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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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CPS needs to be involved in this case, not Dr Phil. He has zero authority to do anything. Watching him and the nosy neighbor badger an obviously mentally ill woman is sickening. At one point there were three or four people badgering her. How does any of this help the children? Dr Phil infuriates me. If her husband cares so much about the kids, get a lawyer don't go on tv.

  • Love 4

Then what is the point of going on this show? Dr Phil has no influence over the courts or CPS. I believe the neighbor cares only about being on TV and sticking it to the mother. Someone needs to talk to the children to find out what's going on and find an appropriate living situation for them. 

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I think the point of going on the show was because Sandra asked for it.  She wanted to have the truth come out, and clear her name.  Didn't work so well.....

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Dr. Phil does have some sway with law enforcement and CPS.  His "guests" sign everything away with regard to privacy.  After all, they have agreed to be on TV. All CPS has to do is ask for the unedited tapes ( with a court order) and probably all the forms the guests have filled out. And I assume, and pray, that he gives all the info to them.  

And I think the neighbor is a big blessing for those children.  From what I can tell, there would be no other way for those adorable little girls to get away from their demented mother. By accusing ex-husband of sexual abuse and torture, she had a clear path to destroying their lives forever.  Who the hell does that???  

I ❤️ Jack Demarco.  

  • Love 13

CPS can't use information from a trashy talk show. On the original show it was said that the neighbor called CPS, they investigated and left custody with the mother. I'm guessing something weird is going on with the dad too and the girls told this to the authorities. Dr Phil is no more a court mandated reporter than his staff. He is not talking to this woman as a therapist either. He is a bully trying for a reaction so he prove he is right. I don't believe he cares about this family at all.

I don't know about CPS, but law enforcement can, and has, arrested various people who have admitted to child abuse and/or spousal abuse on Dr. Phils show.  Mandated reporters for child abuse in CA include teachers, fire department, even preschool employees who often have little more than a high school diploma.

As an aside but on topic, I was watching Judge Judy last week and she asked some guy if he paid income taxes on his self employed income.  The guy said No, and Judy said, you do know that the IRS watches this show to crack down on people like you. I laughed out loud because I met someone who that happened to about 10 years ago!  He was loudly complaining at a party because the IRS came after him.  Medicare, Social Security, Disability and State all were standing in line.  With penalties, interest and auditing of prior years, glad I'm not him. 

  • Love 3

If alerted CPS can take a closer look at this family and that may happen. CPS is not known for its in depth examinations of reported families!  There have been way too many serious cases of abuse that were not discovered by CPS.  Hopefully that will happen here.  

I am not convinced the father is capable of taking care of these girls either.  He was very strange.  

  • Love 3

As awful as it is, I don't think that CPS or the courts has enough information to remove the children from their mother. Sandra sounds like she has some form of a paranoid personality disorder which is harmful to her children and anyone around her. But, the courts have to look at their father too. Why did he make a baby with this woman? It is significant that he has completed almost all of his parenting classes and has done some therapy too. Sandra is not obligated to take the help that Dr. Phil offers even though she is a nutcase.

Sleeping until noon, not tending to the children or their hygiene unfortunately is not abuse. It is neglect but perhaps not enough for CPS to respond. I have adopted 2 children from the foster care system. It takes many, many complaints and way too long for CPS to build their case. The upside is that CPS needs a case to prevent children and parents from being separated.

I don't know how much pull Dr. Phil has with CPS outside of Dr. Sophy.

I had to fast forward through Sandra's whining. Was she ever able to produce a tear? She is someone that you just want to shake.

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, wings707 said:

If alerted CPS can take a closer look at this family and that may happen. CPS is not known for its in depth examinations of reported families!  There have been way too many serious cases of abuse that were not discovered by CPS.  Hopefully that will happen here.  

I am not convinced the father is capable of taking care of these girls either.  He was very strange.  

True dat.  

  • Love 1

So on today's episode, we have daughter #1 who now has had her second baby and has moved the baby daddy into her parents' house. That's the main issue, of course. But am I the only one who wondered about the loudmouth sister who ALSO lives in the house. She runs her mouth about her grown sister living with the parents but she also appears to be a grown up girl. The mom has room to complain but sister needs to shut her trap and move out too. 

  • Love 3

And Phil's main concern was she met the baby daddy by swiping. Also loved his advice that a young mom can't raise kids unless she makes 50,000 year and she can't go back to school to raise her earning potential. How many young moms make that much money? His advice is outdated and useless. 

  • Love 3

It must "women are stupid, pathetic hosebeasts month!" at the $hill show! Aka sweeps, because nobody likes to watch his show and feel better about their own sad existences than housebound housewives, I guess.

He started by saying its normal and people meet in today's society on Tinder, then trashed it like its full of garbage like his two guests (maybe it is all that -- too old here -- but then don't say it like its Match.com or a personals ad). I find it hard to believe Tinder is rife with protectionless singles other than these lowlifes getting pregnant left right and sideways, but maybe I'm wrong.

I really can't imagine anyone honestly saying they could potentially spend their life with someone after said someone lied about having an abortion, but clearly this guy isn't much for thinking. It really took a pin to her, "He lied and cheated on me," balloon of whines.  What reward did she expect from that? She's lucky he didn't knock her ass out with a sledgehammer.

I think the mom said the other sister worked full time and her income was needed to support Tinder spawns 1 and 2, but clearly the mother is an issue there. Both those daughters appeared to have no self-worth/esteem, and the mother had to stop herself from coming off "uppity" when saying say didn't want her grandkids living in the guy's black neighborhood.

There are no heroes here. Just the bottom rung of society and two unwanted kids who will ascend to take their own place on that rung someday.

And what help did Phil give? 8 weeks of Dr. On Demand ain't gonna get that hoe employed or make him not want to bang every chick without two kids he passes. Adoption wasn't considered? For a server with no home who got knocked up on Tinder?

The great decisions just keep on. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, NoirDetective said:

It must "women are stupid, pathetic hosebeasts month!" at the $hill show! Aka sweeps, because nobody likes to watch his show and feel better about their own sad existences than housebound housewives, I guess.

He started by saying its normal and people meet in today's society on Tinder, then trashed it like its full of garbage like his two guests (maybe it is all that -- too old here -- but then don't say it like its Match.com or a personals ad). I find it hard to believe Tinder is rife with protectionless singles other than these lowlifes getting pregnant left right and sideways, but maybe I'm wrong.

I really can't imagine anyone honestly saying they could potentially spend their life with someone after said someone lied about having an abortion, but clearly this guy isn't much for thinking. It really took a pin to her, "He lied and cheated on me," balloon of whines.  What reward did she expect from that? She's lucky he didn't knock her ass out with a sledgehammer.

I think the mom said the other sister worked full time and her income was needed to support Tinder spawns 1 and 2, but clearly the mother is an issue there. Both those daughters appeared to have no self-worth/esteem, and the mother had to stop herself from coming off "uppity" when saying say didn't want her grandkids living in the guy's black neighborhood.

There are no heroes here. Just the bottom rung of society and two unwanted kids who will ascend to take their own place on that rung someday.

And what help did Phil give? 8 weeks of Dr. On Demand ain't gonna get that hoe employed or make him not want to bang every chick without two kids he passes. Adoption wasn't considered? For a server with no home who got knocked up on Tinder?

The great decisions just keep on. 

I have really got to stop multitasking through these shows. I did not catch the Black neighborhood thing. Uppity is too good of a word for the dis... delusional is what she is if she thinks what she has is better than, say, other economic and race communities.

And I hated the way she kept referring to her daughter as a child. She may have been a difficult child but she's an irresponsible grown as woman now.

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Cabarb said:

Well, as a parent of two grown kids, I would like to order 5 of the "loudmouth" sister with a job and no kids, over easy, please.  And a side order  of the mooching, lying, slutty non-mother of my 2 grandchildren, fried crispy. Thank you. 

Just saying, I really like Dr. Phil for the most part because he reminds me so much of my own father.  Lots of common sense with a legal knowledge behind it.  I don't think he is a hack at all.  I disagree with him sometimes, but for the most part he's very intuitive and he does offer help.

the Mom never said "black neighborhood".  She said "not a good area" high crime rate and drug dealing.  I never heard black.  I might have missed it, but I was listening.  I've erased it now.  

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, NoirDetective said:

I really can't imagine anyone honestly saying they could potentially spend their life with someone after said someone lied about having an abortion, but clearly this guy isn't much for thinking. It really took a pin to her, "He lied and cheated on me," balloon of whines.  What reward did she expect from that? She's lucky he didn't knock her ass out with a sledgehammer.

I think the mom said the other sister worked full time and her income was needed to support Tinder spawns 1 and 2, but clearly the mother is an issue there. Both those daughters appeared to have no self-worth/esteem, and the mother had to stop herself from coming off "uppity" when saying say didn't want her grandkids living in the guy's black neighborhood.

The guy should run fast.  He could set up a custodial schedule and be in his daughters life without taking on a child that is not his and the crazy loon that is the mother of his child.  There is no other option, in my mind, that would work.

The other daughter - I feel her pain and she needed to stand up for her parents.  She has been watching this shit her whole life and at some point it has to come out.

1 hour ago, LisainCali said:

the Mom never said "black neighborhood".  She said "not a good area" high crime rate and drug dealing.  I never heard black.  I might have missed it, but I was listening.  I've erased it now.

It was in "code".  He said the area where their house is (6 bedrooms!) is still nice but there are lower income areas..... I live north of 8 Mile road and no matter what city north you live in there is 8 Mile and then maybe 14 Mile.  Huge difference!


What the fuck am I watching?! (Answer: the latest Dr Phil) They're doing a tour of the house where they all live and they said "this is Courtney's daughter's lovely artwork," pointing at a bunch of scribbling and the word "potty" scrawled on the toilet seat in marker or crayon. The baby is MONTHS OLD. There is NO WAY a baby that young could draw all over a toilet seat. Seriously, what the hell is going on in that house?! Who is scrawling "potty" in marker on the toilet seat?!

ETA: Ohhhhhh, this is the SECOND unplanned baby this moron has had. Got it!

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 2
On 5/25/2016 at 6:31 AM, Madding crowd said:

CPS can't use information from a trashy talk show. On the original show it was said that the neighbor called CPS, they investigated and left custody with the mother. I'm guessing something weird is going on with the dad too and the girls told this to the authorities. Dr Phil is no more a court mandated reporter than his staff. He is not talking to this woman as a therapist either. He is a bully trying for a reaction so he prove he is right. I don't believe he cares about this family at all.

I welcomed his bullying in this situation.  I don't think she was mentally ill, I think she was a huge baby who had never been told a day in her life to sit down and shutup.  I had no sympathy for her whatsoever.  To sit down and look her children in the eye and tell them they are to blame for what's happening because they're liars?  Are you fucking kidding me?

She made me insane.  I don't care if she's batshit crazy, she's a poor excuse for a mother and anything he could get out of her for the father to use in a court proceedings?  Let that happen please.  She should not be anywhere near those girls.  Ever again.  Until they can recognize that their mother is a headcase.

  • Love 7

On the previous go-round it was stated that the neighbor called CPS several times, they investigated and found the children should stay with their mother. I never said they should stay with her, I said that if CPS found the dad not suitable nd the mom is obviously crazy, there should be somewhere else for the kids to go.

The neighbor agreed the girls told stories about being abused by the dad. If the stories are not true then the kids are lying. The kids are the big losers here; neither parent is capable. Dr Phil didn't care about the children, he cares about getting reactions and proving he is always right. Why didn't he talk to the kids off the air and try to figure out what was going on? Because he couldn't show it on TV. To me he is one step away from Jerry Springet.

  • Love 1
On 5/28/2016 at 4:14 PM, LisainCali said:

Just saying, I really like Dr. Phil for the most part because he reminds me so much of my own father.  Lots of common sense with a legal knowledge behind it.  I don't think he is a hack at all.  I disagree with him sometimes, but for the most part he's very intuitive and he does offer help.

I agree.  He is skilled and good at what he does.  I think he helps many viewers identify things going on in their lives that need correcting, action or further investigating.  

I don't think his show is trashy at all.  Jerry Springer and Maury have that genre covered.  

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

On the previous go-round it was stated that the neighbor called CPS several times, they investigated and found the children should stay with their mother. I never said they should stay with her, I said that if CPS found the dad not suitable nd the mom is obviously crazy, there should be somewhere else for the kids to go.

The neighbor agreed the girls told stories about being abused by the dad. If the stories are not true then the kids are lying. The kids are the big losers here; neither parent is capable. Dr Phil didn't care about the children, he cares about getting reactions and proving he is always right. Why didn't he talk to the kids off the air and try to figure out what was going on? Because he couldn't show it on TV. To me he is one step away from Jerry Springet.

That's a lot of assumptions in two paragraphs.  He has interviewed children on his show before, so saying he won't do it because he couldn't put them on TV is a stretch.  More like, he had his hands full with their crazy pants mother and he probably knew what most of us in the audience had deduced halfway into the show...the girls had been programmed by their mother.  So hearing them say they'd been abused by their father wasn't exactly credible.  Especially since Sandra gave ample evidence to the fact that she had no problem programming her children to say things that weren't true. Not to mention she had a sketchy relationship with the truth herself.

I'm not about to put any stock in CPS investigations either.  Not to slam the agency or anything, they have their hands full, but they've missed enough big time abuse cases in my neck of the woods that they're not exactly the world's most trustworthy organization.

Look, I don't care who the girls go with.  My point is that Dr. Phil hit the nail on the head with this one.  That woman was insane and irresponsible with her kids and he called her out on it.  As he should have done.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

How does that help the children? I don't see any help given

Nothing was in place, as the show ended, to help the children.  He offered help and things will go from there. Hopefully this show acted as a catalyst for change and attention to the problems.  He can only do so much.  His job is to shine a light on the problem, offer some solutions and help.  No therapist can do more.  You can lead a horse to water. 

So often I read on this board, "He/she needs therapy,"  as if that is a cure or fix of some kind.  It isn't, not by a long shot. Therapy works only if the client is dedicated to the process. They must have a strong desire to change what is not working.  Therapists do not fix people, they give them a road map.  

Edited by wings707
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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 2:32 PM, CaughtOnTape said:

I welcomed his bullying in this situation.  I don't think she was mentally ill, I think she was a huge baby who had never been told a day in her life to sit down and shutup.  I had no sympathy for her whatsoever.  To sit down and look her children in the eye and tell them they are to blame for what's happening because they're liars?  Are you fucking kidding me?

So true. I think that Sandra gets away with a lot simply because she wears people out.  Talking over others, veering off on tangents, switching from manipulative controller to victim, plus that weird, fast, almost murmuring speech pattern.  It's exhausting!!  I can see anyone who must deal with her throwing up their hands and giving up.  I think that looking her in the eye and demanding coherent answers and just generally calling her on her BS is the only way to deal with her.  Just close all the exits she's used to taking.  If that's bullying, bring it on! 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Bunnyhop said:

So true. I think that Sandra gets away with a lot simply because she wears people out.  Talking over others, veering off on tangents, switching from manipulative controller to victim, plus that weird, fast, almost murmuring speech pattern.  It's exhausting!!  I can see anyone who must deal with her throwing up their hands and giving up.  I think that looking her in the eye and demanding coherent answers and just generally calling her on her BS is the only way to deal with her.  Just close all the exits she's used to taking.  If that's bullying, bring it on! 

I agree!  I would love to see the word bullying dropped from our language.  Dr Phil does not bully anyone!  If he is forceful he sees that is the way to break through to the guest.  

  • Love 3

re the women who get catfished. I didn't make the connection until a couple of days ago, but I have received FB messages from several men saying "hello". They are not in my regular messages and I only check the filtered messages every few months. But I would look at their page, thinking why on earth are they messaging me, we apparently don't have friends in common or they would know that an old liberal hippie like me would not be interested in a retired military man who has chosen to remain in the middle east. I don't answer, but I am just astounded at the messages. And also anyone who knows that I have little interested in men since I got the last lying cheating SOB out of my life. I prefer the single life. I guess if you are lonely, a message from a stranger could be flattering. But they can all go #### themselves as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by friendperidot
difference between lonely and loony, sometimes
  • Love 6
On May 21, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Brattinella said:

I re-read the article.  CPS will take his children if he makes more.  I believe that is why he got her pregnant, to have another victim available.  I still can't find where it specifically says that she has chosen her children instead of him. 

Peaceknit:  Yep, gaslighting.  I remember Ingrid Bergman well.  What a horrid man.

My first year of teaching, I had a girl whose stepfather was beating the kids.  Nothing was done until my student showed up with a black eye one day.  Faced with the choice of her kids or her boyfriend, the mom chose the kids but would send them away for up to a week to have boyfriend come and stay.  I hope she burns in hell.  

I also gave her all A's and B's, even though she often earned less, because stepdad told me he would "discipline" her if she got less than a B.  Sometimes there isn't much we can do, but in 5th grade, who cares if a science grade gets fudged upwards a little....

Edited by Calamity Jane
  • Love 10

The dude on today's show was shady as fuck. I have no idea why Phil had to chumpion him. (typo-it works) I suspect that he had a man inside his house because he was pinging heavily on my gaydar. He was definitely hiding something.

ETA: I posted before the test results were given. I don't care what the test said. There is a reason those are not admissible in court. Also-he may be telling the truth that there was no woman in the house but not that there was nobody in the house. He is full of shit.

Edited by GiveMeSpace

Good Lord!  I've watched the first 5 minutes of this episode, and I want to PUKE.  This GODDAMN sperm donor didn't have the COJONES to tell this own wife that their child was genetically flawed (and he knew it would be AHEAD OF TIME)!  Intersex! Don't you DARE take his side, Phil, it's the wrong side.


The child has both sets of genitals.  The father is DRILLING it into his child that she is a GIRL.  The mother is DRILLING it in that he is a BOY.  Child is 4 years old and looks to be a supremely happy and joyous child.  Why are the parents trying to force the situation at FOUR YEARS OLD?  Jeez just let the kid enjoy life and worry about their plumbing later on, when it might matter.

Edited by Brattinella
Dad knew about genetic abnormality; didn't inform wife.
  • Love 3

That whole situation was so nuts to me. So they had a kid with ambiguous genitals, and they just decided "let's chop off whatever that is and call it a girl?" Heartbreaking. I know this must be a very difficult situation, but I would have left things alone and not done irreversible surgery. Let them decide for themselves if they want it as an adult. Also, they never mentioned the kid's chromosomal makeup. Was it XX, or XY, or what? Did they even bother to test for this?! Because that would/should have made a difference in their decision, or at least the gender marker on the birth certificate. Agree that the stepmom is the best one there.

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