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The BBC has let it be known on their Doctor Who Twitter page that the trailer for the "Revolutions of the Daleks" festive special will air on BBC1 at about 7:25pm GMT (less than an hour from now). It will likely be online soon after that

The trailer has dropped and I've put it in the Series 12 spoiler/discussion topic. The special will be broadcast on New Year's Day, January 1, 2021

Edited by DanaK
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Something I forgot to post earlier. Jodie gave an interview to the UK's Sunday Telegraph at the end of last month. You need a subscription to read it but a highlight is that Jodie said she has no plans to end her role anytime soon. She hasn't even looked at another part yet and to talk about leaving the role makes her emotional. She also said she's usually an anxious person but the pandemic has made her much more so

Telegraph article (requires paid subscription): https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/doctor-jodie-whittaker-pandemic-has-skyrocketed-paranoia/

Radio Times summary of the interview: https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2020-11-30/jodie-whittaker-doctor-who-future/

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FYI, for American viewers, BBC America is showing that its Doctor Who marathon will start on December 24 at 6:15am ET/PT with The Christmas Invasion and go until 8pm ET/PT on Jan 1

The new special Revolution of the Daleks will premiere at 8pm ET/PT on Jan 1 and it looks like the timeslot will be 1 hour, 50 minutes with commercials (which is at least 10 minutes longer than I was guessing. Gotta get that advertising money!). It will then replay on Jan 2 at 3:10am ET/PT

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The Marie Curie charity organization had a Doctor Who-related Celebrity Quiz the other day hosted by David Tennant and his wife Georgia, with some answers revealed by guest drop ins by former and current Who actors who were/are companions or Doctors. That included John Barrowman and Jodie Whittaker. The link is from the charity’s archive and goes about an hour and a half  https://m.twitch.tv/videos/838505655


FYI for US viewers, the streaming service HBO Max, which carries past seasons of Doctor Who, will be available on the Roku platform as of tomorrow (Thursday). Woo hoo!

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Top 10 most tweeted-about TV shows in 2020 (in the UK): Doctor Who is #4 and the only scripted show. I'm sure the Lockdown Tweetathons helped

Former Who show runner Russel Davies temporarily did some tweeting as part of a tweetalong for The Runaway Bride, then tweeted the first page of his first Who script he wrote, from the mid-80s (ETA: He actually tweeted several pages, this is just the first page below)


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The British magazine Digital Spy had their 2020 Reader Awards and the first Black female Doctor won for Best Moment and the Timeless Child reveal won for Most Incredible Twist. Jodie Whittaker came in 2nd to Jodie Comer (Killing Eve) for Best Actor (Female) https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a34830966/reader-awards-tv-winners-2020/

Of note, this response from Chris Chibnall:

"Thanks Digital Spy readers," said the show's producer Chris Chibnall. "Especially in a year with so much (SO MUCH!) extraordinary TV. And from February! When we could all still leave the house!

"Credit goes to the fabulous Jo Martin who nailed it from her very first syllable, director Nida Manzoor, and Jodie Whittaker who took the audience so thrillingly into her Doctor's emotional journey in those moments. And to Vinay Patel who doubled down on my crazy suggestion of another Doctor, with a buried TARDIS.

"And everyone on the production, for keeping this (and every) secret, and making it a moment we'll always be proud of."

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British writer Philip Martin has died at 82. He contributed 2 scripts for Doctor Who in the 80s, "Vengeance on Varos" and "Mindwarp". He created the popular character Sil in the first story and the character returned in the second script. A 3rd script, "Mission to Magnus", was not filmed because the show went on hiatus in 1985. Martin novelized the story in 1990 and it was recorded by Big Finish

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Man, I know doing a multi-day 24 hour schedule must be hard to set up- no one wants popular episodes running at 3am or whatever- but the bbca marathon has been super random this year.  Like, they just followed up a run of Capaldi shows with Army of Ghosts.  Okay- but are they running Doomsday next?  Nope- Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution.  Then it’s back to Capaldi for Season 8, but kind of out of order.  It feels like it’s been this way all week.  It would be one thing if they were trying to keep seasons in order, or even do themes- like a block of Cybermen shows or historicals- or if it was just some “fan favorites” countdown.  But as it is this is a big jumbled up mess.

And, if this is all supposed to be promoting the Special, shouldn’t they be showing at least some of Jodie’s shows?  The first of hers I see is at like 2:45am on 1/1 with Rosa- followed by Arachnids, but then switching back for Woman who fell to Earth.  At least it looks like they are planning to do most of season 12 in order leading up to the new show, but man- this is a weird way to build up the show.

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5 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

And, if this is all supposed to be promoting the Special, shouldn’t they be showing at least some of Jodie’s shows?  The first of hers I see is at like 2:45am on 1/1 with Rosa- followed by Arachnids, but then switching back for Woman who fell to Earth.  At least it looks like they are planning to do most of season 12 in order leading up to the new show, but man- this is a weird way to build up the show.

Their annual holiday Who marathons haven’t made much sense to me the last few years that I’ve paid attention. Plus they seem to mostly skip Series 1

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10 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

Man, I know doing a multi-day 24 hour schedule must be hard to set up- no one wants popular episodes running at 3am or whatever- but the bbca marathon has been super random this year.  Like, they just followed up a run of Capaldi shows with Army of Ghosts.  Okay- but are they running Doomsday next?  Nope- Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution.  Then it’s back to Capaldi for Season 8, but kind of out of order.  It feels like it’s been this way all week.  It would be one thing if they were trying to keep seasons in order, or even do themes- like a block of Cybermen shows or historicals- or if it was just some “fan favorites” countdown.  But as it is this is a big jumbled up mess.

And, if this is all supposed to be promoting the Special, shouldn’t they be showing at least some of Jodie’s shows?  The first of hers I see is at like 2:45am on 1/1 with Rosa- followed by Arachnids, but then switching back for Woman who fell to Earth.  At least it looks like they are planning to do most of season 12 in order leading up to the new show, but man- this is a weird way to build up the show.

I have had Doctor Who on a loop since Xmas eve. They are jumping all over the place with eps and repeating some a couple times.

"Rose" is the only ep from the 1st season (#9) 

Seems they are only playing a select few eps from #13's repertoire. I figure it's cuz they don't want the viewer to be able to record entire seasons for free? Dunno?

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As weird as the marathon lineup may be, BBC America is running promos of the special a lot

It does seem they will be showing all or most of Series 12 on Friday leading up to the special 

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Maybe I haven’t noticed the quality in previous years since this is my first time working from home, and I can just have it on all the time.  But, given the context of this year- with so many potential viewers at home- one would think there would be extra incentive to do a marathon right.  And I mean, they don’t generally have a problem keeping the daily Star Trek/L&O/etc... binge-fests in order, so I don’t get why Who is such an issue.

Still, I wouldn’t necessarily mind if they want to break up the seasons so we get a mix of the different casts each day.  But if they’re going to do that, at least run the episode blocks in order.  And airing only half of a two parter is just dumb.  Today they had parts 1 of both the season 8 and 9 finales, but not the conclusions.  What good is that?

Otherwise, yes - they should have added more of Eccleston’s episodes into the rotation, especially now that he’s embracing the character again.  But they should air Dalek, or the episodes with Jack since both are in the special.  I’d also like to see the animated classic serials again too.  They have so many shows to work with now, it’s just a shame to see them mess it up.

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On 12/31/2020 at 10:27 AM, taanja said:

"Rose" is the only ep from the 1st season (#9) 

I just tried to watch what I thought was "Rose" and instead it was "Rosa" (the Rosa Parks episode.)  That was a very good episode but also a very upsetting one and I am not in the right state of mind to watch it.  (Sigh.)

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2 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Rose was absolutely one of the most beloved episodes of the rebooted DW. Rosa , unfortunately,  not so much, it caught a lot of flak out there among Whovians.

I disagree, Rosa was pretty well received overall. There was/is some flak about the villain being weak

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The Mirror is reporting that star Jodie Whittaker has decided to leave at the end of Series 13, which would make her run 3 seasons, similar to most of the previous leads in Modern Who. The 13th Doctor will supposedly regenerate into 14 at the end of Series 13. The article also states show runner Chris Chibnall would be staying for now. Obviously consider it rumor for now until we get an official announcement, plus it’s the Mirror, but the writer usually gets it right with Doctor Who rumors https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-star-jodie-whittaker-23255685?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mirror_main

Sad for me if true because I really have liked Jodie and she’s my favorite Doctor so far (I haven’t see Classic Who). At the same time, having had a chance to see some of the things she did prior to Who (including Broadchurch), I’m excited to see what else she does and what major awards she wins

ETA: Radio Times is reporting on the Mirror’s article and added that the BBC declined to comment when they asked them about it

Edited by DanaK
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8 hours ago, DanaK said:

The Mirror is reporting that star Jodie Whittaker has decided to leave at the end of Series 13, which would make her run 3 seasons, similar to most of the previous leads in Modern Who. The 13th Doctor will supposedly regenerate into 14 at the end of Series 13. The article also states show runner Chris Chibnall would be staying for now. Obviously consider it rumor for now until we get an official announcement, plus it’s the Mirror, but the writer usually gets it right with Doctor Who rumors https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-star-jodie-whittaker-23255685?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mirror_main

Sad for me if true because I really have liked Jodie and she’s my favorite Doctor so far (I haven’t see Classic Who). At the same time, having had a chance to see some of the things she did prior to Who (including Broadchurch), I’m excited to see what else she does and what major awards she wins

ETA: Radio Times is reporting on the Mirror’s article and added that the BBC declined to comment when they asked them about it

I'm torn on whether to believe this or not, because part of me suspects the article may have been born out of the reaction of the many, many middle-aged male fans I saw on Twitter and other forums, who saw the trailer introducing John Bishop as 'Dan' and immediately went, "Hooray! A new Doctor! She's leaving at last! The status quo can be regained!"

I daresay time will tell.

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I don't see John Bishop taking over - that's wishful thinking. He seems to love stand-up too much to leave it for a considerable amount of time. And I don't think TPTB are willing to fall back into the standard Doctor Who mold. I've not been a fan of 13 not because of Jodie but because of the writing for the Doctor. If it's true I'll definitely look out for her in other projects which she'll hopefully get in abundance.

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2 hours ago, MissLucas said:

I don't see John Bishop taking over - that's wishful thinking. He seems to love stand-up too much to leave it for a considerable amount of time. And I don't think TPTB are willing to fall back into the standard Doctor Who mold. I've not been a fan of 13 not because of Jodie but because of the writing for the Doctor. If it's true I'll definitely look out for her in other projects which she'll hopefully get in abundance.

Oh, there's no way John Bishop is taking over, he was clearly introduced in the trailer as a new companion. I was talking about how the article suggesting Whittaker might be leaving might have been inspired not by any legitimate information source but simply by a lazy journalist seeing an outpouring of wishful thinking on the part of a bunch of middle-aged fans on social media, who saw Bishop's trailer and immediately leapt to the conclusion that he simply must be a new Doctor ('middle-aged white man? What else could he be? Hooray, the age of the female is over!' and so on), and spinning an article out of nothing more than that. I meant, time will tell if Whittaker really is leaving or not (and who replaces her, if she is).

I've also not been much of a fan of 13, just because the writing for her is so weak, although I did enjoy her sunny nature a great deal in the beginning, but I've always liked Whittaker as an actress so would like her to stay - but with better writing!

Alas, I felt the same way about Smith and Capaldi's Doctors, both...

Edited by Llywela
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I always take news from British papers with a grain of salt but wouldn't be surprised if it's true.  I haven't been a fan of 13 either.  Not because of Jodie but the character is written so weakly and seems to be cribbing off of 10 and 11.  It's damning that the writing for Jo Martin's Doctor has been so much better in such a short amount of time.

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On 1/2/2021 at 4:20 PM, WatchrTina said:

I just tried to watch what I thought was "Rose" and instead it was "Rosa" (the Rosa Parks episode.)  That was a very good episode but also a very upsetting one and I am not in the right state of mind to watch it.  (Sigh.)

Oh! My bad.

I just scrolled through the episodes and "assumed" it was ROSE --- not ROSA << I too will not re-watch that ep.

I did notice that they did NOT rerun any eps from #9's season.

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I thought I remembered that Chris had sold the bbc on a five year plan (and this link backs that up).  Presumably that means five full seasons- if so, it would feel weird for Jodie to depart in the middle of it.  But, three seasons seems to be the standard tenure, so I guess it’s possible.

Personally, I feel different about her potentially leaving than I did about Peter or Matt at this point in their runs.  Mostly, I just don’t know if one more season is enough to follow up on: what they set up in the timeless children, whatever they have planned for Yaz, and introducing the new guy- never mind the regular episode stories.

In any case, if a regeneration is coming I’m sure bbc will make a big deal about it.  Until then, I’m more concerned about them being able to complete the episodes, than whatever comes after.

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1 hour ago, Chyromaniac said:

I thought I remembered that Chris had sold the bbc on a five year plan (and this link backs that up).  Presumably that means five full seasons- if so, it would feel weird for Jodie to depart in the middle of it.  But, three seasons seems to be the standard tenure, so I guess it’s possible.

Personally, I feel different about her potentially leaving than I did about Peter or Matt at this point in their runs.  Mostly, I just don’t know if one more season is enough to follow up on: what they set up in the timeless children, whatever they have planned for Yaz, and introducing the new guy- never mind the regular episode stories.

In any case, if a regeneration is coming I’m sure bbc will make a big deal about it.  Until then, I’m more concerned about them being able to complete the episodes, than whatever comes after.

Chibnall should be able to continue his arc with the next Doctor easily enough; after all, in spite of a different body and personality, they are the same person with the same memories. If so, hopefully it means he won’t have to try to cram all the arc into S13 and it will leave the viewers intrigued enough (assuming enough are) to want to watch how it goes with the next Doctor

I should note, I don’t think Chibnall himself has said his plan spans x years or y number of seasons, so we don’t really know exactly how long he planned for. I for one expected him to get his arc done as quickly as he could and leave to get back to his own projects, and that he and Jodie would leave together. So I was surprised that it looks like Jodie will be out the door before him but I think he’ll manage fine with a new Doctor. That’s assuming of course he’s really staying

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Yeah, despite the number of media outlets latching onto this rumour, it is still nothing but a rumour, which has been denied by the BBC, so I wouldn't get too worked up about it just yet, not until something official is announced.

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It will be interesting to see what the ratings will be after a few more episodes. Heelvsbabyface mentioned that the 2021 New Year's Day episode  had about 500,000 less viewers compared to 2020 New Year's Day episode.  Chibnall's writing just isn't working , RTD was a much better writer and I miss all the great music by Murray Gold. 

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Trailer for S24 collection is up.

I’ll have to watch later. I think I watched all of the stories save for the first one. I’d classify this under “tough sell,” but if you bring out all the bells and whistles, the fans will go for it.

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Interesting tweet that just popped up.

And apparently Patrick Troughton wanted to play the Doctor in blackface.

While we can give the old run some flack for what it got wrong, it could have been so much worse.

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Doctor Who Magazine's April issue (available starting April 1) will have an exclusive interview with 9th Doctor Christopher Eccleston. He apparently hasn't talked to them since 2004. I assume this will probably be mostly about his Big Finish audio work

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The BBC's Comic Relief show is next Friday evening, March 19


There apparently is a Doctor Who sketch on the Casualty set with Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill in doctor's scrubs. Apparently hush hush


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