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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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According to the Gilmour foundation, we are all pregnant, we just don’t know it. I love their list of cryptic pregnancy symptoms includes skin tags and ringing in the ears. On their Facebook page they have pictures of women who supposedly delivered after 6-10 years. Of course they are all from foreign countries and no one can dispute them. It’s all kind of sad and disturbing. 

  • Love 3

So, if “babies” are “delivered “ after a decade long “pregnancy”, WTF do they look like?  Full set of teeth? Rappunzel length hair?  Good God, the finger and toe nails must look like talons.  I am no biologist, but I don’t think one’s own body can slow the pace of dividing embryonic and fetal cells.  Meiosis (or is it Mitosis???) happens at a set rate for a viable organism.  Or maybe that’s what the cigarettes are for?  Again, I do not hold advanced degrees in Bullshit Biology. My pregnancy only lasted 39 weeks, so can I claim I had a Cryptic Premie? 

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1 hour ago, iHateAmpersands said:

If you have today's episode DVR'd and have some wine handy, take a drink every time they show the woman dancing with her fake baby bump on.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm still recovering from yesterday Old Lady Gang Pregnancy NOT ! I don't understand why the hell anyone would even think such things let alone play out in real life. That chain smoker definitely needs a 51-50. There was no talking to these women. WTF was the purpose of having them on? They didn't even get skin cream from Jabot errrrr Robin.  

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, suzeecat said:

The one lady said that she was diagnosed with Stage 4 bladder cancer.  I would like to know more about that.  Did she make that up, too?  Is she going to be treated?  And the other one is borderline diabetic.

The cancer and diabetes diagnoses are clearly more likely thn these mysterious endless unconfirmed "pregnancies." What I thought was revealing was when Guest #1 said that there was nothing she could do about cancer without good insurance. I think that's really the problem.  Pregnancies are commonly happy events. Cancer and diabetes are never happy events. And if you know that acknowledging these medical issues will probably financially destroy you or literally kill you, it's just better emotionally to just go all-in on a fictitious self-diagnosis. 

My other take-away was the double and triple-downing on their beliefs. Replace these "pregnancies" with flat-earthers or Pizza-gaters and you'll get the same reactions. You literally can't argue with them. My condolences to those who have to listen to their ramblings for months and months and months and...

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Today's guest, Ashley, has the most annoying vocal fry coupled with a nasal voice.  Of course she's got mental issues and has no remorse for her lies and grifts, but that's par for the course with these scammers. 

Ashley's a perfect Dr. Shill guest, she's happy to have him guilt some of her past victims into sitting down with her so he can help her.  Bull shit, Shill, I know you were salivating at the idea of watching her sit down with her barely disguised smirk while the other women were steeling themselves to not jump up and beat the crap out of her.  Her "apology" was just as fake and as self-serving as everything else she's done over the years.

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Didn’t Shill say to Ashley that he’d help her get the psychological help she needed to overcome her “issues”? Yet, at the very end, he said his show had heard from her and she was seeking help. So which was it? Did he arrange help for her or did she, at some later date, decide she needed to do that? Dollars to doughnuts, she’s right back at it.

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4 hours ago, torontomeridith said:

The cancer and diabetes diagnoses are clearly more likely thn these mysterious endless unconfirmed "pregnancies." What I thought was revealing was when Guest #1 said that there was nothing she could do about cancer without good insurance. I think that's really the problem.  Pregnancies are commonly happy events. Cancer and diabetes are never happy events. And if you know that acknowledging these medical issues will probably financially destroy you or literally kill you, it's just better emotionally to just go all-in on a fictitious self-diagnosis. 

My other take-away was the double and triple-downing on their beliefs. Replace these "pregnancies" with flat-earthers or Pizza-gaters and you'll get the same reactions. You literally can't argue with them. My condolences to those who have to listen to their ramblings for months and months and months and...

It could also be fibroids.   Fibroids are benign tumors that will often make women appear pregnant.   Fibroids run in my family.  My mother appeared 4 months pregnant by the time she had hers removed.  I have them but mine aren't bad enough to have them removed.

Another thing about fibroids, they can make you infertile. 

Also, fibroids don't affect your health in any other way.  So all the other symptoms they're having are psychosomatic. 


ETA:  Oh, it's PCOS and they can't accept PCOS?  Wow, that is absolute denial.  The doctor just told her she's essentially infertile until she loses weight and gets her blood sugar under control and she won't listen? 

Edited by kitcatkitcat
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I don’t understand why the cops weren’t waiting outside to cart that POS off to jail.  It is illegal to commit assault and battery.  He also held her captive against her will while she recuperated from her beating(s). That’s false imprisonment or kidnapping.  He admitted to doing everything, including almost killing her....TWICE!! The GF agreed with all of it.   So, am I to understand...unless she presses charges, there are NO legal ramifications for that POS???  If a criminal confesses to robbing a bank, or mowing down a pedestrian, or stealing a car....the criminal can’t be held accountable unless the offended party officially presses charges?  That is fucked up.

And the ex GF should take a copy of the transcript and march her ass to Family Court to terminate or at least suspend that POS’s parental rights until that POS gets mandated psychiatric services.  No WAY I allow my kid to be in that environment.  Now his school knows what’s going on in the home.  The neighbors, the local cops, relatives...all have been made aware of that POS’s actions.  Someone in that little boy’s world has to be a mandated reporter (looking at you, Dr. Phil) and get that child outta there.

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Phil talked to this victim like she was a piece of trash while he’s all worried about the poor abuser. At the very least his son should never have to see him again. I think the poor girlfriend was beaten so much she can’t talk back-why doesn’ t Mr. great doctor understand this. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 6

This guy is beyond help.  My hope is that one day he'll date the wrong girl with protective family members who will solve the problem themselves. 

45 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I don’t understand why the cops weren’t waiting outside to cart that POS off to jail.  It is illegal to commit assault and battery.  He also held her captive against her will while she recuperated from her beating(s). That’s false imprisonment or kidnapping.  He admitted to doing everything, including almost killing her....TWICE!! The GF agreed with all of it.   So, am I to understand...unless she presses charges, there are NO legal ramifications for that POS???  If a criminal confesses to robbing a bank, or mowing down a pedestrian, or stealing a car....the criminal can’t be held accountable unless the offended party officially presses charges?  That is fucked up.

And the ex GF should take a copy of the transcript and march her ass to Family Court to terminate or at least suspend that POS’s parental rights until that POS gets mandated psychiatric services.  No WAY I allow my kid to be in that environment.  Now his school knows what’s going on in the home.  The neighbors, the local cops, relatives...all have been made aware of that POS’s actions.  Someone in that little boy’s world has to be a mandated reporter (looking at you, Dr. Phil) and get that child outta there.

I was hoping that the guy's employer would see this and fire him but I'm highly suspicious that they guy doesn't have a job and lives with his mother.   A couple of the comments during the episode led me to believe that he is staying in his mom's home (the ex referring to the fact that he threw her into his mom's dresser).


This will make it harder for him to find work so there is some justification in that and if he ever applies for a job that requires a clearance, he won't get it. 

  • Love 5

This is one of the saddest shows I’ve seen on Shill’s show. That guy is insane and needs to be put away in prison for about 50 years. What the hell is wrong with that girl that she puts up with that constant abuse from him? And the worst of it? That little boy sees this kind of behavior and will mimic it in his life too. If I were his mother, I’d move heaven and earth to keep him away from his father. That’s where he’s learning this. It makes me so sad and worried that more and more children are growing up with this kind of abuse. God bless these little ones.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

This is one of the saddest shows I’ve seen on Shill’s show. That guy is insane and needs to be put away in prison for about 50 years. What the hell is wrong with that girl that she puts up with that constant abuse from him? And the worst of it? That little boy sees this kind of behavior and will mimic it in his life too. If I were his mother, I’d move heaven and earth to keep him away from his father. That’s where he’s learning this. It makes me so sad and worried that more and more children are growing up with this kind of abuse. God bless these little ones.

Why is this gUy allowed to have any custody of his son ? How is the ex girlfriend allowing this after knowing he's pretty much a murderer ( he thought he killed his girlfriend twice ) and beats her daily . Men have no custody for much less vile acts than this . And I know others have posted this , but where is phils mandated reporter card now ?? He uses it when it's not needed but with this he doesn't ? 

  • Love 8

I wasn't paying complete attention, but have the cops ever been called when he beat the GF?  If they're not called, there isn't much they can do.  As for her pressing charges, I think it depends on the state they live in.  I know that in California, domestic violence charges don't depend on the victim pressing charges.  I don't know about other states.  

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One of the most humiliating thing for Dr Phil about the two "abdominal fat pregnancy" old heifers episode is that the second heifer (with the dark hair) didn't believe a word of the doctor's diagnosis and anything Dr Phil said. The only time she enthusiastically opined in agreement was when the other delusionista spouted off her pseudoscience with more confidence and authority than Phil.

Ladies, it's called being "apple shaped" - deal with it.

18 hours ago, Brattinella said:

OH MY GOD.  This asshole needs to be in prison FOR LIFE.  Wake UP girl, leave him!!  Press charges!

I was very disturbed by this episode, she must legit be a masochist of the worst kind. He'd already thought he'd killed her twice and her affect was completely flat. She's not afraid to die at his hands. This is some very dangerous BDSM.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

One of the most humiliating thing for Dr Phil about the two "abdominal fat pregnancy" old heifers episode is that the second heifer (with the dark hair) didn't believe a word of the doctor's diagnosis and anything Dr Phil said. The only time she enthusiastically opined in agreement was when the other delusionista spouted off her pseudoscience with more confidence and authority than Phil.

Ladies, it's called being "apple shaped" - deal with it.

I wonder what's going to happen when they're 20 years into their  "pregnancies" and well into what will be their menopause years and haven't delivered? Will they still be considering themselves pregnant?


Also, these two are a perfect example of:


  • Love 4
On 10/31/2018 at 2:03 PM, javajeanelaine said:

She needs serious help.

They are all beyond therapy.  You have to want help and do the work.  A therapist shines a light to guide you.  They cannot "fix" anyone.  

On 10/31/2018 at 7:37 PM, Madding crowd said:

OMG, this website is insane. So the symptoms of a cryptic pregnancy is having no symptoms and having negative pregnancy tests. It also says it may last nine years and you will need to give birth unassisted at home. And you don’t need a father’s DNA. I have to check out the FB group now. 

LOL!  Of course you have to have the baby at home, unassisted!  That way you can claim stillborn when you want the "pregnancy" to end.  

On 10/31/2018 at 2:43 PM, Madding crowd said:

I am ashamed to admit I love these crazy stories even though I wouldn’t want to be related to these nuts. Anyone else tempted to look up this Gilmor foundation the crazy 6 pregnancy lady was talking about?

Come sit here and adore the crazy with me!  I have snacks.  I love them!   

Edited by Wings
  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Gam2 said:

This is one of the saddest shows I’ve seen on Shill’s show. That guy is insane and needs to be put away in prison for about 50 years. What the hell is wrong with that girl that she puts up with that constant abuse from him? And the worst of it? That little boy sees this kind of behavior and will mimic it in his life too. If I were his mother, I’d move heaven and earth to keep him away from his father. That’s where he’s learning this. It makes me so sad and worried that more and more children are growing up with this kind of abuse. God bless these little ones.

I suspect that more was going to happen after the show ended but Phil didn't want to excite the man.  This is way more than those treatment places can or should handle.  I think she will be approached to file a complaint and get him arrested.  There is no guarantee that he would stay at the treatment center and not leave and hunt her down.  It would have to be court ordered so he would be watched. 

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I had a total hysterectomy 20 years ago. Now excuse me while I go decorate my nursery. HA!

The baby scammer was not sorry even a lil bit. WOW!

That abused woman....I could barely watch this episode. I really felt sick listening to them. I don't understand WHY he was allowed to leave the studio. Have officials in the wings just off stage to take him away. I don't even need to see it. It just needs to happen.   

4 minutes ago, Wings said:

I suspect that more was going to happen after the show ended but Phil didn't want to excite the man.  This is way more than those treatment places can or should handle.  I think she will be approached to file a complaint and get him arrested.  There is no guarantee that he would stay at the treatment center and not leave and hunt her down.  It would have to be court ordered so he would be watched. 

YES! Crossposting! THIS!

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I wonder if these cryptic women eventually buy one of those life like baby dolls and take photos for social media. And by the way, congratulations are in order for me too. I’m 59 and  had leg cramps last night, I must be pregnant (and Mr Maddingcrowd would have a heart attack!)

  • LOL 1
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11 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I guess I am the only one suspicious of the abuser couple story.  No photos?  She was awful calm.  He did seem very sincere and believable that he did it.  There is no help for her.  None at all.   Even if she leaves him, she will go with another abuser.  

Photos?  You mean of her injuries?  There were a few that were shown.  I don't think she is colluding with her husband, I think she is beaten-down by the years of abuse.  She needs years of help, he needs decades in the pokey.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Photos?  You mean of her injuries?  There were a few that were shown.  I don't think she is colluding with her husband, I think she is beaten-down by the years of abuse.  She needs years of help, he needs decades in the pokey.

Thanks for that info.  I stand corrected.  I agree--years of help.   I was thinking--if she could somehow tie him up in his bedsheet and then whup his ass--he may decide she doesn't like it after all.  I think I heard him say that.  Reminds me of the movie The Burning Bed.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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4 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I guess I am the only one suspicious of the abuser couple story.  No photos?  She was awful calm.  He did seem very sincere and believable that he did it.  There is no help for her.  None at all.   Even if she leaves him, she will go with another abuser.  

And he will, sadly, find another victim.

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Wow these parents can't be objective at all!  Seriously, take a look in the mirror, guys.  You really should know you two, at this point in time, are supremely unfit to have a child in your house.  And you are bitching that your sister is treating her well?  Bunk beds and matching clothes with her own daughter?  Are you KIDDING?  You two are swingers and drug addicts, GMAB!

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I missed the first half.  How old was that “13 years sober” woman on today’s show?  She has an 8 year old AND just had another baby??  She looked like she was pushing 60, but loser BF (husband?) looked around 30.  Before I started actively listening to the program, I assumed she was the GRANDMOTHER of the 8 yo. 

  • Love 11
28 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I missed the first half.  How old was that “13 years sober” woman on today’s show?  She has an 8 year old AND just had another baby??  She looked like she was pushing 60, but loser BF (husband?) looked around 30.  Before I started actively listening to the program, I assumed she was the GRANDMOTHER of the 8 yo. 

I assumed the same.  I thought she was the sister’s mother.  She’s obviously been rode hard and put up wet. (It’s a southern saying)

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Is todays episode about a female sex addict?

I gave up about half way through, but it's just another ass who got it into his head that his wife is cheating and no matter what, he can't be convinced otherwise.  Like one time he entered his apartment building as a man was leaving.  When he entered his apartment, his wife was changing the sheets on the bed so obviously she's been cheating with the guy who just left.  If he lost sight of her for a nanosecond at a wedding it was because she'd grabbed some guy and was giving him a BJ in some out of the way corner.  If she was vacationing with her daughter and son in law on a tropical island and he can't get hold of her to check up on her, it wasn't because she left her phone in her room or turned it off, it was because she had a line of men she was servicing while his step daughter was determinedly looking the other way.

Dude has issues, they're getting worse, and the wife should drop him and let him stew in his delusions, but Shill wants to find some reason for the man's problems, promise a fix, and send them on their way.

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18 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

The lady on this show (the "sex addict") reminds me a LOT of one of people who works at the PPA on Parking Wars.  I wonder if they're related.

Lol! You never know! I don't get to see Parking Wars often as it is aired in So. California at weird times......usually at 5 a.m. on A&E. But I'll be lookin' out for the sex addict/ parking ticket woman! 

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