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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Aww, it was cute when the grandmas scared him and he ran off to mommy. LOL Too bad we won't get to see Tony on The Voice. No acting required!
  2. What am I forgetting? When did Torchwood go to the moon? What cast? All new team? Old members? Would be more excited about this if it wasn't just all about JB/JH in the announcement. (But I guess I should be glad for now there isn't any mention of one Gwen Cooper.) So, this is what was hinted at earlier--not BBC Radio, but Big Finish. Don't know if there will still be a radio play, but this makes more sense. (Or are these still going to air on BBC Radio?)
  3. How is got his start as Doogie Howser NPH more of a traditional song and dance man than DC? And if he really is, why is that a disadvantage? Whatever, Darren. It is true he's not a stranger to screaming his face off...and that's not necessarily a good thing.
  4. I think that was in the back of the motel, though. Don't remember any references to its existence on the show...yet (unless I'm forgetting something? I've been waiting patiently...).Yay, Bradley's back. Ugh. This better be worth it... More exciting--the car is back! Rocking chair. Hee! Also way more exciting than Bradley's return.
  5. Wow, that is impressive! ;)Poor Darren. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of Glee.
  6. That guy was a jerk. I was kinda hoping when he was all 'do what you gotta do, I'll leave you to it' when they took the woman for some "fun" that inmate was going to take him away for the same treatment. He would've been singing a different tune. Ass. Now the sister's supposedly "special"? She was all worried about T leading them to her. Great. (It seemed like more than just worried about being able to convincingly act surprised and innocent that she has a serial killer for a brother.) There really was no point in having Max or Mike around this episode...
  7. Is S2 good? I have them all DVRed. I figured I'd wait until all of the upcoming season finales are all over and then dive in since I haven't had a chance to watch them when they originally aired recently on BBC America. I haven't even watched the new Orphan Black yet. *gasp*
  8. Sounds like the Scream series. A few core people survive and we follow one in particular to different places.
  9. Not thrilled about potential Dylan and Emma. Bro code, literally. First, Bradley, now Emma? Norman has enough issues (understatement).Dylan needs to widen his social circle. (Although, if those two survive the series and get the hell away from there, I won't be disappointed.) Anyway, with two more seasons, I was hoping Caleb would change his mind and do the run for Dylan since he was the one who was originally going to do it, but the thought didn't seem to cross Uncle Daddy's mind...yet. I guess gun running could be a very special father/son bonding experience. Loved the beginning. Uh, Norma, bad song choice...
  10. Oh, geez. I was kidding. Next guesses then, he didn't want to top that Dream On performance? He made a smart decision? He was too busy living in an unreal world?
  11. This whole thing is ridiculous IMO. I think some have missed the mark... Oh, it can be a job...just not a real job. Anyway, too bad Bryan Ryan never came back! But I guess NPH didn't like to "work" that hard.
  12. Sure, NPH doesn't know anything about the television environment, learning choreography, participating in live and taped musical performances, or working long hours. Such a bad example to use. Maybe we need to wait and see what Geraldo Rivera thinks instead. Of course, the Glee actors had to do way more than the average television cast. Probably didn't get paid enough, either.
  13. Well, it is possible the writers gave more than one explanation for Luke's name. Sitcoms play fast and loose with facts when there is an opportunity for a joke. OK, so it was Jay's father-in-law, according to this site. (It's in Season 2, Episode 10.) Close enough.
  14. I think Phil said they named Luke after one of Jay's relatives (father?) who wasn't very nice. Don't remember what season that was, though.
  15. A lot of that is work not done during Glee. As disorganized as the show was, I have no trouble believing it was hard to fit in other work at times, even with everyone's blessings. Or maybe they were so inexperienced in the ways of TV shows they thought they had grueling schedules and will soon realize Glee all those years--including the tour years--was really just a cakewalk. While he could be exaggerating a tad, I hardly think they're liars.
  16. A reboot of Three's Company with zany antics galore? RM may get inspired by The Odd Couple reboot... (I'm assuming that's doing well enough?)I think DD said jokingly very recently that they couldn't stand each other at times on the series, like siblings or something, but they're definitely on friendly terms and it's all good. I'm sure ypthey got along well enough while doing their jobs...in very damp situations for the first few years.
  17. Yeah, that part did kind of stand out. ;)
  18. Me, too. LOL He'd be perfect as an adult Christopher Robin, as long as they're not going too old with it (like Robin Williams as a grown-up Peter Pan in Hook)--and there'd be a good chance of some singing. But, yeah, not holding my breath...
  19. Fans are clamoring for CC to be cast as live-action adult Christopher Robin and/or live-action Pinocchio. He's probably just as perfect for them (maybe more so CR--he may be a bit too old for Pinocchio, except he can still look about 15 in some recent pics) as he was for Peter Pan, so naturally, he probably won't seriously be a contender for either.
  20. Well, yes, an actor would have to have a pretty healthy ego (or be a serious glutton for punishment) to put him/herself through the audition process over and over and over again.And now I'm thinking of Joey Tribbiani acting when being Al Pacino's butt double...he tried to make the most of it! LOL I think the term "hate" gets bandied about a bit too much when sometimes the conversation just gets critical. And a disproportionate amount of hate? There may be a few posters that side-eye DC at times, but I don't see a lot of hate around here.
  21. Yup. Although, the actor doesn't necessarily have to be good, but some must approach their characters that way regardless of the quality of writing or the plot direction.
  22. Chris didn't want Kurt to be a writer, either. How dare he not think that was a brilliant idea!
  23. Probably, but don't some neighborhoods have noise ordinances? And you might need a permit to put one of those things in your backyard in the first place. Or, being a home owner, maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.
  24. He removed his hat at least once--when Hilary mentioned being able to plug a hair dryer in when the wiring was fixed. That guy did mention needing a skate park for his studies. I usually FFW to Hilary and David doing the walk-through because the intro is so long and I can usually get all of the same into a few times throughout the episode, but needing skateboarding studies made me go "Huh?" He was annoying about it--especially since there was a skate park nearby--but I guess the neighbors are OK with it. I would think/hope he would need some kind of approval first. Skateboarding is loud. At least Eric was't annoying in this episode--the couple handled that enough. (That upstairs bathroom didn't look that bad to me and $85K only goes so far.) The love it and list it skateboard tops were cute.
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