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Everything posted by indeed

  1. I don't see the logic in that...and neither does Denise. (Ha.) Sure, many (including me) are assuming Dwight actually intended to shoot Daryl instead of Denise. If that's true and if he's not so good yet with a crossbow, he was taking one huge chance trying to just wound Daryl to return the favor or spare him. I do think it makes sense that Negan would pick someone healthy to have his message be the most effective when he kills that person.
  2. They do have a bathroom downstairs.
  3. Too bad they had to show that by also having her leave the door open to an ongoing reno when she has a wandering toddler on the same floor.
  4. I'm getting tired of Cam not wanting to admit when Mitchell may have a point. Apparently, though, Gloria isn't much better. I guess the key to a successful marriage according to MF is lying and hiding the truth. Ha ha. Now, hopefully, Andy and Haley will stay on the same page. They've always been out of sync or misunderstood where the other one was coming from. Yay, Claire and Phil made it to Emerald City! I mean, Paris... No needy kids this time.
  5. Aaron is the red-shirty-ist of them all. If it turns out to be him, that's probably going to turn a lot of people off. Although, I do like his character and I wouldn't want him to go--especially since it would be another Alexandrian bites the dust. And really, why is he there (not to mention Carl, but I guess he was there as a Lucille witness in the comics?)??
  6. Well, with Gwen, apparently Rhys is included for free. BOGO. Yes, whole team!
  7. Ah, sorry, you're right. That was for season 2's finale. So, never mind. IIRC (ha) Talking Dead has had more than three guests before, so it's possible they could squeeze in an appearance by somebody (else?) who dies that isn't Daryl, but yeah, that would be very crowded on that couch for the finale.
  8. True. No death(s) required. ETA: Finale to be 90 minutes.
  9. It's not that fake-out death, but the way TPTB handled the situation. Would they kill Daryl without anything close to the kid glove treatment they did over Glenn (and he didn't even die)? Gimple immediately reassured fans and SY even had a special message to the fans, but oh well any other main character that may actually die--your fans have the hiatus to get over it. Kirkman will be sure to say something super insensitive sitting next to NR during TD if Daryl is the death. So, the antics alone make me more than ready for Glenn's death. That was beyond ridiculous for the show where anybody can die!
  10. What would be the point in all the stupid game playing and hand-holding regarding Glenn's "death" if they're just going to kill a different main character? Other than pissing off fans, of course. Ugh. Laurie Holden was on the couch with the EP/showrunner and Kirkman for the season 3 season 2 finale...so maybe Daryl is definitely going to die next season!
  11. Enjoyed the guests tonight. Josh is always entertaining. So, Kirkman, Gimple, and Reedus for the finale? Oh boy...
  12. He seemed to be jealous of the Doctor, but also in a bit of awe over him when actually interacting with him. He was very deferential IIRC, but then he was also calling Gwen "Ma'am", which he never did before, so that's more on RTD's writing in The Stolen Earth. ETA: No one really seemed all that anti-Doctor at Torchwood 1 when he was there during the Canary Wharf episodes, so I doubt Ianto really considered him an enemy or anything like the rules stated.
  13. The new audio books had the actress who played Yvonne in a story. It'd be nice if they would come out with another one with both Ianto and Yvonne so we could get some Ianto backstory and more adventures with Torchwood 1. There is so much story potential for those days that Ianto could have his own series, whether audio or regular book!
  14. Has Modern Family Hit the Proverbial Sitcom Wall? I think he could have been far more critical to try to prove his point. (Nothing wrong with Gloria? Seriously?! She hasn't changed since the early seasons and maybe not always for the better?)
  15. JB Smoove was not that bad. I was more worried about Alana going in based on her last appearance, but she was fine here. Ross is always a delight (and should be on TWD more!). After reading people here comparing him to Manson (seriously?!), I was expecting a lot worse from JB. Sure, some of his jokes were terrible, but he wasn't taking himself seriously and he only talked when he was directly addressed. He also was pretty superfluous with two cast members there, but apparently they feel the need for three people on that couch. (I like Nathan Fillion and all, but he didn't add much IMO either in his episode.)
  16. Apparently, a lot of Tobin and Carol interaction must've happened over the two months it wasn't important enough to show...
  17. Recently, Eve Myles said she was done with Gwen (Twitter). People were wondering what that meant.
  18. Yes, GDL/Ianto had one of his very own. Didn't get to interact with anyone but a new character, though. Don't know if he'll be in series 2 at all. Personally, I wish they were more like the BBC radio plays with all the cast members interacting. I haven't been interested enough by the descriptions to buy one of the new ones.
  19. Haley is a 22-year-old (or really close to it) assistant and constantly doing errands for her boss. I'm sure she's capable of feeding herself and picking up dry cleaning because she probably has to do that for him. No excuse for not being able to pick up a dress. Wonder how it got to the dry cleaners in the first place? Yes, that plot should have had better examples in it. (Am I the only bothered by Claire throwing out perfectly good food when she decided to make the sandwiches herself?)
  20. Could Carol and Daryl end up on their own? It would be nice if Carol and Daryl got to do something bad-ass together. Have they even had a scene together where they interacted all season? If Daryl does get shot by his own crossbow, Lucille-d, or some other type of killed I hope they get to interact in some meaningful way one last time. Rick and Daryl got to have their Butch and Sundance moment, so come on show.
  21. Luke was a bit "different" long before he became a teenager.
  22. Cam and Mitch: worst parents/guardians ever. Like all of those parents would let their kids go out in a storm like that...and then into a pool during a lightning storm?! Probably, since nobody bothered to check on their kids...free night, woo!It looks like Luke stepped on a rake or something and got hit by the pole, so just the one earlier time with lightning (ouch). Didn't they say he was also dropped when a baby? There could be a few reasons for the Luke we have (ha).
  23. Don't forget the very recent idiotic oops! moment of Gloria's very special recipe falling in a glass of water because Cam (or was it Mitch?--either way it was still dumb) wanted to see it. (Of course, an oldie but goodie was Phil squishing the baseball card over and over again because Manny stupidly tased him.)
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