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Who Should Sit The Iron Throne?

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So...who do you think should sit the Iron Throne?  Who do you think will sit the Iron Throne?


Post any suggestion that you want.  It can be serious or silly (Hot Pie for the Iron Throne!).  You can even use deceased characters or characters who have forsworn their lands (Whitecloaks, Blackcloaks, exiles, etc...).  You can make this character king or queen x years after or x years before the series.  If you want, you can extend this idea to your ideal Small Council.  The positions, if you may have forgotten, are:


Hand of the King

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

Master of Law

Master of Coin

Master of Whispers

Master of Ships

Grand Maester


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I'd really have to think about most of them but I would put Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard because he will put down a King if he absolutely has to.  Sam as Grand Maester.

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I'd really have to think about most of them but I would put Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard because he will put down a King if he absolutely has to.  Sam as Grand Maester.


You know that's typically not a good thing about the Lord Commander. "Oh he'll totally kill the guy he is sworn to protect."


Anyway, let's go all female. That sounds fun.


Queen Daenerys I Targaryen - Not that she'd be a great Queen, but it's an easy choice, out of the girls we know.


Hand of the Queen - Catelyn Stark - Honorable enough not to go super evil, probably shrewd enough not to Ned Stark it all up.

Lady Commander of the Queensguard - Brienne of Tarth - Another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

Mistress of Laws - Ellaria Sand - Let's get some more progressive laws in all of Westeros. Bastard Rights! Female Rights!

Mistress of Coin - Sansa Stark - Littlefinger Trained, Littlefinger Approved.

Mistress of Ships - Yara/Asha Greyjoy - Yet another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

Mistress of Whispers - Olenna Tyrell - Just as sneaky as Varys and with all her parts intact. 

Grand Maestress - Melisandre of Asshai - Got all the potion work down, and with magic to boot. Better than your garden variety Maester.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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This is who I think would be efficient rulers of Westeros


King: Stannis Baratheon- He understands that the Iron Throne is not something to be won, but a responsibility for any person who chooses to take, which is the mentality I think a King would need.  He is honestly concerned about the welfare and protection of his people, and he is willing to receive counsel from frowned upon places (Davos and Melisandre, for example) as long as it ultimately helps his cause in the end.  Stannis has a strong sense of honor, which will help encourage trust in his regime and discourage corruption.


Queen: Sansa Stark- Of course, for this scenario, Selyse would have to be deceased, but given her fervent support of R'hollor, this probably would have to happen for support for Stannis anyway.  Sansa also has a strong sense of honor, but unlike Stannis, who will not curry favor for his own benefit, Sansa would be willing to work for the higher class to help the kingdom.  Also unlike Stannis, Sansa will not give blunt demands; rather, she will offer polite suggestions to make it seem as though the other noble houses can up with it themselves.  Currently, Sansa has no ambitions to be queen, so as queen she wouldn't do things like angle her family as the most powerful in Westeros (at most, she will just give Bran or Rickon the titles that were stolen from her family- Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North).  Because she's been taught to empathize with the servants and other workers, she would assist the citizens sincerely, not for good publicity, as the Tyrells do.  If Shireen is still alive, Sansa can teach her how to be a good queen.


Hand of the King: Varys- This choice was difficult; it was a toss up between him, Lord Baelish, and Tyrion.  In the end I chose Varys because I believe two things about him: he honestly cares the kingdom and would not want to see it ruined, and he's ruthless enough to get his hands dirty to keep the realm stable.  The latter point is important because most of the great Hands in history were ruthless, and peace was the rule of the land.  Varys is already looked down upon as both a eunuch, a former mummer, and a foreigner, so more sworn wouldn't affect him that much.  He would also stay in the shadows rather than flaunt his power.  Lord Baelish would use the power for his own benefit.  No one would trust Tyrion to be Hand of the King, and at this point, Tyrion would probably lead Westeros on the road to the Seven Hells.


Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Barristan Selmy- Even after his dismissal from the Kingsguard and accounting for his advance age, Selmy is still known as fierce knight and an honourable man.  He is shown to give great and honest council, and is well respected by both friends and enemies alike.  Bringing him back as Lord Commander will boost the morale of the kingdom, and bring within the council a wise and knowledgeable perspective.


Master of Whispers: Arya Stark- Now, this is a weird choice, but I will explain why I think Arya is a good choice.  Arya is currently learning how to be an assassin in the House of the Undying, which involves learning a different language, learning how to lie without showing deception, taking on the mannerisms of someone else, and collecting secrets along the way.  Now, what if she could do that all throughout Westeros?  Arya is also more in-tuned with the small folk than her siblings are, so she could encourage people to trade her secrets through empathy.  She wouldn't even have to go to the Small Council meetings; one of her confidantes along her travels can deliver the messages for her.


Master of Laws: Randyll Tarly-  I think Kevan Lannister was wise making Randyll Tarly Master of Laws.  Discounting his treatment of Sam, Tarly has been shown to be a stern, but just, general.  He would be the perfect person to police the laws.


Master of Ships: Davos Seaworth- Davos knows ships and the waters like the back of his hands.  His sigil has a ship on it.  This position is almost tailor-made for Davos.  The only reason why I wouldn't make Davos Hand of the King is because I do not believe he would be ruthless enough to stabilize the realm if Stannis actually became king; extreme loyalty will only get you so far.


Grand Maester: Marwyn- this is only if Archmaesters can become Grand Maester.  Marwyn is very knowledgeable, not only in common maester arts, but uncommon ones as well like magic.  He has extensively traveled beyond Westeros, learning things from different people along the way.  He will be able to bring a lot of knowledge and understanding about the world to the Small Council, especially when it comes to returning magic.


Master of Coin: ?- I have no idea who would be the best Master of Coin.  It's a thankless job, so smart people would avoid it, and the rest will probably not know how to deal with it.

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For the end of the book?

Jon = King

Sansa = Queen (I know, I know but I think they're cousins, I don't think they see each other as siblings as they are with the others so it doesn't squick me out.)

Stannis = Hand of the King

Brynden Tully = Master of Laws

Davos = Master of Ships

Sam = Grand Maester

Tyrion = Coin (Alternatively I'd have Tyrion as Hand if Stannis dies with Garlan Tyrell filling in as coin.)

Bran = Master of Whispers. (Second choice Varys, long shot is Arya.)

Jaime/Brienne/Barristan (All would be great LC but I'm convinced that not one is going to survive this series.)

Edited by Avaleigh
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True, it's not a good thing when the Lord Commander kills a King he's sworn to protect but when that King is Aerys II...


Arya as Master of Whisperers is a good choice although I always thought she would make an excellent King's Justice, traveling throughout Westeros to execute those who warrant it.


Definitely Bran as Master of Whisperers. 

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I always assume whoever sits on the throne will not want it and will have been destroyed inside by the entire process. 


So that leaves Jon or Sansa. I'm going more with Jon. I know that will be a very predictable ending, but I don't really know if this series is about a shock ending. It's about the journey.


Who would I want to sit on the Iron Throne? Stannis, with Davos and Shireen (and a tempered Melisandre) there to offer support.

Edited by Pete Martell
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King Jon


Queen Sansa-Of all the possible candidates for Queen Consort she seems like the best one which is more than a little ironic since she doesn't want the job.  Otherwise Shireen.


Hand of the King-Tyrion would be my first choice.  But he might not survive the series in which case, I'd go with Davos Seaworth someone like Mathis Rowan, Lord Blackwood, or one of the Hightowers.  Frankly Doran or Lord Manderly might be even better choices, but it would be medically difficult for them to make the trip.  


Master of Ships-Davos Seaworth-if he's alive and not busy being Hand.  If Davos is unavailable, then Paxter Redwyne or Asha Greyjoy are also logical choices.  Or even the Reader.


Master of Laws-This is where Stannis could shine.  If not available then Blackfish,  Randyll Tarly or Bronze Yohn could work.


Master of Whispers-Arya Stark is a clear favorite.


Grand Maester-Sam Tarly or Marwyn.   


Master of Coin-Garth Tyrell.  He may have gas but if Tywin Lannister wanted him for the job then there's probably a reason like him being good at math.  Or Ser Forley Prester perhaps also to represent the Westernlands.  Or Hoster Blackwood, since he may be young but he's the bookish, brainy, sort.  

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You know that's typically not a good thing about the Lord Commander. "Oh he'll totally kill the guy he is sworn to protect."


Anyway, let's go all female. That sounds fun.


Queen Daenerys I Targaryen - Not that she'd be a great Queen, but it's an easy choice, out of the girls we know.


Hand of the Queen - Catelyn Stark - Honorable enough not to go super evil, probably shrewd enough not to Ned Stark it all up.

Lady Commander of the Queensguard - Brienne of Tarth - Another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

Mistress of Laws - Ellaria Sand - Let's get some more progressive laws in all of Westeros. Bastard Rights! Female Rights!

Mistress of Coin - Sansa Stark - Littlefinger Trained, Littlefinger Approved.

Mistress of Ships - Yara/Asha Greyjoy - Yet another easy choice, out of the girls we know.

Mistress of Whispers - Olenna Tyrell - Just as sneaky as Varys and with all her parts intact. 

Grand Maestress - Melisandre of Asshai - Got all the potion work down, and with magic to boot. Better than your garden variety Maester.

Same queen: Danaerys Stormborn.

Hand of the Queen: Missandei, of course.

Lady Commander of the Queensguard--Brienne of Tarth--that one's easy.

Mistress of Ships--certainly, Yara.

Mistress of Coin: Olenna Tyrell. She does know how to manage money.

Mistress of Laws--Shireen Baratheon.

Mistress of Whispers: Either of the Stark sisters will do, or pretty much any random Martell sister.

Grand Maestress: probably Melisandre, although I see some complications there.

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Female court was fun, now for an animal court!


King: Drogon - Who else?


Hand of the King: Ser Pounce - He knows the capital well and his council should be heeded.

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Shaggydog - Vicious and loyal, the best of both worlds in your first protector.

Master of Coin - Viserion - A gold dragon, who better to find other gold dragons?

Mistress of Laws - Lady - One so well behaved will uphold the laws so that all are well behaved.

Master of Ships - Rhaegal - Burn the ships! Burn them all!

Master of Whispers - Ghost - Silent and undetecable, the best choice for a spymaster.

Grand Maester - Mormont's Raven - No need for a rookery, he'll carry the messages himself. And he'll do it for corn!

Edited by Maximum Taco
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King: Ramsay Bolton

Hand of the King: Joffrey Baratheon

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Samwell Tarly

Master of Coin: Dontos Hollard

Master of Laws: Viserys Targaryen

Master of Ships: Khal Drogo

Master of Whisperers: Ned Stark

Grand Maester: Gregor Clegane

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It's harder to make a good line up if the organizer in question is Cersei Lannister during AFFC and the two most competent people she approaches to be Hand turn her down. She basically only has Tyrell and Lannister men and bannermen to choose from but it doesn't seem like there are too many good combinations and all the best ones are Tyrell heavy.

Hand = Randyll Tarly (The war isn't ending any time soon so that's why I'd choose a hard ass like him over the more likeable Mathis Rowan.)

Laws = Daven Lannister

Ships = Paxter Redwyne

Coin = Littlefinger (command him to return)

Grand Maester = Marwyn (I reason that Qyburn could have told her about him.)

Whisperers = Qyburn

LCKG = Jaime

No matter what the scenario I find Whisperers and Coin to easily be the most difficult posts to fill.

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It's harder to make a good line up if the organizer in question is Cersei Lannister during AFFC and the two most competent people she approaches to be Hand turn her down. She basically only has Tyrell and Lannister men and bannermen to choose from but it doesn't seem like there are too many good combinations and all the best ones are Tyrell heavy.

Hand = Randyll Tarly (The war isn't ending any time soon so that's why I'd choose a hard ass like him over the more likeable Mathis Rowan.)

Laws = Daven Lannister

Ships = Paxter Redwyne

Coin = Littlefinger (command him to return)

Grand Maester = Marwyn (I reason that Qyburn could have told her about him.)

Whisperers = Qyburn

LCKG = Jaime

No matter what the scenario I find Whisperers and Coin to easily be the most difficult posts to fill.


Not to question anyone's choices, this is just for funsies after all. But it wouldn't matter if Cersei knew about Marwyn or not. The Grand Maester is chosen by the Citadel's Conclave, not by the King/Queen. That's why Tywin reinstates Pycelle, because if he stays imprisoned it is rumoured they would select a (former) member of House Tyrell to replace him.


So you could pick anyone you want as Grand Maester, and it wouldn't need to be limited by allegiences to the rular.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Here's a timey-wimey, all-Targ King and Council:


King - Jaehaerys I - Widely considered the greatest Targaryen king.


Hand of the King - Maekar I - Smart, but also more than willing to knock some heads together to get things done.  A good counter to Jaehaerys' soft touch.


Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - Aemon the Dragonknight - The most celebrated knight in centuries.


Master of Coin - Viserys II - He seemed to do pretty well handling the realm's finances during the incompetent reigns of Daeron I and Baelor I.


Master of Ships - Aenar the Exile - He rode on some ships from Valyria to Dragonstone.  I can't think of any other Targs with the slightest naval experience.


Master of Laws - Daeron II - He seemed like a bookish intellectual with a bent towards justice.


Master of Whisperers - Daemon Targaryen - After arranging Blood and Cheese, I have no doubt this guy knows EVERYTHING.


Grand Maester - Maester Aemon - As if there was any other choice.



For shits and giggles, here's a timey-wimey, Fail King and Council made of Targs:


King - The Mad King Aerys II - He knows how to light things up.


Hand of the King - Aerion Brightflame - He REALLY knows how to light things up.


Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - Aenys I - A weakling who wouldn't know how to hold a sword, let alone wield it.


Master of Coin - Aegon IV The Unworthy - I'm sure a gluttonous, sex-addict will be respsonible with money.


Master of Ships - Baelor I - Who needs a fleet when you can pray for victory upon the sea?


Master of Laws - Aegon II - Only sissies and older sisters care about the law.


Master of Whisperers - Rhaegel Targaryen - He ran around the Red Keep naked and laughing.  He must have heard voices whispering to him, too.


Grand Maester - Maegor I The Cruel - Surely a learned fellow if there ever was one.

Edited by Lexx
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Let's give the baseborn a chance--I'm mixing up my generations a bit because I can ;-)

King = Brynden Rivers or Aurane Waters that Rhaegar look alike

Queen = Shiera Seastar or Mya Stone

Hand of the King = Jon Snow or a grown up Edric Storm

Master of Laws = Ellaria Sand (maybe an odd choice but she strikes me as fair and someone who isn't blinded by vengeance like so many other characters)

Master of Ships = Cotter Pyke

Master of Whisperers = Tyene Sand

Grand Maester = Sarella Sand

LCKG = Obara Sand or Jon Snow (In some ways he would have been perfect as a member of the KG.)

It's tough to not have a Sand heavy line-up. I couldn't find places for Mya Stone or Edric Storm and am blanking about any bastards we might know about from the Reach.

Edited by Avaleigh
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How about this?  Robert dies after his fight with Rhaegar and Ned ends up being named king by popular acclaim while Stannis grinds his teeth in annoyance.  Here's the lineup after the dust has settled:


King - Ned Stark

Hand - Jon Arryn

Master of Laws - Hoster Tully

Master of Ships - Stannis

Master of Whisperers - Wyman Manderly?  Ned would not have kept Varys around.

Master of Coin - Some responsible lord from the North, Riverlands, or Vale.

Grand Maester - Pycelle (since Ned can't appoint his own)

LCKG - Barristan Selmy

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The UnThrone


King = Night King (duh)

Hand of the King = Jojen Paste (full of supporting nutrients!)

Master of Coin =  Frey Pies (sell like crazy)

Master of Laws = Lady Stoneheart

Master of Ships = the Drowned God (it's an undead god, right?)

Master of Whisperers = Blood Raven (1000 eyes and... well, in HBO case, two)

Grand Maester = Cold Hands (a bit chilly during visits, but the ravens like him)

LCKG = Ser Robert Strong

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I'd like it to be the next way:

King - Jon

Queen - Daenerys (if Jon and Daenerys are not brother an sister in some way)

Hand - Tyrion, cause he can do it the best (actually from here I have found he is the main character but I think this is a bullshit)

Master of Coin - Petyr Baelysh

Master of Ships - Davos

Master of Laws - Varys

Grand Maester - Sam

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The more I see the more I think the winners are going to be the people who choose to stand with the Starks or open to being allies with the Starks. A lot of these fall under the "Everything You Wanted in the Worst Possible Way" for main characters.

Jon Snow the Bastard King: Jon will rule from Winterfell (where the final battle will be won), but he won't use either the Targaryen nor the Stark surname (despite being acknowledged as the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna) because he will not become king due to his bloodline but because of his role in saving the kingdoms from the dual threat of the Others and Dany's invasion.

Queen Sansa Stark: Jon needs someone he can trust as his queen and who can inspire in ways that he cannot. For trust you gotta keep it in the family... in this case his cousin and Sansa has the same sort of grace and courtesy that made Margery so beloved by the common people.

Davos Seaworth, Hand of the King: Because one could not ask for a better and more loyal second-in-command and Davos deserves to serve under a truly good king (This IS his happy ending).

Ser "Dolorous" Eddison Tollett, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Because the Others will be defeated forever and the Free Folk are among the King's strongest supporters, there will be no need for a Night's Watch any more. Instead of being forgotten on the edge of the world the surviving brothers (who would be battle hardened by the war with the Others) that are most loyal and supportive of Jon become his honor guard.

Some Random People as  Master of Law and Master of Coin: I think Tyrion will go down along with Dany and he'd be an issue if he was relegated to just the Master of Coin instead of hand in any event. I don't think every position is going to be someone we recognize and these two are likely to fall into that category.

Arya Stark, the Master of Whispers: A face-changing assassin who's also utterly loyal to the crown? You're insane to pick anyone else.

Yara/Asha Greyjoy, Master of Ships: Because it brings the Ironborn into the fold instead of keeping them as isolated outsiders who are prone to rebel.

Grand Maester Sam Tarly: Because he's loyal to Jon, has the knowledge of the Maesters without their biases, allowing him to see things more clearly than they ever could.

Greenseer Bran Stark: Because after everything that's happened, Bran will turn down the throne at Winterfell and instead become a spiritual guru and bring about a revival in the worship of the Old Gods.

Lord Tormund Giantsbane and Lady Brienne Giantsbane of Last Hearth: Honorable mention for the show. These two deserve to go off and make beautiful giant warrior princesses as one of the families most loyal to the crown.

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5 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Lord Tormund Giantsbane and Lady Brienne Giantsbane of Last Hearth: Honorable mention for the show. These two deserve to go off and make beautiful giant warrior princesses as one of the families most loyal to the crown.

Your mention of beautiful giant warrior princesses will always bring a smile.  Something good has to come out of this mess.

My idea is a little more wild.  Someone sits on the Iron Throne (Jon?  Dany?) But instead of supreme rule they are more of a figurehead.  The small council evolves into the first rendition of a parliament.  There can still be Masters of [insert occupation] but I imagine if Dany or any Stark lands on the throne, they will want to incorporate the voices of lowborns and that can create a Westorosi version of the House of Commons, while the more noble names (Edmure Tully, Robin Arryn, Theon or Asha) could comprise a House of Lords.  The Hand of the King/Queen would now be Prime Minister.

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King : Victarion Greyjoy (the world needs a real king)

Hand of the King : Fralegg the Strong (He deserve this position - among the most loyal ironborn to Victarion, who refused Euron's rule over the islands)

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard : Sandor Clegane (The Hound deserve a better credit, he needs a job for his skills.)

Master of Law : Randyll Tarly  (Couldn't have asked for a better man)

Master of Coin : Nute The Barber (Glory is good, but gold is better)

Master of Whispers : Varys (His little birds might come in handy)

Master of Ships : Ragnor Pyke (spent a lot of time in the seas and worthy of this position)

Grand Maester : Aeron Greyjoy (Drowned Priest as a Grand Maester? that be funny to watch.)

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I hope there is no iron throne because it is the end of the Targaryans for good.  There is some reckoning and the fire is quenched and the ice melted and everybody can go back to petty bickering and subjugating the poor.  And Jon Snow is king of something.

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Okay, just to be contrary I'll choose Bran. I'll even pretend that he was chosen because he had the most interesting story, rather than because the Northern secessionists still felt entitled to decide who should be in charge of the south. So who else has an interesting story? Going into this as a non-reader, I'm gonna say...

Hand of the King would be Davos. Making Jaime the "Hand" would be even more interesting, but I'm not bringing anybody back from the dead, so Davos is my remaining choice. Technically, he'd be the "Hand and a Half" of the king.

Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Shagga, Son of Dolf. He's shown a knack for protecting little wimpy half- men from the dangers of King's Landing, and it's hard to have a more interesting story than somebody who does everything while wearing that ridiculous Water Buffalo Lodge hat.

Master of Law: Lord Robin of Nippletown. His whole "Plummet them to their death unless they're interesting" policy should assure that as many citizens as possible have interesting stories. Which is important, apparently.

Master of Coin: Yara Greyjoy. Simply because I hated Balon and I like the idea of his heir making sure as many people as possible are paying the gold price for everything.

Master of Whispers: Random Bird Cage Head Woman from Qarth. She seems to know what's up. And the random avian motif fits right in with Bran and Robin.

Master of Ships: Salladhor Saan. Because the poor guy needs something to finally do. What was his story, anyway? Did he make a wrong turn at Albuquerquos?

Grand Maester: Gendry Baratheon. Anyone who can figure out how to make glass into steel is an alchemist to be reckoned with. Plus, if you keep him around then Arya is more likely to swing by for an occasional booty call and save the world if necessary.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I'm rereading the books and am actually trying to spot if there is anything there to point in the direction of Bran and Sansa. I'm about a third to half way through The Clash of Kings, and one scene that stuck out to me was Tyrion getting back to KL and making note of how the people have nothing to eat while Cersei wastes time, money and resources on other shit as winter approaches. This I think connects directly to Sansa always worrying about supplies of food in the last two seasons. Much is also made about it at Winterfell at the same time, where Luwin and/or Rodrik wrangle the bannermen to set more food aside. And Bran actually IS taught to rule at this time and eventually both his mentors compliment him. However, this doesn't really fold intothe TV ending seeing as there's no Bran left. So, currently I'm at the point where Bran makes sense as king down the line to me, but not the 3ER.

However, the other great houses going along with an independent Stark run North, and a Stark ruling over the remaining six kingdoms still doesn't gel. 

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7 hours ago, slf said:

I always thought it would end with no one on the Iron Throne and all of the kingdoms independent. Possibly with one or two kingdoms merging.

As the kids would say, same. Back to the seven kingdoms as in the pre-Targaryen era. 

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15 hours ago, slf said:

I always thought it would end with no one on the Iron Throne and all of the kingdoms independent. Possibly with one or two kingdoms merging.

I thought so too. But with a ruling Great Council in order to keep the Kingdoms from falling into war again. With that I mean a council of people from each Kingdom, all having equal power. A council where they can make trade agreements with each other. Where basic law is decided.

Of course certain things are very local and the culture is different in each Kingdom but basics can be amended for that very reason. But I'm sure due to the cultural differences and everyone constantly wanting independence (which leads to war), a Great Council would be the best solution. It's a middle of the road solution that both keeps all the Kingdoms together but also affords enough autonomy/freedom for the Kingdoms to do their thing.

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On 8/28/2019 at 2:16 AM, supposebly said:

Like an EU of Westeros?

God no. That would be horrible. I was thinking it could be more similar to the general way our democratic countries are run. You have a country government and state government. The Great Council (country) would have equal members from each kingdom (state), all with equal rights as to voting etc.. And then the kingdoms have their own small councils where the general laws decided by the Great Council can be amended to a degree (similar to how state law differs from one state to another), depending on culture, economy and so forth.

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