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Everything posted by indeed

  1. I think it had potential to work if it was executed better, starting in season 3 with the setup. As has been mentioned before, they could have done a better job introducing new characters that would eventually get more focus when some people graduated. Only giving the main graduates a few minutes of screen time in NYC and centering mainly on new characters no one really cared about that weren't exactly original, and essentially ditching characters people did care about started the mess. The split narrative could have worked INO if it was a true, balanced split. Spending time at McKinley just so they could get their Blam on and run around in circles singing while the potential for new and interesting stories in NYC was wasted didn't do the show any favors.
  2. Plus, there's some kind of alternate ending online for HIMYM that makes it easier to ignore the official ending.
  3. Well, yes, I was kidding about that, but some musical with them singing as leads. But I wouldn't put it past these writers. Rachel and Kurt on Broadway probably wouldn't happen because Kurt's story has to be about him and Blaine, apparently (adopting Fettucine Alfredo? Ugh, what a name LOL). We haven't heard about Bomer being in the wedding episode, but a cut to Cooper being away doing more of his "acting" could be funny. I hope they at least make a reference to Cooper.
  4. I hope they wouldn't be just bringing Jesse back to be VA head coach again. In a pinch, sure. But as the end of his story? He did that already, why does everyone have to go back to what they already did? It would be nice if Rachel gave Jesse a pep talk/intervened somehow (like he did for her with Carmen) to help him so that he's not stuck in perpetual high school hell for the rest of his career. Jesse and Rachel starring in a revival of Spring Awakening on Broadway could be the last shot. They like to pull from real life for "inspiration", after all. ;)
  5. Because her lack of screen time and story focus was the reason for the ratings slipping? I mean, there can't possibly be any other reason why they're now in 1+ million territory...
  6. In your opinion. Finn graduated McKinley and immediately left Lima for the Army and then when that didn't work out, he traveled, then wound up back in Lima. Sam graduated McKinley and went straight to NYC where he couch-surfed for a few months, became a model, and then decided to return to Lima. Both roughly the same amount of time away from Lima, both returning due to plot necessity. So, really, Sam's situation--shocker!--is not that different than Finn's. If Sam decides to make a legit career out of coaching, he could wind up taking the same path as Finn--college then full-time as a teacher/coach--you just know with all the pairing off going on Karofsky and Sheldon could run off together and leave the permanent position just waiting for Sam! But, since it's Glee, no higher education or actual experience is needed for Sam at all to take over the dangerous sport of football. And this is the last season with only a few episodes left, so Sam can decide to do whatever the hell the writers want him to do, no matter what he's said or done in the past (that goes for every character!).It was brought up many times that Kurt and Rachel lived 45 minutes outside of Downtown NYC, so I think everyone is aware that there is life outside of NYC (there's even *gasp* New Jersey)...except maybe Carrie Bradshaw.
  7. I think his Emmy win is slightly more impressive (and yes other nominations for stuff over many years)...but that isn't the point you're making. Just giving him a shout-out!Anyway, I think Sam and Spencer have more chemistry. And the look that would be on Blaine's face?? Priceless. LOL
  8. No thank you to that either. I'd rather Rachel sing and Sam just accompanies her on piano or guitar (or not be there at all). Rachel and Sam singing at and to each other (especially if playing piano in a moving vehicle type setups are involved--ugh) does not an interesting romantic relationship make IMO.
  9. There had better be at least one Kurt solo this season. I guess that's one (only) good thing about Kurt never being able to break free from Blaine's orbit (as long as it's a true duet), or else he'd barely get to sing except in group songs. You would think Rachel and Kurt would have a duet at some point considering they're co-directors of a glee club. Plenty of opportunities. They could've easily had a singing version of their little struggles for equal leadership time. But who needs comedy if it doesn't involve Sue hijinks.
  10. Apologies if this has been posted already...
  11. Wet Hot American Summer was so absurd, I could see them easily doing a prequel with aged actors and not bothering with any explanation. Can't wait!
  12. Or Romy. Is she back only for the wedding?
  13. Copying over comments from 6x03 in relation to Kurt/Blaine/Karofsky and why Kurt's still into Blaine even after he found out about Dave and Blaine sitting in a tree...
  14. Yeah, the story might have been interesting if they did go a bit dark here. Kurt's not the only one who needs counseling. There are so many reasons why they broke up and Blaine had issues, but it doesn't seem like any of that is going to be addressed. Kurt misses what they used to be and Blaine seems to not be able to move past that idyllic version of them as a couple (Warbler/Lima Bean fantasy musical sequence that didn't even attempt to try to make Kurt's hair look like it was back then). Then, mix in the Karofsky baggage and Blaine moving fast in a new relationship that seems to be going smoothly when it was just bump after bump after bump with the two "epic" lovers. So, Kurt still needs convincing to move on. Ugh. But the heart wants what it wants... Double ugh. ETA: Copied my comments over to the relationship thread.
  15. Ringer? I believe that was initially developed for CBS, but it was decided it would be a better fit on the CW. And after watching it...yeah, not a CBS show.
  16. Yes, the faculty judges/advisors (and didn't this issue go further up the chain?) shouldn't have been so wishy-washy and gotten the two in contention involved. But at least they didn't decide to go with the third choice like the principal did with valedictorian. Stooopid.
  17. Oh, I was just joking. I don't ACTUALLY want that...but I DO want Jesse St. James back, even if it's just a quick scene.
  18. Now a Sam solo with Sam singing "Jesse's Girl" (yes, I know it's been done, but supposedly he's "Finn 2.0" and it would be a callback to season 1) I wouldn't mind, if Jesse St. James comes back and runs into one Miss Rachel Berry (preferably on the Broadway stage--literally or not). I thought Kurt expressed an interest in Bacharach songs and they would suit him, so naturally, he's not featured. I guess last year was enough.
  19. Yes, what the world needs now...is a Sam solo. Sure.
  20. Although the people in the choir room old and new seemed a bit concerned when Hummelberry was out of alignment in the beginning. But co-directing with those two was bound to have some bumps in the road.
  21. It'll be funny if HH's character uses an old Clash of the Titans era picture to misrepresent himself to Kurt. Not too shabby for an older guy.
  22. Or because, you know, he's better. (Kidding!)
  23. I also think a bad makeover is a bit blown out of proportion, but no, it wasn't a nice thing for Kurt to do. Kurt has his moments where he was a bit mischievous and calculating. I guess I'm a bad person for missing S1 Kurt. Wasn't it more to do with viewing Rachel as a romantic rival? I don't think he did it for sh!ts and giggles, but to sabotage her chances with Finn ('cause he was a bit delusional he had a chance there). Not that that's any better. Understatement. LOL
  24. Low bar--that was pretty, pretty, pretty bad.
  25. One word : Sunshine. Three words: not a friend. Therefore, doesn't count. I think that only goes so far. If it's something soooo uncool like glee club at McKinley apparently was, even the cool kids like quarterback and head cheerleader couldn't make it cool.ETA: So? I realize that. Being one of the ones to pick up on your "good plan" comment and respond, I assumed I was in the mix, so I responded again.
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