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Everything posted by indeed

  1. More likely Abraham, I would think...but I don't pay much attention to him and his attire. Can, sure. Will? SWC still had her name in the credits for season 3, way after Lori was dead, so this missing credit for SY just seems like a bad fake-out. Even if Glenn is really dead, they've already admitted that there will be more Glenn story to tell, so th actor will be around (like SWC).
  2. There Is a promo for the Wednesday night Halloween block on ABC, but all shows except MF are announced to be new.
  3. Merle, for a couple seasons (closest comparison). Morgan, for a couple seasons. That family that chose not to go to the CDC (glorified extras, though). Don't remember if there are any non-season 1 examples.
  4. Another positive review of Fall to Earth (claims better than first story)...and another review (doesn't really add anything new from other reviews, just also recommends).
  5. They could have had the doctor come back to see if Phil was still there to repay him? And then obviously decide not to after Phil gets the kids to dump garbage in his car. (Was there a decent reason why those boys were there in the first place? When Haley had "community service" it was court appointed. Phil just volunteered on a school day?) They have shown Claire doing well in the job, too--working on contracts, getting work and dealing with clients--but she's just inept at the office...or when an episode needs it, I guess.
  6. A mint chocolate chip ice cream cake would not be the worst kind of cake...except for work, of course. There could be health reasons that would keep a lot of people from having some and, yes, freezer issues. Not planning a kid's birthday party there, Claire. From the perspective of an eight (?) year old, Cam doesn't make much, but Lily is hardly a reliable judge of salaries. And they probably do have a challenge stretching a decent salary in that household, what with buying the upstairs, Mitch having iffy employment opportunities, and other expenses (like locker decorations--doubt Cam is reimbursed for that--and party supplies)--cheap cereal days aside. Eh to this episode. Yeah, why aren't the kids in school (in Haley's case, work)--except for any other daughters other than Claire's?? I guess Jay wasn't very close to Herm either or else he could've shown up for his retirement party. The party was moved up because of the cake, but the pre-school might've gotten out early. I thought Cam was supposed to be compassionate Mr. Nice Guy? Not when a party with his friends is on the line, apparently. And Cam had been doing so well not annoying me this season...
  7. I don't know if the BF series is canon, but it supposedly has his blessing or whatever. Story takes places in series 1 time so I'm assuming nothing is really affected anyway. better lead to Ianto's eventual resurrection. Then maybe I'll spend money and not just read reviews/articles. ;)
  8. A review of Fall to Earth (with Ianto!). 1.2 was released this week.
  9. Why did it look like (to me anyway) that Dylan was still living there? Last episode, Claire gave him one night and then he was supposed to hit the road. Why is Luke just now getting driving lessons? Last episode, he supposedly drove with Manny to Alex's school? (Speaking of...where was Alex? Poor gal didn't even get a mention.) What happened to Luke wanting to do the duck eggs project with his dad? Liked Phil and Lily bonding. Jealous Phil over the ducklings imprinting with Claire instead. Ha. (Really would rather forget seeing Phil squatting over the eggs...)
  10. I think they missed an opportunity for an unfiltered (as usual) Phil story from his cheerleading days--assuming the male cheerleaders also had to partake in the tradition.
  11. I thought Alex and Sanjay would've lasted a little longer than episode three, but oh well! They didn't beat the odds, and it was nice that Luke stayed and comforted her. Knew Dylan would be in the bed even though I didn't think it was still going to be the same night Claire laid down the law. So, Luke and Manny are old enough to drive (legally) now? Scary. And yes, Lily does seem a lot older now. I usually like it when Phil is the big protective dad, but this time with Haley and Dylan just seemed too much of been there, done that. Wow, so far Cam hasn't annoyed me once yet this season. That's a record! Jay and his rival totally ruined the word "deal" for Mitch...and me! LOL Gloria goes by "Mrs. Delgado-Pritchett"? I guess that would make sense so she shares the same last name as both her children, but I don't remember her going by that.
  12. "I know it's underhanded, but that's the way I throw." - Mitchell (4x10)
  13. Andy may have been in the house (as a part-time manny now?), but Jay ate the last cronut, according to Honest Joe. Luke and Lily better be careful around him now!
  14. I don't recall the entire clan being at Luke's soccer game (the one where Phil missed it, but Claire caught it and Luke did so well) or all of Manny's football games (does he even play anymore?--I can't remember if he quit or not). It does seem a bit unreasonable that they all have to go to EVERYTHING and now have agreed to only miss one a year (not even per kid, right?). Sitcom logic. I liked Claire being bent out of shape that Jay, Gloria, and the kids were all at the pool and Jay reminded her it was their pool. Seriously, Claire.
  15. At least Claire didn't wind up getting the housekeeper deported like Luke did...
  16. Because Jay got him to call him that in the episode where Joe mistakenly called Andy "Dada".I guess the duck isn't coming back to her nest... ETA: Correction, Joe said "Jay" on his own after Jay was trying to get him to identify him as his dad earlier and I guess it just stuck (S5 episode "And One To Grow On").
  17. Cam and Mitch might adopt and older child, but I doubt any of the other couples will. The show might end its run with Claire and Phil becoming grandparents, though. The lighting on Ed O'Neill in the opening credits is not flattering IMO. That family looks like it's wearing him out.
  18. Not every pretty girl. He did miss one--Alex. Way to go, Leonard!(Speaking of Sheldon's assistant, whatever happened to her?) Didn't Leonard say something about Penny's beautiful nature? I know he started off mentioning how beautiful she was, but I thought he eventually got to other non-physical attributes. So, there probably wasn't time in the premiere for Emily/Raj focus, but not even a reference in episode 2? By the promo, next week's might not bring up the subject, either. I guess everything is fine for now since it's really only been a couple days. Yeah, Amy needs to get another boyfriend (who is NOT Stuart). Bring back Zack! ;)
  19. I'm calling it now--DC is that red devil mask killer. They're so clever! (J/K--don't watch the show.) Lea has been doing tons of press for this. She, ER, and RM (and sometimes JLC) are constantly on On Demand talking about the show.
  20. We're finally going to get some "Tosh" and "Gwen" interaction...sort of. Naoko and Eve are voicing a Halloween story on BBC Radio 4.
  21. I know. That's why Lily said it and why I tossed it out there as a suggestion. i was trying to remember something "clever" from the episode (other than supposedly the whole Van Gogh thing). I don't remember anything. Maybe they postponed it so Alex could spend time with her new boyfriend she only planned to date until college started and so Claire could comfort/reconnect with broken-hearted Haley. Or I missed it. Or they did that in non-referenced August. They should have known. Mitch and/or Cam should have said something. Claire could have mentioned it, along with Andy, the super-efficient nanny, and Manny, the worries about almost everything big brother. But I guess, while they see each other constantly, nobody talks to each other on this show when there's a plot to reuse.
  22. There was another one for September. They skipped August. Something clever? I guess I missed it, too... Lily wanting to save the used aluminum foil?
  23. I like them both, too, so I Enjoyed getting to see them both. And they even got to meet. But, please, show, NO long drawn-out "love triangle" (er, rectangle). I liked that they got along so well this episode (except for the "Hey, Dylan!" moment in the mall. Oops!) I think there was a month placard somewhere between those two scenes. I thought Andy might've noticed Haley's haircut since it had been a while since they had seen each other, but I guess not. Typical guy. ;) And yes, Claire and Haley do have the same cut--how cute!
  24. They also already did the 'get a job!' for the Pritchett-Tucker storyline. So, they changed it up. Wow. Sorry, I like Haley and Andy. I was hoping they would've resolved it somewhat in this episode, but apparently "Fat Andy" lives on...
  25. Torchwood Q&A with James Goss (Big Finish Torchwood Producer)
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