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S01.E06: Mile Marker 14


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Another really solid episode, though I think I missed some stuff because I was working while watching.

To start off: my spidey senses were tingling when Kindred was so easily taken down--I definitely knew there had to be more coming--but I did NOT see the Emily twist coming! In some ways it's really a shame, as I thought the actress was quite likeable and bounced well off the rest of the cast. But it feels like there is a whole new layer of the story that just opened up. As an aside, Emily has the best one-liners. "He has the mind of a god and the emotional stability of a ferret" cracked me up, as did "It's not NOT fun" and "Action Jeeves" (or at least I think that's what she called Benny?). I also kind of love the running gag that the station turned into Emily and Benny's house, ha.

Chris had a great (non-)reaction to the AI reveal, as did Jo to his non-reaction!

I totally guessed that the "dead" partner wasn't dead a hot three seconds into the episode, but I can't lie, the hunt for him kind of dragged for me. The character didn't tell us anything we didn't already know and it feels like that was just a means to an end (apprehend Kindred so we can get to the Emily reveal). IDK why exactly, but the subplots worked better for me this episode than did the main plots.

Mia and Piper continue to be just a totally winning couple for the show--unlike many kid actors, they are just so darn likeable and their little bond is legit the cutest thing ever. Piper echoing Mia's sulky teenage "fine!" was HILARIOUS because it's so something a younger sibling would do! I also enjoyed Abby being like "oh no no no, that's not how this works" when they tried to hustle her, hee. Still crackshipping Jo/Abby. Really can't blame Alex for insisting that Mia stay with him (inevitably that will only last an episode, but still) and thought Jo's conversation with Ed was a highlight of the episode. I wonder if the Piper reveal is going to help change Ed's mind about getting treatment, or if Piper will just heal him.

This really is an enjoyable show.

  • Love 18

I missed the first minute and feel like I missed a lot more. When did we find out about the dead business partner? And now I am wondering how much bad stuff Kindred did and how much was a set up by Emily. I guess he is pretty shady regardless.

I really like Jo, but she may start to look bad if she lets herself lose custody of Mia over Piper.

  • Love 7

Just random things that I noticed:

Jo is fighting with the guys while running up the stairs, she leaves the assault rifle and the baseball bat behind. Grab both Jo, that guy wouldn't dare try to open that door until the police arrived.

Jo can really take a punch, maybe they shouldn't put her in too many fight scenes. I feel bad for laughing at her pain.

Jo and Benny exit the bunker, it is night, Alex leaves Dr. Abby's house, it is night. Every other scene before and after, it is daytime. I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I didn't have some kind of "stroke". I got so confused had to look at the clock in the police station to see what time it was: "2:22 or so" Now I wondering if it is A.M. or P.M., has an entire day gone by? Jo comes home and Ed says "What are you doing home so early from work?" I collapse on the floor with foam coming out of my mouth. Anybody else get the the vibe that Dr. Abby wouldn't mind breaking off a piece of that Alex? "Why exactly did you two break up?"

So we finally get our big bad, Emily. Anybody else get the the vibe that Chris wouldn't mind breaking off a piece of that Emily or was it that Emily wouldn't mind breaking off a piece of that Chris?

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8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

To start off: my spidey senses were tingling when Kindred was so easily taken down--I definitely knew there had to be more coming--but I did NOT see the Emily twist coming!

Agree that Kindred's arrest on federal charges seemed too easy and quick, and I also didn't see the Emily twist coming--but not sure how I feel about that twist. On the one hand, Emily is clearly smart enough to have created the fake (AI or VR?) environments where "Kindred" met Piper, and Emily has seemed a shifty from the start. OTOH,  I don't know what her motivation would be for appearing as Kindred to Piper, since Piper did not seem upset when Emily revealed herself.

8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Chris had a great (non-)reaction to the AI reveal, as did Jo to his non-reaction!

At first I thought that Chris didn't understand what Jo meant by AI, but then my husband reminded me that Chris had shown that he was tech-savvy in one or two earlier episodes. I still would have expected a stronger reaction, but I did like the non-reactions by both Chris and Jo.

8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I totally guessed that the "dead" partner wasn't dead a hot three seconds into the episode, but I can't lie, the hunt for him kind of dragged for me. The character didn't tell us anything we didn't already know and it feels like that was just a means to an end (apprehend Kindred so we can get to the Emily reveal).

I also figured that they would find the partner, but I thought it was interesting how the hunt played out. (And I liked how one of the key clues came from his "widow"--also known as the Law and Order medical examiner--when she talked about his sailboat being one of the most important things in his life.)  Also, Wilkis (spelling?) did tell us at least one thing we didn't know--the Malawi experiment, which may be important later in the plot. 

8 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Mia and Piper continue to be just a totally winning couple for the show--unlike many kid actors, they are just so darn likeable and their little bond is legit the cutest thing ever. Piper echoing Mia's sulky teenage "fine!" was HILARIOUS because it's so something a younger sibling would do! I also enjoyed Abby being like "oh no no no, that's not how this works" when they tried to hustle her, hee.

Both of those scenes were great! 

7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

When did we find out about the dead business partner?

That was in the last episode, I think. They were hacking into legal records and found out about the change in the partner's contract and/or his will--he wanted his shares to go to his wife but he had a sailing "accident" before he could sign the changes, so the shares went to Kindred (or their company). 

I liked how, once again, the writers are moving things along in each episode rather than dragging things out. I also liked the way the dialogue lets us know some things that we want to know without giving too much exposition. For example, some of us have commented in previous episode threads about Jo's house being too nice for her presumed salary (though Alex's income may have been much higher and presumably they bought it together). But in this episode there was a quick line in the conversation between Alex and Jo's dad about Alex not having to worry about losing his job because he was a trust fund baby (or something similar to this). So now I can explain the nice house to myself as having been bought at least partly with Alex's family money while they were married.  

  • Love 15

Great comments from everyone above, especially since I had to hack the Internet to rewatch parts where I fell asleep and still missed stuff. Darn time change. TV stations that warn about the end of DST should also suggest DVRing any show you plan to watch that airs in the last hour of Prime Time. But I really do prefer Standard Time. Noon should be noon, dammit. Which brings me to:

4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Jo and Benny exit the bunker, it is night, Alex leaves Dr. Abby's house, it is night. Every other scene before and after, it is daytime. I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I didn't have some kind of "stroke". I got so confused had to look at the clock in the police station to see what time it was: "2:22 or so" Now I wondering if it is A.M. or P.M., has an entire day gone by? Jo comes home and Ed says "What are you doing home so early from work?" I collapse on the floor with foam coming out of my mouth. Anybody else get the the vibe that Dr. Abby wouldn't mind breaking off a piece of that Alex? "Why exactly did you two break up?"

This is some sort of corollary of the TV Time Of Day Trope, in that if there is a fight scene, it will be dark (unless it's a fight with action heroes). 

Whoever is responsible for the casting of the main characters should win an Emmy and/or earn big bucks. This show would have been yanked from the lineup now otherwise. 

Having Emily be the Big Bad instead of Kindred felt like more of a retcon to me than a reveal, a la Valenti on the OG Roswell, but, then again, as @Paloma just suggested, Emily is smart enough to hack anything. Still, is Kindred going to become a good guy now and join the Scooby gang?

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26 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Still, is Kindred going to become a good guy now and join the Scooby gang?

I can't see him becoming a good guy, though he might be willing to help them if it helped himself, but the partner might resurface at some point and agree to help them in order to prevent the dangerous consequences of AI that he seemed so worried about. I don't remember the partner mentioning Emily, and I just assumed it was Kindred who sent the assassins, but wouldn't the partner have had to be aware of Emily's key role in creating Piper? And if so, he might know that Emily is as dangerous if not more dangerous than Kindred. Not sure where I am going with this, but if Wilkis was smart enough to fake his death and live for quite a while in his high-tech Fortress of Solitude, he would probably be the Scooby gang's only hope of defeating Emily on a tech level. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Paloma said:

I don't know what her motivation would be for appearing as Kindred to Piper, since Piper did not seem upset when Emily revealed herself.

I was as usual enjoying the heck out of this episode, when this happened. Yeah, this makes no sense. It also doesn't make sense that Emily would now appear in a tight red dress and diamonds! I liked frumpy, crusty Emily, and I'm kind of disappointed that she's now turned into the arch villain- and not only that, but a nut who (according to the preview) created Piper in order to have a 'child'.

Why can Piper only control metal?

Also, who sent the ninja team to kill the partner, Jo and Benny at the bat cave? And why?

  • Love 9

Complete title of this episode is "Mile Marker 14".

It makes sense that Alan Wilkis created Piper's AI (software). But it doesn't make sense that Emily created the hardware. Emily is a computer hardware genius, but to create Piper, she would have to be beyond the all the foremost biologists in the world, combined, to completely artificially replicate from scratch every single human biological function (most of which is completely unknown) without any of that being able to be detected by modern medical techniques, while also integrating undetectably, an entirely never seen before organic computer system that fits in the size of a small girl. The tech required to make Piper would have solved so many of life's problems that it is inconceivable that it would exist. The construction of Piper would have cured all diseases and aliments, including death. I have no idea why Emily wouldn't have robosized herself first, then make a few back up copies for emergencies. While you are at it makes a copy of Kindred as the perfect fall guy and get rid of the original.

There is no way that Alan Wilkis didn't know about Emily or about Piper. Alan Wilkis was hiding from Emily, not Kindred.

4 hours ago, Paloma said:

I don't know what her motivation would be for appearing as Kindred to Piper, since Piper did not seem upset when Emily revealed herself.

Emily didn't reveal herself, Piper removed the avatar that Emily was using, similar to how Piper took control of the appearance of the museum room that they would meet in. Emily appearing as Kindred in the museum room was probably more for us, to not spoil the big reveal. Piper probably wouldn't recognize Kindred or Emily.

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2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

who sent the ninja team to kill the partner, Jo and Benny at the bat cave? And why?

My theory is that Emily found the location, tipped off Kindred, and did it in order to take Kindred out of the picture AND possibly also take down Wilkis, reclaim the tech, and maybe even hurt Jo and Reporter. She wants control of Piper. She sees Jo et al as rivals for Piper's loyalty.

  • Love 6

Reading here helped me a bit to understand things, although I'm still confused. Who was trying to kill Emily when she was being hidden at that woodsy motel. Is Kindred even real? Does he even know what's going on since no one seems to be trying to murder him. How did that SWAT team find Benny and Jo in the underground bunker. And how did they get inside so easily. One LOL moment was when they were escaping and Benny and Jo were told to cover their ears, so they did for a few secs while the noise knocked out the bad guys but had no effect on B and J. Didn't they cover their ears in the woods when they got captured there and it didn't help?

How did the cops know to come save B and J and where to find them in those obscure woods.

If Piper conjured up Kindred who was really Emily that whole time, is Kindred now the good guy? And if Piper controls the avatar, why make Emily appear in bad-person red gown and big old earrings? Why not make her look like Jo or Mia.

Dad was wearing a bright blue t under his shirt. Everyone else was wearing normal blue colors. Not sure if that means anything.

Best scenes were Mia and Piper. The writers know how to write for kids that age.

  • Love 3

I have mixed feeling on Emily apparently being the real big bad. On the one hand, it does line up pretty well, as Emily is a tech wiz who would have the know how to pull all of this off, and she has been super invested in saving Piper, and it was certainly not something I saw coming, which is always a good thing when its properly foreshadowed. On the other hand, I really liked Emily! She has great one liners and I was not so low key starting to ship her and Chris, so I am sad that she is apparently a bad guy. That all being said, we did just find out, so I will wait and see where this all goes before I make any real judgement. "Action Jeeves." "GI Jeeves complete with kung fu grip!"

Anyway, beyond that, I liked this episode a lot, we got some good plot progression as well as a a lot of good character moments, which is where this show shines. Mixing the science fiction with the family stuff, taking all of these normal people and shoving them into this whole crazy situation. 

Mia and Piper continue to be adorable, I loved Mia encouraging Piper to control her powers, even if it ended up going badly. "I think you can control metal! Like Magneto!" "Whats a Magneto?" I cant really blame Alex for wanting to take Mia after she got hurt, especially because Jo wont tell him whats up, but thats going to probably just make things worse, driving Piper away from the family and making her more afraid of herself. I hope they will come back soon though, they have such a cute family unit! "Dont give me those puppy eyes or your "Alex I am so sorry" your grounded too! Welcome to the family!" And then Piper imitating Mia`s pouty "fine" as she stomps up the stairs! Come on, no mere machine can sound so sullen! 

The stuff with Jo and Ed was heartbreaking, but now that we are closer to everyone knowing who Piper really is, I hope that she can help Ed get better, or at least inspire him to get treatments. We also find out,through the conversation between Alex and Ed that Alex comes from money, which does explain why they have such a nice house! This show is really good at explaining things and dropping exposition in ways that seem natural. 

Loved Chris's totally chill reaction to finding out that Piper was a robot, especially after Jo`s whole existential crisis about it. "I`ll probably spend some time later thinking about the universe and my place in it, but I`m good." 

"You guys are the weirdest divorced couple ever." As usual, Abbey speaks for all of us! Sounds like Alex might be considering trying to get Jo back, I hope that this whole mess with the secrets doesent permanently ruin any chances of them getting back together!

  • Love 16
15 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

How did the cops know to come save B and J and where to find them in those obscure woods.

I think Chris asked Emily if she could track a Fitbit that Benny was wearing. She apparently did that successfully, which led the police to the secret location (and not incidentally told Emily where they were, though I'm not sure whether she already knew). Of course, if a Fitbit is trackable, why wouldn't Wilkis have told them to put that or anything with similar tech in the locker along with the cell phones and gun? Maybe it just didn't occur to him or he didn't notice that Benny was wearing it.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

How did the cops know to come save B and J and where to find them in those obscure woods.

And of course the big questions that plagued me. Who cleans the giant underground lair and keeps it gleaming? How does he get his groceries? Does he pay for WiFi? 

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Mia and Piper continue to be adorable,

Yes! Is Mia the only sweet, likeable teenage girl on TV today? Possibly. She and Piper together make the show. 

Edited by Melina22
  • LOL 6
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I said last week that I would keep track of the amount of blue being used in the costumes and sets, and again, there's just a LOT of blue on display this week as well. Almost every character is wearing at least some blue- the exceptions being Emily, Mia and Piper, as they were last week (I'm not counting blue jeans or police uniforms).

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25 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I said last week that I would keep track of the amount of blue being used in the costumes and sets, and again, there's just a LOT of blue on display this week as well. Almost every character is wearing at least some blue- the exceptions being Emily, Mia and Piper, as they were last week (I'm not counting blue jeans or police uniforms).

—and blue jean “blue” is often more gray, but were Emily, Mia or Piper wearing blue-ish jeans?

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Almost every character is wearing at least some blue- the exceptions being Emily, Mia and Piper, as they were last week (I'm not counting blue jeans or police uniforms).

I wonder what that means. Also, I wonder why Jo doesn't wear a police uniform.

Good episode, it left me with a lot questions though especially with the underground bunker.

I'm really enjoying this show I hope it gets picked up for another season.

  • Love 2

This was a pretty good episode and enjoyable episode, but the editing inconsistencies did detract from it a bit. 

The characters have started to develop some depths and there are some real layers in their interactions.  I think this was especially true in the interactions between Alex and Ed and Jo and Ed.  As others have said it's a great ensemble.  My favorite thing about the Piper performance is that she is such a bad liar, like a normal kid.

I don't know at this point who is good, who is bad, or who is morally ambiguous between Kindred, Emily, and Wilkis.  I can buy Emily as puppet master using this opportunity to take down the company figurehead and come out on top.  I did like her as an ally, and she had great rapport with Chris.

23 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Chris had a great (non-)reaction to the AI reveal, as did Jo to his non-reaction!

That was great! 

18 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Jo is fighting with the guys while running up the stairs, she leaves the assault rifle and the baseball bat behind.

^This.  I was glad to see her smash the case for the baseball bat, but then leaving it and a gun?  It's another inconsistency.

10 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Why can Piper only control metal?

Given the Magneto analogy, they are probably going with 'she can emit magnetic fields.'

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TOWTooMuchTV said:

Am I the only one wondering now whether Piper really is what Emily said she was? If Emily is a villain or at the very least hiding a very big something, we can't assume she is telling the whole truth about her, can we? Unless I missed something that corroborated what she said.

Didn't Kindred confirm Emily's story? I realize that may also be unreliable, but it is something.

And the business partner sort of confirmed Piper is some kind of AI creation when he talked about who designed her.

35 minutes ago, djsurrey said:

Why can piper control anything outside of herself? If she can control a virtual reality that is one thing but why does she have telekinetic power of any sort in the real world? Or is it the real world? Is this supposed to be science fiction or pure fantasy?

That is an interesting point. Computers can't make metal move, or anything else that isn't programmed to work with it. But Piper has been able to move stuff without even trying. Maybe when she is upset she gives off some kind of energy waves that move metal away. Sort of like a magnet?

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3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

That is an interesting point. Computers can't make metal move, or anything else that isn't programmed to work with it. But Piper has been able to move stuff without even trying. Maybe when she is upset she gives off some kind of energy waves that move metal away. Sort of like a magnet?

For the most part what we have seen does not look like what magnetic fields would do. If that is what we are supposed to be seeing I suggest the writers know very little about magnetic fields. If it is supposed to be supernatural then they can just make up what it should look like. If it is all just a virtual world like the matrix then again they can do what they want. In Star Wars the "force" was made up. I'm curious to see what will be reveled for this series. 

There is nothing about real AI that would give supernatural like ability. So where are the writers trying to take us? 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, MisterGlass said:

Given the Magneto analogy, they are probably going with 'she can emit magnetic fields.'

That would seem to be the case except unlike the Marvel universe in the real universe magnetic fields get weak when air gaps get large. We have seen stuff in this series that can not be explained as a result of magnetic fields.

  • Love 3

I really appreciated the scene where Chris asked Jo why he was being side-lined, and she came clean with him. So often on these types of shows when someone feels like someone else is keeping a secret it turns i to some cloak and dagger investigation, and I find myself wondering why they don’t just utilize basic communication.  I appreciated the writers bypassing the opportunity for unnecessary drama. Just in general, I appreciate that about this show. 

  • Love 17
8 hours ago, MisterGlass said:
19 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Why can Piper only control metal?

Given the Magneto analogy, they are probably going with 'she can emit magnetic fields

Didn’t Mia get hurt because she was holding a cell phone?

A quick Google search indicates cell phones are mostly aluminum and that aluminum is not very magnetic. 

So I guess Piper could literally wrap Magneto around her little finger?

Where is everyone seeing that Emergence has been canceled? I've been looking for an official announcement and can't find it. The closest I've found is this Deadline article stating that Emergence has always been designed for short seasons--so it was never in contention for a back half season order--and we'll probably have to wait for the spring to know for sure whether it's officially renewed or canceled.

Right now, absent any official word (that I can find at least!), I think it's a real toss-up. Emergence's ratings are worse than average--BUT they're okay for a time slot ABC has really struggled with (I think better than whatever was there last year actually?), AND apparently Emergence--along with Stumptown--is kicking ass in delayed viewing, which is becoming increasingly important in renewal decisions. And--who knows whether this matters at all--but critical buzz has been fairly positive. So imo it feels like a real toss-up. I don't think this show will see a Season 3, but I could see ABC greenlighting a Season 2 as schedule spackle if nothing else. As the Deadline article indicates, feels like it may also depend on what ABC thinks of its crop of pilots next spring....

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

Cancelled?? TPTB cancelled this fun show 

Reboot of Cancelled ABC TV Shows

Official Emergence Reboot Status: As of November 7th, 2019, there are no plans to reboot or revive Emergence. As such, Emergence remains cancelled. We’re continuously tracking the official reboot status of Emergence. This guide will be updated with more information as soon as we get it. Stay tuned: bookmark this hub or subscribe to our free weekly renew/cancel newsletter.

Edited by Jacks-Son
1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

Figures. I'm like the Typhoid Mary of TV shows: if I really, really like it, the show is really, really going to die.

And I'm older'n' dirt.
If I had a nickel for every time I've read a post by a glum, self-described show killer (including a few I've written) I'd have a lot of nickels. 

Don't fret. There'll be another show like it next season.

But I suspect reports of this show's demise might be premature --just because of the stellar cast.

  • Love 1
41 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:
2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Figures. I'm like the Typhoid Mary of TV shows: if I really, really like it, the show is really, really going to die.

And I'm older'n' dirt.
If I had a nickel for every time I've read a post by a glum, self-described show killer (including a few I've written) I'd have a lot of nickels. 

Don't fret. There'll be another show like it next season.

But I suspect reports of this show's demise might be premature --just because of the stellar cast.

The stellar cast might be a big part of the reason for cancellation (if true)--all the main characters are adults and normal looking, rather than gorgeous teens and 20-somethings who reflect the target demographic for most shows.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, djsurrey said:

That would seem to be the case except unlike the Marvel universe in the real universe magnetic fields get weak when air gaps get large. We have seen stuff in this series that can not be explained as a result of magnetic fields.

Absolutely true.  However, Emergence is on ABC, a Disney property, and I propose that Agents of SHIELD could easily have a crossover, bring it into the Marvel universe 🙂

Sadly this is only possible if the show is not cancelled.  (Oh, but there are so many one season wonders in scifi!)

9 minutes ago, MisterGlass said:

Absolutely true.  However, Emergence is on ABC, a Disney property, and I propose that Agents of SHIELD could easily have a crossover, bring it into the Marvel universe 🙂

Sadly this is only possible if the show is not cancelled.  (Oh, but there are so many one season wonders in scifi!)

I’ve committed to a lot of them with ABC. Invasion, Flashforward, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, Defying Gravity, Time After Time.  I don’t know why i keep trying. 


if this show really is on its way to cancellation, all i can say is its incredible cast and seemingly somewhat trope-defying writers were wasted on network TV, where pre-emptive cancellations have long been the status quo. 

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7 hours ago, TOWTooMuchTV said:


This article seems to think it's likely to be cancelled, but not totally without hope

Not totally. Perhaps they can do something in the next two episodes to draw in more viewers or get more people raving about it. I'm not going to hold my breath but I'll keep watching.

2 hours ago, Paloma said:

The stellar cast might be a big part of the reason for cancellation (if true)--all the main characters are adults and normal looking, rather than gorgeous teens and 20-somethings who reflect the target demographic for most shows.

Young people just don't watch much TV if any.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, marieYOTZ said:

I’ve committed to a lot of them with ABC. Invasion, Flashforward, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, Defying Gravity, Time After Time.  I don’t know why i keep trying. 

I wasn't a fan of "Flashforward" of Yahtzee fame (Jumped the shark), but I did love "Invasion" and another one called "Threshold".  That was back then on Earth-2, when SciFi was all the rage, before Vampires and Werewolves took over.

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On 11/7/2019 at 8:07 AM, Tachi Rocinante said:

So nobody else laughed out loud at the giant crab drawing on the fridge in the scenes with Clancy Brown?  Just me?  OK.

(Clancy voices Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob.)

I wondered why the giant crab drawing was so evident in the background, I kept looking at it wondering what it meant, it had to mean something. Now I know, so thanks! (Have never seen SpongeBob or heard of Clancy Brown until this show.)

On 11/7/2019 at 5:41 AM, shapeshifter said:

Didn’t Mia get hurt because she was holding a cell phone?

That was the social worker, she was inputting Piper data in her phone when it exploded. Story was, the battery blew up. We know Piper did it. Batteries are still metal I guess.

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