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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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Carlin posted a pic with an update as well also around midnight EST/11 CST when they were leaving/got home. So Kelly has now commented this morning with - "we're all here for you, we are gonna keep praying and searching until we find what to do to stop this . . . . " How about actually being there for them IN NASHVILLE?? Like I don't know how they are watching this unfold with their daughter going to the hospital every other night and aren't "fixing to" show up in Nash??

I hope the hospital has put in some referrals as Evan said they'll call in the morning to get a neuro appt - so that when they call, that drs. office is expecting them and holding an appt for them this week. But these days often that's NOT happening - hospitals say follow up with x specialty and don't pull any strings for you to be able to do that and then it's up to you to figure out how to actually get an appt. Though at least Nash is a bigger city and I imagine they have not been referred to Vanderbilt [doesn't seem like they were at the main Vanderbilt hospital last night just from the testing that couldn't be done + the look of the parking lot was way smaller than the garages at Vandy] - so between whatever health system they're using + Vanderbilt hopefully they find a neurologist ASAP.

Even if this is sorted out relatively quickly, it's clear from Evan's face that they need family support - and for obvious reasons that means his parents, not hers. He really should be thinking about staying in Nashville at least for the medium term - like a month or two. Work should not be a huge issue - to get staffed on a job in Nashville. They'd stay with his parents so no rent. He'd still have rent on their current home + mortgage on the new house, but I imagine he could go back to Knoxville for a day and have her brothers help him move everything to the new house, hand over the keys to the rental, lock the door of the new house and come live in Nashville while paying that mortgage for a month or two at which time hopefully there will be more clarity.


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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Maybe is takes her mind off of what's going on with her. Rather than lie there and wait for test results and get upset with fear and worry she posts on Instagram. 

And it gets them LOTS of views. More than they would get posting about it after the fact, IMO.

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Kelly is completely useless when it comes to her children. Another example of the danger of collecting humans with no true love for their so called blessings. How is useless, retired brood mare Kelly going to search to find what’s wrong when she can’t be bothered to be there? What an insufferable POS, same goes for Gil.

@cereality, you are right, Evan looks gutted. Horrible beliefs aside he seems genuine in his concern for Carlin. At least he can lean on his family, especially his parents. Layla and Zade will be well cared for, not drown in the chaos that is the elder Bates house. Now watch out, as soon as there is a diagnosis K&G will sweep in for their photo op. I wonder how the various in laws feel about G&K. They don’t seem to socialize much with Bobby’s, Kelton’s, and Evan’s parents. There must be a reason why. 

Evan can be as ditzy as his wife. But it’s obvious that Carlin’s condition has shaken him to his core to the point that he feels he can’t be more than five feet away from his wife. Going to work must be rough for him. Will this somehow make Evan think about what would happen if he lost Carlin? Would it affect how many more kids they want to have? 

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It's amazing Gil can travel to Texas for the annual Cult Conference and Kelly regularly drives three hours to watch dress fittings at Miss Renee's, but neither can go to Nashville to support their seriously ill daughter. I'm sure the Stewarts are great, but they're not spring chickens, and an infant and a toddler are a lot of work. Like all of you said, Kelly will probably flit in with Starbucks after the worst has passed and do her photo op for the 'Gram.


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Kelly could get on the phone to the elder Stewarts and ask what she can do to help.  She could go to Nashville and stay in a short term vacation rental and take meals to the Stewarts. Offer to stay with Carlin and watch the kids while the Stewarts get out for a day or so. She could be a big help to Evan if she wanted to. But it doesn't seem like she can  be away from Gil for a week. If she can't get off her rump and go to her daughter she isn't much of a mother in my opinion. 

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You all are so right, G&K will flit in once it's "problem solved" - and her issue is diagnosed and manageable - and gush about we were SOOOO worried, we didn't sleep a wink and were praying non stop etc. Or if it's like Alyssa and she needs a procedure, they'll flit in the morning of, make a big deal about how they are so great to get to the hospital at 5 am, and take their IG pics before she's wheeled back. Honestly after their handling of Alyssa's first surgery, I learned all I ever needed to know about G&K. Alyssa's surgery ends up taking longer/being more complicated than expected, Gil leaves for the airport like the minute they get word that she's out of the OR and in recovery without even seeing her?!? Hours later she's moved to her own room, Kelly is supposedly staying with her so John runs out to see their kids for an hour, she has problems like when they make her stand etc. and Kelly calls John saying - get back here, she's not doing well and I have a flight to catch and leaves!?? They act as if they have jobs or something LOL.

I mean great that Evan's parents are taking the lead here but I doubt they'd object to having some help - G&K staying locally and coming daily to help with Carlin or watch the kids, just something to take ALL the burden off them. They aren't young - Evan recently mentioned that they celebrated their 45th anniversary; if they married at say 20, they're age 65+ -- so older than 55-57 yr old G&K. I think ALL the inlaws - esp Evan, Bobby, and Kelton's parents figured out who G&K really are as soon as they arrived on the scene; like their sons were blinded by love and didn't see it but I think their parents knew.

I think the baby train is closed as far as Evan is concerned. He isn't AS dumb as Carlin or Carlin's family plus was raised in a relatively "normal" albeit conservative family. I think he is going to [or already has] put two and two together that pregnancy sets off something in Carlin. It is no coincidence that with Layla she ended up with meningitis and now with Zade it's something seizure like -- 2 pregnancies and 2 neuro related problems? The levels Evan mentioned last night as being elevated suggesting seizure activity are affected by breast milk production hormones among other things. And who knows this could have cardiac involvement too but w/ symptoms that look neuro. I think he'll say - we got our boy and girl, we're done. I don't see him being a Kelton who is like 5 kids no matter what, this is God's will blah blah [though I think if Kelton had to deal w/ this like Evan has, he'd fold too but I see him being the type a few years later being like - you're fine now, Iet's try for 3 more kids]. 

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Carlin and Evan's California vlog:


Tiffany and Lawson asked people not to post the wedding, so there's no footage of that or the rehearsal dinner. It's mostly shots of Carlin and Evan touring around San Diego and traveling through the airport. Looking at that gorgeous coastline, I'm yet again amazed Tiffany gave all that up for Lawson (blech 🤮). 

Travis was in a few clips, and he seems so much more relaxed when Fuhrer Clark isn't breathing down his neck. 

The cutest moment was at the 6:30 mark. They're getting off the plane in L.A. A passenger compliments Layla on her good behavior, to which Layla responds, "Thank You!!!." She's a hot ticket just like her cousin Willow. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Carlin and Evan's California vlog:


Tiffany and Lawson asked people not to post the wedding, so there's no footage of that or the rehearsal dinner. It's mostly shots of Carlin and Evan touring around San Diego and traveling through the airport. Looking at that gorgeous coastline, I'm yet again amazed Tiffany gave all that up for Lawson (blech 🤮

Travis was in a few clips, and he seems so much more relaxed when Fuhrer Clark isn't breathing down his neck. 

The cutest moment was at the 6:30 mark. They're getting off the plane in L.A. A passenger compliments Layla on her good behavior, to which Layla responds, "Thank You!!!." She's a hot ticket just like her cousin Willow. 

lol, Fuhrer Clark. I’m scared of that guy just from videos he’s in.

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Evan made sure to clarify that this is an extra vlog and he still expects/hopes to get one out on Saturday too. Not to be cynical but in addition to being worried sick about his wife, I have a feeling Evan is also worrying about money. They just bought a house that they're paying a mortgage on + renting an apartment; they were due to leave their apt. by May 31 as Carlin had said they don't want to pay rent into June with a mortgage. I have a feeling they still will move out - even if that just means Warden/Jackson/Isiah/Trace moving all of their stuff to the house and handing over the keys which Evan can mail to them. But you know Evan is worried about that + what if he needs to take leave without pay once he runs out of vacation time which may be in days (as they've implied he has very little of it) + all the bills they're going to get from the ER visits and testing.

I have to assume Evan has good insurance as a union employee, but these days even good insurance means bills of $200 here and $500 there even after your deductible is met. Not that it can be helped obviously she NEEDS to go to the ER each time and NEEDS whatever testing they want + whatever the neuro will want, yet it's adding up. I'm sure he's thinking - put out extra vlogs while we still have story lines and these vlogs will easily make $700-1000 a pop since people are concerned/curious. Plus given how quiet Carlin has been on IG, my sense is she is spending the day sitting on the couch/in bed with the baby, so he can be right there editing; like it seems like they were only going out on "planned" outings to get some activity on her heart monitor and doesn't seem like they even did one yesterday, as they both seem terrified after the last ER visit, rightly so.

Haven't watched the vlog yet but seeing Trav at his family's events vs. hers is night and day. Her family - he smiles, jokes, just seems like a normal 21 yr old ready to have fun. His family (like the dinner/prayer service before his graduation) - he and his dad sit there arms crossed as if they were fighting all the way up to the event and then had to walk in and turn on "happy faces," whatever siblings/cousins/wives that are there look like they don't want to be involved so they zone out on their phones including Katie, and Trav's mom sits there as if nothing happened??! Not saying he wants to live in TN, but he's more relaxed and himself with her family and part of me wonders if that's what drew him to Katie. Not so much that he was madly in love with her but that he needed to marry and wow all my would-be brothers in law are so easy going, it's such a nice break from NJ being here.

Edited by cereality
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Often medical insurance plans have something called stop loss. Once that amount is met all covered expenses are paid by the plan with the exception of maybe co-pays. I would hope that Evan being in the electrical worker's union has very good insurance.

And while Kelly and crew are praying for Carlin maybe they can take some time to rent a large U Haul truck and move Carlin and Evan out of the rental. Just put evrything in the new house. One less expense for them.

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I wonder if his company is giving him unpaid leave right now?  If he has used up all of his vacation days that might be a possibility.  
Also with the birth and the ER visits they may have reached their out of pocket max for the year so no copays until next year.

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24 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

I wonder if his company is giving him unpaid leave right now?  If he has used up all of his vacation days that might be a possibility.  
Also with the birth and the ER visits they may have reached their out of pocket max for the year so no copays until next year.

Carlin just posted that she couldn't get appts until next week and they're staying in Nashville all this week and hopefully headed back Saturday; I assume that means appts are in Knox. It's quite possible he took this whole week as unpaid leave.

Deductible likely is met but lots of the "good" insurance plans now have 20% coinsurances - so you're STILL paying 20% of what the insurer is paying even post deductible. That is capped for the year but a cap can be anything from $1000-10,000/yr or more. Plus lots of plans have high ER copays regardless of deductibles; Carlin's post also said they'll try to stay out of the ER now for "short" episodes but some episodes have been long and scary. For Evan's sake hope all the caps are low. Carlin's healthcare is 1000x better than what she had with her parents but it always feels like even great plans result in $200 bills here, $500 there these days.

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Often medical insurance plans have something called stop loss. Once that amount is met all covered expenses are paid by the plan with the exception of maybe co-pays. I would hope that Evan being in the electrical worker's union has very good insurance.

And while Kelly and crew are praying for Carlin maybe they can take some time to rent a large U Haul truck and move Carlin and Evan out of the rental. Just put evrything in the new house. One less expense for them.

Yes, there should be at least one female involved. I'm sure Carlin wouldn't want her brothers packing up her unmentionables.

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3 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

Yes, there should be at least one female involved. I'm sure Carlin wouldn't want her brothers packing up her unmentionables.

Perhaps this is where Michael can step in. Kelly would be useless.

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12 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

Yes, there should be at least one female involved. I'm sure Carlin wouldn't want her brothers packing up her unmentionables.

If I were Carlin that would be the least of my worries. It would be pack the crap up and move it out. 

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11 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

Yes, there should be at least one female involved. I'm sure Carlin wouldn't want her brothers packing up her unmentionables.

Exactly. I mean there should be at least one female or more involved just to oversee the move and help pack. Sure Trace/Warden/Isiah/Jackson can def pick up the sofas, beds, TV, dressers etc. and move them. And yet like all teen-20 something boys, I can see them grabbing E&C's toothbrushes and throwing them in with their toilet bowl cleaner. Or packing their dishes by throwing them in boxes with a few newspapers and whatever gets broken gets broken. I doubt anyone cares right now about throwing out toothbrushes, but for a couple that's going to have a LOT of bills in the next few months, I highly doubt they want to be buying new plates/glasses bc half of theirs got broken. 

What sisters live in town now - just bestie Whit, and Erin, Tori, and Michaela? If Erin has ANY interest in ever repairing their rift, she could step up big and orchestrate this whole move. And given that they live in something like 600-900 sqft, it's not like it would even take more than a half day on Saturday if a few sisters organized/packed and the brothers loaded and unloaded the truck. We know G&K are offering jack $hit but hopefully some of the siblings are offering to do this + acting like it'd be NBD, just send us the key and we'll get it done in 24 hrs.

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

Exactly. I mean there should be at least one female or more involved just to oversee the move and help pack. Sure Trace/Warden/Isiah/Jackson can def pick up the sofas, beds, TV, dressers etc. and move them. And yet like all teen-20 something boys, I can see them grabbing E&C's toothbrushes and throwing them in with their toilet bowl cleaner. Or packing their dishes by throwing them in boxes with a few newspapers and whatever gets broken gets broken. I doubt anyone cares right now about throwing out toothbrushes, but for a couple that's going to have a LOT of bills in the next few months, I highly doubt they want to be buying new plates/glasses bc half of theirs got broken. 

What sisters live in town now - just bestie Whit, and Erin, Tori, and Michaela? If Erin has ANY interest in ever repairing their rift, she could step up big and orchestrate this whole move. And given that they live in something like 600-900 sqft, it's not like it would even take more than a half day on Saturday if a few sisters organized/packed and the brothers loaded and unloaded the truck. We know G&K are offering jack $hit but hopefully some of the siblings are offering to do this + acting like it'd be NBD, just send us the key and we'll get it done in 24 hrs.

Yeah that would be the Christian thing to do, helping someone else. So for sure G&KJ will be busy doing something else, like visiting Katie or going on vacation. They are the worst. But I’m sure they are busy praying.

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12 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Yeah that would be the Christian thing to do, helping someone else. So for sure G&KJ will be busy doing something else, like visiting Katie or going on vacation. They are the worst. But I’m sure they are busy praying.

That's the best way to help -- no one can prove you aren't doing it!

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23 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Carlin fell again and back in ER. Posted over on Instagram.  Poor girl. What could be wrong?

I just looked and didn't see anything new posted by either Carlin or Evan. Where did you see this?

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1 minute ago, sheshark said:

Could be they meant YouTube.  They are not always in correct order.  Hope she is doing better.

The YT video was no new news. It covered everything up to her last ER visit 4 days ago.

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1 hour ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I just looked and didn't see anything new posted by either Carlin or Evan. Where did you see this?


It’s over on YouTube. I made a mistake thinking it was Instagram. Sorry. 

28 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Could be they meant YouTube.  They are not always in correct order.  Hope she is doing better.

Yes YouTube. Thank you. 


Edited by Jeanne222
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4 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

As I noted above, the YT video was all known information. I recognized the tee shirt she wore to the baseball game in the ER. Evan just added video of him following the ambulance.


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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

That's the video I watched. 🙂

It says it was posted 7 hours ago. 🤷‍♀️. It’s longer than others. Maybe fast forward to see new things happening. 

This time they took the baby so she could nurse. 

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

It says it was posted 7 hours ago. 🤷‍♀️. It’s longer than others. Maybe fast forward to see new things happening. 

This time they took the baby so she could nurse. 

No, the footage is from her last trip to the ER 4 days ago. There wasn't anything newer than that. 

eta They always drop their vlogs on Saturday mornings.

Edited by emmawoodhouse
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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

No, the footage is from her last trip to the ER 4 days ago. There wasn't anything newer than that. 

eta They always drop their vlogs on Saturday mornings.

Sorry for all the confusion. I was hoping it was a new something. 

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I noticed the title they put on the video:  


Not too eager to get those clicks, are they?

The entire video encompasses two different trips to the ER

The first trip, she's sitting next to him in the car holding the baby who they insisted on dragging with them because breastfeeding is the most important thing at the moment.  They are in the hospital parking lot, but rather than rushing in since she is so sick, they are getting some video. Although, he claims she is 'out of it'; she's sitting there holding the kid, massive amounts of makeup on her including lipstick and hair carefully styled.  She is awake and talking throughout.

They did an MRI with vascular contrast which is the gold standard for assessing brain issues and it was normal.  She was given the Holter monitor there.  However, dumb bunny and hubby decide that she has to do nothing but lie in bed for the first 2 days which is not the way to find out if she's got a heart problem causing it.  She needs to be doing the sort of stuff that causes her 'spells' so they can get it on the monitor.  These two are really not too bright. 

It seems kind of obvious to me that there is nothing seriously wrong with her.  Carlin herself has decided that it could not possibly be due to a neurologic problem or heart issue but is excited to have any viewers chime in with suggestions.  Because strangers on the internet are the very best source when you've got a medical question.

She does say the doctors have mentioned stress and anxiety and the lack of sleep with a new baby as a factor.

She passes out again at a ballgame and an EMT tells them she might've had a seizure, but she is wide awake and talking a blue streak, makeup carefully applied, right as they get there.  The EMT's apparently gave her something like Valium in the ambulance which is a common emergency treatment for seizures and wouldn't hurt if it wasn't one.    She is clearly NOT post ictal, so it was not a true tonic clonic seizure.   She does say she had numbness around her mouth after she 'passed out',  That happens a lot when someone hyperventilates.  Hyperventilation is a common symptom of a panic or anxiety attacks.  They say they were getting an EEG done at the ER, those usually take a couple days to get results back, but, based on how she behaved, I think it is very unlikely that she had a seizure.  Whatever is going on, she seems to be getting huge amounts of secondary gain from it.


Edited by Notabug
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I can’t really fault her for taking the baby along so she could feed him.  Given the formula shortage they might not have been able to find a substitute, and she did not have her pump with her.

They could not get the EEG done in the ER.  They have been trying to get an appointment but there is nothing available on short notice.

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3 hours ago, Notabug said:

I noticed the title they put on the video:  


Not too eager to get those clicks, are they?

The entire video encompasses two different trips to the ER

The first trip, she's sitting next to him in the car holding the baby who they insisted on dragging with them because breastfeeding is the most important thing at the moment.  They are in the hospital parking lot, but rather than rushing in since she is so sick, they are getting some video. Although, he claims she is 'out of it'; she's sitting there holding the kid, massive amounts of makeup on her including lipstick and hair carefully styled.  She is awake and talking throughout.

They did an MRI with vascular contrast which is the gold standard for assessing brain issues and it was normal.  She was given the Holter monitor there.  However, dumb bunny and hubby decide that she has to do nothing but lie in bed for the first 2 days which is not the way to find out if she's got a heart problem causing it.  She needs to be doing the sort of stuff that causes her 'spells' so they can get it on the monitor.  These two are really not too bright. 

It seems kind of obvious to me that there is nothing seriously wrong with her.  Carlin herself has decided that it could not possibly be due to a neurologic problem or heart issue but is excited to have any viewers chime in with suggestions.  Because strangers on the internet are the very best source when you've got a medical question.

She does say the doctors have mentioned stress and anxiety and the lack of sleep with a new baby as a factor.

She passes out again at a ballgame and an EMT tells them she might've had a seizure, but she is wide awake and talking a blue streak, makeup carefully applied, right as they get there.  The EMT's apparently gave her something like Valium in the ambulance which is a common emergency treatment for seizures and wouldn't hurt it it wasn't.    She is clearly NOT post ictal, so it was not a true tonic clonic seizure.   She does say she had numbness around her mouth after she 'passed out',  That happens a lot when someone hyperventilates.  Hyperventilation is a common symptom of a panic or anxiety attacks.  They say they were getting an EEG done at the ER, those usually take a couple days to get results back, but, based on how she behaved, I think it is very unlikely that she had a seizure.  Whatever is going on, she seems to be getting huge amounts of secondary gain from it.


Yeah, they aren't dramatic at all, are they?  That title for the vlog is as bad as Evan's editing.  

Yes, it's me the heartless poster again.  I'm already over the constant posts about this mystery illness.  I know it was only 3-4 days, but they could have skipped the trip to Cali and tried to get ahead of things, like making doctor appointments.  But since Carlin has already self diagnosed, with help from strangers on the internet, then nothing to worry about, right?

Evan did say she had some episodes during the Cali trip, but mainly the airports.  Which to me, means she had dizzy spells throughout and what I've thought all along.  Carlin keeps saying she's fine.  Whatever.  I do get that she's tired of going to the ER, but they have been pretty stupid about their decisions.  She also seems to have an attitude about it, which I hope she isn't taking out on the medical staff.  

I can't believe they stayed in Subway with her sprawled across the table like she was.  You almost pass out, but instead of get the sammies to go, they decide to stay and make a scene.  🙄

Evan is being a good husband, kind of.  He could spend more time not making video of everything and just be present and pay attention to what the doctors are telling them.  Especially if it's 20 minutes of the same like the last vlog. Snooze 

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This is confusing. It is posted liked it just happened but is this from 4 or 5 days ago and Evan just put it up on their vlog?  I don't think Carlin has an atitude about what's happening to her or than fear and worry. She was shown in one of their instagram stories thanking the doctors and nurses.  Seems like she has been very appreciative of the care and attention that she has received in the ER. 

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I'm so confused by these postings.  I can't figure out if they are new or reruns!

They sure are getting the traffic out of them.

I hope She will be fine fine but I sure don't like being played!

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22 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm so confused by these postings.  I can't figure out if they are new or reruns!

They sure are getting the traffic out of them.

I hope She will be fine fine but I sure don't like being played!

I can't tell either.

It sounds to me like the E.R. visits serve no purpose. They run the same tests, tell Carlin they can't find anything and send her home. I guess it's a good backdrop for drama, but these ambulance rides have to be costing them a fortune.

And where the hell is the Bates family? Yeah it's great everyone is sending thoughts and prayers, but these two need help. It's mind-boggling to me that no one has came to Nashville. 

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I think this latest post is new.  I have never seen her with a collar in any other photos.  
I also would like to know where the Bates family is during all of this.  Apart from Whitney saying she was keeping in touch with them there has been nothing.  God forbid Gil skips preaching to see how his daughter is doing I guess.

A small observation:  these episodes seem to happen later in the day, or in the evening.  I don’t know if that has any significance, but it seems pretty consistent.

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I too wonder where all the Bates are hiding. They could at least help them get moved. 

Once they get back to their new home surely a couple of the non working Bates could come over and help out with the blessings and Evan could get back to work and Carlin could rest in her own bed and home. 

She has no pump and shelves are bare of baby formula in many areas. 

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I still suspect that Carlin is experiencing panic/anxiety attacks. I never passed out from mine most likely due to the fact that I was at home; not running around town; so I quickly "took to my bed or sofa" to handle it so I would not pass out and/or fall down.

These two are living life with unnecessary stress IMO. A lot all at one and way too quickly. Carlin doesn't have a pump with her?????why not purchase another one. Are they very expensive? That would solve one issue and they could leave the baby with his grandparents. Continuing to run to the ER is pointless at this time. She needs to go down the list of specialists and see what each of them says. I shudder to think what they are being charged for ambulances and ER visits. BTW, in one ER video, Carlin had a hard time saying the word "ambulance". Why was that? Was it due to the episode or she not being familiar with the word "ambulance"?  

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11 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I still suspect that Carlin is experiencing panic/anxiety attacks. I never passed out from mine most likely due to the fact that I was at home; not running around town; so I quickly "took to my bed or sofa" to handle it so I would not pass out and/or fall down.

These two are living life with unnecessary stress IMO. A lot all at one and way too quickly. Carlin doesn't have a pump with her?????why not purchase another one. Are they very expensive? That would solve one issue and they could leave the baby with his grandparents. Continuing to run to the ER is pointless at this time. She needs to go down the list of specialists and see what each of them says. I shudder to think what they are being charged for ambulances and ER visits. BTW, in one ER video, Carlin had a hard time saying the word "ambulance". Why was that? Was it due to the episode or she not being familiar with the word "ambulance"?  

I noticed her slurred speech on the word ambulance and thought she was having a memory problem associated with a stroke.  

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10 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Evan posted this latest story about 1am his time. They may have gotten home by then, but it's definitely a new incident. They've never shown her in a collar or hooked up to so many machines before.

I saw it but was afraid to post it due to that last fiasco!!!

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It seems like IG posts are new/real time and youtube is a weekly summary of whatever happened in the prior week or so, up to when they post it. 

Jill R does that too. Once a month or so she'll create a youtube video of all her facebook and instagram posts since the last time she did a youtube video smooshed together.


Edited by all fall down
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