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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I'm usually sort of snarky when the guests are so dysfunctional they can't seem to understand what they are doing wrong (parents/child relationships).  

But I truly felt very sorry for the Mom with her 38 year old son and the situation about selling the pet store.  I actually do understand why he felt cheated.  35 cats in a 1400 sq. ft. house.  I'd have to start there first.  

On 3/20/2018 at 1:13 PM, b2H said:

How hard would it be?  Well, it depends on what the outcome was.  If it wasn't favorable to him and his, we'll never hear about it again.  We only hear about the success stories and they are becoming fewer and farther between.

People cannot be fixed.  They can fix themselves in some cases but not all,  if they use the help Dr Phil offers.  It does not reflect poorly on the therapist or facility if they don't improve.  The patient has to want to improve and work at it. 

Edited by Wings
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That 40 year old guy that was on yesterday.  I want to borrow his parents for 6 months.  They can pay off my house and get me a new truck, then pay my living expenses for the 6 months.  I would be sitting pretty at the end of it.  I cannot even image what my parents would have done if I charged $10K on their cards.  And I do not feel badly for him in regards to the pet store.  The parents said they fired him many times and he was caught stealing from the drawer.  It may have been his idea but that does not mean that it is his when the parents are done. 

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3 hours ago, blondiek237 said:

That 40 year old guy that was on yesterday.  I want to borrow his parents for 6 months.  They can pay off my house and get me a new truck, then pay my living expenses for the 6 months.  I would be sitting pretty at the end of it.  I cannot even image what my parents would have done if I charged $10K on their cards.  And I do not feel badly for him in regards to the pet store.  The parents said they fired him many times and he was caught stealing from the drawer.  It may have been his idea but that does not mean that it is his when the parents are done. 

I felt zero sympathy too.  He is just another of quite a few grown men Phil has had on, who mooch and abuse their parents.  

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Today's episode (only 20 minutes into it) about the woman who is obsessed with her allergy problems. Maybe if she wiped off 5 pounds of that caked on make up and excessive hair dye, she might alleviate some of her dumb ass allergy problems. She's got attention whore issues and control issues: that is my uneducated, unprofessional opinion of this nut job. Lol.

I'm losing patience with people the older i get. I have Infinite patience for children and animals....short fuse with "adults". Why is everyone so f'n crazy these days over stupid $hit? And damn if there isn't a pharmaceutical drug to solve all these stupid "illnesses". If you experience thoughts of suicide or killing another person...please consult your physician.

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Chenoa333, I totally get your post. I’m older too and sometimes cannot believe what I read and hear about how screwed up people are. We have all known odd people and even have some in our families but holy cow. Parents with grown children who won’t move out of the house, parents who’ve non-parented their kids who are now out of control, etc. What the hell is wrong with people now? I’m not talking about people with legitimate mental illness. I’m talking about lazy, disrespectful, undisciplined, unlawful individuals. When I was young, those people went to reform school or jail.

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@chenoa333, I felt much the same way with today’s show, until it got to the end.  A dreadful mold infestation was the root cause of her issues.  She sincerely had a really bad, nasty, toxic mess in her home and she needs to de-toxify.  Then there will be some behavior mod.  I hope this one works out.  It looked pretty severe.

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Today's episode is another out of control teen with parents who are meek and stupid. Let's give our little boy everything he wants and never teach him consequences for bad behavior. Then, when he turns into a selfish, spoiled, out of control teenager, we'll go on Dr Phil and hope he can solve the problem.

I'd love to see Phil & Robin take one of these obnoxious a-hole teenagers home with them and see if they can change the kids behavior. 

  • Love 6
24 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Today's episode is another out of control teen with parents who are meek and stupid. Let's give our little boy everything he wants and never teach him consequences for bad behavior. Then, when he turns into a selfish, spoiled, out of control teenager, we'll go on Dr Phil and hope he can solve the problem.

I'd love to see Phil & Robin take one of these obnoxious a-hole teenagers home with them and see if they can change the kids behavior. 

Someone really needs to keep a close eye on this out of control, angry and obviously mentally ill kid!

Self isolating loner, video game junkie who "blacks out" and flies into blind rages at any type of authority that tries to "control" him.

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Loved the "backstage" filming of Rivers after the show ended. He's all sissy crying and begging his parents NOT to send him to "The Ranch" where he knows he will be held accountable for his behavior, he will have to go to school, he will have to actually work, learn responsibilty AND nobody at The Ranch is going to let Rivers manipulate or intimidate them. Boo hoo fucking hoo Rivers. Grow up...you spoiled entitled pos. And his parents suck too. 

What's tomorrow's show about? I'm SO craving a Nigerian catfish scandal!!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Loved the "backstage" filming of Rivers after the show ended. He's all sissy crying and begging his parents NOT to send him to "The Ranch" where he knows he will be held accountable for his behavior, he will have to go to school, he will have to actually work, learn responsibilty AND nobody at The Ranch is going to let Rivers manipulate or intimidate them. Boo hoo fucking hoo Rivers. Grow up...you spoiled entitled pos. And his parents suck too. 

What's tomorrow's show about? I'm SO craving a Nigerian catfish scandal!!


Tomorrow's episode is a repeat from last October that just happens to be a Nigerian catfish scandal (today's episode was a repeat as well).

Just now, iHateAmpersands said:


Tomorrow's episode is a repeat from last October that just happens to be a Nigerian catfish scandal (today's episode was a repeat as well).

Awesome! Thank you for the info. Why are they showing reruns? Are Phil & Robin done filming new episodes til the fall? I dont watch this show on a consistent  basis so today's episode was new to me.

Just now, chenoa333 said:

Awesome! Thank you for the info. Why are they showing reruns? Are Phil & Robin done filming new episodes til the fall? I dont watch this show on a consistent  basis so today's episode was new to me.

Probably because of March Madness (though I don't know why since they don't share the same audience). All five of next week's episodes are supposed to be new (including yet another two-parter about a pregnant homeless woman).

Regarding Rivers, the out of control sociopath and his incredibly lame parents:

I think Rivers caved the second he hit the Turnabout Ranch.  However, he's been locked up before and knows he has to play nice until he gets out.  After that he's back home and back to scaring the crap out of Mommy and Daddy.  I bet those two never actually cleaned out his room and left him with only a bed like they said they would.  They probably threw the little shit a party and bought him a car to apologize for sending him away again.

I loved the way he begged to be allowed to go home with his parents.  He kept squeezing his eyes to get tears, and glancing up to see the effect he was having on his parents.  Personally, I think at that point they all knew they were playing a part for the camera's and would go back to their usual thing once it was all over.

Anyone know the last name of these people?  I'd love to see if they've made the local news yet.

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4 minutes ago, iHateAmpersands said:

Probably because of March Madness (though I don't know why since they don't share the same audience). All five of next week's episodes are supposed to be new (including yet another two-parter about a pregnant homeless woman).

Tyoically Phil's "2 parters" are a big let down when he finally gets to the second part. Maybe Robin can sell some of her amazing skin care products to the pregnant woman. 

I would like to see a show where the Failure to Launch parents are addressed. No blaming the parents. The adult children are never brought on stage. I am just curious how these parents go so far off into the deep end and stay there for years on end. Dr. Phil says the parents enable to make themselves feel better and we all get that but there is so much more to the story. 

We are seeing the same stories: Failure to launch, my teenager is out-of-control, beautiful daughter is an addict, and the occasional catfish story. Whatever happened to my husband wants his mistress to move in with us or my partner has a hidden life? There are no more Dr. Phil House shows. What happened to those people?  I think the show is having difficulty attracting people who do not need free rehab or residential treatment. 

Speaking of the Dr. Phil House...let's put all of these failure to launch families or catfish victims together and let them see themselves in the mirror.

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I saw the rerun of the allergy woman today. As someone who never had allergies until I moved to East Tennessee in my sixties, I developed allergies to a number of things. My biggest one is mold. I’m super sensitive to it to the point that we rented a VRBO at Lake Logan Martin, AL two years ago and had to leave immediately because I blew up shortly after arriving. We lost a lot of money for refusing to stay in that house because the owner swore they’d never had mold although they ran a dehumidifier 24 hours a day in the basement and refused to refund our money. My first thought with this woman was mold. Although I did consider the hair dye, make up, etc. She looked like a animated cartoon character. I do hope they find out what’s wrong with her because that is no way to live. 

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That sugar baby girl was so annoying... her up & down voice, motor mouth, everyone else is to blame, baby at 18-19, fooled by an online scammer.  She had this weird thing where she kept looking to the side/over her shoulder that made her look unstable. She is so immature - moving to LV for someone to care for her.   She must be a bad sugar baby/stripper if she can't make enough to get out of the homeless shelter.  What IS she doing with the money she earns?  She has enough to keep her hair blond (just not the roots).   She also has the wherewithal to find babysitters in multiple states but can't figure out a better way to handle her life.  Why won't she just get out of LV - you can strip other places.   She has a habit of lying - her parents say they're not sure if she's pregnant.  She's a manipulator, too - all of the dumb moves she made in her life are because her parents kick her out.  Oh, okay.  She seems to hate her parents but in the next breath is whining that they won't help her.  And she would be fine w/her daughter growing up and "dating" men.  That's just BS she tells herself so she doesn't realize that what a mess she made out of her life.  I did like when Phil told her that she's 22 and her parents aren't responsible for her anymore, just like she doesn't have to listen what they tell her to do.

 I'm still in the middle of the episode and I'm trying to diagnose her.  From her demeanor, inability to stop ranting/yelling, impulsive actions, I'm guessing some bipolar-like condition.  During one of her rants, I did agree with her - what kind of therapists can't help their own kid and have to go on Dr Phil?  

ADDED:  Oh shit, it's a two parter.    I bet she isn't preg - using it to guilt her parents.

Edited by patty1h
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I couldn’t finish the screaming sugar baby stripper from today...the shrieking and her stupidity was just too much for my poor sad old brain today.  As a parent myself, I can only hope I never have to do it, but my advice to the parents are “run, do not walk, to child protective services to get the baby removed from that dim wit.  Next, close the door and your wallets to the idiot daughter.  She is beyond reason and needs deeper help than you as parents can provide. 

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39 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I hope Phil drug tests her before tomorrow’s show.

Yes! Sugar baby is hyped up on something. I smell crystal meth! And honestly....she isn't really pretty.

But displaying your 19 year old cooch on a stripper pole CAN get you weirdo men with money. Of course, she claims her boyfriends/ clients are all lawyers, doctors. You know, upstanding, respectful men. HaHa!Ha! She's another spoiled brat who knows how to manipulate and use the 2 lovely people who adopted her. She's an ungrateful bitch.

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12 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I applaud her parents for their restraint today. I’d have been tempted to fly out of my seat and knock her into next Tuesday. Why haven’t they filed for custody of their granddaughter? I’d be terrified of what that child is exposed to living with her mother. 

Amen and Hallelujah!

I hope tomorrow's part 2 is going to be Phil telling this biatch that she is a terrible mother, a despicable human being AND hopefully, he'll tell her parents to go to family court for custody of the innocent granddaughter. But it seems that lately, Phil has turned into a pu$$y...maybe he's afraid he'll get sued. I feel sad for the child. 

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19 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I applaud her parents for their restraint today. I’d have been tempted to fly out of my seat and knock her into next Tuesday. Why haven’t they filed for custody of their granddaughter? I’d be terrified of what that child is exposed to living with her mother. 

I know my statement is going to be unpopular.  But, maybe they don't want to be saddled with the responsibility of raising another kid, especially a toddler.  Some grandparents want to be able to live their lives, not raise two sets of children.  It is not their responsibility to get custody of it or rear it just because their idiot daughter went out and got pregnant.  If they do, they will never be rid of her.   In 5 or so years she will be suing to regain custody of her kid after  "selfish mom and dad stole her from me."  I can see it now.

I have a friend who has raised 3 of her daughter's children.  It has about killed her.  Daughter still out running the roads having fun.

Edited by parrotfeathers
  • Love 14
19 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Amen and Hallelujah!

I hope tomorrow's part 2 is going to be Phil telling this biatch that she is a terrible mother, a despicable human being AND hopefully, he'll tell her parents to go to family court for custody of the innocent granddaughter. But it seems that lately, Phil has turned into a pu$$y...maybe he's afraid he'll get sued. I feel sad for the child. 

The description for today's episode also mentions an appearance by Vivica A. Fox to promote her new book; I'm going to take a wild guess that's it's published by Dr. Phil's publishing company.

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32 minutes ago, iHateAmpersands said:

The description for today's episode also mentions an appearance by Vivica A. Fox to promote her new book; I'm going to take a wild guess that's it's published by Dr. Phil's publishing company.

Vivica's book is called "Every Day I'm Hustling". So she's probably coming on to promote her book and at the same time, give the Sugar Baby Princess some advice on how to get off her back and actually find a legitimate job. We all know Sugar Baby is probably going to laugh in Vivica's face and the show will end with no offer of help from Phil. Vivica's book also tells women how they can still look fabulous even if they're over 50. That's when Mrs. Phil will come on stage to promote her skin care line....but she's always good for a laugh. I'll watch


Oh well, I was wrong about Jessica the sugar baby and her pregnancy - it was for real.   However, this fool can't afford to have a roof over her head with one child, so now she's bringing in another one.  Smart!  She won't be able to strip once she starts showing, so then what?  You can see she has janky thinking when you hear her rationalize letting sketchy people, like her pimp, watch her 2-year old while she strips because "it's the only option she has".  This woman is a train wreck on a fast track.   

I got optimistic when she listened quietly to Phil's offer of help, then seeing the meltdown she had behind the scenes, it's obvious just doesn't have the maturity/self-control to handle real life.

Edited by patty1h
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Part 2 of this hasnt aired here yet but I'm not one to care. Looks like its not going to be aired since we have an active shooter at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno CA right now.

24 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

This idiot's career plan is to continue stripping? She is PREGNANT. Once the uterus starts popping out it's gonna put a damper on that pole career.

There is something very wrong with her. She just constantly yells, Dr. Phil is asking her to be quiet over and over and she just steamrolls.

She behaves like she's amped up on meth. Or SOME type of drug. Great for the unborn baby. Isn't her poor judgement and what she is exposing her daughter to, enough for child protective services to step in? 

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I did a total spit take when Twinky the Twatling said “I’m a mandated reporter too!”’  Strippers are now mandated reporters? Hookers are mandated reporters??  Um... ok.  (Yes, I know she has a CNA degree but strips instead for the big bucks she makes taking off her clothes and being Sugar Substitute Baby!)  If they  drug tested her, I missed it. But Imma thinkin’ meth or mix of meth/crack/speed/coke 

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13 minutes ago, Oldcrone said:

I did a total spit take when Twinky the Twatling said “I’m a mandated reporter too!”’  Strippers are now mandated reporters? Hookers are mandated reporters??  Um... ok.  (Yes, I know she has a CNA degree but strips instead for the big bucks she makes taking off her clothes and being Sugar Substitute Baby!)  If they  drug tested her, I missed it. But Imma thinkin’ meth or mix of meth/crack/speed/coke 

Spot on OldCrone!! Lol! Twinky the Twatling meth/crack//speed/coke whore! SHE got 2 loving, kind, caring people for parents. HER daughter got TTMCSW (twinky twat meth crack speed whore) for a parent. And I guarantee, Dr Phil the "mandated court reporter" won't report this bitch to CPS. Episode whatever of Dr. Phil season 16 is a wrap! 

So sad for the children of this ugly evil mess.

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I am always impressed with Dr Phil's patience.  That usually settles the guest down so they eventually listen.  He could not get through the drugs.  He will report her to CPS though he is loathe to do so given the disaster that is our foster system.  Maybe her parents will take her which would be the first choice for CPS.  

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5 hours ago, Wings said:

I am always impressed with Dr Phil's patience.  That usually settles the guest down so they eventually listen.  He could not get through the drugs.  He will report her to CPS though he is loathe to do so given the disaster that is our foster system.  Maybe her parents will take her which would be the first choice for CPS.  

I agree. Especially with this woman. Phil needed a bullhorn to get her to STFU and listen.

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This was frustrating to watch.  The parents seemed so defeated and helpless - yet this is their line of work.  I kind of got the impression they weren't all that keen to take on the toddler and newborn.  They never mentioned custody (I don't think?).  I'd be petitioning the courts daily.  Those children are in imminent danger.

The girl is either on drugs or requires a diagnosis for some sort of mental illness.  Never mind the endless yelling about nothing, her expressions were weird and almost schizophrenic. 

I wonder if there will be a follow up?

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The parents didn't outwardly say that they didn't want custody of their grandchild but they were aware of the challenges in dealing with their daughter if they did. I suspect that Splenda Baby (tm ClareWalks) would be threatening to take the child every time that she didn't get her way which is apparently often. This is a person who will have many kids with different fathers. Taking one in would mean taking them all in at some point like Erin did with Alexandra from the Dr. Phil family.

Splenda Baby likes her lifestyle and all of the attention and drama so there is no way that she will invest herself fully in any help that is offered. I don't see her even taking the mandated steps by the courts to get her child back after she is removed by CPS which is why the parents didn't make the call in the first place. They knew that it is highly likely that this child will be placed for adoption by the State at some point and they will never see her again. 

Splenda Baby is definitely abusing drugs/alcohol. I suspect that Dr. Phil didn't bring it up because he knew that she would refuse drug treatment because she is so special. 

While it is heartbreaking for everyone concerned, Dr. Phil was spot on when he told the parents not to allow her to move back in. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. Off to pray now for said grandchild. She is why the foster care/adoption system exists.

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It is well known that pimps keep their girls hooked on drugs to keep them from wandering away.  It sure seemed to me, Splenda baby was on something speedy like coke, crack or Adderall/Ritalin etc.  I think Phil knew that but bringing it up would only serve to push her further away.  Timing is everything.  

I am confident that her daughter will end up in good hands (parents for now) but the unborn child is in trouble.  

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22 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't understand why Dr Phil puts these "my daughter is out of control" episodes one after another after another. I am burned out on "out of control daughters" by now. I'm 20 minutes in and I am so bored.

I have the same issue, and it's because they never do shows about an out of control/sexually active teen boy using the same standards that they do for girls.  The girls usually are slut shamed/stigmatized for dressing too sexy, doing drugs, having underage sex, going out with older guys, putting inappropriate images on the internet.  Okay, some of those issues don't apply to males, but I would pay money to watch an episode of Phil where he has a minor boy on and talk to him about having teen sex and not just make it about the threat of getting a girl pregnant.  I'm not saying that girls should be out there screwing around at 14-15-16 but he just never has a boy on there and gives them the attitude he uses with girls.  

Edited by patty1h
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Patty1h, you’re right and I’d never thought about it that way. We always told our son that whatever girl he dated was someone’s daughter. He had a younger sister and we told him to treat his girlfriends the way he wanted boys to treat his sister. And if he got a girl pregnant, it was as much his baby as hers so he’d better plan our the rest of his life very carefully. That was kind of off topic, I guess, but we need to hold these boys to the same standard as we hold these girls. I cannot believe some of the things I see and hear now about teens. Horrifying that someday these people might be voting. Yikes. 

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Yep, I’m ready for another cat fishing story which seems to be the only other kind of show that Shill can do these days. At least we’ve been spared Robin’s speshul potions lately. Thank God for small favors. 

Forgot to mention, how many of you believe that the new Vivica A. Fox show will last more than one season? Anyone? Bueller? 

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