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S09.E26: Normal Parents


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11 hours ago, druzy said:

Jade's relationship with her mom deteriorates. Things for Briana and John crumble when she visits him in NY. Ali gains independence at a camp for children with muscular dystrophy. Kail celebrates Lux's birthday.

Airs October 29, 2019

She's smart to get all the celebrations in now that she can, considering she's taking unvaccinated Lux overseas.

  • LOL 10
  • Love 3

While Chelsea is the most normal of the moms, her baby voice is so freaking annoying. 

Kail, Chris is just not into you.  Maybe that's why she's pursuing him so hard?  He says jump and she asks is this high enough, sir?  I bet she's given him cash and extravagant gifts.  She reeks of desperation.

Jade, buy a phone mount for your car so you don't have to drive one or no handed.  They're $10 to 15 on Amazon.  No installation.  Plus, her car doesn't have the speaker/dialing feature in the console?  Honey, your parents are not going to change.  They're never going to be the ideal parents you want.  Once you realize their shortcomings, don't expect them to be reliable, revise your expectations.  It would help with your stress.  I'd say cut ties with them or have very little contact, too.

Briana, what a strain to go to a nice family weekend outing.  

Glad Ali got to go to camp.  Her sisters needed to shut it.  Possibly jealous she was going away on her own - she got something special.  The only reason that she got that something special, is because she is not able bodied like you are - she can't do cheerleading nor play softball.  Plus, sadly, they have zero clue how her form of MD will play out; she may have a very limited time of being mobile or even worse. Agreed, Leah did not do the packing.  

  • Love 10

Cory asking Ali open ended questions about WHY she was nervous was the best part of the episode. I was actually clapping for him. By myself. At home. Because I’m nerdy like that. 😊

Leah and her “yes/no” questions drive me up the wall. I’m not shocked at all by it, but it sure is frustrating. I can’t imagine how her own kids feel, especially when 2/3 of them are sniping at their siblings all of the time. Gracie and her mouth. I can’t. She is more and more unlikeable with every episode. I know she’s only 9, but I can’t help the way I feel. Jealous or not, she needed to zip her lips around Ali. Telling her sister that she won’t make friends at camp?! What a brat.

Was every kid asked “Are you excited?” in this episode or is it me?

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 19

Briana was really being a bitch.  How very terrible of John to want to introduce you (and your girls!) to his family.  I guess if they wanted to meet her then the entirety of his family should have flown to FL.  People fly alone with small children all the time.  I've done it, as I'm sure many others here have.  Get over yourself.  Not to mention that his whole family was going to see how she complained about having to go to meet them.  She was bound and determined to NOT have a good time, he needed to know just how inconvenienced she was, because she has kids and he doesn't.  Sorry he was more responsible than you were.  That whole display, in and of itself, would have been a deal-breaker for me.  It shows that she does not expect to have to contribute to the relationship.  He needs to leave his whole life behind and move for her, but she shouldn't have to occasionally travel with her children for him?  She doesn't care about him at all, she just wants a warm body. 

  • Love 22
4 hours ago, Quilty said:
4 hours ago, Quilty said:

Sweet little Ali. Why are her sisters such disrespectful brats and she's not?

I don't agree.I think ali acts out plenty and mouths off plenty.She may act out less,but it's because she is treated like The golden child by Leah and everyone else and Gracie is treated like the black sheep.I remember last season when ali was completely taunting Gracie about getting Fs on her report card and when she stole Gracie's spellbook and Gracie got punished for no reason. She can definitely be manipulative and i have caught her laughing when her sisters get in trouble.

She just gets a pass all the time,because of her disability.I think this is the main reason her twin acts out.

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Cory asking Ali open ended questions about WHY she was nervous was the best part of the episode. I was actually clapping for him. By myself. At home. Because I’m that nerdy. 😊

Leah and her “yes/no” questions drive me up the wall. I’m not shocked at all by it, but it sure is frustrating. I can’t imagine how her own kids feel, especially when 2/3 of them are sniping at their siblings all of the time. Gracie and her mouth. I can’t. Jealous or not, she needed to zip her lips. Telling her sister that she won’t make friends at camp. What a brat.

Was every kid asked “Are you excited?” in this episode or is it me?

Gracie also gave ali a huge peptalk and hug in one of leah's videos when ali caught dropped off for camp.

They really give that kid a really shitty edit.I hope leah spends some real one on one time with Gracie,but it looks like she is going to spend the entire time talking about how she misses ali.I think this is one of the major issues.

Gracie clearly lacks attention from her mother.I have always thought leah has always been way more affectionate and loving with ali and has treated aleeah rather coldly in the past and is distant toward her.

Gracie picks up on all of this.They are always treated completely different and ali gets away with alot.That is where alot of Gracie's jealousy stems from.

I know everyone loves ali and she is everyones favorite,but i have always had a soft spot for Gracie and i think she is intelligent,good hearted,feisty little girl who has been through so much.I really hope she grows up and defies the odds that are against her.

  • Love 16

It's hard to know if the Ali/Gracie dynamic is normal sibling stuff or bullying. Ali can certainly give as good as she gets but it seems to come less naturally to her than to the others. I agree that Gracie (and the little one) act out for attention. Hopefully, that won't include teen pregnancies when they're older but we all know the odds of that aren't great. Corey and his dad are great setting boundaries with the girls whereas Leah lets them run amok. Miranda totally packed that bag, lol!

Agreed that Jade needs to go low or no contact. She would get a lot less lathered up about her mom's failings. Her baby was taking it all in during the dinner and is already sharply attuned to the stress in the room. She's already been around way too much shouting. Please let Jade not bail her out next week. That lady will suck her dry if Jade lets her.

Chelsea's plaid shirts looked like stuff you can buy at Kohl's. Aubrey looked cute in her first day outfit/ hairdo.

Chris, a grown man and father was threatening to spit on people who are hired to do a job. He sounds awesome.

  • Love 22
28 minutes ago, Soobs said:

It's hard to know if the Ali/Gracie dynamic is normal sibling stuff or bullying. Ali can certainly give as good as she gets but it seems to come less naturally to her than to the others. I agree that Gracie (and the little one) act out for attention. Hopefully, that won't include teen pregnancies when they're older but we all know the odds of that aren't great. Corey and his dad are great setting boundaries with the girls whereas Leah lets them run amok. Miranda totally packed that bag, lol!

Agreed that Jade needs to go low or no contact. She would get a lot less lathered up about her mom's failings. Her baby was taking it all in during the dinner and is already sharply attuned to the stress in the room. She's already been around way too much shouting. Please let Jade not bail her out next week. That lady will suck her dry if Jade lets her.

Chelsea's plaid shirts looked like stuff you can buy at Kohl's. Aubrey looked cute in her first day outfit/ hairdo.

Chris, a grown man and father was threatening to spit on people who are hired to do a job. He sounds awesome.

I think Gracie has a chance at beating the odds,because she has Corey and Miranda. I also think she resents leah and doesn't want to end up like her.I actually see aleeah leaving west Virginia at some point. 

I have always felt ali was leah's and everyones favorite. I remember the episode when Gracie said she feels like ali is favored and gets away things that she always gets blamed for.I think that Gracie and leah will have a very strained relationship down the line.I honestly see Grace moving in with Corey when she gets older.

  • Love 7

I don’t have MTV anymore.  Haven’t in well over a yr.  have always watched through Wayward Daughter on Twitter.  The only part I watched this time was the clip of Lux’s party.  Yup.  I still hate Kail.  The other parts looked to boring to watch.  My heart just isn’t in it anymore. I’ll read everyone else’s thoughts and recaps.  

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Persianpear said:

I think Gracie has a chance at beating the odds,because she has Corey and Miranda. I also think she resents leah and doesn't want to end up like her.I actually see aleeah leaving west Virginia at some point. 

I have always felt ali was leah's and everyones favorite. I remember the episode when Gracie said she feels like ali is favored and gets away things that she always gets blamed for.I think that Gracie and leah will have a very strained relationship down the line.I honestly see Grace moving in with Corey when she gets older.

As someone with a twin, I can guarantee that if they have a strained relationship, it’ll be because of Leah. My twin brother is a major asshole for a lot of reasons, but one of them is because my mom never put her foot down when we would fight as young kids.

Leah’s at fault for not recognizing what her daughters are feeling and what they must be going through. They all need to be in counseling. I wonder if Gracie was still going when this was filmed? 

Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my end, but it’s too bad Leah had a laptop and headphones for Gracie on the ride home. This would have been a great fine for them to chat and spend some 1:1 time together. Camp was only an hour away. Put the damn electronics away!! It kills me when I see all three of the girlses glued to a damn phone/tablet when they are in her car. Whatever happened to talking to one another, playing “I Spy” or looking for out of state license plates?

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Bridget said:

As someone with a twin, I can guarantee that if they have a strained relationship, it’ll be because of Leah. My twin brother is a major asshole for a lot of reasons, but one of them is because my mom never put her foot down when we would fight as young kids.

Leah’s at fault for not recognizing what her daughters are feeling and what they must be going through. They all need to be in counseling. I wonder if Gracie was still going when this was filmed? 

Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my end, but it’s too bad Leah had a laptop and headphones for Gracie on the ride home. This would have been a great fine for them to chat and spend some 1:1 time together. Camp was only an hour away. Put the damn electronics away!! It kills me when I see all three of the girlses glued to a damn phone/tablet when they are in her car. Whatever happened to talking to one another, playing I Spy” or looking for out of state license plates?

Oh absolutely. I feel badly for Gracie,because she always gets blamed for everything. Even when ali provokes gracie like when she stole her spell book or when she was kicked Gracie backseat and trying to get a rise out of her or last season when ali was taunting gracie about her report card when Gracie was nervous. Leah definitely gives her a pass,because she feels guilty about her disability. It bothers me though that people think that ali can absolutely do no wrong.The other two mouth off,but so does ali.She said she was going to punch jason last year and the other two were only called Brats .She demanded leah tell her who she was dating and she was running around with the other two with the whole phone incident. If she acts out a bit less it's because she gets so much love and affection from leah.

I worry also because whenever they take Gracie out for one on one time it always becomes about ali.I remember the time they took her for a manicure and leah talked about ali the entire time.It would be a perfect time to bond with Gracie in the car,but all leah can talk about is how much she misses ali and that seems to be the case next week.I agree with the electronics. That kid is always on her phone and computer. I think it's her way of escaping. 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 7

As dysfunctional as Jade's situation is, I got the biggest laugh when her mom suggested dinner and Jade's apt respons was "With whose money". That about sums up their relationship.

Like others have said Jade's parents aren't changing anytime soon so it's in her best interest to change her approach, for her and Khloie's sake.

Kail, girl please, Chris wasn't passing up a free vacation on MTV's dime. That wasn't a show of commitment, it was a free vacation. 

I'm so over Brianna, wouldn't John wanting her to visit and meet his family be seen as a sign toward commitment? No, Brianna had to turn that into an opportunity to bitch and complain. Sure sign she needs to be catered to. John's family seemed nice and the girls were having fun in the pool, cut to sad sack Brianna mean mugging everyone. 

Not that I think she should be in a long distance relationship in the first place, but if your going to do it, actually do it. 

  • Love 18
12 hours ago, Mkay said:

😆😆😆 Sure Kail

Someone needs to explain to her that just because she says something 100x doesn’t make it TRUE!  She really does buy into her own hype.  For someone who has a degree in communications (supposedly), she is not very good at any sort of human interaction.  Face to face, social media or otherwise.  She’s kinda of like the absolute opposite of what I would consider an articulate and effective communicator.  

  • Love 9

Gracie probably tuned out for the ride back because she's not interested in having yet another inane conversation with Leah. What a dolt. I had to ff through part of her camp chat with Ali because it was doing my head in. Did she say in the voice over that she hadn't heard from Jeremy since the trip to Hawaii and then tell her friend that he'd called to suggest dinner? I'm confused.

Briana is a straight up bitch. John did not force her to travel to NY. What a cow. I bet that family was all, like, "Boy, you dodged a bullet there!" when they saw her shitty attitude last night. Stella was so cute at the berry picking place. Was she waving to the camera people?

Kailyn is delusional. Instead of focusing so hard on Chris, she needs to figure out why he is so non-verbal. He doesn't babble at all. Does he ever even smile? And she's so desperate! She should have told Chris to feel free to join the "festivities" but he's not spitting on anyone. If I were that producer I would have said, "I'd like to see him try and then we can see his lazy no count ass in jail." He's delusional, too, because nobody is thinking about his stupid ass. I'd like to see Jo and Vee and their child, though.

I feel so sorry for Jade and each week I'm glad she got this gig because hopefully it will help her get the fuck away from Sean and her horrific parents. They are the absolute worst. Leeches.

Love you, Chels, but I had to get to the office, so I ff'd through your scenes.

  • Love 18
10 hours ago, Bridget said:

Was every kid asked “Are you excited?” in this episode or is it me?


Every kid every episode.

It seems the parents don’t know any other way to initiate a conversation or response from their own kid! It is ridiculous!! I know it’s producer driven, but it doesn’t engage the kid at all. The kids just roll their eyes and  say “yea” and that ends it. They should be encouraged to ask more open ended questions! 

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I hope Jo DOES take Kail to court. It was so out of line for her to leave the state with Isaac like that. 

Chris is the one running the show. And Kail totally caters to him. He said they were just gonna do separate parties. So she films. Then he decides he DOES want to come, so the cameras better back up or he'll spit on them. He's awful and she's pathetic. 

Kail is so fucking obtuse. She reads off Jo's text that he's coming to pick Isaac up, PER THEIR AGREEMENT on July 4. Acts all innocent "He knew we were going to Hawaii. I posted all about it for days beforehand!". Yeah, its Jo's responsibility to follow your Instagram to discover whether you are violating your custody agreement? Yeah no. And even if he "knew", he texted you so that he would have documentation that you flagrantly took Isaac out of state without Jo's agreement. Her Chris thirst is clouding her already poor judgment.

12 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Jade, buy a phone mount for your car so you don't have to drive one or no handed.  They're $10 to 15 on Amazon.  No installation.  Plus, her car doesn't have the speaker/dialing feature in the console?  Honey, your parents are not going to change.  They're never going to be the ideal parents you want.  Once you realize their shortcomings, don't expect them to be reliable, revise your expectations.  It would help with your stress.  I'd say cut ties with them or have very little contact, too.

Poor Jade. I did feel for her when she was crying and saying she wanted normal parents. But she's an adult now, with a baby of her own. Its up to her to start trying to make some decisions about her life. She does not need these toxic people! She's always on edge, always crying, always angry. I want to shake her sometimes. Its almost as if she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she didn't have the constant stress and tension.

11 hours ago, Bridget said:

Was every kid asked “Are you excited?” in this episode or is it me?

This drives me absolutely insane every episode! Change it up a little! "How do you feel about going back to school?" "looking forward to the party?" "I'm so happy to be going on vacation! Is there something you want to do when we get there?" "I can't believe summer's almost here! What should we do to celebrate the last day of school?". But NOOOOO. Its always that lame "are you excited?" Sheesh.

10 hours ago, Soobs said:

Chris, a grown man and father was threatening to spit on people who are hired to do a job. He sounds awesome.

RIght? He sounds like a real prize. What woman wouldn't go weak in the knees for a guy like that?

The thing that frosted my ass most (I know, there are so many!) was Kail bleating "I really want Chris to be here for Lux". Seriously? Girl. Never once have I heard you say you wanted Jo there for Isaac or (hahahaha, as if) Javi there for Lincoln. Not unless she was trying to score points and grab that moral high ground, anyway. You want Chris there for your thirsty, bloated ass.

  • Love 23

I can’t remember which one of you brilliant people made the observation last week, but whoever said that Jade needs to stop talking and actually listen to other people was absolutely spot on. I watched the latest episode from that perspective last night and it was SO accurate! Apologies for not giving the author a proper shout out.

That said, Jade was dealt a severely shitty hand in the mother department. There is no denying that, but I kept thinking about the fact that she never stops talking. Ever. I wonder if she’s thought about therapy? 

I’m not a baby person and I also admittedly roll my eyes so hard that’s it’s probably audible when I hear stuff like: “I’m glad Chris showed up to the party to be there for Lux.” Does a 2 year old really know if their sperm donor is emotionally supportive? I know they’ll eventually see photos of their birthday party, but is “being there for a baby” really a thing? I’m totally serious. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

That said, it breaks my cold, black heart to see Kloie growing up in an environment filled with shouting, foul language and palpable stress. And that sweet wee thing is only living with one parent! 

Stella is so damn cute that I can’t stand it. I caaaaaaaaaaaan’t!!! Her smiling and waving at the camera person during blueberry picking gave me life. She really is a beautiful little girl. I also loved the sight of her holding her little nose with her little hand as she jumped into the pool while John encouraged her. Briana couldn’t be bothered to interact with either one of her own kids (not a shocker) or John, so she kept her arse planted on the steps of the pool. I give her credit for keeping her day job, but that’s about all I can do. She really does expect and/or assume that other people will raise her children for her. The laziness and stupidity in nearly every part of her life never ceases to amaze me. I can’t get over her telling John not to leave her side at the party. If that’s the not the definition of being socially stunted, not shy or an introvert, I don’t know what is. 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Poor Jade. I did feel for her when she was crying and saying she wanted normal parents. But she's an adult now, with a baby of her own. Its up to her to start trying to make some decisions about her life. She does not need these toxic people! She's always on edge, always crying, always angry. I want to shake her sometimes. Its almost as if she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she didn't have the constant stress and tension.

It's probably all she's used to. That girl needs some serious therapy. I really do feel for her. When I had my first child, I turned to my mom constantly. She helped me so much. She's my rock. I can't imagine not having that. And having the person who is supposed to be your rock actually relying ON YOU. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, luvbadtv said:

Also not a fan of "are you nervous?".  I never asked my kids that because if they weren't it just put it in their head that maybe they should be.  

I hate it when my husband asks me this!! It totally stresses me out. Can't imagine being a kid and being asked. Seems like Parenting 101.

I also disliked Leah's rose colored glasses talk with Ali where she told her she could do anything she wanted. The kid clearly can't and she knows it.

Like Ali, I also can only see out of one eye and softball (like most sports) is never going to happen for me. I literally cannot see where the ball is in space. My mom never blew smoke up my ass with a bunch of b.s. magical thinking because it doesn't help.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Bridget said:

I can’t remember which one of you brilliant people made the observation last week, but whoever said that Jade needs to stop talking and actually listen to other people was absolutely spot on. I watched the latest episode from that perspective last night and it was SO accurate! Apologies for not giving the author a proper shout out.

That said, Jade was dealt a severely shitty hand in the mother department. There is no denying that, but I kept thinking about the fact that she never stops talking. Ever. I wonder if she’s thought about therapy? 

I’m not a baby person and I also admittedly roll my eyes so hard that’s it’s probably audible when I hear stuff like: “I’m glad Chris showed up to the party to be there for Lux.” Does a 2 year old really know if their sperm donor is emotionally supportive? I know they’ll eventually see photos of their birthday party, but is “being there for a baby” really a thing? I’m totally serious. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

That said, it breaks my cold, black heart to see Kloie growing up in an environment filled with shouting, foul language and palpable stress. And that sweet wee thing is only living with one parent! 

Stella is so damn cute that I can’t stand it. I caaaaaaaaaaaan’t!!! Her smiling and waving at the camera person during blueberry picking gave me life. She really is a beautiful little girl. I also loved the sight of her holding her little nose with her little hand as she jumped into the pool while John encouraged her. Briana couldn’t be bothered to interact with either one of her own kids (not a shocker) or John, so she kept her arse planted on the steps of the pool. I give her credit for keeping her day job, but that’s about all I can do. She really does expect and/or assume that other people will raise her children for her. The laziness and stupidity in nearly every part of her life never ceases to amaze me. I can’t get over her telling John not to leave her side at the party. If that’s the not the definition of being socially stunted, not shy or an introvert, I don’t know what is. 

That person who wrote about Jade not listening or receiving or even letting someone else give some input was me....this girl is a train wreck. Constant drama and trauma. At this point I don’t think I’m going out on a limb by saying that the baby is in an abusive home. Not in the physical sense but in the emotional and verbal sense. All the profanity that is yelled out in front of her and the constant verbal anger that she has to witness and absorb on a daily basis is very damaging to this child. Someone or some agency might need to step in and get this child out of this situation until Jade gets appropriate help for herself. She needs to get into a therapeutic program to stop the pattern of dysfunction that is generational in her family. It is appalling to me that this beautiful little girl is being subjected to all this chaos. At some point CPS might have to get involved to save this child...shame on all the adults in her life for their selfish behaviors and the emotional toll it is taking on this innocent child.

And might I add that watching her drive while holding her phone and driving in a rainstorm was horrifying. 

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 5

Kail is so ridiculous. Sure, we all believe that Chris just showed up at the airport in Hawaii and surprised her. Give me a break. We all know you/MTV paid for him, his broke ass can't afford any Hawaii plane tickets. Also, I can't believe the producers were cool with him saying he would spit on the camera if it aimed at him. Kail should have said "well if you're going to do that, you don't need to be here." Them filming her is her job and he already said he wasn't going to show up. Plus he does not need to be causing a scene by spitting on people at his child's birthday party. But Kail does whatever Chris wants so her standing up for the producers is moo (TM Joey) point.

  • Love 16

Brianna: I thought the way she treated John at their family barbecue was awful. She seemed to be resentful of John wanting to introduce her and her kids to his family...she should have been thrilled that he wanted to show her off to his family. That's a pretty serious step in a relationship...but Brianna doesn't want to be a part of his family. She just wants him to fly down to Florida and move in with the coven and kiss his family goodbye. She sat by the pool pouting and never interacted once with her kids. I've decided she's a spoiled entitled princess that wants what she wants and she wants it now. I thought John was kind and spent a lot of time playing with Stella and Nova in the pool. But that's not good enough for her...she doesn't want to travel to him and even made that point several times...he has to come to her and she wants him to pull up, quit his good job and move down there and live with her mother and sister...run John run!!!!!!

Kail: She is coming close to being as bad as Farrah Abraham. I hope Jo did take her to court. What a bully she is.  Chris says he will spit on the cameraman and that is no big deal to her? Really? You make your living off of the camera that follows your fat ass all over the place and it's Ok for your baby Daddy to threaten the MTV crew? She is so thirsty for this guy to make her his #1 hook up she will tolerate almost anything he says or does. And I have to say, all this cheerleading for Chris by her boys seems very staged and fake. Almost every episode now the boys are prodded by Kail to say they want Chris to be around more or marry her...they seem to have more enthusiasm for this jerk then they do for their own fathers. Just stop Kail. 

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 20
On 10/30/2019 at 12:28 AM, Persianpear said:

I know everyone loves ali and she is everyones favorite,but i have always had a soft spot for Gracie and i think she is intelligent,good hearted,feisty little girl who has been through so much.I really hope she grows up and defies the odds that are against her.

Add me into the Gracie apologist camp.  When Leah was hardcore on the pillses, there was an episode where Gracie basically seemed to be trying her best to take care of her sisters as Leah was pilled out (Remember her looking in the fridge for food for them and saying "There's no ding-dang lunchables!" & looking for bread?).  I really think she has done a lot more of "parenting" her sisters & keeping them alive/fed when their mom was nodding out on pills than we know.  During Leah's pillses days, Gracie was arguably doing more work/parenting than many parents in the TM franchise have ever done (like Amber with her kids or Jenelle with Jace).  I'm sure she resents Leah for having to step in to care for her sisters. I would.  She probably resents Ali for being the Golden Child who gets all the attention and Addy for being the "cute and sassy" one....that kind of leaves Gracie to be the bratty/mean one with the edit she gets.

Now, Gracie can be a total brat, but I probably would have been a brat when I was her age if I had been in her shoes as well.  I'm not excusing her bratty behavior, but I get it. Yeah, she could do better with some guidance (cough, Leah, cough) but I think Gracie is full of a lot of potential.  She's kind of mean, but she's also pretty darn tenacious.    I'm rooting for her.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 20
4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Also, I can't believe the producers were cool with him saying he would spit on the camera if it aimed at him.

It would have been nice to hear the producer say something like "Well we won't point the cameras at him, but if he steps into a shot we're already taking, we're not going to change shots or cut.  It's going to be his job to avoid us, not the other way around-if you want to be paid for this, that is.  And if he spits on any of this crew then he can expect assault charges to be filed".  But we know productions kisses the casts' asses as much as Kail kisses Chris's. 

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, eskimo said:

It would have been nice to hear the producer say something like "Well we won't point the cameras at him, but if he steps into a shot we're already taking, we're not going to change shots or cut.  It's going to be his job to avoid us, not the other way around-if you want to be paid for this, that is.  And if he spits on any of this crew then he can expect assault charges to be filed".  But we know productions kisses the casts' asses as much as Kail kisses Chris's. 

From what I read, the camera crew is treated pretty shabbily by the higher ups, at least that used to be an issue. There are (or were) more people interested in the job than there were positions, so it was basically a take it or leave it proposition.

The producers are ass kissers as well, but at least they are more generously compensated for their troubles.

  • Love 4
On 10/30/2019 at 12:59 PM, kicksave said:

That person who wrote about Jade not listening or receiving or even letting someone else give some input was me....this girl is a train wreck. Constant drama and trauma.

All the profanity that is yelled out in front of her and the constant verbal anger that she has to witness and absorb on a daily basis is very damaging to this child.

At some point CPS might have to get involved to save this child...shame on all the adults in her life for their selfish behaviors and the emotional toll it is taking on this innocent child.

And might I add that watching her drive while holding her phone and driving in a rainstorm was horrifying. 

I think we’re related! 😉

The phone in the rain was infuriating, but what’s legitimately sad is that it is the damn norm for most people. I don’t know if it’s the “Nothing can happen to me” attitude that many teens/folks in their early 20s have or the fleeting fear one may have of not being on their phone, but it all enrages me.

I teach high school and the addiction to screens is real, hence my constant “phones are the devil!” stance. 😊 

I can make a truck driver blush, but I never use foul language around anyone under the age of 21. As much as I love dropping an F bomb, I still feel weird about using it. Unlike Kail, I know man has walked on the moon. I don’t wear tin foil hats and I know the earth is round. However, I’m terrified to swear on this site in case the school district somehow finds out my true identity on a site for snarking on TV shows. I know it sounds nuts, but I know how permanent the internet is. I’d rather be safe than sorry. 

Kloie doesn’t need to be around that hostility and anger. It is definitely creating some of imprint on her, which saddens me. When Jade screams on TV, that stuff triggers me! 

With regard to CPS, all I can say is that unless a parent or guardian is beating a kid in front of a CPS employee during a home visit, kids are very rarely removed from the home. 

I’ve seen and heard all sorts of crap that I’ve had to report, including a toddler rolling around in the back seat of a moving car (no car seat, no seat belt) when I was in the parking lot at work one day. I had to call it in because I witnessed the event and the sibling attended the school. When CPS visited, mom had car seats in the car. Case closed. 

It’s frustrating because each call to CPS as a reporter is like being in a deposition, which I understand. From my experiences and perspective, the whole system is ridiculous. If someone reading this can shed some light on the inner workings of CPS, I would be thrilled to soak up any info that can be provided. 

I do know that CPS schedules visits with parents/guardians, so of course everything is picture perfect when a case worker arrives. I still call when it’s required, but it my experience, it’s been pointless. Sadly, I know many teachers who don’t call because they think “it’s a waste of time.” I always call because in the event something horrible does happen and it turns out the student was in my class or had talked to me about it, I could be held partly responsible. 

  • Love 4

Again, my alter ego Republican pearl clutching grandma comes out when Gracie says "friggin' blowdryer.." I get that it's not *technically* a swear, but oh my stars!  young ladies should not speak like that!

Ali saying Gracie needed "boot camp"! gave me life.

I'm no Christy fan, but why was Jade losing her shit when Christy said she was stuck in traffic but still wanted to come & put Kloie to bed?  Unless she was like seven hours late, which was most likely the case.

Briana, for real, just shut up.  And take a shower.

Kail needs to pretend she doesn't give a shit about Chris.  Sorry, if anything's going to work, that's the only thing.  (said someone who has been married since 1980-friggin' (see what I did there?) nine, but that's what used to work.  Look cute, live your best life and don't answer his phone calls.)

Edited by teapot
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, teapot said:

I'm no Christy fan, but why was Jade losing her shit when Christy said she was stuck in traffic but still wanted to come & put Kloie to bed?  Unless she was like seven hours late, which was most likely the case.

Jade was losing her shit because her mother is not only unreliable, but she's also incredibly obtuse and selfish. SHE invited herself to dinner. So Jade gets dinner, and then her mom is late. Being stuck in traffic is one thing, but the degree to which she was late made it seem like she left really late in the first place. And did she even bother to call/text an update before Jade had to CALL her? At that point, they were already eating and after that Jade would give Kloie a bath and put her to bed. Christy waltzing in at that point would only disrupt things. She just doesn't think about her behavior affects others. 

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Jade was losing her shit because her mother is not only unreliable, but she's also incredibly obtuse and selfish. SHE invited herself to dinner. So Jade gets dinner, and then her mom is late. Being stuck in traffic is one thing, but the degree to which she was late made it seem like she left really late in the first place. And did she even bother to call/text an update before Jade had to CALL her? At that point, they were already eating and after that Jade would give Kloie a bath and put her to bed. Christy waltzing in at that point would only disrupt things. She just doesn't think about her behavior affects others. 

ohhhhh okay gotcha, 

I think I didn't put all of that together!!!!

I don't think I listen to Jade that well because she is literally always screaming, and that gives me anxiety.  I know she has every right to be upset, the people around her SUCK, but I kind of can't with her.

Edited by teapot
Explaining why I suck at following Jade's story
  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, teapot said:

ohhhhh okay gotcha, 

I think I didn't put all of that together!!!!

I don't think I listen to Jade that well because she is literally always screaming, and that gives me anxiety.  I know she has every right to be upset, the people around her SUCK, but I kind of can't with her.

I feel for Jade. But she definitely needs to get some help and learn how better to manage her emotions. She screams constantly. It's not healthy for her, or her sweet baby. 

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Bridget said:

I’ve seen and heard all sorts of crap that I’ve had to report, including a toddler rolling around in the back seat of a moving car (no car seat, no seat belt) when I was in the parking lot at work one day. I had to call it in because I witnessed the event and the sibling attended the school. When CPS visited, mom had car seats in the car. Case closed. 

It’s frustrating because each call to CPS as a reporter is like being in a deposition, which I understand. From my experiences and perspective, the whole system is ridiculous. If someone reading this can shed some light on the inner workings of CPS, I would be thrilled to soak up any info that can be provided. 

I do know that CPS schedules visits with parents/guardians, so of course everything is picture perfect when a case worker arrives. I still call when it’s required, but it my experience, it’s been pointless. Sadly, I know many teachers who don’t call because they think “it’s a waste of time.” I always call because in the event something horrible does happen and it turns out the student was in my class or had talked to me about it, I could be held partly responsible

CPS investigator here! In your car seat example, what you said happened is exactly what would happen. We make sure the parents have appropriate car seats and lecture them about safety. What else can be done? We can't move in with people. 

I live and work in NJ, which has the number 2 best cps system in the country, so I am more diligent than most states. I can tell you that Janelle and David's kids would not have been returned as quickly here as they were there. It does take a lot to have kids removed, as it should. Removals are incredibly psychologically damaging to children and sometimes I wonder if they do more harm than good. 

On topic, Chloie would likely not be removed despite all that we've seen. I would have Jade sign something saying that she wouldn't let her obviously not sober mom watch Chloie if I were their caseworker.

I also would like to point out that I rarely schedule home visits. If a drug user knows I'm coming, they're probably going to put the drugs away haha. I hope I've answered your questions! 

  • Useful 6
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Treehugger9 said:

I live and work in NJ, which has the number 2 best cps system in the country, so I am more diligent than most states. I can tell you that Janelle and David's kids would not have been returned as quickly here as they were there. It does take a lot to have kids removed, as it should. Removals are incredibly psychologically damaging to children and sometimes I wonder if they do more harm than good.

But wasn't the case with Jenelle and David is that the judge dismissed the case against J&D, and CPS was appealing? I don't think it was CPS that willingly returned the kids.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

But wasn't the case with Jenelle and David is that the judge dismissed the case against J&D, and CPS was appealing? I don't think it was CPS that willingly returned the kids.

Yup! That is true. And every time a removal is done it has to be in front of a judge within 2 days for the judge to deem the removal appropriate or not. I was shocked that a judge removed the kids considering all the concerns in that home. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

CPS investigator here! In your car seat example, what you said happened is exactly what would happen. We make sure the parents have appropriate car seats and lecture them about safety. What else can be done? We can't move in with people. 

I live and work in NJ, which has the number 2 best cps system in the country, so I am more diligent than most states. I can tell you that Janelle and David's kids would not have been returned as quickly here as they were there. It does take a lot to have kids removed, as it should. Removals are incredibly psychologically damaging to children and sometimes I wonder if they do more harm than good. 

On topic, Chloie would likely not be removed despite all that we've seen. I would have Jade sign something saying that she wouldn't let her obviously not sober mom watch Chloie if I were their caseworker.

I also would like to point out that I rarely schedule home visits. If a drug user knows I'm coming, they're probably going to put the drugs away haha. I hope I've answered your questions! 

Thank you for the information and for all that you do to protect kiddos. (Also, thank you for being a fellow tree hugger! Recycling is my jam.)

I agree with you about the possible psychological impact of removing kids from a home, no matter the environment. Certain parents might be horrible decision makers and are sincerely awful parents, but they’re also the only parents that their kids have usually known.

Just like Jade can’t walk away or stop communicating with her mom, most kids love their parents, even when they know their lives are far from “normal.”

I love your idea about having parents like Jade sign something about care givers for their little ones. 

Apologies for my blanket statement about CPS case workers and home visits. I should have clarified that in been my experience (in the state of California), I’ve been told by CPS employees that home visits are scheduled, at least in the county where I both work and live. I have never understood why that happens, especially given the nature of the service in the first place. Making sure the parents are at home when CPS arrives at the residence is essential, but if parents/guardians know when CPS will show up, of course they’ll have the drugs put away, car seats installed or food stocked in the refrigerator. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Bridget said:

I love your idea about having parents like Jade sign something about care givers for their little

Not my idea! It's something we do when a caregiver is clearly inappropriate. 

For the record, I don't have to always go to houses unannounced, but I chose to and in my experience, better workers do the same. There are other factors too, such as if a family has a crazy unpredictable work schedule or if someone works in a wealthier area. My catchment is not at all wealthy and people without money don't tend to have money to waste by going on vacations all the time (looking at you Kail), so unannounced visits are much more effective. 

Every time they show Chloe on screen with an adult screaming right next to her my heart breaks a little. That poor baby, much like Jace, is going to grow up in chaos and that is going to be what she seeks out as an adult. I do believe that Jade is doing the best she can with the tools she was given in life though. It's just sad all around. 

  • Love 10

That scene where Jade was crying was the first scene in this series i felt any emotion towards. She has been let down by those closest to her whose job was to protect her, love her and support her. Losing Sean is a blessing to her that she cannot fully see yet, she only sees her loneliness. As someone else on here said, she really deserved to get this gig and I’m glad she did now. I do think she can get it together by distancing herself from her family and going to therapy. im rooting for her. 

I miss Leah and Corey as a couple ! He really looked out for her.

Chris threatening to spit on the cameras made me nauseous. Kristen and Kailyn not condemning that was even worse. Kristen must be a total walkover. 

  • Love 2
On 10/30/2019 at 5:37 PM, Bridget said:

Briana couldn’t be bothered to interact with either one of her own kids or John, so she kept her arse planted on the steps of the pool. I give her credit for keeping her day job, but that’s about all I can do. She really does expect and/or assume that other people will raise her children for her. The laziness and stupidity in nearly every part of her life never ceases to amaze me. I can’t get over her telling John not to leave her side at the party. If that’s the not the definition of being socially stunted, not shy or an introvert, I don’t know what is. 

I see different angles with Briana. I don’t think she’s a bad mom. Yes she is used to others minding her children and so she’s used to an easier life than most teen moms/single moms. Which is probably why travelling alone with her 2 children is a bigger deal to her than it would be to others. But equally, I can see since becoming a mom that it’s not easy to travel with young children on your own. Yes a relationship should be a 2 way street but John doesn’t have the responsibility of children, it’s easier for him to hop on a plane and come down to her. Not saying she should never go to him, but she has done a number of times so I wouldn’t say she’s been hugely lazy about this relationship. She allowed her mood to affect her behaviour at his family gathering, which was wrong, but you can see how she would be awkward there when her and John were on bad terms and she was emotionally rocky and anxious about everything that day. I’m shy and don’t like my other half letting me alone for too long at large gatherings of people I haven’t met before so I don’t blame her for asking that. He disregarded her wishes anyway.  She left him at her family gathering yes but he didn’t ask her not to, he didn’t have a problem with it so he’s a different personality type. Idk I just don’t hugely blame her for anything this episode and just hope she sees she needs to meet someone locally for it to work when she has kids. 

Edited by BARISTA
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