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Everything posted by indeed

  1. I don't know...he did some zany things in season 5. I didn't think I saw his name or any Glee nom candidates in the PCA voting rounds. I guess that's impressive as a write-in choice...or somebody has a lot of time on their hands...
  2. That sounds like an awful lot of attention given to new characters when we still haven't gotten much or anything on the original characters. I wish they would have gone back to the church crew after the Beth only episode. Two weeks in a row with focus on characters I couldn't care less about--yippee.
  3. Yeah, the writing for the episode really laid it on thick with Beth is a burden, she's not anybody worth anything...whoops! Watch out for Beth, she CAN handle herself! Then TD "trained by Daryl" and is she on the level of Rick like Beth is really some badass. CH was the only one, too, who felt the need to bring up Daryl and Beth multiple times. It didn't sound to me like EK was being all lovey-dovey with mentioning Daryl there, so whatever there, Hardwick.EK certainly talked a lot and JB for the most part restrained himself (for JB!), but boy, she needs to work on finding her words to get her point and thoughts across. Most of her talking was just kind of clunky. CH had to work a bit there with her. I hope Carol and Beth do team up and cause trouble! But TD will probably say it's because they're Daryl's ladies.
  4. They listed, even after being adamant about keeping the dining room-turned-master bedroom on the first floor with a small living room and big kitchen (and the dining room in the basement).
  5. No, when AJW was describing how AL prepares and acting/vocal tricks (like moaning?) he did gesture over toward Slash and said something like "Well, you know". It didn't seem like he was referring to MLR, who is an actress and "would know", so maybe Slash has observed/been on set as a fan? I don't know, but I went huh? over that, too. (I believe that happened separately from the whole Slash and his hat on TWD "discussion".)
  6. He did that to set up showing the prop on the coffee table, so I didn't have a problem with that. Sometimes as host he has to state some obvious or lame things to cover everything he has to get in.I really think that quiz segment takes way too long, especially the final tallying up of the points for the winner. I like the questions, but all of the other stuff...it's change the channel time fodder. MLR said some silly things (really, you've been away from 24 that long not to get how Jack Bauer would react when asked?), but at least she seemed to know what she said was silly or bombed. She wasn't that bad, but maybe three people on the couch are way too much--especially when at least one is an actor from the show. Chris did take the effort to make sure Slash was included by directing questions at him; he just seemed very laid back. And honestly, the episode was mostly about AJW, which makes sense. It should be interesting next week. EK may have to put up a bit of a fight to get focus with John Barrowman and Ana Gasteyer both on the couch...and interacting with CH.
  7. Call me old-fashioned, but I like one S##.E## discussion thread for a particular episode. It's too messy with multiple threads for the same episode (and may be unnecessary if an episode turns out to not really have any GN references in it). If people want to talk about the graphic novel, they can go to the GN vs. show thread or use their words and spoiler tags appropriately to NOT spoil people with GN details that are different. Maybe the GN vs. show thread can be pinned to the top of the forum so people are aware of its existence (and will be encouraged to use it) along with a "read this" clarification thread on where to post and how if mixing GN details in an episode thread.
  8. So, this as a thread...why not? Just announced on Talking Dead, John Barrowman will be a celebrity fan/guest next Sunday. That should be interesting...
  9. That's my point. There is no reason for Jack to be connected; him hearing the music only gives him something to do in the story and it serves as eerie bookends. However, I think there is more "evidence" there than with Ianto. Just because Ianto heard what the Travelers did doesn't mean any more than they all have the ability to hear. If Ianto was supposed to have some special powers, than the writer should've done a better job conveying that IMO. As for Ianto coming across more emotional than usual on a case, I tend to see it the way Swansong suggested earlier:
  10. Because as Swansong suggested, it's a magical flask? We're dealing with people walking out of film who could steal breaths in the first place. Obviously, the flask is special. If Gwen had put it up to her ear, there's no reason to believe she wouldn't have heard they were calling out to her, too. I just don't think that action means Ianto's some kind of honorary Traveler. If that was an intentional implication of the script that only Ianto could have heard the last breaths because he was "touched" rather than he could hear sounds coming from the flask because he has ears then as I said at the start, the script could have used a rewrite or three IMO. I don't need everything spelled out for me, but until I rewatch it, I'm employing Occam's razor on this one...I guess we'll just agree to disagree for now. Ianto didn't come running back into Jack's office asking if he heard that, too, or he didn't remain in the scene for him and Jack to exchange looks over the snippet of sound. Which would suggest Ianto didn't hear it, only Jack did. How could that not make Jack special even if no one said he was? We witnessed twice Jack only hearing the music. Yes, he's an immortal time traveler from the 51st century so maybe his hearing just naturally picks up on weird things like that, but it's more likely just a little touch added to the script to make it more eerie.
  11. Swansong summed up how i feel about Ianto Captanne. I don't think he was like Radar even though you're right loads of fanfic does have him be empathic. I think he just noticed what was going on around him and he was extremely smart and learnt very quickly and could organise your socks off LOL ITA I must not be remembering some things...what did he do exactly like them? He caught the flask, held his hand over the top until Gwen put the cap back on, and held the flask up to his ear to see if they managed to save anyone's breath. If Jack or Gwen or Owen (was he even around after running into the main Traveler guy?) had caught the flask, it probably all would've played out the same way. Same here. I think we may have had the most discussion so far about this episode. Go figure. LOL
  12. Because the voice was calling out in the flask? Jack also heard the hurdy-gurdy music, doesn't mean he was touched.
  13. Immortality and betrayal and inevitable abandonment by death and whatnot may have been issues Jack had with committing to Ianto, but I'm not so sure they would have been issues with Gwen. With all the Gwack going on and seemingly wanted/seen by TPTB (until they said that was never the plan--ha!), I don't know if Jack would have the same issues. He couldn't have a normal life with her, but that didn't stop the endgame vibe of that potential pairing.
  14. It's been a while since I've seen it, but isn't Ianto the one holding the flask and putting it up to his ear? If Jack or Gwen had done that, maybe they'd be able to hear, too.
  15. When I first watched FOOTR I thought maybe they were going to do something with the Ianto being "touched" thing and it could be interesting, but nope.
  16. And they barely did that in this episode except for Gwen's "local knowledge" comment. Yeah, I just don't think they were intentionally making any real comment about their relationship. If Jack and Tosh had worked the case, it could have played out similarly. Where's the fun in that? LOLThis episode was just filler. With a couple tweaks it could have been inserted anywhere in S2.
  17. We saw plenty of Gwen in a personal sense. It would have been nice to see that for the other characters. We did see Jack and Ianto in a personal crisis while working...and it wasn't all that pretty IMO. Jack and Ianto work professionally and well together in FOOTR. Just like they would with the others. If you didn't know it, you wouldn't get that they were in any kind of a relationship in FOOTR. Which, yes, can be a comment on their relationship by not commenting on their relationship. At least the writer didn't feel like needing an outsider such as Christina commenting on them; unfortunately, can't say that in COE.
  18. Marcus lost control every now and then and Madison always wanted to go back to her parents or thought of her parents. So, I just think the alley was another time Marcus lost control for a bit--since there is no bond stronger than a kid and her parents, or whatever Madison said. They laid that particular groundwork throughout the episodes. Marcus made the same mistake countless screen villains had--he tipped his hand by blabbing too much.
  19. Well, that's a shame. They really don't need to renew it since it did have enough of an ending. I would like another season, though, but ouch. Those ratings are not pretty.
  20. I think there is plenty of evidence in the show (particularly in seasons 2 and 3) to support that. I'm pretty sure someone from the writers' room even made a comment about them doing that (I.e., having interchangeable characters)...but I can't remember the details, just being surprised someone would admit to that out loud. To build on what I started earlier about Gwen being more in the episode initially, I didn't mean it would have been a "Gwen episode" in the same way it was expected to be a "Ianto episode". I only mean that Gwen would have been featured more with lines and screen time in FOOTR, not that we'd learn more about Gwen. But it seemed people expected to actually learn more about Ianto in addition to him being featured more (like Tosh in GBG or TTLM). I believe GDL was the one who came up with giving that "I know it" line about Providence Park more emphasis than was intended because he like the viewers wanted more for Ianto. Let's face it, GDL was the only one most of the time trying to work the material for Ianto to add depth and layers to his character.
  21. I'd still like to know how that would work for an unborn baby so that Amy, Jack, and their baby can be reunited again. Is that Eiffel Tower (going to be) Amy's trigger? I thought Richard was either going to trigger Jack's other soul or give him something shepherd-y to offer him a job. I figured it would be the latter--Richard didn't seem like he wanted to ever really hurt Jack. And the two actors will get to interact more if there is a season two (hopefully--if there are only eight episodes a season, I can handle that...especially if Marcus stays away for good and we don't have to suffer through another "what goes around comes around" moment).
  22. Jack could make it his mission to stop QR from the inside. He may also use his "shepherdness" to get Amy back. He knows Madison got control and Richard may tell him Amy wanted Jack to be a shepherd since she directly called him that. Also, what happened with Richard and Amy? He was in love with her and wanted to make a life with her and then she wound up with Jack. Or did I miss that explanation already? Then there's the mystery of Bix taking off... I think they were just interring Cranfield. No cremation.
  23. Will there ever be justice for Figgins? He needs to bring Sue down. Not that he was the greatest principal or anything, but the only reason that Sue should still be there is for someone to finally get rid of her.
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