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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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13 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

You haven’t missed a thing.  Except maybe this.


She looks just like a blow-up sex doll here!

Why did Phil give this jerk, accusing his fiance of cheating, time on his show??? Cut to a commercial, then, come back with some Medicare advertisement???  I thought I missed something but, no, it was just Phil catching on to the fact that we all stop watching after he wraps things up with free Dr. on Demand sessions and uses the last 10 minutes to sell something else. 

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3 hours ago, suzeecat said:

Cut to a commercial, then, come back with some Medicare advertisement???

It's just weird. I thought I had missed something, was the show over? Why are they taking away air time to talk about Medicare? Don't get it. No infomercials, please!

One thing I also notice in many of the shows where Dr. Phil offers help to his guests, like counseling sessions, life-coaching, a stay at Origins or a full dual-diagnosis somewhere where you just know it will cost thousands of dollars - and the guests don't even crack a smile. SAY THANK YOU, PEOPLE. They just act so entitled. Man, be grateful for someone not only trying to help you, but help you at no cost to you.

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On 10/26/2021 at 7:13 AM, suzeecat said:

She looks just like a blow-up sex doll here!


No lies detected here. I notice that most episodes of the show have several of these open mouth takes of her in the audience-shocked SHOCKED I tell you-at whatever is currently transpiring. THen she has the same look for her ridiculous podcast poster--who told her that looks good? If you have never seen her turn on Family Feud, you must watch it. The woman is batshit.

You know I love a good catfish episode, but this one that dragged on for two days was terrible and unintersting. Phil keeps saying he thinks that those photos are of women who are not involved in the scam-they are just their photos. He acts like he is so smart but he already knows when he is saying it----but acting like he is Nostradamus becuase he figured it all out.   How many times did he ask that poor man how he was feeling upon seeing the woman in person that he thinks he is in love with? He looked like he was going to cry. It has to be disconcerting to meet someone that in your mind, you are in love with. Dude will be drinking heavily after this show.  Distasteful, exploitative, crass, and it could have been wrapped up in half a show---in other words a Classsic Dr. Phil show. I know he already has a Phan club--for die hard Phil Phanaticss but I am thinking of starting a Phuck Dr Phil club. 


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Next week's schedule (as always, it's subject to change):


11/1: 68-Pound Anorexic Nutrition Counselor

Danielle, 34, has had an extreme case of anorexia nervosa and bulimia for 20 years and has posed as a nutrition counselor advising others online on how to lose weight.

11/2: Is Our Mom's Fiancé a Con-Artist?

Sandi, 60, says she will soon be flying to Nigeria to marry her 22-year-old soul-mate, Peter -- but her three daughters say she is being scammed for money and/or a green card; Dr. Phil works to uncover the truth.

11/3: The Truth Behind Sandi's Fiancé: Revealed

Sandi's Nigerian fiancé, Peter, 22, sits down to talk with Dr. Phil via satellite, insisting that he loves the 60-year-old woman and denies that he is scamming her; the correspondent who interviewed Peter says he noticed some "interesting" behavior.

11/4: Publicly Shamed by "The Cart Narcs"

YouTuber Agent Sebastian, who runs a page where he posts hundreds of explosive videos of himself in parking lots, apprehending shoppers who do not return their carts to the corrals, meets one of his so-called victims; a suicide after a radio prank.

11/5: Exclusive: "Queen of the Con"

Guests say they were targeted and manipulated out of tens of thousands of dollars by a woman who has been accused of posing as various people to extort individuals all over the world; Dr. Phil sends a news crew to where it is believed she lives.

This is one of those rare times where I'll be tuning in the whole week.

(BTW, the catfish that was originally scheduled to air the second week of the season is finally going to air sometime in November.)

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12 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

He acts like he is so smart but he already knows when he is saying it-

And he does that incredibly STUPID stuttering thing.

I don't think any of them realize he is acting officially like an elderly person--in his walk, his mannerisms and his speaking ability.  That translates to perhaps his powers of thought are not as good as they once were.  He must be making Oprah a ton of money.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

You know I love a good catfish episode, but this one that dragged on for two days was terrible and unintersting.

I love the catfish shows. I feel badly for the people that have been catfished, but at the same time I want to see some emotion in that person as things are uncovered. This guest, for most of the show just sat there with no emotion and with a smile on his face. Finally at the end of show #2 he broke down and showed some feeling. It's hard to feel empathy towards someone who just sits there while the Dr. Phil Show did everything in it's power to uncover every possible shred of evidence to him proving to him that the person he loves isn't at all who he thought they were. The catfish shows all result in the same way. It's the guest that makes it interesting. And why didn't his daughter offer anything? She hardly said a thing.

Dr. Phil was so kind to him though, recognizing that it is a humiliating position to be in. Even throwing out that their generation really isn't savvy with the internet when Dr. Phil is very savvy with the internet.

Agree, Robin needs to close her mouth. Nothing at her age should be shocking, really! -  and this isn't becoming. She is the wife of a psychologist and she needs to act like it, not gawking at what his guests say. Would she act like this if Dr. Phil was still in private practice? I would hope not. She needs to reflect on how this makes her look and knock it off.

Edited by Breedom
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Just watched S17Ep17 and that’s the old Dr Phil I used to enjoy. Crazy gal claiming Russians hacked her phone instead of plain old adultery, and Phil was relentless in calling her on the bullshit. Would not let her go with her crap. That’s what I initially liked about him. But still some Dr on Demand. 

(Mistakenly posted this originally in the family thread.)

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Danielle, who suffers from anorexia and her mother are featured today. I don’t watch regularly, so I’m not sure if this is an old or new episode. Anyway, I missed the part where they said where Danielle lives. Did anyone catch it?  I’m curious, because I always question what would happen if the patient who has anorexia is responsible for their own housing, bills, medical care, etc.  If no one asks them to eat or get better and their health is all up to them, what do they do?  It seems that all anorexics are so well cared for, with people pleading with them to eat around the clock.  Do any of them ever live independently?  Just curious.  


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Not meaning this in a snarky way but genuinely curious: Why can’t he wear regular shoes for the time he sits in a chair and has very brief walks on and off stage? 
I get that he’s aging, and so am I. But what would make it so necessary to wear “old man sneakers” for the one hour+ that it takes to walk out, sit in a chair, and walk off? Hell, I could manage that in heels. (Okay, I let some snark slip in.)

  • LOL 2
2 hours ago, Tango64 said:

Not meaning this in a snarky way but genuinely curious: Why can’t he wear regular shoes for the time he sits in a chair and has very brief walks on and off stage? 
I get that he’s aging, and so am I. But what would make it so necessary to wear “old man sneakers” for the one hour+ that it takes to walk out, sit in a chair, and walk off? Hell, I could manage that in heels. (Okay, I let some snark slip in.)

I think they do more than 1 episode a day?  In the same vein, why does he use chairs that look like toddler high chairs?  Is it to make people "feel" exposed and uncomfortable (like he has them on some kind of ledge)?

Didn't see the camera pan to robin one time today during part 1 of the latest catfish story.  A big plus for me.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Danielle, who suffers from anorexia and her mother are featured today. I don’t watch regularly, so I’m not sure if this is an old or new episode. Anyway, I missed the part where they said where Danielle lives. Did anyone catch it?  I’m curious, because I always question what would happen if the patient who has anorexia is responsible for their own housing, bills, medical care, etc.  If no one asks them to eat or get better and their health is all up to them, what do they do?  It seems that all anorexics are so well cared for, with people pleading with them to eat around the clock.  Do any of them ever live independently?  Just curious.  


It's ratings sweeps month (February, November, and May are all sweeps months) where the ratings are gathered for all of the shows, even day time.    So, November has a lot of new, and the more sensational the better.     

My suspicion is that anorexics or bulimics that live alone, do exactly what the ones who have people taking care of them do, and keep on with their diseased idea of eating.    I'm sure a lot that don't have resources, or anyone to pay for their care die a lot quicker than the ones that are in and out of treatment through their lives. 

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Tango64 said:

Not meaning this in a snarky way but genuinely curious: Why can’t he wear regular shoes for the time he sits in a chair and has very brief walks on and off stage?

I also wonder why it was decided to use bar-stool height chairs that everyone has to almost literally climb onto?  Do they deliberately want to make people uncomfortable?  Does it deter the guests from hopping down and walking off?

Also, I think every catfish segment is split into two days.  They know those are the most watched, so they drag them out as much as possible.  I'm onto them, I dvr the episodes and watch a couple days behind.  That way, if it's a "twofer", I can just watch the second one that recaps everything from the first episode and, voila, I've saved myself 45 mins!

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For the majority of today's show, I could not wrap my mind around the fact that the daughters of the latest catfish/love scam victim looked too old to be the children of a 60-year-old woman. I figure she's either lying about her age by about ten years or she had them extremely young.

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23 hours ago, Tango64 said:

Not meaning this in a snarky way but genuinely curious: Why can’t he wear regular shoes for the time he sits in a chair and has very brief walks on and off stage? 
I get that he’s aging, and so am I. But what would make it so necessary to wear “old man sneakers” for the one hour+ that it takes to walk out, sit in a chair, and walk off? 

He may think they look cool, like Vans Men's Skate Authentic Shoes 😉

11 hours ago, suzeecat said:

bar-stool height chairs that everyone has to almost literally climb onto?  Do they deliberately want to make people uncomfortable? 

Maybe it's an intimidation trick only mandated reporters use....

Not certain how the ladies whose photos were hacked kept from showing their cash and prizes getting in those high chairs.

  • LOL 1
5 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

For the majority of today's show, I could not wrap my mind around the fact that the daughters of the latest catfish/love scam victim looked too old to be the children of a 60-year-old woman. I figure she's either lying about her age by about ten years or she had them extremely young.

Yeah, the daughters did all look to be 45-50, but perhaps they are smokers and drink a lot of Mountain Dew (I once saw a documentary about the ravages of sugar that included 15 yr olds addicted to Mtn Dew who looked like they were 30).  And Mom had crepey mid-cheeks, like someone over 80 years old. Face-tuned she looked like her own granddaughter. The young Nigerian prince is in for a surprise!

Edited by deirdra
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On 10/30/2021 at 12:31 PM, Breedom said:

Dr. Phil was so kind to him though, recognizing that it is a humiliating position to be in. Even throwing out that their generation really isn't savvy with the internet when Dr. Phil is very savvy with the internet.

I was disturbed by the Coach Mike solution.  The catfish victim was a fairly-recent, introverted widower who was probably still mourning the loss of his wife of 25 years and who had lost his life savings.  Coach Mike focused his solution on "setting realistic expectations for a woman who would be attracted to" the victim and recovering from imputed alcoholism.  He also offered a few other self-promoting, condescending remarks, after noting how he himself is a victim of catfishing near daily.  He also handed off the follow-up to one of his minions or franchisees.

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On 11/1/2021 at 1:25 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Danielle, who suffers from anorexia and her mother are featured today. 

Dr. Phil telling Mom that with Danielle's history of multiple interventions & relapses that no facility would take her was probably to lower Mom's expectations for when Danielle dies while being in the care of one of Dr. Phil's "coaches" and Dr. on Demand.

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On 11/2/2021 at 4:31 AM, chenoa333 said:

Why are they taking away air time to talk about Medicare

Not Medicare but Medicare Advantage Plans. Trust-if Shill is hawking something, it is a ripoff. If you see endless amount of commercials selling something-it is a ripoff. If it is hawked on Shill, run!! Words to the wise.

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The second part of the catfish story hasn't aired here yet, but I'm assuming he doesn't ask what seems to me to be an obvious question :   How are you two planning to live, support yourselves, after you're married?  I haven't heard if the man works, and if she is retired (at 60?) - can she earn a living, and could she make any money in Nigeria?  If the $$ she sent for "an apartment" went for a deposit, how will they pay the rent down the line?

These seem such major questions, along with the extreme danger generally in his area, and I don't think he ever pursues it.  Mutter mumble.  Still the only category of Dr Phil shows that I will always watch  

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On 11/1/2021 at 7:31 PM, Tango64 said:

Not meaning this in a snarky way but genuinely curious: Why can’t he wear regular shoes for the time he sits in a chair and has very brief walks on and off stage? 

I wonder that too. He started wearing them this season I think. There is a reason for it and I must know what it is.

23 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

He also offered a few other self-promoting, condescending remarks, after noting how he himself is a victim of catfishing near daily. 

I didn't like that Coach Mike threw in how his picture was used constantly - meaning, he's such a good looking guy he was picked out specifically for those amazing looks he has. NOT. It was not the time to self-congratulate your own self. This guest was suffering.

Today was Part II of the catfishing story. As Chippings said, why not ask those questions - how they will support themselves, can she work, etc. That would have made the story so much more interesting. Peter looked super uncomfortable during his grilling session. Dr. Phil gave the daughters time to ask Peter questions, yet only one did. Why didn't the other two chime in? Lastly, after what had to be devastating news to the Mom (can't remember her name), Dr. Phil suddenly ended it, changed his voice tone to energetic, telling us about some brain game. WHY DOES THE SHOW DO THIS? The poor woman had to process, grasp everything, etc - and suddenly, new festivities begin.

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21 minutes ago, Breedom said:Lastly, after what had to be devastating news to the Mom (can't remember her name), Dr. Phil suddenly ended it, changed his voice tone to energetic, telling us about some brain game. WHY DOES THE SHOW DO THIS? The poor woman had to process, grasp everything, etc - and suddenly, new festivities begin.

This was a particularly egregious example of him doing this. He had grilled the Nigerian guy was making progress with convincing the woman, and then very suddenly shifts gears to sell a “brain game.” 🙄🙄🙄 The demands for this in-show advertising must be intense because he responds like a trained monkey who gets the cue. Drop everything and sell this game app NOW!

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7 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

I just saw the second part. The outcome (seen during the After the Taping segment) was not surprising to me at all and pretty much made it a completely pointless waste of airtime.

The funniest part was the video with Grandma's filter being used on both her and Peter.  Toy-boy looked like a baby!

Edited by deirdra
14 hours ago, Breedom said:

Dr. Phil gave the daughters time to ask Peter questions, yet only one did. Why didn't the other two chime in?

My guess is only one daughter still thinks she can reach through the mother's delusions, the other family members know that there is zero point in talking to the mother.    

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20 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

I just saw the second part. The outcome (seen during the After the Taping segment) was not surprising to me at all and pretty much made it a completely pointless waste of airtime.

Wow, thank you for posting this!  After the utterly atrocious pimping for the little game, I didn't stick around for what I assumed would just be the credits  Well, that turned everything on its ear from where we were left.  It was a real tease to indicate that the story would be continued in the future.  I'm not holding my breath for that.  But I actually was surprised and was so glad you mentioned the After The Taping sequel!

  • Love 3


2 hours ago, Chippings said:
23 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

I just saw the second part. The outcome (seen during the After the Taping segment) was not surprising to me at all and pretty much made it a completely pointless waste of airtime.

Wow, thank you for posting this!  After the utterly atrocious pimping for the little game, I didn't stick around for what I assumed would just be the credits  Well, that turned everything on its ear from where we were left.  It was a real tease to indicate that the story would be continued in the future.  I'm not holding my breath for that.  But I actually was surprised and was so glad you mentioned the After The Taping sequel!

Yes, thank you! I can't turn off this show fast enough when the in-show ads come on and I missed the thrilling conclusion to this poor man's "90 Day Fiance."

The in-show ads are strictly for those viewers who lost the remote in the couch cushions.

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Next week: quadruplets with issues and true crime from the past and present.


11/8: Quadruplets: House of Chaos!

Christine says her and Tom's divorce has affected all of her kids, including the quadruplets; two daughters say they manage their anger through violence, eating disorders and smoking weed; Tom says his kids have destroyed his house.

11/9: Quadruplets Face Off

Tom and Christine's daughters say their family is completely toxic, and their dad is the reason for the family trauma because he's a sociopath, abusive and an alcoholic; author Mitch Albom ("The Stranger in the Lifeboat").

11/10: Cold Case: Did Love Triangle Lead to Hero Cop's Murder?

More than 30 years ago, undercover detective Dennis Wustenhoff was murdered by a bomb that had been planted under his unmarked police car; a shocking twist in the case; his family say they know who killed him -- and they want justice.

11/11: The Disappearance of Summer Wells

Five-year-old Summer Wells vanishes from her home in rural Tennessee; online bullies accuse her parents, Don and Candus, of having something to do with her disappearance; the parents sit down with body language experts in order to clear their names.

11/12: Summer Wells Disappearance: What Do the Parents Know?

Missing 5-year-old Summer Wells' parents, Don and Candus, speak out in their exclusive first national TV interview; Dr. Phil digs deeper into the story to learn if there is any new information that might help solve the mystery of her disappearance.


27 minutes ago, iHateAmpersands said:

Missing 5-year-old Summer Wells' parents, Don and Candus, speak out in their exclusive first national TV interview;

I may have to watch this twofer.   CPS removed their other children at one point after the girl's disappearance.  Not sure if they are back.  Candus' sister disappeared in 2009 and has never been found.

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On 11/4/2021 at 1:14 PM, Chippings said:

It was a real tease to indicate that the story would be continued in the future.  I'm not holding my breath for that. 

I'm sure the producers are following the happy couple so she can come crying to Dr. P after her wonderful man leaves her penniless after he gets to the USA.  Or else she'll come on the show and complain that he still can't find a job and sits around the house all day while she has to work to support him.  And Dr. P can say I told you so.


On 11/5/2021 at 10:38 PM, parrotfeathers said:

Missing 5-year-old Summer Wells' parents, Don and Candus, speak out in their exclusive first national TV interview;

Maybe this will help find Summer, so that is good. But I will never view these stories because they are current events and not at all relevant to what the Dr. Phil Show set out to be. As I've said previously, I can google this info, watch the news or pick up a People magazine. He tends to do news stories quite a bit these days, moving further away from the premise of the show. Plus all those killer ads, medicare, games, skin care - why???

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On 10/29/2021 at 3:16 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

You know I love a good catfish episode, but this one that dragged on for two days was terrible and unintersting

Except for the last minute when the producers ran an update on this woman. She did end up going to Nigeria and marrying the 22 year old catfish kid. Complete with videos of the 2 of them together, smooching, showing the wedding rings.

I wonder if "Peter" has seen her naked yet? You can't photoshop naked, in person.


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7 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

Well, there's always the light switch.

I'd love to see the hotel they're staying in (because "Peter's apartment has no furniture in it😂)

There might not be any lights in the hotel so "Peter" might be forced to have sex with his "wife" day and night. At least he can't get her pregnant.

I know this might come across as insensitive, but I have zero sympathy for this woman. Some of the other catfish victims I do feel sad for them. Not this one. I guarantee she is working on getting her husband to the USA. Then he'll dump her. The only mystery to me, is why this kid chose a woman who only could afford to give him $10,000.00. Maybe he's new to Nigerian catfishing?

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45 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Peter either never got an apartment or is subletting it and keeping the cash.

Well he did say that he used most of what's-her-names money to care for people/family less fortunate 😄 But you're right, his dumb ass NEVER rented an apartment.

And why was it so important that "Peter" needed to buy a $1700.00 cell phone (with what's her-name's money?) What a greasy skeezeball.

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4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I guarantee she is working on getting her husband to the USA. Then he'll dump her. The only mystery to me, is why this kid chose a woman who only could afford to give him $10,000.00. Maybe he's new to Nigerian catfishing?

The update mentioned them working with an immigration lawyer, so that's pretty much a given.

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Today's show with the quadruplets was pretty good, but another two-parter which I'm not fond of. I did like how Dr. Phil didn't let the dad off the hook on his filthy house. Usually he drops it, but this kind of filth needs to be called out enough so that the person involved (the dad in this case) feels enough shame to actually do something about it.

Another show-interruption about some kind of money thing. Again, why is the show incorporating all these ads into the show?

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