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S02.E08: What the Heart Wants

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We're still doing this "Iggy's trying to adopt a kid and hasn't told his husband yet" thing? Ugh. And the adoption agency is going to give them one without even talking to both parents?

Shouldn't the woman with the stillborn baby have, I dunno, some privacy? Instead of leaving her in a room with giant glass doors for everyone who walks by to see in? (I haven't spent a lot of time in hospitals, but I've visited people and spent a day in the short stay unit and the only place I've ever seen rooms like that was when my grandmother was in the critical care unit. Even short stay, which was just one big room lined with beds, had privacy curtains.)

Do any of these big shot doctors ever see more than one patient a day?

Hey, Vijay...It's called HIPAA! Learn about it!

I don't like Dr. Castro.

Of course there's a miracle cure for the measles kid they never knew about before! Just google it!

Is this really goodbye for Georgia? (Did they ever clean up the carpet?)

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I actually liked Max this episode. I've suffered a stillbirth, and his empathy was palpable, as it was coming from his own grief too. Of course him being by her side the entire time and allowing her in the room indefinitely was beyond unrealistic, but I do like how the show portrayed a glimpse of the pain and feelings involved when a baby is born still. But for crying out loud, close the curtains in her room! The world shouldn't be watching a woman grieve and she shouldn't have to be subjected to the sight of newborns and happy families. Does this hospital not understand privacy? 

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Am I the only one wondering what the hell is going on with Helen? I cannot be the only person who feels like this season's version is very different from last season. Or maybe I am. I'd like to think it'd come to a head with Castro (who can scheme & plot with the best of them, I'll give her that....) but I figure the department will be taken from her by the board and that'll be that. 

I also thought tonight's Max content was done very well. I did like the self-awareness he had this episode and I'd like to think that'll be the end of Georgia, but who knows. I get giving the story the respect it needs, but with a show you can hang around one place for too long. 

The stillbirth storyline was so heartbreaking. Her being front and center with the curtains wide open wouldn't happen. We give the family as much privacy as possible. I did really like that they had and mentioned the CuddleCot. We really do use those and it's a great resource for families. 

Edited by apn85
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7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Shouldn't the woman with the stillborn baby have, I dunno, some privacy? Instead of leaving her in a room with giant glass doors for everyone who walks by to see in?

This has happened in every hospital show I have seen, beginning with ER. In some cases I think it was because of cinematography, something we are basically asked to forgive and go with the story. In one of these shows there was a woman giving birth, her legs spread open facing the door that had a big window on it, and people could just stand there and watch the baby being born from a very "privileged" position.

In real life, some hospitals will ask companions and visitors to stay in the room the person they are with is. That happened to me in an ER. They did have curtains but they still asked me to refrain from walking in the corridors - I was looking for the restroom but they didn't know that.

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Well I thought Max’s behaviour was borderline creepy. He didn’t even know this woman and all of a sudden he’s her best friend. Is he going to do this for every woman who has a still born? Sitting outside her room, telling her she can stay as long as she wants to the point that he is refusing to let someone else in labour use the room. 

Not liking Iggy’s story line either. What did you think was going to happen Iggy? 

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Iggy is a jerk. I hope his husband leaves him.  

Did the stillborn birth mother have no family or friends? That was sad. 

What happened to Kapoor's son? did he just vanish? Has Kapoor tried to contact him at all? That father/son storyline went nowhere. 

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What happened to Kapoor's son? did he just vanish? Has Kapoor tried to contact him at all? That father/son storyline went nowhere. 

He told him his band was going on tour or something and disappeared.

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Let me add to the long list of WTFs in this episode:  WTF was up with Bloom just leisurely sauntering from her shift in the ED up to the surgical floor for her procedure?  No special pre-op shower (MRSA prevention protocol), no mention of fasting, no PAPERWORK??  I mean, I know she works there, but I doubt that privilege exempts her from all of the normal pre-op stuff every surgical patient has to do, like checking in with the clerk or waiting to be called back for pre-op.  I know administrative stuff isn't sexy or dramatic, but just having her appear on the surgical floor was beyond realistic, and having her go through all of the rigamarole alone (perhaps in a montage, with a strummy-guitar song about loneliness and isolation playing) could have served the plot nicely.

I expect too much of this show.     

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 I get giving the story the respect it needs, but with a show you can hang around one place for too long. 

Most shows stay around too long.

How many spouses would adopt a puppy without consulting the other spouse, Iggy? 

What with all the salads we see doctors eat on these medical shows, I sure liked seeing Bloom chow down on that gigantic chunk of meat!

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Did the stillborn birth mother have no family or friends? That was sad. 

Then again, this is common in TV life. People stay in hospitals, deal with legal matters, and no friends, no family. Some of them are dying and we don't see anyone caring, only the heroic doctors. Even when they have friends in shows about friendship, it is like they only ones are the ones we see on the screen. One or two, maybe a few more. That's it. No work colleagues either.

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I know it’s silly to point out unrealistic details of this ridiculous show, but that sir, was not a Peter Luger’s steak (even with their less than stellar recent review).


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14 hours ago, ams1001 said:

We're still doing this "Iggy's trying to adopt a kid and hasn't told his husband yet" thing? Ugh. And the adoption agency is going to give them one without even talking to both parents?

This entire storyline makes me want to scream.  This isn't a stray dog that Iggy wants to take home.  It's a baby, on top of the four other children this couple already has.  It would be such a violation of the marriage to have one member of the couple pull this, to the point where divorce should be a real consequence.   There is also no way an adoption agency is going to give a couple a baby without interviewing both parents.  I don't care if the couple has already adopted fifty children from this particular agency.  It's not happening. 

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I have to assume that steak was well- to exceedingly well-done if Bloom could hold it in one hand and it didn't even bend.

Did Max have nothing else to do as the administrator of the hospital that he could sit in front of the delivery room all day?

While I think that the idea of a safe space for heroin addicts is, in part, a good idea from the fiscal standpoint, why would Sharpe go in there with an easily identifiable doctor lab coat?  Matter of fact, why would she go into the drug den in the first place looking for the cancer patient?  Good place to get mugged.

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15 hours ago, apn85 said:

Am I the only one wondering what the hell is going on with Helen? I cannot be the only person who feels like this season's version is very different from last season. Or maybe I am. I'd like to think it'd come to a head with Castro (who can scheme & plot with the best of them, I'll give her that....) but I figure the department will be taken from her by the board and that'll be that. 

It feels like they completely switched gears.  Helen was in a happy relationship last season and was thinking about children.  Now all that is a thing of the past apparently, and she's just focused on trying to keep her job and her ethics with that awful Castro around.  It's the same with Max.  Last season, his cancer diagnosis was all that was happening, but now, it's like he wasn't even sick.  It's all about grieving Georgia and his impending fatherhood.  Of course, it's entirely possible to have more than one serious thing going on in your life, but not on this show.

I was also wondering why they didn't just pull the blinds on Gabi and give her some privacy.  

I don't care how empathetic Iggy is, his husband has every right to be upset.  You can't just adopt a child (or at least go through the process) without informing your spouse.  

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2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

While I think that the idea of a safe space for heroin addicts is, in part, a good idea from the fiscal standpoint, why would Sharpe go in there with an easily identifiable doctor lab coat?  Matter of fact, why would she go into the drug den in the first place looking for the cancer patient?  Good place to get mugged.

Ah, yes, that was another big WTF!  Not only was she wearing a lab coat (which I believe has her name on it, and identifies her as an employee of New Amsterdam), but she also had her hospital ID on, and she's DOCTOR HELEN, from the teevee.  No effort whatsoever to be covert in that little errand.  She might as well have walked up to a cop herself, handed him/her a business card and said, "I'mma take this woman in here to shoot up...you'll be here waiting to arrest me when I come out, right?"  I do wonder, though, who dimed her out.  I have a mental image of Castro following her, peering around corners and whatnot.

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1 hour ago, Amethyst said:

I don't care how empathetic Iggy is, his husband has every right to be upset.  You can't just adopt a child (or at least go through the process) without informing your spouse.  

You mean an adoption agency wouldn't just be like: "Oh, you and your spouse want to adopt a baby, and you say your spouse is totally into the idea?  Nah, we don't need to meet them.  We'll just take your word everything is cool and give you a kid."  No, I will never let this go.  It just really bugs me that they think adoption works that way.  

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The Iggy plotline is just like....what the hell? Like maybe if they used the agency before and they had the info on file, they took a meeting with Iggy without the husband and might go like "okay so you guys are looking"

But I have a feeling, not in a million years, would they go "OK SO WE HAVE A BABY FOR YOU GO GET TO TEXAS IN 24 HOURS BABY RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!"


16 hours ago, Lovecat said:

Let me add to the long list of WTFs in this episode:  WTF was up with Bloom just leisurely sauntering from her shift in the ED up to the surgical floor for her procedure?  No special pre-op shower (MRSA prevention protocol), no mention of fasting, no PAPERWORK??  I mean, I know she works there, but I doubt that privilege exempts her from all of the normal pre-op stuff every surgical patient has to do, like checking in with the clerk or waiting to be called back for pre-op.  I know administrative stuff isn't sexy or dramatic, but just having her appear on the surgical floor was beyond realistic, and having her go through all of the rigamarole alone (perhaps in a montage, with a strummy-guitar song about loneliness and isolation playing) could have served the plot nicely.

I expect too much of this show.     

All of this - but the show would not have a strummy guitar song! It would have some weird discordant jazz!


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Having finally watched the episode, I liked the interaction between Max and the woman patient. It was pretty unrealistic as far as a doctor, and the one who is supposed to be running a whole city/hospital to spend his day sitting outside a patient's room, brooding, but it was one of those TV moments I could suspend disbelief and get into the story. Maybe because I don't hear much about it. In fact I only know of one case and it was heartbreaking listening to the mother telling the story and showing the photo she took. Having been able to allow the absurdities, I found it touching and realistic.

I agree with the whole Iggy thing, it is pretty ridiculous but TV show writers need to find a better way to show us the drama. Iggy's husband (Martin?) gets a text, goes to the hospital just to say on Iggy's face that he doesn't want to see him? It is NY, why don't you just call and yell at him? This is not on this show but it is still annoying. It is lazy writing. Show writers are supposed to come up with ideas that translate well in front of the cameras. They failed.

Couldn't care less about Bloom's story and whatever it was she was eating. It looked gross. And her morphine high was badly played.

I didn't understand Helen being arrested. If they knew she was there, then they also knew about the place - now gone. The people there - I don't know who they were, but not doctors, I believe - would be arrested and the patients taken to a hospital - since it is NY, the white ones would go to the hospitals. People of color would be arrested. But the police didn't show a warranty, Helen was "seen" taking someone there, they don't have proof or cause to simply handcuff her without a warrant. Another lazy writing. 

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Hallelujah - 8 episodes in and finally, no more Georgia!    She was in S2 more than she ever was for S1, lol!   Rather obvious the epiphany Matt would have talking with the mother who lost her baby.  I'm glad that arc has ended so Matt can move on, hopefully, in a healthy way.

Helen's storyline didn't make any sense and have to agree with another poster.  No warrant, no real probable cause, etc., just show up and arrest her.

Ella & Dr. Kapoor - what did I miss?  She and Kapoor's son obviously had a relationship and then he just leaves (saw that episode).  It seemed as if Kapoor and his son made amends; I would have like to have seen that develop.   Didn't realize Kapoor son and Ella were that close; just another artificial storyline that didn't have to be.   Initially, I though Dr. Kapoor and Ella would have gotten together; shows how wrong I was.

Iggy and Martin - I'm tired of this already

Lastly, definitely don't want Reynolds and Look back together.

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23 hours ago, Lovecat said:

Let me add to the long list of WTFs in this episode:  WTF was up with Bloom just leisurely sauntering from her shift in the ED up to the surgical floor for her procedure?  No special pre-op shower (MRSA prevention protocol), no mention of fasting, no PAPERWORK??  I mean, I know she works there, but I doubt that privilege exempts her from all of the normal pre-op stuff every surgical patient has to do, like checking in with the clerk or waiting to be called back for pre-op.  I know administrative stuff isn't sexy or dramatic, but just having her appear on the surgical floor was beyond realistic, and having her go through all of the rigamarole alone (perhaps in a montage, with a strummy-guitar song about loneliness and isolation playing) could have served the plot nicely.

I expect too much of this show.     

Yes - it seems all the medical shows I watch (The Resident, Chicago Med and this one) have some type of malaise this season; they've been a huge disappointment.   You really have to suspend belief and reality at some of the things that occur!

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18 hours ago, Amethyst said:

It feels like they completely switched gears.  Helen was in a happy relationship last season and was thinking about children.  Now all that is a thing of the past apparently, and she's just focused on trying to keep her job and her ethics with that awful Castro around.  It's the same with Max.  Last season, his cancer diagnosis was all that was happening, but now, it's like he wasn't even sick.  It's all about grieving Georgia and his impending fatherhood.  Of course, it's entirely possible to have more than one serious thing going on in your life, but not on this show

THIS!    I've wondered the same thing; it's almost like S1 never happened!   It's shameful as it had such promise; this season has been pretty meh for me.

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It would appear as if Helen is crying for help. She's the only one who hasn't been shown dealing with the aftermath of the crash. There was that very brief conversation with Max where he asked about her fertility treatment after the accident and she confided in him that it didn't take. In another episode she tells Max something like she needs a confidence boost or something to that effect after he asks to cancel the tv interview she set up to expose the hip implant company.

Helen is featured a lot but we know very little about her, especially what's motivating her this season. Her scenes with Bloom are all about Bloom's issues, same with Max. She's mostly used to prop other characters. 

In short, Helen gets arrested and Castro of all people is the one to show up with Brantley in tow. (Helen has been easy prey so far for seemingly evil Castro.) When Max needed help Helen spent her own money and after he rejected her gift everyone showed up at his door to help. When Helen gets arrested she gets Castro and Brantley. This better be leading somewhere, otherwise why do this to her character? 

In the span of 8 episodes Helen has endangered her career plenty for other people's benefit. She caved and gave Castro half her department for Max, she then took on a company that could've buried her career and personal life in one fell swoop; in this one she risked everything by visiting an illegal safe site while wearing her white coat for one patient. At the moment her job at NA, her reputation, and her career are at risk. I had already forgotten about Helen handing over a suicide cocktail to a patient and then walking out. This has to be leading somewhere.

Bloom and Reynolds were ace in this one. 

Iggy obviously needs help. Like Helen, he's in the middle of an identity crisis of some sort.

That S1 magic is mostly gone.

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4 hours ago, cathmed said:

Yes - it seems all the medical shows I watch (The Resident, Chicago Med and this one) have some type of malaise this season; they've been a huge disappointment.   You really have to suspend belief and reality at some of the things that occur!

To me the other two shows you mentioned have been a huge disappointment from day one. Tried to keep watching but not even hate watch is possible anymore. Chicago Med is a mess of bad acting with bad acting and with a good dose of praise the corruption in Chicago - without a hint of self awareness. I can't even imagine what Chicago PD is. But again, Dick Wolf is a Dick racist who supports police brutality.

The Resident is Super!Resident! who has time to save the world while giving orders to every singe attendant, including barging into ORs to tell the surgeons what to do. Also breaking the law and torturing patients. 

You must have a threshold for BS way higher than mine.

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21 hours ago, Mia Nina said:

In the span of 8 episodes Helen has endangered her career plenty for other people's benefit. She caved and gave Castro half her department for Max, she then took on a company that could've buried her career and personal life in one fell swoop; in this one she risked everything by visiting an illegal safe site while wearing her white coat for one patient. At the moment her job at NA, her reputation, and her career are at risk. I had already forgotten about Helen handing over a suicide cocktail to a patient and then walking out. This has to be leading somewhere.

If it isn't then I am going to be more pissed off than I usually am! 😛 

I have had those same thoughts, that Helen's behavior has to be indicative of something much larger going on, but then I remember other things in this show and start to wonder if she may just be used to prop other characters. I certainly hope not, the character and actress are way too good for that nonsense, IMO, but the thought has crossed my mind. 

You're right. We don't know very much about Helen. All we do know is after the crash she ran. From the time it happened to when we first saw her back at NA it had been 3 months. She and Max were close friends and they had not seen or spoken to one another in 3 months. That's crazy! I know she said she had been off making appearances and giving talks about his treatment, but really?? 3 months? So that, to me, made it pretty clear that she ran rather than stay and deal with it. I kind of wonder if it was the same after her fiancé died. We have no idea how long ago that happened (at least I don't think we do) but she was basically running nonstop when Max met her.  It's all very confusing and I really hope they have a plan because I do like her very much. 

And the only arc she really had, the baby thing, seemed to be laid to rest rather quickly. She told Max she had gone through with the IVF after the crash and as soon as she did it she realized she'd made a mistake. She wants to be a Mom but she doesn't want to do it alone. And that was the end of it. 

I'm just glad someone didn't knock her in the back of the head in the crack den. I mean, why?? I just sat there dumbfounded thinking, "Oh, she's really doing this, huh?" And you mean to tell me that never got back to Max?? That one of his doctors ON DUTY was arrested for taking a patient to an illegal safe site so she could shoot up heroin? You'd think if the board was involved that the Medical Director would be involved and I cannot see Max being all...yeah, just go bail her out, I'm busy. I could have seen Max going ballistic on her way more than I could see him not even being told. 

She has been making one reckless decision after another and that is not the Helen we met at the start of season 1. 

Edited by apn85
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23 hours ago, alexvillage said:

To me the other two shows you mentioned have been a huge disappointment from day one. Tried to keep watching but not even hate watch is possible anymore. Chicago Med is a mess of bad acting with bad acting and with a good dose of praise the corruption in Chicago - without a hint of self awareness. I can't even imagine what Chicago PD is. But again, Dick Wolf is a Dick racist who supports police brutality.

The Resident is Super!Resident! who has time to save the world while giving orders to every singe attendant, including barging into ORs to tell the surgeons what to do. Also breaking the law and torturing patients. 

You must have a threshold for BS way higher than mine.

Well, I was trying to be kind and didn't want to say they'd all become a trainwreck, LOL   It's sad as New Amsterdam is only in the 2nd season and I'm about through with it.  I've been disappointed with Chicago Med for several seasons and now that Colin (and essentially the Dr. Latham character) is gone, not much reason to really watch.  The Resident - not happy with this season or the last almost 2 seasons.   It's too bad, imo, as they started out with good writing and I had hope.  My hope has been dashed.

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5 hours ago, apn85 said:

You'd think if the board was involved that the Medical Director would be involved and I cannot see Max being all...yeah, just go bail her out, I'm busy.

Yeah, of course he's busy.  He has to protect the mother from any possible intrusion from the ostensibly professional workforce all day.  However, he's quite content to leave her alone when he has to go home, because they've been instructed not to bother her.

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2 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

Yeah, of course he's busy.  He has to protect the mother from any possible intrusion from the ostensibly professional workforce all day.  However, he's quite content to leave her alone when he has to go home, because they've been instructed not to bother her.

Well, yes.  Because, as we all know, labor and delivery personnel are heartless shrews with no training or experience whatsoever in helping grieving parents.  Because the 'cuddle cot' just sprang like a mushroom up out of the floor; it wasn't that someone working on the birthing unit heard about it and got the hospital to purchase one for just that reason.

For that matter, postpartum nurses also have extensive training and experience in grieving after loss and Max' insistence that she needed to be on display in a fishbowl on labor and delivery rather than being moved to a quieter, more secluded room on the postpartum unit made no sense, either.

Speaking of no sense, they were trying to indicate that the baby died in utero due to a major heart defect.  News flash:  a fetus receives oxygen through its umbilical cord and the heart merely pumps the oxygenated blood through the fetus.  A hypoplastic left heart, as they said this baby had, can result in neonatal death and requires major surgery shortly after birth, sometimes even a heart transplant, to keep the baby alive.  But, in utero, the lungs are not oxygenating the fetus, the oxygen is simply crossing the placenta into the baby's blood stream and the heart circulates it throughout the body while even diverting most of it away from the lungs.  Although, they implied that the baby was stillborn due to the heart defect, that would not be the case in real life.  It would not be until it was born and was using its lungs that the lack of ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood out of the lungs and to the rest of the body could lead to death.

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On 11/14/2019 at 2:34 PM, alexvillage said:

Chicago Med is a mess of bad acting with bad acting and with a good dose of praise the corruption in Chicago - without a hint of self awareness. I can't even imagine what Chicago PD is. But again, Dick Wolf is a Dick racist who supports police brutality.

I gave up with Chicago Med after the bazilionth time the doctors saved someone with no regard to their quality of life.

I couldn't watch Chicago PD because it is all police brutality.

Ok, how did Iggy get a baby?  A BABY, not a teenager or small child in need of adoption.  Babies are super difficult to find for adoption.

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19 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Well, yes.  Because, as we all know, labor and delivery personnel are heartless shrews with no training or experience whatsoever in helping grieving parents.  Because the 'cuddle cot' just sprang like a mushroom up out of the floor; it wasn't that someone working on the birthing unit heard about it and got the hospital to purchase one for just that reason.

For that matter, postpartum nurses also have extensive training and experience in grieving after loss and Max' insistence that she needed to be on display in a fishbowl on labor and delivery rather than being moved to a quieter, more secluded room on the postpartum unit made no sense, either.

Speaking of no sense, they were trying to indicate that the baby died in utero due to a major heart defect.  News flash:  a fetus receives oxygen through its umbilical cord and the heart merely pumps the oxygenated blood through the fetus.  A hypoplastic left heart, as they said this baby had, can result in neonatal death and requires major surgery shortly after birth, sometimes even a heart transplant, to keep the baby alive.  But, in utero, the lungs are not oxygenating the fetus, the oxygen is simply crossing the placenta into the baby's blood stream and the heart circulates it throughout the body while even diverting most of it away from the lungs.  Although, they implied that the baby was stillborn due to the heart defect, that would not be the case in real life.  It would not be until it was born and was using its lungs that the lack of ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood out of the lungs and to the rest of the body could lead to death.

See, this is why I can't even pay attention to the actual medical cases on this show. I didn't even remember what they said supposedly happened to her baby - THAT'S how much attention I pay, haha. 

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On 11/15/2019 at 10:21 AM, apn85 said:

If it isn't then I am going to be more pissed off than I usually am! 😛 

I have had those same thoughts, that Helen's behavior has to be indicative of something much larger going on, but then I remember other things in this show and start to wonder if she may just be used to prop other characters. I certainly hope not, the character and actress are way too good for that nonsense, IMO, but the thought has crossed my mind. 

You're right. We don't know very much about Helen. All we do know is after the crash she ran. From the time it happened to when we first saw her back at NA it had been 3 months. She and Max were close friends and they had not seen or spoken to one another in 3 months. That's crazy! I know she said she had been off making appearances and giving talks about his treatment, but really?? 3 months? So that, to me, made it pretty clear that she ran rather than stay and deal with it. I kind of wonder if it was the same after her fiancé died. We have no idea how long ago that happened (at least I don't think we do) but she was basically running nonstop when Max met her.  It's all very confusing and I really hope they have a plan because I do like her very much. 

 That one of his doctors ON DUTY was arrested for taking a patient to an illegal safe site so she could shoot up heroin? You'd think if the board was involved that the Medical Director would be involved and I cannot see Max being all...yeah, just go bail her out, I'm busy. I could have seen Max going ballistic on her way more than I could see him not even being told. 

She has been making one reckless decision after another and that is not the Helen we met at the start of season 1. 

Heee, right. Her behavior at least appears to be indicative of a deeper issue.

Oh yes, news of any doctor getting arrested in the hospital would definitely make waves, especially one considered a celebrity. It was bizarre. 

Exactly. Helen's big speech to Panthaki before their trip to Philadelphia made it sound as if she hardly took any chances after the death of her fiancee. Now she's going to illegal drug sites and getting arrested in front of her colleagues. We'll see.

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5 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Although I’ve been waiting weeks for dead Georgia to be finally dead, I’m willing to grant her one more appearance if she takes Castro and her big ass Spongebob glasses back with her. 

I saw a snippet from an interview the actress did that said something along the lines of she believes people don't like her character because she's female. That Dr. Castro has nothing but the best of intentions and a lot of empathy as an Oncologist. Now, I'm sure she's a lovely person, but dear......

People don't like the character because she's absolutely heinous. Not because she's a woman. She literally threatened to walk with Max's treatment if Helen didn't give her 1/2 the Oncology department. It'd be terrible if it were anyone, but she knows and works for Max. She also knows he's a single parent who just lost his spouse and she used him as leverage because she knows Helen IS caring and empathetic. 

I'm not sure the actress is working on or watching the same show we're all watching. #confused

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2 hours ago, apn85 said:

I saw a snippet from an interview the actress did that said something along the lines of she believes people don't like her character because she's female. That Dr. Castro has nothing but the best of intentions and a lot of empathy as an Oncologist. Now, I'm sure she's a lovely person, but dear......

People don't like the character because she's absolutely heinous. Not because she's a woman. She literally threatened to walk with Max's treatment if Helen didn't give her 1/2 the Oncology department. It'd be terrible if it were anyone, but she knows and works for Max. She also knows he's a single parent who just lost his spouse and she used him as leverage because she knows Helen IS caring and empathetic. 

I'm not sure the actress is working on or watching the same show we're all watching. #confused

...the actress thinks that is the reason?

It's because her character is absolutely evil - and she is doing a great job at it! She should be proud of the job she is doing, unless that isn't what the writer's intended. Why would she want them to sell the Proton Beam thingy when it probably brings in a *lot* more money than they could sell it for. She could literally go to Max, go "hey can you get us more money for this trial for your cancer drug because yeah." and he would probably take out his own checkbook.

I think in NYS, MSK and Mt Sinai had to partner to open a proton beam facility - so if the #2 cancer center in the US doesn't have one... uhhhhh why would the fictional Bellevue have one?

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On 11/14/2019 at 2:59 AM, bros402 said:


I agree, that's a gaping plot hole. They have plenty of air time to fill this season, and they could have gotten a full episode out of that one plot alone. Just the reaction from Helen alone would have been great TV. Show us Helen's reaction to the blood memento!

I did think the sad hug at the end of this episode was well done, though. I felt that one.

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