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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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Add me to the list. Three kids, 3 home cooked meals a day, (and I do not enjoy cooking), my house was clean and the laundry never got out of control. My husband’s job required a lot of travel so most weeks I was alone. 
How did I find the time? Gee, maybe because I wasn’t constantly glued to a phone “documenting” my life. 
These folks have babies because that’s what is expected of them, not because they are ready to be parents. It’s so sad.


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Some absolutely great comments made here. Add me to the list of keeping a clean, organized home with scratch meals every day. I also packed my childrens'  lunches for school each morning at 6am. Cooking dinner was my least favorite thing to do but I did it faithfully every evening AND double time on major holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter were held at my place. I cooked for 13-23 people all by myself while the beds were made,, bathrooms were cleaned up (especially for company) and house tidied up. Carlin "play works" if you ask me at the boutique; goes in when "Evan can drive her", has no time management skills. When I did work early full time early in my marriage, I cooked 3 days dinners on Sunday afternoon after church so I could just heat them up; maybe add a frozen boxed vegetable. These were the days before microwaves were common, no door dash, takeout was "pick it up yourself". A wonderful point made above was these girls did have 6-7 "helpmates" in their sisters. They concentrated on one area of household chores and always had someone else to pawn the little siblings on...their mothers were worthless if you ask me.  Sorry for this long post but I am proud of so many of you posters here who did what you had to do and were good parents.

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In Carlin’s post that I saw earlier today, it looked like Katie was still there. Also sitting around was one of the younger sisters, maybe Ellie and either Isiah or Warden. So on a Monday morning none of them had anything to do but hang around Carlin’s house. But Carlin also showed some cooked breakfast food. Doubtful that she made it, that’s probably thanks to one of the visitors. I think if you are invited to C&E’s you are expected to cook. And probably bring the ingredients too.

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my mother was a horrible cook and I was too..till I made friends with some mennonite ladies and now...hooboy...I can lay out some good food...and I did it for my family like you all...hubby worked, I worked , kids in school..and it was not common when I was raising my kids to eat out alot...plus we have private school tuition and it was not cheap...I am retired now but hubby works...tonight for dinner we had sautéed chicken breast in a sauce of butter, lemon, pinot grigio with minced onion and garlic...served with mashed potatoes and asparagus ...my hubby loved it...and I have leftovers for tomorrow....next up this week is lasagna soup...yummy...I rotate the recipes we like and that are quick and easy...and tonights meal was quick and easy....I hate it when I see those kids eat so much fast food...I really think seed oils, high fructose corn syrup and bromide/bromate as well as all the chemicals...do something to the liver and the brain...and she started giving those kids that crap from birth...and even katie gives their little girl that crap....

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6 hours ago, crazy8s said:

I think it comes as a shock to these fundie women when they get married that now all the jobs are theirs.


Hasn't Carlin done ads for Hello Fresh or one of those meal delivery places? Those are so easy.



I wonder if newly married fundie women expect that someone else will do the work for them, like they and others did for their mothers. I mean, Carlin is ninth, I think, in the Bates lineup. By the time she was born, Kelly wasn't doing a damn thing except incubating (and whining). She likely doesn't remember a time when her mother did anything else, so she probably got married and had Layla while thinking that her maid would show up any day now. Habits are hard to break. 

That's probably more credit than Carlin and Evan deserve. I think they're mostly  just lazy doofuses. 

As for Hello Fresh and other meal delivery places, unless the Stews got a hell of a discount, it might be more than they can afford on a regular basis. Hello Fresh gets pricy (and they'd still have to cook it). Not that "what we can afford" has ever played a significant role in other Stew decisions. 


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So if Zade had his 18 month checkup, did they recheck for high lead levels in his blood?  I just saw a story on the news that some kids crap in a pouch has been found to have high lead levels, so I wonder if that is where it came from.  The FDA has recall out on the stuff.  It sounds like something they would hand their kids.

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6 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

So if Zade had his 18 month checkup, did they recheck for high lead levels in his blood?  I just saw a story on the news that some kids crap in a pouch has been found to have high lead levels, so I wonder if that is where it came from.  The FDA has recall out on the stuff.  It sounds like something they would hand their kids.

Yes, he was tested. All of his levels are back to normal. 

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1 hour ago, Meow Mix said:

So if Zade had his 18 month checkup, did they recheck for high lead levels in his blood?  I just saw a story on the news that some kids crap in a pouch has been found to have high lead levels, so I wonder if that is where it came from.  The FDA has recall out on the stuff.  It sounds like something they would hand their kids.

Reddit has it that checking for lead is part of routine bloodwork for kids. The super-duper, ultra-cynical part of my brain thought factitious disorder imposed on another. 

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12 hours ago, Heathen said:

Reddit has it that checking for lead is part of routine bloodwork for kids. The super-duper, ultra-cynical part of my brain thought factitious disorder imposed on another. 

It would be fairly tough to produce an elevated lead level in a kid factitiously and I don't think Carlin is smart enough to do it anyway.  The kiddo was probably chewing on window sills or picking up paint chips and chomping on them during their remodeling or on some of their many visits to family.

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57 minutes ago, Notabug said:

It would be fairly tough to produce an elevated lead level in a kid factitiously and I don't think Carlin is smart enough to do it anyway.  The kiddo was probably chewing on window sills or picking up paint chips and chomping on them during their remodeling or on some of their many visits to family.

She's smart enough to request the test and then exaggerate the results to get attention. That's part of factitious disorder, too. 

"Factitious disorder symptoms can range from mild (slight exaggeration of symptoms) to severe (previously called Munchausen syndrome). The person may make up symptoms or even tamper with medical tests to convince others that treatment, such as high-risk surgery, is needed." https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/factitious-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20356028#:~:text=Factitious disorder imposed on another,the intention of deceiving others.

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The fundie girls inability to handle traditional female responsibilities always boggles my brain, so thank you for pointing out that they only had to do one thing (at high volumes) as kids, not all the things. 

I was absolutely not raised to be a SHM and my mom cooked with loathing (she hated cooking, but she loved us), but I left the house (and went to college and have a career) knowing how to cook, clean and do laundry. If my parents could do that around 2 full-time careers, what the heck is the Fundie matriarchs' problem?


Also, re Hello Fresh, I find it's good if you have solid basic cooking skills and want to step up your game a teeny bit. I'm not a bad cook, but I find the timing in the instructions isn't quite right and one step always takes a lot longer than advertised which throws everything else off. 

Edited by satrunrose
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11 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Today we see C&E with real food at their house. Not sure who actually prepared it, could have been Katie or Addee or maybe one of the girls who were shown singing. Seems like they are responding to all the snarky comments on the junk food they normally eat.

We'll see if things revert to form after Katie leaves and Addee isn't always coming over to cook. 

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New video out last night....Oh My God..how annoying Carlin was screeching to Layla and Zade about their charity shopping trip inspired by their church. Why would they have put Layla on the spot there in shopping for "some little girl in Mexico" who won't have a Christmas? Clearly Carlin has so far raised a consumer oriented little girl. She wanted everything she saw for herself and was not to thrilled to be shopping for someone else. They only have themselves to blame here. These two really need to dial it down, quit screeching and jumping around..they need to grow up. Let's see now, how modest was it to bring Layla to WalMart in her ballet leotard? Katie was visiting in this video also. She modeled for the boutique along with Whit and Carlin. You then see Kelly Jo sitting herself in a chair watching...this is why she doesn't have time to sweep her own floors. What purpose was she serving there? None that I saw at all. Kelly, go home and stay there and clean your own house. 

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To be fair Layla not understanding buying gifts for another child or wanting the same things for herself is normal for her age.  This is the age where one first introduces doing for others and it takes time and patience for it to take.  Plus some children have more empathy than others (usually not the first child).  

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19 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I understand that Layla is still young to understand shopping for someone else but my point was that they should not have put her on the spot like they did in a video. Some things need to be private and that shopping with Layla in my opinion should not have been filmed.

But how else would we know how giving Carlin is? I guess an already packed box isn't good for content. 🙄

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I watched the video and Layla seemed confused. I think she's constantly bribed with treats to keep her complacent, so she didn't understand why the cameras were rolling but she wasn't getting anything. I agree, floridamom, that this could've been a great teachable moment but it was wrong to put Layla in that position. It wouldn't surprise me if they ended up buying her the jewelry she wanted to shut her up, so who knows if she learned anything anyways. 

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I have to assume that C&E didn't go bc Whit and Katie weren't going to be there - both were with the other side of the family for Thanksgiving. And Carlin ain't going anywhere without her besties bc without them it is Josie/Lydia, Esther/Tiff, and Erin/Tori hanging out and she doesn't fit in; doubt she was going to drive that far to hang out with random brothers and Addie/Ellie/Callie.

Bc other than that I don't think the Stewarts would have cared if C&E weren't in attendance. Let's be real, they ain't helpful. And Evan has said before that his family is ALL about Christmas - like Christmas celebrating starts after Halloween and they basically take a weekend break for Thanksgiving - so doesn't seem like it's a huge holiday for them.

I'm sure Z&W were thrilled that C&E are again taking another 5 day weekend - as Z&W spent Thanksgiving with her mom and then today spent the day at BSB with their older kids packaging up orders. Though who knows maybe they are happy to have the place to themselves - they can go in, get the work done in a few hours, and leave without anyone woohoo-ing, wasting time, or demanding CFA or convenience store runs.

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I just came here to comment on that! Carlin posted her and Evan getting Starbucks and going Black Friday shopping in Nashville, meanwhile Zach and Whit were swamped at the Boutique. The strip with the order tickets was piled up on the floor, so even with staff it had to be a ton of work. Zach and Whit are either incredibly tolerant or savvy enough to know they need Carlin's social media following to drive business. It's crazy what they put up with. 

I also agree the Stews nope'd out of the farm visit because Katie and Travis weren't there. Of course they could've made the trip to see the frail, aging grandparents who are clearly on borrowed time, but where's the party! party! in that? It's not like they see Evan's parents every other weekend.🙄

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

It seems much of the clan went to Janie's for Thanksgiving - except for the Stews.

It seems to me the Bates clan(s) are making as many trips as they can, as Gil's dad health/mind declines. Of course Kelton was grilling.

I saw on Josie’s Instagram that they were towing their camper as well as the fancy grill/smoker thingy. So of course Kelton was the grilling king.

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Lulz! In her defense, the packaging looked nearly identical, but yeah, when the label says "granulated sugar" in giant font, you'd think something would click. I have a feeling Mrs. Stewart told her "salt's in the blue container" and Carlin just grabbed the first thing she saw. The turkey must've been nasty though. 

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Lulz! In her defense, the packaging looked nearly identical, but yeah, when the label says "granulated sugar" in giant font, you'd think something would click. I have a feeling Mrs. Stewart told her "salt's in the blue container" and Carlin just grabbed the first thing she saw. The turkey must've been nasty though. 

WTH is wrong with that chick and with her fundie mother's housewife training? I get it, things happen. But IDK when you don't cook in your regular life + are asked to help with something that will be eaten by other people, most people are then super careful. Like they know they don't cook so they can't rely on knowing what salt vs sugar packages look like, so they READ the package. Though what am I saying Dumb and her Dumber DH were likely too busy lining up the perfect shots for next week's YT and the perfect photoshoots to show how #blessed their "little family" is to keep their eyes on the task at hand and then oopsiee sugar - OMG hahaha - that'll make such a cute anecdote for next week's YT . . . . As they prob then handed the turkey back to MIL to "fix" as best she could.

So I take it all the "FU" meals shown last week were NOT cooked by C&E? I mean I assumed not bc Katie was visiting and we saw G&K, Jeb, Jud etc. hanging at C&E's house - presumably to visit with Katie, so I assume that meant that Addie/Callie's slave duties transferred to C&E's home for the week. But Carlin was posting one FU food pic after the next - clearly in response to all the - you feed your kids chips and cookies bc you can't be bothered - criticisms she gets on here and on Reddit. Though I mean who isn't going to be falling over IMPRESSED at pics of OMG a turkey sandwich; pre made burger patties ready to be thrown in the pan with lettuce/tomato/ketchup sitting near by; chinese food in pots and pans - wouldn't put it past them to order that out and then heat it up to show they made stir fries; spaghetti bolognese - which I'm guessing meant boiled pasta + jarred meat sauce 🙄

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5 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Evan bought Carlin a $500 curling wand/blow dryer. 😳 

He should have bought them both a freaking clue. 

My snark brain says that Carlin's "oops" was done on purpose so that she wouldn't have to help with dinner anymore, or again. Giggle giggle, look at me -- I can't even tell the difference between sugar and salt!  What POS she and Evan are. 

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1 hour ago, AstridM said:

IDK, this is a woman who didn’t even know her own father’s full first name when applying for her marriage license. . . 😳

That's what happens when you're in the middle of a shitload of kids, and you never ever go to school or anywhere without family. She didn't know his full name (if that scene wasn't entirely faked) because she never had to learn it, or fill out forms that asked for it. 

And also because she's a fundie dingbat, but that goes back to my first point. 

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1 hour ago, AstridM said:

IDK, this is a woman who didn’t even know her own father’s full first name when applying for her marriage license. . . 😳

I have kindergartners who know their parents’ first names. The others think their names are “mom” and “dad.”  Carlin would have been in that second group.

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14 minutes ago, zenme said:

I have kindergartners who know their parents’ first names. The others think their names are “mom” and “dad.”  Carlin would have been in that second group.

Your kindergartners -- the first group -- probably don't live in a bubble consisting of their parents and 63 siblings. I knew my parents' names at that age, but I didn't live in a bubble, either. 

Kelly and Gil really screwed over their kids, didn't they? It's a damn shame. 

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22 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Did she put sugar on the raw turkey or after it came out of the  over? Because is the turkey was raw she could have just rinsed it off. If this was the case then it was most likely a little act so  she could say oh silly me look what I've done. And Evan could get it on camera for the YT video. 

That's exactly what I think.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Why on earth does a $500 curling iron/blow dryer exist? Does it come with magic heat and magic air? Or magic ions?


Maybe there is a tiny little stylist inside the box who jumps out and does your hair for you?  If so, I want one.


Did she put sugar on the raw turkey or after it came out of the  over? Because is the turkey was raw she could have just rinsed it off. If this was the case then it was most likely a little act so  she could say oh silly me look what I've done. And Evan could get it on camera for the YT vide

I am sure they saw this on someone else' feed and decided it would make a cute holiday video, so they copied it.  They don't have the brainpower between them to come up with an idea this complex.

Edited by Notabug
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I don't think my hairstylist would spend $500 on a blowdryer/curling iron.  These people are going to be broke long before retirement age spending like this.  Wonder how making payments on the Tesla as well as the mortgage is going.

And mistaking salt for sugar isn't cute, it's just dumb.  I have low vision and have never made a mistake like that when baking or cooking.

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Retirement?  I don't think Evan and Carlin can think beyond Christmas - or her next pregnancy - to think about 40 years in the future.  They have followers now, but what happens when the younger followers get married and start their own families, or the older followers are unable to follow them any longer due to health or even death?  

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4 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

I don't think my hairstylist would spend $500 on a blowdryer/curling iron.  These people are going to be broke long before retirement age spending like this.  Wonder how making payments on the Tesla as well as the mortgage is going.

And mistaking salt for sugar isn't cute, it's just dumb.  I have low vision and have never made a mistake like that when baking or cooking.

I am an ex hairdresser and professional dryers etc are very expensive.  Back in the late 80's, mine was over $300.  For my personal use?  I buy the cheapest I can find.

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Katie was rocking a Louis Vuitton bag on her last visit, so of course Carlin needs to buy something pricey to keep up. 

I looked up reviews on the Dyson and the main selling point is it cuts down on drying time, which is fine, but Carlin has thin, shoulder length hair. I can't imagine it takes her that long to style even with a regular dryer. 


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