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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Because that was Old Who and they were hardly considering any of that when they wrote it? Maybe they did find him, but the Doctor can handle himself? IIRC Jack's never implied he's met any previous Doctors on Earth and only mentioned that he watched Rose from afar when she was growing up. We don't know that Torchwood ever really was that interested in going after the Doctor except for that time with Alice and Emily and even then they were just looking for leads and not in any position to actually pose a real threat to him. The Doctor was aware the Queen made him the enemy to Torchwood and didn't seem too bothered when he showed up at the very heart of Torchwood. And as I said, he's hardly needed protection from every other threat he's encountered elsewhere. Jack may have monitored Doctor sightings, but I don't know that he got himself involved in anything if he ever was able to get ahead of a Doctor-related situation; I get more of the impression he didn't get involved to keep the timelines preserved. This is all speculation so I don't really care to debate this. I just don't think the Doctor of all people really needs to be protected from the big bad Torchwood Institute...but I wouldn't mind seeing a future series on either show about that!
  2. As de facto leader of Torchwood, Jack restructured and decided to cost save by closing down TW2 and reassigning Archie to Flat Holm (he couldn't figure out what TW2 was supposed to be doing anyway over there in Scotland). Jack had a separate account opened that could sustain Flat Holm for decades. There, problem solved. (Hey, if RTD can't be bothered to come up with a reason why TW2 was closed, I'll come up with my own!)
  3. She should still know that the Rift taketh and the Rift bringeth back without any new researching...
  4. Oh, I agree about all of this--Doctor Who did a great job of setting up the Institute and anticipation for the show. The show itself, while having the name, barely did much with Torchwood and its history, purpose, etc. it wasn't consistent, it didn't match what we were told in DW (even after TW1 was destroyed there were still holdings and references). They didn't even stick to their own intro.I just was very interested in the setup for Torchwood based on DW, and turned out disappointed in what they did with it in the actual show. (Bring back Pete's World Torchwood! Uh...without Rose and 10.5. ;) ) Yeah, crazy, huh??
  5. I just figure the Doctor can go all over time and space-- he doesn't really need anyone's protection wherever he goes, even Earth. Except for Boomtown, Jack wouldn't know when the Doctor's popping up anyway to help.
  6. I wish it were important, but RTD is/was too interested in giving us the Jack and Gwen show and didn't really bother with the Institute itself.
  7. Yes, Jack probably would protect the Doctor that ditched him, but the Doctor hardly needs protecting.
  8. I know they knew each other from TW1, but was Carly even involved in Canary Wharf that day? I didn't think she was really a "survivor"...or maybe I'm remembering it wrong. So, yeah, they could have done much more with Ianto's TW1/Canary Wharf Battle connection, even in alternate media. Oh well!
  9. Yeah, according to Contrycide, Tosh never met a locked door she couldn't get out of...I guess she counts Jack getting her out of Unit as her beating that locked door, too. Isn't it great that they gave us interesting backstories for three characters and then killed two of them the very next episode, while giving another less than a handful more before killing him, too?
  10. It really was a crime they didn't do more with Ianto's backstory...and The Torchwood Institute in general. The show was(/is?) only called "Torchwood" after all...
  11. Eh, aside from the spray scene, Owen doesn't do much but joke around and be snarky, whereas Jack was trying too hard to be cool and charming. I liked Owen laughing along with Tosh, too, in the Hub with Gwen and her pizza. I liked Owen, Ianto, and even Rhys more from the start (Andy, too--poor guy had to walk all the way to the Plass because his oh-so-"busy" partner on "official" business took off in the car--too bad he had to fall for Gwen and be more concerned about whether someone was gay than dead when breaking the news to the next of kin...but I'm getting ahead of myself ;) ...he just had promise early days). BG was the better actor and did the best he could do with what he was given. (That spray scene was unfortunate.) I've enjoyed seeing him pop up in other things. He seems to be doing well for himself.
  12. He does. They showed many angles of Jack standing on the edge--each more hilarious. Well, started my rewatch. I resisted fast-forwarding--yay, me. That confrontation scene is still silly; and Jack's bullet wound--LOL. Then, they're standing on top of that music house at the end...ugh. Poor Ianto--Gwen forgets him twice. Poor Rhys--in the very first two scenes he's in Gwen lies to him each time...unnecessarily. It's too bad about that spray scene. I kinda liked Owen in his other scenes. It still seems a little too fast between Gwen getting retconned and Suzie coming clean. I think they could have spent a little more time getting from point A to point B (without more knife drawing flashes). But it was time for the resolution, so do the villain confession/explanation, Suzie, even though Gwen was all "I don't know, I don't remember, I don't know, I don't remember!" And this Suzie doesn't seem to be a mastermind at planning great escapes (from justice or death), but I guess we'll get to that later. It was an OK first episode, but there really wasn't anything else on Saturday nights when it first premiered in the States because this Jack alone was not enough to keep me tuned in (but I remember liking the eye candy that was Ianto--I had never heard that name before!--and still do count him as one of the few stand-out positives). The preview for the next episode doesn't look all that bad...but I'm dreading watching that again because I know all too well what the episode is actually like! LOL
  13. CC's account was supposedly hacked. So, denials going around about that to quell the "panic". Someone else tweeted that Kevin said they might not be starting until late July/early August. I only wish that any delay was because they were actually giving more time and consideration to breaking down and writing the scripts. Ha.
  14. The writers' room needs the most overhauling...and will probably be the only thing untouched.
  15. Yes, Jack really should have said something more helpful than do as I say--which is don't do anything! Ianto and Tosh probably wouldn't have jumped on the Owen train if Jack had come up with anything--even a decent pep talk. "My way or the highway" just doesn't cut it sometimes. Things were getting bad with no end in sight and Jack was what, hoping to ride it out? The episode could have benefited from another team meeting where we might have gotten more from Tosh's and Ianto's perspectives on the situation. But oh well. (I choose to see Ianto as being defiant. Jack was pretty snippy with him anyway.)
  16. I don't know...Jack really took a chance that the Lisa talk wouldn't kill the mood and totally ruin sexy stopwatch fun times with Ianto. Good thing Ianto was really looking forward to it...
  17. Doesn't the DJ think Barbie killed Dodie? Wouldn't he maybe not be OK with that as the new "law" in town? Whatever. Guess Big Jim doesn't have to worry about Angie spilling the beans to him about Dodie's real killer...
  18. I don't know if this link is acceptable, but here's an unofficial archive of the good (but lost?) bits from the TW web sites: Captain's Blog for first two seasons and other info
  19. Thanks, Dizzy! Info is interesting and sometimes provides a chuckle (Ianto getting looks at the fish store LOL).
  20. Yes, that use of Myfanwy was cruel and a nice touch IMO by Chibnall to link those two episodes and their relationship together. Although, I doubt at the time Jack knew that would be an extra layer of hurt for Ianto. 'Cause season 1--not well planned out!
  21. I forget--was Jesse an assistant or leading VA in season 3 when he was at Nationals to say good things about Rachel to Madame Thibideaux? He doesn't have teaching creds... The biggest problem here is: how will Blaine sing every single Warbler song as a coach?
  22. I now wish Tina would have another head injury and we could just watch the originals back in high school--no matter how old some of them might look! Or Glee "Friends"--that would be better than season 6 is sounding!
  23. And what a notch that is! LOL You reminded me...that song has to be one of the most awkwardly placed songs ever. So does not fit the moment IMO and since it's still playing as Jack leaves Gwen/the main Hub to go find Ianto (IIRC) I can assume it's really meant for them. LOL
  24. So, you mean Jack definitely does everything then, right? ;) oh wait, I forgot--except steal successfully; for that he needed Gwen's sage advice.
  25. Well, yes, if they were going to make her experienced, then I probably would have been fine with that Gwen, but RTD didn't present her that way in his setup episode. Nor did she seem like a woman held back or under appreciated who just needed someone to give her a chance. She just seemed green. She could have been new to the alien world and a seasoned professional (sort of like Sam Tyler dealing with Gene Hunt) butting heads with Jack in this new reality of hers. They just weren't consistent (shocker!). What was really annoying was they were still pulling Clueless Gwen in season 2...after supposedly running Torchwood for months. But the city crumbles and she's the only one who can lead the emergency services! Good thing that didn't involve GPS... Anyway, I know this episode is a bit silly, but I like it (as long as I stop it after Jack saves the day). Ianto in jeans--that's enough right there. LOL A team outing, on location shooting, and the rare pairing of the "spares", Tosh and Ianto. Plus, it's creepy and a bit X-Files reminiscent. AND all of the characters get a decent amount of screen time--a true ensemble episode (even though they're split off for a good portion).
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