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Everything posted by indeed

  1. How switching schools to sing more may result in singing less. How to tell your new beau that he's just a friend (hint: complete avoidance of the issue!). "I just got slapped by my high school principal, but bygones!" Too many choir directors, not enough time actually glee clubbing it. Dealing with choir directors who don't bother to get to know their members and aren't afraid to admit to it. Mixing the unflattering blazer uniform look when trying to maintain the last-second put together "but we have heart!" vibe that wins competitions. Dating way, way, way, way out of your age group. Proposing to your high school sweetheart ex just because he's been sending a few texts lately and, well, it seems like everyone else is getting married so why not?! Graduates who just won't move on from high school. Sniffing jock straps. Being susceptible to hypnosis. Getting paid to teach students stuff you probably never bothered to learn in high school yourself...the year before. Dating someone other than your twin sister. Getting locked in an "elevator" with an ex and a bathroom. The entire high school becomes a vomitorium.
  2. Where did Max's female partner go? That's her backup, but no--must've made a Starbucks run. And, uh, yeah, even if the servers go down all the time, go with the guy! Sheesh.
  3. Ron Wasserman (does music for the show) confirmed the episode (6x20) featuring Carol Burnett and Chris Colfer will be “All About Elka” and will air on 6th May 2015 (latest episode with info on IMDB). I think that's the series finale. IMDB has the season going until 6x24, which would air in June. That site is not always accurate, though.
  4. Yes, I thought the same thing earlier. Nice to see he hasn't been scared off (especially after seeing that one picture of Kurt's head on Rachel's body AHHH! LOL). We may also be getting a bit of a singing opportunity courtesy of HIC.
  5. Yes, but I still want him as Evil Pinocchio on Grimm! LOL
  6. Chris and Sir Ian on the couch...
  7. Well, I wouldn't think it'd be the best fit either, just that IIRC Kevin said something about Glee people maybe making an appearance. Anyway, I'd rather see him on Graham Norton or something.
  8. Well, yes, but not every talk show has him playing silly games, so that's what I want to see--an opportunity for CC to have some fun. A lot of the times, he's just saying the same things to different people (because they ask him the same questions). I wonder if he'll pop up on Kevin's UK show--you would think there's a good chance of that, but I don't know about the timing...or, um, quality. ;)
  9. I figured they'd bring him back for at least one more episode of HIC, since it is the last season. I would've liked another appearance on Hollywood Game Night, though, too. Oh well. Maybe he'll go on Jimmy Fallon again in the summer and play a game then.
  10. You have to take into account Chris' hair, too. That style adds a few extra inches. With poor Blaine's gelmet, Kurt seems even taller!
  11. Kurt should have gotten a new therapist. too bad RM didn't buy the right to this. I'd pay to see CC and DC act out George and Marshall?...Marcus? on stage. Maybe DC's acting would come across better on stage without any close-ups to tempt me to burst out laughing. Yes! And so many do it! Ergh.
  12. I don't know if that was directed at my comments, but I'm not saying Kurt was in the wrong for accepting the proposal, just that he wasn't completely blindsided by Blaine, so Kurt accusing him in that scene didn't seem quite fair. it was completely a great big manipulation by everyone involved, but the writers made sure Kurt knew what he was doing when he said yes and Kurt did look VERY happy doing so at the time.
  13. Kurt didn't even have to pull Blaine aside after the proposal. He knew where his dad was driving and, most importantly, what his dad was driving him to. He could have just bailed on Blaine (or sent him a nicely worded text) instead of allowing himself to get swept away with the grand gesture and thinking everything would just work out...because. So, yeah, I'm glad they cut out Kurt accusing Blaine there because Kurt knew what he was getting into (maybe not the lengths Blaine would go to, but certainly the intent)--although they could have worded that discussion better because in a fight, yeah, that grandiose proposal two seconds after they got back together would probably have come up. They should have left Kurt's voiceover in, though, because come on! Blaine was dating frickin' Karofsky!?! It shouldn't have taken Sue in the last episode for that to be brought up (and Blaine still gave a WTF look--seriously, Blaine?!). Hmm...maybe they'll spend more money on other scripts. It could be amusing to see what else was cut... But the writers should probably be the ones paying so that no one sees any more of the terrible mess that is Glee writing than is already out there...
  14. You'd think Kurt might've said something when his dad was diagnosed with the same thing that took his mom.
  15. Was Sam really just stupid about one thing, though? I think in his case it's more like being smart in one thing doesn't make you smart about anything else...
  16. Although, at the end, there were plenty of show choirs to coach!
  17. Completely disagree. It was one of the many problems of season 4 (that continued into season 5) with little to no redeeming value whatsoever IMO. And then they had to make Blaine crush on Sam, like it wasn't bad enough. Some characters may be popular as supporting characters, but it doesn't mean they should be leads (I'm looking at you, too, Brittany). Of course, maybe if the two narratives were more of an even split, the sucky Lima leads and noobie storylines wouldn't have been as grating and off-putting. Oh well. Shoulda, coulda, woulda...
  18. Blaine looks really good in the future, even in that outfit. What the hell with Kurt's hair, though?
  19. That would probably be more satisfying than what we're going to get...
  20. Still, it is the series finale, so you'd think FOX could spare a bit of time on it. There might be a slight bump to .8 for the show to go out on! That said, I don't watch FOX that much, but I do remember seeing some promos for the 2-hour finale earlier this week. I guess the network just doesn't want to waste its hottest ad time (Empire) for its lamest show. Can't say I blame them... Although, Glee was good enough to use to promote Scream Queens. Bubble gum pop!
  21. Blaine could use his puppets for teaching moments! They'll be like Emma's pamphlets--a puppet for any occasion. I hope Blaine and Kurt don't have that many kids as it sounds at the end of that song! LOL. But yes, one or both of them could be leading some kind of school event that their kid(s) could be participating in. Either that or the scene ends with one or both of them declaring they're ready to start their brood. After all, the fans are getting everything they want!
  22. I'm still not sure if Puck didn't just rent an Air Force uniform from a costume shop or bought one off of the Internet for all of the time he's been loitering about Lima...
  23. I don't think the main "kid" leads were in any real danger of being dropped at the end of season 3. IMO that whole graduation/spin-off/what to do? period never had the option of getting rid of LM, CM, and CC.
  24. Oh, yes, how could I forget the gold pants. Certainly more impressive than Sam's shorts.
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