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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

She is only going for one night. So I assume she is flying. The hotel room even if they are sharing will not be cheap. And I doubt that Carlin will take the subway to the Bronx. It seems like such a random thing to do for someone who is not interested in baseball.  

So the unemployed mother of two young children is traveling from Tennessee to New York City for one night to see a game in which she has no interest. She damn well better get some good, snarkable Instagram content for us out of this! 

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So Carlin is a co owner of Bates Sister Boutique...but is she a silent partner..or the spokesmodel for the company?

When I was watching episodes back when BSB was formed, it seemed like Erin would be the one to come up with the ideas for social media/marketing and Whitney would do the actual implanting of those ideas..as well as handling all the inventory in their house and later mini warehouse on their property.  What exactly Carlin do other then pose for social media pics or videos?

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21 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

So Carlin is a co owner of Bates Sister Boutique...but is she a silent partner..or the spokesmodel for the company?

When I was watching episodes back when BSB was formed, it seemed like Erin would be the one to come up with the ideas for social media/marketing and Whitney would do the actual implanting of those ideas..as well as handling all the inventory in their house and later mini warehouse on their property.  What exactly Carlin do other then pose for social media pics or videos?


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So, this whole trip to NYC to the baseball game was a promotional gig to sell $50 long tee shirts purported to be dresses?  And crew socks and white tennies you can pick up at any Target in town?  OK, then.

So, for those claiming Carlin is unemployed, it appears this 'girls' trip' was actually a shopportunity for the masses as she sells product.

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I don't get it. If I wanted to buy a basic white dress, crew socks, Nikes, or a Yankees hat - I'd buy them, whether from American Eagle, Dicks, Target or anyplace else. Why would I click CARLIN'S link to buy them?? Like what interest do I have in her making money?

Wonder how long until the pastor's wife drops her? Seems like this trip was a tag along with pastor's wife + that woman's sister/SIL. Also seems like at least one of those women is an actual Yankees fan with an IG handle of yankeesgirl. Wonder how much they regretted invited Carlin - omg it's hot; omg let's go get chicken fingers; omg did that guy just swing and miss the ball; oh wait that's called an out, I didn't know that . . . blah blah blah.

I mean "friends" run away from Carlin pretty quick. Remember that Krista chick? She was the absolute BESTIE at this time last year, even spending the night at their place when Carlin had an episode at church. Though after being asked to scrub their tub with a toothbrush and then noting that while Carlin was supposedly unwell, she was totally fine enough to run off to Nashville 2x/mo, to Vegas, on beach vacations - she was prob like . . . yeah I don't need this "friendship." Though I'm guessing a pastor's wife can't run away the same way lest she been seen as a bad representative of her church, and I imagine Carlin dare not ask her to scrub her house or watch her kids, but she can still distance herself and stop being "available" once she tires of loud ass Carlin & Evan. Hers is the house they show up at for pool days. I have a feeling friends initially think Carlin/Evan are young and fun and then they either end of feeling used or feeling like it's ALL about C&E and they can hardly get a word in - and they back away.

Carlin seems unwell when she speaks. When she's doing her makeup/getting ready to leave for NYC - she legit sounds like she is trying to CONVINCE herself that "go go go" is what makes her happy. Uh sweetie you just had Katie & Trav over for a few days and then spent 2 days in South Carolina, you supposedly "work" too; for most people with young kids that'd be enough go go go and they'd decline this trip along the lines of - sorry I will just be getting back from SC the night before and should probably go to work, grocery shopping, cook . . . .

She's frankly just running from Evan, the house, the kids, the business. You know the life she convinced herself (and G&K convinced her since the womb) that she wanted ASAP. Now she has it, it clearly does not make her happy so she's constantly running from one trip to the next OR posting sappy videos about "I'll miss these days" or "they're growing too fast" as the kids play with sidewalk chalk or whatever - trying to convince herself that this is the best.

She needs therapy. Frankly she prob also needs a divorce and to pursue her own life for a while, but that ain't happening. Instead she's jonesing to make baby #3 - if #1 and #2 don't make you happy, surely adding #3 will make it better/easier . . . lol. But I've said she needed therapy since she was pregnant and boohooing at 6 am bc Evan had to go to work + badgering 2 yr old Layla ALL THE TIME with "we're best friends, right." Like she'd be at Target and demand friendship affirmation and would not move the cart until Layla said yes. Uh if you need your 2 yr old to make you feel better, something ain't right with you.

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You know, I do feel a little but sad for Carlin. So many of the things she's getting criticized for (indiscriminate spending, needing to have fun all. the. time., not having her priorities in the right place, ignoring things that could impact her health unless she gets attention from it) would be pretty normal if she wasn't the mom of 2 with a job (allegedly) and a mortgage. I think alternate-universe Carlin, newly graduated from college, in her first entry level job, single or living in a tiny apartment with Evan, would be a lot happier. 

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19 minutes ago, satrunrose said:

You know, I do feel a little but sad for Carlin. So many of the things she's getting criticized for (indiscriminate spending, needing to have fun all. the. time., not having her priorities in the right place, ignoring things that could impact her health unless she gets attention from it) would be pretty normal if she wasn't the mom of 2 with a job (allegedly) and a mortgage. I think alternate-universe Carlin, newly graduated from college, in her first entry level job, single or living in a tiny apartment with Evan, would be a lot happier. 

She also wouldn’t be getting criticized if she didn’t insist on sharing all of the details of her spending and activities with millions of strangers. 

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I wonder if the Pastor encouraged his wife to befriend Carlin, hoping the Stewarts' sizeable social media following would be free advertisement for the church? Otherwise I can't figure out why a woman in her forties with (presumably) older children would want to hang out with her?

At this point, Carlin is the MLM version of a friend. She presents a fun picture and people eagerly sign up for the ride. Then they slowly realize they're being exploited, and their energy is drained. They finally hit the wall and tap out, and off she goes to find new supply. It's a never ending cycle. 

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3 hours ago, cereality said:

Carlin seems unwell when she speaks. When she's doing her makeup/getting ready to leave for NYC - she legit sounds like she is trying to

She needs therapy. Frankly she prob also needs a divorce and to pursue her own life for a while, but that ain't happening. Instead she's jonesing to make baby #3 - if #1 and #2 don't make you happy, surely adding #3 will make it better/easier . . . lol. But I've said she needed therapy since she was pregnant and boohooing at 6 am bc Evan had to go to work + badgering 2 yr old Layla ALL THE TIME with "we're best friends, right." Like she'd be at Target and demand friendship affirmation and would not move the cart until Layla said yes. Uh if you need your 2 yr old to make you feel better, something ain't right with you.

Therapy would also address her "episodes" and factitious disorder.  

I think a combination of mental illness and her worthless parents brought her to this point. She didn't get the professional help and attention she needed when she lived under their roof, and now she and her own children are paying the price. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder if the Pastor encouraged his wife to befriend Carlin, hoping the Stewarts' sizeable social media following would be free advertisement for the church? Otherwise I can't figure out why a woman in her forties with (presumably) older children would want to hang out with her?

My nice side wants to believe that the pastor's wife saw a young woman who's a bit of a lost soul and is trying to help.

My cynical side says that Carlin ain't the only fundie mom who has a bad case of arrested development. Just because her new friend is 40, doesn't mean she's more mature. 

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Carlin gave up 'her right' to be a stupid flake when she had children. If you're not mature before you have them you need to step up and grow up once you do. And certainly before having a second one.

Motherhood is as hard as it is rewarding, but it comes with a lot of 'sacrifice', balancing and compromise. Moms having been making it work since the dawn of time and have more options than ever now to balance being themselves (work, hobby, etc), a mom and a wife. So I (who is a little extra cranky right now) gives Carlin no passes to be a typical, finding yourself 25 year old, because she has two kids who depend on her.

As for the pastor's wife and SIL - maybe Carlin invited herself and she felt she couldn't say no. I can just imagine the on the down low texts the wife and SIL were sending to each other. 

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I would never say that Carlin needs to divorce and have the freedom to live her own life.   She gave up that privilege when she had 2 children. What I think is that Carlin and Evan need is a mentor or a counselor who can get them to see that they need to grow up and be adults. They have 2 young children who need care and attention and parents who act like parents not like a couple of college age kids who are free to run around and do whatever they feel like. When you choose to marry and have children while others at that age are either in college or working and having fun times that just too bad. They gave up that privilege and it's time to grow up. 

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She made it sound like we're flying to NYC this morning for a baseball game tonight, will be back Sat morning. She's wandering around Manhattan this afternoon w/ the requisite Alicia Keys song on her IG videos . . . . . And now at the airport w the flight delayed 6 times. Bc who ever heard of evening thunderstorms in the summer 🙄. Perfect though - she got home from SC Thursday, Thursday was packing/laundry for NYC, out the door Friday morning, and now she's not getting home until late Sat at the earliest.  It's the 36 hr break she needed from a life she hates.

At @GeeGolly - I too wonder if these women wanted her along or were texting like - hmm well I can't say no, so I guess she's coming, it won't be that bad.

You're right - once you choose to marry and esp when once you choose to have kids, your right to freedom, finding yourself etc. is gone or is very limited because the kids needs have to come first. But reality is that's only true if you are GOOD parents, which these morons are not. A divorce with 50-50 custody here would mean that on Carlin's week, the kids would be dumped at G&K's house and/or on Michael. On Evan's week, they'd be dumped on his mother. A shitty existence sure, but honestly IDK that the kids are getting much better than that now. But anyway that's all hypothetical.

Honestly I don't feel bad for either of them in the slightest because there were so many times they could have NOT pulled the trigger. These were the last two idiots that needed to marry at 21 and 24. This was one of the courtships Gil was trying to slow down. I don't think G&K would've been THAT opposed if they courted for another 1-3 yrs - they could've done it under the guise of, we need Evan to be making apprentice $ to marry. Or if they HAD to marry at 21 and 24 bc SEX, they could have NOT made a honeymoon baby. Evan's brother managed to not make a honeymoon baby - nor I think any baby yet despite 2 yrs of marriage. So I'm pretty sure Evan could've figured that one out.

Or if they had to rush to push out a baby to carry like a Gucci bag, fine, but once they realized Carlin ONLY enjoys delivery and the attention the week after and then she's a post partum mess and doesn't enjoy babies being dependent on her . . . well hello what was the rush on #2?? And now the couple that doesn't enjoy their kids and feels that it's easiest to feed them bags of chips thinks that kid #3 will make things better? Good luck . . . .

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Yes baby # 3 will make things worse. Harder to travel the more kids you have. Harder to find free baby sitters. In one of their vlogs, it was Evan who said Carlin is definitely ready for #3. Carlin said she wasn't sure and the pregnancy is great, the attention that comes with the birth and the first couple of weeks if great but after that the depression starts in. I think Carlin knows this and probably doesn't want another baby but genius Evan is pushing it for their Youtube videos. Also they seem like they get bored with their life and are constantly looking for the next vacation, the next big thing to take their mind off of everyay life. It's a shame that they can't relax and enjoy the life that they have without looking for what's coming down the road to entertain them. 

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IMO, they are not very good at making videos. Evan seems to feel the need to overdo the enthusiasm and act like a jerk. As it has been said here before, they both need to grow up and mature. Why their parents don't tell them this is beyond me. Gil and Kelly don't see that these two behave like high school kids? Evan's parents don't notice the immaturity and disorganization of their lives? Is Layla STILL in PullUps? Carlin should introduce herself to a home cook book and start using it. Zade and Layla need to have regular meals with real food.

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I've been wondering for a while how these two have avoided the adult reality check most of us get in our early 20s.  Most of us have a situation where we overspend a little and have to tighten our belt to pay off a larger than expected credit card bill, then we settle down and learn our lesson.  These two don't seem to have had that moment.  I wonder if they just throw the bills in a pile and pay some on them when they feel like it.  It is possible that now it is starting to catch up with them as the pile of bills is getting bigger and the possibility of being turned over to a collection agency is becoming real.  That could be the reason Carlin is acting more and more desperate.  Adding a third kid or spending a small fortune on an overnight trip to NYC to see a game you aren't even interested in is not a solution, but Carlin and Evan are too messed up at this point to do anything other than dig a deeper hole.  I don't feel sorry for them because they are adults with choices.  I do feel sorry for their kids.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Carlin is once again pushing hard for a Nike partnership.


LOL that’s NEVER going to happen. 

4 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

I've been wondering for a while how these two have avoided the adult reality check most of us get in our early 20s.  Most of us have a situation where we overspend a little and have to tighten our belt to pay off a larger than expected credit card bill, then we settle down and learn our lesson.  These two don't seem to have had that moment.  I wonder if they just throw the bills in a pile and pay some on them when they feel like it.  It is possible that now it is starting to catch up with them as the pile of bills is getting bigger and the possibility of being turned over to a collection agency is becoming real.  That could be the reason Carlin is acting more and more desperate.  Adding a third kid or spending a small fortune on an overnight trip to NYC to see a game you aren't even interested in is not a solution, but Carlin and Evan are too messed up at this point to do anything other than dig a deeper hole.  I don't feel sorry for them because they are adults with choices.  I do feel sorry for their kids.

Not to mention all of the medical bills they must have. When I was in my 20s, even unexpected car repairs made me anxious. Yet these 2 are out buying Teslas. 

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5 hours ago, floridamom said:

IMO, they are not very good at making videos. Evan seems to feel the need to overdo the enthusiasm and act like a jerk. As it has been said here before, they both need to grow up and mature. Why their parents don't tell them this is beyond me. Gil and Kelly don't see that these two behave like high school kids? Evan's parents don't notice the immaturity and disorganization of their lives? Is Layla STILL in PullUps? Carlin should introduce herself to a home cook book and start using it. Zade and Layla need to have regular meals with real food.

Gil and Kelly still act like high school kids! In a lot of ways, Carlin, and by extension Evan, are just following her parents' example. Don't have any money and can't handle more kids? No problem, let's have ten more and gawd will provide. Don't have insurance because I'm too lazy to work? No problem, the ER will take care of it and eat the bill. Got kids at home but I want to do something fun for myself alone? No problem, I'm off to Niagara Falls/Australia/New Zealand/New York for a baseball game. 

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Anyone who has ever been in a baseball stadium would never wear a short dress. Seats are stacked on each other and body parts are inches from the next seat. Also the stairs are so steep that anyone a few rows down has the unfortunate view of someone's crotch and ass whether they are covered or uncovered. 

It would be an up-skirter's dream, except its not because almost no one wears a short skirt to a sporting event.

As for white - sure I'd wear a white shirt but never white bottoms. Baseball stadiums are exposed to the elements and not really all that clean.

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3 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

I've been wondering for a while how these two have avoided the adult reality check most of us get in our early 20s.  Most of us have a situation where we overspend a little and have to tighten our belt to pay off a larger than expected credit card bill, then we settle down and learn our lesson.  These two don't seem to have had that moment.  I wonder if they just throw the bills in a pile and pay some on them when they feel like it. 

It wouldn't surprise me if they worked out payment plans for the medical bills and pay only the monthly minimum on whatever credit cards they have. If they qualified to finance the Tesla, their credit must be good, however I 100% believe they blow every dime that comes in. I doubt they have investment or retirement accounts, or even emergency savings. That requires delayed gratification and there's no way E&C have the maturity for that. 

2 hours ago, Heathen said:

Gil and Kelly still act like high school kids! In a lot of ways, Carlin, and by extension Evan, are just following her parents' example. Don't have any money and can't handle more kids? No problem, let's have ten more and gawd will provide. 

Erin and Chad are living by that philosophy as well. Six kids deep and they're still dependent on church friends for discounted housing. 

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11 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It wouldn't surprise me if they worked out payment plans for the medical bills and pay only the monthly minimum on whatever credit cards they have. If they qualified to finance the Tesla, their credit must be good, however I 100% believe they blow every dime that comes in. I doubt they have investment or retirement accounts, or even emergency savings. That requires delayed gratification and there's no way E&C have the maturity for that. 

Erin and Chad are living by that philosophy as well. Six kids deep and they're still dependent on church friends for discounted housing. 

While Erin spends money redecorating. Collecting barn animals. Bleaching her hair. 

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Super quiet, no? I assume she got back super late last night/early this morning. By 4 pm today shouldn't we have videos of teary reunions with the children and videos at church gushing about how NYC was fun but she's so #blessed to be back with her man and her kids?! I'm going to laugh out loud if she's still stuck in NYC/didn't get in until today. I mean it was storming yesterday in Tenn so I imagine inbound aircraft couldn't get to the east coast and today has been on and off storming on the east coast as the front moves from Ohio/Tenn to the east. That'd be some great time away from her life . . . at LaGuardia.

9 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Erin and Chad are living by that philosophy as well. Six kids deep and they're still dependent on church friends for discounted housing. 

Pretty sure G&K have convinced their offspring that being a responsible saver shows a LACK of faith. After all God will provide. Don't you believe that? If you believe it, then don't worry about insurance or good insurance - you'll get the med care you need somehow. Don't worry about retirement savings - God will provide for you when you're elderly. Hell don't even worry about current savings. Don't worry about having a big enough house - just have kid #6 a blessing will shine upon you in the form of a house - even if it is rental from church friends who feel sorry for you.

I'm convinced this is the thinking that led Z to quit the police force and NOT take up a real gig like framing houses but rather just work at the ladies' dress shop. You know Whit was in his ear and she mimics G&K's view on this. And I wouldn't be surprised if he cracked open his 401k too - which he had as a state/county employee for a number of years. God has blessed us with $ in the form of the 401k, we should show our faith that we believe he'll bless us with more - so let's just buy the $8000 stove and $10k sofa.

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2 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I've dripped on myself several times. It happens with the wrappers. It happens to the best of us. 😂

Same, I do it more often than I’d like to admit, especially when I’m wearing white, lol. 

2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Then you should wear white so you can use bleach.

Use bleach at the stadium? 😳

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