of the woods, it would be a pretty modest house.

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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really thought Lee/River was going to get rid of Trevor or maybe even Chloe. Mitchell wasn't a threat to win at all. Although, when he explained that he thought Mitchell would rank him low, which he would have, I was like duh yea.

My thinking is that he didn't want to lose numbers.

He wants to keep people that were gonna rank him high, and keep people who he believes won't win over him... which is an idea that can be conflicting by itself.

In addition to that, get rid of people whose exit won't cause any "collateral damage."

He gets rid of Trevor -who is a threat to win- but with that he might lose Chloe, who Lee/River believes would rank him highly.

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Those were filmed after UK season one, which is a little different from the current seasons, but same general idea. From what I've heard from US contestants/read in articles (like this one and this one), most stuff is the same. No sense of time, no phones, no Internet or even TV/movies... I know I'd get bored pretty quickly just doing crafts and puzzles. I'd have to bring in a huge stack of books.

(Sounds like the US contestants could talk to producers -- maybe the showrunners were concerned after people went a little crazy in near-complete solitude in UK season one -- but the producers didn't steer them at all strategy-wise.)

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57 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Some of these challenges are strange in that if a guy doesn’t know sports they can’t be a guy or a girl would know all about makeup.   I know many guys who don’t like sports and girls who don’t wear makeup.  

Yea, I was kind of irritated with all that since they were talking more general with it as if, like you said, no man could not like sports or no woman could not do makeup. However, in these particular cases, Deelisa/Trevor was claiming to be a big sports guy and Jack/Emily gave off the vibe from her pic and the personality Jack chose to portray that she was someone who did her makeup so it did make sense.

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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Deelisa/Trevor was claiming to be a big sports guy and Jack/Emily gave off the vibe from her pic and the personality Jack chose to portray that she was someone who did her makeup so it did make sense.

I agree. And seriously, how many women would have zero idea that you put foundation under makeup, or that blue eyeshadow goes over, not under the eyes? Most women know this, even if they don't personally wear makeup, but definitely if they post ultra-girly photos. 

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I know most to nothing about basketball and knew who those three players were.  Although I hope I could do better then Emily every time I have tried make up I look like a clown lol.   
   Chloe looked so pretty in awards dress.    She is the one who won me over.  In beginning The screaming was to much.  Still have my remote ready when she comes on.  
   Jack and Lisa are so cute together.   It’s funny how they complement each other. 

Edited by tribeca
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