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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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On 8/10/2024 at 5:07 PM, KittyQ said:

I wondered this, too, but then I realized that that pool area is not at the bottom level of the hotel. It has to be higher up. Most hotel pools would be on the roof for the best sunlight and to minimize the noise from the pool for the other guests, but I have seen a few where they are lower down. Anyway... I think the idea is that the pool is on Floor 5 and Ava's room is on Floor 8 (as seen by the room number) so Kristina fell 3 stories into the pool. Luckily, they have such an unusual pool setup, without a wide surround (or any surround) on all sides of the pool or she might have landed on hard material instead of in the water. 

Didn't they refer to Ava's room as being in the West Tower? So the pool could still be on the roof if the main block of the MC was 5 stories. And Ava's room was on the 8th floor.

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That small "area of the cemetery" where TJ and Jordan picked a spot for the baby to be buried looks incredibly fake. TJ wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans in August in New York doesn't help. Nice of him to imply to his mother that Molly is a crappy partner and then to give her a hard time in front of his mother.  Molly should leave him for "the least you can do" line alone! I can't with the "We have to..." repeatedly as he can see Molly is trying not to crumble. Good subtle acting by KV that Molly just feels exhausted by/done with this relationship, while TJ is too consumed with his needs to see it or care.  

The scenes of KMc_ and KM are 1,000 % better in terms of connection and emotion than any of the scenes Willow has ever had with Michael. Nice Willow and Elizabeth scene, too.

Maxie has some awesome lines! I really like her jacket too.

"I'm so grateful you're okay!" with grinning face. Ick, Blaze. And after you've taken so long to come see her, too. Natalia's excitement for the tour invitation and expectation that now Blaze can say goodbye to Kristina was gross, too.

I'm so glad Carly has someone to boost her ego with flirting. It's been a good 10 minutes since she got attention from a man. Anna's interruption was the only positive thing she's done in lord knows how long.



Edited by Bringonthedrama
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"The pharmacy regrets the error"? That's very breezy for incorrect meds, Elizabeth.

Kristina, tell people you need some time alone if you can't deal with visitors.

TJ talking to Molly about what he needs sounds like the first time he's ever mentioned it to her. (It probably is.) Throughout this story the show has skipped a bunch of the smaller but still important steps so it can have TJ blow up at Molly's seeming indifference. She seems fairly agnostic, so I doubt she'd forbid any sort of religious service and all of that stuff. But the show wants to manufacture drama by having TJ get all self-righteous.

LOL that Willow is so rattled by her kiss with Drew that she's fleeing the foundation to return to GH. As if she won't run into him there.

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TJ is all about what "I" need, no thought to Molly and neither of them any thought to Kristina.  I read a study a while back that half of couples break up after the death of a child. Molly and TJ need to be one of them.

So Blaze was not allowed to see Kristina until now?  I sense a story there, one that we are not going to get.

Carly will go after any high status guy, won't she? Even one who was just in jail.

Please send FH on vacation; Anna is hopeless.

I'm getting whiplash from Willow's changes of career.l.

Good for Maxie identifying how stupid Nina's plan is.

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Okay. I don't mean to be this person. But Willow never really bonded or had any connection to the baby that died right? basically from the moment the switch happened she was w/Wiley and everything. so wouldn't the baby that died just be a "oh that sucks?" like that one doesn't make sense to me. (i get it is her biological child, but it still seems off to me... hmm).

TJ. as a doctor you should know everyone processes things differently. do better my dude. 

Honestly. I get it. Kristina is Blaze's partner, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. i don't blame people for being. "Um. what?" on this. you can be there for someone and still do what you need to do. 

3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Kristina, tell people you need some time alone if you can't deal with visitors.

TJ talking to Molly about what he needs sounds like the first time he's ever mentioned it to her. (It probably is.) Throughout this story the show has skipped a bunch of the smaller but still important steps so it can have TJ blow up at Molly's seeming indifference. She seems fairly agnostic, so I doubt she'd forbid any sort of religious service and all of that stuff. But the show wants to manufacture drama by having TJ get all self-righteous.

Eh, Kristina doesn't owe Natalia or anyone else graciousness/to fake polite behavior as her body starts to heal and she's grieving. Not to mention that the way Blaze and Natalia approached her was beyond insensitive. Blaze was acting and talking like Kristina is recovering from a nasty virus instead of the death of a baby. 

TJ and Molly have had communication issues for years now. When TJ proposed, he apparently had no idea that Molly didn't want to have a traditional legal marriage. When HP's Molly told her family she might be pregnant and they asked if she and TJ wanted kids/had talked about having a family, she gave a vague answer and seemed to have no idea if TJ wanted to be a father. 

So, we have TJ only thinking of his own needs and choosing to ignore Kristina's trauma and all of Molly's related pain because of his disdain for Kristina. It seems to genuinely not occur to him that Molly could have needs that don't align with his. I don't think TJ's self-righteousness is out of nowhere. The writing for his character during this whole storyline makes it seem like he has never tried to understand much less cared about Molly's feelings or needs. 

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I have heard that losing a child is one of the hardest things that a couple can go through and may relatively frequently result in the end of the relationship. So, in a way, TJ's obnoxious behavior is probably not that unusual, although since he was so difficult during the pregnancy, it is harder to give him a pass now. For all his asking Molly for understanding, he doesn't seem willing to do the same for her. Get Kevin involved, STAT! Also, is either of them going to allow Kristina to have some closure by seeing the baby or at least letting her share in some of the grief and funeral, etc.?

Maybe a little too "real life" for a soap, but since when does someone pick a cemetery plot without having a cemetery representative there? We bought a plot for our future use, and there was a person with us showing us all the available plots, prices, and answering all questions. I guess TJ and Jordan (and Molly) can roam around the remarkably small PC cemetery, but just because there isn't a headstone on a plot doesn't mean it is available. 

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1 minute ago, Daisy said:

Okay. I don't mean to be this person. But Willow never really bonded or had any connection to the baby that died right? basically from the moment the switch happened she was w/Wiley and everything. so wouldn't the baby that died just be a "oh that sucks?" like that one doesn't make sense to me. (i get it is her biological child, but it still seems off to me... hmm).

The scenes when Willow found out about her baby's death were pretty sad. She gave up her kid because she loved him, not because she didn't. This is why her attachment to Wylie after she found out and her marriage to Michael were so unhealthy. They never gave her the chance to work through her grief.

I'm also not watching the show right now, so I don't know how this whole thing was framed. 

The person Kristina should be talking to is Sam. But she seems very much MIA from this whole thing.

I saw Natalia crying in Kristina's room tomorrow's episode. Eva LaRue is an attractive woman and a decent actress, but nothing is worth this abysmal character. 

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Why are they making this so complicated. just make Willow a patient care advocate like Felicia and Stella. She'll still be dealing with patients and she makes her own hours. so she can still be with the kids whenever. 

2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

The scenes when Willow found out about her baby's death were pretty sad. She gave up her kid because she loved him, not because she didn't. This is why her attachment to Wylie after she found out and her marriage to Michael were so unhealthy. They never gave her the chance to work through her grief.


Kristina is saying how she doesn't want to sleep because she keeps seeing her baby - and Willow was talking about the last time she really held her baby and everything. (and thanks for the Clarification). I didn't want to make it sound that Willow couldn/t shouldn't feel sad bout the child she lost but since she was never with "that baby" the pain would be... kinda different? i guess if that made sense? like how you'd feel sad if someone else's baby died. not your own.. 

Um, maybe take 5 seconds to think about it before yet another knee jerk career change, Willow. Having said that, anything that gets you away from Drew and the "Black Hole Where Personalities Go To Die" (Michael) would probably be in your best interest. 

Is Blaze being written out but we have to keep her toxic mother. No thank you!


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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

I didn't want to make it sound that Willow couldn/t shouldn't feel sad bout the child she lost but since she was never with "that baby" the pain would be... kinda different? i guess if that made sense? like how you'd feel sad if someone else's baby died. not your own.

It's not as if the baby (Jonah) was taken away from her after she gave birth.  I only remember the end of it, when Brad realized the baby was dead, but I'm sure Willow got to hold him before she handed him over to Brad.  She wanted to make sure her baby went to good people, if I recall or something. So yeah, I can believe her grief in learning that Wiley wasn't hers, but that her child was the one that had died. Her grief was raw.

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13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It's not as if the baby (Jonah) was taken away from her after she gave birth.  I only remember the end of it, when Brad realized the baby was dead, but I'm sure Willow got to hold him before she handed him over to Brad.  She wanted to make sure her baby went to good people, if I recall or something. So yeah, I can believe her grief in learning that Wiley wasn't hers, but that her child was the one that had died. Her grief was raw.


yeah that makes sense now what you and YaddaYadda said. 

I also have to wonder if Elizabeth can just Hire Willow back. I know she's head nurse but still


2 hours ago, Daisy said:

Okay. I don't mean to be this person. But Willow never really bonded or had any connection to the baby that died right? basically from the moment the switch happened she was w/Wiley and everything. so wouldn't the baby that died just be a "oh that sucks?" like that one doesn't make sense to me. (i get it is her biological child, but it still seems off to me... hmm).

It's a good parallel to Kristina though because just like Kristina, Willow was going to give up her baby to another couple as soon as it was born. This is something that the show got right (unusual).

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

it probably was just family only until she was out of danger. 

That's the story that they should tell. Blaze is her partner, closer than stepbrother Michael, but in same sex couples, the partner is too often not considered family and not allowed to visit or have input into decisions.


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Broken record here.  Emotional payoffs come from long-term stories where the viewer's investment is built over time. 

If we are expected to sympathize with TJ, instead of finding him to be whining, it would have been helpful to have seen his anticipation of and preparation for, the baby. 

If we are to care that Blaze is being pulled away from Kristina, it would have been helpful to have seen them together as Kristina faced her moment of crisis. 

If we are to applaud Willow's return to nursing, it would have been helpful if she'd been away from it for more than a month.  

I feel like I'm watching the ADHD version of a soap.

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

Okay. I don't mean to be this person. But Willow never really bonded or had any connection to the baby that died right? basically from the moment the switch happened she was w/Wiley and everything. so wouldn't the baby that died just be a "oh that sucks?" like that one doesn't make sense to me. (i get it is her biological child, but it still seems off to me... hmm).

I do remember that Willow was in a grief support group because she was having trouble getting over giving up her baby for adoption -- that's when she got close to Michael, who thought his baby had died. Then of course there were those really sad scenes a year or so later when Willow found out her baby was the one who had actually died.

Maxie looked great today!

Nina, you are being a dingbat, but at least in a fun way. I am losing track of where everyone lives. Nina looks like she's in Ava's apartment (which I know Nina has previously stayed in) but now Ava is the one in the hotel??

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That's the story that they should tell. Blaze is her partner, closer than stepbrother Michael, but in same sex couples, the partner is too often not considered family and not allowed to visit or have input into decisions.

I think it needs to be clarified both how long it's been that Blaze hasn't seen her and why. Also, Michael is her brother because Sonny adopted him. Michael has been her family all her life whereas she's been dating Blaze however many months - less than a year. They are not that serious, i.e. living together, engaged or married so a 'family only' policy that excludes Blaze really isn't out of line here. 

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35 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

They are not that serious, i.e. living together, engaged or married so a 'family only' policy that excludes Blaze really isn't out of line here

the amount of people who are screaming that Kristina should dump Blaze because she wasn't sitting vigil was mindboggling. technically  it's been maybe 48 hours. (at most). and she was obviously stupidly worried and the moment she got permission to visit - she went right up and started pampering Kristina. 

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I think it’s clear that TJ and Molly have never been fully compatible, like her hating the marriage ritual and him preferring it, though they managed to compromise and go with domestic partnership. With the death of the baby (and his baby but not hers), he’s religious and needs his religious rituals to mourn the baby while Molly is not particularly religious and doesn’t seem to want to mourn the baby but instead feels more comfortable going after Ava legally as a way to sort out her feelings about the baby’s death. They should have maybe talked things out before now. I do wonder if the writers are planning to break them up

Brenban is oily but it will be interesting to see what he does in PC

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11 minutes ago, DanaK said:

he’s religious

And where has his faith been until now? We’ve never heard about his deep religious beliefs before today. Spiritual sure. But deeply religious? Now all of a sudden they HAVE to have a service. They HAVE to have a reception. They HAVE to pick a plot, a coffin, etc. sure they need to pick a plot and coffin. And definitely a name. But the rest, not so much. Especially for a newborn. Does he also want a viewing? Why can’t it be private? And Why must everything be done right this very second when it’s only been like 24 hours since the baby died? I’m sure the hospital isn’t pressuring them. And who are these family members who will decide to take matters into their own hands if Molly and TJ don’t do it today?

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17 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I think it’s clear that TJ and Molly have never been fully compatible, like her hating the marriage ritual and him preferring it, though they managed to compromise and go with domestic partnership. With the death of the baby (and his baby but not hers), he’s religious and needs his religious rituals to mourn the baby while Molly is not particularly religious and doesn’t seem to want to mourn the baby but instead feels more comfortable going after Ava legally as a way to sort out her feelings about the baby’s death.

Yes!! I saw her declaration about her need to punish Ava to the full extent of the law as showing how different she is from TJ and also her first line to set up Ric's return. TJ isn't interested in what she wants, and her mom of course is focused on Kristina's healing and mental health. The obvious person to call on is her attorney father.

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4 hours ago, Daisy said:

I didn't want to make it sound that Willow couldn/t shouldn't feel sad bout the child she lost but since she was never with "that baby" the pain would be... kinda different? i guess if that made sense? like how you'd feel sad if someone else's baby died. not your own.. 

I think everyone is built differently, tbh. Some people can't let go, some people compartmentalize, others just move on and don't look back.

I think in Willow's case, we saw from the moment of her introduction that she wasn't okay with giving up her child. It was something she felt she had to do because of who the father was. But she was going to that group for grieving parents to try to cope with her decision, and we saw her latch onto Wylie when he was with Brad and Lucas when she thought he was her son. I think your world pretty much shatters when you find out that the child you've poured so much love into (and obsession) is not your own. Instead the child you tried so hard to protect lived only a few hours, then he died and she had no idea. 

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5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The scenes of KMc_ and KM

It took me several minutes to wonder how I could've missed a return appearance from Kim McC (I haven't been watching, just occasionally skimming the thread) so I wanted to clarify the following for my own sake - do I have these right?

  • KMcM - Katelyn McMullen
  • KM - Kate Mansi
  • KMcC - Kimberly McCullough
  • KeMo - Kelly Monaco

Am I forgetting anyone? Makes you wonder if casting is scouring Hollywood for actresses with the initials KM. 🤔

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I normally don't mind Jordan but she was pretty awful to Molly. Like others, I'm expecting (hoping) this relationship is doomed. And I liked teen Tolly. 

So, if the WSB is setting up a field office in PC, is this how Lucky comes back? I don't remember what the show has said he is doing these days. Anyway, he can't get back soon enough. I'm at the point of hate watching unless Tracy or Cody is onscreen. 

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20 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

It took me several minutes to wonder how I could've missed a return appearance from Kim McC (I haven't been watching, just occasionally skimming the thread) so I wanted to clarify the following for my own sake - do I have these right?

  • KMcM - Katelyn McMullen
  • KM - Kate Mansi
  • KMcC - Kimberly McCullough
  • KeMo - Kelly Monaco

Am I forgetting anyone? Makes you wonder if casting is scouring Hollywood for actresses with the initials KM. 🤔

Sorry for the confusion! Yes, I meant Katelyn McMullen. I knew her last name was Mc-something but I didn't feel like looking it up. KM is correct and I believe KeMo for Monaco is as well. GHScorpiosRule would be able to verify Kimberly's abbreviation.

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1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Sorry for the confusion! Yes, I meant Katelyn McMullen. I knew her last name was Mc-something but I didn't feel like looking it up. KM is correct and I believe KeMo for Monaco is as well. GHScorpiosRule would be able to verify Kimberly's abbreviation.

I think people have always used KMc for Kimberly McCullough. I’ve always spelled her name out. All the initials and acronyms confuse me!

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5 minutes ago, Artsda said:

TJ should be consulting Kristina with these funeral plans no? 

No, because he’s been an absolute ASSHOLE toward her and blames her for losing the baby. It’s only been two days, but he’s all fired up to buy a plot, name the baby, bury her, have a service AND a reception??!! ASAP??!!!

Molly is dealing with her grief by focusing on making Ava “pay”, but we know she’s grieving the loss in the scenes we saw with her and Kristina last week.

TJ’s grief would have more resonance had Show made the effort to show the viewers TJ and Molly making plans, getting the nursery ready, spend time with Kristina, feeling the baby kick, instead of acting like a raging PRICK, accusing her of endangering the baby, and to cut off ties with Mooby, etc.

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25 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

 And who are these family members who will decide to take matters into their own hands if Molly and TJ don’t do it today?

Portia? Curtis? Surely not Stella. And I can't think that any Davis or Cassadine connection would care and Ric doesn't strike me as the type..

TJ and Jordan have been notable for lacking family. I don't think that we've ever seen any family members of Jordan or Shawn. Given that, this sounds like hysteria on the part of TJ.

Why is the WSB setting up an office in Port Charles, other than Brennan has the hots for Carly? FBI covers domestic issues, CIA does international ones, and the WSB in an international spy agency who should have no jurisdiction in the USA at all. I can't imagine how people would shout if Interpol set up an office in Port Charles and started throwing their weight around.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I think people have always used KMc for Kimberly McCullough. I’ve always spelled her name out. All the initials and acronyms confuse me!

💯 No offense to anyone really, but it annoys me when people always use initials for the actors and so many have the same initials. It helps when they use character names in the post. 

Edited by pinkandsparkly13
Added something
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33 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I get why TJ is so set on doing all of the arrangements now: It gives him something to focus on, instead of being paralyzed by grief. The writing isn't supporting this properly, but it's no surprise the end of this story isn't any better handled than the beginning. It's been a fiasco from the get-go.

yeah. and when he does get weepy. he can be like "nope. gotta do this." and while he might not have been super religious before, death has a way of bringing it out of you. 


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7 minutes ago, Daisy said:

while he might not have been super religious before, death has a way of bringing it out of you. 

Or it can turn you in the opposite direction, as it did with me. There were a lot of other reasons that I was turning away from religion, but my dad's death didn't make me rethink things.

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OMG the Tracy and Violet scenes, how sweet, adorable and funny! Excellent use of Q family history as well. Not to mention Gregory would be so grateful and proud.

Well Kristina completely checked out of that relationship. Blaze thinking she can nurse Kristina through this pain and grief to the other side with her big smiles is naive and immature, if well-intentioned. KM continues to be great; I totally believe Kristina's mixed emotions in breaking up with Blaze. Poor Molly, looking at the pics of the Kristina-Ava fight as Kristina rants about Ava. 

Hey Sonny, it's your prescription. Go to the pharmacy yourself and investigate!

Very professional of Anna to help herself to Brennan's wine.  His continued flirtation with Carly strongly reminds me of Jax.

Preview: Sonny really wants the bigot to stay in Port Charles? Ugh. So gross.


Edited by Bringonthedrama
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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

OMG the Tracy and Violet scenes, how sweet, adorable and funny! Excellent use of Q family history as well. Not to mention Gregory would be so grateful and proud.

OMG, Tracy hosting a tea part for Violet and her friends, using Lila's good china? A scene I didn't know I needed until now.

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Well there goes another potentially interesting character sacrificed on the Altar of Carly.

Today's episode felt even more boring than usual. Another new man moves to Port Charles for Carly, Sonny and Jason plot revenge on someone Sonny is angry at, Scott and Cates look like losers for plot.

If Blaze is gone, there is NO REASON for Natalia to stay on the show. Even with Blaze there, I still don't see a reason. Being Sonny's new love interest doesn't count. It's all wash/rinse/repeat for Sonny/Carly/Jason.  The last interesting new thing the writers did with these characters was Sonny in Nixon Falls and even that fizzled out.

Tracy and Violet having a tea party was nice but that sweet old lady was not the Lila I remember.

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16 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

OMG the Tracy and Violet scenes, how sweet, adorable and funny! Excellent use of Q family history as well. Not to mention Gregory would be so grateful and proud.

Very professional of Anna to help herself to Brennan's wine.  His continued flirtation with Carly strongly reminds me of Jax.


Are they contractually obligated to mention, at least monthly, that Alan gave Monica the house?  

The look that Brennan gave her when she started pouring was classic!

Edited by Pristine
I can't spell.
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Carly to Ava "you have no shame."
Me: how are you not dead from the multitude of lightning strikes?

You know. Blaze.. i think you need to be single for a while and discover who and what you are. just saying 

Carly: He's using you Ava. Just like he used Jason and Me.
Me: just like you use everyone else?
Carly: the only thing he cares about is sending Sonny to prision.


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Animal prints can be elegant if used properly, Tracy. That's one thing you have wrong.

Sonny, if Anna is going to serve and protect you, she's going to serve and protect "even Ava." I know Sonny thinks the world is there to serve him and him alone, but his hypocrisy is just so gross when it comes to law enforcement.

Wagger's son is an adult, or nearly, and by all accounts is living a productive life. So why does Carly keep bringing him up as if he's some neglected 6-year-old? (Aside from being a jerk, since you know she'd shriek bloody hell if anyone talked about any of her kids that way.) It's also stupid of Wagger to take the bait, though that's a bit more understandable.

52 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

f Blaze is gone, there is NO REASON for Natalia to stay on the show.

Natalia is the victim of a terrible reveal that is totally not her fault and needs to be avenged. 

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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